a review of the past year for the annual general meeting march 2nd 2015

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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  • A review of the past year for the Annual General Meeting March 2nd 2015
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  • Who are we? A voluntary association of people which promotes action to: Relieve severe poverty in less developed countries, and to: Curb climate change.....
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  • Or to put it positively We call for action to: End severe poverty, promote economic justice, and to: Provide a sustainable future, for all, for ever!
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  • Where did we come from? Our grouping can be traced back to: Tyneside Jubilee 2000 (1997); Jubilee Debt Campaign NE (2001); and Trade Justice Movement NE (03)
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  • Where did we come from? I In 2005, the Jubilee Debt Campaign NE committee merged into an expanded grouping to support : MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY Trade Justice Drop the Debt More and better Aid
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  • Now were called NorthEast Call to Action On Global Poverty and Climate Change ( NE-CAP*) And its our fourth birthday! * With apologies to GCAP, the Global Call to Action on Poverty
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  • NorthEast Call to Action Highlights of the year
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  • NorthEast CALL TO ACTION Horizon Co-sponsored by NE-CAP & Tearfund 7.30-9.30pm, Tuesday 25th March Newcastle University Chaplaincy, Led by Sarah Wiggins & Billie Anderson An attempt to both 'stand back' from our usual concerns and to start a 'Conversation' asking bigger questions about values. to listen, to ask questions and to explore the bigger issues together. And it led to our Eco-Congregations initiative
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  • The passing of Bill Peters and Martin Dent Co-Founders of Jubilee 2000, (seen here at Journey to Justice, Birmingham 2008)
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  • Bill Peters, Debt Campaigner Extraordinary 28th Sept, 1923 29 th March, 2014 Bill Peters (left of image), with David Golding, en route to the G8 in Genoa in 2001
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  • Bill Peters I resolved to work tirelessly William (Bill) Peters CMG CVO MBE, distinguished diplomat and debt campaigner extraordinary, died on 29th March, aged 90. Bill was born on 28th September 1923, in Morpeth, Northumberland, and attended King Edward IV Grammar School in the town. I became aware of the debt crisis in Malawi in 1983 and I resolved to work tirelessly to bring world-wide awakening to the sheer injustice and error involved. That was a resolution he kept - with a vengeance! For further details, see Statement of Appreciation by David Golding, prepared at request of Jubilee Debt Campaign UK go to http://ne-calltoaction.org.uk/?m=201404
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  • Martin Dent Author of Brand Jubilee 1925 - 2014 The Tiv people of Nigeria made Martin an Honorary Tribal Chief, and their official Conciliator!
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  • Dr Martin Dent OBE a humanitarian giant and the author of Brand Jubilee Martin Dent - inspirational, visionary, fantastic academic, true philanthropist, and "great English eccentric - died on Saturday 3rd May 2014, aged 89. In 1990, students at Keele University trooped forward after one of his Politics lectures to sign a petition for his Jubilee 2000 campaign (as he had just entitled it), calling for the cancellation of the unpayable debts of poor countries by the year 2000. The petition went on to attract over 24 million signatures, from 166 countries, a double world record! Nor that the campaign would secure the cancellation of $130 billion of debt, for 35 countries. For further details, see Statement of Appreciation by David Golding, prepared at request of Jubilee Debt Campaign UK go to 2 nd item at http://ne-calltoaction.org.uk/?m=201406
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  • End Hunger Fast March/April 2014 North East CALL FOR ACTION calls for support to End Hunger Fast in the UK The charge we lay at the governments door is that it has failed to protect the poorest and most vulnerable.
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  • European Elections, May 2014 Questions for Candidates CLIMATE CHANGE Climate policies in line with the two degree Celsius goal need to aim for substantial emission reductionsThis is the clear message of the science. ( Professor Ottmar Edenhofer, Co-Chair of Working Party III (Mitigation of Climate Change) of the IPCC) Our question: Do you accept this clear message, and will support such climate policies? For other questions, responses and commentary, go to: http://ne-calltoaction.org.uk/?m=201405
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  • NorthEast CALL TO ACTION CAFOD Campaigns Energiser Day, Friday 4 th July Clement Stephenson Lecture Theatre, Newcastle University Antony Mbandi Director of CAFOD partner Caritas Kitui, Kenya Hear first-hand about the impact of climate change in Kenya, and how green energy projects are transforming peoples lives.
