a simplified epistle of the new covenant: “has god said…?”

Post on 31-Oct-2021






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“HAS GOD SAID…?” The Work of the Internal Kingdom



A Simplified Epistle of the New Covenant: “Has God Said…?” The Work of the Internal Kingdom

Who Controls Our Will?

“Now the serpent was more subtle than any other beast of the field which the

Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, ‘Yea, HAS GOD SAID…?’” 1

Temptation: With the Devil and his minions, the argument and strategy is always

about God’s Word. Your SOUL, and more specifically, the organ or mental entity of your

human WILL, is the prize. If Satan wins consent to control your WILL, he possesses the

keys to control the various parts of your physical BODY, through your CARNAL MIND.

Your WILL is an organ of your SOUL, which enables a specific function of your

Observer Mind. The support minds of IMAGINATION and EMOTION are also organ-

minds within your SOUL. Get to know and understand your SOUL, and you can better

understand how both forms of God’s Word – Rhema and Logos – can “save” your soul,

as you “WORK OUT your OWN salvation” day-by-day, “with fear and trembling,” as

you receive into the heart of your Soul, your “DAILY BREAD of Life” – God’s instant


The entire conflict between God – Theos – and Satan, in this world/age where

Time and man co-exist, is a matter that concerns “who” will control mankind’s WILL.

That is it! Nothing else. And the ENTIRETY of that conflict is fought within the human

SOUL. Salvation is a work that involves exclusively the conquering of your own Inner

1 Gen 3:1 2 Phlp 2:12-14; II Cor. 4:16; Mat 6:11; 4:4; Jn 6:33, 48, 51, 63.


Kingdom – your inner self – brining it under subjection to the Living Word of God,

taking Authority over your own being, and then surrendering each new territory gained to

your LORD. Creating a “kingdom of God” on the earth. “Your Will be done” IN me, so

“YOUR kingdom [can] come” INTO me. “Know you not that YOU ARE [present tense!]


Satan’s intent is to rule YOU, and he wants to rule, deceive, or influence other

souls through YOU. Your heavenly Father wants YOU to rule through His Authority and

Power, as you were created by God to exercise dominion over everything in the earth,


heritage, but examples of the flock,” being “subject ONE to ANOTHER, and be clothed

with humility” – “meek and lowly of HEART [inner self].”4

Satan attempts to FORCE you, and for you to exercise various devices of FORCE

– shame, peer-pressure, humiliation, fear of being left out of the group, etc. – to

overcome the WILL of others. God seeks to emPOWER you. There is a vast difference in

the meaning of the words “force” and “power.” All men –even Christians – are rendered

victims of “life” because they lack SPIRITUAL understanding of those differences.5

3 I Cor 3:16; II Cor 6:16 4 I Pet 5:3-5; Mat 11:29; I Cor 1:26 5 Eph 4:18; Is 5:13; Hos 4:6


We Must Use God’s Word to Fight Satan’s Attempt to Control Our Will:

Satan possesses all the advantages of the worldly realm. He is the literal “god of

THIS World/age.”6 His advantages and powers are all earthly, sensual, and devilish,7

whereas the believer’s weapons are “NOT carnal [of this world], but “mighty

THROUGH God.”8 We know that the Spirit of God dwelt inside of Jesus’ being,9 and

today my dear Christians, that same Spirit of God dwells in those of us who accept and

believe in Him.10 Knowing this fact, we can change the armament of our spiritual

warfare; for our weapons, our armor, and our strategy IS C-H-R-I-S-T, who is IN us –

indivisibly joined with our human SPIRIT – and who STRENGTHENS us!

Christ, dear Christian, is the Absolute “GLORY” of God Himself. Reflect on that.


HEART, SOUL, MIND, AND BODY! At your initial union with Christ – the confession

of your mouth that Jesus Christ is your LORD – His Spirit and your human spirit become

joined together, “married” into ONE Spirit. By receiving that engrafted Word into your

SOUL with meekness, your SOUL is “changed into His same IMAGE” from the likeness

of human glory, INTO HIS GLORY. Your SOUL is changed into His likeness. You must

6 II Cor. 4:4 7 Jas 3:15 8 II Cor. 10:4 9 Mt 3:16; Jn 1:32-34 10 Mt 10:20


DO the Word, not only HEAR it. When the Presence of Christ inhabits the whole of your

SOUL, your whole tripartite being will be His abode11

Now, ask yourself… WHAT advantage does Satan have? None... once you have

matured into your God-given, “Authority over all the power of the enemy: and nothing

shall BY ANY MEANS hurt you.”12

You hold two weapons: the defensive SHIELD of [THE] Faith – Logos, and the

SWORD of the SPIRIT – Rhema Word of God. Logos – previously spoken Word of God

– enables you to “quench ALL the fiery darts of the wicked .” Logos is recorded in ink as

scripture, and is PUT INTO YOUR MIND/SOUL as you learn it through studying or

attentive hearing, as it is ministered before or to you through the words of a preacher,

teacher, etc... It becomes “recorded” or PUT into the supporting Mind of Memory which

is a compartmental Mind of your SOUL.13

Rhema is your offensive and DEADLY weapon. It is that Word of God

instantly written upon your Heart – your human spirit – as God's Spirit speaks

directly to you “in the hour/instant you need it.” Remember that YOU are the Temple

of God. He does not have to speak from “far away.” “For IN Him we live, and

move, and have our being.”

