a low-dimensional hillslope-based catchment model for … · model for layered groundwater flow:...

Post on 11-Sep-2018






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UNIVERSITÉ DU QUÉBEC À MONTRÉAL Service des bibliothèques


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Low flow prediction is a sensitive element in watershed management. During these periods, baseflow can become a major component of the hydrological response of a catchment. The groundwater flow component in catchment-based hydrological models is often oversimplified, if existent at ail. This is generally due to a lack of detailed aquifer characterization, combined with significant additional computational cost for groundwater flow modules. In this thesis the focus is on developing a sparse-parameter, low- dimensional, and computationally efficient yet accurate model for layered groundwater flow. The proposed model has stand-alone uses, but it also designed with a view to incorporation into land surface-based hydrological models.

For subsurface flow on a local scale, the transient-state hillslope-storage Boussinesq (hsB) model (Troch et al., 2003; Paniconi et al., 2003) is selected and coupled with a steady state analytic element (AE) model (Strack, 1989; Haitjema, 1995) representing deep, two­dimensional (horizontal) regional groundwater flow. The coupling approach involves relaxing the no-flow boundary at the hillslope bottom for the hsB model and introducing a Darcy-type leakage term, representing vertical fluxes through a hypothetical aquitard. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of leakage beyond its classical application in horizontal and infinite aquifers, leakage driving factors such as hillslope planform geometry, base inclination, aquifer properties, and boundary conditions are evaluated by means of a three-dimensional Richards equation based model (Paniconi and Putti, 1994; Camporese et al., 2010). The principal observations from this analysis are i) leakage can generally percolate in both directions, partitioning the hillslope into three distinct zones of downward leakage (upgradient), upward leakage (downgradient), and a transition zone in between; ii) hillslope inclination and planform geometry are the driving forces of the leakage partitioning, with an especially large proportion of upward leakage occurring in convergent hillslopes. These findings are used in the iterative coupling implementation for the hsB/AE model, where each hillslope unit and its underlying deep aquifer is subdivided into three zones of constant leakage. The hsBIAE model is tested on a set of hypothetical hillslopes and a two-hillslope open-book catchment. Comparisons with the results of the Richards equation model demonstrate, in addition to computational efficiency, i) generally good matches in terms of hydraulic heads, leakage rates, and outflow patterns; ii) best results for low and mildly inclined hillslopes of uniform and divergent geometry; iii) reasonable matches in terms of cumulative outflow volumes for the open-book catchment. Deviations from the Richards model are attributed to i) the missing unsaturated zone representation in the hillslope aquifer; ii) the Dupuit-Forchheimer assumption the AE model is based on neglecting resistance to vertical flow in the deep aquifer. An application of the hsBIAE model on a 30 km2 headwater catchment located in southern Quebec concludes this thesis. The model reproduces reasonably weil the baseflow at the catchment outlet during low-flow periods. However, significant deviations are observed during peak flOW events, for the reasons mentioned above.


The research described in this thesis represents a first implementation of a catchment scale low-dimensional model constructed on the basis of commonly accepted conceptualizations of shallow subsurface flow in hillslopes on the one hand and deeper groundwater flow in aquifers on the other, taking account of the interactions between these two units via a carefully analyzed leakage process. Some of the limitations in this first implementation can be readily surmounted, for instance by incorporating unsaturated zone extensions of the hsB model (e.g., Hilberts et al., 2005) and transient flow versions of the AE model (e.g., Kuhlman and Neuman, 2009). These efforts are left for future research.

Keywords: hillslope hydrology, leakage, Boussinesq equation, Richards equation, analytic elements, layered aquifer systems, model coupling


La prevlSlOn des débits d'étiage est une question importante dans la gestion des bassins versants. Pendant les périodes de basses eaux, l'écoulement de base peut devenir une composante majeure des débits en rivière. Dans les modèles hydrologiques, la composante de l'écoulement souterrain est souvent très simplifiée. Ceci découle le plus souvent d'une caractérisation insuffisante des aquifères et les temps de calculs prohibitifs des modèles intégrant de manière complète l'écoulement souterrain. Cette thèse développe un modèle représentant les écoulements souterrains peu profonds et profonds qui nécessitent peu de paramètres et dont les calculs sont efficaces et fiables. Le modèle proposé peut être utilisé à la place d'un modèle d'écoulement souterrain en différences finies ou en éléments finis, mais il a été conçu dans le but d'être incorporé à un modèle hydrologique de bassin versant.

Le modèle d'écoulement transitoire de versant "hillslope-storage Boussinesq" (hsB) (Troch et al, 2003, Paniconi et aL, 2003) est sélectionné pour représenter l'écoulement souterrain peu profond à l'échelle locale. Le modèle hsB est couplé avec le modèle GLOW d'écoulement permanent basé sur la méthode des éléments analytiques (EA) (Strack, 1989; Haitjema, 1995) qui représente l'écoulement régional profond 2D horizontal. L'approche de couplage utilisée nécessite d'intégrer un terme de percolation à la base du modèle hsB. Ce terme de percolation est représenté par un flux vertical de Darcy à travers un aquitard hypothétique séparant le versant local de l'aquifère 2D régional. Afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs contrôlant la percolation, les facteurs tels que la géométrie du versant, l'inclinaison de la base, les propriétés des aquifères et les conditions limites sont évalués à l'aide d'un modèle 3D basé sur l'équation de Richards (Paniconi et Putti, 1994 ; Camporese et al., 2010).

Les observations principales de cette analyse sont: i) l'eau peut circuler vers le bas ou vers le haut entre les aquifères de peu profonds et profonds et séparer les versants en trois zones distinctes: une zone de flux descendant à l'amont, une zone de flux descendant à l'aval et une zone de transition entre les deux; ii) ('inclinaison des versants et leur géométrie déterminent la partition des flux échangés. Ces résultats sont utilisés dans la mise en œuvre du couplage entre les modèles hsB et EA, où chaque versant et l'aquifère sous-jacent sont subdivisés en trois zones de percolation constante. Le modèle hsBIEA est testé sur différents types de versants et sur un bassin hypothétique formé de deux versants convergeant vers un cours d'eau. La comparaison avec les résultats d'un modèle numérique 3D basé sur l'équation de Richards et utilisé comme référence démontrent i) que les charges hydrauliques, les taux de percolation et les débits aux exutoires sont généralement bien simulés; ii) de meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus pour les versants peu ou très peu inclinés aux géométries uniformes et divergentes; iii) les débits cumulés sont simulés de manière convenable pour le bassin hypothétique.

Les écarts entre le modèle de référence sont attribués au fait que la zone non-saturée n'est pas représentée dans le modèle hsB et à l'hypothèse de Dupuit-Forchheimer du modèle EA qui néglige l'écoulement vertical dans la nappe profonde. Le fait que le modèle EA ne permette pas de simuler l'écoulement en régime transitoire est une autre limitation du modèle hsBIEA (e.g. Kuhlman et Neuman, 2009 ). Une application du modèle hsBIEA sur un bassin versant de 30 km2 situé dans la région de Covey Hill au sud du Québec a été réalisée. Dans cette application du modèle hsBIEA, les débits de base sont assez bien reproduits à l'exutoire du bassin versant pendant les périodes d'étiage.


Toutefois, des écarts importants sont observés au cours des débits de pointe. Les erreurs sur les charges sont également non négligeables dans les zones où un gradient vertical a été observé. Ces erreurs peuvent être attribuées en parties aux limitations du modèle développé.

Mots clés: hydrologie des versants, percolation, équation de Boussinesq, équation de Richards, éléments analytiques, eaux souterraines stratifié, modèle couplé

In Memoriam

Für meine Mutter und meinen Vater, in tiefsten Respekt und Liebe.

(Ta my mother and father with deepest respect and love.)


First and foremost, 1 would like to thank my advisor Marie Larocque for the success

of this dissertation. From the day 1 arrived at UQAM, your enthusiasm about ail facets of

hydrogeology have inspired me. During our countless discussions you were always a guide

for solving occurring problems, but also during discussions aside dissertation related subjects

1 could acquire important experiences for my personal and professional endeavours. Marie,

you made me realize how much potential 1 have and always challenged me to the limit in

order to make me improve.

Sincere thanks go to Claudio Paniconi, you have been an excellent co-advisor from the very

beginning. Aside from your many insightful contributions to my work, you taught me above

ail else to be precise in the communication of my ideas. This was especially evident in your

critique of my writing. 1 also appreciate your patience and willingness to work with me over

the last years. You were al ways available to answer my silly questions which 1 hadn't

carefully considered. It means a big deal for me to count as one of your graduates.

1 also want to thank Henk Haitjema from Bloomington University, Indiana, for his ongoing

effort of extending and improving his great modeling software, and for patiently explaining

elementary concepts to an analytic element novice like me.

1 appreciate the assistance of Sylvain Gagné, Lysandre Tremblay, Nadège Baptiste, and

Viorel Horoi for providing me with invaluable information about the study site, tirelessly

running countless simulations with the three-dimensional numerical model, and assisting me

with GIS pre-processing. Extended thanks go to Frédérik Toupin, who was al ways available

concerning anything related to coding and other software issues. Furthermore, 1also extend a

most grateful thank to Guillaume Houle at McGill university who provided me with insight

in efficient MATLAB coding and to fellow graduate Mauro Sulis at INRS-ETE for his help

and sharing his experiences of his very own graduate life with me.


My most gratitude must go to my wife Mélanie, for her love and devotion throughout my

graduate school years. From the beginning you have encouraged me to pursue my academic

goals. You have been unwaveringly supportive, despite the long hours and financial

sacrifices of graduate school. This thesis would certainly not exist without you.

To my farnily and friends in Canada, thank you for welcoming me into your Iife. You helped

me keep afloat arnidst the inevitable storms of graduate student's years, my Iife has been

enriched by your presence. To my friends in Germany, especially Constanze, Hajo, and

Danny, l thank you ail for not forgetting me and being tirelessly supportive, even though l

ran off thousands of miles away from you - Danke!

Thanks also go to the other members of my thesis jury, Laxmi Sushama (UQAM), Alain

Rouleau (UQAC) and Alain Tremblay (UQAM), granting me the possibility to defend my

thesis within a brief delay.

Last but not least, l would like to acknowledge that my research was funded by Ouranos and

the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (CRDPJ-319968-04) and

partially funded through a doctoral stipend of the FQRNT and a student stipend by GEC3 at

McGiIl Universi ty.








INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1

1.2 Research objectives 7

1.3 Outline of the dissertation 7



2.1 Introduction Il

2.2 Material and methods Il

2.2.1 Incorporation of the leakage term Il

2.2.2 Behavior of the hsB model with leakage 13

2.2.3 Model set-up for comparison of hsB and CATHY models 14

2.3 Results 15

2.4 Conclusions and outlook 18



3.2 Methodology 23

3.3. Results and dicussion 29

3.3.1 Hydraulic Properties 29 Leakage calculation methods and influence of aquifer conductivity (Case 1)

................................................................................................................................. 29 Aquitard conductivity (Case 2) 32 Aquitard thickness (Case 3) 33


3.3.2 Geometry 34 Hillslope inclination (Case 4) 34 Hillslope plan form shape (Case 5) 36 Hillslope length (Case 6) 37

3.3.3 Boundary conditions 38 Dirichlet BCs (Case 7) 39 Seepage face BCs (Case 8) 41 Recharge (Case 9) 42

3.3.4 Dimensional analysis 43

3.4 Conclusions 46



4.1. Introduction 50

4.2. Model description 52

4.3. Experimental designs 56

4.3.1 Single hillslopes 56

4.3.2 Open-book catchment 60

4.3.3 Model parameters 63

4.4. Results for the single hillslope experiments 65

4.4.1 Varying aquifer conductivity 65

4.4.2 Varying hillslope inclination 68

4.4.3 Varying planform geometry 71

4.5. Results for the open-book catchment... 74

4.5 Conclusions 78



5.1 Introduction 79

5.2 Study site 80

5.3 Data and methods 85

5.3.1 Input data 85

5.3.2 Hillslope delineation 89

5.3.3 Model parameterization 92


5.4 Results 94

5.4.1 Model calibration 94

5.4.2 Flows during the low flow period 97

5.5 Conclusions 101





Figure 2.1 Comparison of water table profiles at t = 50 days (a) and outflow rates (b) calculated with the hsB model for different constant leakage rates J3

Figure 2.2 Schematic of (a) the test hillslope, (b) discretization used for the CATHY model, and (c) vertical cross-section of the hillslope representation in the CATHY mode!. 14

Figure 2.3 Comparison of water table profiles calculated with hsB (black lines) and CATHY (red tines) for different hydraulic conductivities of the aquitard after (a) 1day, (b) 2 days, (c) 5 days, and (d) 10 days 16

Figure 2.4 Calculated outflow rates of CATHY (red lines) and hsB (black lines) for (a) 5% and (b) 0.2% hillslope inclination 17

Figure 2.5 Spatially averaged (dashed lines) vs spatially distributed (solid lines) leakage rates calculated by CATHY at t =5 days for different aquitard conductivities 17

Figure 3.1 (a) Vertical cross section of the layered hillslope aquifer showing, from top to bottom, the unconfined aquifer, the aquitard (shaded layer), and the confined aquifer; (b,c,d) Plan shapes and dimensions of the uniform (b), convergent (c), and divergent (d) hillslopes (not to scale). The labels "A", "B", and "C" show, respectively, the upslope, midslope, and downslope points used for the leakage outputs 25

Figure 3.2 (a) Storage profiles vs. distance (solid lines) in the unconfined aquifer and outflow vs. time (dotted line) for the base case simulation; the dashed line shows the initial water table height; (b) contour map of total heads and flow lines for a vertical cross section along

the length of the hillsJope at t = 10 d 28

Figure 3.3 Influence of aquifer conductivity on leakage, with comparison of different methods of calculating the leakage rate. Leakage calculation methods 1 and 3 are compared at (a) the upslope point ("A" in Figure 3.1), (b) the midsJope point ("B" in Figure 3.1), and (c) the downslope point ("C" in Figure 3.1) 31

Figure 3.4 Influence of aquitard conductivity on (a) leakage rates at the upslope point (positive values) and downslope point (negative values) and on (b) outflow 33

Figure 3.5 Leakage rates at the upslope (a), midslope (b) and downslope (c) points for different aquitard thicknesses 34


Figure 3.6 Effect of sI ope angle on (a) leakage rates at the upslope point (positive values) and downslope point (negative values) and on (b) outtlow. Cumulative leakage and outtlow volumes for the (c) 5% and (d) 30% sIope cases 36

Figure 3.7 Heads in the unconfined and confined aguifers, with the elevation of the top of the aguitard as a reference for the uniform (a), convergent (b), and divergent (c) hillslopes. Leakage rates along the hillslope (d) for the uniform, convergent, and divergent hillslopes at t= 10d 37

Figure 3.8 Results for a 1 km hillslope: (a) leakage rates at the upslope, midslope, and downslope points; (b) unconfined aguifer storage profiles at different times; the initial water table position is at 1 m height. 38

Figure 3.9 Leakage rates at the upslope (a) and downslope (b) points for five different prescriptions of Dirichlet boundary condition along the outtlow face 39

Figure 3.10 Outtlow (a) and unconfined agui fer storage profiles at different times (b) for three different prescriptions of Dirichlet boundary condition along the outtlow face 40

Figure 3.11 Leakage rates against (a) time (at the downslope point) and (b) distance (at f = 10

d) for three different prescriptions of seepage face boundary condition along the outflow face . ................................................................................................................................................ 41

Figure 3.12 Behavior of the exit point for the three different seepage face boundary conditions 42

Figure 3.14 Intluence of recharge on leakage rates at the upslope point (positive values) and downslope point (negative values) for slope angles of 30% (Ieft), 5% (middle), and 0.2%

(right). A recharge of 5 mm/d is applied during the first 10 d and between days 20 and 30.

The Iines in red show the drainage-only results presented in Figure 3.6 43

Figure 3.14 Intluence of agui tard conducti vity on the di mensionless hydrograph for a unifonn hillslope of a) 30% and b) 5% inclination and for hillslopes of 5% inclination with c) convergent and d) divergent planform geometries 45

Figure 4.1 Flow chart of the coupling process between the hsB and AE modeJs 56

Figure 4.2 Vertical conceptualization of the single hills)ope experiments (a) for the coupled hsB/AE mode1 and (b) for the benchmark model; (c), (d) and (e) show the uniform, convergent, and divergent planfonn shapes, respectively 58

Figure 4.4 Outtlow hydrographs for the hsBIAE and benchmark models for a drainage period of 10 days with an aguifer conductivity K of (a) 10.4 m S'I, (b) 10.5 m S·l and (c) 10.6 m S·I .. 65


Figure 4.5 Leakage rates along the hillslope for the hsBIAE and benchmark models at t= 10 d for an aquifer conductivity K of (a) 10.4 m S·I, (b) 10.5 m S-I and (c) 10-6 m S·I 66

Figure 4.6 Errors in heads in the hillslope aquifer at t= l,Sand 10 days (Ieft) and in the deep aquifer (right) at the end of a 10 days drainage period with aquifer conductivities K of (a) 10-4 m S-I, (b) 10-5 m S-I and (c) 10-6 m S'I 67

Figure 4.7 Simulated outflows from the hsB/AE and benchmark models for the open-book catchment. A coupling time step of t, = 5 d is used for the hsBIAE mode!. 74

Figure 4.8 Influence of the drainable porosity f on outflows calculated by the hsBIAE mode!

Figure 5.1 Localization of the Allen River catchment and map of surface water features and

for the open-book catchment.. 77

topographie contour lines 81

Figure 5.2 Bedrock geology of the study area (Coté et al., 2006) 82

Figure 5.3 Thickness of Quaternary sediments at the study site (Coté et al., 2006) 83

Figure SA Ratio of net Precipitation to total precipitation based on monthly averages 86

Figure 5.5 Ratio of baseflow to total f10w based on monthly and yearly averages 87

Figure 5.6 Daily observed rainfall and corresponding estimate of aquifer recharge 88

Figure 5.7 Total f10w and estimated baseflow at the Allen River catchment outlet. 89

Figure 5.8 a) Naturally delineated hills!opes and b) regularly-shaped numerical hillslopes extracted from the Allen River catch ment. 91

Figure 5.9 Nearfield and fmfield boundaries for the Allen River watershed mode!. 93

Figure 5.10 Simulated hsB/AE f10ws compared with total f10ws and Chapman baseflows for the April-October 2008 period 95

Figure 5.12 Simulated hsB/AE f10w for August 2008 compared with total outlet discharge and estimated baseflow. A statistical summary of the comparison between hsB/AE and the estimated baseflow is also given (RMSE = root mean squared error; ME = mean error; MD = maximum deviation) 98

Figure 5.13 Simulated hsBIAE f10w for September 2008 compared with total outlet discharge and estimated baseflow. The statistical measures are as defined for Figure 5.11 99


Figure 5.14 Simulated hsBIAE f10w for October 2008 compared with total out let discharge

and estimated baseflow. The statistical measures are as defined for Figure 5.11 (the values in

parentheses are for the period October 1-22) 100

Figure 5.15 Ratios of estimated baseflow to total measured discharge and hsB/AE model­

computed outflow to total measured discharge 101


Table 1.1 Summary of selected coupied groundwater and surface water models 4

Table 4.2 Deviations in transient and steady state heads, outflows, and leakage rates in the

Table 4.3 Deviations in transient and steady state heads, outflows, and leakage rates in the

Table 4.4 Deviations in transient and steady state heads, leakage rates, and outflows relative

Table 3.2 Summary description of the ten test cases 27

Table 4.1 Soil parameters used in hsB, the AE model and the benchmark mode!. 64

hsB/AE model relative to the benchmark model for three different hillslope inclinations..... 70

hsB/AE model relative to the benchmark for three different planform geometries 72

ta the benchmark model for the open-book catch ment. 76

Table 5.1 Characteristics of the 19 hillslopes extracted from the Allen River catch ment. ..... 92

Table 5.2 Calibrated parameters for the Allen River catchment... 97



1.1 Background

The availability and quality of water resources can be compromised, sometimes

irreversibly, by natural and anthropogenic factors such as climate change or excessive

exploitation of groundwater and surface water reservoirs. Such factors can have severe

impacts on, for instance, the recharge dynamics of an aquifer or the low tlow regime of a

river basins. A proper understanding of the continuous interactions between atmospheric,

surface, and subsurface components of the hydrological cycle is thus crucial to ensure the

sustainable use of water resources. Despite the strong interactions between surface and

subsurface waters, the management of these resources has traditionally focused on surface

water, soil water and groundwater as separate entities (Sophocleous, 2002; Winter et al.,

1998). As a result, simplified models are commonly used to represent groundwater tlow in

hydrological models used for tlood prediction and water resources management. However,

the imprecision associated with these models becomes a limiting factor during low tlow

periods when aquifers represent the major contributor to river tlow.

Various approaches for coupling groundwater models with surface flow models exist, and

can be separated into four categories: 1) fully-integrated distributed models, of which

examples include HydroGeoSphere (VanderKwaak and Sudicky, 1999; Therrien et al., 2005)

and CATHY (Paniconi and Putti, 1994; Camporese et al., 2010); 2) loosely coupied

groundwater and surface water models, e.g., SWAT and MODFLOW (Sophocleous and

Perkins, 2000); 3) extensions of existing surface water or land use models to include some

representation of groundwater tlow, e.g., ANSWERS (Bouraoui et al., 1997); and 4)


extensions of existing groundwater models to include some representation of surface water

Flow, e.g., MüDFLüW-WhaT (Thoms and Johnson, 2005). While the models in category

one are the most complex and physically-based, computational costs and calibration efforts

can be quite onerous. The models in the other categories simplify and/or neglect

compartments of the hydrological cycle and therefore the interactions between surface water

and groundwater bodies are less accurately represented. A summary of some selected coupied

models is presented in Table 1.1, wherein the physical descriptions of the surface and

subsurface Flow components and the interfaces between these components is briefly


The application of fully-coupled, integrated surface water/groundwater models (category J) is

generally not appropriate for large scale aquifer systems or river basins, since these models

require a large number of parameters to simulate surface and groundwater flow components,

and, as already stated, calibration and verification can be quite difficult. Moreover, numerical

accuracy, together with convergence and stability properties, are a function of the spatio­

temporal discretization and can thus lead to high computational costs. This can be a limiting

criteria for water management purposes. In category 2 models, Morita and Yen (2002)

applied an infiltrability term at the ground surface as a common internaI boundary condition.

