a systematic review and meta-analysis of lower limb neuromuscular alteration associates with knee...

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  • 8/10/2019 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Lower Limb Neuromuscular Alteration Associates With Knee Osteoarthri



    A systematic review and meta-analysis of lower limb neuromuscularalterations associated with knee osteoarthritis during level walking

    Kathryn Mills a, Michael A. Hunt b, Ryan Leigh a, Reed Ferber a,a Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canadab Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 21 February 2013Accepted 16 July 2013


    Knee osteoarthritis

    Neuromuscular alterations

    Level walking

    Systematic review

    Background: Neuromuscular alterations are increasingly reported in individuals with knee osteoarthritis (KOA)

    during level walking. We aimed to determine which neuromuscular alterations are consistent in KOA individualsand how these may be inuenced by osteoarthritis severity, varus alignment and/or joint laxity.

    Methods:Electronic databases were searched up to July 2012. Cross-sectional observational studies comparing

    lower-limb neuromuscular activity in individuals with KOA, healthy controls or with different KOA cohorts

    wereincluded. Two reviewers assessed methodological quality. Effect sizes were used to quantify the magnitude

    of observed differences. Where studies were homogenous, effect sizes were pooled using a xed-effects model.

    Findings: Fourteen studies examining neuromuscular alterations in indices of co-contraction, muscle amplitude

    and muscle activity duration were included. Data pooling revealed that moderate KOA individuals exhibit in-

    creased co-contraction of lateral knee muscles (ES 0.64 [0.3 to 0.97]) and moderately increased rectus femoris

    (ES 0.73 [0.23 to 1.22]), vastus lateralis (ES 0.77 [0.27 to 1.27]) and biceps femoris (ES 1.18 [0.67 to 1.7]) mean

    amplitude. Non-pooled dataindicated prolonged activity of these muscles.Increased medial kneeneuromuscular

    activity was prevalent for those exhibiting varus alignment and medial knee joint laxity.

    Interpretation: Individuals with KOA exhibited increased co-contraction, amplitude and duration of lateral knee

    muscles regardless of disease severity, limb alignment or medial joint laxity. Individuals with severe disease,

    varus alignment andmedial joint laxitydemonstrate up-regulationof medialknee muscles. Future research inves-

    tigating the ef

    cacy of neuromuscular rehabilitation programs should consider the effect of simultaneous up-regulation of medial and lateral knee muscles on disease progression.

    2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a progressive disease resulting in the

    breakdown of joint cartilage and bone that is characterized by joint

    pain, stiffness and swelling (Bombardier et al., 2011). Recently, several

    studies have examined neuromuscular control of the lower limb in indi-

    viduals with KOA during walking. The results of these studies provide

    compelling evidence that neuromotor control of the lower limb is al-

    tered in this population. Altered neuromuscular control in individuals

    with KOA is concerning due to the deleterious effects on joint loading

    and stability.

    Co-ordinated agonistic and antagonistic muscle activities play major

    roles in distributing load between the medial and lateral tibiofemoral

    joints during walking. Altered muscle activity, either an increase in me-

    dial activity or decrease in lateral activity, at the knee may increase the

    demand on lateral soft tissue to resist the external knee adduction mo-

    ment (the biomechanical proxy for medial knee joint load) (Schipplein

    and Andriacchi, 1991). A high external knee adduction moment in an

    individual with varus alignment and/or lateral joint laxity could lead

    to a condition where the entire external knee adduction moment, and

    potentially the dynamic load, occurs through the medial compartment

    of the tibiofemoral joint (Schipplein and Andriacchi, 1991). This is be-

    lieved to substantially increase in compressive forces and accelerate de-

    generation of the medial compartment.

    As the medial compartment degenerates, the distance between the

    medialligamentinsertions is reduced andthe medialsoft tissuecontrib-

    uting to joint stability can become lax (Lewek et al., 2004; Sharma et al.,

    1999). Impairment in this passive stabilization system increases the de-

    mand for coordinated neuromuscular activity to compensate. An inabil-

    ity to adequately perform this task has been theorized to lead to

    recurrent episodes of instability and further degenerative changes

    (Lewek et al., 2004; Sharma et al., 1999). Thus, knee joint stability and

    load distribution is achieved through an interaction between active

    and passive strategies. As such, it is not surprising that increased neuro-

    muscular activity of the medialknee muscles hasrecentlybeen correlat-

    ed with rate of knee cartilage volume loss in individuals with medial

    Clinical Biomechanics 28 (2013) 713724

    Corresponding author at: Faculties of Kinesiology and Nursing, University of Calgary,

    2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 Canada.

    E-mail address:rferber@ucalgary.ca(R. Ferber).

    0268-0033/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Contents lists available atScienceDirect

    Clinical Biomechanics

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / c l i n b i o m e c h

  • 8/10/2019 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Lower Limb Neuromuscular Alteration Associates With Knee Osteoarthri


    compartment KOA and varus lower limb alignment (Hodges et al.,


    A growing number of studies are reporting neuromuscular out-

    comes during walking in individuals with KOA. As such, a review of

    how neuromuscular control of the lower limb is altered, with respect

    to amplitude, duration and antagonistic activity, in individuals with

    KOA is timely. To accomplish this task we conducted a systematic re-

    view of cross-sectional observational studies comparing neuromuscular

    activity in individuals with KOA with either similar healthy controls oracross KOAsubgroups. Our aim was to determinewhichneuromuscular

    alterations are consistently observed in individuals with KOA and how

    these alterations may be different in the presence of knee varus align-

    ment and/or knee joint laxity. As there is evidence to suggest that the

    nature and magnitude of neuromuscular alterations may be inuenced

    by the severity of KOA (Astephen et al., 2008), we also examined the

    effect of disease severity on neuromuscular alterations during level

    walking. Our ndings will assist clinicians in designing conservative

    rehabilitation programs that incorporate neuromuscular retraining as

    well as highlight areas for future research.

    2. Methods

    2.1. Search strategy

    We devised a search strategy for the following electronic databases:

    MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, SportDiscus, PubMed and Web of Science

    and included all references listed until the 30th July 2012. The search

    terms and strategy were identical forall databases: (1) Knee osteoarthr*

    OR gonarth*, (2) Walking OR gait, (3) Combined 1 AND 2, (4)

    Neuromotor OR neuromuscular OR electromyography OR EMG OR mus-

    cle activity and (5) Combined 3 AND 4. No restrictions were placed on

    the year, status or language of publication. All titles returned by the

    search strategy were reviewed by a single reviewer (KM), with abstracts

    of those papers potentially meeting the selection criteria retrieved for

    further consideration. Full text versions of studies meeting the selection

    criteria, as determined by two reviewers(KM, RL), were obtained for in-

    clusion in the review. Reference lists of included papers and published

    knee osteoarthritis reviews were hand-searched (KM) to ensure alleligible data were included.

