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A War Angel Visits Minneapolis

April 4, 2020

Rick Dack

St. Louis Park, MN

Cell: 763-913-0351

Here's the basics of my Angel encounter and health diagnosis regarding Wegener's Disease (GPA).

Infection: Possible cause of my Wegener's Disease though no one knows the causes of Auto-Immune Vasculitis.

My family and I dined at an Embers restaurant in the early 1990's. I ate some bad steak very grisly. It was on a Dec. th28 , my Dads birthday. I was sick for 1-2 months with mono-type symptoms and could rarely eat solid food (canker

sores down the back of my throat). Lost my job due to the illness.

2009/2010 (Hopefully these years are right)ndI had two operations for a deviated septum (2 at North Memorial Hospital, Robbinsdale, MN). The first operation

was unsuccessful and/or botched. Found different E.N.T. Doctor for surgery two. This is Wegener's related though

not all who have had a deviated septum get Wegener's Disease.

The Beginning of Symptoms (Fall 2013)

Began to have a breakout on my chest (It looked like I was recovering from chicken pox). No pain.

Jan/Feb 2014 (Knee pain that spread)

Started having knee pain. Since I had been a janitor for many years this was common (wear and tear on the knees,

feet etc. especially on hard tile) but it didn't go away. The pain traveled from my knee to hand to elbow to my

shoulders. First the right side then the left. Any part of my body that had a bendable joint I had pain. I could barely

walk, dress myself or turn the key in a door knob. I had pain when I tried to stand from a sitting position and pain

when I sat down. My legs felt like they had weights on them. That previous Fall I had moved back with my parents

due to financial issues plus my Mom was going in for knee replacement surgery so I wanted to help out, then I

became ill.

Jan/Feb 2014 (Drugs for Pain)

From January to the middle of February I was in Urgent Care and saw my family Doctor multiple times. I did work

(Custodial) on occasion. My co-workers told me I was at work during this time but these weeks are a blur. They said

I looked grey and ill. My family Doctor (will supply name for verification upon request) believed it might be viral

arthritis. I was on “heavy” drugs but nothing touched the pain. Now I jokingly call them “Elvis drugs” because I

know some of them he used on occasion. I've read almost all the biography material on him. It's a miracle I'm not an


February 14-16, 2014thI “know” the day the pain left me was February 16 though the Angel encounter may have been a day or two before

or possibly the morning of the 16th. I want to be perfectly honest with this story (no elaboration). For some reason I thremember it being Friday the 14 (Valentine's Day) around 4:30 am. A few days prior I remember asking the Lord,

“where are you? I'm in pain. I'm confused and need help with this terrible situation.” The Doctors had no answers,

they just gave me more pills and NOTHING touched the pain until I started prednisone and other anti-inflammatory

drugs given to me by my Urgent Care Doctor and later my Rheumatologist.

The Angel (about 4:30 A.M.)

I was lying in bed, getting “some” sleep but still having severe shoulder pain that would frequently wake me up after

an hour or two. At about this time, early morning, I happened to look toward my bedroom window (to my left) and

saw a man was standing in front of the bedroom window next to my bed.

What did the Angel look like?

· He looked military. I could see a military emblem on his arm just below the shoulder. Slicked back short hair.

· Not black and white or color. Only an outline similar to an X-Ray.

· No Angel wings.

· Was holding his arms over me as I lay in bed.

The Angel: Was Spiritual Warfare in progress?

Later on I surmised that perhaps there was a spiritual battle going on and that's why I was visited by a military

entity/Angel for the lack of a better term. He didn't come in via my bedroom door. I'm a light sleeper and with the

pain it's even worse. He didn't come in through the window, it was locked since it was a February (Winter in MN)

plus the window is about 6 ft. off the ground and the angel was about 5'9.

Don't Be Afraid? Now I KNOW why the Bible records this…

I was instantly frightened and kicked the covers off the bed and my heart raced (no wonder the Angels in the Bible

tell the people they encounter to “not be afraid” (Daniel 10:10-12, Luke 2:8-10 etc). I thought maybe I was dreaming

but I KNOW I was awake. I turned onto my right side, frightened, then this cold feeling shot through my body from

my feet to my head (I always considered a cold feeling as possibly Satanic not sure why) then heat shot from my feet

to my head. I turned back to look at this being. He was still there. He was not in full color or black and white but an

outline like an x-ray. He didn't look at me he just stood there with his hands outstretched over me. He didn't say

anything. He just stood there like he was doing his duty (no big deal type of an attitude). Just my luck, I get a bored

Angel. I turned back over onto my right side for awhile then turned back. He was still there but was slowly fading

away til he was gone (I remember a slow fade, 2-3 step process before he was gone). I believe I was partially healed

that day until I was able to get onto medication.

