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ANTONIO JAVIER RAMOSGIRONAGenerated from: Universitat de LleidaDate of document: 20/02/2018v 1.4.099d12195378e8032c1d0ab018f6cd316




Surname(s): RAMOS GIRONAName: ANTONIO JAVIERDNI: 19897618LORCID: 0000-0002-2830-8299ResearcherID: B-3934-2011Date of birth: 15/10/1966Gender: MaleNationality: SpainCountry of birth: SpainCity of birth: VALENCIAContact address: Avda. Rovira Roure, 191Postcode: 25198Contact country: SpainContact city: LleidaLand line phone: 973702811 - 2811Fax: 973702596Email: ajramos@tecal.UdL.cat

Current professional situation

Employing entity: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Department: School of Agrifood and forestry science and engineering, Food TechnologyProfessional category: ProfessorStart date: 15/03/2001Type of contract: Civil servant Dedication regime: Full timePrimary (UNESCO code): 320605 - Food pathogensSecondary (UNESCO code): 330990 - Food MicrobiologyTertiary (UNESCO code): 330900 - Food technologyPerformed tasks: FILL THE INFORMATION ABOUT PRESENT PROFESSIONAL OCUPATION INYOUR TEXT'S CURRICULA TAB

Previous positions and activities

Employing entity Professional category Start date1 Universitat de Lleida CU 20102 Universitat de Lleida TU 20013 Universidad de Lleida TEU 19994 Universidad de Lleida TEU interino 19945 MEC-Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Becario F.P.I. 19926 Bancaja-Universidad Politécnica de

ValenciaBecario 1990

7 Consellería Educación-Universidad deValencia

Becario 1989



Employing entity Professional category Start date8 Universitat de València Alumno colaborador 1987

1 Employing entity: Universitat de LleidaProfessional category: CUStart date: 2010

2 Employing entity: Universitat de LleidaProfessional category: TUStart date: 2001 Duration: 10 years

3 Employing entity: Universidad de LleidaProfessional category: TEUStart date: 1999 Duration: 3 years

4 Employing entity: Universidad de LleidaProfessional category: TEU interinoStart date: 1994 Duration: 6 years

5 Employing entity: MEC-Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaProfessional category: Becario F.P.I.Start date: 1992 Duration: 3 years

6 Employing entity: Bancaja-Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaProfessional category: BecarioStart date: 1990 Duration: 2 years

7 Employing entity: Consellería Educación-Universidad de ValenciaProfessional category: BecarioStart date: 1989 Duration: 1 year

8 Employing entity: Universitat de ValènciaProfessional category: Alumno colaboradorStart date: 1987 Duration: 3 years




University education

1st and 2nd cycle studies and pre-Bologna degrees

University degree: Diploma / Degree / ActivitiesName of qualification: Ciencias BiológicasDegree awarding entity: Universitat de ValènciaDate of qualification: 31/08/1989


Doctorate programme: Ciencias BiológicasDegree awarding entity: Universidad Politécnica deValencia

Type of entity: University

Date of degree: 28/09/1994

Other postgraduate university studies

1 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Los sistemas de nariz electrónica: estructura, funcionamiento y aplicaciones.Centro de Innovación Tecnológica en Ingeniería Electrónica (Universidad Rovira i Virgili).Date of qualification: 2001

2 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Nuevas Tecnologías, Autocontrol y Prevención Microbiológica en lasIndustrias Alimentarias. CeRTA y Universidad de Lleida.Date of qualification: 1995

3 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido y Microanálisis EDS. Servei deMicroscòpia Electrònica. Universidad de Lleida.Date of qualification: 1994

4 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Nuevas Tecnologías en postcosecha de fruta de pepita. Control Biológico yatmósferas L.O. y U.L.O. Dpto. Tecnologia d'Aliments. Universidad de LleidaDate of qualification: 1994

5 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Obtención de datos y análisis estadístico de datos del laboratorio. Asociaciónde Científicos y Tecnólogos de Alimentos de Alicante, Castellón y Valencia (ACTA-Valencia).Date of qualification: 1994



6 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: I Jornadas de Microscopía Electrónica.SEMIE y SCME (UniversidadPolitécnica de Valencia y Universitat de València).Date of qualification: 1993

7 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Avances recientes en Microbiología de Alimentos. Universidad InternacionalMenéndez Pelayo. Valencia.Date of qualification: 1992

8 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Prevención y detección de problemas en HPLC. Cromatografía Merck.Date of qualification: 1992

9 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Espectroscopía de masas, de R.M.N. y métodos radioactivos de análisis.EUITI. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Date of qualification: 1991

10 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Gestión y Control de Calidad en la Industria Alimentaria.Date of qualification: 1991

11 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Análisis Microbiológico de Alimentos y Control de los Procesos deFabricación.ETSIA. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Date of qualification: 1990

12 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Análisis microbiológico de alimentos y control de los procesos de fabricación.Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaDate of qualification: 1990

13 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Cromatografía Líquida para usuarios.División de Cromatografía Líquida deWaters. Madrid.Date of qualification: 1990

14 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Ecología de plagas agrícolas. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Date of qualification: 1990

15 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Espectrometría de masas. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Date of qualification: 1990

16 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Evolución histórica de las técnicas agrícolas y su fundamentación científica.Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Date of qualification: 1990



17 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Fisiología molecular de las hormonas vegetales. Universidad Politécnica deValencia.Date of qualification: 1990

18 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: HPLC en Bioquímica. Universitat de València.Date of qualification: 1990

19 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Métodos de laboratorio en Micología. Universitat de València.Date of qualification: 1990

20 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Métodos teórico-prácticos de absorción en animales. Universitat de València.Date of qualification: 1990

21 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Nuevos métodos de lucha contra los insectos. Universidad Politécnica deValencia.Date of qualification: 1990

22 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Técnicas de Microscopía Electrónica en Biología.Instituto de InvestigacionesCitológicas (CSIC). Valencia.Date of qualification: 1990

23 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Gestión del Laboratorio de Análisis Clínico.Colegio Oficial de Biólogos.Valencia.Date of qualification: 1989

24 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Informática aplicada a la Biología.Colegio Oficial de Biólogos. Valencia.Date of qualification: 1989

25 Type of education: PostgraduatePostgraduate qualification: Introducción a la Investigación. Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaDate of qualification: 1989

Specialised, lifelong, technical, professional and refresher training (other than formalacademic and healthcare studies)

1 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Asistencia al IV SImposio Nacional de Microbiología y Seguridad Alimentaria: Técnicas, tendenciasy enfoques emergentes.Awarding entity: Bioser Type of entity: Body, othersEnd date: 20/10/2016



2 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Ciencia 2.0: comunicación social de la ciencia para investigadores.Awarding entity: Centre de Formació Continua - UdL Type of entity: Body, othersEnd date: 14/06/2016

3 Type of training: CourseTraining title: I Jornada de Recerca a la UdL. El Doctorat com a motor d'innovació.Awarding entity: Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityEnd date: 04/05/2016

4 Type of training: CourseTraining title: La Biotecnologia al servei del sector agroalimentariAwarding entity: DARP Type of entity: Body, othersEnd date: 15/10/2015

5 Type of training: CourseTraining title: 1er Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de sus procesos dedescontaminación (MICOFOOD). Valencia (España)End date: 2015

6 Type of training: CourseTraining title: XX Simposio Anual de AVEDILA. Gijón (España).End date: 2015

7 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Activitat ICE-CFC 'Gestor Bibliogràfic Mendeley'Awarding entity: ICE-CFC Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityEnd date: 13/10/2014

8 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Alternatives per al control de Botrytis en vinya: l'experiència de Nova Zelanda i CatalunyaAwarding entity: Generalitat de Catalunya Type of entity: Body, othersEnd date: 06/02/2014