    2.2. Selection criteria

    Publications were required to be human-based, cross-sectional ob-

    servational studies examining neuromuscular activity in a KOA cohort

    and a comparator group during level walking. Diagnosis of KOA was re-

    quired to be made using radiographic or clinical criteria. No restriction

    was placed on disease severity, involved compartment or lower limb

    alignment. Papers were excluded if they contained: (a) participants

    with radiographically conrmed OA in other weight-bearing joints,

    (b) participants who had undergone a total joint arthroplasty or joint

    preservation surgery in the study limb or (c) participants who required

    the assistance of walking aids. These exclusion criteria were imposeddue to potential confounding of results (Ouellet and Moffet, 2002;

    Rudolph et al., 2007; Simic et al., 2011).

    Included publications were juxtaposed for author names, afliation

    and participant characteristics to reduce the risk of bias introduced

    through duplicate data. Where multiple studies, authored by identical

    authors, presented outcome variables from the same participant num-

    bers, age, weight and sex ratio, only results of the publication with

    higher methodological quality were included.

    2.3. Methodological quality

    Methodological quality of included papers was assessed using a

    modied version (Munn et al., 2010) of a validated quality index for

    non-randomized trials (Downs and Black, 1998). This version included

    16 items assessing reporting quality, external validity, and internal

    validity (bias and confounding). It does not include items relating to

    an intervention but still includes items relating to the blinding of

    observers. Two independent reviewers (KM, MAH) assessed all

    papers, with the second reviewer blinded to author names, title,

    afliation and journal name. Disagreements in initial ratings were

    discussed at a consensus meeting. Publications scoring less than 50%

    on the quality index were excluded from further review (Coombes

    et al., 2010).

    2.4. Data synthesis

    Inter-rater reliability of the modied quality index was evaluated

    with the kappa () statistic. The magnitude of agreement was quanti-ed usingHopkins (2000)system of very small (0 to 0.1), small (0.1

    to 0.3), moderate (0.3 to 0.5), high (0.5 to 0.7), very high (0.7 to 0.9),

    and almost perfect to perfect (0.9 to 1.0).

    Two independent reviewers (KM, RL) extracted publication details

    (authors, year, publication source and type), sample characteristics

    (sample size, sampling technique, source of participants and selection

    criteria), participants' characteristics (age, gender, severity of KOA,

    limb alignment, knee joint laxity and method of diagnosis), neuromotor

    characteristics (electrode type, size, shapeand placement,sampling fre-

    quency and amplitude normalization) and point estimates of effect di-

    rectly from included papers. Differences were settled by consensus.

    Authors were contacted to provide any missing data and, if these were

    not provided, they were qualitatively extracted from graph or result

    sections. Point estimates of effect were used to calculate mean differ-

    ences and 95% condence intervals (CI) between groups. An effect size

    (ES = mean difference/pooled standard deviation) was used to quanti-

    fy the magnitude of the differences and permit a common metric be-

    tween studies. The magnitude of ES was interpreted using Hopkins

    et al. (2009)criteria: trivial (0.0 to 0.2), small (0.21 to 0.6), moderate

    (0.61 to 1.2) and large (N1.2). Qualitative descriptionsof differences be-

    tween groups were also extracted from principle component analysis of

    electromyography (EMG) waveforms.

    Meta-analysis was performed using the ES in a xed-effects model

    within Cochrane Review Manager (V5.1), using theI2 index to measureinconsistency (the percentage of total variation due to heterogeneity)

    across included papers and referenced to thresholds of low (N25%),

    moderate (50%) and high (75%) evidence of heterogeneity (Higgins

    et al., 2003). The criteria for pooling were: (a) participants exhibiting

    the same KOA severity, (b) neuromuscular activity being examined

    over thesame time periods of thegaitcycle, (c) thesame normalization

    methods and (d) co-contraction indices formulated using identical

    methods. As this review did not include randomized control trials, a

    combination of ES and heterogeneity index was used to quantify levels

    of evidence based on those proposed byvan Tulder et al. (2003). Evi-

    dence of neuromotor alterations associated with KOA was interpreted

    as strong (large ES with low evidence of heterogeneity), moderate

    (moderate ES and low evidence of heterogeneity), limited (small ES

    with low heterogeneity or moderate/large ES with moderate evidenceof heterogeneity), conicting (high evidence of heterogeneity) and no

    evidence (95% CI of ES crossed zero).

    3. Results

    3.1. Search strategy and study characteristics

    The search strategy retrieved 489 papers. Fifteen papers met the se-

    lection criteria and underwent quality assessment. No studies met the

    criteria for duplicate data, although several studies were published

    from thesame laboratory. Onepaper wasexcluded based on poor meth-

    odological quality, thus 14 papers were included in the review (Fig. 1).

    For 11 papers, inclusion in the KOA group was based on radiographic

    and clinical criteria while the remaining three papers used only

    714 K. Mills et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 28 (2013) 713724

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    radiographiccriteria. KOAseverity was reported by the authors of seven

    papers and interpreted from the radiographic and clinical ndings

    (e.g., joint space narrowing, osteophyte formation, or scheduled for

    high tibial osteotomy) from a further two. From these studies, there

    were nine cohorts of individuals with moderate KOA and four cohorts

    with severe disease. Four studies included individuals with a range ofseverities within a single KOA group and were subsequently classied

    as KOA.Schmitt and Rudolph (2007)also included individuals with a

    range of KOA severities, however as over 60% of their cohort exhibited

    mild radiographic changes and symptoms we considered them to be a

    predominantly mild KOA cohort. Five studies examined individuals

    with varus mechanical alignment. Individuals from three of these stud-

    ies also exhibited increased medial knee joint laxity, quantied by stress

    radiographs, compared with controls (Table 1).

    Samplesizes ranged from 8 to 60 individuals in KOA groupsand 12 to

    63 individuals in healthycontrol groups. Neuromuscular variables exam-

    inedwere: (a) indicesof muscle co-contraction, (b) magnitude of muscle

    activation and (c) muscle activity duration. The muscles examined were

    vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF),

    biceps femoris (BF), semimembranosis (SM), tibialis anterior (TA),

    soleus (Sol), medial gastrocnemius (MG) and lateral gastrocnemius

    (LG). Electromyography data were primarily obtained using surface

    bipolar, circular Ag/AgCl electrodes. The inter-electrode distances

    ranged from 18 to 30 mm, which coincides with the distance between

    peaks of the propagating action potential (Kamen and Caldwell, 1996).

    All studies positioned electrodes over the muscle belly parallel withmuscle bers. Sampling rates ranged from 1000 to 2000 Hz and data

    were normalized to maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC)

    in 12 papers and to maximum amplitude during walking (% Max) in

    the remaining two (Liikavainio et al., 2010; Schmitt and Rudolph, 2007).

