a visualization final

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 A Visualization Final


    A Visualization To Help CounterThe Efects O Radiation Pollution

    First: The Bad Nes

    To maintain your health today, detoxifcation needsto be a part o your daily regimen. Many babyboomers are amiliar with the importance o periodicasting and o keeping ones colon clean, eatinggreens, proper exercise etc. What ewer are aware o,is a dire threat to the entire human race, whichseems to be purposely kept out o the main stream

    media. My concern or the well being o the planethas inspired me to Put health tips page together onmy website www.paulahoran.com and share thedierent methods ha!e ound, which can help uscounter the eects o this in!isible but !ery potentpollutant. "ne o the most powerul tools is thespecial guided !isuali#ation you can download at thebottom o this page

    $nknown to most o the world%s population, theradiation rom &ukushima continues to pollute boththe air and the Pacifc "cean 'and through theirinterconnecti!ity, all o the oceans( on a daily basis.t presents one o the gra!est challenges to thesaety and the possibility o sustaining lie on thisplanet. )ouple this with o!er ten years o constant

    bombardment in both *ghanistan and ra+ o spenturanium antitank missiles, which add substantiallyto this highly !olatile cocktail, it warrants all o us totake certain precautions to help our bodies contendwith this gra!e threat.

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    Toxins then build up where!er such a contraction ispresent.t is hea!y metals in the air, which carry thetoxic radiation to our bodies. Thus it behoo!es us all,

    to maintain good blood circulation and deal with oldstuck emotional memories and let them go. -&T canclear the stuck memories. The !isuali#ation willshare, can help keep etheric oxygen saturating yourbody. Much like the eect o homeopathic medicinewhich is energetic, this !isuali#ation will ha!e anenergetic eect when practiced on a regular basis."n my ealth Tips page, wewill also explore other

    ways to maintain circulation and keep the oxygenratio high.

    The guided meditation will share below, is adaptedrom one used by /ussian healers in the atermath othe )hernobyl nuclear disaster in 0123, which hassince aected more than 4,555,555 peoplethroughout -urope. Most ha!e died o!er the past

    twenty years rom !arious ailments 'predominantlycancer(, rom the ater eects o radiation.

    !econd: The "ood Nes

    &ortunately the latest science regarding 67*, 'theblueprint or the physical structures in the body(,

    shows that 67* is not stored in the nucleus o thecell, as we once thought, but in the exterior o thecell, and can thus be easily altered by theen!ironment. Whereas at frst, one might think, 8"hdear, since our en!ironment is so totally immersed inpollution there is really no hope9, in actual act, the

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    more important in:uence on our en!ironment is ourown mind. *nd this can be changed at any moment.

    *s ;ogis or ;oginis ha!e known or centuries, and

    science now concurs 'see

  • 8/10/2019 A Visualization Final


    o the same orm is another way that you can causeenergy to e!entually maniest in that same orm orthe needed result. *long with this tool, some other!ery practical tipsare listed on my ealth Tips page,

    to keep your body as radiation ree as possible.

    #h$ !urroundin% &oursel#ith Ener%etic Ozone Can Help

    &or those who wish to understand a little o thescience o why surrounding yoursel with o#one

    works, read on, otherwise you can skip directly to the!isuali#ation here 'put in hyperlink(

    The meditation which ollows, helps you by creating aprotecti!e shield o etheric 'energetic( o#one aroundyour body. "#one is produced, not only by the sun%srays when it hits the normal oxygen '"4( layeraround the earth, it is also produced in your ownbody

    to keep your redox system in balance. The redoxsystem is what keeps the human body in a perectbalance between oxygenation and oxidation.'"xygenation is the action o pro!iding neededenergy to all o the cells, and oxidation is the actiono burning up all o the unneeded waste products othe body, such as old cells which are constantlyreplaced, along with all !iruses, mold and cancer


    The problem is, that in today%s world, there isapproximately 0>? to @ the amount o oxygen in theair we breathe compared with the 0255%s."nehundred years ago there was ?AB oxygen in the air.

