a guide to immigration interview questions – live out of the box.pdf

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 A Guide to Immigration Interview Questions – Live Out of the Box.pdf


    Live Out of the Box

    travel stories and tips

    What to Expect at the Border: A Guide toImmigration Interview Questions

     pril 14, 2014 January 11, 2016

    (https://ksyu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/immigration-officer.jpg)We have the power!

     For Filipinos looking for more comprehensive tips designed for Philippine Immigration, check out my post  Immigration Tips for Filipinos: A Guide to PhilippineImmigration. (https://ksyu.wordpress.com/2016/01/11/philippine-immigration-tips-a-guideto-philippine-immigration/)

    As someone who has been to 20 countries, lived in China where I frequently get mypassport stamped in Hong Kong and Macau and crossed borders more than I count myown hair, immigration still strikes fear in me. Think of it – immigration is nothing morethan people standing behind a box that stands between you and your travel adventures.

    As a Filipino even leaving my own country drives me into an anxiety filled spiral. Since somany of us work illegally around the world, my country makes it a point to make lifedifficult for us to leave the country if we don’t have a return ticket and an exit



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    permit/travel tax exit. We are grilled when we leave our home shores and grilled again as

    soon as we arrive in our destination.

    I also encounter many different probing/inquiring tactics at different borders and customSome, I’ve answered well and some I didn’t prompting close calls with the risk beingdetained.

    Here are my experiences and tips when handling immigration:

    Know the officer’s intent

    The immigration’s officer’s job is to ascertain which passenger would likely cause troubleto the country, commit a crime or reside illegally. Your task is to make sure their suspicionaren’t aroused. For them everybody is guilty till proven innocent.

    Sometimes immigration officers might just want to fill their quotas of suspicious peopleinterrogated questioned (hint: post 9/11 USA). If you’re lucky enough to be randomlychosen for a second screening, do not take it too personally – you’re just a number to them

    after all. Do not look too nervous and just answer their questions. Looking nervous would just arouse their suspicion. When you’ve reached that point, the immigration’s officer’sintent now is to harass you to submission so they can finally pat themselves in the back focatching a criminal or they just want a break from their monotony of stamping passport adays and surprise! you’re there to provide them the entertainment their day needs. Thinkof all cop movies you saw in the interrogation room – playing good cop/bad cop. Theimmigration officer want to feel like those cops.

    In some immigration like the US, the person is actually stripped bare of their rights andtreated like a criminal because technically in the customs area, they haven’t arrived in USsoil yet. They would harass you, search your belongings and if they find one shred of evidence that you are guilty, they would detain you and wouldn’t even allow you to make single phone call to your family or friends who might be waiting for you. It’s that bad.When they think they’ve proven you’re guilty, they would sometimes force you to signpapers (do not sign any papers, you at least have the right to do so). It’s like theimmigration officers want to turn US immigration into Guantanamo Bay. I can’t evenimagine how many people they “tortured” and deposited into their cells and tower overthem feeling like dictators. I read a story they put a poor 64 year old woman into a cellwhen all she wanted was to attend her daughter’s wedding.

    My cousin Lloyd was selected for random screening at the Fort Lauderdale airport inFlorida. He was detained for 2 hours in a room because they found he brought his workdocuments with him because he wanted to apply for a Japanese visa in the States. Onlywhen he insisted on his torturer’s ID badge number and to speak to his supervisor was helet go.

    My friend Shirley was also interrogated as soon as she reached Australia customs. For noapparent reason that she is brown and looks like an immigrant (yes, immigration officerslove profiling.) Never mind she’s traveled to 30 countries. She was horrified at being


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    treated like she was less of a human being. After the horrific experience, she later realizedthere was a reality show in Australia called Border Security(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Security:_Australia's_Front_Line) where immigrationofficers catch passengers who planned on staying in Australia illegally or were sneakingdrugs in. These officers were probably harassing her hoping for their lucky break on thatshow.