    3.2. Methodological quality

    The quality indices of included papers ranged from nine to 13 (of a

    possible 17) and were interpreted as being, on average, moderate quality

    (Table 2). Initial inter-rater reliability between the two reviewers was

    very high (= 0.877) with items 18 (= 0.435) and 25 (= 0.562)

    differing most. For the remaining items, there was almost perfect

    agreement (Hopkins et al., 2009)(Table 2). Consensus was reached

    on all differing items during the rst discussion. Overall, papers did

    Literature search: knee osteoarthr*, gonarth*, walking, gait,

    neuromotor, neuromuscular, electromyography, EMG, muscle activity


    MEDLINE: 39

    EMBASE: 94

    CINAHL: 31

    Sportdiscus: 63

    PubMed: 89

    Web of Science: 153

    Hand search: 20Search results combined: 489

    Excluded n = 450


    Not knee OA


    Post surgical

    Experimental design

    Review paper

    Abstracts screened on the basis of title

    n = 39

    Full text paper retrieved on basis of

    abstract n = 19

    Excluded n = 20

    No neuromotor variables

    Modeling study

    Not level walking

    Papers considered for inclusion

    n = 15

    Excluded n = 4

    Within group design (no

    comparison group)

    Papers included in review

    n = 14

    Excluded n = 1

    Quality index score

  • 8/10/2019 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Lower Limb Neuromuscular Alteration Associates With Knee Osteoarthri


  • 8/10/2019 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Lower Limb Neuromuscular Alteration Associates With Knee Osteoarthri


    Lewek et al.


    OA n = 15 (6/9) Age: 47.7 (7.4), height 1.75 m (0.09),

    mass 91.9 kg (17.4)

    Moderate Radiographic Medial compartment and PFJ OA excluded

    Clinical Scheduled for high tibial osteotomy

    Control n = 15 (6/9) Age: 48.4 (6.3), height 1.71 m (0.09),

    mass 83.8 kg (17.3)

    Radiographic medial joint space

    width = 1.6 (1.1) mm

    Medial joint laxity = 4.9 mm (1.8)

    Lateral joint laxity = 3.5 mm (1.5)

    Weight bearing line = 28.9% (12.7)

    Liikavainio et al.


    OA n = 54 (men only) Age: 59 (5.3), BMI 29.7 kg/m2 (4.7) General OA Radiographic Most symptomatic limb used in analysis

    Control n = 53 (men only) KL grade 1 to 4

    Varus ranged from 3.2 (2.5) for

    KL = 1 to 9.5 (2.5) for KL = 4

    Rudolph et al.


    OA n = 15 (8/7) 0.1 (1.58)


    Age: 49.2 (4.5), BMI 30.7 kg/m2 (4.8) Moderate Radiographic Scheduled for high tibial osteotomy

    Control n = 15 (8/7) Age: 49.2 (4.25), BMI 28.7 kg/m2 (5.5) Clinical 6.33 (2.39) varus

    Rutherford et al.


    OA n = 17 (10/7) Age: 56 (8.8), BMI 29.8 kg/m2 (6.5) Moderate Radiographic Unil ateral knee OA

    Control n = 20 (7/13) Age: 46.5 (7), BMI 25.9 kg/m2 (4.8) Clinical Able to walk a city block, reciprocally


    10 stairs and jog 5 m

    Rutherford et al.


    Moderate n = 16 (8/8) Age: 61 (6), BMI 31.3 kg/m2 (3.6) Moderate Radiographic Predominantly medial compartment

    Severe n = 15 (10/5) Age: 61 (9), BMI 30.7 kg/m2 (5.4) Severe Clinical Severe group scheduled for TKA

    Control n = 16 (8/8) Age: 56 (96), BMI 24.6 kg/m2 (3.9) All OA groups able to walk N1.0 m/s

    Schmitt and



    OA n = 28 (14/14) Age: 60.4 (9.75), Height 1.7 m (0.11),

    mass 92.91 kg (16.16)

    Median =


    Radiographic Unilateral and bilateral knee OA

    (most symptomatic knee analyzed)

    Control n = 26 (13/13) Age: 58.5 (9.5), height 1.68 m (0.07),

    mass 83.93 kg (1.85)

    Medial compartment

    (KL grade N2 in lateral and PFJ excluded)

    KL grades 2 to 4 (61% exhibited KL grade =


    5.15 (3.43) varus Medial joint laxity = 4.23 mm (1.8)

    Lateral joint laxity = 2.77 mm (1.35)

    Zeni et al. (2010) Moderate n = 16 (6/10) Age: 62.8 (10) Moderate Radiographic KL grades 2 to 3 for moderate and 4 for


    Severe n = 8 (3/5) Age: 62.2 (8) Severe Medial compartment

    Control n = 18 (8/10) Age 61 (11)

  • 8/10/2019 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Lower Limb Neuromuscular Alteration Associates With Knee Osteoarthri


    not adequately report the sampling method used to recruit participants

    (item 11) or provide the proportion of participants who were asked to

    participate compared with those who agreed to participate (item 12).

    No study reported if they blinded assessors to group allocation (KOAor control) duringanalysis of primary outcomemeasures, and few stud-

    ies provided adequate information regarding the source of participants

    included in the study or the time period for recruitment. These issues

    are possible sources of confounding and bias.

    3.3. Muscle co-contraction

    Ten studies examined the magnitude of co-contraction associated

    with KOA. Co-contraction indices were grouped into those specically

    comparing medial thigh and shank muscles (VM:SM, VM:MG), those

    comparing lateral thigh and shank co-activity (VL:BF, VL:LG, TA:LG)

    and those comparing medial muscles with lateral muscle (VM:BF and

    VL:SM). In order to examine the inuence of disease severity, compari-

    sons were partitioned into those examining general, mild, moderatedand severe KOA cohorts when compared with healthy controls and

    when compared with other KOA severities.

    3.3.1. KOA cohorts versus controls

    Two studies, examining individuals with moderate KOA, met the

    criteria for pooling (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2009; Lewek et al., 2004).

    Data pooling revealed the only co-contraction index that was systemat-

    ically increased was VL:BF, where there was moderate evidence of a

    greater co-contraction (ES 0.64 [0.3 to 0.97] I2 = 0%) in individuals

    with moderate KOA, compared with healthy controls (Fig. 2A).

    Non-pooled data of lateral muscle co-contraction also indicate indi-

    viduals with KOA walk with increased lateral muscle co-contraction re-

    gardless of disease severity, varus alignment and knee laxity (Childs

    et al., 2004; Hortobgyi et al., 2005; Lewek et al., 2006; Schmitt and

    Rudolph, 2007)(Table 3). Further,Heiden et al. (2009)reported that

    lateral muscles provided the greatest contribution to an increased co-

    contraction between knee extensors and knee exors. However, lateral

    thigh muscle co-contraction was only signicantly increased duringmidstance (Lewek et al., 2006; Schmitt and Rudolph, 2007). This sug-

    gests that while lateral shank muscle co-contraction is increased in

    KOA during all phases of the stance phase, increased thigh muscle co-

    contraction only occurs when the osteoarthritic limb is fully loaded.

    Non-pooled data of medial co-contraction indices suggests that me-

    dial knee joint laxity may inuence the magnitude of medial co-

    contraction in KOA. Studies examining KOA participants with medial

    knee joint laxity report signicantly increased medial shank and thigh

    muscle co-contraction regardless of disease severity (Lewek et al.,

    2004, 2006; Schmitt and Rudolph, 2007) (Table 3). In studies by

    Lewek et al. (2006, 2004) moderate increases (ES 0.84 and 0.83) in

    VM:MG were observed during preparation and weight acceptance.