This term describes the potential infiltration rate or infiltration capacity under the condition

of given surface water depth and soil water content just below the surface, and must be

compared with the available water supply. The authors report difficulties in the calibration

process which they attribute to the increased number of calibration parameters. Gunduz and

Aral (2005) solved surface and groundwater flow equations within one global matrix at once,

rather than solving separate matrices for each Flow domain, while improving the solution

iteratively. However, the unsaturated zone was neglected. They also rely on a lateral Flow pel'

channel length conceptualization that provides a link between the two systems. Sophocleous

and Perkins (2000) applied the hydrologic fluxes calculated by a semi-distributed agricultural

watershed model as boundary conditions in MüDFLüW. Although models in categories 3

and 4 are easier to develop, calibrate and run than fully-integrated models, the simplifications

inherent in these approachesmay render them inappropriate to simulation of the entire water

cycle. These simplifications are often related to the representation of groundwater Flow or of

surface/subsurface water interactions. Liang and Xie (2003) for example use a model which


is not based on groundwater f10w equations and is thus primarily used to study surface water

dynamics. Thorns and Johnson (2005) used a source/sink exchange flux to couple

groundwater and surface water f10w equations. The exchange term is evaluated using the

conductance concept, representing an interface between the two entities.

In surface-groundwater f10w coupling, the challenge lies in closing the gap between

computational efficiency, parameter demand and model accuracy. Hence the developmenl of

parsimonious yet accurate models describing the entire water cycle with a high degree of

parameter identifiability remains a major subject of current research. The basic concept of

models in category 2, i.e. taking advantage of strengths of existing models, appears to be

particularly promising. This is the direction followed in this thesis. This research is triggered

by the recently gaining recognition of hillslopes as fundamentaJ building blocks in

hydrological models on the watershed scale (e.g., Matonse and Kroll, 2009). A low­

dimensional hillslope model has recently been developed (Troch el al., 2003; Paniconi el al.,

2003) and subsequently extended to account for varying bedrock slopes and a partial

representation of the unsaturated zone (Hilberts el al., 2004; 2005). These models, derived

from the Boussinesq equation, are able to treat complex geometries in a simplified fashion by

introducing an averaging procedure over the width function in the lateral f10w direction, a

conceptualization also used by Fan and Bras (1998) for the kinematic f10w equation. The

resulting "hillslope-storage Boussinesq" (hsB), model collapses a three-dimensional hillslope

soil mantle to a one-dimensional computational space, thereby making the model very

efficient in terms of numerical parameterization and numerical resolution as weil as a good

alternative to higher dimensional, more detailed numerical models.


Table 1.1 Summary of selected coupIed groundwater and surface water models

Surface Flow Subsurface Flow Interface

Reference Dimension Equation Dimension Equation

Fully·integrated surface water and groundwater models (category 1)

Paniconi and

Pulli (/994)

Camporese el

al. (20/0)

Reggiani el al.

(/998; /999)

Therrien el al.


Therrien and

Sudicky (/996)


and Sudicky

( /999)


and Loague





Convection-ID (path­

based) overland and

channel tlow

diffusion equation

complemented with Manning­

3D unsaturaledl

saluraled Richards

Boundary condition­

based coupling

type relationship

Representative elementary watershed approach (REW): global balance laws for mass momentum and energy formulated on REW-scale (each REW is subdivided in five zones: unsaturated, saturated, saturated overland flow zone, concentrated

overland flow, channel reach); averaged direclly al REW scale, each REW is considered as a spatial unit represented by watershed scale parameters and

variables, and enables interaction between saturated zone and channel reaches

Diffusion-wave Dual nodes 3D 2D overland approximation unsaturatedl Richards (Darcy flux

of Saint-Venant saturated through th in equation interface layer)

1D Darcy and advection­

Diffusion-wave 3D variably dispersion2D Richards

equation saturaled equation describe fluxes

between continua

Surface node

represenl surface­

subsurface 2D overland 3D variable

Manning Richards domain flow saturated simultaneously


simulator is upper



Table 1 1 continued

Surface Flow Subsurface Flow Interface

Reference Dimension Equation Dimension Equation

Coupled existing groundwater and surface water models (category 2)

Gunduz and

Aral (2005)

Morita and




and Perkins


Arnold et al.


Vertically averaged

ID channel tlow

Saint Venant 20 mass



unconfined aquifer

2Doverland tlow

Noninertia approximation of

Saint Venant, written as 20 heat diffusion




Richards equation,

writlen as 3D heat

diffusion equation

Variable storage coefficient Mass

2Doverland method, 3D balance law

tlow Muskingum and Darcy

routing method

Extension of existing surface water models (category 3)

Modification of Use of non-ses curve steady-state

number method 2Doverland response of

(varies non- IDFlow gw-flow to

linearly From dry periodic

to wet at field recharge


Solving single global matrix

at once, linkage via lateral tlow


Using common boundary

condition of infiltration

through ground surface (i nfi Ilrability)

Recharge, tributary

inflows to

stream network,

irrigation and

evaporalion from shallow

groundwater is specified as




Via water balance for

shallow aquifer storage


Table 1.1 continued

Surface Flow Subsurface Flow Interface

Reference Dimension Equation Dimension Equation

Extension of existing surface water models (category 3) - continued

Mod ification Modified of dislributed

Boumoui el al.

(/997) 2D overland

tlow discharge-water

depth equation of 21) Darcy

approach parameters

surface Manning type nonpoint

source model


Liang and Xie


2D overland Flow

Linear routing scheme


infiltration capacity,

baseflow =

f(soil moisture in

Prescribed flux

across groundwater


lowest layer)

Extension of existing groundwater models (category 4)

Leaky stream bed,

Anderson 1D channel Dupuit Steady state, heterogeneity2D

(2005) Flow approxi mation confined of hydraulic

conductivity below stream

Effective Thoms and

Kinematic wave 3D variable conductivilyJohnson 2D overland Richards

approximation saturaled for overland (2005)

Flow cells


response Linear funclions

BoussinesqMuskingum relating

Iinearized Hanlush ID channel channel storage channel

ID form,(2005) Flow model, simple discharge and

unconfined mass balance stream-aqui fer

Flowequation discharge in

rates and volumes


Shallow subsurface flow processes in hillslopes are considered to occur from local to

catch ment scales. However, in many environments groundwater often flows more rapidly

near the surface and slower deeper in the aquifer. Cloke et al. (2003) indicated significant

interactions between hillslope aquifers and deep aquifers which are important for

understanding long-term subsurface flow responses (see also Tromp-van Meerveld and

Weiler, 2008 as well as Hopp and McDonnell, 2009). Therefore, a complete representation of

the subsurface, i.e. a layered groundwater flow system acting on the local and regional scales,

needs to be developed ail in keeping with the guiding principles of parameter sparsity and

computational efficiency.

1.2 Research objectives

The general objective of this dissertation is to propose a computationally efficient

watershed scale subsurface flow model for layered groundwater flow. The specifie objectives

are as follows: 1) ta investigate leakage processes in view of an extension of a Boussinesq

equation-based model to layered aquifers; 2) to couple the Boussinesq approach to a

groundwater flow model; 3) to test and compare the combined model with a benchmark by

means of numerical experiments and 4) to assess the model's ability to simulate observed

hydrographs and hydraulic heads on a real world eatchment. In future research work, the

proposed model will be coupied to a land surface model for representation of processes such

as evapotranspiration, surface runoff and interflow flow.

1.3 Outline of the dissertation

In Chapter 2 the hsB model is extended to allow for leakage from the hillslope

bottom and some preliminary numerical experiments on a uniform hillslope are conducted.

In Chapter 3 an extensive leakage evaluation is carried out with the three-dimensional

Richards equation mode!. Numerical experiments are conducted on hillslopes of different


planform shapes and inclinations as weil as different aquifer properties and boundary


Chapter 4 presents the combination of the hsB model with an analytic element (AE)-based

model, representing, respectively, shallow groundwater flow and deep regional groundwater

flow. The coupied hsB/AE model is tested on single hillslopes of different planform shapes,

inclinations, and aquifer properties, as weil as on a synthetic multi-hillslope catch ment of

1 km2 surface area. Leakage patterns, outflow hydrographs and groundwater levels are

compared to the three-dimensional Richards equation mode!.

Chapter 5 describes an application of the new combined model to a real catch ment. The study

area is a headwater catchment located within the transboundary (Québec/New York) regional

scale Châteauguay watershed. The 30 km2 catchment is delineated into multiple hillslopes.

The model is calibrated and validated on measured groundwater heads and baseflow rates.

In Chapter 6 the most significant results of this thesis are summarized and conclusions for

future research are drawn.

Preface to Chapter II

In the following chapter, the original hillslope-storage Boussinesq model is extended to

account for leakage through the hillslope base. The general behavior of the hsB model with

constant leakage is examined and compared to results of a three-dimensional Richards

equation model. The aim of this inspection is to assess whether the hsB model is an adequate

candidate for coupling with a groundwater flow mode!. This chapter is based on the paper

"Broda, S., Paniconi, c., Larocque, M. (2008). Evaluation of the hillslope-storage Boussinesq

model with leakage. In Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling (Proceedings

of ModelCARE 2007) edited by J.c. Refsgaard, K. Kovar, E. Haarder & E. Nygaard, IAHS

Red Book 320,182-187, IAHS Press, Copenhagen, Denmark."



Abstract The hillslope-storage Boussinesq (hsB) model (Troch et al., 2003) has been

extended to allow for leakage through a hypothetical aquitard at the hillslope bottom. A

leakage term has been incorporated by extending the mass balance and combining it with the

Boussinesq equation. To evaluate the extended hsB model, simulated water table levels are

compared with results of a three-dimensional surface-subsurface flow model solving the

Richards equation. Numerical experiments are performed on an inclined straight hillslope.

Results from the extended hsB model are in reasonable agreement with those from the

benchmark model, indicating that the hsB mode! can be used ta simulate recharge ta a deep

semi-confined aquifer. The leakage rates calculated by the 3D model show significant spatial

variability, indicating the requirement for further extension of the hsB model to account for

spatially distributed leakage.


2.1 Introduction

Coupled surface water-groundwater models are increasingly used in studies of water

cycle dynamics at the watershed scale. These models often incorporate a parsimonious

representation of aquifer flow, including subsurface and deep groundwater contributions to

river flow. A possible candidate to the simulation of subsurface flow is the one-dimensional

(J D) hillslope-storage Boussinesq (hsB) mode1, which has recently been the object of

significant extensions and improvements. The latest versions of the hsB model now consider

non-constant bedrock slopes (Hilberts et al., 2004), as weil as drainable porosity variations in

the unsaturated zone (Hilberts et al., 2005). The low-dimensional nature, physical basis, and

sparse parameter needs of the hsB model make it appealing for application to a large variety

of real-world hydrogeological problems. The increasing interest in modelling regional scale

catchments for integrated water management purposes motivates further development of the

hsB model for an eventua1 coupling with a surface hydrological model and with a deep

aquifer modeJ.

This paper deals with the extension of the hsB model (1 D) to account for leakage through the

hillslope bottom, expanding the model's applicability to simulate recharge to deep aquifers

through the incorporation of an additional source/sink term in the subsurface flow mass balance

equation. This question has been addressed by Koussis el al. (1998), but solely for the

linearized Boussinesq mode!. Simulated water tables are compared to those calculated with

CATHY (CATchment Hydrology; Bixio el al., 2000; Camporese el al., 2010), a coupled

surface-subsurface model based on the 3D Richards equation and taken to be the benchmark for

comparison purposes (Paniconi el al., 2003).

2.2 Material and methods

2.2.1 Incorporation of the leakage term

The leakage concept has been extensively explored and applied in different contexts:

in urban water management to assess sewage water exfiltration from pipes to the soil and vice

versa (Karpf and Krebs, 2005); in geotechnical engineering to predict possible aquifer


contamination below landfill liners (Foose et al., 2001); and in hydrogeology for pumping

test analysis in leaky aquifers (Hantush and Jacob, 1954).

The leakage concept is based on Darcy's law, and allows a vertical groundwater transfer

between two aquifers bounding an aquitard:

(2.1 )

where L [L TI] is the leakage flux, K, [L TI] and D [L] are the vertical hydraulic

conductivity and thickness of the aquitard, and h, and h2 [L] are the heads in the aquifers

bounding the aquitard. Parameter C is the conductance, commonJy called the leakage

coefficient [TI].

In the hillslope-storage Boussinesq model, a width function was incorporated into the

classical Boussinesq equation in order to extend its applicability to hillsJopes of arbitrary

geometry (Troch et al., 2003). In this paper a Jeakage term has been added, so that the mass

balance equation describing subsurface f10w along a hillslope of variable geometry can be

written as:

as aQ-=--+Nw-Lw (2.2)dt dx

where S [L2] is the subsurface water storage, Q [L3T 'l is the subsUiface flux, N [LT'l is the

recharge, L [LT ' ] is the leakage through the hillslope bottom, w [L] is the hillslope width, t

[T] is the time, and x [L] is the distance to the outlet along the hillslope.

The subsurface flux for the hillslope-storage Boussinesq model is (Troch et al., 2003):

KS [ d ( S J . ]Q=-- cosa- - +Slna (2.3)f dx fw

where K [LT'] is the hydraulic conductivity,f[-] is the drainable porosity, and a [rad] is the

angle that the aquifer bottom makes with the horizontal.


The extended hsB equation accounting for leakage through the hiIlslope bottom is obtained

by combination of equation 2 and 3:

f as = Kcasa ~[i(aS _i aw)] + Ksina aS + jNw -fLw (2.4)al fax w ax wax ax

In this study the drainable porosity is kept constant and therefore is independent of the

leakage. Equation (2.4) is discretized in the spatial coordinate (~x = 1 m) and then solved

using a variable-order ordinary differential equation sol ver. It should be noted that leakage is

a source/sink term, thereby providing the possibility to represent return flow from a possible

deep aquifer.

2.2.2 Behavior of the hsB model with leakage

Figure 2.1 depicts water tables and outflow rates calculated by the hsB model with

constant Jeakage rates applied over the entire simulation time of 100 days, with a dry

hillslope as initial condition and recharge of 10 mm/d appJied for the first 50 days followed

by zero recharge until the end of the simulation, conditions selected to best demonstrate the

hsB model performance. As one can expect, leakage can have a significant impact on

calculated water tables and outflow rates.

0.8 a) __ no Icakage

_L=lxIO'" ms" 8 xl 0-4 b)

E 0.6 _L=lxIO'X ms"

L=5.5x 1O·X ms" <l.l > ~ 0.4

L=lxI0·7 ms"

.... <l.l

~ 0.2

o o 20 40 60 80 100

dis tance along hills lope lm]

Figure 2.1 Comparison of water table profiles at t = 50 days (a) and outflow rates (b) calculated with the hsB mode! for different constant leakage rates.


2.2.3 Model set-up for comparison of hsB and CATHY models

Preliminary evaJuation of the ID hsB model with leakage was performed on a

straight hillslope with planaI' geometry and a constant bedrock slope of 5% (Fig. 2.2a). The

hillslope has a length of 100 m and a 2 m soi 1 depth, corresponding to a shallow phreatic

aquifer. The spatial discretization is LU = 1 m. The hsB simulations are run for 10 days, with

a 1 h lime step. ln this papel', a drainage scenario is performed.

2 m

t 0.6 m (a) 10~

7.4 m;; l

201 ~


Figure 2.2 Schematic of (a) the test hillslope, (b) discretization used for the CATHY model, and (c) vertical cross-section of the hillslope representation in the CATHY mode!.

The set-up for the 3D CATHY mode1 consists of a hiJislope with the same horizontal extent

(Fig. 2.2b). Vertically, a total depth of 10 m is applied, discretized in 20 layers with varying

thicknesses and inc1uding the aquitard. The first 2 m of the hil1slope represent the equivalent

of the hsB hillslope, where unconfined groundwater f10w occurs in a shallow phreatic

aquifer. The next 0.6 m represents the aquitard, followed by 7.4 m representing the deep

aquifer (Fig. 2.2c). Horizontally, a mesh increment of LU = 0.5 m was used. The entire

domain consists of 144 000 tetrahedral elements and 29 547 nodes.

In the hsB model, the storage is set to zero at the downslope limit. In the CATHY model, a

fixed head boundary condition (Dirichlet type) ranging from 2 m to 2.80 m depth is assigned

at the downslope end, corresponding to a river with a depth of 0.80 m cutting the aquifer. No­

f10w conditions were applied for both models at the hillslope upper and lateral boundaries.

The initial water table is set to 0.4 m in the hsB model, and to 8.4 m in the CATHY model


(i.e., 0.4 m height within the unconfined aquifer). A sandy soil type was used for the shallow

phreatic aquifer and for the deep aquifer in CATHY. Its hydraulic conductivity is

2.8x 10 -4 m S-I and its drainable porosity is 0.30. The aquitard is represented, for different test

cases, with three different hydraulic conductivities, ranging from Ix10-6 to IxlO-s m S-I.

Free drainage was first simulated with CATHY for a 10-day period. The simulated leakage

rates through the aquitard were spatially averaged for each time step, adapted to the hsB

reference frame to account for the hillslope inclination, and used as the leakage term (L) in a

ten-day free-drainage simulation with the hsB model. Further hsB developments will provide

for a stand-alone version in which the calculation of leakage is accomplished directly in hsB.

2.3 Results

Figure 2.3 illustrates simulated water tables from the hsB and CATHY models for the

free-drainage simulation. The hydraulic conductivity of the aquitard has a large influence on

the simulated water table. Reasonable matches between the two models are obtained for low­

conductivity aquitards for all time steps. When hydraulic conductivity increases, the shape

and timing of the response curves are less simiJar.

Ir should be noted that the configuration of the two models is not exactly the same, thus there

are several issues that require further investigation in comparing the results. For example, the

outlet is represented by zero storage at the lower boundary in the hsB model, whereas in the

CATHY model the Dirichlet nodes represent a river of 0.80 m depth. Tests have shown that

simulated leakage rates and heads from the CATHY model are influenced by the position of

the Dirichlet nodes. These differences in parameterization might explain the consistently

lower CATHY water tables compared to those of the hsB model. The set-up of the Dirichlet

nodes, combined with the applied hydraulic conductivity of the aquitard, causes a water table

drop throughout the hillslope in comparison to those calculated by the hsB model.

Additionally, the hsB model used in this study does not consider storage-dependent drainable

porosity, so that systematic overestimation of water table heights with the hsB model is to be

expected (Hilbel1s et al., 2005). The wave shaped water tables calculated by CATHY are due


to numerical artifacts (Paniconi et al., 2003) and are expected to disappear with a higher

spatial resolution of the modeling grid.

0.5 a) 0.5 b)

~0.4 0.4 § .'


Q) 0.3 ',,'..... - ••-.'-'-......-_-_- •••-. ­ .'\ 4...,. :.-- .:.:....::. '-.. 0.3 > Q)

t 0.2 ;; ~ 0.1

, ----­ initial \ -­K= IxlO'x ln S·I',

- - - - K = 1x 10.7 ln S·I


0.1 .... - . ­ K = 1x 10'(, ln S·I

o 0

o 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 distance along hillslope [ml

0.5 c) 0.5 d)

0.4 - - - - - - - .. - .. - .. - - - - - . - . - - - - - 0.4 ------------------------­

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2


o o 20 40 60 80 100 10080604020

..... r: ..-_-...... ",

o ..' :::-:_ - ---'-"---­o


Figure 2.3 Comparison of water table profiles calculated with hsB (black lines) and CATHY (red lines) for different hydraulic conductivities of the aquitard after (a) 1 day, (b) 2 days, (c) 5 days, and (d) 10 days,

Figure 2.4 depicts calculated outflow hydrographs from the two models (aquitard

conductivity = 1 x 10-7 m S·I). At a lower slope angle the hsB outflow rates match slightly

better the results from CATHY, demonstrating that with increasing slope a larger part of the

deep saturated aquifer contributes to outflow. Furthermore, the CATHY model provides

additional water through the unsaturated zone and capillary fringe, contributing to higher

outflow rates.


100 25 b)

-:~75 "0 --CATHY 20 E --hsB 15.s 50

0 ~ 10 S 25 ::J 0 ~ 5

0 ~ 0 0 10 20 30 40

0 10 20 30 40lime [dl

Figure 2.4 Calculaled outtlow rates of CATHY (red lines) and hsB (black lines) for (a) 5% and (b) 0.2% hillslope inclination.

Figure 2.5 shows that nodal leakage rates along the hillslope can vary up to two orders of

magnitude and that spatial differences become negligible with decreasing aquitard

conductivity. The magnitude of leakage rates is controlled by the actual hydraulic heads in

the unconfined aquifer, which are affected by the boundary conditions in the CATHY mode!.

We note, for instance, that at the downslope end return f10w towards the unconfined aquifer

occurs. Use of a spatially averaged leakage rate in hsB therefore has an impact on the

simulated water table. Both models are highly sensitive to the aquitard's hydraulic

conductivity and thickness.

-lxIO'!> m S·I

- IxIO·7 m S·I

IxIO" m S·l

~o 0 77' \

~ 0 20 40 60 80 100 .32 -2 dislance along hillslope lm]


Figure 2.5 Spatially averaged (dashed lines) vs spatially distributed (sol id lines) leakage rates calculated by CATHY at t =5 days for different aquitard conductivities.


2.4 Conclusions and outlook

Extension of the hsB model to allow for leakage provides the opportunity to apply

this approach in real world catchments with layered unconfinedlconfined units. Results from

this work are encouraging but indicate the need to investigate, through use of the CATHY

benchmark model, corresponding parameterization techniques (aquitard K) as weIl as initial

and boundary conditions. These issues are the subject of ongoing work.

In a next step, a Darcy-type aquifer will be added below the aquitard in the hsB model,

leading to the direct calculation of leakage f10ws belween the phreatic aquifer and the deep

aquifer. Depending of the conceptualization of the deep aquifer, it might be important ta

account for spatially discretized leakage rates in hsB.