9 Type of training: CourseTraining title: The World Mycotoxin Forum. The 8th Conference. Mycotoxin control: the systems approach. Viena(Austria).End date: 2014

10 Type of training: CourseTraining title: IX Congreso Nacional de Toxicología. Sociedad Mexicana de Toxicología. Nuevo Vallarta (México).End date: 2013

11 Type of training: CourseTraining title: VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Micotoxicología. Río Cuarto (Argentina).End date: 2013

12 Type of training: CourseTraining title: World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC. Rotterdam (Holanda).End date: 2012



13 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Jornada ICE 'Edición de video Videospin (Básico)'Awarding entity: ICE Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityEnd date: 29/03/2011

14 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Jornada ICE 'Diseño y creación de blogs y páginas web'Awarding entity: ICE Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityEnd date: 24/02/2011

15 Type of training: CourseTraining title: International Congress of Postharvest Pathology. Lleida (España).End date: 2011

16 Type of training: CourseTraining title: 4th International Symposium. Mycotoxins: Challenges and Perspectives. Ghent (Bélgica).End date: 2011

17 Type of training: CourseTraining title: MYCORED ARGENTINA - ISM 2011 Conference - Strategies to reduce the impact of mycotoxins inLatin America in a global context. Mendoza (Argentina).End date: 2011

18 Type of training: CourseTraining title: VI Latin American Congress of Mycotoxicology. Mérida (México).End date: 2010

19 Type of training: CourseTraining title: IX Congreso SEAE de Agricultura y Alimentación Ecológica. Lleida (España).End date: 2010

20 Type of training: CourseTraining title: The World Mycotoxin Forum. 6th Conference. Noordwijkerhout (Holanda).End date: 2010

21 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Workshop on Mycotoxin DetectionAwarding entity: Romer Labs Type of entity: Body, othersEnd date: 08/09/2009

22 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Jornada ICE 'VII Jornada sobre tutoría universitaria: la tutoría como estrategia de formación'Awarding entity: Universitat de Lleida-ICE Type of entity: UniversityEnd date: 17/06/2008

23 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Curso ICE 'Curso Italiano Básico (A1) Módulo 1'. 40 horas.Awarding entity: Universitat de Lleida-ICE Type of entity: UniversityEnd date: 18/01/2008



24 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Jornada ICE 'Jornada sobre la elaboración de proyectos docentes de centro en el marco del nuevoEEES'Awarding entity: Universitat de Lleida-ICE Type of entity: UniversityEnd date: 20/09/2007

25 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Jornada ICE 'Jornada sobre las buenas prácticas de metodologías activas'End date: 20/04/2007

26 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Jornada ICE 'El aprendizaje basado en problemas'End date: 19/01/2007

27 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Jornada ICE 'Diseño de una asignatura desde la perspectiva de los ECTS'End date: 09/10/2006

28 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Jornada ICE '¿Cómo puedo plantear mi docencia en clave de convergencia europea?'End date: 01/06/2006

29 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Jornada ICE 'Tutoría Universitaria: la orientación académica del alumnado'End date: 26/04/2006

30 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Curso RETSA 'Desarrollo y utilización de técnicas rápidas de análisis para el control de laSeguridad Alimentaria.'End date: 15/02/2006

31 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Curso ICE 'Hablar en público'End date: 14/12/2005

32 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Curso de Aptitud Pedagógica (CAP).

33 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Diseño de cursos semipresenciales y virtuales.

34 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Diseño de programas desde la perspectiva de los ECTS.

35 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Elaboración del Proyecto Docente.



36 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Iniciación al diseño de páginas web.

37 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Taller ISI Web of Knowledge.

38 Type of training: CourseTraining title: Un sistema para analizar nuestras clases.

39 Type of training: CourseTraining title: I Jornada Técnica 'Polifenoles, aceite de oliva virgen y alegación de salud: Retos y oportunidadespara su valorización en el mercado'.Awarding entity: Consorcio Campus Iberus Type of entity: Body, others

Attended advanced, improvement and innovative teacher training and new technologycourses and seminars focused on improving teaching

1 Title of course/seminar: Taller de desenvolupament professionalOrganising entity: Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityStart-End date: 31/03/2017 - 31/03/2017 Length: 1 day

2 Title of course/seminar: Aplicació d'estratègies metodològiques i recursos didàctics a la innovació docent.Organising entity: Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityStart-End date: 02/03/2017 - 30/03/2017 Length: 29 days

3 Title of course/seminar: Utilización del campus virtual en la docencia: aplicación de metodologías y creación derecursos onlineOrganising entity: Centre de Formació Continua - UdL Type of entity: Body, othersStart-End date: 09/03/2016 - 09/09/2016 Length: 6 months - 1 day

4 Title of course/seminar: Traditional Mexican cuisineOrganising entity: Universidad de Celaya (México) Type of entity: UniversityStart-End date: 16/02/2015 - 27/03/2015 Length: 1 month - 12 days

5 Title of course/seminar: Activitat ICE-CFC 'Els transtorns del desenvolupament i de l'aprenentatge en el contextuniversitari. Experièncis pràctiques'.Organising entity: ICE-CFC Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityStart-End date: 05/03/2014 - 05/03/2014 Length: 1 day

6 Title of course/seminar: Jornada ICE 'Jornada d'Innovació docent 2014: millora i qualitat de la docència'Organising entity: ICE Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityStart-End date: 06/02/2014 - 06/02/2014 Length: 1 day

7 Title of course/seminar: Jornada ICE 'Uso de las herramientas de recursos, espacio compartido, comunicación ygrupos del campus virtual de la UdL'Organising entity: ICE Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityStart-End date: 11/02/2013 - 11/02/2013 Length: 1 day



8 Title of course/seminar: Jornada ICE 'El portafoli docent'Organising entity: ICE Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityStart-End date: 24/04/2012 - 24/04/2012 Length: 1 day

9 Title of course/seminar: Jornada ICE 'Uso de la herramienta de exámenes de SAKAI (SAMIGO)'Organising entity: ICE Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityStart-End date: 08/04/2011 - 08/04/2011 Length: 1 day

Language skills

Language Listening skills Reading skills Spoken interaction Speaking skills Writing skillsSpanish C2 C2 C2 C2 C2Catalan C1 C1 C1 C1 C1English B1 B1 B1 B1 B1

Teaching experience

General teaching experience

1 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Optional topic 'What are mycotoxins?' Duration: 3 hoursType of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 09/02/2016Entity: Departament d'Ensenyament. Generalitat de Catalunya

2 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Jornada 'Prevención y control de micotoxinas en alimentos'. Sesiones: 'Muestreo y métodosde análisis de micotoxinas en alimentos y 'Prácticas de laboratorio'.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 23/10/2015Entity: Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació - Generalitat de Catalunya -

3 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Curso 'Incidencia de las micotoxinas en el cultivo de maíz', con la charla: 'Las micotoxinas:aspectos generales e importancia en la producción de cereales'.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 06/10/2015Entity: Unió de Pagesos

4 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Tècniques de laboratori en la recerca agroalimentàriaType of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 13/05/2015Entity: Universitat de Lleida



5 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Seminario sobre 'Patulina en frutas y derivados: aspectos básicos y consideracionesprácticas' en la Jornada 'Aproximación a los sistemas actuales de análisis en bebidas, zumos y cremogenados'.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 21/04/2015Entity: Bioser

6 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Curso de Especialista-ANEMBE en NutriciónType of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 2015Entity: Asociación Nacional de Especialistas en Medicina Bovina de España (ANEMBE)