    Thus, the presence of greater medial muscle co-contraction may reect

    an attempt to increase medial stability by increasing compressive forcesacross the knee.

    Non-pooled data of medial and lateral thigh muscle co-contraction

    suggested disease severity might inuence the magnitude of co-

    contraction (Table 3).Zeni et al. (2010) reported VL:SM co-contraction

    was only consistently increased across a range of walking speed in

    those with moderate KOA. In contrast, co-contraction indices were not

    increased, compared with healthycontrols, in general and severe KOAco-

    hortswhentheywalked at a self selected,or fast speeds (Liikavainio et al.,

    2010; Zeni et al., 2010).

    3.3.2. Between KOA cohorts

    Two studies compared co-contraction between individuals with

    moderate and severe KOA (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2009; Zeni et al.,

    2010). No data pooling was possible. Over similar phases of the gait

    Table 2

    Modied quality index.

    Reporting External validity Internal validity - bias Internal validity - confounding






























































    Astephen et al. (2008) 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 9

    Childs et al. (2004) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 10

    Heiden et al. (2009) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 11

    Hortobgyi et al. (2005) 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 9

    Hubley-Kozey et al. (2006) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 12

    Hubley-Kozey et al. (2009) 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 10

    Lewek et al. (2004) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 12

    Lewek et al. (2006) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 11

    Liikavanio et al. (2010) 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 11

    Rudolph et al. (2007) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 11

    Rutherford et al. (2010) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 10

    Rutherford et al. (2011) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 13

    Schmitt and Rudolph (2007) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 12

    Zeni et al. (2010) 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 10

    Kappa levels of agreement 0.98 1.0 0.63 1.0 0.98 1.0 1.0 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.0 0.44 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.56 0.877

    Allitems,except item5, were scored1 forfullling thecriterionor 0 ifthe criterion were notlled. Publications that didnot providesufcient detailsto fulll thecriterionwere alsogivena

    0 for unable to be determined as perinstructions of theoriginal index. Kappa scores indicate level of initialagreementbetween reviewers prior to theconsensus meeting. Thetotal kappa

    score indicates overall level of agreement.a Thiscategorywas interpretedas theKOA diagnosis being clearlydescribedwithrespect to radiographic severity, clinicalseverityand mechanicalalignment.If allthreeof thecriteria were

    described, 2 points were awarded for yes. If two of the criteria were described, 1 point was awarded forpartially.b A full mark was awarded in this category if authors demonstrated no statistically signicant difference in walking speed or pain between KOA group(s) and control or if analyses of

    covariance were conducted. Publications that did not investigate differences in walking speed or pain or did not adjust for these potential confounders were awarded unable to be


    718 K. Mills et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 28 (2013) 713724

  • 8/10/2019 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Lower Limb Neuromuscular Alteration Associates With Knee Osteoarthri


    cycle,Hubley-Kozey et al. (2009) reported individuals with severe KOA

    exhibited moderately greater co-contraction indices in both medial and

    lateral muscle groups (VL:BF: ES 0.62, VL:LG: 0.68 and VM:MG: 0.61)

    than those with moderate disease. In contrast, Zeni et al. (2010)found

    no difference in VL:SM co-contraction, regardless of whether

    participants walked at 1.0 m/s, self-selected or fast walking speeds

    (Table 3). This difference in resultmay be dueto thestudies using differ-

    ent muscles in their calculations of co-contraction or due to calculating

    co-contraction using different equations.

    3.4. Muscle amplitude

    Ten studiesexamined alterations in amplitude of the gastrocnemius,

    soleus, quadriceps and hamstrings associated with KOA during level

    walking. Alterations in mean, peak and net (the sum of all normalized

    muscle activity (Heiden et al., 2009)) muscle amplitude were investi-

    gated. The potential inuence of disease severity was the focus of sever-

    al publications and walking data from those with general, mild,

    moderate and severe KOA were examined. ES, calculated from differ-

    ences in principal components between individuals with moderate

    KOA and healthy controls (Rutherford et al., 2010, 2011), was pooled

    for gastrocnemius, quadriceps and hamstring amplitudes.

    3.4.1. Between KOA and controls

    Pooled data revealed no evidence of gastrocnemius overall ampli-

    tude alteration associated with moderate KOA(Fig. 2B). While this nd-

    ings was supported by results of studies investigating individuals with

    severe KOA (Astephen et al., 2008; Rutherford et al., 2011), data from

    non-pooled studies investigating those with moderate KOA suggest

    that results may be inconclusive. Two studies, that were not pooled,

    supported the nding from pooled data (Astephen et al., 2008;

    Rudolph et al., 2007). In contrast,Hubley-Kozey et al. (2006)reported

    a decrease in mean MG amplitude andHeiden et al. (2009)reported a

    net increase in muscle amplitude (Table 3). This suggests that if individ-

    uals with moderate KOA exhibit altered gastrocnemius amplitude, there

    is no consistency in the direction or magnitude of that alteration.

    Moderate increases in VL (ES 0.77 (0.27 to 1.27) I2 = 72%) and RF

    (ES 0.73 (0.23 to 1.22)I2 = 0%) amplitude were observed from pooleddata of individuals with moderate KOA compared with healthy controls

    (Fig. 2B). Of the eight studies, that were not pooled, only one (Rudolph

    et al., 2007) did not report an increase in mean or peak quadriceps am-

    plitude in individuals with KOA regardless of disease severity or joint

    laxity. This suggests that increases in VL and RF amplitude are consis-

    tently associated with KOA regardless of disease severity or joint laxity.

    VM mean and net amplitude was only reported to be increased in stud-

    ies examining general and predominantly mild KOA cohorts (Heiden

    et al., 2009; Liikavainio et al., 2010; Schmitt and Rudolph, 2007).

    There was no increasein VM mean amplitude in moderate or severe co-

    horts compared with controls (Hubley-Kozeyet al.,2006; Rudolphet al.,

    2007; Rutherford et al., 2011).

    Pooled data reveal a systematic, moderate increase in amplitude of

    BF in those with moderate KOA compared with healthy controls (ES1.18 (0.67 to 1.7) I2 = 0%)(Fig. 2B). This nding was supported by a

    Schmitt and Rudolph (2007),investigating differences in mean ampli-

    tude between a predominantly mild KOA cohort and controls. For gen-

    eral andsevere KOAcohorts, there were also trends(Zeni et al., 2010) or

    signicant increases (Astephen et al., 2008; Heiden et al., 2009;

    Liikavainio et al., 2010) in hamstring mean amplitude (Table 3). While

    SM mean and peak amplitude moderately increased compared with

    controls, at a range of walking speeds (Zeni et al., 2010), its mean ampli-

    tude was consistently lower than BF (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2006;

    Rutherford et al., 2010, 2011).