11 Rom 10:9-10; I Cor .6:17; II Cor 3:17-18; Jas 1:21-22 12 Lk 10:19; Rom 8:29-39; Eph 2:5-6; 18-22; Is 54:17 13 Eph 6:16-17; Heb 8:10.


Satan's forces will obey your statements and positioning of Logos – your

shield. But demons FEAR Rhema, for Rhema is that Word that Jesus spoke of in

Mat. 4:4, that proceeds directly FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD. The Holy Spirit is

the Mouth of God, and out of that Mouth proceeds the SPIRIT OF TRUTH. The book

of James, chapter three, contains virtually all the information and hidden Wisdom

you need to align your own MIND with the Mind of Christ, which is IN you, and to

bring your own tongue into useful SUBJECTION to the SPIRIT of Truth. Jesus said

in Jn 15:7, “IF you abide in me, and MY WORDS [RHEMA] abide in you, YOU shall

ask what YOU WILL, and it SHALL BE DONE UNTO YOU.” This is not by the

Word of Logos, but Rhema. Through YOUR human tongue, subjected to instant

Spiritual Truth, which only and always directs according to the Will of God.

Rhema is able to penetrate and pass through all realms, including the realm

and law of Time. Time is a realm of “illusion.” It only has power over man within

and through the CARNAL Mind of man. Your SOUL abides “between” the material

and spiritual realms. Spirits – God, angels, demons, and even your human spirit are

not at all subject to or influenced by Time. There is no Time in. eternity – only spirit


When Jesus was tempted by the “fiery darts” that proceeded from the mouth of

the Devil, He quenched each arrow before it could affix to His SOUL. Jesus said, in

each case, “It is WRITTEN... “ Logos is past-spoken, recorded Word of God.

Jesus testified by His words that GOD had once “said.” God's once-said


words were written, or “on record” in three places: (1) On stone, parchment,

paper, etc... (2) In the ether of Universal Consciousness, and (3) Upon Jesus '

SOUL, in the form of Memory – an organ/mind of and within the SOUL. All

three “locations” are repositories of in POTENTIAL. Those three mediums await

perpetually to be “inscribed.”

The stone, paper, parchment, even the SOUL of a human, lies ready to be etched

by the hand (or tongue – pertaining to SOUL) of man, as the Mind of that Soul conveys

its content upon the medium. Jesus studied the Logos of scripture for nearly thirty years,

before He received the Anointing as the Messiah. That Logos became etched upon His

SOUL'S Memory. He was able to SHIELD [of Faith] Himself from every temptation

Satan cast at Him. Each confessing statement He uttered drenched and rendered

powerless the words of the Devil. You can do the same. Death and Life are in the

POWER of your tongue.14

These responses came from Jesus' soul, AFTER Jesus received the Anointing

of the Holy Spirit, and its Voice – the Spirit of TRUTH. At the moment of

temptation, Jesus' Observer Mind the “True” seat of “I”dentity – was quickened BY

the Spirit of Truth. “It is the spirit that quickens;”15 (Read and understand Jn 14:26;

15:26; 16:13-15). This quickening of the mind or understanding is foretold in Is

11:3(1-3). The Spirit of the Truth “illuminated” specifically WHICH Logos Word

that was appropriate to quench each phrase, sentence, or thought of the Devil... each

14 Prov 18:20-21. 15 Jn 6:63



That Anointing of Is 11:2, that descended upon Jesus after His baptism,

entered into Him. He “breathed out” that exact same Anointing from His Mouth,

upon His present body – the church – on the evening of resurrection day. He told

them to “receive” it into themselves - “even as” His Father sent Him... with an


Knowing scripture is not in itself a defense against Satan. Satan can quote

every verse you know, and likely many more. Verses do not scare him. His

“seducing spirits” preach them from many Christian pulpits in churches all over the

world and earth. He has effectively decapitated many churches – replacing the Head

with human organization.

You may have noticed that after Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit,

He was “LED up of the Spirit into the wilderness. “17 Mark says that the Spirit

“DROVE” Him.18 That leading or guiding is the primary purpose of the indwelling

Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is given to prepare you for spiritual warfare against

spiritual enemies. “For though we walk IN the flesh, we do not war AFTER the


16 Jn 20:21-22. 17 Mat 4:1; Lk 4:1 18 Mk 1:12 19 II Cor 10:3(3-6); Eph 6:12


While the leading of/by the Holy Spirit is freely available to every believer

who will turn towards and rely on it, the POWER of the Spirit must be “earned.” As

your physical body must be properly fed, cared for, and strenuously exercised to

make you physically strong, agile, and athletic – prepared for competition - so

must your Observer Mind/Self be managed.