7 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Els microorganismes en els aliments. Amics o enemics? Jornada "Per què no puc fer-ho"Centre Dolors Piera d'Igualtat d'Oportunitats i Promoció de les Dones. Universitat de Lleida.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 07/11/2014Entity: Universitat de Lleida

8 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Micotoxinas y la cadena alimentaria, riesgos que supone su presencia en los alimentos yestrategias para minimizarlos. Seminario Bioser: "Micotoxinas, riesgos y efectos sobre la salud humana y animal.Métodos de análisis de micotoxinas en alimentos: situación actual".Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 22/05/2014Entity: BIOSER

9 Type of teaching: International teachingName of the course: Advanced course: 'Mycotoxin in cereal food/feed chains: prevention and control strategies tominimize contamination.Type of programme: Graduate Courses - TaughtEnd date: 16/05/2014Entity: IAMZ-CIHEAM

10 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Micotoxinas y la cadena alimentaria.Seminario Bioser: "Gestión de micotoxinas: marcolegislativo y métodos analíticos".Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 01/10/2013Entity: BIOSER

11 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: III Curso 'Contaminantes en la cadena alimentaria: micotoxinas'Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 19/06/2009Entity: Generalitat Valenciana

12 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: II Curso 'Contaminantes en la cadena alimentaria: micotoxinas'Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - Taught



End date: 02/02/2007Entity: Generalitat Valenciana

13 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Curso 'Contaminantes en la cadena alimentaria: micotoxinas'Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 06/10/2006Entity: Generalitat Valenciana

14 Type of teaching: Official teachingName of the course: Seguridad Alimentaria. GESAMA-Escuela de Prevención y Seguridad Integral (UAB).Type of programme: Graduate Courses - TaughtEnd date: 2004

15 Type of teaching: Official teachingName of the course: Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria. Universidad de Verano de Teruel.Type of programme: Graduate Courses - TaughtEnd date: 2001

16 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: II Curso sobre Métodos Normalizados y Validados en Microbiología de Alimentos.Universidad de Lleida.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1998

17 Type of teaching: Official teachingName of the course: III Curso Interuniversitario de Bioquímica de la nutrición y alimentación humana. Universidadde las Islas Baleares.Type of programme: Graduate Courses - TaughtEnd date: 1998

18 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: I Curso sobre Métodos Normalizados y Validados en Microbiología de Alimentos.Universidad de Lleida.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1997

19 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: II Curso de Formación de Industrias Cárnicas. Universidad de Lleida-Hesperia deAlimentación, S.AType of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1996

20 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: III Curso práctico sobre identificación de hongos y micotoxinas en alimentos. Universidad deLleidaType of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1996



21 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: I Curso de Formación de Industrias Cárnicas. Universidad de Lleida-Hesperia deAlimentación, S.AType of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1995

22 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: I Curso de Investigación e Identificación de mohos y micotoxinas en alimentos. UniversidadPolitécnica de ValenciaType of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1995

23 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Máster en Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Alimentos. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1993

24 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: XIX Curso Intensivo de Análisis Microbiológico de los Alimentos y Control de los Procesosde Fabricación. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1993

25 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: Máster en Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Alimentos.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1992

26 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: XVIII Curso Intensivo de Análisis Microbiológico de los Alimentos y Control de los Procesosde Fabricación. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1992

27 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: XVI Curso Intensivo de Análisis Microbiológico de los Alimentos y Control de los Procesosde Fabricación. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1991

28 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: XVII Curso Intensivo de Análisis Microbiológico de los Alimentos y Control de los Procesosde Fabricación. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1991

29 Type of teaching: Unofficial teachingName of the course: XV Curso Intensivo de Análisis Microbiológico de los Alimentos y Control de los Procesosde Fabricación. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Type of programme: Courses and Seminars - TaughtEnd date: 1990



Experience supervising doctoral thesis and/or final year projects

1 Project title: Alternaria spp. and their mycotoxins in tomatoes. A scientific approach from field to food industry.Type of project: International PhD thesisEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Núria Estiarte PiñolObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laudeDate of reading: 2016European doctorate: Yes

2 Project title: In vitro bioaccessibility of ochratoxin A and assessment of its cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in humancell cultures.Type of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Cyndia Azucena González AriasObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laude i Premi ExtraordinariDate of reading: 2015

3 Project title: Challenges in management of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in contaminated raw materialsType of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Esther García-CelaObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laudeDate of reading: 2014

4 Project title: Tesis Doctoral 'Prevención de la contaminación con fumonisinas en el maíz'Type of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universidad de Vigo.City of entity: SpainStudent: Ana Cao CaamañoObtained qualification: **ApteDate of reading: 2013

5 Project title: Tesis Doctoral 'Micotoxinas en alimento para Tilapia: evaluación del nivel de contaminación y efectosobre parámetros de daño oxidativo en células y tejidos linfoides de tilapia nilótico (Oreochromis niloticus)'Type of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit (México).City of entity: MexicoStudent: Carlos Humberto Rodríguez CervantesObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laudeDate of reading: 2012

6 Project title: Predictive mycology and use of natural antifungals to prevent the mycotoxin food hazardType of project: PhD thesisEntity: LleidaCity of entity: Spain



Student: García, DaianaObtained qualification: **Apte cum laudeDate of reading: 2012

7 Project title: Micobiota y mohos productores de ocratoxina A en uva de Lleida y Sevilla, dos zonas agroclimáticasde EspañaType of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Porqueres, AObtained qualification: **NotableDate of reading: 2012

8 Project title: Detecció i quantificació de la presència d'Alternaria spp. en mostres de tomata i poma mitjançanttècniques de Biologia Molecular.Type of project: **Treball Fi de MàsterEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Estiarte, N.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2012

9 Project title: Fungi and Mycotoxins in Capsicum powder: occurrence, ecophisiology and controlType of project: PhD thesisEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Santos Tavares, LilianaObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laudeDate of reading: 2011

10 Project title: Innovación en el campo de las salsas de mesa: desarrollo de nuevos productos.Type of project: **Treball Fi de MàsterEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Mayte Alegría OlivaObtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2011

11 Project title: Bioaccesibilidad in vitro de la Ocratoxina A (OTA) en matrices alimentarias utilizando un sistema dedigestión con diálisis dinámica.Type of project: **Treball Fi de MàsterEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Cyndia Azucena González AriasObtained qualification: **NotableDate of reading: 2011

12 Project title: Efecto del procesado del pan y la pasta sobre deoxinivalenol, deoxinivalenol-3-glucósidoy zearalenona e importancia del efecto de la cocción de la pasta sobre la evaluación de la exposición adeoxinivalenol de la población catalana.Type of project: Project at end of engineering degree



Entity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Beatriz López GonzálezObtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2011

13 Project title: Fungi and Mycotoxins in Capsicum powder: occurrence, ecophisiology and controlType of project: PhD thesisEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Santos Tavares, LilianaObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laudeDate of reading: 2011

14 Project title: Desarrollo técnico y evaluación económica de los "Trufitos", producto innovador en el sector de loselaborados cárnicos con alto valor añadido.Type of project: **Treball Fi de GrauEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Romeo, A.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2011

15 Project title: Evaluación de la contaminación microbiológica de la longaniza fresca envasada a vacío. Búsquedade soluciones tecnológicas para su conservación.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Romeo A.Obtained qualification: **NotableDate of reading: 2009

16 Project title: Screening of mycotoxin multicontamination in medicinal and aromatic herbs sampled in Spain.Type of project: **Treball d'InvestigacióEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Santos Tavares, LilianaObtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2008

17 Project title: Processing of cereals destined to human and animal consumption: effects on mycotoxincontaminationType of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Castells Portal, MirenObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laudeDate of reading: 2007