    3.4.2. Between KOA cohorts

    Three studies examined differences in muscle amplitude between

    individuals with moderate and severe KOA (Astephen et al., 2008;

    Rutherford et al., 2011; Zeni et al., 2010). As with KOA-control compar-

    isons, alterations in gastrocnemius mean amplitude were inconsistent

    in direction and magnitude between those with moderate and severe

    KOA(Astephen et al., 2008; Rutherford et al., 2011). There wasno differ-

    ence in quadriceps mean amplitude between moderate and severe KOA

    groups (Astephen et al., 2008; Rutherford et al., 2011; Zeni et al., 2010),

    except during fast walking where mean and peak VL activity was mod-

    erately increased in individuals with moderate KOA (ES 0.73 and 0.86)

    (Zeni et al., 2010). There was a large reduction in BF mean amplitude(ES 1.46) in those with moderate disease, but only during midstance

    (Rutherford et al., 2011) (Table 3).

    3.5. Muscle activity duration

    Five studies reported on differences in muscle activity duration be-

    tween individuals withKOA and controls. Comparisons of gastrocnemi-

    us, quadriceps and hamstrings muscles were made between individuals

    with moderate and severe KOA and controls (Table 3). No data pooling

    was performed.

    3.5.1. Between KOA and controls

    Data extracted from three studies, which analyzed gastrocnemius du-

    rations using principal component analysis, revealed the duration of MG

    activity did not differ in individuals with moderate KOA compared with

    healthy controls (Astephen et al., 2008; Hubley-Kozey et al., 2006; Ruth-

    erford et al., 2011). This nding was not supported by a study examining

    duration using discrete variables, which reported a moderate increased in

    MG duration (ES 0.97) (Childs et al., 2004). Two studies compared gas-

    trocnemius duration between individuals with severe KOA and controls

    reported those with severe KOA exhibited longer duration with MG acti-

    vating later than LG (Astephen et al., 2008; Rutherford et al., 2011). This

    was a different activation pattern than controls.

    Waveform and discrete analysis indicate that the activity of the VL

    and RF was prolonged in both moderate and severe KOA, compared

    with controls (Childs et al., 2004; Hubley-Kozey et al., 2006; Rutherford

    et al., 2011). There was no change in VM temporal characteristics for

    those with moderate KOA (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2006).

    With the exception of onestudy (Rutherford et al., 2011), hamstringactivity was observed to be prolonged in individuals with KOA. While

    both BF and SM durations were increased in those with moderate

    KOA, compared with controls (Rutherford et al., 2010), BF activity was

    prolonged compared with SM in the KOA group. Analysis of discrete

    values suggests a large effect (SM: ES 1.38) (Zeni et al., 2010)(Table 3).

    3.5.2. Between KOA groups

    Two studies examined differences in muscle activity and duration

    between individuals with moderate and severe KOA (Astephen et al.,

    2008; Rutherford et al., 2011). Compared with individuals with moder-

    ate KOA, those with severe disease exhibited delayed onset of MG

    (Rutherford et al., 2011) and longer duration (Astephen et al., 2008).

    RF activity was observed to be prolonged for both groups but more so

    in the severe group and there was no difference in hamstring duration(Rutherford et al., 2011).

    4. Discussion

    The primary nding of this review is that many individuals with KOA

    exhibit altered neuromuscular activity across co-contraction, amplitude

    and temporal domains, when compared with healthy controls. Specical-

    ly, pooled resultsdemonstrated that individuals withmoderate KOA con-

    sistently exhibited moderately increased lateral thigh co-contraction

    compared with healthy controls over the period of 100 ms prior to heel

    contact until the peak external knee adduction moment (approximately

    25% of stance). Pooled data also revealed those with moderate KOA

    walk with consistent moderate increases in RF and BF amplitude and a

    moderate, although heterogeneous, increase in VL amplitude. While

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    non-pooled data cannot provide the precision of meta-analysis, the num-

    ber of studies reporting elevated lateral muscle co-contraction and

    prolonged VL,RF and hamstring duration suggests thatthese arealso con-

    sistently associated with KOA regardless of disease severity, knee joint

    laxity or varus alignment. Medial knee joint laxity may have an important

    inuence on medial knee muscleco-contractionas it wasonlyconsistent-

    ly observed in individuals with laxity, regardless of disease severity. Dis-

    ease severity does appear to inuence the presence of increased medial:

    lateral muscleco-contraction, as it was only signi

    cantlyincreased, acrossa range of walking speeds,in those with moderate KOA (Zeni et al., 2010).

    Concurrent increases in medial and lateral muscle amplitudes, as ob-

    served inthe general KOA group(Liikavainio et al.,2010), could potential-

    ly explain the lack of increase in the co-contraction index. However, for

    the severe KOA group, who only exhibited an increased co-contraction

    when there wasa concurrent increase in medialandlateralmuscleampli-

    tudes (Zeni et al., 2010), it could be due to the observed slower walking

    speeds or reect an arthrogenic muscle inhibition component in the

    disease process (Hurely, 1999).

    Several authors have hypothesized that the primary reason why

    individuals with KOA adopt neuromuscular alterations is to unload

    the medial knee joint (Heiden et al., 2009; Hortobgyi et al., 2005;

    Hubley-Kozey et al., 2009). Further, they suggest that lateral muscle

    activity has a protective effect on the knee and preserves knee function.

    Findings from this review demonstrate that increased lateral muscle

    activity is a prevalent adaptation, particularly when the knee is

    fully loaded. Recently, a delay in lateral knee muscle co-contraction

    was correlated with increased lateral cartilage loss in KOA patients

    with varus malalignment over a 12-month period ( Hodges et al.,

    2012). However, further research is needed to determine whether

    increased lateral muscle activity is a neuromuscular adaptation that

    should be encouraged as a protective mechanism in individuals

    with KOA.

    A second, frequently postulated reason for increased neuromuscular

    activity is the need for increased knee joint stability (Heiden et al., 2009;

    Hortobgyi et al.,2005; Hubley-Kozey et al., 2009). Specically, increased

    coordinated muscle activity is required when the passive stabilization

    provided by soft tissue is compromised (Schipplein and Andriacchi,

    1991). The ndings of this review support this statement. Medial co-

    contraction indices were signicantly greater than controls for individ-

    uals with medial knee joint laxity (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2009; Lewek

    et al., 2004, 2006; Schmitt and Rudolph, 2007). This suggests that onlythose individuals who have a lack of medial passive knee support, poten-

    tially through an approximation of medial ligament insertions resulting

    from the loss of cartilage and bone height (Lewek et al., 2004; Sharma

    et al., 1999), exhibit increased medial muscle activation.

    Even though individuals without knee joint laxity exhibited similar

    medial knee muscle neuromuscular activity as healthy control, they

    exhibited elevated and prolonged activity of RF regardless of disease se-

    verity. This could also be an attempt to protect and stabilize the knee.