“To every thing there is A SEASON, and A TIME to EVERY PURPOSE

under the heaven:”20 In Eccl 8:5-6, we read:

“Whoso keeps the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a WISE MAN'S HEART DISCERNS BOTH (1) TIME and (2)



Why is there grief and suffering on the earth? God has given to man this arena to

exercise us. “I have seen the travail, WHICH GOD HAS GIVEN to the sons of men

TO BE EXERCISED IN IT. He has made every thing BEAUTIFUL in HIS TIME;

also He has set the world [not earth] in their HEART, SO THAT NO MAN CAN


Careful meditation upon these scriptures will go a long way to helping one to

understand all things within and without you. “A WISE man' s heart DISCERNS” two

very critical divine factors that concern every condition, event, or circumstance

20 Eccl 3:1 21 Eccl 3:10-11.


“UNDER the heaven.” For Time occurs or rules under heaven, not in heaven.

Judgement occurs in TWO realms: (1) in the Mind of God in the highest heaven, and

(2) within your human SOUL. Wisdom is of two kinds, and from two ends of the

spectrum of “knowledge” – above and below.

A wise soul's heart DISCERNS (listens carefully) from the CENTER of his

tripartite being, his Observer Self/Mind, to identify the NATURE of thoughts,

feelings, or urges. That Wisdom that enters your heart from BELOW, is “earthly,

sensual, devilish.” That “Wisdom that is from ABOVE is FIRST pure, THEN

peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated [you do not have to “think” or construct it],

full of mercy and good22 fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”23

Jesus said, “In the world you shall have tribulation: BUT be of good cheer; I

have OVERCOME THE WORLD.”24 And you are to overcome the world AND

TRIBULATION ALSO! The fundamental of the Christian victory is that you were made


designed to AVOID OR TO RESIST EVIL OR TRIALS. Temptations... yes – Resist.



The point of trials and challenges is that we must come to realize that human

effort, human ways, and human intent, cannot overcome the world. Christ would not have

been needed if man could exercise dominion over life on earth. Christ came to restore 22 Ps 23:6 23 Jas 3:15, 17 24 Jn 16:33 25 Rom 8:37(29-39)


man' s position of Authority over Satan – the GOD of THIS WORLD. Satan is not the

god of the EARTH. Man was given dominion over the earth. Satan did not take that

which GOD decreed belonged to man. God’s Decrees ALWAYS stand! Satan merely

causes CONFUSION in man’s inner self – his mind – and becomes DISORIENTED.

Christ brought us that which is able to lead us by the hand, through the darkness

of our ignorance. We now have God's “HAND” extended INTO the domain of our own

tripartite being. The Holy Spirit – God's HAND (or “fingers,”26). There is a time for all

things that you see in the earth. The body of Christ is the Agent of God IN the earth.

Jesus did not heal every person He saw who needed healing. In John chapter 5, there was

“a GREAT MULTITUDE of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the

moving of the water,” at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus selected one man of that multitude

for healing. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit. He did not judge or decide, but was led by

the Spirit.

The church is equipped with spiritual gifts, and by these gifts, the mature in Christ

can destroy every work of the Devil. “For this purpose the Son of God was

MANIFESTED, that He might destroy the WORKS OF THE DEVIL.”27 Are the

devil's works still being manifest in the earth? Certainly, they are! Did Jesus FAIL in

HIS WORK? Absolutely not! We, church, are the ones who are failing. We

are overall failing to MANIFEST JESUS IN THE EARTH! Where the SPIRIT of the

LORD JESUS is, there is LIBERTY, NOT BONDAGE.28 When our heart remains

26 Lk 11:20 27 I Jn 3:8 28 II Cor 3:17-18


steadfastly fixed toward and into the GLORY of the Lord, WE are CHANGED INTO


True Christianity is not ritual performances a couple of times each week. It is

not an outer or “surface” work AT ALL. It is an INNER CHANGE from one manner

of creature into a totally different being. It is a work which begins with seclusion or

separation from the outside or secular world, as the caterpillar spins a cocoon around

itself to shut out all the influence of its natural, first-born world. It does not attempt

to become a butterfly by changing its outward appearance. It puts itself into an

environment where it is not distracted. The caterpillar sort of goes to sleep

concerning the old world, and focuses on that new Life-force that flows from a

“deeper” part of itself – from the depths of its belly. It is that gentle flow of “New

Life” that transforms the earth-BOUND worm into a glorious butterfly. It is called


There is no true “Christianity” without the Greek “metamorphoō” of one's

SOUL. Your SOUL prior to the engrafting of the incorruptible seed of God, is the

first (fallen) Adam repeated. You nor I can MANIFEST CHRIST TODAY by

learning a new language from the church, and by cleaning up some bad habits.

ONLY CHRIST CAN BE CHRIST! The Last Adam – Jesus Christ – is not a

SOUL. He is a Life-Giving SPIRIT that causes a transformation, change,

metamorphosis WITHIN/OF YOUR SOUL. You are to BE CHRIST IN THE


Blasphemy? No. You, your old or first-born self, are no longer to BE at all!