18 Project title: Ochratoxin A in overripe grapes, raisings and special wines in vitro and in vivo studies on fungiisolated from grapes and raisins affected by physical, chemical and biotic agentsType of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Valero Rello, Ana.Obtained qualification: **Apte cum laude i Premi ExtraordinariDate of reading: 2007

19 Project title: Creixement de fongs aflatoxigènics en medi a base de pebre roig en funció de la disponibilitatd'aiguaType of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Colom Espada, CarmenObtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2007

20 Project title: Ochratoxin A and Ochratoxigenic Moulds in Grapes, Musts and Wine. Ecophysiological StudiesType of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Bellí Martí, NeusObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laude i Premi ExtraordinariDate of reading: 2006

21 Project title: Estudio de la contaminación fúngica ambiental de dos industrias de cerealesType of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Sisquella Sanagustin, MariaObtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2006

22 Project title: Ecofisiologia de cepas de Aspergillus ochraceus y Penicillium verrucosum productoras de ocratoxinaA en café verde, uva y cebada.Type of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Pardo Haya, EsterObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laudeDate of reading: 2005

23 Project title: Determinación de la micobiota e incidencia de cepas ocratoxigénicas en granos de uva procedentesde 5 denominaciones de origen.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Alegre I.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2004



24 Project title: DEA-Miren Castells PortalType of project: **Treball d'InvestigacióEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Castells Portal, MirenObtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2004

25 Project title: Aplicación de métodos combinados a la prevención de deterioro fúngico en productos de bolleríaType of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Guynot de Boismenu Viacava, Marie HeleneObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laudeDate of reading: 2003

26 Project title: Incidencia de ocratoxina A (OTA) en vinos, cavas, mostos y zumos de uva.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Duaigües A.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2003

27 Project title: Influencia de la actividad de agua y de la temperatura sobre la germinación, el crecimiento y laproducción de ocratoxina A por tres cepas de Penicillium verrucosum en cebada.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Malet M.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2003

28 Project title: Aplicación de los aceites esenciales en el control fúngico de los productos de pastelería.Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Purroy P.Obtained qualification: **NotableDate of reading: 2002

29 Project title: Variabilidad de líneas puras y origen de la clase comercial de judía Ganxet (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)determinados mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR).Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Rubio S.Obtained qualification: **NotableDate of reading: 2002



30 Project title: Ecofisiologia de soques d'Eurotium que causen alteració en productes de pastisseriaType of project: PhD thesisEntity: Universitat de LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Abellana Mogués, Maria MeritxellObtained qualification: **Excel·lent cum laude i Premi ExtraordinariDate of reading: 2002

31 Project title: Aplicación de los métodos combinados (atmósferas modificadas, sorbato potásico, pH y aw) en elcontrol del deterioro de productos de pastelería por especies del género Eurotium.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Galán LA.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2002

32 Project title: Identificación de deoxinivalenol en trigo y maíz forrajero de Nayarit. Universidad: UniversidadAutónoma de Nayarit (México).Type of project: Graduation thesisEntity: Autónoma de NayaritCity of entity: MexicoStudent: Bañuelos MAM.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2002

33 Project title: Efecto de la adición de conservantes, de la actividad de agua y del pH en el crecimiento del géneroEurotium.Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Neira P.Obtained qualification: **NotableDate of reading: 2001

34 Project title: Efecto de la adición de conservantes del tipo sorbato en el crecimiento de tres especies de Eurotiumspp. en un producto de pastelería.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Rubinat M.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2001

35 Project title: DEAType of project: **Treball d'InvestigacióEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Guynot de Boismenu, Maria ElenaObtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2001



36 Project title: Estudio del efecto de propionatos y benzoatos sobre el crecimiento de Eurotium spp. en un productode repostería.Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Rull F.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2000

37 Project title: Aislamiento e identificación de la micoflora del ambiente y de los productos procedentes de dosfábricas de pastelería y bollería.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Roda M.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2000

38 Project title: Nuevas técnicas de control de la alteración fúngica de productos de pastelería: aceites esenciales yantioxidantes.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Setó L.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2000

39 Project title: Determinación de zearalenona en granos de maíz forrajero en el Estado de Nayarit.Type of project: Graduation thesisEntity: Autónoma de NayaritCity of entity: MexicoStudent: Villalobos MD.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2000

40 Project title: Determinación de toxina T-2 en granos de maíz forrajero del Estado de Nayarit.Type of project: Graduation thesisEntity: Autónoma de NayaritCity of entity: MexicoStudent: Zavala A.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2000

41 Project title: Identificación de ocratoxina A en café verde de Nayarit.Type of project: Graduation thesisEntity: Autónoma de NayaritCity of entity: MexicoStudent: López RA.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2000



42 Project title: Determinación cromatográfica de diacetoxyscirpenol en maíz forrajero proveniente del Estado deNayarit.Type of project: Graduation thesisEntity: Autónoma de NayaritCity of entity: MexicoStudent: Zúñiga BA.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2000

43 Project title: Noves tecniques de control de l'alteració fúngica de productes de pastisseria: olis essencials iantioxidants.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Setó Torrent, L.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 2000

44 Project title: Influencia de la actividad de agua y la temperatura sobre la germinación y el crecimiento de seiscepas de Eurotium.Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Benedí J.Obtained qualification: **NotableDate of reading: 1999

45 Project title: Estudio, mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido, del efecto de la actividad de agua y latemperatura en el crecimiento de Aspergillus ochraceus, Alternaria alternata y Fusarium moniliforme, y susinteracciones, sobre maíz (Zea mays).Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Soler J.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1999

46 Project title: Determinación de ocratoxina A en granos de café verde del Estado de Nayarit.Type of project: Graduation thesisEntity: Autónoma de NayaritCity of entity: MexicoStudent: Verde R.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1999

47 Project title: Comparación de técnicas moleculares (PCR-RFLP) y microbiológicas para la identificación demohos del género Eurotium aislados de productos de pastelería.Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: Spain



Student: Arroyo M.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1998

48 Project title: Efecto de la actividad de agua y la temperatura sobre el crecimiento de tres especies de Eurotium enun producto de pastelería.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Magrí X.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1998

49 Project title: Influencia de factores abióticos sobre el crecimiento y producción de ocratoxinas por tres cepas deAspergillus ochraceus en cebada.Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Labernia N.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1997

50 Project title: Producción in vitro de ocratoxinas y variación del valor calórico del maíz por cepas de Aspergillusochraceus: influencia de la aw, temperatura y periodo de incubación.Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Muñoz J.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1997

51 Project title: Contaminación fúngica y su relación con factores abióticos (pH y actividad de agua, aw) enproductos de pastelería.Type of project: **Treball Pràctic TutoratEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Torres L.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1997

52 Project title: Aplicación de un método combinado de identificación a bacterias lácticas aisladas a partir dediversos alimentos.Type of project: Project at end of engineering degreeEntity: LleidaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Calvo MJObtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1996



53 Project title: Producción in vitro de tricotecenos y zearalenona por parte de cepas de Fusarium.Type of project: **Treball d'InvestigacióEntity: Politécnica de ValenciaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Picazo, JA.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1993

54 Project title: Estudio de la producción de deoxinivalenol (DON) por cepas de Fusarium aisladas de cereales.Type of project: **Treball d'InvestigacióEntity: Politécnica de ValenciaCity of entity: SpainStudent: Gasque, L.Obtained qualification: **Excel·lentDate of reading: 1992

Educational or pedagogical publications, books, articles, etc.