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    7ow there is only on a!erage, 0CB to 45B. Thismeans, there is Dust not enough o the raw materialwe need 'oxygen(, to both energi#e and detoxiy thebody properly.

    n other words, we ha!e a situation where !irtually alllie on earth is suering rom ypoxia 'lack ooxygen(. What this means is, due to a basic lack ooxygen in the air we breathe, there is also acorresponding lack o o#one in our bodies. "#onewhich is made up o a combination o normal oxygen,"4 , and an extra"0pro!ides the basic materials to

    both energi#e the body and burn up and thuscleanse the body o dead cells, !iruses and ungi. Theearth uses o#one in a similar way to cleanse all o theoceans, ri!ers and streams.

    Eo how can a meditation on o#one help us at a timewhen radiation is rie on the planetF t can help us,because the main danger rom radiation is cancer. *

    long suppressed act in oncology is that cancer isanaerobic, which means it doesn%t like or grow well inoxygen. The 7obel pri#e winner or medicine in both01?? and 0130, 6r. "tto Warburg, determined longago, that the main cause o cancer 'which meanse!ery other cause is secondary(, is lack o oxygen tothe cells. Thus i you keep your body oxygenated,cancer has no en!ironment to grow or take hold.

    *lso, the extra "0 in o#one acts like a good reeradical, because as the primary tool o the body orburning up weak or damaged cells, it also burns upall o the cancer cells it comes in contact with. *ndunlike chemotherapy, it doesn%t attack healthy cells,

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    it only attacks weak or damaged cells. *lso anotherlong hidden act, purposely not taught to oncologistsby the pharmaceutical companies 'they own all themedical text book companies(, is the act that

    cancer, once established, surrounds itsel withermentation. Thus all cancer patients shouldimmediately remo!e all orms o sugar rom theirdiets. This means all cakes, candy, and alcohol, notto mention all o the processed, packaged oods weeat today which contain !oluminous amounts osugar as a :a!or enhancer.

    "#one also neutrali#es a lot o hea!y metals, whichare the primary carriers o radiation in the Det stream.

    The other maDor carrier o radiation is iodine ?0,which can be controlled by taking normal iodine toprotect the thyroid gland 'see ealth Tips(. Theollowing !isuali#ation will help you energetically onse!eral le!elsG t will support your redox system,helping to both oxygenate your cells and oxydi#e

    weak or damaged cells, and it will sta!e o thehea!y metals which carrythe radiationin the air. &orurther inormation you can order my book, 8eal

    ;oursel With "xygen9 )lick ere

    'nstructions or (editation

    The ollowing !isuali#ation can be done anywhere

    and at any time o the day. t is helpul i you do itse!eral times throughout the day. "nce it is clear, itonly takes moments to do. With a little persistencein the beginning, it will e!entually become a part oyou and it will not only help protect the body romradiation, it will also help support your redox system

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    which keeps your body in a perect balance betweenoxidation 'o all weak and damaged cells( andoxygenation 'which pro!ides energy to the cells(.6oit or atleast 0H minutes daily.

    The meditation procedureG

    To begin it is easier to sit so that you can concentrateon the !isuali#ation. "nce you ha!e it memori#ed, itcan be done seated or standing at any place and atany time o the day. Eo to begin, sit in a comortableposition either on the :oor or in a chair, preerably

    with your head upright directly abo!e your shouldersand your shoulders abo!e your hips, with the bodyslightly leaning orward. Ieeping a good uprightposture helps with concentration and enables you tomaintain better attention.

    7ow imagine a translucent bubble 'much like a shinyclear soap bubble(, surrounding your body about two

    eet rom any point on your body. magine that thebubble is !ery :exible, so that it will adDust itsel toyour posture whether you are sitting or standing.7ow, also imagine that Dust about two to three eeturther out rom your body, there is another similartranslucent bubble surrounding the frst bubble.

    nside the frst bubble, which is closest to your body,

    you are surrounded by air, which contains resh cleannormal oxygen or "4. n the space urther away romyou, which is between the two bubbles, imagine:oating at ace le!el, that there is a small pyramidstructure which is emitting sparking blue electriclight rays which emit o#one or "?. magine that each

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    time you !isuali#e the pyramid, that the bubblewhich is closest to your body and is porous, that asyou obser!e the blue sparking o#one, it penetratesthrough your porous bubble in Dust the right amount

    which is benefcial or you, and then penetratesurther through the pores o your own skin whichabsorb this lie gi!ing

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