For you are DEAD, and your true Life is hid with Christ IN God.29 Paul said in

Galatians 2:20, that it was no longer his own “self” that had active Life within His

SOUL. He said, “Christ LIVES IN ME.”

The Greek word metamorphoō is used four times in scripture – twice

concerning Jesus, as He was “transfigured,” in Mat 17:2, and Mk 9:2. The other two

concern believers. Our metamorphoō is achieved through our adapting to our

SPIRITUAL MIND. We are to be “reNEWed” into the image of our NEW “MAN,”

our “INNER MAN,” who is indistinguishable from CHRIST. The believer's human

spirit has literally become ONE WITH CHRIST. Now, it is up to me to exercise

Christ's Authority over my own soul's Will, if my SOUL is going to morph from the

glory of human man, into the Glory of a/the mature SON of God.

Metamorphoō is translated as “changed” in II Cor 3:17, and as “transformed” in

Rom 12:2. They both refer to the SPIRITualization of your identity. You are to

transform or change your “i”dentity in to the “I”dentity” of Christ. You cannot

destroy the works of the Devil, but a mature YOU IN CHRIST, is STRONG

because the same Word that was in the beginning WITH God, and which WAS

God, fully abides in the mature soul. The mature SOUL has already


The mature in Christ SOUL, does not judge after his or her eyes or ears. Nor

29 Col 3:3(1-5)


is human logic and reason the basis of determination of what is good or evil. Evil

cannot be appropriately judged by the human mental powers. All things were “good”

by God's declaration of creation, but God created Adam and Eve naked, and called it


“The Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the OUTWARD

appearance, but the Lord looks on the [inner] HEART.”30 “Neither is there any

creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are NAKED AND OPEN unto

the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.”31

By the eyes of our INNER MAN, “New” Identity, we are enabled to see as

God sees. I Jn 2:20, reads, “But you have an unction (anointing] from the Holy

One, and “YOU KNOW ALL THINGS.” Rom 15:14 says that you are “FILLED

with ALL knowledge.” Col 3:10 declares that your “NEW MAN is reNEWed in


[the NEW MAN] him.”

Not every unpleasant or ugly act or condition in the earth is supposed to be

stopped – that is, not until after the purpose of God, “Who works ALL THINGS after


GOOD... according to GOD'S PURPOSE.”33

Your New Man is effectively the “MIND OF CHRIST.” Why would one

continue to think and judge by the same mind he grew up with, when Christ's literal

30 I Sam 16:7 31 Heb 4:13 32 Eph 1:11 33 Rom 8:28


MIND is IN him? There is a totally different Mind given to every born-again soul. It

is a Mind in your spirit, NOT in your SOUL. You must learn to recognize and use


Through the Mind of your New Man... new “I”dentity, you will be able to

“DISCERN BOTH (1) TIME and (2) JUDGMENT” concerning “the MISERY OF

MAN [that] is great upon Him.”35 Keep in mind that Israel, the first [type of] church,

went into and out of judgment continually. What about Paul and the church turning

certain believers “over to SATAN” for the destruction of their fleshly life, or that

they might learn now to blaspheme?36 In I Cor 11: 27-32, read of sickness,

weakness, or death in the body of Christ for those believers who failed to judge or

discern their own selves. Verse 32 makes it clear that weakness, sickness, or

premature death, CAN BE (not always!) the chastisement of THE LORD. Also read


The most common reason for the theft and destruction of the good and

goodness of the kingdom of God in earth, is spiritual ignorance. “The god of this

world has BLINDED THE MINDS of them which believe not, lest the LIGHT of

the glorious GOSPEL OF CHRIST, WHO IS THE IMAGE OF GOD, should shine

unto them.”37

Isaiah 5:13, and Hosea 4:6, declare that GOD's PEOPLE – not specifically the

34 Heb 5:14 35 Eccl 8:5-6. 36 I Cor 5:5; I Tim 1:20. 37 II Cor 4:4


lost – are destroyed or taken captive because of ONE THING: LACK OF

KNOWLEDGE. A mind deals with only KNOWLEDGE, and if the Observer Mind

of your SOUL cannot “see” the Light of true knowledge that radiates/shines from the

Mind of Christ in one's human spirit, the Observer Mind has only the earthly,

sensual, and devilish knowledge which the scripture refers to as “DARKNESS,” to

guide it.

According to II Cor 4:4, the “glorious GOSPEL OF CHRIST” shining

into/onto the Observer Mind of a soul, would stop the Devil's method. We've had a

Gospel preached worldwide for centuries, yet it seems that chaos and instability in

the earth is increasing exponentially. If the Gospel is so powerful as to cause the god

of this world concern, why is he seemingly able to ignore it? More accurately,

why is the Devil able to blatantly ignore Christ's church today? Because of the



Of course, we are to minister the gospel that declares the death, burial, and

resurrection of the only begotten Son of God. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

I expect to bring these True facts to Light until the instant that I depart this earth. I

love, honor, and adore the Son of God. He is my LORD, and my SAVIOR! He and I

Worship the same... the ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD... who IS, and always has


God was IN Christ... who dwelled IN the physical body of “a” man – Jesus of

Nazareth. “Man” was created a little LOWER than Elohim – God. God is the

Creator. Man... all men... are the created. Elohim – the God who refers to Himself in


the plural “us” - is SPIRIT. He as “Father,” is SPIRIT. He as His “Word,” is

SPIRIT. He as His Holy Spirit is SPIRIT.