1 Ramos AJ, Marín S.. Juice processing. Quality, safety and value-added oppportunities. pp. 311 - 328. (UnitedStates of America): CRC Press, 2014. Available on-line at: <>>. ISBN 978-1-4665-7733-6Name of the materials: Spoiling microorganisms in fruit juicesDate of drafting: 2014

2 Ramos, AJ.. Fundamentos de Toxicología. pp. 325 - 350. (Mexico): Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, 2012.Available on-line at: <>>. ISBN 978-607-7868-40-8Name of the materials: Micotoxinas.Date of drafting: 2012

3 Ramos, AJ; Marín, S; Sanchis, V.. Micotoxinas y micotoxicosis. pp. 1 - 18. (Spain): A. Madrid Vicente Ediciones,2011. Available on-line at: <>>. ISBN 978-84-96709-70-6Name of the materials: Micotoxinas. Introducción histórica.Date of drafting: 2011

4 Marín, S; Sanchis, V; Ramos, AJ.. Micotoxinas y micotoxicosis. pp. 73 - 93. (Spain): A. Madrid Vicente Ediciones,2011. Available on-line at: <>>. ISBN 978-84-96709-70-6Name of the materials: Factores ecofisiológicos que condicionan el crecimiento fúngico y la producción demicotoxinas.Date of drafting: 2011

5 Sanchis, V; Ramos, AJ; Marín, S.. Micotoxinas y micotoxicosis. pp. 123 - 163. (Spain): A. Madrid VicenteEdiciones, 2011. Available on-line at: <>>. ISBN 978-84-96709-70-6Name of the materials: HACCP aplicado a las micotoxinas.Date of drafting: 2011

6 Ramos, AJ; Da Rocha, CA; Cavaglieri, LR; Guedes, CA.. Micotoxinas y micotoxicosis. pp. 427 - 462. (Spain): A.Madrid Vicente Ediciones, 2011. Available on-line at: <>>. ISBN 978-84-96709-70-6Name of the materials: Legislación e impacto económico de las micotoxinas.Date of drafting: 2011



7 Ramos, AJ. Micotoxinas y micotoxicosis. pp. 1 - 462. (Spain): A. Madrid Vicente Ediciones, 2011. Available on-lineat: <> http://www.amvediciones.com/micotoxic.htm> . ISBN 978-84-96709-70-6Name of the materials: Micotoxinas y micotoxicosisDate of drafting: 2011

Other activities/achievements not included above

Description of the activity: Other teaching merits: Taller: Microorganismos buenos y malos. Universitat del Nensi Nenes (UdN2)Organising entity: ACUPEnd date: 16/05/2014

Scientific and technological experience

Scientific or technological activities

R&D projects funded through competitive calls of public or private entities

1 Name of the project: Nuevos adsorbentes multimicotoxínicos avanzados para alimentación animalbasados en bentonitas para la mejora de la seguridad alimentaria. 'MICOBEN'Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaFunding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Type of entity: **MinisterisCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: RTC-2015-3508-2Start-End date: 01/03/2015 - 31/12/2018 Duration: 3 years - 10 monthsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 211.149,24 €

2 Name of the project: Transferencia de las aflatoxinas, deoxinivalenol, y sus conjugados, desde loscereales y otras materias primas a los alimentosEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaFunding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Type of entity: **MinisterisCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2014-55379-PStart-End date: 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2017 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 151.250 €



3 Name of the project: Unitat de tecnologia de productes vegetalsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 20Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Economia i Coneixement (Generalitatde Catalunya)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 2014 SGR 540Start-End date: 01/01/2014 - 30/06/2017 Duration: 3 years - 6 monthsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

4 Name of the project: Aliments sans i de qualitat mitjançant el blat de moro reforçat antioxidant (VitaMaize)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Pavlos ChristouNº of researchers: 20Funding entity or bodies:Fundació Caixa de Pensions 'La Caixa' Type of entity: **INSTIT. PRIVADES SENSE

FINALITAT DE LUCRECity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: PC084082Start-End date: 01/12/2012 - 31/01/2015 Duration: 2 years - 2 monthsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 74.917,61 €

5 Name of the project: Aproximación integrada a la exposición humana simultánea a ocratoxina A ydeoxinivalenol (MYCOEXPO)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2011-24862Start-End date: 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2014 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 108.900 €

6 Name of the project: Cambio climático y nuevos hábitos alimentarios: Nuevos escenarios con impactopotencial sobre el riesgo de micotoxinas en España (MYCOTOXCHANGE)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marín Sillué



Nº of researchers: 2Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2010-22182-C04-04Start-End date: 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2013 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 84.700 €

7 Name of the project: Selection and improving of fit-for-purpose sampling procedures for specific foods andrisks. (BASELINE)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: 222738Start-End date: 01/12/2009 - 31/07/2013 Duration: 3 years - 8 monthsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 125.494 €

8 Name of the project: Grup consolidat Unitat de Tecnologia de Productes VegetalsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 18Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa dela Generalitat de Catalunya (DIUE)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Barcelona, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 2009 SGR 781Start-End date: 03/07/2009 - 02/07/2013 Duration: 4 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Sense especificarTotal amount: 47.840 €

9 Name of the project: Novel, multidisciplinary and integrated strategies to reduce mycotoxin contaminationin the food and feed chain worldwideEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: 222690



Start-End date: 01/04/2009 - 31/03/2013 Duration: 4 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 89.600 €

10 Name of the project: Cambio climático y nuevos hábitos alimentarios: Nuevos escenarios con impactopotencial sobre el riesgo de micotoxinas en España.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marín SilluéNº of researchers: 4Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2010-22182-C04-04Start-End date: 2011 - 2013 Duration: 2 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 84.700 €

11 Name of the project: Selection and improving of fit-for-purpose sampling procedures for specific foods andrisks (BASELINE) KBBE 222738Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: 222738Start-End date: 2009 - 2013 Duration: 4 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 125.494 €

12 Name of the project: Control de les principals malalties de raïm, préssec i nectarina en fruita d'agriculturaecològicaEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): M. Inmaculada C. Viñas AlmenarNº of researchers: 7Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 01/05/2009 - 30/09/2012 Duration: 3 years - 5 monthsParticipating entity/entities: Sense especificarTotal amount: 26.400 €



13 Name of the project: Iberoamérica. Cooperación científica orientada a la búsqueda de estrategias deprevención y control de las micotoxicosis para mejorar las condiciones sanitarias en la producción pecuaria.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 6Funding entity or bodies:Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED) Type of entity: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONSCity funding entity: Unknown

Code according to the funding entity: Acción 109AC0371Start-End date: 2009 - 2012 Duration: 3 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 134.000 €

14 Name of the project: Novel, multidisciplinary and integrated strategies to reduce mycotoxin contaminationin the food and feed chain worldwideEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Start-End date: 2008 - 2012 Duration: 4 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 80.000 €

15 Name of the project: Xarxa de referència en R+D+i en Tecnologia dels Aliments Grup de recerca:Tecnologia de Productes Vegetals (TPV)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 42Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa dela Generalitat de Catalunya (DIUE)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Barcelona, Spain

Start-End date: 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2011 Duration: 2 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

16 Name of the project: Evaluación de la exposición de la población española a las toxinas de FusariumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 4Funding entity or bodies:



Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2008-05030-C02-01Start-End date: 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2011 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 145.200 €

17 Name of the project: Evaluación de la exposición de la población española a las toxinas de FusariumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 4Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2008-05030-C02-01Start-End date: 2009 - 2011 Duration: 2 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 145.200 €

18 Name of the project: Control de las principales enfermedades de viña, melocotón y nectarina en fruta deagricultura ecológicaEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): M.Inmaculada C. Viñas AlmenarNº of researchers: 7Funding entity or bodies:Vicerectorat de Recerca i Innovació de la UdL Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 2008 - 2011 Duration: 3 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 26.400 €

