a love letter to flash

Post on 18-Mar-2018






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A Love Letter To Flash

FlashInTheCan ⇨ FITC

Actionscript 4??

Adobe KeynoteAE and Flash CS3

AIR Conditioning

Beyond the Buttons Building AIR Applications with Adobe Flash Professional CS3

Building Red5 Applications

Data Visualization with Flex and AIR

Flash 2D & 3D Effects

Flash Now and In the Future

Flash on Mobile Devices

Flex Solutions for Your Daily Development

Harnessing Flash Video

Kaboom! Flash Pyrotechnics (and other particle effects)

Making Real Music with Flash

Mastering AIR Development

Papervision 3D from the Core

Paperworld 3D: A new multiplayer experience

Play with Pixels, Bitmap Manipulation with FlashRIA Meets Desktop:

Introduction to AIR API’s

SWFObject 2.0: The Fine Art of Embedding Flash Content

Under the Hood: The Nuts and Bolts of Flash Video

July 25th, 2017

“But as open standards like HTML5, WebGL and WebAssembly have matured over the past several years, most now provide many of the capabilities and functionalities that plugins pioneered and have become a viable alternative for content on the web.

Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash. Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats.”


April, 2010


“Besides the fact that Flash is closed and proprietary, has major technical drawbacks, and doesn’t support touch based devices, there is an even more important reason we do not allow Flash on iPhones, iPods and iPads. We

have discussed the downsides of using Flash to play video and interactive content from websites, but Adobe also wants developers to adopt Flash to create apps that run on our mobile devices.

We know from painful experience that letting a third party layer of software come between the platform and the developer ultimately results in sub-standard apps and hinders the enhancement and progress of the platform.”


A Browser Plugin…and so much more!

Adobe Animate - Flash Builder - FlashDevelop - Flash Catalyst - Scaleform - Flash Lite - Adobe AIR - Flex - Actionscript - PowerFlasher FDT - Haxe - Flash Remoting - Flash Communication Server - Red5 Server - BlazeDS - Stage3D - Away3D - Flare3D - Papervision 3D - FutureWave - Macromedia - Adobe - Flashinthecan - FITC - Flash Forward - Flash on the Beach - FLA - SWF - FLV - Starling - SWFTools - Ming - SWFObject - OpenLaszlo - Shumway - PocketPC - QNX/Blackberry Playbook - Symbian - Palm OS - webOS - to name a few.

“Flash was our interactive swiss-army knife.”

Flash was the Futureby Craig Swan http://bit.ly/2tBS9fA


Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)


Video Streaming



Multi-user Experiences


Video Streaming


Do you think Flash is here to stay?

“Definitely. With the latest browsers and three or four plug-ins you can

achieve maybe 75% of what you could do in Flash 7 on the web.

With Flash 8, and the upcoming 8.5 player it bumps down to maybe 50%.

I'm a fan of open standards for HTML and the broader web, but Macromedia's

(Adobe's) unilateral control of the Flash platform is what enables them to

innovate so quickly.”

- Grant Skinner


Innovation and Iteration

Joshua Davis

Yugo Nakamura


Colin Moock

Homestar Runner

Robert Penner’s Easing Equations

///////////// QUADRATIC EASING: t^2 ///////////////////

// quadratic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity// t: current time, b: beginning value, c: change in value, d: duration// t and d can be in frames or seconds/millisecondsMath.easeInQuad = function (t, b, c, d) {

return c*(t/=d)*t + b;};

// quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocityMath.easeOutQuad = function (t, b, c, d) {

return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;};

// quadratic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then decelerationMath.easeInOutQuad = function (t, b, c, d) {

if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t + b;return -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b;



Erik Natzke

Grant Skinner

Jared Tarbell

This could go on for days...

Keith Peters - Mike Chambers - Kevin Lynch - Philip Kerman - Craig Swann - R Blank - Chris Allen - Stacey Mulcahy - Mike Downey - Hoss Gifford - James Patterson - Amit Pitaru - Robert Reinhardt - Jared Tarbell - Mario Klingemann - Joa Ebert - Andre Michelle - Tom Green - Branden Hall - Aral Balkan - Lee Brimelow - Jim Corbett - Jared Ficklin - Seb Lee-Delisle - Todd Purgason - Jason Krogh - Pete Barr-Watson - Véronique Brossier - Brendan Dawes - Andries Odendaal - Beau Amber - Brooke Burgess - Giacomo Guilizzoni - Jon Lorenz - Randy Knott - Jessica Spiegel - Robert Hodgin - John Grden - Joshua Hirsch - Peter Elst - Ralph Hauwert - Serge Jespers - and on and on and on...

John Cooney of KongregateFlash Games Postmortem



Where are we now?

Petition to Open Source Flash


“Flash along with its sister project Shockwave is an important piece of Internet history and killing Flash and Shockwave means future generations can't access the past. Games, experiments and websites would be forgotten.”

Newgrounds prepared for death of Flash


● 84000 Flash games● 150000 Flash animations● Created a swf to video exporter years ago● In 2012 re-designed the site to remove mentions of

Flash● Hoping that by 2020 someone has either a SWF to

JavaScript crosscompiler, or a SWF player that runs in WebAssembly


Feature Parity



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