Man is also triune. One part spirit, one part thought, and one part material.

God is a SPIRIT, man is a SOUL, animated by spirit, and dwelling in the material

realm in a body. The Living Word of God did in fact come forth out of God, and co-

existent with the Holy Spirit, “MAN”ifested God in the Person of God 's NATURE

in every way.


so, Jesus declared that His Father is greater than He, and that only God is “good.”

“Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and saying, ‘The Time is fulfilled, and the KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND:

repent you, and BELIEVE THE [THIS] GOSPEL.’”39

What was the main point or subject of the GOSPEL that JESUS preached? It was not

about HIM, or about HIS death, burial, and resurrection... Yes, He did give teaching

about the manner and circumstances of those matters TOWARD THE END OF HIS

MINISTRY. But for three years He went forth preaching one fundamental point –

God has arrived on the earth. He taught this message to people: God is PRESENT


Each time He sent His pairs of disciples out, He instructed them to preach that

“the kingdom of God has come TO YOU,” or “the kingdom of God is near TO

38 Col 2:9 39 Mk 1:14-15


YOU,” or “the kingdom of God is AT HAND.” Jesus' only Gospel is that God is


– GOOD NEWS. It is that belief which quickens one's MIND in the NOW, that God

is present with you to guide and empower YOU to act as His “Agent” to enforce the

Authority of heaven in the earth, in whatever Time and Judgment situation He has

placed before you or led you to.

Too many in the church who are living as “children” of God, are waiting until

they die for spiritual “perfection” to suddenly fall upon them without contending

with spiritual enemies in battle in THIS LIFE. II Tim 2:11 states, “...For IF WE


moment], He will also deny us [in this moment]:”

NOW, in this life, is the time our Lord needs those that are His to REIGN

with Him. Not so much after you depart this life and earth. NOW are the

WORKS of a Holy Christ needed on earth! Who are you going to minister to

when you “GET TO” heaven? The Gospel of Jesus Christ for three years, was

that the kingdom of heaven and God have come HERE... at hand, NOW. This IS

the New Covenant. This is the Gospel that Jesus commanded us to BELIEVE, in

Mark 1:14-15!

The Gospel concerning the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, is a

MUST also! For without the revelation of Jesus Christ Himself, the human Mind

cannot SEE, KNOW, OR BELIEVE in the immediate Presence of God's kingdom

on earth.


Are you REIGNING over the area of your responsibility – your daily life –

that God has given you, or are you continuously “accepting” the limitations and

obstacles of the human race, who live under the rules of the god of THIS WORLD

(mere “human” life)? If you, as a Christian, accept the human race life as your lot in

life also, until your glorious day WHEN YOU GET TO heaven, you are not walking

in the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. You are not “CONSCIOUS” of God who

dwells IN you NOW because of Christ. Though you may be living daily in the true

Gospel about the “MESSENGER” of God.

God has not left you in this earth to build a life/soul for yourself and yours.

Those are to be as the by-products and rewards for faithful service. But our service to

God is to continue the

work of His Son, as we are NOW God's Sons and Daughters as well. The mission has

not changed. We are the ones left on this earth to prove to the world that the New

Covenant kingdom of God is STILL “at hand, near to you, come to you” NOW, in


The Gospel concerning the MEDIATOR is hidden from the lost because Satan

has blinded their Observer MINDS. We preach that Gospel of Jesus' life, work, and

purpose concerning the manner of a re-birth. This Gospel is the introduction. Its

importance is immeasurable. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life OF

“God” MANifest, or conveyed to the, likeness of a man so that we can have an


example and assurance that living a life on earth that is pleasing to God is

POSSIBLE. How? As Jesus of Nazareth did... BY AND THROUGH THE


Furthermore, Jesus, who purchased our salvation through His own blood, has

never left us. He is available to us 24/7, through the indwelling Holy Spirit. But He

has not taken up residence within us to merely keep us company until we die. He is

not here to be God's BABY-sitter, but to lead His army of Holy Brothers and Sisters

in violent warfare against those darkness-clad enemies of mankind, who work day

and night to keep men bound in their ignorance of GOD'S Presence, and destitute of

Authority and Power.

Beyond keeping a human SOUL lost, or ignorant of Christ, there is one thing

that Satan strives to blind CHRISTIANS’ Observer Minds to. If a SOUL does accept

Christ, he or she is no real danger or threat to Satan as long as that believer remains a

child. Better yet, even an INFANT spiritually. For he can still govern the affairs of

their lives.