19 Name of the project: Adaptació específica del pràcticum de la UdL en les noves titulacions de grauEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Jose Luis Gallizo LarrazNº of researchers: 8Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 19/2008Start-End date: 01/10/2008 - 30/09/2010 Duration: 2 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 3.000 €



20 Name of the project: Presencia simultanea de micotoxinas en alimentos. Evaluación del peligro potencial yreal.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2007-66416-C05-03Start-End date: 01/10/2007 - 30/09/2010 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Sense especificarTotal amount: 106.480 €

21 Name of the project: CERTA. Funcionament Unitat de Tecnologia de Productes Vegetals 2008-2009Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Grup Recerca Tecnologia de Productes Vegetals (tpv-Certa)Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa dela Generalitat de Catalunya (DIUE)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Barcelona, Spain

Start-End date: 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2009 Duration: 2 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 24.000 €

22 Name of the project: Grup consolidat de Tecnologia de Productes VegetalsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 18Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 2005SGR00058Start-End date: 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2009 Duration: 4 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 49.600 €

23 Name of the project: Grup consolidat de Tecnologia de Productes VegetalsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 18Funding entity or bodies:



Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 2005SGR00058Start-End date: 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2009 Duration: 4 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 49.600 €

24 Name of the project: La Xarxa de referència R+D+I en Tecnologia d'alimentsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 18Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Start-End date: 2008 - 2009 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 33.600 €

25 Name of the project: Servei Científico Tècnic de la UdL: Unidad anàlisis química, estructura ymicrobiologia. Servei Calidad microbiologico sector agroalimentarioEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: PTA-2003-01-00690Start-End date: 13/11/2006 - 12/10/2008 Duration: 1 year - 11 monthsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 40.821,75 €

26 Name of the project: 9th European Conference on Higher Agricultural EducationEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Jaume Lloveras VilamanyaNº of researchers: 4Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa dela Generalitat de Catalunya (DIUE)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Barcelona, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 2008ARCS1 00059Start-End date: 02/09/2008 - 01/10/2008 Duration: 1 monthParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)



Total amount: 6.000 €

27 Name of the project: Infraestructura d'InvestigacióEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 25Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Educació i Universitats (DEIU) Type of entity: **Administració de CatalunyaCity funding entity: Spain

Start-End date: 25/07/2008 - 2008Participating entity/entities: Sense especificarTotal amount: 33.057,43 €

28 Name of the project: Tecnologia de productes vegetalsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 25Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 2008 - 2008 Duration: 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 18.694,3 €

29 Name of the project: Tecnologia de productes vegetalsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 1Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007 Duration: 1 yearParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 11.904,32 €

30 Name of the project: Estudio de la cinética del desarrollo fúngico en alimentos para la mejora de lapredicción de su deterioro y contaminación por micotoxinasEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marin SillueNº of researchers: 2Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MICYT) Type of entity: State administration



City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2004-06413/ALIStart-End date: 13/12/2004 - 12/12/2007 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

31 Name of the project: Prevención y control de micotoxinas emergentes en cereales.frutas y derivadosEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 2Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MICYT) Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2004-07549-C05-01 /ALIStart-End date: 13/12/2004 - 12/12/2007 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 137.500 €

32 Name of the project: Maîtrise de l'ochratoxine A (OTA) dans le raisin secEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 4Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: A/3901/05Start-End date: 20/05/2006 - 19/05/2007 Duration: 1 yearParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 8.050 €

33 Name of the project: Red temática de seguridad alimentaria (RETSA)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: I3A-197-OStart-End date: 31/10/2003 - 30/04/2007 Duration: 3 years - 6 monthsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 49.932,48 €



34 Name of the project: Material d'equipament i infraestructura destinat a la recercaEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Olga Martin BellosoNº of researchers: 24Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Start-End date: 12/02/2007 - 2007Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 78.219 €

35 Name of the project: Maitrise de l'Ochratoxine A (OTA) dans le raisin secEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 4Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: A/3901/05Start-End date: 2006 - 2007 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 10.000 €

36 Name of the project: La Xarxa de referència R+D+I en Tecnologia d'alimentsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 18Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Start-End date: 2006 - 2007 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 57.303,72 €

37 Name of the project: Tecnologia de productes vegetalsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 1Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: University



City funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2006 Duration: 1 yearParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 13.183 €

38 Name of the project: Tecnologia de productes vegetalsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 1Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 01/01/2005 - 31/12/2006 Duration: 2 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 14.688 €

39 Name of the project: Programa de mejora educativa de la licenciatura en ciencia y tecnologia d ealimentos(LCTA) en relación a su adaptación al espacio europeo de educación superior (EEES)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 5Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 01/11/2005 - 31/10/2006 Duration: 1 yearParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

40 Name of the project: Proyecto estratégico CeRTA "Seguridad biótica y abiótica de los alimentos"Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 39Funding entity or bodies:CeRTA Type of entity: **Administració de CatalunyaCity funding entity: Spain

Start-End date: 2005 - 2006 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 59.999,8 €

41 Name of the project: Seguridad biótica y abiótica de los alimentos. Proyecto estratégico CeRTA.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio J Ramos Girona



Nº of researchers: 6Funding entity or bodies:Centre de Referència de Tecnologia d'Aliments.CERTA

Type of entity: IPSFL - Autonomic administration

City funding entity: Spain

Start-End date: 2005 - 2006 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 60.000 €

42 Name of the project: RETSA. Red temática de seguridad alimentaria. Espacio pirenaico.INTERREG III(G0044)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: I3A-7-197-0Start-End date: 2004 - 2006 Duration: 2 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 49.932,48 €

43 Name of the project: Grup de Tecnologia de productes vegetals (TPV-CeRTA)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 16Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 2001/SGR /00310Start-End date: 20/12/2001 - 19/12/2005 Duration: 4 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 36.060,73 €

44 Name of the project: Influencia del procesado en la contaminación por micotoxinas de alimentos a base demaiz y arroz destinados al consumoEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MICYT) Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2002-00555



Start-End date: 01/11/2002 - 31/10/2005 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 52.900 €

45 Name of the project: Material d'equipament i infraestructura destinat a la recercaEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Ma. Josefa Motilva CasadoNº of researchers: 21Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 2005PEIR0053/07Start-End date: 2005 - 2005 Duration: 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 36.752,88 €

46 Name of the project: Risk assessment and integrated ochratoxin A (OTA) management in grape and wine(WINE-OCHRA RISK)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: QLK1-CT-2001-01761Start-End date: 01/05/2001 - 30/04/2004 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 170.000 €

47 Name of the project: Evaluación del riesgo de contaminación por ocratoxinas y tricotecenos en alimentos ydesarrollo de métodos de controlEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MICYT) Type of entity: State administrationCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGL2001-2974-C05-02Start-End date: 28/01/2001 - 27/01/2004 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 81.016,42 €



48 Name of the project: Infraestructura d'InvestigacióEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Olga Martín BellosoNº of researchers: 20Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: PEIR 10020/04Start-End date: 01/01/2005 - 2004Participating entity/entities: Sense especificarTotal amount: 49.889,77 €

49 Name of the project: Modified atmosphere packaging for prevention of mold spoilage of bakery productswith different pH and water activity levels.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 01/01/2003 - 31/12/2003 Duration: 1 yearParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 939 €

50 Name of the project: Hazard analisys and control of food contamination: prevention of Fusariummycotoxins entering the human and animal food chainEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 6Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: QLK1-CT-1999-00996Start-End date: 01/01/2000 - 31/12/2003 Duration: 4 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 170.000 €

51 Name of the project: Hazard analisys and control of food contamination: prevention of Fusariummycotoxins entering the human and animal food chainEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis Almenar



Nº of researchers: 6Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: QLK1-CT-1999-00996Start-End date: 01/01/2000 - 31/12/2003 Duration: 4 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 170.000 €