    However, current evidence questions the efcacy of increased neuro-

    muscular activity of the RF and medial knee muscles in accomplishing

    this task (Hodges et al., 2012; Schipplein and Andriacchi, 1991;

    Schmitt and Rudolph, 2008). Increased neuromuscular activation of

    muscles that cross the knee increases compressive forces. While this

    would increase stability, it would also increase load on the joint and

    could accelerate degeneration of the medial compartment (Schipplein

    and Andriacchi, 1991). Further, increased duration medial knee muscle

    co-contraction hasrecently been correlated with increasedloss of medi-

    al knee cartilage volume (Hodges et al., 2012). Interestingly, it is possi-

    ble for increased neuromuscular activity of medial and lateral knee

    muscles as well as RF to co-exist as demonstrated in a severeKOA cohort

    (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2009) and in a predominantly mild KOA cohort

    with varus alignment and medial knee joint laxity (Schmitt and

    Rudolph, 2007). However, due to the cross-sectional nature of studies

    Fig. 2. Forest plot of data pooling. Filled diamonds indicate pooled data ES and 95% condence intervals. Condence intervals that do not cross zero indicate a systematiceffect. The con-

    sistencyof neuromuscularalterations wasdeterminedbasedon thepresence of a systematiceffectanda low I2 index. (A)PooledES forco-contraction indices.(B) PooledES foramplitude.

    Amplitude ES was calculated from mean (SD) factor scores of principal components so mean differences were not calculated.

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    Table 3

    Results of included papers.

    Authors Variable Knee OA Comparator Result/mean difference (95% CI) and effect size (ES)

    Co-contraction index

    Childs et al. (2004) VL:BF (% MVIC) General OA Control 13.0 (2.37 to 23.63) ES 0.68

    TA:MG (% MVIC) 9.0 (4.17 to 13.83) ES1.04

    Heiden et al. (2009) Muscles: lateral muscles

    (SM, VM, MG:BF, VL, LG % MVIC)

    General OA Control OA group exhibited signicantly greater co-contraction during loading and early

    stance and signicantly less during midstance. Lateral muscle activation was the

    greatest contributor to the co-contraction index

    SM:BF (% MVIC) OA group exhibited greater co-contraction during loading, early and midstance.BF activation was the major contributor to the co-contraction index.

    Knee exors: knee extensors

    (SM, BF, MG, LG:VL, VM, RF %


    OA group exhibited greater co-contraction during midstance. There was no

    difference between groups during loading and early stance.

    Hortobgyi et al. (2005) 200 ms prior to IC to toe-off General OA Control

    BF:VL (% MVIC) 41.0 (23.85 to 58.15) ES 1.26

    LG:TA (% MVIC) 40 (15.95 to 64.05) ES 0.9

    Hubley-Kozey et al.


    100 ms prior to IC to peak KAM

    VL:BF (% MVIC) Moderate Control 10.17 (4.39 to 15.94) ES 0.66

    Sever e Control 23 .49 (17 .07 to 2 9.9) ES 1.52

    Moderate Severe 13.32 (21.52 to 5.12) ES 0.62

    VL:LG (% MVIC) Moderate Control 2.16 (0.69 to 5.02) ES 0.28

    Severe Con trol 9. 57 (5.72 to 13.42) ES 1.01

    Moderate Severe 7.41 (11.68 to 3.14) ES 0.68

    VM:SM (% MVIC) Moderate Control 4.46 (0.73 to 9.65) ES 0.32

    Severe Con trol 7. 6 (3.26 to 11.94) ES 0.32

    Moderate Severe

    3.14 (

    9.05 to 2.77) ES

    0.2VM:MG (% MVIC) Moderate Control 1.22 (1.27 to 3.71) ES 0.18

    Severe Control 6.88 (10.21 to 3.64) ES 0.85

    Moderate Severe 5.66 (9.26 to 2.06) ES 0.61

    Lewek et al. (2004) 100 ms prior to IC to peak KAM

    VL:BF (% MVIC) Moderate

    (varus and lax)

    Con tro l 5.7 (2.55 to 13.95) ES0.53

    VL:LG (% MVIC) 2.8 (3.21 to 8.81) ES 0.36

    VM:SM (% MVIC) 0.4 (7.13 to 6.33) ES 0.05

    VM:MG (% MVIC) 6.3 (0.5 to 12.1) ES 0.84

    Lewek et al. (2006) Preparation Moderate

    (varus and lax)


    VL:BF (% MVIC) 4.6 (2.63 to 11.83) ES 0.44

    VL:LG (% MVIC) 2.9 (2.9 to 8.7) ES 0.35

    VM:SM (% MVIC) 0.7 (6.24 to 4.84) ES 0.09

    VM:MG (% MVIC) 6.2 (1.01 to 11.39) ES 0.83

    Liikavainio et al. (2010) VM: BF (% Max) G eneralOA (var us) C ontrol No d ifferenc e between groups

    Rudolph et al. (2007) 100 ms prior to IC to peak KAM Moderate (varus) Control No difference between groups

    VL:BF (% MVIC)VL:LG (% MVIC)

    VM:SM (% MVIC)

    VM:MG (% MVIC)

    Schmitt and Rudolph


    Preparation and weight



    (varus and lax)


    VL:BF (% Max) No difference between groups

    VL:LG (% Max) OA group exhibited a trend towards greater co-contraction during preparation

    and signicantly higher co-contraction during weight acceptance.

    VM:SM (% Max) OA group exhibited a trend towards greater co-contraction during preparation

    and signicantly higher co-contraction during weight acceptance.

    VM:MG (% Max) No difference between groups

    Midstance OA group exhibited higher co-contraction for all muscles

    Zeni et al. (2010) VL:SM (% MVIC) (1.0 m/s) Moderate Control 12.4 (5.81 to 18.99) ES 1.29

    Severe Control 11.5 (2.21 to 20.79) E S 1.33

    Moderate Severe 0.9 (9.91 to 11.71) ES 0.07

    VL:SM (% MVIC) (PW) Moderate Control 11.7 (4.81 to 18.59) E S 1.16

    Severe Control 6.8 (2.51 to 16.11) ES 0.75Moderate Severe 4.9 (5.85 to 15.65) ES 0.37

    VL:SM (% MVIC) (FW) Moderate Control 14.4 (5. 27 to 23.53) ES 1.08

    Severe Control 6.2 (2.24 to 14.64) ES0.72

    Moderate Severe 8.2 (3.41 to 19.81) ES 0.5

    Muscle amplitude

    Astephen et al. (2008) Gastrocnemius (LG, MG % MVIC) Moderate Control No difference between groups

    Severe C ontrol No d if ferenc e between groups

    Moderate Severe Severe OA group exhibited higher mean MG amplitude in early stance and in

    swing phase and lower mean amplitude in late stance.

    Quadriceps (VL, VM, RF % MVIC) Moderate Control Mean RF amplitude was higher in moderate OA group throughout the majority

    of stance and late swing.

    Severe Control Mean RF amplitude was lower in severe OA group during early stance and early

    swing but higher mean amplitude in mid to late stance.

    Moder ate Sever e No d if ferenc e between groups

    (continued on next page)

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    Table 3(continued)

    Authors Variable Knee OA Comparator Result/mean difference (95% CI) and effect size (ES)

    Hamstrings (BF, SM % MVIC) Moderate Control No difference between groups

    Severe Control Mean SM and BF amplitude was higher in severe OA group during stance.

    Moderate Severe No difference between groups

    Heiden et al. (2009) Net muscle activity of

    BF, SM, VL, RF, VL, MG, LG (%


    General OA Control OA group exhibited signicantly greater net muscle activation during weight

    acceptance and early stance compared with controls

    Hortobgyi et al.