    Know how to answer questions. Be detailed but not too detailed

    Immigration officers would sometimes ask you queries to determine your intent in cominto their country. Immigration officers in developed countries (USA, Canada, France,etc. )would often ask these questions:

     – Why are you here?

     – Where will you be staying?

     – Who will you be visiting?

     – How long will you be staying?

     – How much money are you bringing?


    It was Alice’s first time to visit Hong Kong from the Philippines. As a first time traveler shewas very naïve and answered all questioned truthfully. When asked by the Philippineimmigration officer before departing, “Why are you going to HK?” She answered

    enthusiastically, “To see my boyfriend in HK!”

    She wasn’t allowed to leave. The immigration officer in the Philippines thought she wasgoing to stay there illegally. Also, one must never answer seeing a boyfriend when it’s youfirst time traveling.

    When I first arrived in LAX airport, I was jet lagged and hurting from a 14 hour flight from Japan where I barely slept on the plane. When asked the customary question, “Why areyou here?”

    I answered, “To see my family and friends.”

    When he asked, “Why is your visa issued in China?”

    I said, “I used to work there.”

    The immigration officer’s expression remained nonchalant.

    Which baffled me that I was given second screening by that officer. That had neverhappened to me before in the US. I was getting nervous. The officer in charge of searchingmy luggage was a huge bouncer looking guy. He looked at my things and then my I-94



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    customs form.

    “You’re visiting family and friends right?”


    “You’re supposed to give them gifts. Why did you write $0 for the value of their gifts?”

     Because sometimes we don’t give friends gifts when visiting! Use your common sense! I bitmy lip. Now was not the time to be a wise guy. So I wrote $20 in the value. He looked at itand typed something in his computer and let me go.

    I realized perhaps I was too vague in my answers which prompted the officer to give me asecond screening. Instead of answering “visiting friends and family” maybe I should’vesaid, “I’m visiting my Uncle Willo in LA and then visiting my friend Brett in Chicago and da road trip up north to check out the great lakes in Minnesota. Then fly to NYC to see theStatue of Liberty.” Instead of “I used to work in China.” I should’ve added my current workstatus to dispel any suspicion I was going to look for work in the US. “I used to work in

    China but now I’m the marketing manager of my family’s plastic and retail business in thePhilippines.”

    But who knows anyway how immigration officers conduct their screening? It could also brandom or any kind of unfair racial profiling. In China, immigration officers stop any blacperson they see and open their luggage. Whenever I used to cross the sea borders in Chinathe officers search my luggage when they see I hold a foreigner passport.

    Be careful of questions that trap you

    Sometimes officers in developing countries probe you to look for loopholes they can use intheir power to keep you from entering or departing the country. Their reason is so you canoffer them a bribe. They just want money.

    I noticed this immigration officer in the Philippines was looking for red flags in myanswers.

    “What type of business does your family operate?”

    “What do you sell?”

    “What are your responsibilities?”

    “What type of plastic do you sell?”

    Questions which are awfully detailed and probing for my job. Luckily I do work in myfamily business and was able to answer. I offered simple and concise answers that didn’tprompt him to ask for follow up.

    “Plastic retail and distribution.”


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    “Plastic and household supplies.”

    “I supervise and liaise between the sales staff and management.”

    “Canada plastic bags.”

    The guy seemed kind of bummed when I left.

    My friend Joe was legally employed by a school in Hanoi but because he had was asked topay an exorbitant amount to get unnecessary translation for his documents to Vietnamesehe decided that getting a 3 month business visa and exiting Vietnam was cheaper than thefee. He spent most of the year exiting Vietnam and coming back. He went back to thePhilippines for the summer break. Upon departing the Philippines to return to Vietnam,the immigration officer questioned him, “Why did you exit and enter Vietnam many timesin a year?”

     Joe said, “Sir, I was on vacation and wanted to explore Vietnam.”