Further applications will focus on ideal ized hi Iislopes (straight, concave, convex) as weil as

on a local scale real hillslope and regional scale catchment, leading to a complete leaky hsB


Preface to Chapter III

In chapter III, leakage is evaluated in a hillslope hydrological context in order to gain a more

complete understanding of this process, including its spatial and temporal variability, the

dependencies on hillslope and aquifer parameterization, and the influence of boundary

conditions. The aim is to provide guidelines with respect to an eventual coupling, based on

the leakage concept, between the hsB model and a groundwater flow mode!. This chapter is

based on the paper "Broda, S., Paniconi, c., Larocque, M. (2009). Numerical investigation of

leakage in sloping aquifers. Hydrological Processes, submitted in April 2010."



Abstract A sloping aquifer resting on impermeable bedrock is a common paradigm in

hydrological modeling. The underlying assumption of this paradigm is examined in this study

of leaky hillslope systems. Leakage is simulated with a three-dimensional finite element

Richards equation model for a 100 m synthetic hillslope composed of an unconfined and

confined aquifer separated by an aquitard. The simulations examine different configurations

of aquifer and aquitard properties (hydraulic conductivity, aquitard thickness), hillslope

geometry (uniform, convergent, divergent), hillslope inclination (0.2, 5, and 30%) and

boundary conditions (Dirichlet, seepage face), as weIl as the interplay between leakage, water

levels, and outflow. The results show that leakage generally percolates in both directions,

with downward (positive) leakage in upslope portions of the aquifer and upward (reverse or

negative) leakage in downslope regions. Geometry is found to be a main determinant of the

partitioning of leakage along a hiIlslope, with for instance upward leakage in large portions of

convergent sIopes but only in a restricted downslope region for divergent slopes. In steep

hillslopes, the reverse leakage that occurs downslope as a result of quick upslope drying

represents a major component of the water budget. Outflow boundary conditions also exert a

major control on the volume and direction of leakage, with the placement and extent of

Dirichlet or seepage face nodes along the outflow face being particularly important factors. A

dimensional analysis is used to synthesize the main findings and to highlight the differences

in response between leaky and non-Ieaky hillslope conceptualizations. Leakage is also

examined for a larger scale aquifer system, in a preliminary assessment of the importance of

this exchange process for river basin models that are based on extensions of simple hiIlslope



3.1 Introduction

The gaining recognition of hillslopes as fundamental units in watershed hydrology

has led to hillslope-based models being Llsed as building blocks for larger scale river basin

models (e.g., Yang et al., 2002; Matonse and Kroll, 2009). At the hillslope scale, models

based on the Boussinesq equation are commonly used because of their relative simplicity and

low dimensionality, their amenability to analytical solutions and, their adaptability to

complex plan and profile morphologies (e.g., Beven, 1981; Troch et al., 2003; Daly and

Porporato, 2004; Hilberts et al., 2004; Basha and Maalouf, 2005; Chapman, 2005; Hannan

and Sivapalan, 2009b). The basic conceptualization for lhese models is that of an unconfined

aquifer or soil mantle resting on sloping impermeabJe bedrock. The assumption of zero Flow

across the base of these units, while appropriate for man y applications, has evident

limitations, especially at larger scales when the interactions between different components of

a flow system play a greater role. It is th us important to examine the behavior of hillslope

systems when the no-flow assumption is reJaxed to allow leakage to an underlying aquifer,

and to explore the geological, hydrological, morphological, and climatic conditions under

which the leakage process is important.

The concepts of leakage and leaky layers have been extensively studied in classical

hydrogeology, particularly in relation to aquifer pumping test analyses. Jacob (1946),

Hantush (1949; 1960) and Hantush and Jacob (1954; 1955) published fundamental papers

on plane and radial steady and non-steady Flow in pumped infinite and finite leaky aquifers.

The theory was extended by Neuman and Witherspoon (1969a; 1969b) to take into

consideration previously neglected effects of storage in the aquitard and drawdown in the

unpumped aquifer. Hemker (1984) presented a combined analytical-numerical solution

technique for steady Flow in leaky aquifer systems with an arbitrary nLlmber of aquifers,

applicable to Flow problems with more complex boundary conditions. A generalized semi­

analytical solution for a leaky and finite aquifer system was presented by Zhou et al. (2009).

Leakage has also been investigated in the context of transient multilayer aquifer modeling

(Herrera, 1970; Cheng and Morohunfola, 1993; Gambolati and Teatini, 1996), Jandfill

percolation (Jayawickrama el al., 1988; Foose et al., 2001), urban water management (Karpf

and Krebs, 2005) and coastal aquifer tidal response (Jiao and Tang, 1999).


In hillslope hydrology the underlying hypotheses in Boussinesq-based models have been

studied by many researchers. Most of these studies however have retained the impermeable

bedrock assumption. For example, Raslogi (1988) looked at the effect of slope angle on

horizontal and vertical flow, while Paniconi el al. (2003) and Rocha et al. (2007) investigated

the impacts of hillslope geometry, inclination, and soil parameters on the storage and outflow

response of Boussinesq models. The effects of boundary conditions were examined by

Franke and Reilly (1987) and Oliver and Christakos (/996), while Harman and Sivapalan

(2009a; 2009b) assessed the effects of temporal variability of recharge and lateral variations

in hydraulic conductivity on hillslope flow. Extensions of Boussinesq models have been

presented by Hilberls et al. (2007), Hanrush (2005), and Kacimov el al. (2004), who coupled

a Boussinesq mode) to, respectively, the unsaturated zone, surface rOllting, and a root water

uptake submodel. Finally, Clark el al. (2008) assessed sorne of the field evidence for the

validity of Boussinesq and other hillslope models.

Tromp-van Meerveld et al. (2007) demonstrated experimentally the intluence of leakage to

bedrock on the subsllrface stormf1ow response and overall water balance using a sprinkler

setup at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed. In a subsequent modeling study on the

same watershed, Tromp-van Meerveld and Weiler (2008) concluded that bedrock leakage

was necessary to simulate adequately the long-ter'm subsurface flow response at the small

watershed or hillslope scale. However, only a handful of studies have examined leakage in a

hillslope or Boussinesq context. Koussis el al. (1998) included a leakage term in a version of

Boussinesq's equation that was linearized and converted to a form amenable to Muskingum­

Cunge solution techniques. Broda et al. (2008) modified the hillslope-storage Boussinesq

model (Troch et al., 2003) to include a leakage term and explored the sensitivity of this

model to a range of constant and variable leakage rates. Cloke el al. (2003) found that, in

modeling hillslope-river interactions, including recharge to the riparian zone from the

bedrock aquifer (with flow towards this aquifer originating at the foot of the hillslope)

improved simulated heads significantly. Hopp and McDonnell (2009) ran synthetic three­

dimensional simulation experiments based on the Panola catchment and confirmed that

bedrock permeability can play a key l'ole in subsurface f10w response. For a sloping two-layer

system, Ahuja and Ross (1983) assessed analytically the effects on hillslope flow of a

constant leakage towards the underlying base material.


These studies underline the importance of considering leakage in hillslope groundwater

hydrology and the need to improve our understanding of the factors that influence this f10w

process. A detailed investigation of leakage is important to the continuing evolution of

simple, parsimonious models based on Boussinesq and similar conceptualizations that are

used to simulate f10w and transport processes at the hillslope and watershed scales. The

objective of this paper is to explore, via detailed numerical simulations, how leakage behaves

in complex hillslopes and how it is affected by a variety of factors. Leakage is simulated with

a three-dimensional finite element Richards equation mode! of synthetic sloping aquifer

systems composed of an unconfined and a confined aquifer separated by an aquitard. The

simulations examine different configurations of aquifer and aquitard properties, hillslope

geometry, and boundary conditions, as weil as the interplay between leakage, water levels,

and outflow. The analysis is intended to provide insight into conditions under which leakage

becomes an important component of a hillslope's dynamics and water budget.

3.2 Methodology

The model used in this study is the three-dimensional finite element subsurface flow

module (Paniconi and Putti, /994) of the coupled catchment hydrological model described in

Camporese et al. (20/0). Only a brief description is provided here. The model solves the

three-dimensional Richards equation:

(3.1 )

where '7=SIIS,+B,(dSII/dlf) [L'I] is the general storage term, 511 [-] is the water

saturation, S, [L'I] is the aquifer specifie storage coefficient, If [L] is the pressure head, e ~

[-] is the vector (0,0,1 )T, Ks [LT 1] is the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and Kr (If) [-] is

the relative hydraulic conductivity. In this study, the Brooks and Corey (1964) relationships

were used for the saturation-pressure and conductivity-pressure relationships:


S. (If) = (lfc / lf)fJ , (3.2)


Kr (If) =(lfc / If) 2+3fJ , (3.3)


where the effective saturation s,, r-] \s defined as

Se =(8-8r )/(f}, -8r ) =(S",8, -8r )/(8, -8r ) and where 8 [-), Br [-] and B, [-] are the

volumetrie, residual, and saturated moisture contents, respectively. j3 [-] is a constant

representing the pore size distribution index and Ife [L] is the capillary fringe height.

The basic configuration for the layered hillslope aquifer simulated in this work is shown in

Figure 3.1. The total soil or sediment thickness of 10 m consists of an unconfined aquifer of 2

m thickness, a semi-permeable aquitard of uniform thickness between 0.2 m and 0.8 m (for

different test cases), and a confined aquifer of uniform thickness between 7.8 m and 7.2 m.

Uniform, convergent, and divergent plan shapes are simulated, as weIl as three different slope

angles representing gentle (0.2%), moderate (5%), and steep (30%) hillslope inclinations.

The 10 m total thickness is discretized into 20 layers and the surface into 201 (x direction,

along the length of the hillslope) by 7 (y direction, along the width) nodes, producing a

numerical grid of 20lx7x21 = 29547 node points. The hillslope crest, the lateral divides, and

the bottom of the discretized domain are set as no-flow boundaries. The outflow face of the

hillslope is modeled with different types of boundary conditions (Dirichlet and seepage face),

extending over different portions of the aquitard and aquifer faces.


a) C B A b)

1 A

10 m 10 m


6.74 mc) d)



6.74 m

Figure 3.1 (a) Vertical cross section of the layered hillslope aquifer showing, From top to bottom, the unconfined aquifer, the aquitard (shaded layer), and the confined aquifer; (b,c,d) Plan shapes and dimensions of the uniform (b), convergent (c), and divergent (d) hillslopes (not to scale). The labels "A", "B", and "C" show, respectively, the upslope, midslope, and downslope points used for the leakage outputs.

The base case used as a reference point for ail subsequent test cases has a moderate slope

(5%), a hydraulic conductivity of 10-5 m S·I for both the llnconfined and confined aqllifers, a

condllctivity of 10.7 m Si for the aqllitard, and thicknesses of 0.6 m and 7.4 m, respectively,

for the aqllitard and confined aqllifer. A Dirichlet boundary condition at atmospheric pressure

head (VI =0) is imposed at the seven nodes running along the top of the aqllitard (i.e., at the

bottom of the llnconfined aqllifer). This corresponds to the typical bOllndary condition llsed in


single-layer, non-Ieaky sloping aquifer models. The rest of the downslope face is considered

impermeable. The base case configuration is summarized in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Summary description of the base case configuration.

Plan form geometry straight

Hillslope length 100 m

Hillslope width 50 m

Hillslope thickness 10m

Aquitard thickness b 0.60 m

Hillslope inclination a 5%

10-5 m S-IAquifer saturated eonduetivity K \

10-7 m S-IAquitard saturated eonduetivity K, '

Saturated moisture content or porosity e, 0.35

Pore size distribution index f3 1.20

Residual moisture content er 0.0

Capillary fringe height If! ( -0.45 m

10-2 m-IUneonfined aquifer specifie storage S,

10-2 m-IAquitard specifie storage S,

10-4 m-IConfined aquifer specifie storage S,

Outflow boundary condition prescribed head (y =0)

at the aqu itarcl/unconfined

aquifer interface

In addition to varying, as mentioned, the hillslope geometry (plan shape), the slope angle, the

relative thicknesses of the aquitard and confined aquifer, and the outtlow boundary

conditions, the saturated hydraulic conductivity (K,) of the unconfined and confined aquifers

(same K, value) is also varied for different cases, From 10-3 to 10-6 m S·I. The aquitard

saturated conductivity (K,') varies from 10-6 to 10-9 m S-I. A series of nine test cases is

considered, each focusing on a different factor or set of parameters that influence leakage.

For each case, the parameter values altered with respect to the base case are summarized in

Table 3.2. The nine test cases cover a representative range of hillslope configurations and

parameterizations. A dimensional analysis that highlights the differences in response between

leaky and non-Ieaky hillslope conceptualizations is also presented.


For test cases 1 to 8, no atmospheric forcing (rainfall or evaporation) is imposed on the

surface of the hillslope and the simulations represent pure drainage for a 50-day period. The

initial condition used for ail simulations is that of a water table in the unconfined aquifer at a

depth of 1 m from the surface and a vertically hydrostatic head profile through the entire

domain established from this water table position. The rainfall (or recharge) surface boundary

condition used in case 9 consists of two 10-day recharge pulses and no atmospheric forcing

for the rest of the simulation. Finally, for ail test cases the hillslope length is 100 m and the

maximum width is 50 m (see Figure 3.1), except for case 6 where a length of 1 km and a

width of 500 mare used.

Table 3.2 Summary description of the ten test cases.

Case J Influence of aquifer saturated conductivity:

K, = 10-3 , 10-4

, 10-5 , and 10-6 m/s

Case 2 Influence of aquitard saturated conductivity:

K," = 10-6 ,10-7,10-8 , and 10-9 m/s

Case 3 Influence of aquitard thickness: b =0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 m

Case 4 Influence of slope angle: a = 0.2, 5, and 30%

Case 5 Influence of plan shape: convergent and divergent shapes

as shown in Figure 1

Case 6 Influence of hillslope length: 1 km hillslope

Influence of outflow boundary condition:

Case 7 Dirichlet BC along different portions of the outflow face

Case 8 Seepage face BC along different portions of the outflow face

Case 9 Seepage face BC along the unconfined aquifer and aquitard

outflow face and Dirichlet BC along the contïned aquifer outtlow face

Case 10 Influence of surface boundary condition: recharge of 5 mm/d during

the first 10 d and between days 20 and 30

The model outputs examined are the hydrographs computed at the outflow boundary, the

storage profiles corresponding to the water table levels in the unconfined aquifer, and the

Jeakage rates along the hillslope either at specified times or as a function of time at llpslope,

midslope, and downslope positions on the hillslope (labels "A", "B", and "C" in Figure 3.1).

The storage and leakage profiles are taken along a longitudinal transect cutting throllgh the

middle of the hillslope.


Figure 3.2a shows the outflow hydrographs and storage profiles for the base case simulation

in the unconfined aquifer. The water table drops fairly slowly in the upslope portion of the

hillslope, and only begins to "sI ide down" the hillslope (complete vertical desaturation) after

about 20 days. The storage levels increase downslope, generating water table peaks that

exceed the initial water table height at approximately 8 m from the outlet. Figure 3.2b plots in

vertical cross section the total heads for the longitudinal transect through the center of the

hillslope at t= 10 d, when the upslope region of the unconfined aquifer is already quite

desaturated. The influence of the lower permeability aquitard is evident from the refracting

contour Iines at the aquifer/aquitard interface. In the central portion of the hillslope, f10w in

both aqllifers is generally parallel to the hillslope base. At the downslope portion, upward

f10w occurs and the confined aquifer feeds the unconfined aquifer.

a) lime [dl

a 50 100 150 200 X 10-'

1.4 +-__--'- -+ 30-...1-__----'

~ 1.2 E 2.4

-';:' 1.0 vo

1.8 ~.

~0.8 E ..c: .1......................... 5 d

. ~ ~ 0.6 1.2 0.D ( ~?..~ 5 : 0.4 ::J50 d 0 ~ 0.6100 d ~ 0.2 200 d

0.0 +---r------.-----,----r---+ 0.0

a w w W W 100

distance along hillslope 1m]


Figure 3.2 (a) StOl'age profiles vs. distance (sol id lines) in the llnconfined aquifer and outflow vs. time (dotted line) for the base case simulation; the dashed line shows the initial water table height; (b) contour map of total heads and f10w lines for a vertical cross section along the length of the hillslope at t = 10 d.


3.3. Results and dicussion

3.3.1 Hydraulic Properties

3.3.1. J Leakage calculation methods and influence of aquifer conductivity (Case 1)

This first test case, which examines the influence of aquifer hydraulic conductivity, is

also used to present and compare three possible methods of ca1culating leakage rates in a

numericaJ mode!. The first method simply takes the vertical component of the Darcy velocity

vector at the nodes located at the bottom of the aquitard layer. This gives a direct

representation of the water flux entering the confined aquifer from the overlying aquitard,

i.e., fed by the unconfined aquifer. Note that "vertical" here refers to the downward direction

and not to the direction perpendicular to the inclination of the sloping aquifer. This

convention makes the first method consistent with the other two methods. Also, as in

standard practice, leakage is taken to be positive in the downward direction. In the second

method, the leakage is given by the Darcy flux computed from the difference between the

nodal head values at the top and bottom of the aquitard:

h -h L = K' 2 1 = C(h - h ) (3.4)

'b 2 1

where L [LT ' ] is the leakage rate, b [L] is the thickness of the aquitard, h2 and h, [L] are the

heads at the top and bottom of the aquitard, respectively, and C =K,'/b [TI] is the

conductance (Delleur, 1999) or specific leakage (Hanrush und Jacob, 1955).

By convention, leakage ca1culated according to the second method is sel to zero once the

water table in the unconfined unit reaches the bottom of the aquifer. Equation (3.4) would be

one way of introducing a leakage term in a large scale (watershed) model that is built on

extensions of simple hillslope modeling paradigms, and it is similar to the leakage expression

used in Koussis et al. (/998). The third method is based on equation (3.4) but it incorporates

unsaturated zone transmission of water, replacing K,' by K/K,', where Kr' is the relative

hydraulic conductivity of the aquitard evaluated at the top of the aquitard. Il relaxes the

assumption of zero leakage when the unconfined aquifer becomes unsaturated (in vertical



Figure 3.3 compares the leakage rates calculated using methods 1 and 3 for a range of aquifer

conductivity values applied to the base case configuration. The largest disparities between the

direct computation of leakage (method 1) and the difference formula (method 3) occur for

highly conductive soils (K, = 10.3 or 10-4 m S-I) at the upslope point (Figure 3.3a) and at early

times. These differences are much smaller at later times and for aquifers of lower

permeability (K, = 10-5 or 10-6 m Sol). The differences are also much less significant for the

highest conductivity aquifer at the midslope (Figure 3.3b) and downslope (Figure 3.3c)

points. As expected, the magnitude of leakage is also smaller at these points compared to

early-time upslope leakage. The upward (negative) leakage (see also Figure 3.2b) that

predominates downslope (i.e., confined aquifer feeding unconfined aquifer), as weil as the

transition from positive to negative leakage at the midslope point, are a direct consequence of

the inclination of the aquifer system and the placement of the outflow boundary conditions.

These factors are explored in more detail later.

The differences in leakage rate ca1culated via the direct and difference formula methods,

particularly significant for highly permeable aquifers (relative to the aquitard) at early time

and in upslope regions, suggest that when pressure head gradients are strong the limitations

of an approximate ca1culatiol1 as represented by commonly used formulae such as eqllation

(4) ("corrected" in method 3 for lInsaturated zone transmission) can become important.

Compared to method 1, which gives the leakage rate at a point computed using the full

Richards equation, methods 2 and 3 apply a difference formula across a layer (aquitard). In

addition to possible inaccuracies when pressure varies greatly through the layer, an

expression such as equation (3.4) does not consider storage effects in the layer. As storage

and gradient effects are minimized, methods 1 and 3 should converge. This was indeed

verified when comparing the methods for a simulation using a very thin aquitard (0.01 m).

Method 1 is also subject to accuracy constraints, dictated by the vertical resolution of the grid

used at the aquitard/aquifer interface, but this is readily alleviated by grid refinement. A

simulation with a 40-Jayer grid did not appreciably change the overall results, hence the grid

effect is considered to be negligible for the purposes of this study. The limitations of methods

2 and 3, on the other hand, are of a physical nature, dictated by aquitard thickness and storage

properties, for instance.


-7 a)4 x 10

--K, = 10-.1 method 1

-- K, = 10--'~3 x x X method J 'VJ x

x Xx -K =10-"




o JO 20 30 40 50 time [dl

2 X 10-7 b)


. X X ' XXXxxxxxx


xlO 20 30 40 50 X X

xX -1

X 10-7 c)

o XXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 20 30 40 50

-1 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

~ xxxx~~~ xxxxxxx

-3 x x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X X X X x xxx x x X

-4 x x x



Figure 3.3 Influence of aqllifer conductivity on leakage, with comparison of different methods of calclliating the leakage rate. Leakage calcll1ation methods 1 and 3 are compared at (a) the llpslope point ("A" in Figure 3.1), (b) the midslope point ("B" in Figure 3.1), and (c) the downslope point ("C" in Figure 3.1).


The leakage rates for method 2 match those of method 3 very closely, except when the

unconfined aquifer becomes unsaturated. This occurs earlier for the high-K, cases (at 1.2, 6.5,

and 24.5 d for Ks = 10.3, 10·4, and 10.5 m S·I, respectively for the upslope point), after which

time leakage remains zero for method 2. This illustrates the limitation of the zero leakage

assumption used in method 2 and the importance of unsaturated zone transmission of water

from the unconfined aquifer and aquitard to the confined aquifer.

It is interesting to observe in Figure 3.3a that the highest leakage rates during the peak

response period are not obtained for the most permeable aquifer (K,= 10.3 m S'I) but rather for

the K,= 10-4 m s·\ aquifer. The K,=1O'3 m S·I aquifer will certainly be the fastest to drain, but it

also has the largest permeability contrast with the aquitard (at 10.7 m S'I), thus there is

proportionately greater flow towards the outlet that occurs within the unconfined aquifer

rather than leaking across the aquitard. A final observation to make for this first test case

concerns the high degree of spatial and temporal variability that characterizes leakage

behaviour in a sloping aquifer. This is a much more complex dynamics than that which

occurs in more classical, horizontal aquifer systems. This complexity must be kept in mind as

hillslope and watershed models increasingly seek more complete representations of

subsurface flow processes.

