a to z geography learning book 2

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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geography learning book


By: Emil

* Geography for geniuses

* An Alphanumeric grid is a simple coordinate system for finding locations on a map.

*A is for Alphanumeric grid

Picture by: en.wikipedia.org

* Boulders are different rocks that fall from a mountain side.

*B is for BoulderPicture by: www.geograph.org.uk

* A climatologist is a scientist who study climate changes

*C is for climatologist

picture by:cdiac.ornl.gov

* A dormant volcano is a volcano that is burned out it’s basically dead.

*D is for Dormant volcano

Picture from: en.wikipedia.org

* The equator is the middle line of latitude which is 0 degrees and dividing the earth into two hemispheres.

*E is for equator

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

* Fjord is a Narrow stream of water running between two cliffs

*F is for Fjord

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

* A gulch is a deep narrow ravine course or stream

*G is for gulch Picture by :commons.wikimedia.org

* Hydroelectricity is electricity that is driven by water

*H is for hydroelectricity

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

* An inlet is a indentation of a shoreline usually long and narrow

*I is for inlet

picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

*Wild place with lot’s of different animals.

*J is for jungle

Picture by : en.wikipedia.org

* A knoll is a rounded hill or eminence

*K is for knoll

Picture by: www.sciencedirect.com

* Latitude are lines going across maps used to find locations

*L is for latitude

Picture by :http://commons.wikimedia.org/

*Mesa is a land formation less extensive

*M is for mesa

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

* Nuclear energy is energy that is released by alteration

*N is for nuclear energy

Picture by: mofanim.wordpress.com

* An oasis is spot in the middle of the desert with water and plants

*O is for oasis

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

* The prime meridian is the line of zero degrees which divides the world into east and west.

*P is for prime meridian

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

*A Quadrangle is a rectangular area surrounded by buildings

*Q is for Quadrangle

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

*A reservoir is a natural pond to store water in.

*R is for reservoir

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

*A summit is the highest part of a mountain.

*S is for summit

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

*Time zones are different lines on a map marking the time in different locations.

*T is for time zone

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

*Upland is land without lots of trees or plants on it

*U is for upland

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

*Vertical is something that is going up and down

*V is for vertical

Picture by: en.m.wikipedia.org

*A Wharf is a platform at a harbor for loading and unloading boats

*W is for Wharf

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

*Xeriscaping is a style of landscape design requiring little or no irrigation or other maintenance, used in arid regions

*X is for xeriscaping

Picture by: commons.wikimedia.org

*A Y-axis is a vertical axis of two dimensions coordinate system

*Y is for Y-axis

Picture by: en.wikipedia.org

*The zenith is the upper region of the sky

*Z is for Zenith

Picture by: createworkshop.blogspot.com

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