People I've told about this experience. This occurred only once.

I've told a few people (family, friends) about this but not many since then (Pastor Steve Lagoon, Cory LaVasseur, my

Mom, Ken Arnold and Chuck Glover from Colorado). Anyone who knows me knows I'm not the kind of person to

make up things for attention. I think it's pathetic if it's done for purposes of attention. I haven't seen Angels since nor

did I before this experience. This was unique.

Was the Angel a Drug-induced Hallucination?

I'm sure skeptics of my story will say this is the case because of the drugs my Doctors were giving me for the pain

(those drugs never worked). I looked online and NONE of the indicators happened to me plus don't hallucinations

appear and disappear just as quickly? Mine didn't. My Angel left at a slow, fading pace as if God was trying to show

me this was a legitimate experience. I was NOT dreaming.

Online information from Alta Mira Recovery Center

Specific symptoms of drug-induced psychosis include:

· Hallucinations: Hallucinations are disturbances in perception that can cause you to hear, see, or feel things that

aren't there.

Alta Mira info from website


I didn't have any of the symptoms (below)

· Delusions: Delusions are unjustified, fantastic, or bizarre beliefs, such as thinking that you are a different

person, that people are out to get you, or that you can read other people's minds.

· Disorganized thinking and speech: Disorganized thinking and speech refer to illogical thought and

nonsensical associations. This may range in severity from difficulty staying on topic during a conversation to

an inability to communicate at all due incoherent and incomprehensible thinking.

· Disorganized behavior: Disorganized behavior includes socially unacceptable and context-inappropriate

behaviors, including childlike, aggressive, and exaggerated behaviors.

The ERthOn Sunday February 16 my Dad took me to the Methodist Hospital Urgent Care in St. Louis Park, MN. I needed

help getting my coat on and getting into the car due to the joint pain. I know it was a Sunday because typically the

channel I watch on that day shows old movies. The movie I was watching while waiting for the Doctor was “Greased

Lightning” starring Richard Pryor. It's a movie about black stock car driver Wendell Scott. I was in the ER for

probably 4-5 hours. The Doctor told me to take of my socks. I didn't understand the point but I did it anyway. The

Doctor noticed chicken pox like sores on lower leg and foot. He gave me some drugs, probably Prednisone, the pain

lessened dramatically.

The Diagnosis (A Nazi Disease)

The ER Doctor set up an appointment for Tuesday with my Rheumatologist at Park Nicollet in St. Louis Park, MN.

That same day they took skin biopsies. Within a few days I was diagnosed with Wegener's Granulamatosis. I had

never heard of it. I wasn't sure if it was fatal or what! As it turns out I would've been dead or dying by 2019 without

Prednisone, Rituxin and other drugs. Prior to Prednisone, life expectancy was approximately five years. The disease

was named after Frederich Wegener, a Nazi sympathizer (see link). That's just perfect! What are my Jewish friends

gonna say? Https://academic.oup.com/rheumatology/article/45/10/1303/2256007

What is Wegener's Disease?

See https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/4757-granulomatosis-with-polyangiitis-gpa-formerly-called-


Since 2014

I haven't had any flare ups of the disease due to the partial/preparatory healing by God plus the use of

Cyclophosphomide, Prednisone, Azathioprine and the newest wonder drug Rituxin/Rituximab. I will have to take

pills the rest of my life and have check ups to make sure i'm still in remission. I have a normal life expectancy though

many have not been so lucky. Some continue to have ongoing problems and some have died like Harold Ramis

(SCTV, Ghostbusters) in 2014, Shirley Boone (wife of Pat Boone) in 2019 and others. Harold Ramis' Vasculitis hit

him in the brain and died due to complications of infection and surgery.

CBN Interviewee (Marcus A. Stanley) saw same “kind” of transparent Angel only larger when he was

outdoors during at attack when he was shot.

· Title of youtube video --> 'I Saw an Angel,' R&B Artists violent wakeup call.

CBN 700 Club.

· It's interesting to note that my Angel experience occurred in February of 2014.

Marcus' video upload, December 2014.

· Stanley stated he couldn't tell if the Angel was male or female. My Angel was male.

Some skeptics might point to this but my experience was less than 10 minutes.

Drug-induced psychosis has no set timeline. While some psychotic experiences are very limited in duration, lasting

only hours, others persist for weeks, months, or even years, long after the drug has left the body.

Frederich Wegener


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