In the remaining test cases the third leakage ca1culation method will be used , i.e., equation

(3.4) with unsaturated zone correction. This method is consistent with the direct, Richards

equation method (in the limit as aquitard thickness goes to zero), it is the type of approach

that is probably most practical in simple, parsimonious hillsJope or watershed-scale

hydrological models, and it is more general than the commonly used equation (3.4). Aquitard conductivity (Case 2)

In this test case the aquifer hydraulic conductivity is kept fixed at K,= 10.5 m s·\ and

the influence of varying the aquitard conductivity K,' is investigated. Figure 3.4a shows that

percolation towards the confined unit in the upsJope portion increases as K/ increases and

that at the downslope point upward leakage also increases in magnitude as K: increases. The

leakage rate is much less variable in time in the downslope portion than upslope, particularly

for high aquitard conductivity values. It was also observed (not shown here) that the water


table in the unconfined aquifer drops in the hillslope at a much faster rate as K/ is increased.

The early-time water table (and hence pressure head) buildup upslope in the unconfined

aquifer is greater at higher K,'.

_ K ' =1.10'" mIs .<


3.0 X la b)

2 - K,' =LI 0.7 mIs ---'"" 2.5


.sI Il) a. ,g

~~ 2.0

3'1.5 li>

~a ~=::;:::::::;::::::;::;;;;;;;;~~=~ a. ;:J


~ 1.0

'" li>

-1 20 30

a. 0

-;;; c: ;<

~ 0.5

00 0 '0 a \0 20 30 40 50

-2 tiJre [dl tiJre [dl

Figure 3.4 Influence of aquitard conductivity on (a) leakage rates at the upslope point (positive values) and downslope point (negative values) and on (b) outflow.

These results suggest a positive feedback between the unconfined and confined aquifers

when they become more connected via increased aquitard conductivity, with a rein forcing

effect on peak-time upslope leakage through higher K/ and higher head gradient (see

equation (3.4)). The differences in response seen in Figure 3.4a also imply that, when the

aquitard is relatively permeable, the leakage process and the water in the confined aquifer

have a significant impact on drainage for sloping aquifers. This is confirmed in Figure 3.4b,

where outflow rate and volume vary significantly with aquitard permeability, despite ail other

parameters kept equal for ail simulations. These results underscore the need to carefully

scrutinize the "impermeable base" assumption often used in hillslope hydrological models,

and the importance of seeking as reliable an estimate as possible of the hydraulic

conductivity of the geological unit separating an unconfined aquifer from deeper formations. Aquitard thickness (Case 3)

The impact of aquitard thickness b on leakage rates is evaluated in Figure 3.5, which

shows decreasing leakage with increasing b, as expected from equation (3.4), Connectivity


between confined and unconfined aquifers increases as aquitard thickness decreases, with

effects similar to those described for test case 2. For thin aguitards the l'ole of aquitard storage

becomes less important, with positive ramifications for leakage estimation, as discussed in

test case 1.

2.0 X 10-7 a)

--b = 0.20 m 0.3

X 10-7 b)

-:':1.5 E

--b = 0040 m --b =O.60m --b = 0.80 m


~I.O OJ) ro

-'<: 0.1 ~.5

0.0 +------,---,...------,---,...-------, 0.0 -,"-----r---r----,------,-----,

o 10 20 30 40 50 o 10 20 30 40 50 tiIre [d]






-2.0 x 10-7

Figure 3.5 Leakage rates at the upslope (a), midslope (b) and downslope (c) points for different aquitard thicknesses.

3.3.2 Geometry

3.3.2.J Hillslope inclination (Case 4)

Figure 3.6a shows leakage rates caJculated at the upslope and downslope points for

different slope angles. Unsurprisingly, hillslope inclination has a strong impact on leakage

behavior. The water table drops very quickly in steep hillslopes, resulting in rapid drainage of

the upslope region, as reported also by Rasfogi (1988) and Paniconi et aL. (2003), and even

partial desatu ration of the confined aquifer.


The outflow dynamics shown in Figure 3.6b underline the rapid drainage response of steep

hillslopes. While for the 0.2 and 5% case outflow decreases in time, the 30% case depicts a

significant increase of outflow at early times, caused by the strong role of the unsaturated

zone in delaying transmission of water to the outlet up to a maximum value. lt also shows the

contribution of deeper formations in maintaining high outflow rates throughout the drainage

event in a layered and interconnected aquifer system.

Figures 3.6c and 3.6d show the cumulative outflow and leakage volumes, with the leakage

volume separated into positive (downward) and negative (upward) components. This

provides further evidence of the degree to which a confined aquifer can contribute to a

catchment's water balance as hillslope inclination increases, with reverse leakage far

exceeding percolation for the 30% slope angle (Figure 3.6d). The percolation volume in this

case reaches a maximum at about 15 d and remains constant thereafter. i.e., leakage to the

confined aqllifer becomes negligible. This can also be seen in comparing the positive and

negative portions of Figure 3.6a for the 30% case. For both the 5% and 30% cases, Figures

3.6c and 6d show that exchanges through leakage can amollnt to a considerable volume of

water, comparable to or exceeding the amount of groundwater that flows in the llnconfined

aquifer and away from the hillslope.

This test case provides a more quantitative illustration of the balance and transition between

positive leakage (percolation) and negative or reverse leakage seen also in previous tests

where the spatial leakage patterns were plotted. Il should be noted that in real catchments, the

transition between percolation and reverse leakage will not be as neatly delineated (for

instance into upslope, midslope, and downslope behavior), owing to local variations in

hillslope inclination, aquitard properties, and other heterogeneities.


X 10.7 a) x 10.6 b) 4 ex= 30 % 2

ex= 50/0 ~2 ex=0.2 %

sO </)


S ~

Il) 0 ~-2 c

..>:: ::lo:l 0 ~-4


0 10 20 30 40 50 -8 lime rd] lime rd]

3 c) 3 d)x 103 x 10 3":.S '-'E

Il) _ leakage IOwards con fined aquifer E


::l E

_ leakage towdrds unconfined aquifer ::l2 2 0 0> >--totaloutflowQ)

> Q)

> ~ ~ ::l

E ::l (,) 0


E ::l (,) 0

5 20 . time rd]

35 50 5 20 lime rd]

35 50

Figure 3.6 Effect of sJope angle on (a) leakage rates at the upslope point (positive values) and downslope point (negative values) and on (b) outflow. Cumulative leakage and outFlow volumes for the (c) 5% and (d) 30% slope cases. Hillslope plan form shape (Case 5)

In Figure 3.7 total heads in the unconfined and confined aquifers and leakage rates

are plotted along the hillslope at t= 10 d for the three plan shapes shown in Figure 3.1. The

convergent hillslope, by vil1ue of its converging Flow paths and constricted outlet, creates a

bottleneck near the outlet that results in high water tables (Figure 3.7b) and eventually even

surface runoff (Paniconi et al., 2003). This causes reverse leakage along a greater portion of

the hillslope compared to the uniform and divergent hillslopes (Figure 3.7d).

Generally, hillslope planform shape has a greater effect on the heads in the confined aquifer

with an up to twofold head difference compared to the unconfined aquifer. Heads in the


confined aquifer can therefore exert a significant control on the partitioning of leakage into

up- and downwelling areas along the hillslope.

14 a) 14 b)

13 13 E J2 12 V1

"0 Il Il o:l 'l.l

..c 10 -­ unconfined heads

-­ confined heads \0

9 -­ top of aquitard 9

8 8

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 JOO distance along hillslope lm]

c) x 10.7 d)14 2 13

12 --V)

E 0 II 'l.l 80 100gp -1 10 ..::.::

~ -2 - divergent 9 -uniform

-38 - convergent

-4 distance along hillslope [ml

0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 3.7 Heads in the unconfined and confined aquifers, with the elevation of the top of the aquitard as a reference for the uniform (a), convergent (b), and divergent (c) hillslopes. Leakage rates along the hillslope (d) for the uniform, convergent, and divergent hillslopes at t = JO d. Hillslope length (Case 6)

We examine in this test case the effect of hillslope length on leakage. This is

particularly important if hillslope models are to be used as building blocks for larger scale

hydrological models. For this test the hillslope length was extended to 1 km and the

simulation time to 1000 d. The leakage and water table results presented in Figure 3.8 show

more dramatically some of the trends observed for the base case. Upslope leakage is initially


very high but drops quickly as groundwater f10w travels in the unconfined aquifer. Pressure

heads build up downslope of the drainage front while a relatively steady midslope region is

observed. Reverse leakage occurs downslope and varies more gradually than in the upslope

region. Leakage magnitudes are approximately an order of magnitude smaller than those of

the base case.

a) b) --Sd2 E --SOd

--upsJope --SOOd:c 1.5 b1) --IOOOd

'v> --midslope Q)

..c -- downslope Q)


~ '" 0.5 Q)

-1 200 400 600 800 '"~ 0 +-----,-----.---..,....-''------.,.--...,

o 200 400 600 800 1000 -2 titre [d] distance along hillslope [ml

Figure 3.8 Results for a 1 km hillslope: (a) leakage rates at the upslope, midslope, and downslope points; (b) unconfined aquifer storage profiles at different times; the initial water table position is at 1 m height.

3.3.3 Boundary conditions

Boundary conditions (BCs) can exert a high degree of control on the dynamics of a

groundwater system (e.g., Franke and Reilly, 1987; Oliver and Christakos, 1996). The BCs

imposed at the outflow face of a hi Iislope model can be of different types, and the type and

configuration imposed will strongly influence leakage processes, outflow rates, and pressure

head distributions. The most common outflow face BC types are prescribed pressure head

(Dirichlet condition) and seepage face. The configuration inc1udes selecting the extent of the

outflow face that is to be designated as a Dirichlet or seepage face BC, i.e., to what depth

below the land surface or along which portion of the face will the BC be attributed. The

extent of the Dirichlet or seepage face boundary is an especially important parameter in

layered sloping aquifer systems, as will be evident from the results described below.


In the following two sections, note that in the finite element numerical model, unless

explicitly assigned, all boundary nodes of the discretized hillslope (and thus also the outflow

face) are by default treated as no-f1ow boundaries. Dirichlet BCs (Case 7)

Five different prescriptions of Dirichlet boundary condition along the outflow face

were investigated, beginning with the base case configuration, where atmospheric pressure

head (If! =0) is applied at the 7 nodes along the aquitard/unconfined aquifer interface (i.e., at

a depth of 2 m below the surface of the hillslope). This Dirichlet strip is then successively

extended to a depth of 2.4, 2.6, 3.4, and 10 m. At 2.4 m the Dirichlet face extends partly into

the aquitard, at 2.6 m the entire aquitard outflow face is a Dirichlet BC, at 3.4 m the BC

ex tends partly into the confined aquifer, and at 10 m the Dirichlet BC is assigned to the entire

aquitard and confined aquifer outflow face. In ail cases the Dirichlet BC face is in vertical

hydrostatic equilibrium, with a prescribed head of If! =0 at 2 m depth, thus mimicking the

presence of an open body of water in contact with the sloping aquifer, with the depth of water

corresponding to the extension of the Dirichlet BC face.

-7 1.5 xlO


1.5 X 10-7 b)

:-1.2 '<fJ 1.0 5,0.9

<l) --aI2m 0.5 ~.6 --2 - 2.40 m

.><: -- 2 - 2.60 m 0.0 ~0.3 -- 2 - 3.40 m

2 - 10 m -0.50.0 +-----,---,-----,------r-----,

-1.0o 10 20 30 40 50 time [dl -1.5

Figure 3.9 Leakage rates at the upsJope (a) and downslope (b) points for five different prescriptions of Dirichlet boundary condition along the outtlow face.

Figure 3.9 shows that as the Dirichlet BC face extends further into the aquitard, downslope

leakage becomes smaller. When the Dirichlet BC comprises the entire aquitard outlet, the

leakage is even positive for a brief period early in the simulation. This decrease in upward

leakage is expected since water is no longer forced to drain towards a single strip of nodes



along the aquitard/unconfined aquifer interface. As the Dirichlet face extends into the

confined aquifer as weil, leakage becomes predominantly and eventually entirely positive. At

play here, in combination with the extended Dirichlet face, is the impediment to vertical flow

posed by the aquitard. In terms of upslope behavior, Figure 3.9 shows that as the Dirichlet

face extends deeper into the aquifer system, the leakage rates remain generally higher and

desaturation occurs earlier.

In Figure 3.10 outflow rates and water table profiles are shown for three of the five Dirichlet

BC cases. As expected, the largest outflows (Figure 3.IOa) are obtained for the longest

outflow face. This is also seen in the calculated storage profiles (Figure 3.10b), where the

lowest water tables are obtained when the Dirichlet BC extends along the entire aquitard and

confined aquifer outflow faces. This in turn results in higher downward leakage. A strong

impact on the resulting f10w response was also reported by Franke and Reilly (1987), who

concluded that BC selection can define a particular groundwater f10w system. The influence

of the extent of the Dirichlet face is supported by Oliver and Chrisfakos (1996), who reported

that knowing the exact location of the boundaries is generally indispensable, as uncertainties

in model results related to boundary location can become even more dominant than those

imparted by impelfect knowledge of hydraulic conductivity. In a more recent study, Harman

and Sivapalan (2009a) found that the importance of BC effects also depends on the saturated

thickness of the hillslope f10w system.

b) 5 d ~ 1.4 20

Dirichlet Be al .: 1.2 50 d --2m ~I - - - - - . 2 - 2.60 m , ~ 0.8 ---2-IOm Q.)



.. --­ ::0 0.6 ~ .... ~ - - - - ~ - - ~ .. :-:. -=-- :---:- .-: :-: :-: :- ­ ';:'" 0.4

~ 0.2 ~ 0 +-_----.__---,__.,-..>0-.:.---'\_---'''-,O-t-----,r------.---.---r-----,

o 10 20 30 40 50 o 20 40 60 80 100 lirre [d] distance along hillslope [m]

Figure 3.10 Outflow (a) and unconfined aquifer storage profiles at different times (b) for three different prescriptions of Dirichlet boundary condition along the outflow face.

41 Seepage face BCs (Case 8)

Three seepage face BC configurations were used: along the entire unconfined aquifer

outflow face, along the entire unconfined aquifer and aquitard outflow faces, and along the

entire outflow face, comprising both aquifers and the aquitard. Leakage behavior at the

downslope point (Figure 3.11 a) is similar to what was observed in the Dirichlet BC

experiments: negative leakage diminishes and eventua1ly reverses as the extent of the seepage

face reaches further downward. This is also seen in the spatial distribution of leakage at f= 10

d plotted in Figure 3.11 b. As before, leakage at the upslope end is less affected by the extent

of the outflow boundary condition.

4 X 10-7 a) Seepage face Be al 4

x 10-7 b)

--0-1001 3 --0-2.6001

'~2 --0-201 ~2 V> -­E

~I '" 7,i0<ù

0) a 01)

'" ..:<:

'" 40 60 80 100

-) JO 20 30 40 50 ~-2

-2 lirœ rd]

-4 distance alang hillslape [m]

Figure 3.11 Leakage rates against (a) time (at the downslope point) and (b) distance (at f = 10 d) for three different prescriptions of seepage face boundary condition along the outflow face.

In Figure 3.12 the behavior of the exit point is examined for the three seepage face BC

configurations. The exit point along a seepage face is where the water table intersects the

outflow face: above the exit point a1l nodes are no-f1ow BCs and below it ail nodes are

presctibed head BCs. The position of the exit point is updated at each time step in the

numerical mode! using an iterative procedure. As can be seen in the figure, there are sorne

numelica! oscillations in the updating procedure, but overall the exit point gradually drops as

drainage proceeds. After 100 d the exit point has not yet reached the bottom of the

unconfined aquifer (at z=8 m) for the two cases where the seepage face extends along the

entire unconfined aquifer and along the entire unconfined aquifer plus aquitard, whereas it


has already dropped below the bottom of the unconfined aquifer for the case where the entire

outflow face is treated as a seepage face Be. For a11 three cases, the very graduaI drop of the

exit point (and hence of the water table near the outlet) indicates that the near-outlet

dynamics of a sloping aquifer are quite different from the Dirichlet BC case, where instead

the imposition of a prescribed head at the base of the unconfined aql1ifer causes an immediate

(and discontinl1ous) jl1mp in near-outlet water table height from its initial position to zero.


8.8 S c 0

8.6 ~ u 0

c 8.4 0 Cl. Seepage face al

>< -­ O-IOm v 8.2 -­ 0- 2.60 m

-­ 0-2m

8.0 +-------r----,---...-----,-------l---,.-------,

0.0001 0.00 1 0.01 0.1 10 100 lime [dl

Figure 3.12 Behavior of the exit point for the three different seepage face boundary conditions. Recharge (Case 10)

In this test case a constant recharge of 5 mm/d was applied as a surface boundary

condition in two 10-d intervals, at the start of the SO-d simulation and again between days 20

and 30. In Figure 3.13 the resulting upslope and downslope leakage rates can be compared

for three uniform hillslopes (0.2, S, and 30% slope angles) and between the recharge and

drainage-only (test case 4) simulations. As hillslope inclination decreases the impact of

recharge on leakage increases. This is due to more important vertical f10w in gently sloping

aquifers as compared to more lateral flow along the aquitard/unconfined aquifer interface for

steeper hillslopes. However, in terms of magnitude, downslope leakage and early-time


upslope leakage remain largest for the steepest hillslopes, as was the case for the drainage­

only simulations, owing to the strong contributions of pressure head buildup and confined

aquifer f1ow. Lag periods at the start and end of recharge events are also discernible in Figure

3.13, especially for the gentler slopes. These can be attributed to unsaturated zone

transmission times. The increase in leakage associated with recharge is consistent with

increased storage in the upper aquifer reported by Hannan and Sivapalan (2009b) for a

heterogeneous hillslope subjected to periodic recharge episodes. Finally, it can be seen how

recharge events delay desaturation at the upslope point in steep (30%) hillslopes and prevent

desaturation in hillslopes of moderate (5%) inclination.

-7 4 x 10 1 2

X 10-7

1 O.J X 10.7


2 \.5 0


S 1:0 10 1

30 1

40 50 0.5


-0.2 ~2 0 o:l

-'<: -0.3 o:l

2-4 -0.5

-1 -0.4

-6 1 - -\.5 -0.5

-8 lime [dl -2 -0.6

Figure 3.14 Influence of recharge on leakage rates at the upslope point (positive values) and downslope point (negative values) for slope angles of 30% (left) , 5% (middle), and 0.2% (right). A recharge of 5 mrnld is applied during the first 10 d and between days 20 and 30. The lines in red show the drainage-only results presented in Figure 3.6.

3.3.4 Dimensional analysis

In order to generalize some of the results presented in the prevlOus sections, a

dimensional analysis was conducted based on the dimensionless kinematic time r [-] land

the dimensionless outflow <1> H Iparameters used by Hilberts et al. (2004) as adapted from

Ogden and Watts (2000):


tK ar=_S­fL (3.5)

where Vi [el is the initial volume of water stored in the hillslope and Q",I//(t) [L3] is the

cumulative flow volume at the outflow face up to time t:

QCUI/I (t) = JQ(t)dt o (3.6)

The flow variable f/J . represents the fraction of the total initial soil water storage that has

drained from the hillslope up to kinematic time T. Based on these relationships, a hillslope

will drain most rapidly with large soil conductivities and hillslope inclinations or small

drainable porosities and hillslope lengths.

The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 3.14 for varying hillslope inclination (5% and

30%), planform geometry, and aquitard conductivity. At the lowest aquitard conductivity

(K/=IO-Il m S-I), the results essentially collapse onto a single profile, in line with the results

reported by Hilberts et al. (2004) for unconfined aquifers on a sloping impermeable bed (the

much lower f/J 1 Ivalues, or fraction of total stored water that drains, for the results in Figure

3.14 compared to Hilberts et al. (2004) are due to the extra storage provided by the confined

aquifer in our setup, which contributes little to drainage when the aquitard has a very low

permeability). The deviations from ideal behavior in terms of the dimensionless variables

defined in equation (3.5) augment as K,' increases, and these deviations are greatest for the

steepest hillslope and for the convergent hillslope. In Hilberts et al. (2004), slight deviations

for steeper slopes and more convergent planforms are attributed to the different balance

between convection- and diffusion-driven flow between a Richards equation model and a

Boussinesq equation model (or even a kinematic wave model, for which the relationships in

equation (3.5) are ideally applicable) and to unsaturated or capilJary effects that are absent in

the latter two models compared to a Richards mode!. In addition to these effects, the absence

of a leakage factor in expressions (3.5) also has a c1ear impact in the higher deviations

observed here as K,' increases.


Notwithstanding these "nonideal" conditions, Figure 3.14 clearly shows, as KI' increases, the

increasing availability for drainage of initially stored water in the confined aquifer unit,

especially for the steepest hillslope. For this hillslope, only 16% of total initial storage is

drained when K/= 10- 12 m S-I, whereas about 75% gets drained when interaction (Ieakage)

between the unconfined and confined aquifers is augmented.


0.8 0.8 ~ , ....

0.6 .•.. - - . K '= 10'" mis

0.6 . :'

, -- K,' =10-' mis0.4 0.4

K . = 10-) 2 mis s

r--------------­0.2 0: r~~------------1

o o 20 40 60 80 100 o 20 40 60 80 100

c) d)

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4:: rruu~u~~ __-_-_~~ ("'-----­ 0: f-------------­

o o 20 40 60 80 100 o 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 3.14 Influence of aquitard conductivity on the dimensionless hydrograph for a uniform hillslope of a) 30% and b) 5% inclination and for hillslopes of 5% inclination with c) convergent and d) divergent planform geometries.

In terms of the influence of hillslope geometry on the flow response under varying aquitard

conductivities, Figures 3.14c and 3.14d show a higher drained fraction for the convergent

hillslope compared to the divergent hillslope for the leaky cases (K:= 10-8 and K/= 10-6 m S-I).


This might appear counterintuitive, and serves again to bring to Iight important differences in

dynamics between single-Iayered and multi-Iayered aquifer systems. On analysis of the early

time drainage behavior, it is seen that drainage is faster and greater in the divergent hillslope

(as would be expected for a single unconfined aquifer). After -z=O.55, the convergent sI ope

overtakes slightly the divergent one. The much larger fraction of initial storage contained in

the upslope portion of the layered aquifer system for a convergent planform is responsible for

this effect.