    “Don’t kid me! For a year? You were obviously working there illegally. I noticed you have previous work visa in Vietnam.”

     Joe tried to explain his translation situation but the officer would hear none of it. Indesperation, Joe fished out a P1,000 (USD23) bill. The officer’s eyes lit up and stamped hispassport.

    Do not bring unnecessary merchandise that might implicate you

    Traveling with all your documents (birth certificate, security clearance, bank statements,

    etc.) can be tricky because if found in your luggage, the officers will use these to laycharges on you especially in Australia and the US that you are going to look for work intheir country.

    My couin Lloyd brought documents with him so he can apply for a Japanese tourist visa inthe Japan consul in the States. Unfortunately, the officers found them and questioned himabout it.

    By sheer naiveté, I bought some Kim Il-Sung pins in China and brought them with mewhen I crossed the border to North Korea not knowing that these pins weren’t supposed t

    be sold. A little background, Kim Il-Sung was the maniacal dictator of North Korea and thewere worship him there after his death. To show their loyalty, North Koreans pin a picturof him on their clothes.

     You are also cautioned in bringing too many gadgets into North Korea because well, simplthey would think it was a spying device. Unfortunately, I had brought my laptop, my mp3player and my banking USB stick with me and a DVD copy of (wait for it) Captain America(swear total coincidence).


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    Customs took a lot longer in examining my suitcase and trying out all the gadgets(fortunately, Captain America was laid aside). When they got to my Kim Il Sung pins, theyquestioned me aside and grilled me on where I had found them (you can find the completstory here (https://ksyu.wordpress.com/2012/06/18/being-detained-in-north-korea/)) to thepoint I got scared and thought they were going to detain me.

    When I promised I had no idea that the dear Leader shouldn’t be bought as souvenirs andthrew them away, I was finally allowed entry into North Korea.

    Show your return plane ticket, if necessary

    Immigration officers often want you to show proof you will be exiting the country. In factmost countries won’t let you in unless you have an outgoing flight.

    If prompted, you can show the ticket to prove you will be leaving the country soon. Thatwould increase the chances of the officer being more at ease with letting you in.

    Other interesting questions Immigration had asked me:

    Sometimes immigration officers ask peculiar questions I’ve never heard of, especially indeveloping countries.

    When entering Vietnam, the officer asked me, “Can you say ‘I love you’ in Vietnamese?”

    When entering China, “Were you shooting a film in Macau?”

    When entering India, “Are you single?”

    The important thing is to keep calm and answer the questions that would satisfy theimmigration interviewer and allow you into the country.

     For Filipinos looking for more comprehensive tips designed for Philippine Immigration, check out my post  Immigration Tips for Filipinos: A Guide to PhilippineImmigration. (https://ksyu.wordpress.com/2016/01/11/philippine-immigration-tips-a-guideto-philippine-immigration/)

    Image Credit (http://bvinews.com/bvi/immigration-officers-friendlier-with-white-visitors-at-ports-of-entries-caller-claims/)


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     Posted in: travel | Tagged: border crossing, immigration, immigration questions, passport, philippines, travel , travel advice, USA immigration, Vietnam , visas

    40 thoughts on “What to Expect at the Border: A Guideto Immigration Interview Questions”

    RISA ROSALEJOS  says: February 2, 2015 at 10:01 pm REPLY1. thank you for bringing this up. It really helped me a lot. I am going to travel to malaysi

    for the first time, I really don’t know what to do in the immigration. Thanks for this I’ v

    got ideas.

    KATE  says: February 4, 2015 at 1:37 pm REPLY

    Glad to help. Good luck!

    MONIQUE  says: March 27, 2015 at 12:22 am REPLYHi! Hows your trip? ANd hows IO? Im a first time traveler too.. fisrt time to fly goingto SG nxt week.. im quite nervous and afraid..