What Satan does not want you to know and actively believe, is WHERE

GOD TRULY RESIDES, and that you do not have to “SEND” YOUR



When a person is having a dream, events seem “removed” or distant. Most


Christians have not been fully awakened from the slumber of their human mind's

slumber OUTSIDE of the originally created state of SPIRITual consciousness. Their

awareness of God and Jesus is more like a dream than wide awake, exciting reality.

Satan, the god of this world, is fully responsible for that blurred haze that causes

heaven to be “far off” in SPACE, and “far off” in TIME. A Christian who does not

WALK WITH AND LIVE WITH GOD NOW is no threat to Satan's kingdom IN


Preach about Jesus and God all you want. Satan cares little, he has vast

numbers of "seducing spirits" preaching daily in Christian pulpits. Whatever sermon

they can come up with that further buries the Gospel OF the PRESENT/NOW

kingdom of God which Jesus was sent to preach as the BACKBONE of God's

present covenant with man, they will pull from the scriptures.

Knowing scripture/Logos does not give you authority in the spirit, or against

spiritual forces. A display of specialized skill with scripture does not signify

possession of divine anointing or possession of spiritual capacity. Cleverness is not a

substitute for evidence of holiness or Wisdom from God. Even if he accurately uses

or quotes a few scriptures, Satan is a liar, and his purpose IS ALWAYS TO


which is a SPIRIT, in itself.

When God "said" anything, it was appropriate to a specific moment and

circumstance, and according to God's specific INTENTION in that situation. That is


a definition of upper-case "T" Truth. That Truth may contain a PRINCIPLE of God

that may apply to millions of moments in the earth, but the mature Son or Daughter

will never take that for granted that the principle is a stand-alone just because God

once said it, or said it 25,000 times in similar circumstances. The wise heart discerns

BOTH the TIME, and JUDGMENT, knowing that God alone determines both.

When you see the word "truth" in the Bible, keep in mind that Truth IS a

SPIRIT.40 The useful-to-the-kingdom mature offspring of God is proven to be able to

"rightly DIVIDE the Word of Truth," from that which may be merely "true," or even

lies. God's mature Sons and Daughters are no longer the "children" of God. Read and

understand Heb 5:10-14 (and 6:1-2), and Jn 2:12-14; Rom 8:14; II Tim 2:15.

Notice their difference in meaning from Rom 8:16.

God's kingdom is a spiritual kingdom, not an earthly kingdom. His "kingdom"

exists in only ONE PLACE – the Hearts of people. Too many of God's people have

settled for the weak and spiritually effete kingdoms of religious ORGANIZATIONS;

headed by mostly well-meaning men and women. That is not to say that they are evil

or against God. They are simply SPIRITUALLY blind. When Jesus' disciples met

some who worked in Jesus' name, but did not walk with them, He said, "Forbid him

not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak

of me. For he that is not against us is on our part."41

40 I Jn 5:6 41 Mk 9:38-40


There is only ONE HEAD of the living-on-earth physical body of Christ.

Though the body of Christ has a physical presence or manifestation on the earth,

the actual body "OF" Christ – the CHURCH – is 100% SPIRIT. We are all ONE

"IN" Spirit. The spiritual entity is yet a literal habitation of Christ THROUGH

the physical bodies of those born again on earth.

When your Observer MIND is fully congruent with the MIND OF CHRIST

which dwells within your human spirit, and you do not waver in that attitude, the

core and crown Jewel of your Soul/Self – your human WILL – becomes the Living

Will of God in your instant moment in Time, the "world" where Satan rules as

the "god of this age." Satan is defeated by the Authority that is in Christ, as you

STAND IN HIS STEAD! IF you resist the Devil by standing STEADFAST AND

UNMOVABLE, under the direction of your HEAD – Jesus – Satan will flee from

you; for a more convenient time.

When Jesus of Nazareth reached maturity, at the age of thirty, His mind was

firmly set upon unwaiverable commitment to “every Word [Rhema] that proceeded

out of the mouth of God.” This human vessel, made of a woman, was fully MAN

(though prepared by God as a One-of-a-kind man, lacking the “seed” of fallen

Adam). Jesus laid down His personal WILL to God’s purpose, SYMBOLICALLY

entombing it in a watery grave in the Jordan River – that river that marks the

“crossing-over” from an old life, and the beginning of a new one. That empty-of-

SELF/PERSONAL-will man, raised His BODY up from that grave of the “old man,”

to create a space for GOD to dwell.


Jesus of Nazareth was the first MAN of God’s New Covenant with man. The

human will is the commander of the SOUL. By emptying His SOUL of personal

WILL, Jesus’ Soul became the FIRST HOUSE OF GOD ON EARTH. Jesus’ SOUL

and His human SPIRIT became indistinguishable from one another. The very

“fulness of the Godhead” – Father, Word, and Holy Spirit – dwells IN Him

BODILY!42 Jesus of Nazareth was declared the “SON OF GOD” on that day.43

It is important to note here, that after this event of God tabernacling within the

very being of MAN in the earth, His presence has never visited any earthly structure

or “temple” since. The ONLY time that God’s personal Presence is in a building of

any purpose, is when a man or women bearing His Person is within the building.