3.4 Conclusions

Incorporating leakage as a coupling term between a hillsJope model and a

groundwater flow model can be performed numerically, but the process itself is very difficult

to observe and characterize in field studies. In this work, the driving forces influencing

leakage in a hillslope hydrological context have been explored, including hydraulic

properties, geometry, and boundary conditions. In addition to the expected high impact of

aquifer and aquitard properties, slope angle and geometry are shown to exert strong controls

on leakage processes. The results show how leakage can be positive or negative at different

points along the hillslope and at different times during a drainage or recharge event, with

upward (negative) leakage predominantly observed at the downslope portion of a hillslope.

Geometry and boundary conditions at the outflow face were also shown to drive the

partitioning of the hillslope into up- and downwelling leakage areas, with convergent

hillslopes containing the largest portions of upward directed leakage. An important finding

from this study is that the effect of leakage should not be neglected in steep si opes where

reverse leakage volumes can contribute significantly to a hillslope's total outfow.

The results have generally demonstrated the significant volume of leakage within a hillslope

relative to the overall water budget, even for a larger scale aquifer system (1 km hillslope).

This supports findings from previous studies where leakage was considered a key process in

understanding hillslope hydrology, and it challenges the adequacy of the commonly applied

assumption of zero flux across the hillslope boUom. The contribution of the confined aquifer


to hills10pe outflow was a1so shown to be significant, depending on how the boundary

condition at the outflow face is treated numerically.

Further exploration of 1eakage processes at larger scales is needed and could be undertaken

through modeling (including intercomparison studies) and field work (e.g., tracer

experiments). Some of the important parameters examined in the test cases reported here are

not easily estimated in the field. Aquifer stratigraphy, aquifer and aquitard hydraulic

conductivities, and boundary conditions at the stream-aquifer interface are especially

difficult to quantify. Continuing research on aquifer characterization is therefore also needed.

A better understanding of the processes invo!ved in the interconnections between soil and

bedrock units, along with more representative models to simulate these processes, will also

have implications on, for instance, hillslope stability and contaminant transport studies.


Preface to Chapter IV

In the following chapter, the findings of chapter III are transferred to a leakage-based

coupling framework combining the hsB model and an analytic element-based groundwater

f10w mode!. The goal of this study is to demonstrate the coupled model's capability ta

reproduce water tables, outflows, and leakage rates obtained with a benchmark mode!. Tests

are conducted on hypothetical single hilIslopes and on a synthetic catch ment. This chapter is

based on the paper "Broda, 5., Larocque, M., Paniconi, c., (2010). A low-dimensional

hillslope-based catch ment model for layered groundwater f1ow. Journal of Hydrology, to be

submitted in December 2010."



Abstract Despite the strong interaction of surface and subsurface waters, groundwater f10w

representation is often oversimplified in hydrological models. The challenge in coupling

surface water and groundwater f10w lies in the development of computationally efficient yet

accurate models. In this work, a novel hillslope-based catchment mode! representing layered

groundwater flow is presented and compared to results of a three-dimensional finite element

Richards equation mode!. The proposed model consists of the hillslope-storage Boussinesq

model (hsB), representing rapid shallow groundwater flow, and an analytic element-based

model (AE), representing deep regional groundwater flow. The two models are iteratively

coupled via a leakage term based on Darcy's law. A series of tests on single hillslopes and a

synthetic two-hillslope (open-book) catchment is presented. The impact of soil

parameterization (three different hydraulic conductivities), hillslope planform geometry

(uniform, convergent, divergent), as well as hillslope inclination (0.2%, 5%, and 30%) under

drainage and recharge events is examined by means of calculated heads, hydrographs, and

exchange fluxes between the hsB and AE models. On the single hillslopes, good matches are

obtained for most configurations, with the most significant differences in outflows and heads

observed for the 30% slope and for hillslopes with convergent geometry. Cumulative f10w

volumes for the two-hillslope catchment are overestimated by approximately 1-4%. Heads in

the confined and unconfined aquifers are adequately reproduced for both portions of the

catchment. Response to recharge events is largely dependant on the drainable porosity

parameter used in the hilIslope mode\.


4.1. Introduction

The availability and quality of water resources can be compromised, sometimes

irreversibly, by natural and anthropogenic factors including land use and c1imate changes. A

better understanding of the interactions between surface and subsurface components of the

hydrological cycle is needed to improve the reliability of simulation models and ensure

sustainable water resources management. Although strong interactions between surface and

subsurface waters are generally acknowledged, resource management has traditionally

focused on surface water, soil water and groundwater as separate entities (Sophocleous,

2002; Winter et al., 1998), and operational hydrological models often lack a complete

representation of the hydrologie cycle.

Low flow periods are critical in operational watershed management from both ecological and

socio-economic perspectives. During these periods, shallow (e.g., Arnold et al. 2000; Arnold

and Allen, 1996) and deep (e.g., Le Maître and Colvin, 2008; Nastev et al., 2005)

groundwater f10w can contribute significantly to streamf1ow. Among the ecological effects of

low flow reduction are increased sedimentation and consequent alterations in stream

morphology (Thompson, 2006), changes in the distribution and abundance of stream biota

(Bradford and Heinonen, 2008; Dewson et al., 2007; Brunke and Gonser, 1997), and

increased stream water temperature caused by winds, bank storage, spring seepage and solar

radiation (Smakhtin, 2001). Socio-economically, low flow reduction can adversely impact

hydropower generation (Maurer et al., 2009; Eckardt and Ulbrich, 2003). Global warming is

expected to limit groundwater availability in the low and medium latitudes (Herrera et al.,

2008; Chen el al., 2004; Eckhardt and Ulbrich, 2003), leading to baseflow reductions (Scibek

and Allen, 2006; Yusoff et al., 2002) and adversely impact groundwater quality (Bloomfield

et al., 2006). The development of appropriate tools for mapping recharge patterns and

predicting low flow events is therefore crucial for designing sustainable water management


Various approaches for coupling groundwater models with surface f10w models exist. These

can be grol1ped into four categories: 1) fully-coupled, distributed surface water and

groundwater models, e.g., HydroGeoSphere (Therrien et al., 2005) and CATHY (Camporese


et al., 2010); 2) loosely coupled groundwater and surface water models, e.g.,

SWATIMODFLOW (Sophocleous and Perkins, 2000); 3) extensions of existing surface

water or land use models to include some representation of groundwater flow, e.g.,

ANSWERS (Bouraoui et al., 1997); and 4) extensions of existing groundwater models to

include some representation of surface water flow, e.g., MODFLOWlWhaT (Thoms and

Johnson, 2005). Although fully-coupled models represent the entire water cycle, they are

generally not applicable for water management purposes at large river basin scales due to

intense parameter and computational reqllirements. Models in the other categories simplify

and/or neglect compartments of the hydrological cycle, including the interactions between

surface water and groundwater bodies. These models are thus inadequate when reliable

assessments of climate change impacts on recharge dynamics and low flow regimes are of

interest. There is a need for parsimonious, physically-based models that can accurately

reproduce catch ment scale hydrological processes including the interactions between surface

flow, soil water, and groundwaters.

The objective of this work was to develop a new and computationally efficient hillslope­

based model for shallow subsurface and deep groundwater flow. This model has the potential

to be used in many surface flow models to improve the representation of aquifer flow,

without the computational burden of fully-coupled models.

In recent scientifc Iiterature, there is an increasing recognition of hillslopes as fundamental

building blocks in watershed hydrology (e.g., Matonse and Kroll, 2009). This makes a

hillslope-based computational unit appealing for incorporation into larger scale river basin

models (Yang et al., 2002). The interactions between shallow aquifers and deep aquifers

were found to be important in several hillslope scale studies (Hopp and McDonnell, 2009;

Tromp-van Meerveld and Weiler, 2008; Cloke et al. 2003) to understand long-term

subsurface flow response. Hillslope processes are commonly simlliated by means of the

Boussinesq equation (e.g., Brutsaert, 1994), applicable to single layer flow systems

representing a sloping unconfined aquifer on an impermeable base.

Models based on the analytic element (AE) method are tailored for simulating local problems

within regional scale aquifers (Haitjema, 2005; Strack, 1989). These models are simple,


parameter sparse and computationally efficient. However, they are limited to single

horizontal aquifers under steady state conditions.

In this work the hillslope-storage Boussinesq (hsB) model for transient shallow subsurface

flow and the AE GFLOW model for steady-state deep regional groundwater flow are coupled

via a leakage term that acts across a hypothetical aquitard. Tests are conducted on single

hillslopes of varying inclination and planform geometry and on a synthetic watershed.

Outflows, heads, and exchange fluxes between the subsurface aquifer and the deep aquifer

are compared to the results From a fully-coupled three-dimensional (3D) Richards equation­

based benchmark model.

4.2. Mode! description

The conceptual representation of the system under study includes an unconfined

hillslope aquifer which carries groundwater flow towards a river or stream Jocated

downgradient. Underlying this unconfined aquifer is a deep regional-scale aquifer. The

hillslope aquifer feeds the deep regional-scale aquifer with leakage through a resistance layer

that forms the lower boundary of the hillslope. Both aquifers are connected at the

downgradient stream. The hillslope aquifer is represented with the hsB model while the deep

aquifer is represented with the AE model.

The hillsJope-storage Boussinesq mode] was introduced by Troch et al. (2003). It provides a

Jow-dimensional, computationaily efficient representation of shallow groundwater flow in

hills!opes of arbitrary geometry (Paniconi et al., 2003). Hilberts et al. (2004) generalized the

model formulation to handle non-constant bedrock slopes, whi le Hilberts et al. (2005)

incorporated a storage-dependent drainable porosity to partially account for unsaturated zone

effects. Broda et al. (2008) relaxed the no-flow condition at the bottom of the hillslope to

incorporate a leakage term, allowing bi-directional vertical exchanges through a hypothetical

aquitard. The hsB version From Troch et al. (2003) with the incorporated leakage term is used

in this paper. Subsurface flow in hsB is described as follows:


dS K cosa d [S (dS SdW)] . dSf-= - - ---- +Ksl11a-+jNw-fLw (4.1 )dt f dX W dX W dX dX

where S =S( x,t ) = wfh is the subsurface water storage [L2], h=h( x,t) [L] is the water

table height averaged over the width of the hillslope, w( x) [L] is the hillslope width

function, f [-] is the drainable porosity, t [T] is the time, K [LT 1] is the hydraulie

conductivity, N [LT '] is the recharge, x [L] is the distance to the outlet along the hillslope, a

[rad] is the angle that the sloping aquifer boltom makes with the horizontal, and L [LT 1] is

the leakage flux.

Heads in the deep regional-scale aquifer located below the hillslope are required to calculate

the leakage flux. The leakage is calculated based on Darcy's law and uses the concept of flow

through a resistance layer:


where b [L] is the thickness of the aquitard, h2 and hl [L] are the heads in the hilJslope aquifer

and the deep aquifer, and C = Ks 'lb [TI] is the conductance (Delleur, 1999) or specifie

leakage (Hantush and Jacob, 1955).

By applying this leakage, the no-flow boundary at the bottom of the hsB mode! is replaced by

a Cauchy boundary. Conceptually, this layer can be seen as an aquitard limiting vertical flow

towards the deeper aquifer. In the hsB/AE model, the aqllitard thickness b is not incorporated

as an aquitard per se, therefore storage properties in this unit are not considered.

The deep groundwater flow model which receives this leakage is the GFLOW analytic

element model (Haitjema, 1995). This AE model simulates steady state flow in a single

heterogeneolls aquifer using the Oupuit-Forchheimer approximations (20 horizontal flow

model). The analytic element method is useful in describing regional scale groundwater flow

with local refinements (Strack, 1989; Oe Lange, 1996; Hunt, 2006; Kraemer, 2007). The

method generates a continuous groundwater flow field by the superposition of closed-form

analytical functions (analytic elements) which describe each feature individually to obtain a


full description of the area of interest. For example, wells are represented by Thiem's

equation, which is the solution for a point sink in the horizontal plane. Streams and lake

boundaries are represented by strings of line-sinks which are point sinks integrated along a

line element. These line-sinks extract (or infiltrate) the water that enters or leaves the stream

or lake, respectively. Zones of differing aquifer properties are modeled with polygons of line­

doublets or double layers. Reference is made to Haitjema (1995) or Strack (1989) for further

reading on this topic.

The AE model can receive different areaJ recharge rates in different zones. These "recharges"

zones are used to assign the leakages from the hsB model to the underlying AE mode!, thus

connecting the two models. Since the AE model is a steady state model, the actual transient

flow system can only be represented as a series of instantaneous steady state solutions for the

instantaneous leakage rates (recharge rates in the AE model) in the coupled hsB/AE model.

The use of successive steady state solutions to represent transient flow is acceptable if the AE

model (lower aquifer) responds relati vely fast to transient forcing. For the cases presented in

this thesis this is generally the case as long as the lower aquifer remains everywhere

confined. The low storage coefficient for confined flow ensures a relatively rapid response of

the lower aquifer to temporal changes in recharge.

The two models are coupled in a "pseudo transient state". Coupling of the hsB and AE

models is based on the selection of a common time step f},t, (the coupling time step). During

this period the folJowing steps are performed: 1) hsB is run in transient state to calcu late

heads and outflows, 2) the AE model is run in steady-state using initial heads, 3) leakage is

calculated for this common time step using the steady-state heads from the AE model and the

hsB heads at the end of te' This procedure is repeated until head variations between two

iterations in the AE model are smaller than a pre-selected convergence criterion. A flow chart

of the iteration scheme is depicted in Figure 4. 1.

Outflows, leakages, and heads From the hsBIAE model are compared to those of the CATHY

model (CATch ment HYdrology), a three-dimensional finite element subsurface flow model

(Paniconi and Putti, 1994; Camporese et al., 2010) which is used as a benchmark in this

study. This model solves the three-dimensional Richards equation:



where 7J =SilS, + B,.(dS" / dlf/) [L- I ] is the general storage term, S" [-] is the water

saturation, S s [L- I] is the aquifer speci fic storage coefficient, If/ [L] is the pressure head, el

[-] is the vector (O,O,I)T, K [LT 1] is the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and K,(If/) [-] iss

the relative hydraulic conductivity. In this study, the Brooks and Corey (1964) relationships

were used for the saturation-pressure and conductivity-pressure relationships:

Se( Ijf) = (ljfô 1 If/l. (4.4)

Se(Ijf)= l,

K r( Ijf ) = (Ijf, 1 Ijf i+3jJ ,

(4.5) Kr(Ijf)=I,

where the effective saturation [-] IS defined as

Se=(B-Br)I(Bs-Br)=(S"B,-Br)I(Bs-Br) and where B [-l, Br [-], and B, [-J are

the volumetrie, residual and saturated moisture contents, respectively. f3 [-] is a constant

representing the pore size distribution index and Ijf, [L] is the capillary fringe height.


set initial conditions hAE(toJ hAE(O) hhsB(t ) hhsB(O)

calculate initial leakage L(to) = -K Sh(to)/b


1 i=i+ 1 1 no

l 0)

calculate leakage 1-----------------+~I Li(e) = -K Shi(e)/b

Figure 4. 1 Flow chart of the coupling process between the hsB and AE models.

4.3. Experimental designs

4.3.1 Single hillslopes

The hsB/AE model is first tested on a set of single hillslopes with varying geometry,

base inclination, and soil properties. Three planform geometries (uniform, convergent,

divergent) and three hillslope inclinations (a=O.2%, 5%, and 30%) are used. The basic

configuration for this setup is shown in Figure 4.2a. The hillslope aquifer has a thickness of

2 m while the GFLOW aquifer is 8 m thick. The hiJlslope length is 100 m for bath units, with

a L1x = 0.5 m. The hillslope width ranges from 50 m to 6.74 m, with the maximum width at


the outlet for the divergent slope and at the crest for the convergent slope (Figures 4.2d and

4.2e). While the hillslope aquifer can be sloping in hsB, the deep aquifer is constrained to be

horizontal in the AE mode!. This has non consequence as long as the flow conditions in the

lower aquifer remain confined. Our model setup for GFLOW is an infinite domain, in which

regional and local ("nearfield") boundaries are defined and parameterized. Areal sinks

(inhomogeneities) are used to model zones of different recharge (leakage) and hydraulic

conductivity. In the surrounding infinite ("fmfield") aquifer, a hydraulic conductivity orders

of magnitude lower than the one applied within the inhomogeneities is used. The hillslope

domain is therefore defined as a finite aquifer within an infinite domain.

Each tested hillslope experiment is represented in the benchmark mode!. The layered

hillslope system has a total thickness of 10 m (Figure 4.2b) and is discretized with 20 layers.

The surface is discretized into 101 nodes along the length of the hillslope (t.x = J m) by 7

nodes along the width of the hillslope (for the divergent hillslope t.y = 1.23 mat the crest and

t.y = 8.33 m at the outlet). These 100 x 6 rectangular elements are subdivided diagonally ta

yield a surface grid of 1200 triangles. In vertical projection, each layer is discretized inta

3600 tetrahedral elements, yielding a 3D grid with 72000 tetrahedral eJements and 14847




- \7

-2m ~ hsB a 1


boundary { .. ~


~ 8m .. ~

Neumann flux boundary


.. ~

• ~




10 m

z y


50 ln

d) e)

50 ln 10 ln

10 m

674 m

Figure 4.2 Vertical conceptualization of the single hillslope experiments (a) for the coupled hsB/AE mode! and (b) for the benchmark mode!; (c), (d) and (e) show the uniform, convergent, and divergent planform shapes, respectively.


The vertical extent of the CATHY model grid is set up to correspond to the conceptualization

of the combined hsB/AE model. It is important to note that the aquitard layer is explicitly

represented in the benchmark model. The total volume of the aquifer system in the

benchmark model discretization is made equal to that in the hsB/AE mode!. Therefore the

total thickness of the CATHY aquifer/aquitard system is kept constant along the hiIlslope,

i.e., the base and the top of the modeled domain are parallel.

In both the hsB/AE and the benchmark models, the initial water table position in the hillslope

aquifer is 1 m below the surface. This value was selected based on prelimiary tests in order to

avoid occurrence of sUlface runoff, particularly in the 30% slope. In the deep aquifer, the

initial hydraulic head distribution is vertically hydrostatic at a value of 8 m (the zero

reference for the z coordinate is at the bottom of the confined aquifer). At the hillslope divide,

a no-flow boundary is used in the hillslope aquifer and in the aquitard unit for the benchmark

mode!. A Neumann flux boundary is used in the deep aquifer to represent groundwater Flow

from adjacent uphill hillslopes. This flux is equivalent to a groundwater Flow gradient of

0.01% (fluxes are ca1culated using the experiment's aquifer conductivity and hillslope


The stream located downgradient in the hillslope is assumed to incise the aquitard unit for

0.6 m. To represent this, the water storage S(x=O,t) for the hsB model is assigned a fixed

value of zero (Dirichlet boundary condition) at the hillslope outlet. In the AE model, a head­

specified line sink is placed at the outlet with a time-constant head set to 8 m. In the AE

model, the Dupuit-Forchheimer assumption ignores resistance to vertical Flow. A head of 8 m

therefore represents a river cutting the entire deep aquifer, which would be unrealistic at the

single hillslope scale. The AE model provides the possibility to account for the partial

penetration of a shallow river by adding a resistance R [T] to the stream (Haitjema, 1995).

Adding a resistance to the stream introduces two new parameters: the width W [L] and depth

D [L] of the stream. The width is set to 0.5 m. The depth parameter refers to the distance

between stream stage and the bottom of the stream resistance layer and is only relevant for

losing streams. The depth is therefore set to 0.8 m, i.e. 0.6 m of stream depth + 0.2 m of a

hypothetical resistance layer. Since the model setup prevents the occurrence of a losing

stream, the only parameter which cannot be directly related to the benchmark model is the


resistance. This parameter is calibrated by means of the heads in the deep aquifer portion of

the benchmark mode!. Since the stream penetration remains constant throughout the

experiments, the resistance applies to the group of settings with the same aquifer

conductivity; thus R =0.05 d, 0.41 d, and 3 d for aquifer conductivities of 10.4, 10.5 and

10.6 m S·I.

In the benchmark model, the 0.6 m stream depth at the hillslope outlet is represented by

means of a Dirichlet boundary applied from the bottom of the hillslope aquifer to the bottom

of the aquitard (i.e., Dirichlet nodes at the outlet face from 2 m depth to 2.6 m depth, with a

hydrostatic distribution of pressure heads from 0 m to 0.6 m). The AE model stream width of

0.5 m corresponds to half the distance between the Dirichlet node at the outflow face and its

nearest neighbor node in the x-direction (L1x/2).

For the single-hillslope tests, a drainage scenario with zero infiltration in the hillslope aquifer

and a recharge scenario with 5 mm/d of infiltration imposed on the hillslope aquifer are

simu1ated for a IO-day period.

4.3.2 Open-book catchment

The hsBIAE mode1 is also tested on a synthetic 1 km2 "open-book" catchment

consisting of two hillslopes of uniform planform geometries each 500 m long and 1000 m

wide (Figure 4.3c). With this setup the coup1ed hsB/AE mode! will be applied for the first

time on a multi-hillslope setup. Inclinations are set to 2.5 % and 5% and L1x to 1 m. The

unconfined aquifer has a thickness of 2 m in both hillslopes and the deep aquifer has a

thickness of 8 m (Figure 4.3a). As with the single hillslope experiments, the deep aquifer is

horizontal with a hydraulic conductivity two orders of magnitude lower outside the





E 00

t -+


-+ ~ ..

hsB ------­+­

AE +­

Neumann flux

+- boundary

-+ +­


E ~t ~ -+ -+

E -+ r­

-+ -+

Neumann flux boundary


al =2.5% a2 =5%

E o o o

obs 1 0 ~ li

0 obs 2

250 m 250 m

.. ~~ ~ 500 m 500 m

Figure 4.3 Representation of the open-book catch ment: (a) vertical cross-section for the hsB/AE model, (b) vertical cross-section for the benchmark model, (c) plan view of the catchment; "obs 1" and "obs2" are the observation wells; the black arrows reoresent the groundwater flow directions


The corresponding benchmark model has a total thickness of 10 m and is discretized into 40

layers. This catchment is represented by two standalane hillslopes in the benchmark model

since each hills10pe is an independent unit flowing into the stream channel. The subsurface

flows computed at the Dirichlet outflow face for each of the two hillslopes are summed. For

each hillslope, the sUIface is discretized into 1432 nodes with a varying !Jx and !Jy spacing

between 100 mat the hillslope crests and 5 m at the stream boundary, producing an irregular

numerical grid of 587]2 nodes. As for the single hillslope experiments, the aquitard unit (of

thickness b = 1 m in this case) is represented explicitely in the benchmark model

(Figure 4.3b) while it is only conceptually included in the combined model (Figure 4.3a).

ln contrast to the single hillslope experiments, the initial water table position in the hillslope

aquifer however is 0.5 m below the sUIface, since prelimiary tests have indicated this value to

be sufficient to avoinde the occurrence of surface runoff. In the deep aquifer, the initial

hydraulic head distribution is vertically hydrostatic at a value of 8 m. At the hillslope divide,

a no-flow boundary is used in the hillslope aquifer and in the aquitard unit for the benchmark

model. As for the single hillslope experiments, Neumann flux boundaries at the upslope face

of the deep aquifer provide a groundwater input corresponding to a flow gradient of 0.01 %.