    DEBORAH  says: February 15, 2015 at 8:07 am REPLY2. Hi

    Im travelling alone for the 3rd time this feb 28 my last travel was 2011 and i had a goodrecord on it.here is my questions..i already renewed my passport and no stamped onit,do i have to attached my old passport during IO interview?and is their a possibility tobe denied even i had a good record travel before?coz im travelling alone now..needyour opinion..thanks


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    KATE  says: February 16, 2015 at 8:23 pm REPLYHi DeborahThanks for dropping by. Yes, attaching your old passport could help until you have few stamps with your new one.

    And yes, there is still a possibility of being denied even if you have a good travelrecord though it is slim. It depends if you have all your documents in order and if you complied with the visa application requirements and questions. Keep in mindembassies can be arbitrary and they all have quotas.

    MONIQUE  says: March 26, 2015 at 12:07 pm REPLY3. Hi! This is a big help!! Glad i found ur site���shys

    Im goinf to fly to SG this HOlly week for five days, my boyfriend(british citizen) willwait for me at the arrivals (he will attend a business meeting on SG that day he is afrequent traveler almost the whole world just to attend meetings, hes been here lastDec)so just wanna know your advice and tips.. i have my passport, roundtrip ticket, hotel

    booking, pocket money, copy of his passport and credit card. (Im a private contractualemployee but ive been working for that agency for four years now, im just botheredbout my latest id, it will expire on june 22,2015(but i will just renew it all over again)i have my ticket one month advance, and now, i only have 6days to prepare my self foriO.. i am really scared.. hope you can boost my self confidence:) thank you sooo much!!

    KATE  says: March 27, 2015 at 1:41 am REPLYHi Monique!! Thanks for dropping by! Where are you from so I know more of thesituation you’re in? What’s iO? How can I help? Are you worried about your

    company ID expiring?

    MONIQUE  says: March 27, 2015 at 4:21 amHi, thanks for the reply! Im from Manila Ph. Why i cant tell my Boyfriend iswaiting for me at the arrivals? All my documents has his name on it, because heis the one who purchased everything. He will just attend Business meetings on S(after japan), and yes im quite worried about my company id.Last week, i called the immigration customer service hotline here in manila andverify my documents and explained a bit bout my boyfriend too, they said that aare fine, im just being paranoid about the other blogs i read being offloaded but

    its years ago, theres no latest complain, hope that everything goes well.

    4.KATE  says: March 27, 2015 at 11:02 pm REPLYBeing offloaded has been a recurring event. To quell your doubts about your IDexpiration, bring a copy or your original contract with the company. If the immigrationofficer asked why your ID has expired, show them the contract as proof that you willcontinue to work in the company and not be a TNT or illegally stay in Singapore.



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    When you approach the immigration officer in the Philippines and Singapore -do sowith a lot of confidence and smile (relax!). Attach your return ticket with the passport.Say you’re visiting friends and do some sightseeing in Singapore. When the officer inthe Philippines ask how you will fund your travel – tell them with your money and youfriend’s combined (not exactly a lie since you’ll contribute a bit right?). If all else failsshow your boyfriend’s credit card but say it’s your friend.

    I’d recommend not saying your boyfriend is waiting at arrivals. Just stick to answeringquestions but don’t provide further information. I say that because my Japanese friendhad a horrible experience when she visited the US. She told the immigration officer shewas visiting her boyfriend. She was then escorted to another room for furtherquestioning.

     Just have confidence and smile and act as if you’ve done this your whole life. It’s allabout attitude. Hope this helps!

    MONIQUE  says: April 2, 2015 at 12:25 am REPLY

    5. I made it! Just tell the truth!Thank you!on board now..

    6.KATE  says: April 5, 2015 at 9:10 pm REPLYHi Monique,

    That’s great! I’m glad it went without a hitch. Have fun sightseeing in Singapore.