YOU, saint, are the Temple or House God DWELLS IN.44 For this very reason,

Jesus preached that the kingdom of heaven/God is LITERALLY “AT



After Jesus’ baptism and the tabernacling of God within Him through the

“Body” of God – the Holy Spirit – Jesus did in forty days what even the most

spiritually-awakened and devoted of us can achieve only through years of

temptations – most of which result in our failures. Those failures will be

temporary IF one remains focused upon Christ in the inner man.

Throughout His temptation by the Devil in the wilderness, Jesus responded

42 Col 2:9 43 Ps 2:17; Act 13:33; Heb 1:5, 5:5 44 Act 7:48, 17:24; I Cor 3:16; II Cor 6:16; Eph 2:21-22; I Pet 2:5


from His Observer Mind with a word of scripture (Jesus Himself being the vessel of

the Word OF/FROM “GOD” - NOT “scripture”). He did not simply “quote” a

verse of Logos from memory. He was not only “LED BY the Spirit” INTO the

wilderness, but He was also LED BY the Holy Spirit as to exactly which Logos

Word to SPEAK, converting that Logos INTO Rhema - the SWORD of the


This is made clear to us through Jesus' first response to Satan's temptation.

Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY RHEMA THAT

PROCEEDS [in the instant moment out of ONLY ONE PLACE/MOUTH] OUT



“God” is a SPIRIT, therefore God's “Physical” BODY... mouth, hands,

finger,46 feet, etc., IS Spirit. For this reason, Jesus taught us to “take no

THOUGHT what you shall speak. For IT IS NOT YOU THAT SPEAK, but the


can God make it to us, yet believers still depend upon the construct of their OWN

intellect to speak in God’s behalf?48 Also, when the Old Testament prophets

said, “Thus says the Lord...,” the anointing Spirit Himself actually directed the

tongue of that prophet, as Samuel stated clearly in II Sam 23:2: “The SPIRIT of the

45 Eph 6:17 46 Lk 11:20 47 Mat 10:19-20; Mk 13:11; Lk 12:11-12; 21:14. 48 See Is 30:21; 59:21; II Sam 23:2


Lord spoke BY me, and HIS Word was 'IN' MY [!]TONGUE.” Paul declared this

same thing in I Cor 14:14-15, saying, “For if I pray in an unknown tongue, MY

SPIRIT prays, but my UNDERSTANDING is unfruitful,” or that his intellectual,

mental processes were useless and uninvolved. Every believer today who prays in

tongues will testify to this same thing.

ONLY by the Living Word of God can you sever the power of Satan, and

ONLY through winning petition BEFORE GOD'S THRONE within your

spirit/heart, can you receive the grant of a decree of divine Authority OVER the

Devil's authority which he won by trickery, deceit, or just plain brute force over

another human SOUL.

Read this from verse 18 of Ephesians, chapter six. “Praying always with all

prayer and supplication IN THE SPIRIT, and watching there unto [in the Spirit]


individual] SAINTS.”

Defeating temptation is the crux of maturing in the Christian life. The tempter

is Satan – the same who spoke to Eve in Eden. He comes “to steal, and to kill, and to

destroy.”49 He can come threateningly with a startling roar of a lion, arousing a spirit

of fear in the hearts and minds of God 's spiritually immature children, or can appear

49 Jn 10:10


as an angel of light, ministering in sweet, alluring words from a pulpit, where the

seriousness of internal spiritual warfare “AGAINST principalities, powers, the rulers

of the darkness [spiritual blindness] of this world, and wicked spirits in high places,”

is not taught. Study II Cor 11:13-15, carefully. Also, I Pet 5:8-10; Eph 6:12 (10-


“But every man is tempted, when HE IS DRAWN AWAY OF/BY HIS

OWN LUST, AND ENTICED.”51 What about this “lust”? Do not be lulled by the

Devil to perceive “lust” as being some super-strong urge within only your physical

BODY. Yes, it can be that irrepressible and overpowering force. But that which is lust

and more deeply hidden, or less obvious, is the subtle and innocent appearing wants

of the I, me, mine Voice of your carnal mind of your SOUL. It can be as simple and

disguised as that impulse to buy that really ingenious or cute gadget that SHOUTS to

you from the T.V. screen.

The lust propensity is that never-ending cry from that part of you – your

CARNAL self – which knows only that which is OUTSIDE of itself, and perceived from

the experience of the physical senses, whether immediate, or by memory. The overall

intention, motivation, and alignment of the CORE OF THE CARNAL MIND, is to

survive in THIS WORLD by getting and controlling that which (or whom) it finds

pleasurable. A bully receives pleasure through hurting or controlling his or her victims.

Therefore, do not misdefine what is “pleasurable.”