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  • NorthEast CALL TO ACTION CELEBRATE the Great North Run its astonishing charitable endea vours St Thomass Church, Haymarket, Saturday 6th September, 4.30-5.15 & 5.45-6.30pm Special Guests Paul Brannen MEP, Prof Richard Davies, Judith Kirton-Darling MEP, Chi Onwurah MP, Cllr Anita Lower & Bishop Frank White Campaign Meeting, with Sarah-Jayne Clifton & Paul Brannen MEP Light Refreshments Fifth Annual Service of Blessing Preacher, Rt Revd Frank White, Revd Catherine Lack presiding
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  • Eve-of-Run Events
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  • Jubilee Debt Campaign @ Newcastle University Great North Run, Sunday 6th Sept An amazing experience, Really great, Hugely appreciated Over 172,500 raised over past 12 years! Half to JDC, and half for the fight against HIV/AIDS And the care of AIDS widows and orphans
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  • Shattered but triumphant at finish L-r, Harriet Turner, Meghan Rossuck, & Max Martin
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  • Photographer, Dr Tim Kenny, & Veteran of Run, Revd Roger Mills
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  • North Region Fairtrade Supporter Conference Fairtrade: a Grassroots Revolution Jonathan Smith Joint Head of Campaigns at Fairtrade Foundation Saturday 20th September, 11.00am 4.00pm Sunderland Stadium of Light The first North Region Fairtrade Supporter Conference, to celebrate 20 years of the Fairtrade Mark and recognise the contribution of Fairtrade supporters.
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  • Climate Action, March & Rally Saturday, 20 th Sept, Monument, Newcastle Gathering petition signatures Sunday, 21 st September Central Library, Northumberland St & Civic Centre March and Rally
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  • Jubilee Debt Campaign NorthEast at Newcastle University CALL TO ACTION The second NEWCASTLE JUBILEE DEVELOPMENT LECTURE Thursday 27th November, 2014, at 5.30pm Curtis Auditorium, Newcastle University MR KEVIN WATKINS Executive Director of the Overseas Development Institute Challenges in expanding opportunity in education With John Grundy, writer and broadcaster Special Guest, H.E. Mr Joslyn Raphael Whiteman High Commissioner of Grenada Chair, Professor Chris Brink, Vice-Chancellor
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  • New Patrons for NE-CAP I am delighted to be a patron of North East Call to Action (NE-CAP). Its work on global poverty and climate change is vitally important and offers real inspiration and encouragement to us all to be engaged (Rt Revd Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham). I am proud to support such a powerful principled organization campaigning against poverty and climate change, making a good contribution to society and narrowing the ever-widening economic and social inequalities (Beth Fahrat, Regional General Secretary, TUC). I became very involved in the Jubilee for Justice campaign, which culminated in the presentation of our efforts to Number 10 Downing Street. I have since become a robust campaigner for the Living Wage I feel genuinely honoured to be asked to be a patron and will do my bit to help the aims of NE-CAP (Guy Opperman, Conservative MP for Hexham).
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  • The Labour Partys Greetings Card, sent to about 1,000 contacts in the region, December 2014
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  • The Labour Partys Greetings Card - and on the back This card supports North East CALL TO ACTION on global poverty and climate change (NE-CAP). NE-CAP is a non-party political, voluntary association which promotes action to relieve poverty in less developed countries, and to curb climate change. We call for action to promote economic justice and provide a sustainable future, for all, for ever.
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  • NorthEast Call to Action Good News 1 Global child deaths down by more than half since 1990! But 17,000 under-fives still dying needlessly each day is 17,000 too many! Good News 2 Jubilee Debt Campaign secures $100+ for Ebola-hit countries! Good News 3 Massive vote in UN General Assembly (124:11) for new international law to curb Vulture Funds But UK one of the 11 against! Thank you, thank you, thank you! (Archbishop Desmond Tutu to NE-CAP in 2006)
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  • UN delegates applaud as the resolution passes at the General Assembly
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