    SHIYLINE  says: April 13, 2015 at 5:07 am REPLY7. Hi..i was about to leave last april 9 my birthday to thailand from.phil to have a birthday

    getaway sponsored by my friends…the IMMIGRAtion officer asked me whats myoccupation.i told them im a housewife but im able to support myself to travel with thehelp.of my friends since my husband is a head of technical support in one bigcompany..with all the documents i presented and asked me so many questions i got offloaded..the next day i booked a flight from a differnt airline and different terminal..itappears that i got offloaded and ask me to go the sexond officer for another interviewsame explanation, same reason and they said to me that if i travel to one country i needto show them an.invitation from at least 4th degree relative and then i sad i cant show

    you tjat because i dont have family abroad and for the.second time im off loadedagain..my question is if i travel again for a meeting or different reason will my previouoffload affect my next interview in THE IMMIGRATION?

    KATE  says: April 13, 2015 at 10:52 pm REPLYIt depends. Did the immigration officer check their records during your interview? you’re traveling for a different reason like leisure, you’re traveling without beinginvited by anyone abroad and it doesn’t require an invitation, then you might not boff loaded but that depends on the officer.



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     JOE  says: April 18, 2015 at 6:46 am REPLY8. Hello there! Glad to locate this article..Im a private teacher here in the Philippines and

    planned to explore Kuala Lumpur with my second cousin this coming May. Its our firsttime to travel actually and i sponsored this trip that serves as a gift to myself and at thesame time a graduation gift for her since she already finished college beacuse i was theone who also sponsored her schooling. We already have our return ticket, hotelvoucher that includes iterinary of our trip. So what else do i need to avoid being

    offloaded? Thanks for replying.

    SHIYLINE  says: April 23, 2015 at 8:17 am REPLY9. Hey there again….yes you’re right i guess it depends on the officer if he’s really doing

    his job to prevent human trafficking or the like or it is alsi true that they’re just trippinon you or they just want money from the passengers..actually i told the IO for thesecond time that isnt it enough proof to prove that i already bought again my round triticket to thailand?? And then she said , why didnt you said that to the officer that tookhold the interview in the first time?? These immigration officers think that they havethe power to hold you or not give you clearance..and most of the time they will keep

    looking for loop holes so when you get desperate you’ll going to give them money foryour clearance..

    ANTHONY ANTONIO  says: July 5, 2015 at 12:54 pm REPLY0. Hi there.. i will be traveling alone to Hongkong this end of july for the first time travel

    abroad.. I’m working here in philippines as Call Center Agent with Good pay. I will tourthere just for 4 days with round trip ticket. also I prepared all neccessary documentsuch as Company ID, Cert of employment and Bank statement.. it is okay to bring Bankstatement.? or can you please help me to pass the IO or give me some tips.. thanks youand hope you will give tips ASAP.

    KATE  says: July 6, 2015 at 6:17 pm REPLYI think a bank statement wouldn’t hurt or even a photocopy is okay. As long as youhave return tickets and can show you can afford the trip, it should be fine. Prepare short list of what you will do in HK in case Philippine and HK IO ask you. Answerconfidently and don’t be nervous. Good luck!

    ELISE  says: July 20, 2015 at 10:17 am REPLY1. Hi, I’m a Filipino passport holder planning to travel to the US. When I applied and was

    approved of a visa, I had planned to visit only for 2 weeks with my partner. However,my plans have changed. I recently decided to resign from my job but before moving onto a new one, I wanted to take a long vacation. So I’m planning to travel to the US alonefor 2 months. I’ll be staying with some relatives but will be paying for my own travelexpense. I’m just concerned that my initial plan (which I declared in my visaapplication) and current plan no longer matches and plus, I’ll be unemployed by then.Any tips when I get to US immigration?

    KATE  says: July 27, 2015 at 6:24 am REPLY 


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     Hi Ellise, Sorry this is late. I was traveling. Regarding your visa application plan andreal plan, it shouldn’t really matter as long as you adhere to the 6 month limit stay.TSA or US Immigration Officer doesn’t have your visa application on hand. Howeveif they ask what your occupation is- better tell them your old job or the job you’replanning to take as it would look really suspicious if you tell them you’reunemployed. They might think you’re planning to stay illegally and look for work inthe US. You might get a second screening and be taken to a separate room for furthe

    questioning. As for the rest, give them a semi detailed plan of what you plan to do inthe US for 2 months.