For the virtual stream channel draining each hillslope, a Dirichlet boundary condition is

applied from the bottom of the hillslope aquifer to the bottom of the aquitard (i.e., Dirichlet

nodes ranging from 2 m to 3 m depth, with a hydrostatic distribution of pressure heads from

om to 1 m), thus incising the entire aquitard. In the combined hsBIAE model, ail lateral

divides of the hillslope aquifers are no-flow boundaries. At the downslope faces of the hsB

hillslopes a zero storage condition (Dirichlet boundary condition) is applied. In the AE

model, a head-specified line sink is positioned at the same elevation as the zero storage

condition in the hsB hillslopes and set to 8 m. The width is set to 5 m (i.e., twice half the

width of one element which l'uns along the stream boundary in the benchmark mode!), and

the depth to 1.20 m (1 m stream depth + 0.2 m hypothetical resistance layer). The resistance

R is calibrated for this setup to 4.2 d.

The simulations for the open-book catchment consist of a lO-day spin-up period of pure

drainage followed by a 30-day simulation driven by three infiltration pulses of 25, \0, and


5 mm/d (from 10 to Il d, 15 to 16 d, and 21 to 23 d, respectively) and zero infiltration for the

remaining days.

4.3.3 Model parameters

On the single hillslopes, tests are conducted on aquifers with three different saturated

conductivities K" ranging from 10.4 m S·I (sandy loam) to 10.6 m S·I (fine sand). The aquitard

conductivities Ks ' range between 10.7 m S·I (silt) and 10.9 m S·I (clay). Hydraulic

conductivities are equal in the hillslope aquifer and the deep aquifer. The drainable porosity

(j) is a dynamic parameter. Paniconi el al. (2003) adopted a mass balance-based matching

procedure and defined the drainable porosity as the volume of water drained at steady state

divided by the volume of soil initially saturated with this water in the benchmark mode!.

They found that the values obtained are very close to the total porosity of the given soil.

Thus, in this study, the same value was used for f in the hsB model and the saturated soi 1

moisture content (e, ) in the benchmark mode!. For each soil type, a separate set of Brooks­

Corey parameters is used in the benchmark model, and a different value of fis used in the

hsB model.

For the open-book catchment, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the hillslope and the

deep aquifer is set to 10.4 m S·I and 10.5 m S·I, respectively. A hydraulic conductivity of

109 m S·I is used for the aquitard. Table 4. J summarizes the parameter values used in the

single-hillslope and open-book experiments.

A convergence criteria of 0.01 m is used for the difference in calculated heads for the deep

aquifer between successive iterations in the hsB/AE coupling scheme. In sorne cases (e.g.,

highly conductive aquifer material, steep slopes), numerical oscillations occurred during the

iterative process and it was necessary to apply a relaxation factor (typically between 0.6 and

0.8 for the l'uns reported in this study).

Another important model parameter is the number of areal sinks (inhomogeneities) used to

represent the surface boundaries in the AE mode!. For each inhomogeneity an individual

leakage rate can be applied, hence one can account for locally up- and downward directed


flow. In a leakage study based on a 3D Richards equation model (Broda et al., 2010), three

distinct zones (up-, mid-, and downslope) were identified with characteristic leakage

behavior. In the CUITent study, the general hillslope setup is identical to the setup used by

Broda et al. (2010). Based on these observations three sub-units were used in the CUITent


Table 4.1 Soil parameters used in hsB, the AE model and the benchmark model.

Single hillslopes


Saturated conductivity K, [m s'/ ] 10.4 10.5 10.6

Saturated moisture content or porosity () s [-] /

Drainable porosity f [-] 0.25 0.35 0.45

Pore size distribution index fJ [-] 3.3 1.20 0.44

Residual moisture content () r [-] 0.0 0.0 0.0

Capillary fringe height VI c [ml -0.25 -0.45 -0.9

Unconfined aquifer specifie storage S s [m'/ 1 10.2 10.2 10.2

Confined aquifer specifie storage S.\ 1m'/ 1 10.4 10.4 10.4


Saturated conductivity K, ' [m s'/ 1 10.7 J0.8 JO·9

Saturated moisture content or porosity e, [-] 0.42 0.495 0.5

Specifie storage S s [m'/ ] 10.2 10.2 10.2

Open-book catchment


Saturated conductivity K s [m s'/ ]

Saturated moisture content or porosity e, [-] / Drainable porosity f [-] 0.25 0.35

Pore size distribution index fJ [-] 3.3 1.2

Residual moisture content () r [-] 0.0 0.0

Capillary fringe height VI c [m] -0.25 -0.45

Unconfined aquifer specifie storage S, [m ./ ] 10.2 10.2

Confined aquifer specifie storage S, [m'/ ] 10.4 JO·4


Saturated conductivity K, ' [m s'/ 1 Saturated moisture content or porosity () s f -] Specifie storage S s [m'/ ]


4.4. Results for the single hillslope experiments

4.4.1 Varying aquifer conductivity

Figure 4.4 shows the outtlow hydrographs of the hsBIAE and benchmark models for

three different soil types in a uniform aquifer with a=5% under free drainage conditions. The

matches for ail materials tested are very good, with the benchmark model producing slightly

higher subsUIface tlow rates at early time, particularly for the medium conductivity soil (K = 10-5 m S-I). This is attributable to additional water contained in the capillary and unsaturated

zones for the benchmark model (Paniconi et al., 2003). In the case of the more conductive

aquifer material (K = 10-4 m S-I), after approximately seven days a distinct bend in the

hsBIAE outflows is observed. This can be attributed to numerical artefacts in the coupled

model at late-time drainage, when the hsB hillslope is almost entirely drained causing small

oscillations in the head calculations. Over the simulation period, the deep aquifer contributes

in average 75% (for the case of K = W 4 m S-I), 70% (K = W 5 m S-I) and 50% (K = 10-6 m S-I)

of the total outtlow.

80 b)400 a)

(IJ"7~3oo "0

--benchmark ~:s

~2oo -­ hsB/AE model 40 o


g 100 20

a a 2 4 6 8 la a 2 4 6 8 la

lime [dl 20 c)





a a 2 4 6 8 la

Figure 4.4 Outtlow hydrographs for the hsBIAE and benchmark models for a drainage period of 10 days with an aquifer conductivity K of (a) 10-4 m S-I, (b) 10-5 m S-I and (c) 10-6 m S-I.


The good correspondence between the hsBIAE and benchmark models can be further

observed by examining the calculated heads and leakage rates along the hillslope x-axis. The

leakage rates obtained with equation (4.2) are compared using the vertical component of the

velocity vector computed by the benchmark model at the bottom of the aquitard layer at the

end of the simulation period. Figure 4.5 confirms that the leakages are similar for the cases of

K = 10.6 and K = 10.5 m S·I, everywhere except at the hillslope extremities, where the

boundary conditions have a strong influence. Close to x = 0 m, in the proximity of the

Dirichlet boundary, the groundwater flux exhibit a distinct shift from positive to negative

values, indicating reverse leakage, i.e., water from the deep aquifer into the hillslope aquifer.

Larger deviations between leakage rates are observed upslope for the case of K = 10.4 m S·I .

While leakage rates for the hsBIAE model drop suddenly to zero at about 15 m distance from

the hillslope crest, unsaturated storage and nonzero relative conductivities contribute to

maintain positive leakage in the benchmark mode\.

6 X JO.7 a)

-­ benchmark 4

-­hsB/AE model

-L.v) 0 E ~O -1 20 40 60 80 100 CIl

~ "!.2

( 20 40 60 80 100 -2


-4 -3

-4 -6

distance along hillslope [m] -5

2 xIO'! c)

o 20 40 60 80 100-1




-5 Figure 4.5 Leakage rates along the hillslope for the hsB/AE and benchmark models at t=10 d for an aquifer conductivity K of (a) 10-4 m S·I, (b) 10.5 m S·I and (c) 10.6 m S·I.


a)0.5 12 0.4 --I=ld

0.3 --1 =5 d ~II •0.2 cS--t=)Od ..><:.... •

IO.l ro E 10 •.... 0 ..c

0 ü c:t -0.1 v •

.J::; 9-0.2 •

-0.3 -0.4 8

-0.5 8 9 10 Il 12 distance along hillslope [ml AEmodel lm]

b)0.5 12

0.4 • 0.3 II • 0.2

•0.1 10

-o~~ 40 60 ~O •

-0.2 9 • -0.3

-0.4 8

-0.5 8 9 10 Il 12

0.5 c) 12

0.4 • 0.3 Il • 0.2 0.1 10

0 • -0.\ -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 r 40 60 ~ 9


-0.5 8 9 10 Il 12

Figure 4.6 Errors in heads in the hillslope aquifer at t= 1, 5 and 10 days (left) and in the deep aquifer (right) at the end of a 10 days drainage period with aquifer conductivities K of (a) 10-4 ms-l, (b) 10-5 m S-I and (c) 10-6 m S-I.


This is confirmed in Figure 4.6, which shows the head deviations (benchmark-hsB/AE heads)

in the hillslope aquifer at l,Sand 10 days and in the deep aquifer at 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90 m

from the outlet. Deviations from the benchmark in the hillslope aquifer are largest in the

proximity of the up- and downgradient boundaries for aIl times, ranging between 0.2 and 0.42

m. Eisewhere, heads are underestimated for K= 10-4 m S-I and overestimated for K=) 0-5 m S-I

and )0-6 m S-I at late times, showing c)ear indication of the influence of the unsaturated zone

in the benchmark model, which is in agreement with findings of Paniconi et al. (2003). In the

deep aquifer, however, deviations increase slightly with distance from the outlet and range

between 0.14 and 0.36 m. Heads in the deep aquifer are consistently underestimated in

hsB/AE relative to the benchmark, which is a result of the slightly erroneous, partially lower

leakage rates shown in Figure 4.5.

4.4.2 Varying hillslope inclination

In this set of tests the uniform hills10pe base is inclined by 0.2%, S%, and 30% while

the aquifer and aquitard conductivities are set to 10-5 m S-I and 10-8 m S-I and a recharge event

of 5 mm/d is applied.

Table 4.2 summarizes the impact of slope on the calculated heads, outflow, and leakage rates

by means of the root mean square error (RMSE), maximum deviation, first, second, and third

quartiles (QI, Q2, Q3) of the total deviation. The quartiles are calculated for the deviations

along the hills)ope for the transient heads in the hillslope aquifer and the leakage rates. The

RMSE is calculated as follows:

;=1RMSE= 4.7 j

where 0; and Fi are the benchmark and calculated values, respectively, and j is the number of



The largest head deviations are observed for the 30% slope. This is especially critical in the

deep aquifer where a maximum deviation of more than Il m was simulated. For the 0.2 and

S% slopes, head deviations are small and increase only slightly in time in the hillslope

aquifer. With the 30% slope the maximum deviations increase in time, indicating again the

strong influence of the unsaturated zone in the benchmark solutions. Furthennore, for the

30% slope, the quartiles of the total deviations indicate a shift from over- to underestimation

of heads (negative to positive quartiles) in time in the unconfined aquifer. The negative QI

values for the medium slope are attributed to the effects of the upgradient and downgradient

boundaries, where heads are overestimated by the hsB mode!. With the 0.2% slope this

overestimation can be observed at a sma!l portion downgradient only and is not captured by


The same trends can be observed for the errors in calculated outflows. The maximum

deviation for the 30% slope exhibits an underestimation in the hsBIAE model of more than

18 m3 d-I (approximately 20%). For this case, the head change convergence criterion needed

to be relaxed from 0.01 m to 0.4 m in order to reach "convergence" at aIl. The resulting

solution shows differences in heads (between benchmark and hybrid model) in the lower

(GFLOW) aquifer that are an order of magnitude higher than for the medium and gently

sloping cases (Table 4.2). The errors in the lower heads for the 30% case cause errors in

leakage that can easily account for the 20% error in outflow stated above. Furthermore, the

30% slope case developed an unconfined zone in the GFLOW model at the up-gradient end

of the mode!. This increases the storage capacity of the Jower aquifer and makes it respond

much slower to transient forcing. Consequently, the successive steady state GFLOW

solutions become less valid in representing the transient f10w in the lower aquifer, which may

weil explain the convergence problems and subsequent large errors in heads and flows. The

development of transient AE models is thus of particular interest in order to capture general

f10w features for a broader spectrum of aquifers. The outflows in the S% and 0.2% hillslope

match remarkably weil those produced by the benchmark mode!. A small offset can be

observed at early times, indicated by the maximum deviations in Table 4.2. This can be

related to the initial conditions(Hilberts el al., 200S).



le 4

.2 D



s in



nt a

nd s


y st



s, o







es i

n th

e hs


E m




e ta






el f

or t




nt h












5 30





e he


in t




e aq



t [d

l 1

5 10


5 la


5 la




















































l 0.















. de





9 -0



1 -0



0 -0



2 -0












3 -0



1 -0















0 0.















0 0.








e h


s in



p aq






) 0.






. de
















'/ )







. de



[m 3















·7 ms'/







. de




·7 ms'/



3 -0




/ [J


ms -/



8 -0





·7 m

s '/

) -0






[J 0


s -/







The leakage rates deviations confirm the poor match for the hillslope with a 30% inclination.

In particular, localisation and timing of hillslope desaturation cannot be properly captured in

the hsBIAE model for the steep hilIslope. For the medium and gentle sloping aquifers, on the

other hand, hsBIAE leakage rates match remarkably weil the benchmark results, as can be

seen From the low RMSE values in Table 4.2. The quartiles suggest a very slight over- and

underestimation in comparison to the benchmark for the gentle and medium hillslopes,


4.4.3 Varying planform geometry

The hsBIAE model was also tested with different hillslope planform geometries. The

aquifer and aquitard conductivities are set to 10-5 m S-I and 10-8 m S-I respectively. The

inclination of the hillslope is 5% and simulations are conducted with the hillslope receiving

an infiltration of 5 mm/do

Using the same statistical measures as ln the prevlOus section, Table 4.3 shows that the

maximum deviations in transient state heads in the hillslope aquifer for ail three tested

geometries are negative, except for the convergent slope at t = 10 d. These maximum

deviations are found close to the outflow face, indicating a strong influence of the boundary

conditions. This is confirmed by the lower qualtiles QI, which indicate deviations much

lower than the maximum deviations, hence the maximum errors occur on a very sma!! portion

of the hillslope. In general, heads in the divergent hillslope are slightly overestimated almost

everywhere, while in the convergent hillslope calculated heads are mostly underestimated.

For ail geometries, the RMSE increases with time. In the deep aquifer a similar trend can be

observed, with the largest deviations in the divergent aquifer, while heads in the uniform

aquifer produce the best match with the benchmark. The maximum deviation for the

combined model in the deep aquifer is observed upgradient and, as before, the heads in this

aquifer are smaller in the hsBIAE model than in the benchmark.



le 4

.3 D



s in



nt a

nd s


y st



s, o







es i

n th

e hs


E m




e to







e di











rm g
















e he


in t

he h






t [d

l 1


















































































] 0.
















. d



n [



9 -0





5 -0






5 -0




] -4



3 -0









7 -0




l 2e







\ 0.



3 -0





3 [m

] 2e











2 -0























e h


s in



p aq






l 0.






. d



n [












3 d

-I ]







. d



n [

m 3















-7 1

11 S


] 0







. d



n [

JO -7

ms -1



9 -0




I [J

0 -7

m s

-1 ]




6 -0



2 [J

O -

7 m

s -1







3 [J

0 -7

m s

-1 ]








The calculated outflows match relatively weil but underestimate slightly the benchmark

results for the uniform and divergent hillslopes. The maximum deviations in these two

hillslopes occur at early simulation times and are therefore subject to the definition of the

initial conditions. The largest RMSE are observed for the convergent aquifer system. It

should be noted that the coupled model overestimates the outflows (negative maximum

deviation) for this planform geometry which again reflects the role of water retention in the

unsaturated zone for the benchmark mode!.

Leakage rates are weil reproduced for ail tested geometries. RMSE and maximum deviations

are lowest for the convergent geometry. This is somewhat surprising given that heads and

outtlows were largest for this geometry. In examining the error patterns in detail, a distinct

partitioning of the hillslope was found: there are areas where leakage rates are underestimated

downgradient and overestimated upgradient by the same order of magnitude, producing some

cancellation of errors. For the divergent hillslope, leakage rates are underestimated by the

hsBIAE model over large portions of the aquifer, explaining the slight overestimation of

heads in the shallow aquifer.

It should be noted that for ail cases reported, the benchmark leakage rates show a distinct

shift to negative values (reverse flow toward the hillslope aquifer) very close to the outtlow

face, a consequence also of how the boundary conditions are imposed (the position and extent

of the Dirichlet face, for instance).

For ail tests conducted, the hsBIAE model is computationally more efficient with respect to

the 3D benchmark mode!. However, the computational efficiency, i.e. the number of

iterations needed until the convergence criteria is achieved, is depending particularly on the

conductivity of the deep AB aquifer. This is related to the increased sensitivity of such

aquifers to small variations in leakage, which cause comparatively large variations in the

heads used for the convergence check of the coupied mode!.


4.5. Results for the open-book catchment

Three different coupling time steps (te) are tested in the open-book catchment

experiments, i.e., 5, 10, and 30 d. Figure 4.7 displays the outflow rates obtained by the

hsB/AE model and the benchmark for le =5 d (i.e. with the AE model run 30d 1te = six limes

over the simulation period). Prior to the first recharge event, an almost perfect match is

obtained by the hsB/AE model with respect 10 the benchmark. While the combined mode]

responses immediately to the recharge event, a delay of approximately two days is observed

with the benchmark, c1early showing the influence of the unsaturated conduclivity on water

Iransfer to the l1nconfined aql1ifer. This also explains the dampened response to the recharge

event in comparison to the hsBIAE mode!. Furthermore, the differences in outflow between

the two models slightly increase with each recharge event upcoming, with the hsBIAE model

overestimating the outflow.

3 3 x 10 o

2.5 20

-;­-0 2

,.., .s '=--­v: 1.5 ~ 0 -- benchmark ~ ::> 0


recharge 800.5

0 100

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

lime [dl

Figure 4.7 Simulated outflows from the hsBIAE and benchmark models for the open-book catchment. A coupling time step of le =5 dis used for the hsB/AE mode!.

Table 4.4 shows that the cumulative volume error at the end of the simulation is 3.9%. The

total outflow is partitioned into 70% from the hillsJope aquifer and 30% from the deep

aquifer, an indication of the importance of interactions between regional and local scale


aquifers in terms of streamflow contribution. Heads in the hillslope aquifer in both portions

of the catchment match weil those of the benchmark, with 0.1 1 m and 0.07 m

underestimation respectively. In the deep aquifer, heads are overestimated by the combined

model in the 2.5% slope section by a similar order of magnitude, as they are underestimated

in the 5% slope section. AE models cannot account for topography, i.e., the top of the aquifer

is horizontal. The consequence of this is that the flow regime may be treated as unconfined in

areas where it is actually confined. This would lead to an overestimation of transmissivity,

which cou Id be compensated for by redefining the hydraulic conductivity in the

inhomogeneity domains used to model different recharge or aquifer property zones. Another

option would be to alter the bottom elevation within an inhomogeneity to represent a stepping

aquifer bottom. This option would be usefuJ in a regional scale domain with marked

topography. The difference in heads is also captured by theleakage rates. While in the mildly

inclined portion a shift from over- (lower quartile) to underestimating (higher quartile) the

leakage can be observed, an overestimation in the 5% section is reported by ail quartiles.

Contrary to the single-hillslope experiments where the heads in the deep aquifer are

systematically underestimated, in the open-book catchment, over- and underestimations are

observed. This can be explained by the assumption of equally spaced and numbered leakage

zones along the hillslope. The open-book setup represents an experiment on a larger scale,

hence it is suggested to carefully re-evaluate the three sub-block assumption.

Furthermore, and besides the impact of the steady state AE assumption, the errors in the deep

aquifer can also be attributed to the calibration of the resistance term, which is somewhat

biased since steady state heads in a model with no unsaturated zone are calibrated against

benchmark heads which reflect the contributions of the saturated zone, the capillary fringe,

and the unsaturated zone. The underestimated heads in the hillslope aquifer for the hsBIAE

model can also be related to unsaturated zone processes (Hilberts et al., 2005; Paniconi et al.,


Table 4.4 shows that the number of coupling time steps (t,) has only a very limited influence

on the quality of simulated heads, leakages and hence outflows. Although heads in the

hillslope aquifer remain virtually unaffected, deviations in the deep aquifer are slightly

variable with different coupJing time steps, but no trend is observable. In this particular case,


distinct recharge events are applied within a distinct coupling period, hence the rising head in

the unconfined unit could be captured more accurately for the leakage calculations if shorter

te were used. When applying the coupled model to a real catchment, te should be carefully

selected, to correspond for instance to recharge (spring and fall) and drainage (summer)

seasons. On the other hand, since the aquitard is not represented physically in the hsB/AE

mode!, the available water volume for drainage is overestimated. This is probably an

additional factor that leads to overestimation of the outflows.

Table 4.4 Deviations in transient and steady state heads, leakage rates, and outflows relative to the benchmark model for the open-book catch ment.