    BF (% of MVIC) General OA Control 47 (28.18 to 65.82) ES 1.27

    VL (% of MVIC) 47 (20.53 to 59.47) ES 1.09

    Hubley-Kozey et al.


    Gastrocnemius (MG, LG % MVIC) Moderate Control Mean MG amplitude was decreased in OA group and peak amplitude occurred

    earlier in gait cycle. The control group recruited MG more than LG, whereas OA

    group recruited both muscles equally.

    Quadriceps (RF, VL, VM % MVIC) Mean VL amplitude was higher in OA group during initial stance and there was a

    trend towards higher mean RF amplitude. Mean VM amplitude was similar

    between OA and controls.

    Hamstrings (BF, SM % MVIC) Mean B F amplitude w as h igher a nd p eak a mplitude o ccurred p rior t o heel s trike i n

    OA group compared with controls. Mean BF amplitude was higher than SM for

    both groups.

    Liikavainio et al.


    BF (% Max) General OA Control OA group exhibited signicantly higher mean BF amplitude at IC, except when

    walking fast.

    VM (% Max) Mean VM amplitude in late stance and early swing were signicantly greater in

    the OA group for all gait speeds

    Rudolph et al. (2007) VL, VM, BF, SM LG, MG (% MVIC) Moderate


    Control Tendency towards greater mean MG activity in the OA group. No other difference

    between groups.

    Rutherford et al.


    Gastrocnemius (MG, LG % MVIC) Moderate Control OA group exhibited moderately less difference between early and late stance

    activity than controls for MG activity (ES 0.68) and a moderate tendency ofsmaller difference in LG activity (ES 0.63)

    Quadriceps (VL, VM, RF % MVIC) OA group exhibited large reduction in difference between mid and late stance

    amplitude for RF (ES 1.2) and small tendency towards smaller difference

    between mid and late stance amplitude for VL and VM (ES 0.59, 0.55). RF

    differential was moderately less than VM in OA group (ES 0.64), and large

    reduction compared with VL (ES 1.8) and VM (ES 1.71) in control group.

    Ha mstrings ( BF, SM % MVI C) OA group exhib ited which w as m od erately great er overall a mp litu de of B F than

    SM (ES 1.09). OA group SM amplitude differential between early stance and late

    swing versus midstance was moderately greater than control group (ES 0.86)

    Rutherford et al.


    Gastrocnemius (MG, LG % MVIC) Moderate Control OA group exhibited moderately smaller difference between early and late stance

    amplitude (ES 0.83)

    Severe Control OA group exhibited large reductions in late stanceearly stance amplitude

    differential for MG (ES 1.26) and LG (ES 1.21)

    Severe Moderate Moderate OA group exhibited moderately greater mean MG amplitude (ES 0.74)

    and moderately larger difference between early and latestance amplitude (ES 0.91).

    Quadriceps (RF, VM, VL % MVIC) Severe Control DifferenceinRFamplitudebetweenearlyandmidlatestancewas moderatelylower

    in OA group (ES 0.89). Difference between mid

    late stance and swing phaseamplitude was moderately higher in OA group for VL (ES 0.82) and RF (ES 0.83).

    Moderate Severe No difference in mean amplitude. Severe group exhibited moderately greater

    difference between midlate stance and swing phase VL amplitude compared

    with moderate group (ES 0.83)

    Hamstrings (BF, SM % MVIC) Moderate Control OAgroup exhibited moderate reduction inmean SMamplitude duringmidstance

    and late swing burst (P= 0.05, ES 0.69).

    Severe Control OAgroup exhibited large reductionsin mean BFamplitude duringmidstance and

    late swing burst (P= 0.00, ES 1.46).

    Moderate Severe Moderate group exhibited moderately lower BF mean amplitude during

    midstance and late swing burst (P= 0.04, ES 0.73)

    Schmitt and Rudolph


    VL (% Max) Mild (varus and


    C ontrol Signicantly greater mean amplitude in OA group during midstance

    VM (% Max) Signicantly greater mean amplitude in OA group during weight acceptance and


    BF (% Max) Trend towards greater mean amplitude in OA group during preparation,

    signicantly greater mean amplitude during midstance

    SM (% Max) Signicantly greater mean amplitude in OA group during weight acceptance

    LG (% Max) Trend towards greater mean amplitude in OA group during preparation,

    signicantly greater mean amplitude during weight acceptance

    MG (% Max) No difference between groups

    Sol (% Max) No difference between groups

    Zeni et al. (2010) VL (mean % MVIC) (1.0 m/s) Moderate Control 16 (7.06 to 24.94) ES 1.24

    Severe Control 10.3 (1.5 to 19.1) E S 1.29

    Moderate Severe 5.7 (6.46 to 17.86) ES 0.34

    V L (mean % MVI C) ( PW) Mod erate C ontrol 15 .5 ( 6.06 to 24.4 9) ES1 .14

    Severe Control 8.9 (1.02 to 18.82) ES 1.02

    Moderate Severe 6.6 (6.78 to 19.98) ES 0.37

    V L (mean % MVI C) ( FW ) Mod erate C ontrol 18.4 ( 5.21 to 31 .5 9) ES 0 .9 7

    Severe Control 1.7 (5.7 to 9.1) ES 0.27

    Mod erate Severe 16.7 ( 2.28 to 31 .1 2) ES0 .73

    VL (peak % MVIC) (1.0 m/s) Moderate Control 26.8 (10.99 to 42.61) ES 1.18

    Severe Control 21.2 (6.29 to 36.11) ES 1.55

    Moderate Severe 5.6 (15.45 to 26.65) ES 0.19

    Muscle amplitude

    Astephen et al. (2008)

    722 K. Mills et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 28 (2013) 713724

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    included in this review, no conclusions can be drawn regarding the in-

    teraction between the potentially negative effects of increased medial

    knee muscle and RF activity and the potential positive effects of in-creased lateral activity. Future research is needed to determine how

    this interaction affects KOA progression.

    Along with the inability to draw conclusions regarding inuenceson

    the progression of KOA, there are several additional limitations of this

    review. The primary methodological concern of the studies included

    in this review was poor external validity specically a lack of

    reporting sampling methods and demonstrating that the people who

    participated in the study are representative of the population they

    were selected from. This makes generalizing results beyond individuals

    who meet specic inclusion criteria difcult. Another methodological

    issue was the variety of formulas used to calculate co-contraction indi-

    ces highlighting the numerous methods to achieve a single number.

    As such, interpretation of this index is difcult unless there is also an in-

    vestigation into how this number is reached. The relative contributions

    of muscles involved in any co-contraction formula are of particular in-

    terest to clinicians, particularly if the ratio contains both medial and lat-

    eral muscle contributions. Some studies explore this (Heiden et al.,2009; Hubley-Kozey et al., 2009; Zeni et al., 2010) and future studies

    would benet from similar exploration.

