a mercy to the world

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaywa aalay wa sallam) a mercy

    to the worlds.

    Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaywa aalay wa sallam) a mercy

    to the worlds.

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    Rasulullah (SAW) mended his own clothes.Never asking his wives to do it.

    He milked the goats himself for family use orto sell.

    Whenever he came home and did not seefood ready to eat,

    he folded up his sleeves to help his wifecook.

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    Sayidatina 'Aisyah relates:If Nabi s home he ll always help in

    the household chores

    If he hears Azan, he quickly got readyto go to the mosque and will return as

    soon as the prayer is completed.

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    O nce he came back early in the morning.

    He must be hungry at that time.But he saw nothing for breakfast

    There was no uncooked food either as Aishahas not gone to market

    So Nabi askedIs there any breakfast O Khumaira?"

    (Khumaira is a loving name given to

    Sayidatina 'Aisyah which means one who isreddish.)

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    Aisyah ,feeling guilty, replied ,, Aisyah ,feeling guilty, replied ,,Nothing yet O Rasulullah." Nothing yet O Rasulullah."

    Rasulullah then said,Rasulullah then said,If that s the case, Ill just fast todayIf that s the case, Ill just fast today." ."

    Without a sign of disappointment on his face.Without a sign of disappointment on his face.

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    Rasuluulah ever said,The best man is one who s best and gentle

    to his wife."

    He must exhibit care, patience and love asthe head of the family.

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    O nce Rasulullah (SAW) became the Imam in a

    prayer.His companions noticed that his movementsfrom one action to another was with dififulcty.

    They even heard sounds as if the joints in hisnoble body is rubbing against each other.

    As soon as Salat was completed:Sayidina Umar who could not bear see him in

    that condition asked him

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    O Rasulullah, we see as if you are suffering

    from a terrible condition, are you sick O Rasulullah?" No, O Umar.

    Alhamdulillah, I am healthy and fresh" O Rasulullah... why is it every time you move

    your body we hear as if your joints are rubbingagainst each other? We are sure you are sickUmar insisted anxiously.

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    F inally Rasulullah lifted his shirt.The companions were shocked.

    His stomach was flat,they saw it tied with a cloth filled with pebbles,to control his hunger.The stones were the ones making the soundswhenever he moved.O Rasulullah, is it that if you tell us that you arehungry and have no food,

    we will not get it for you, Sir?

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    O nce, Rasulullah (SAW), without feelingawkward, eat beside a poor, dirty man infected

    with skin disease.He patiently and quietly endured when a Bedoun

    harshly tugged at his shirt until there was redmarks on his neck.

    And with humility, he cleaned the spot where theBedioun urinated in the mosque before gently

    criticising his actions.

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    His great love for Allah (SWT) and hisservitude to Him rejects any sense of

    mastership So much so that this gift from Allah is not a

    reason for him to feel grander than others,whether in public or alone.While the doors of paradise are open widely

    for him,

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    he still stood up in the stillness of night he still stood up in the stillness of night continuously worshipping,continuously worshipping,until once, he felluntil once, he fell

    due to swollen legsdue to swollen legsHis physical body could not withstand hisHis physical body could not withstand hisgreat spiritual desire.great spiritual desire.

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


    When Sayidatina 'Aisyah asked,

    "O Rasulullah, haven t you been guaranteedParadise ? Then why do you still go through thisdifficulty? He repiled lovingly,

    O 'Aisyah, am I not a servant? Indeed I wish to be His grateful servant."

  • 8/9/2019 A Mercy to the World


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