2.5% slope 5% slope

/ ( Id) 5 10 30 5 10 30

Transient-state heads in the hillsJope aquifer

Max. deviation 1m} 0.11 0.11 O.J 1 0.07 0.07 0.07

Steady-state heads in the deep aquifer

Max. deviation 1ml -1.29 -1.27 -J .23 1.03 0.90 1.10

Leakage rates

RMSEIJO,vmo5· l } 3.09 3.09 3.09 4.45 4.33 4.48

Max. deviation 1JO'vmo5· 1 } -8.45 -8.45 -8.46 -10.03 -9.94 -10.06

QI [/O'Vms·l} -3.73 -3.73 -3.74 -5.15 -4.99 -5.16

Q2 [JO'Vmo5· l } 0.55 0.54 0.49 -3.71 -3.52 -3.76

Q3 [/0'9 mo5 ·l } 1.52 1.51 1.48 -2.61 -2.40 -2.68


te [dl 5 10 30

RMSE lm 3 d· 1 } 98.3 100.0 98.6

Max. devia/ion [112 3 d· 1

} 311.6 310.3 301.4 Cum. volume error [%} -3.9 -3.7 -3.9

Similarly to the sing!e-hillslope tests, the drainable porosity for the hsB model was assumed

to be equal to the porosity used in the benchmark mode!. However, it can be expected that

drainable porosities will be lower than the benchmark porosities, particularly in less

conductive aquifer material, and different under recharge conditions. In a final set of tests, a


range of drainable porosity values was used (j = 0.1,0.2,0.25,0.3, and 0.4). Figure 4.8 shows

the hydrograph results for these different f values. With a low f of 0.1 the model response is

most prominent, with highest peak f10ws after the first recharge event and flows remaining

high throughout the simulation. It can be expected that with longer drainage periods between

each recharge event, ail hydrographs will converge to one curve. The effect on cumulative

total outflows at the end of the simulation in comparison to the benchmark model supports

this hypothesis. With f= 0.2 the coupled model overestimates the total volume by 1.2%,

which reduces significantly the already small error of 3.9% obtained for the value off (0.25)

used in the previous open-book simulations. Consequently, drainable porosity should be

considered as an additional fitting parameter, particularly in Iight of the complex interplay

between the amount and duration of infiltration events, aquifer properties and hillslope

geometry which influences the value of this parameter.

X 103

3 II o

2.5 20

'7" 2 '" "'E 40 E E

~ 1.5 o


g 1 -­ benchmark f=O.4


f=0.3 --f=O.25

0.5 --f=O.2 --f=O.1 80


o 100

o 5 10 15 20 25 30 titre [dl

Figure 4.8 Influence of the drainable porosity f on outflows calculated by the hsBIAE model for the open-book catchment.


4.5 Conclusions

This study presented a new catchment model that combines a hillslope-based

conceptualization for shallow subsurface f10w with a steady state representation of deep

regionaJ scale groundwater f1ow. In comparison to a benchmark numerical model, the

coupled model was able to successfully reproduce outflow, leakage, and head responses for a

range of aquifer properties, planform geometries and hillslope inclinations. The

computational effort is negligible compared to the detailed 3D benchmark model and largely

depends on the number of iterations needed until a common solution is found for both aquifer

systems. Generally, the hsB/AE model is computationally superior with respect to the

benchmark model and most efficient for more conductive aquifers, while more iterations are

needed for deep aquifers of low conductivity.

The largest discrepancies between the proposed hsB/AE model and the benchmark model

were obtained for steep (30%) sJopes and for hillslopes of convergent planform geometry.

These differences are mainly attributed to physical-hydrological differences between the

benchmark and hsBIAE model and to the steady state, horizontal f10w limitation of the AE

mode!. Recent developments in transient f10w versions of AE-based models (e.g., Kuhlman

and Neuman, 2006, 2009) could be incorporated in future versions of the hsB/AE code. A

transient AE model would improve the numerical performance (convergence, etc) of the

hsB/AE model and also make it more widely applicable (for instance to nonuniform recharge

simulations). Another improvement to the hsBIAE model would be to extend the hsB model

to a partial representation of the unsaturated zone (e.g., Hilberts el al., 2007).

The proposed model has the potential to improve subsurface f10w representation 10

hydrological models where surface-subsurface interactions, local aquifer-regional aquifer

interactions, and low f10ws play a key role in watershed dynamics.



5.1 Introduction

The hsB/AE model representing layered groundwater f10w is capable of simulating

hydraulic heads, leakage, and outflow rates compared to the three-dimensional benchmark

model (Broda et al., 2010). These numerical experiments were conducted under weil defined

but hypothetical configurations of domain discretization, boundaries, and aquifer parameters.

The full potential of the hsB/AE model can be further tested by simulating hydrodynamic

processes, including baseflow contributions to streamflow, for a real catchment. The

importance of validating distributed, physically-based models against observation data for

actual catchments is evident, and the literature is replete with examples that show how such

exercises can serve to highlight the complexities of the processes being studied. This in turn

spurs further model development, in a continuous effort to improve our understanding of

hydrologieal dynamics. As examples, Werner et al. (2006) applied MüDHMS (Panday and

Huyakorn, 2004) on an Australian catchment and were unable to reproduce baseflows

obtained with three different hydrograph separation techniques. The degree of spatial

discretization Iimited the model's capacity to simulate local scale processes Iike bank storage.

Gauthier et al. (2009) reported that a significantly accurate representation of the system

heterogeneity is required to obtain adequate simulation results. Particularly, surficial deposits

and bedrock conductivity zones were found to be crucial to matching observations.

The application of detailed models to real world catchments requires many parameters and

the acquisition of field data (both parameters and state variables such as heads and flow rates)

is time intensive and costly. Increasing parameter density also often implies increasing


calibration difficulties. Furthermore, computer codes need ta be accurate and robust, but also

as efficient as possible in arder ta manage the computational burden associated with

distributed or integrated process-based models. As an example of the numerical challenges

that can arise with such models, LaBolle et al. (2003) reported on the numerical instabilities

related to differences in time scales between streamflow and groundwater flow components.

In this chapter, the coupled low-dimensional hsB/AE model is applied ta a small catchment

in southern Quebec in order to i) examine the model's applicability to real conditions; ii)

assess its ability to reproduce observed flows; and iii) provide insight on the groundwater

contributions to streamflow for this study catchment.

5.2 Study site

The selected site for the hsBIAE application is the Allen catch ment. This catchment

is part of the transboundary Chateauguay river watershed located in southernwestern Quebec

and northeastern New York State (Figure S.I). The site has been selected for this study

because it is a well-studied headwater catchment with a ShOl1 but good record of streamflow

and precipitation data. Recently, the Allen River catchment has been the sllbject of a number

of hydrogeological studies on: the hydrological role of a peatland (Fournier, 2008; 2007),

peat thickness estimation (Rosa et al., 2008) and recharge estimation (Gagné, 2010). The site

hosts the Covey Hill Natural Laboratory (Larocque et al., 2006) which instrumented for long

term hydrological and ecosystemic surveys. The catchment covers an area of 30 km2 and its

topography ranges from 340 m to 8S m. Covey Hill is considered an important recharge area

for the regional Chateauguay River watershed (Croteau, 2006). The eastern part of the hill is

drained via the Allen River, which contributes to the des Anglais River, one of the main

tributaries of the Chateauguay River. The climate is continental temperate with a mean

annual temperature of 6.7 oC and average lows in January (-9.6 oC) and highs in July

(20.6 OC). The mean annllal precipitation is 929 mm with snow precipitation between

November and March (Environment Canada, 2007). The Allen catchment represents the the

model area.


Quebec Legend

-- Topographie contour lin es

Ontario -- Rivers and streams

c= Lake

c:=J Peatland

o 5 10 20 30-

o QS 2 3 __==:::::JI I:::====~I Kilometers

Figure 5.1 Localization of the Allen River catchment and map of surface water features and topographie contour lines.

The site description is extended to the area surrounding the Allen River catchment in order to

include the entire simulated flow domain. This zone constitutes the farfield domain, which


eontains hydrologie features that control flow in and out of the nearfield domain, with the

Noire River in the north and northwest and the des Anglais River in the east and south.

Covey Hill is loeated on Cambrian sandstone of the Potsdam Group (Covey Hill Formation)

divided into the basal Covey Hill Formation and the upper Cairns ide Formation, deformed

and fraetured during the Appalachian orogen (Globensky, 1986). The Covey Hill Formation

extends almost entirely into the farfield domain, while the Cairnside formation is present only

in the eastern portion, From the foot of Covey Hill to the des Anglais River (Figure S.2). The

Havelock breccia follows the Havelock fault in the eastern part of the study area. The

hydrogeological influence of this major structural feature is not weil defined, as few data are

available within its extent (Lavigne, 2006).

Legendc:::J Covey Hill formation

[=:J Cairnside formalion _ Havelock breccla _ Dolomilic sandslone

Gounre Lake Covey Hill pealland

-­ Allen calchmenl -- Rivers and streams o 1 2 10


Figure S.2 Bedrock geology of the study area (Coté et al., 2006).


Surface deposits are practically absent at the hilltop. Elsewhere, the bedrock is overlain by

Quarternary deposits of variable thickness, composed of gravel, sand, and sandy tills. The

thickness of the sediments varies with altitude and with slope (Figure 5.3). Up to 10 m of

sediments can be found south and west of the hill, whereas thin layers of sediments are found

in the steepest portions of the hill, at altitudes ranging between 220 and 100 mas!. Sediments

increase in thickness up to 8 m at the northern foot of Covey Hill (Lasalle, 1981; Tremblay,

2008). Outside of the Allen River catch ment, sediments are of similar composition and

thicknes reaches 30 m at the domain edges, particularly in the east and west, and in the

proximity of the des Anglais and Noire rivers.

Low: 0 - Allen calchmenl - Rivers and streams

Gouffre Lake Covey Hill pealland

6 • 5 Observation wells

Figure 5.3 Thickness of Quaternary sediments at the study site (Coté et al., 2006).


Groundwater flow occurs in the sandstone at a regional scale and in the Quarternary

sediments at a local hillsJope scale. The bedrock aquifer is generally unconfined over the

study area. Flow occurs from south to north in the fractures and dissolution joints rather than

in the sandstone porosity (Nastev et al., 2004). Springs occur at mid-slope where saturated

fractures meet topography principally in the northeastern face where the slopes are steepest

(approximately 10% inclination). Slopes of this order of magnitude can also be found in the

western portion of the study area, whereas in the rest of the domain the slopes vary between

roughly 1% and 3% inclination. The bedrock water table depth varies between 2 and 15 m

and flows generally radially with respect to the hilltop. Hence, groundwater flow gradients

are largest in the steep portions of the domain. Low gradients can be found along the Noire

River and the lower portions of the des Anglais river (see Figure 5.8).

An important surface water feature is the Covey Hill peatland with a surface area of

0.5 J km2, 10cated west of the hilltop and partitioned into two drainage basins. The eastem

part covers 0.35 km2 and drains towards the Allen River (the western pal1 drains towards the

Outardes River). Heads in the peatland are lower than in the surrounding bedrock aquifer,

indicating groundwater input from the aquifer to the organic deposits. Because the bedrock

underlying the peatland is relatively impervious, however, it is assumed that no water is

exchanged vertically between the organic deposits and the bedrock aquifer (Fournier, 2008).

Another major hydrological feature is the groundwater fed Gouffre Lake, with a depth of

approximately 50 m (Gagné, 2010). With the Allen catch ment being a headwater catchment

and major recharge area, there is minimal stream incision of the aquifer and streamtlows are

relatively low. Consequently, the aquifer is drained only nominally by the streams.

A total of 15 bedrock observation wells (private monitoring wells, Ministère du

Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parc du Québec and Geological Survey

of Canada piezometers and data from the Système d'Informations Hydrogéologiques [SIH;

MDDEP, 2007]) are available (see Figure 5.7). Groundwater levels in the bedrock aquifer are

measured using Solinst level loggers and vary during a hydrological year from 0.6 to 7.7 m.

The smallest variations are observed in the wells located near the peatland. The larger

variations are wideJy distributed over Covey Hill and there is no apparent link with location

(Fournier, 2008; Gagné, 2010).


Hydraulic conductivities of the fractured bedrock are available from pumping tests performed

in previous studies (Barrington et al., 1992; Lavigne, 2006) and from slug tests performed in

wells located near the peatland (Fournier, 2008). Available hydraulic conductivities range

from 7x 10-8 to 3x 10-5 m S-I. They are highly variable and correspond obviously to a wide

range of fracture conditions; nevertheless the available measurements serve to define an

interval of possible K values. The variation of K with depth is not known with precision but a

decrease of two orders of magnitude was measured between two closely located wells at 3

and 15 m depth (Fournier, 2008) as weil as between two 80 m wells at the top of the hill unit

(Godin and Rouleau, 2006).

5.3 Data and methods

5.3.1 Input data

Daily rainfall from a rain gauge on Covey Hill, potential evapotranspiration

calcu lated by means of a modified Pen man method (Gagné, 2010) and streamflow data at the

catchment outlet recorded using TruTrack loggers are available for the period of April ta

October 2008. The total precipitation for the studied period amounts to 652 mm and total

evapotranspiration to 376 mm. The minimum, maximum and averaged streamflows at the

catchment outlet are respectively, 0.05, 21.19 and 0.46 m3/s.

Due to the absence of a land sUlface-atmasphere interface in the hsB/AE model,

evapotranspiration is not represented. The precipitation time series must therefore be treated

beforehand to provide the net precipitation on a daily time scale:

j j

Ipk - IET~ p"el = p k=/ k=/ (5.1 )k k j

I~ k=/

where PJJe'k [mm d-Il is the net daily precipitation for day k, Pk [mm d-I] is the measured

rainfall for day k, ETPk [mm d-I] is the estimated evapotranspiration for day k, and j is the


total number of days in the considered study period. On a yearly basis, the net precipitation is

44% of the total precipitation, where in October the pJle'/Pk ratio is largest (0.83) and with

0.12 in August smallest (Figure 5.4). The net precipitation can be partitioned into surface

runoff and soil infiltration. It therefore needs to be converted into the required recharge input

for the hsB module. Because the hsB version used in the hsB/AE model does not represent

the unsaturated zone, recharge is therefore equivalent to soil infiltration.


0.8 --monthly

, ";' 0.6 --yearly

~ .,-- 0.4 c 0.

0.2 1 1


Apr 1 May 1 lun 1 lui 1 Aug 1 Sep 1 Oct 1 Nov 1


Figure 5.4 Ratio of net Precipitation to total precipitation based on monthly averages

Estimation of groundwater recharge, which can be highly variable in time and space, is a

challenging problem in hydrogeology. Sorne of the complicating factors include the effects of

land use changes, the problems associated with spatial extrapolation of point data, and the

presence of localized or indirect processes. These can occur for instance in shallow aquifers

when rising water tables induced by recharge create a local groundwater system with

associated local seepage discharge, thereby reducing net recharge. Moreover, recharge that

reaches the water table can subsequently be extracted by evapotranspiration (de Vries and

Simmers, 2002). ln the context of coupling hydrological models and groundwater t10w

models, even the definition of groundwater recharge may be ambiguous and can vary

depending on scale and the specific aquifer under consideration (Barthel, 2006).


0.8 ,


~ 0.6 .....


èY-­(l) VJ 0.4

1 1

'".D 1 --monlhly 1


0.2 --yearly

o Apr J May 1 Jun 1 Juil Augl Sep 1 Oct 1 Novi


Figure 5.5 Ratio of baseflow to total f10w based on monthly and yearly averages.

ln this study, groundwater recharge is estimated based on the ratio of baseflow Qlm.w to total

flow QW! of the Allen River at the catchment outlet and on recharge values reported in recent

modeling studies of the Allen catchment or Chateauguay River watershed. Hydrograph

separation using the Chapman method (Chapman, 1999) has been conducted by Gagné

(2010). On a yearly and monthly basis, i.e., taking the average of the monthly ratios, the

Qlm-iQw! ratio is respectively 0.46 and 0.48. Figure 5.5 illustrates the temporal variability of

the monthly Q,)(,,)Q/I)/ ratio, clearly indicating recharge periods in April-May and August­


ln the modeling study of Fournier (2008), the catchment was partitioned into recharge zones

and calibrated recharge rates varied between 37 and 183 mmlyear, corresponding to 13 and

64% of the net precipitation of 287 mm for the April-October 2008 period. ln a modeling

study carried out over the entire Chateauguay River watershed (Lavigne, 2006), groundwater

recharge over the Allen catch ment ranged between 0 and 400 mm/year, with an average of 86

mmlyear or 30% of the net precipitation between April and October 2008. In the study

conducted by Gagné (2010) groundwater recharge was estimated to be 162 mm/year, i.e.,

56% of the net Aplil-October precipitation.


Based on these findings, the groundwater recharge used in this study is defined to be 50% of

the net precipitation Plie" This results in an infiltration or recharge estimate for the period

from April to October 2008 equal to 22% of the total precipitation over the catchment, or

144 mm over this study period. Figure 5.6 visualizes the partitioning of daily rainfall events

into actual aquifer recharge. Using a ratio averaged over the 7-month period probably

underestimates recharge in the spring and fall and overestimates recharge in the summer.

Furthermore, groundwater recharge is taken to be spatially homogeneous, which is a

considerable simplification given that infiltration rates are expected to be highest in the

hilltop pOltions of the catch ment. The impact of these assumptions will be discussed later.



" E 60 rain fall

S v 50

• aquifer recharge

co ..... ro

..c: u 40 v..... 0 30 3 c: 20 ro ....


0 1 • _ L Hl ~ .J l 1 • iIil

Apr 1 May 1 Jun 1 Juil Aug 1 Sep 1 Oct 1 Nov 1 2008

Figure 5.6 Daily observed rainfall and corresponding estimate of aquifer recharge.

The hsB/AE model is expected to simulate baseflow from the deep aquifer and shallow

subsurface flow (interflow) from the hillslope, both contributing to the total input from the

aquifer to the stream. Hence, compared to the observed streamflow hydrograph, the model

results are expected to fall between the total outflow (which includes also any surface runoff

contributions) and the estimated baseflow component. Figure 5.7 illustrates the full

hydrograph at the outlet of the Allen catch ment as weil as the Chapman-based baseflow

hydrograph. The peak baseflows in the spring and early summer are related to snow melt and


it is expected that they will not be easily reproduced with the hsBIAE model due to the

absence of a snow melt and runoff representation. Furthermore, baseflow separation

algorithms are generally somewhat subjective, since the baseflow dynamics largely depend

on the selection of the baseflow index (Eckhardt, 2008), resulting in high frequency

variability to smooth baseflow hydrographs. Although the large baseflow component during

the spring period appears to be unrealistic, verifying credibility of the Chapman baseflows

obtained by Gagné (2010) have nevertheless not been subject of this study and hence remain

unaltered. However, other separation techniques should be tested as weil, but is left to future

research. In late summer and early autumn, however, baseflow constitutes most of the total

outflow, thus this period should be more easily simulated with the coupled model

representing layered groundwater f1ow.



.Tolal f10w2

• Baseflow"'Ê


1.5 ~ o ç:


o Apr 1 May 1 Jun 1 JuIl Aug 1 Sep 1 Ocl 1 Nov 1


Figure 5.7 Total flow and estimated baseflow at the Allen River catchment outlet.

5.3.2 Hillslope delineation

GIS pre-processing is employed to partition the Allen watershed into hillslopes using

ArcHydro tools and the "Editor" function in ArcGIS. The approach applied in this study was

presented by Matonse and Kroll (2009) and is based on the methodology described by Fan


and Bras (1998). The hillslopes are classified as uniform, convergent, divergent, or a

combination of these shapes, based on the general groundwater f10wline patterns (Figure

5.8a). Hillslopes of similar geometry were combined to form larger hillslopes. "Natural"

hillsJopes then had to be converted into regular "numerical" hillslopes that define the

individual recharge units in the hsB/AE model (Figure 5.8b). The regular planform shapes

dictated by the hsB model are uniform, monotonically convergent, and monotonically

divergent. In order to preserve the surface area of each hillslope, the hillslope length and

width is calibrated and regular width functions are generated using intervals of ~x =50 m.

An automated approach for hillslope delineation wou Id greatly facilitate the application of

the hsB-based modeling approach to a wide range of catchments. Accurate extraction and

delineation of hillslopes based on digital elevation models (DEMs) or triangulated irregular

networks (TINs) is an active topic of research (e.g., Bogaart and Troch, 2006; Noël et al.,

20\0). A strong constraint in any automated algorithm would be the avoidance of overlaps

and/or gaps between hillslopes. In hsB standalone applications at the catchment scale, this

issue is not relevant, since lateral divides are taken to be no-f1ow boundaries and hence

hillslope interconnectivity is not accounted for. Nonetheless, in the context studied in this

thesis, these issues need to be resolved in order to avoid mass balance errors due to

over/underestimation of aquifer surface areas and unwanted mixing of Ieakage fluxes across

multiple hillslopes. Equally appealing in resolving this issue would be an extension of the

hsB model to allow for entirely arbitrary geometries.



Legen::ezometric contour lines 1....... -- Allen River

o Covey Hill pealland

Gouffre Lake


10 Hillslope number

Figure 5.8 a) Naturally delineated hillslopes and b) regularly-shaped numerical hillslopes extracted from the Allen River catch ment.

Table 5.1 provides a summary of the calibrated surface areas based on the width functions,

deviations from actual surface areas, hillslope inclinations and Quaternary aquifer thicknesses

for each hillslope. Siopes and thicknesses are obtained using statistical tools of ArcGIS. In

total, 19 hillslopes are delineated, with a total surface area of 30.08 km2. The total surface of

the catch ment is underestimated by 0.04 km2 which is considered to be negligible. Although

the total surface area of the catchment is preserved, the definition of the general flow

direction within each each hillslope, hillslope inclination and aquifer thickness are subject to

higher errors. The hsB approach is based on the assumption of width-averaged flow

perpendicular to the outflow face. Hence, within each delineated numerical hillslope,

groundwater flow is perpendicular to the stream draining the hillslope. For instance,

groundwater f10w in hillsJope 6 is expected to be paralJel to the stream according to the

piezometric contour lines (Figure 5.8a), but assumes an orientation perpendicular to the

stream in the model representation (Figure 5.8b). Only increasing the number of hillslopes in

the domain can relax this inaccuracy. Siope angles and aquifer thicknesses are subject to


errors caused by the interpolation of point data information to the catchment scale.