    An interesting issue in interpreting the validity of thendings of this

    review is that the majority of studies normalized their neuromotor data

    to MVIC. Normalizing EMGdata to MVIC provides information regarding

    the relative degree of muscle activation and facilitates comparisons be-

    tween groups. However, in injured and post-operativepatients, the abil-

    ity to perform an MVIC can be affected by pain (Arvidsson et al., 1986;

    Benoit et al., 2003). In KOA cohorts, higher pain levels and lower physi-

    cal function have been associated with increased neuromotor activity

    independent of radiographic disease severity (Heiden et al., 2009;

    Wilson et al., 2011). Thus, individuals with KOA may not be able to pro-

    duce an accurate MVIC and subsequent signicant differences in neuro-

    muscular activity may be erroneous. Conversely, reported increases in

    Table 3(continued)

    Authors Variable Knee OA Comparator Result/mean difference (95% CI) and effect size (ES)

    VL ( peak % MVIC) (PW) Moder ate Control 23 .7 (7.31 to 40 .0 2) ES 1 .0 1

    Severe Control 16.1 (1.69 to 33.89) ES 1.0

    Moderate Severe 7.6 (15.75 to 30.95) ES 0.24

    VL ( peak % MVIC) (FW) Moder ate C ontrol 40 .20 (14 .31 to 6 6.09 ) ES 1.08

    Severe Control 1.4 (11.54 to 14.34) ES 0.09

    Moder ate Sever e 38 .8 (11.21 to 6 6.39) ES 0.86

    SM (mean % MVIC) (1.0 m/s) Moderate Control 8.9 (1.64 to 16.16) ES 0.84

    Severe Control 10.9 (0.09 to 21.89) ES 1.1

    Moderate Severe 2.0 (14.63 to 10.63) ES 0.13

    SM (mean % MVI C) ( PW) Moder ate C ontrol 8.0 (2 .18 to 1 3.82 ) ES 0 .92

    Severe Control 10.0 (5.02 to 25.02)

    Moderate Severe 2.0 (17.49 to 13.49) ES 0.13

    SM (mean % MVI C) ( FW) Moder ate Control 8.6 (1.3 9 to 1 5.81 ) ES 0 .81

    Severe Control 8.8 (1.96 to 19.56) ES 0.84

    Moderate Severe 0.2 (12.19 to 11.79) ES 0.01

    SM (peak % MVIC) (1.0 m/s) Moderate Control 16.5 (4.7 to 28.3) ES 0.96

    S ev ere Control 17.5 (2.78 to 32.22) ES 1.25

    Moderate Severe 1.0 (18.84 to 16.84) ES 0.04

    SM (peak % MVI C) ( PW) Mod er ate Control 14 .7 (2.53 to 26 .8 7) ES 0.8 1

    Severe Control 18.8 (8.19 to 45.79) ES 0.76

    Moderate Severe 4.1 (32.11 to 23.91) ES 0.15

    SM (peak % MVIC) (FW) Moderate Control 12.7 (1.0 to 26.40) ES 0.62

    Severe Control 13.3 (1.66 to 28.26) ES 0.75

    Moderate Severe 0.6 (17.7 to 16.5) ES 0.03

    Muscle activity duration

    Astephen et al. (2008) Gastrocnemius (MG) Moderate Control MG was active for the majority of the gait cycle in severe OA group whereas


    Sever e OA group and c ontr ols exhibited MG ac tivity during late stance.

    Childs et al. (2004) VL (ms) General OA Control 165 (82.98 to 247.02) ES 1.12

    SM (ms) 167 (99.89 to 234.11) ES 1.38

    TA (ms) 158 (108.92 to 207.08) ES 1.79

    MG (ms) 140 (59.27 to 220.73) ES 0.97

    Hubley-Kozey et al.


    Gastrocnemius (MG, LG) Moderate Control There was no difference in temporal characteristics of LG or MG.

    Quadriceps (RF, V L, VM) VL and RF a ctivities wer e prolonged during mid- to lat e-sta nce. T here wa s no

    change in temporal characteristics for VM.

    Hamstrings (BF, S M) BF activity was highe r and prolon ged in OA group compared with con trols. BF

    activity was higher than SM for both groups.

    Rutherford et al. (2010) Gastrocnemius (MG, LG) Moderate Control No phase differences between groups for MG and LG

    Quadriceps (VL, VM, RF) No phase shift between groups for VL, VM and RF

    Hamstrings (BF, SM) Duration o f BF and SM activities w as moderately p rolonged in O A group compared

    with controls (ES 1.16 and 0.91)

    Rutherford et al. (2011) Gastrocnemius (MG, LG % MVIC) Moderate Control MG onset was moderately earlier than LG onset for both groups (OA:ES 1.18.

    Control:ES 1.01).

    Severe Control OA group exhibited moderately later MG onset compared with controls (ES 1.1)

    Moderate Severe Severe group exhibited largely later MG onset than moderate group (ES1.2)

    BF: biceps femoris, LG: lateral gastrocnemius, MG: medial gastrocnemius, RF: rectus femoris, SM: semimembranosis, Sol: soleus, TA: tibialis anterior, VL: vastus medialis, VM: vastus


    IC: initial contact, ms: milliseconds, MVIC: maximum isometric voluntary contraction, m/s: meters per second, FW: fast walking, PW: preferred walking speed, KAM: peak external knee

    adduction moment.

    Preparation: 100 ms prior to heel strike until initial contact.

    Weight acceptance: initial contact until single leg stance.

    Muscle amplitude

    Zeni et al. (2010)

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    neuromotor activity may be due to those with more severe KOA

    reporting higher pain levels than moderate or healthy counterparts

    rather than the radiographic severity of their diagnosis. Further investi-

    gation is needed into the association between pain, KOA severity and

    neuromuscular control during gait.

    5. Conclusion

    Pooled and non-pooled data from moderate quality observationalstudies demonstrate individuals with KOA exhibit altered lower limb

    neuromuscular activity during gait compared with healthy controls. In-

    dividuals with KOA exhibited increased co-contraction, amplitude and

    duration of lateral knee muscles regardless of their disease severity,

    lower limb alignment or medial knee joint laxity. Neuromuscular activ-

    ity of RF was also increased and prolonged for many KOA cohorts and

    medial knee muscle activity was also increased. Based on current evi-

    dence, this suggests thatindividuals with KOAare adopting neuromotor

    patterns during gait that have the potential to protect the medial knee

    joint. However, those with severe disease or medial knee joint laxity

    and/or varus alignment are also exhibiting neuromuscular patterns

    that increase the risk of accelerated medial compartment degeneration.

    In some instances, both potentially protective and potentially degener-

    ative neuromuscular pattern occur simultaneously. Therefore, while re-

    sults of this review suggest neuromuscular rehabilitation focusing on

    increasing lateral muscle activity and down-regulating medial muscle

    and RF activity shows promise as way of potentially slowing this pro-

    gression, future research into the efcacy of such a program is needed.

    Such research needs to further investigate how simultaneous up-

    regulation in medial and lateral knee muscle activities inuences dis-

    ease progression and should also consider metrics of pain and function

    when comparing individuals with KOA.


    Kathryn Mills is supported by Alberta Innovates Health Solutions

    Team in Osteoarthritis #200700596. Ryan Leigh is supported by Alberta

    Innovates Health Solutions Clinical Fellowship #201200131. The au-

    thors declare no conicts of interest.


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