     JENIFER  says: August 11, 2015 at 11:50 pm REPLY2. Hi kate, I’ll be travelling to SG this coming Sunday and this is the first time I’m going to

    ravel abroad,My sister gave me an invitation letter cause she currently residing inSingapore.I just resigned from my previous job. would it be easy to pass theimmigration if I do have invitation letter?Thanks in Advance

    KATE  says: August 14, 2015 at 6:05 am REPLYHi Jenifer! What would prove more sufficient is a printed copy of your return ticketand to show it to the immigration officer as soon as you reach his box. That’s thespeediest way and should be enough.

    If he asked for your invitation letter, then show him. Also, is your sister supportingyour travels or are you spending your own expenses for this trip?

    Don’t mention you’ve resigned from your job unless he asked because you might beoffloaded. Also, you can call immigration of the philippines hotline and ask your

    concerns. They would be the best to know regarding the job situation.

    Good luck!

     JENIFER  says: August 15, 2015 at 3:22 amThanks for your reply, I appreciate it. Yes. I paid for my round trip ticket but mysister will support my expenses. By the way do I also need a letter of sponsorshipas a proof?

    KATE  says: August 15, 2015 at 6:37 amI think you’ll have to call the immigration office hotline of the Philippines to askthat. I don’t think you need to show it unless they ask. I usually just show myreturn ticket and the immigration officer lets me in but I have been to severalcountries. I think once you’ve shown you’ve traveled they go easy on you. It’s alittle difficult if it’s your first time but SG is a common destination so it might benot be difficult.

    PICHAM  says: September 3, 2015 at 3:45 am REPLY



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    3. Hi kate! Me and my friends (there’s 5 of us) are planning to tour Dubai this Octobersince travel expenses are cheaper in this season. We will be accompanied by ourgirlfriend who currently holds an employment visa there. She’ll be coming here on the22nd and leave on oct.2 with us. She will be arranging our papers before flying here.What would probably be the problems we can encounter when we reach the IO’s box?

    KATE  says: September 4, 2015 at 1:35 pm REPLYHi Picham, it all depends on your situation. Is it your first time traveling or you are seasoned traveler?

    LESLYN  says: November 17, 2015 at 1:51 am REPLY4. hi po, galing na ako sa sg nung january. dis dec 5 babalik aq kasama bf q 1st tym nya p

    nd po ba kme ma off load? invitation ung gamitn nmen, bgay ng tta q xe dun xa work.ano po kaya maganda gawin tnx

    KATE  says: November 17, 2015 at 9:53 am REPLYHi Leslyn. First off, shouldn’t be a problem since you already have a record of goingand coming back from Singapore. As long as your boyfriend is with you when you’rinterviewed by the immigration officer- it should be okay. The most important thingis the return ticket. Show it to the immigration officer when you are about to beinterviewed to show you are both returning to the Philippines.

    Who is sponsoring your trip – yourselves or your aunt? If your aunt, it should say soin the letter. By the way, could you spell out the words and not use your short cuts iyour comments? It makes it hard to read. Thanks!

    LESLYN  says: November 19, 2015 at 12:28 am REPLY5. HI po, thank you po. yung tita ko po ang mag bibigay ng invitation, dapat po nakalagay

    bf ko sa invitation? ano pa po dalhin namin requirements para hindi ma off load? ourticket is december 5- 8, more tips. thank you

    KATE  says: November 20, 2015 at 11:51 am REPLY Yes, include his name in the invitation letter. Be sure to show the return ticket. The of you should try going together to the immigration officer. It won’t be so bad for

    him because he is going with someone who has traveled before. If you’re unsure,you can call the Philippines immigration hotline.