Furthennore, the thickness of the Quaternary deposits is considered to be highly variable in

space (Tremblay, 2008) and this cannot be entirely accounted for in the hsB model which

uses a constant thickness for each hillslope.

Table 5.1 Characteristics of the 19 hil1slopes extracted from the Allen River catchment.

Calibrated Absolute Average Average thickness of Hillslope # Surface [km2

] surface [km2] difference [km2

] slope [%] Quaternary deposits [ml

1 0.45 0.43 0.02 204 3.5

2 0.19 0.20 0.01 2.2 3.5

3 0.55 0.56 0.00 5.1 3.5

4 0.27 0.27 0.00 2.9 3.5

5 2.40 2040 0.00 8.1 2.0

6 0.80 0.76 0.04 3.0 2.0

7 0.24 0.24 0.00 5.8 2.0

8 0.28 0.30 0.02 2.9 2.5

9 1.01 1.00 0.01 7.0 1.6

10 0.93 0.95 0.02 5.5 4.0

Il 0.68 0.65 0.03 2.8 2.8

12 2.21 2.24 0.03 4.8 3.8

13 0.71 0.69 0.03 2.7 2.8

14 1.77 1.81 0.03 3.1 3.0

15 8.80 8.79 0.02 3.2 8.0

16 1045 1047 0.02 2.7 6.5

17 5.56 5.49 0.07 2.3 6.6

18 0.66 0.64 0.01 3.5 1.7

19 1.14 1.20 0.06 2.8 3.8

ail 30.12 30.08 0.04 3.8 3.5

5.3.3 Model parameterization

At the base of each outflow face of the 19 hsB hil1s10pes a zero storage boundary

condition is applied. Ali other lateral divides are no-flow boundaries, hence hillslope

interconnectivity is neglected. The topography of the studied domain, including also the

farfield domain, ranges between 340 and 45 m. In this study, the aquifer in the AE mode1 is


assigned a constant thickness of 340 m. The nearfield domain is defined by three

inhomogeneities per hillslope, representing three distinct zones of constant recharge. In total,

57 inhomogeneities are applied. In the farfield, a recharge rate of 144 mm is used.

o 1 2 6 10 __=::::::....::::::::5_.Kilomete,s


Figure 5.9 Nearfield and farfield boundaries for the Allen River watershed mode!.

The Allen River is represented in the AE model with head-specified line sinks having a width

of 0.8 m and a depth of 0.5 m. The resistance R to vertical f10w of the Allen Stream is a

calibration parameter and will be discussed later on. The Covey Hill peatland, although in

reality located with approximately 50% of its surface within the Allen catchment, is almost

entirely located outside the nearfield domain. This is caused by the preservation of the

surface area during the hillsJope delineation process. The peatland is represented using a


farfield fixed head boundary. The Gouffre Lake is defined as a lake boundary of 50 m depth.

In the farfield, a number of streams are defined as fixed head boundaries, hence fully

penetrating the aquifer (Figure 5.9).

In this study, the routing of streamflow contributions From individual hsB hillslope elements

to the catchment outlet was neglected. Given that the maximum length of the f10w path along

the stream channel is roughly 8 km, it is expected that the time of concentration is below the

numerical time step of 1 d.

5.4 Results

The coupled hsB/AE model was run From April to October of 2008 (213 d), with a

spin-up period of the same length to minimize the impact of the initial conditions. Given the

relatively short input time series available, the length of the calibration period was limited as

weil. The steady state AE model was run just once within the simulation period, i.e., a

coupling time step 1" of 213 d was used. Preliminary runs with smaller 1" values produced a

negligible influence on the quality of the model results but increased the computational time.

5.4.1 Model calibration

A manual trial-and-error calibration was performed for the following parameters:

hydraulic conductivities in the aquitard, hillslope and bedrock aquifer, drainable porosity,

aquitard thickness, stream resistance. and initial soil moisture. The calibration was conducted

to minimize errors between simulated and observed mean hydraulic heads in the bedrock

aquifer and estimated baseflows at the Allen River outlet over the entire 213 d simulation

period. The calibrated parameters are homogeneous over the entire study area. The best

results were obtained from August to October, when streamflow response is less dominated

by surface f10w phenomena.

As can be seen in Figure 5.10, the model performs poorly for the spring and early

summer months, due mainly to the absence of snow melt and slllface runoff representation in

the hsB/AE mode!. The difficulty during large baseflow periods is also due to the Jack of a


soil component in the hsBIAE model that can accurately partition water between runoff,

evapotranspiration, and interflow. Matonse and Kroll (2009) reported similar difficulties in

simulating high flow events with an hsB-based mode!.


1.8 -­Toi al measured f10w

1.6 --Chapman baseflow

1.4 Sirnulaled hsB-AE

"'~ 1.2

~ 1 '"30.8 o ç: 0.6



o Apr 1 May 1 Jun 1 Juil Augl Sep 1 Oct 1 Novi


Figure 5.10 Simulated hsBIAE flows compared with total tlows and Chapman basetlows for the April-October 2008 period.

The poor match against estimated baseflow in spring and early summer may also be partly

due to uncertainties in the baseflow separation technique (Jones et al., 2006). The Chapman

method used here is based on removing, via a recursive one-parameter digital filter, the high­

frequency quickflow signal from the low-frequency basetlow signal (Chapman, J999;

Smakhtin, 2001). One of the limitations or sources or uncertainty or error in the method is

that streamflow contributions from bank storage, lakes, wetlands and snow are ignored. This

uncertainty is particularly significant in the spring for the Allen catchment, when snowmelt is

normally a significant contributor to streamflow. Additionally, the Chapman baseflow

includes groundwater tlow and interflow, and the latter is not represented in the hsB/AE


Because the computed heads in the bedrock aquifer represented by the AE model component

are at steady state, these are compared to yearly averages of the observed heads. As can be


seen in Figure S.II, the mean error (2.19 m) is relatively small and the computed heads are

both under- and overestimated compared to the measured values (1'2 = 0.79). Close to the

Allen River, heads are generally overestimated (e.g., observation wells 6 to 9), while further

away they tend to be underestimated (e.g., observation wells 1, 3, Il). This can be explained

in part by the large resistance applied to the river bed, reducing now towards the stream and

causing heads to build up. The llnderestimation of heads in the other regions can be related to

the homogeneous representation of the deep aquifer. In particular, heads on the steep portions

of Covey Hill are poorly reproduced. This portion of the domain is also the one where strong

vertical gradients due to fracturing are observed (Gagné, 2010; Fournier, 2008; Nastev et al.,

2004). The introduction of variable conductivity zones wOllld help improve the simulated

results. The fact that recharge is applied homogeneously in the farfield also introduces bias in

the mode!. Croteau (2006) described highly variable recharge zones throughout the basin. A

spatial refinement of the annual recharge could potentially improve the results.

~ 290 0

(= 0.79 RMSE= 31.47 m

1fi S 240


ü o:l :u

..c Ü

~ 190 15 o:l


E </)

140 • 5


90 140 190 240 290 observed head [m]

Figure 5.11 Scattergram of measured and simulated heads in the bedrock aquifer.

The calibrated parameter values are summarized in Table S.2. The hydraulic conductivities

used for the hiJ1slope and bedrock aquifers are within the ranges reported by Croteau (2006)


and Lavigne (2006). A pronounced veltical anisotropy has been hypothesized for the Allen

River catchment, in particular around Covey Hill, with horizontal to vertical conductivity

ratios of 1000 (Fournier, 2010) and even 15000 (Lavigne, 2006). Since the resistance R in the

Dupuit-Forchheimer-based AE model is accounting for 3D f10w effects near a stream, the

relatively large value for R (30 d) represents a very limited vertical f10w exchange between

the surface water and groundwater. The aquitard conductivity and thickness cannot be related

to any field observations or literature data for the study site. These two parameters, which

primarily control the convergence rate during the iterative coupling process between the hsB

and AE models are therefore pure calibration parameters.

Table 5.2 Calibrated parameters for the Allen River catchment.

Parameter Calibrated value

2xlO,5Hillslope hydraulic conductivity K, [mis}

Drainable porosityf [-} 0.22

Initial soil moisture [-} 0.3 5x 10'6Bedrock hydraulic conduclivity K, [mis} IxlO,lOAquitard hydraulic conductivity K, [mis}

Aquitard thickness b [m} 2

Stream resistance R [d} 30

5.4.2 Flows during the low f10w period

The hsB/AE model simulates reasonably weil the catchment response in the August to

October period when the aquifer provides an important proportion of total f1ow.

Figure 5.12 shows the total measured outlet discharge, the estimated baseflow component,

and the simulated hsBIAE discharge for the month of August 2008. This period is

characterized by a number of recharge events in the first half of the month followed by a 10­

day drainage period. GeneraJly, the simuJated f10w underestimates the baseflow, with a

relatively low RMSE of 0.024 m3/s. A maximum deviation between hsB/AE flow and

estimated baseflow of 0.049 m 3/s is observed during the peak rainfall event of 26 mm, where


the actual aquifer recharge is 5.8 mm. The impact of the recharge event is significant and the

response of the hsBIAE model indicates a strong contribution from the hillslope aquifer.

Flow dynamics caused by the recharge events are generally reproduced weil according to the

observed total flow data. Towards the end of the month, the simulated flow becomes larger

than the baseflow and approaches the total measured flow. During this period, the total

measured flow drops to 0.07 m3/s, which is below the 10lh percentile of 0.08 m3/s for total

streamflow between April and October. Hence it can be assumed that the measured flow is

almost entirely supplied by baseflow during this late-August period.

0.6 o RMSE =0.024 mJ/s

ME =0.01 1 m·l /s•0.5 10 MD =0.049 mJ/s

v Ê_rainfall

~ 0.4 20.s recharge <U'''E Ol)--Iolal measured f10w

~ 0.3 30~--eslimaled baseflow üe

simulaled hsB-AE f10w ~ ~

2 0.2

0.1 /

o 60

3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

August 2008

Figure 5.12 Simulated hsBIAE flow for August 2008 compared with total outlet discharge and estimated baseflow. A statistical summary of the comparison between hsBIAE and the estimated baseflow is also given (RMSE = root mean squared error; ME = mean error; MD = maximum deviation).

The drainage period extends into the month of September, for a total duration of 17 days. The

RMSE and mean error for the entire month are reasonably smal!. The hsB/AE flow remain

very close to the total measured discharge during this period (Figure 5.13). In the following

period, the hsBIAE f10w remains higher than the estimated baseflow. This can be attributed

• •


to the steady state nature of the AE model, where contributions from the deep aquifer over a

dry period are general1y expected to be less than those du ring wet periods. The model

response to recharge events is captured weil, with the resulting hydrograph showing the

influence of recharge on subsurface runoff. Possible improvements to the model in terms of

recharge estimation include introduction of an atmosphere-soil module and use of a PIET?

ratio calculated over multiple years instead of over a single year, in order to capture

interannual PIETP variations.

0.6 - - 0

0.5 RMSE = 0.029 m)/s 10~

ME = -0.023 m-'/s -0

---EMD = 0.092 m'/s~04 20.s"'E .


bDrain fa Il 1) ' ­

rorecharge'§ 0.3 30 "5

3 ~--talai measured Flow 0 ' ­--eslimaled basellowc: 0

0.2 simuialed hsB-AE f10w 40= ~ c

50-§0.1 ~-- -~

0 60

3 5 7 9 1J 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 291 September 2008

Figure 5.13 Simulated hsBIAE f10w for September 2008 compared with total outlet discharge and estimated baseflow. The statistical measures are as defined for Figure 5.1 1.

October is characterized by increasing rainfall frequency and intensity towards the end of the

month. The hsB/AE f10w represents weil the baseflow pattern llntil October 25 (Figure 5.14).

The large rainfall events after this date are not well-captured in relation to total discharge due

to the lack of a surface runoff component in the mode!. For the October 1-25 period the

simulated flow is generally larger than the estimated baseflow. The relatively large RMSE

(0.048 m 3/s) calculated over the entire mon th drops to 0.013 m 3/s when it is computed over


the period October 1-22. It should be noted that the measured hydrograph peaks that are seen

in Figure 5.13 around October 13 and 15 do not correspond to rain events and are perhaps

attributable to measurment errors or to the influence of a man-made static dam that controls

flow into one of the lakes on the Allen River.


1 .-0

1 0.5 RMSE= 0.048 (0.013) m'/s 10~

'0 ME =0.008 (-0.01) m'/s E MD =0.172 (0.034) mJ/sv;OA 20É._rainfall O.l

~~ ~ recharge co ~ 0.3 --total measured f10w 30-5

O.l~ ..... 3 --eSlimaled baseflow ..... o o

G: 0.2 - simulated hsB-AE f10w 40= ~ c co

0.1 50 .....

o ro 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 2J 23 25 27 29 31

October 2008

Figure 5.14 Simulated hsBIAE f10w for October 2008 compared with total outlet discharge and estimated baseflow. The statistical measures are as defined for Figure 5.11 (the values in parentheses are for the period October 1-22).

For the period from August to October 2008, the total simulated hydrograph is partitioned

into roughly 53% contributed from the hsB aquifer and 47% from the AE aquifer. Inter­

monthly variations are small, with contributions from the hsB aquifer increasing to roughly

55%. Figure 5.15 compares the monthly ratio between estimated baseflow and total observed

discharge with the monthly ratio between hsBIAE outflow and total observed discharge. This

figure underscores the generally increasing importance of the baseflow contribution to

streamflow as summer progresses, and the hsB/AE's model abil1ty to partially capture this

trend. Over the entire simulation period, the model-computed ratio is 0.34, which compares

weil with the ratio obtained in previous studies (e.g., 0.30 at the 90th percentile in Gagné,

2010) and reasonably weil with the ratio based on the Chapman baseflow (0.48). For the


period between August and October, the model-computed ratio is 0.51 which compares very

weil with the ratio based on the Chapman method.

-- basefJow / (otal measured fJow

0.8 -- hsB-AE f10w / total rneasured f10w

0.6 ~

.2 e 0.4


o Aprl Mayl lunl lui 1 Aug 1 Sep lOci 1 Nov 1


Figure 5.15 Ratios of estimated baseflow to total measured discharge and hsB/AE model­computed outflow to total measured discharge.

5.5 Conclusions

The main objective of this study was to apply the newly developed coupled hsB/AE model to

a real catchment and examine the outflow behavior produced by this model in comparison to

measured streamflow and estimated baseflow. The recharge input to the model was

calculated from estimates of net precipitation and baseflow/streamflow ratios and from

recharge rates obtained in previous studies. Simulated heads in the bedrock aquifer are

overestimated in the proximity of the Allen stream, while they are underestimated at further

distances. This is mainly attributed to the homogenous representation of the AE aquifer, i.e.,

constant aquifer thickness and conductivity throughout the entire domain and within a single

hillslope and the lacking representation of resistance to vertical f10w in the Dupuit­

Forchheimer-based AE mode!. It is expected that these results could be improved by


introducing variable thickness and conductivity zones. Overall, the computed hsB/AE flows

were shown to capture reasonably weil the estimated baseflows during periods when

baseflow dominates the hydrograph response (e.g., late August to late October). Due to the

absence of snowmelt and surface runoff components in the model, the catchment response

during spring discharge and extreme rain events is underestimated. Nonetheless, the model

mimics quite weil the timing and the rising and falling limbs of hydrograph peaks.

Furthermore, results obtained in previous studies on this catchment (Fournier, 2010; Gagné,

2010), indicating a large baseflow contribution to streamflow, cou Id be confirmed with the

hsB/AE mode!.

Aquifer recharge is a critical input to the mode!. Currently based on a PlET? ratio obtained

over a single year, a more refined approach would be to use a ratio From a longer period and

to include recharge estimation in the calibration procedure in order to relax arbitrary

assumptions concerning net precipitation and other factors. The model calibration was

conducted on aquifer and aquitard parameters as weil as initial saturation of the hillslopes.

Because sediment thickness in the Allen catchment has a high degree of spatial variability

(Tremblay, 2008) and errors related to interpolation of point data information on sedimentary

layering to the regional scale are significant, sediment thickness should become a calibration

parameter as weil. Generally, it was difficult to reproduce periods where total f10w is

dominated by surface f10w phenomena. The incorporation of a soil-atmosphere interface for

partitioning rainfall into runoff, evapotranspiration and aquifer recharge is expected to

improve models performance during wet periods. Other areas of further research include

automated width function generation.



The objective of this thesis was to develop a low-dimensional yet accurate subsurface

flow model for layered groundwater flow and to thoroughly test and verify it against a

detailed numerical model and a real catchment. The new model consists of an extension of

the hillslope-storage Boussinesq (hsB) model to allow for vertical exchange fluxes through a

hypothetical semi-pervious unit at the hillslope bottom coupled with an analytic element­

based model representing regional and deep groundwater flow. The combined hsB/AE model

was first tested on numerical hillslopes and on an open-book catchment. The results were

compared to those obtained with a fully-coupled finite element model based on the Richards

equation (benchmark model). The new model was further tested in an application to a small

headwater catchment in southwestern Quebec.

In chapter 2 the original hsB model was prepared for coupling with a groundwater flow

model by allowing for vertical fluxes through a hypothetical aquitard at the hillslope bottom.

A leakage term based on Darcy's law was incorporated by extending the mass balance and

combining it with the Boussinesq equation. For preliminary testing, experiments on a

numerical hillslope were conducted with the extended hsB and the benchmark mode\.

Leakage rates at the bottom of the aquitard were used as input to the extended hsB mode!.

This new hsB model simulated reasonably weil heads and outflows, indicating the potential

of the hsB model to simulate recharge to a deep semi-confined aquifer. The large spatio­

temporal variability in leakage patterns and the high sensitivity to boundary conditions for the

leakage process underlined the importance of investigating hillslope leakage in more detai\'

Chapter 3 addressed these issues by means of a thorough study of leakage in a hillslope

context. The benchmark model was used in these analyses, with numerical experiments


conducted for a 100 m synthetic hillslope composed of a layered aquifer system. The

simulations examined the intluence of different configurations of aquifer and aquitard

properties, hiJlslope geometry (including length and inclination) and boundary conditions on

leakage, water levels and outtlow. The resuJts showed that leakage generally percolates in

both directions, with downward (positive) leakage in upslope portions of the aquifer and

upward (reverse or negative) leakage in downslope regions. Geometry was found to be a

main determinant of the partitioning of leakage along a hillslope, with for instance upward

leakage in large portions of convergent slopes but only in a small downslope region for

divergent slopes. In steep hillslopes, the reverse leakage that occurs downslope as a result of

quick upslope drying represents a major component of the water budget. Outtlow boundary

conditions also exert a major control on the volume and direction of leakage, with the

placement and extent of Dirichlet or seepage face nodes along the outtlow face being

particularly important factors.

In chapter 4 the understanding of hil1s10pe leakage from chapter 3 was applied in combining

the hsB model, representing shal10w hillslope groundwater tlow, with the AE model

representing deep regional groundwater tlow. A series of tests on single hills]opes and a

synthetic two-hillslope (open-book) catch ment was presented. The impact of aquifer

parameterization, hillslope planform geometry and inclination under drainage and recharge

events was examined. The results were compared to those of the benchmark mode!. On the

single hi11slopes, remarkable matches were obtained for a11 tested setups, with significant

deviations observed only for the 30% slope and for hi11slopes with convergent geometry.

Results for the two-hillslope catchment were reasonable, with cumulative tlow volumes

underestimated by roughly 10-12%. The response to recharge events was found to largely

depend on the selection of the drainable porosity used in the hiJlslope mode!. Based on these

findings, it can be suggested that the drainable porosity be treated as a fitting parameter.

Overall, the hsB/AE model was found to be computationally efficient and reasonably

accurate, and suitable for application in hydrological contexts involving layered groundwater

fJow at the catchment and river basin scale with streamtlow that has a strong basetlow



In chapter 5 the new model was applied to a real catchment. The selected Allen watershed is

part of the Chateauguay regional transboundary watershed and is one of its main recharge

areas. The model-computed discharge to the stream was compared to the total measured

outlet streamflow and to baseflow estimated using the Chapman filter. Significant deviations

from the baseflow hydrograph occurred during high f10w periods, when recharge events are

most pronounced and frequent and where total f10w is dominated by surface f10w

phenomenas. The computed hsBIAE tlows were shown to capture reasonably weil the

baseflow during periods when baseflow dominates the hydrograph response (e.g., late August

to October).

Research on the new modeling approach presented in this thesis is naturally far from being

complete. Additional effort should be put on further testing the current version of the hsBIAE

model, as well as on improvement of the hsB and AE model components. As a next step in

model improvement, the hsBIAE model should be incorporated into a land surface

hydrological model, in order to have a complete representation of the water cycle.

Additionally, tests should be performed with more realistic hillslope geometries, including

profile curvature. One major limitation of the hsB/AE model is the steady-state AE

component. A transient AE model is expected to improve model performance. Leakage rates

would no longer need to be averaged over a pre-defined coupling time period, hence peak

recharges to the deep aquifer cou Id be better accounted for. Furthermore, the AE model can

only account for a varying aquifer bottom, while the aquifer sUlface remains horizontal. An

extension of the AE model to account for actual aquifer topography wou Id be an innovation

tailored to the coupling with hsB. Finally, a transient AE model would help improve

numerical stability and efficiency since the number of iterations in the coupling procedure is

expected to be reduced. An automated approcach for hillslope delineation as weil as an

extension of the hsB model to allow for entirely arbitrary geometries would greatly facilitate

the application of the hillslope-based modeling approach. Given the highly variable thickness

of hillslope aquifers over single hillslopes, it could be worth conducting a further extension of

the hsB mode! to accounl for a spatially variable unconfined aquifer thickness.

In summary, the presented hsBIAE model is a parameter sparse and computationally efficient

tool for simulating groundwater flow on local hillslopes cou pIed to a regional groundwater


system. Given the gaining popularity of fully integrated models operating at the watershed

scale, the hillslope-based paradigm developed here provides a promising alternative to

traditional modeling techniques. Fi nally, the extended hsB model that allows for vertical

exchanges at the hillslope bottom makes the model readily available for coupling with other

deep groundwater fJow modules.


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