52 Name of the project: Aplicación de la nariz electrónica para garantizar la calidad microbiológica de losproductos de bollería industrialEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 5Funding entity or bodies:Instituto Nacional de Investigación y TecnologíaAgraria y Alimentaria. INIA

Type of entity: State administration

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: CAL01-037-C3-1Start-End date: 28/12/2001 - 27/12/2003 Duration: 2 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 66.437,39 €

53 Name of the project: Rapid detection of microgial contamination in food products using electronic nosetecnhologyEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 5Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: QLK1-CT-2000-01763Start-End date: 01/12/2000 - 30/11/2003 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

54 Name of the project: Rapid detection of microbial contamination in food products using electronic nosetechnologyEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 6Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: QLRT99-0357



Start-End date: 2000 - 2003 Duration: 3 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

55 Name of the project: Risk assessment of the use of suboptimal levels of weak acid preservatives in thecontrol of mould growth in bakery products.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 01/01/2002 - 31/12/2002 Duration: 1 yearParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 406 €

56 Name of the project: Sistemas antifúngicos naturales para la prevención de la alteración fúngica deproductos de bolleríaEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 4Funding entity or bodies:Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología(CICYT)

Type of entity: State administration

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: ALI99-0831Start-End date: 30/12/1999 - 29/12/2002 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 100.564,35 €

57 Name of the project: Natural antifungal systems for prevention fo mould spoilage in bakery productsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 5Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: FAIR PL98-4075Start-End date: 01/01/1999 - 31/03/2002 Duration: 3 years - 3 monthsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 142.000 €

58 Name of the project: Grup de Tecnologia de Productes Vegetals, TPV-CeRTAEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University



City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 1Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 2000/SGR /00098Start-End date: 01/02/2001 - 31/01/2002 Duration: 1 yearParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 19.833,4 €

59 Name of the project: Control de micotoxinas emergentes en productos agroalimentarios en EspañaEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 6Funding entity or bodies:Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología(CICYT)

Type of entity: State administration

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: ALI98-0509-C04-01Start-End date: 01/09/1998 - 31/08/2001 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 82.645,17 €

60 Name of the project: Grup consolidat Tecnologia de productes vegetals (TPV-CeRTA)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 16Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 2000SGR00098Start-End date: 2000 - 2001 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 19.833,4 €

61 Name of the project: Fumonisinas en cereales: factores que determinan su contaminación y métodos deprevención.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarFunding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: University



City funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 1998 - 2000 Duration: 2 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

62 Name of the project: Agriculturally Important Toxigenic Fungi.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarFunding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: COST Action 835Start-End date: 1997 - 2000 Duration: 3 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

63 Name of the project: Extend quality assurance in water microbiology to cohesion contriesEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 6Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: SMT4-CT-96-2069Start-End date: 01/10/1996 - 31/10/1999 Duration: 3 years - 1 monthParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 42.375 €

64 Name of the project: Contaminación fúngica y por micotoxinas de semillas de girasolEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Nuria Sala MartiNº of researchers: 7Funding entity or bodies:Ajuntament de Lleida 'La Paeria' Type of entity: Local administrationCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: X0078Start-End date: 30/05/1996 - 29/05/1999 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 17.820,01 €

65 Name of the project: Grup consolidat Tecnologia de productes vegetals (TPV-CeRTA)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis Almenar



Nº of researchers: 16Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 1998SGR00095Start-End date: 1998 - 1999 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 13.823,28 €

66 Name of the project: Grup de Tecnologia de Productes Vegetals, TPV-CeRTAEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarFunding entity or bodies:Direcció General de Recerca de la Generalitat deCatalunya

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: 1998SGR 00095Start-End date: 01/01/1998 - 31/12/1998 Duration: 1 yearParticipating entity/entities: Sense especificarTotal amount: 13.823,28 €

67 Name of the project: Control de fumonisinas en productos agroalimentarios en EspañaEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 6Funding entity or bodies:Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología(CICYT)

Type of entity: State administration

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: ALI97-0736-C04-01Start-End date: 01/10/1997 - 30/09/1998 Duration: 1 yearParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 13.823,28 €

68 Name of the project: Utilización de hongos endofíticos de Taxus baccata para la posible obtención de taxoly precursores del mismoEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Ramon Canela GarayoaNº of researchers: 7Funding entity or bodies:Ajuntament de Lleida 'La Paeria' Type of entity: Local administrationCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start-End date: 01/07/1994 - 30/06/1997 Duration: 3 years



Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

69 Name of the project: Micotoxinas de Fusarium en productos destinados al consumo humano y animalEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 6Funding entity or bodies:Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología(CICYT)

Type of entity: State administration

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: ALI94-0417-C03-01Start-End date: 01/07/1994 - 30/06/1997 Duration: 3 yearsParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 43.633,48 €

70 Name of the project: Micotoxinas de Fusarium en productos destinados al consumo humano y animal.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Enrique Hernández GiménezFunding entity or bodies:Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Type of entity: **Universitats públiquesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: ALI94-0417-C03Start-End date: 1994 - 1997 Duration: 3 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

71 Name of the project: Estudio de nuevas toxinas mutagénicas producidas por Fusarium. Presencia enalimentos y piensos.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Enrique Hernández GiménezFunding entity or bodies:Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Type of entity: **Universitats públiquesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: ALI91-0694Start-End date: 1991 - 1994 Duration: 3 years - 1 dayParticipating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 42.000 €

72 Name of the project: Equipamiento de planta piloto para el desarrollo de alimentos y procesos innovadorescon interés gastronómicoEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Olga Martín BellosoNº of researchers: 6



Funding entity or bodies:Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Type of entity: **MinisterisCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: ULLE13-4E-2060Start date: 10/12/2014Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 99.647,5 €

73 Name of the project: Advanced technologies for tracing the contamination by biological agents of durablefood-grade agricultural products (en preparació)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marin SillueNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: FP6-2005-FOOD-4-AStart date: 2004Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

74 Name of the project: Safe-feeds. Controlling the vulnerability of the feed chain to mycotoxinsEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Unió Europea Type of entity: **Comissió UECity funding entity: European Union institutions

Code according to the funding entity: FOOD 022967Start date: 2004Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Total amount: 180.000 €

75 Name of the project: Iberoamérica. Cooperación Científica orientada a la búsqueda de estrategias deprevención de las micotoxicosis en animales.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Funding entity or bodies:Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional parael Desarrollo (AECID)

Type of entity: State administration

City funding entity: Madrid, Spain

Start date: 2004Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)



R&D non-competitive contracts, agreements or projects with public or private entities

1 Name of the project: Prevención De La Toxicidad En Pollos Del Deoxinivalenol (Don), Mediante AgentesBiotransformantesDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentària(IRTA)

Type of entity: **Empreses públiques

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C17027Start date: 01/06/2017 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 19.675 €

2 Name of the project: Valoración In Vitro De La Capacidad Absorbente De Micotoxina De Un ProductoDegree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Dex Ibérica, SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Vilaseca, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C16036Start date: 01/06/2016 Duration: 2 monthsTotal amount: 3.300 €

3 Name of the project: Determinación de micotoxinas y sus metabolitos en muestras de piensos y fluidosbiológicosDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentària(IRTA)

Type of entity: **Empreses públiques

City funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C15033



Start date: 07/09/2015 Duration: 6 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 10.150 €

4 Name of the project: Solucions innovadores i sostenibles davant el repte de les micotoxinesDegree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Federació de Cooperatives Agràries Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C15030Start date: 15/07/2015 Duration: 2 monthsTotal amount: 13.000 €

5 Name of the project: Projecte general del Servei de Qualitat Microbiològica en el sector agroalimentariDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Sense especificarFunding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: AGEN2_030479Start date: 01/01/2015 Duration: 1 year

6 Name of the project: Elaboración De Un Informe Técnico Sobre Materias Primas Usadas En LaProducción De Compuestos Adsorbentes De MicotoxinasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Adivit, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C15001Start date: 01/01/2015 Duration: 8 monthsTotal amount: 24.416 €



7 Name of the project: Evaluación de la eficacia adsorbente de un aditivo para piensos frente a 5micotoxinas diferentes.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: SCT QualitatMicrobiològica en el sector agroalimentari. UdL.