    LESLYN  says: November 19, 2015 at 12:29 am REPLY6. hindi po ba ma off load bf ko kahit first time niya?

    KATE  says: January 9, 2016 at 4:49 pm REPLYI do not think so. But I cannot answer for the officer.



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    PRABHAT  says: December 13, 2015 at 12:45 pm REPLY7. Hi Kate

    I’m Prabhat from India. Already a bad incident happened with me while I visitedhongkong before two days ago. The hk immigration ask many questions for 2 to 3screening test then at the end they keep me in there special immigration point withbarricade and arrange my return ticket on that day. My question is to you that though is my first tour and I got a bitter experience so when I plan again for next tour will this

    incident create a bad effect on my passport

    KATE  says: December 21, 2015 at 11:22 am REPLYHi Prabhat! Sorry this is late. I was traveling. No, I do not think this will create a badrecord on your passport except if you go to HK again because they will have a recoron you. Even then there is a slim chance of it happening in HK if you have all yourdocumentation. Most countries do not exchange info on their passengers. Good luckon your next trip!

    ALYSSA  says: January 1, 2016 at 2:40 pm REPLY8. Hi, i’ll be going to hongkong this february with my husband. I resigned from my job las

    year and is now a full time housewife. Im worried that i won’t get through immigrationbecause i am a housewife although i have a good travel history. We availed a packagetour and my husband already paid for everything. I’m not sure though if this will helpme get through. Any tips you can give us? Thanks in advance…

    KATE  says: January 1, 2016 at 10:18 pm REPLYI don’t think you need to worry. I think all the details you’ve given me is enough to

    get you through.

    Does your husband have a full time job? If they ask, just tell immigration you’retraveling with your husband and you’re on a package tour. Also, show your returnticket. Have a good trip!

    MYLENE  says: January 9, 2016 at 5:30 am REPLY9. Hello,ma’am! My sister and I are going to travel in brunei this february and stay there

    for 3 days. This trip is a birthday present for my sister from my aunt and i was asked totag along to accompany her so we’ll be travelling together. My aunt is in the philippine

    but she has a sister in law in brunei who booked the hotel and round trip ticket for us.She just emailed to me the confirmed booking and receipts to prove that it’s all paidalready. My sister is a regular government employee in the province while me on theother hand has no work yet but i do have a small store business running in our place.I’m concerned and afraid that immigration officers might be suspicious of me and gotoffloaded because i don’t have work. I am hoping you could give me some advice thatcan avoid it from happening.

    0.KATE  says: January 9, 2016 at 5:50 pm REPLY



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    Thanks for dropping by Mylene. I have a comprehensive article with all the tips to avoibeing offloaded in the Philippines coming out soon that can help you with yourquestion. I’ll be posting it in this comment next week.

    As to answer your question, I don’t think they will be suspicious as long as you canshow proof that you own that small business (business permit), your sufficient funds(photocopy of passbook or bank certificate, etc) and your return ticket. If your aunt’ssister in law in Brunei is paying for your expenses then you can show them aninvitation letter and her own proof of funds that she has enough to support your trip.

    Update: Here is the article- A Guide to Philippine Immigration.https://ksyu.wordpress.com/2016/01/11/philippine-immigration-tips-a-guide-to-philippine-immigration/

    Good luck!

    MYLENE  says: January 9, 2016 at 6:49 pm REPLY1. Thank you,ma’am Kate. I’ll be looking forward in your article.

    KATE  says: January 11, 2016 at 12:32 pm REPLYHi Mylene,

    The post about A Guide to Philippine Immigration just came out today. It is full of tips from how to answer Immigration Officers questions and what documents youneed to prepare.

    Check it out:


    Hope that helps!

    2. Pingback: Immigration Tips for Filipinos: A Guide to Philippine Immigration | Live Outof the Box



  • 8/18/2019 A Guide to Immigration Interview Questions – Live Out of the Box.pdf


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