50 Study II Cor 11:13-15; I Pet 5:8-10; Eph 6:12 (10-18) carefully. 51 Js 1:14


The Observer Self – your True, “accountable” Self – is “DRAWN

AWAY” INTO THE CARNAL sELF, BY the enticer, who can “take one captive

at his will.”52 Your carnal mind, carnal “old man,” is literally the “WORLD” that the

Devil rules. He is not the god over the earth.

What is “the WORLD”? It is an expression of “organization,” as designed

through the perceptions of man’s MIND, and implemented and orchestrated through

the various cultures and philosophies (which are collectives of minds of men,

amassed to produce the result of a “super mind,” that exists by its own life,

OUTSIDE of the minds of the individual SOULS through which it draws its


Having said that, the most important “world” a Christian should become aware of,

is that which has been created BY his or her I, me, my Old, long-time self. BEFORE...

in the speed of the thought world, or “speed of thought” BEFORE the True You

Observer Self can acknowledge that a thought has “entered,” that thought is already

very, very “old.” Any thought. Every thought.

Actually, if you are not attuned to the Voice of the Spirit, every thought you

“receive” has already gone under a very lengthy, detailed, and complex “processing” by

the supporting minds of your SOUL – sensory “interpretation,” logic, reason,


52 II Tim 2:26


occurs within approximately 1/10,000 of a second in “real” time, but is without

any perceived lapse to the Observer You.

Keep in mind that the core of your carnal mind' s ONLY concern is getting

and controlling (owning) that which satisfies, even potentially, its own desires. The

issue here is “MY WORLD,” or “MY WORLD.” My WORLD places an automatic

premium VALUE upon MY family, not yours. MY daily sustenance (“My” always

includes MY LOVED ONES!) has more meaning and worth to ME (family included)

than does the daily sustenance of that janitor who works at night at the grocery store.

These examples are endless.

If we are not attuned to the Mind of Christ within us, we do not see True

Reality. We only see the “WORLD.” This is the world that we are repeatedly warned

throughout the scriptures to avoid. It is impossible to see what is before you in the

earth without the Spirit of GOD'S eyes. The “world” is your world INSIDE YOUR


We are told in Gal 5:16, “Walk [through your life] IN THE SPIRIT, and

you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” The Spirit will remind you that you do

not NEED that impulsive gadget or cute thing that you WANT, and. if you hold

on to that money, that same Holy Spirit will reveal to you someone that HE is

looking at and hearing, who is in a desperate NEED of that money. Who. knows? It

may be even you yourself who can 't afford to increase your credit card debt!


Satan is the god of the world created by the minds of men. He works in broad

sweeps by placing the most deceitfully corrupt men or women in positions of

authority within world systems. Yet he works through his rulers of the

darkness/ignorance of this WORLD, in the daily lives of individual persons. The

carnal mind of every SOUL is Satan's ally – even his child.

Jesus did not speak idly in Jn 8:43-44, when He said to “those Jews WHICH

BELIEVED ON HIM” (vs 31), “Why do you not understand my speech? Even because

you cannot hear MY word. You are of YOUR

FATHER THE DEVIL, and the LUSTS of your father you will do...” Jesus

used the word “Truth” four times in verses 44-46, and said in verse 47, “He

that is of God HEARS GOD’S RHEMA: you therefore hear them not,

because you are not of God.”

Any believer in Christ who takes his pursuit of knowing God seriously, knows

that even though he is born again, there is STILL an “old” side of himself actively

pursuing dominance within the SOUL. Paul spoke plainly of this war going on within

his SOUL, even after years of faithfulness at Christ's side, in Romans 7:23 (14-25).

Those Jews in John, chapter eight, believed on Jesus. Yet Jesus declared to

them that the Devil was their father. What defined their condition, according to

Jesus? Two things: (1) their LUSTS and resulting deeds and (2) their inability to

HEAR the Truth, which IS spirit in source and nature. Jesus called Truth “God's

WORDS” - Rhema - in verse 47

Both the natural man and the new man reside within each born again

believer. That will not change until one departs from the body. “But the natural man

[carnal mind] RECEIVES NOT [because of Rom 8:6;7] the THINGS OF THE


SPIRIT OF GOD: for they are foolishness53 unto him: neither CAN HE KNOW


Living, in-the-instant Rhema, must be discerned through the “SPIRIT of YOUR

MIND,” which is your Observer Mind/Self. 54

Your Observer Mind/Self is positioned BETWEEN your Mind of Christ, and your

Mind of the flesh – carnal mind. You CAN “hear” God's Voice – the Spirit of Truth – if

you learn to look INWARD, away from your normal, first-born, old mind and its

prejudiced view of that which is presented before you in the EARTH. Listen for God's

“still small voice,” which is always gentle, as described in detail in Jas 3:17.

53 Rom 1:21-22 54 Eph 4:23; I Cor 2:14



Anointing, 6, 7 CARNAL MIND, 1, 27 Force, 2 Logos, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 24 Power, 2, 19 Rhema, 1, 4, 5, 23, 24 SOUL, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15,

16, 19, 23, 26, 27

Spirit God's Spirit, 3, 5 Holy Spirit, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 19, 23,

24 Human Spirit, 3, 23


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