Type of entity: University

City of entity: SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio J. Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Dex Ibérica Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 43480 Vila-Seca, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C14041Start date: 15/07/2014 Duration: 6 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 4.300 €

8 Name of the project: Evaluación De La Eficacia Adsorbente De Un Aditivo Pra Pienso Frente A 5Micotixinas DiferentesDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Dex Ibérica, SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Vilaseca, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C14041Start date: 15/07/2014 Duration: 6 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 4.300 €

9 Name of the project: Evaluación de kits comerciales para la determinación rápida de aflatoxina M1 enleche de vaca.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: SCT QualitatMicrobiològica en el sector agroalimentari. UdL.

Type of entity: University

City of entity: SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio J. Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:DANONE Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C14038Start date: 01/07/2014 Duration: 6 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 3.000 €



10 Name of the project: Valoración in vitro de la capacidad adsorbente de aflatoxinas de 6 productosadsorbentes.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: SCT QualitatMicrobiològica en el sector agroalimentari. UdL.

Type of entity: University

City of entity: SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio J. Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:DANONE Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C14039Start date: 01/07/2014 Duration: 6 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 3.000 €

11 Name of the project: Evaluación de kits comerciales para la determinación rápida de aflatoxina M1 enleche de vacaDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:DANONE Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C14038Start date: 01/07/2014 Duration: 6 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 3.000 €

12 Name of the project: Valoració In Vitro De La Capacitat Absorbent De Aflatoxines De 6 ProductesAbsorbentsDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:DANONE Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C14039Start date: 01/07/2014 Duration: 6 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 3.000 €



13 Name of the project: Basic previous study of mycotoxin production in maizeDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: SCT QualitatMicrobiològica en el sector agroalimentari. UdL.

Type of entity: University

City of entity: SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio J. Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Servei científicotècnic de la UdLFunding entity or bodies:Micron Bio-Systems Type of entity: **Empreses privades estrangeresCity funding entity: United States of America

Code according to the funding entity: C14017Start date: 07/05/2014 Duration: 2 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 2.000 €

14 Name of the project: Basic previous study of mycotoxin production in maizeDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Micron Bio-Systems Type of entity: **Empreses privades estrangeresCity funding entity: United States of America

Code according to the funding entity: C14017Start date: 07/05/2014 Duration: 2 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 2.000 €

15 Name of the project: Comparación de efectos de procesos actuales y emergentes sobre distintoscompuestos y micotoxinas en frutas de hueso. Desarrollo de nuevos productosDegree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Olga Martín BellosoNº of researchers: 6Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:INDULERIDA, SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Alguaire (Lleida), Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C13026Start date: 26/06/2013 Duration: 1 month - 2 daysTotal amount: 8.000 €

16 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos, manipuladores y ambientesDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: SCT QualitatMicrobiològica en el sector agroalimentari. UdL.

Type of entity: University



City of entity: SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:RUPIME Lleida, SLU Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C12022Start date: 15/06/2012 Duration: 1 year - 6 months - 17 daysTotal amount: 10.770 €

17 Name of the project: Determinación de la eficacia comercial de un adsorbedor de oxígeno para productosready to eatDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Panrico, S.A.U. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C11057Start date: 16/11/2011 Duration: 4 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 7.800 €

18 Name of the project: Determinación de la eficacia comercial de un adsorbedor de oxígeno para productosready to eat.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: SCT QualitatMicrobiològica en el sector agroalimentari. UdL.

Type of entity: University

City of entity: SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio J. Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: SCT Qualitat Microbiològica en el sector agroalimentari. UdL.Funding entity or bodies:Panrico, S.A.U. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C11057Start date: 2011 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 7.800 €

19 Name of the project: Determinacions micotoxines en materies primeresDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1



Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Copiral, SL. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Agramunt, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S10127Start date: 22/09/2010 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 575,8 €

20 Name of the project: Evaluación in vitro de las propiedades fungicidas y bactericidas de 2 productos conpresunta propiedad biocidaDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biovert, SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C10033Start date: 24/05/2010 Duration: 4 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 1.900 €

21 Name of the project: Valoración in vitro de la capacidad absorbente de 5 productos absorbentes frente a 3micotoxinasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Alexan Artesa, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C10035Start date: 24/05/2010 Duration: 4 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 4.200 €

22 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos, manipuladores y ambientesDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:RUPIME Lleida, SLU Type of entity: **Empreses privades



City funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C10052Start date: 03/05/2010 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 6.632 €

23 Name of the project: Determinación de la contaminación microbiológica y por micotoxinas de productosdestinados a la alimentación animalDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 5Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Copiral, SL. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Agramunt, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C10018Start date: 06/04/2010 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 6.540 €

24 Name of the project: Mejora genética de la resistencia a la contaminación con micotoxinasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas(CSIC)

Type of entity: **Organismes públics estatals

City funding entity: Madrid, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C10002Start date: 26/01/2010 Duration: 3 years - 1 dayTotal amount: 30.000 €

25 Name of the project: Determinación de la contaminación microbiológica y por micotoxinas de productosdestinados a la alimentación animal.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiolog. Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Copiral, SL. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Agramunt, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C10018



Start date: 2010 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 6.540 €

26 Name of the project: Valoración in vitro de la capacidad adsorbente de 5 productos adsorbentes frente a 3micotoxinas.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Alexan Artesa, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C10035Start date: 2010 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 4.200 €

27 Name of the project: Evaluación in vitro de las propiedades fungicidas y bactericidas de 2 productos conpresunta propiedad biocida.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biovert, SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C10033Start date: 2010 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 1.900 €

28 Name of the project: Determinación de la contaminación por micotoxinas en muestras de piensos.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Mevet, S.A.U. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C10044Start date: 2010 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 14.426 €



29 Name of the project: Contaminantes En La Cadena Alimentaria: MicotoxinasDegree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Generalitat Valenciana Type of entity: **Altres comunitats autònomesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: K09013Start date: 18/02/2009 Duration: 11 months - 12 daysTotal amount: 7.100 €

30 Name of the project: Determinación de la contaminación por micotoxinas en muestras de piensosENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: MEVET.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C09039Start date: 2009 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 14.213 €

31 Name of the project: Study of the potential production of aflatoxins in Spanish peaches. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: INDULLEIDA, SA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C09068Start date: 2009 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 2.800 €



32 Name of the project: Determinacion De La Actividad De Agua De Muestras AlimentariasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Laboratorios Biotest, s.l. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 22.004 Huesca., Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08069Start date: 01/12/2008 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 2.000 €

33 Name of the project: Evaluación de la eficacia de diferentes tratamientos fungicidas en campo en el controlde la ocratoxina a en uvaDegree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marín SilluéNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Bayer Cropscience, s.l. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08064Start date: 03/11/2008 Duration: 1 month - 3 daysTotal amount: 3.000 €

34 Name of the project: Congrés EchaeDegree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Jaume Lloveras VilamanyaNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: D08004Start date: 02/09/2008 Duration: 4 daysTotal amount: 12.061,65 €

35 Name of the project: Determinacion De La Actividad De Agua De Muestras AlimentariasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University



City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biotest Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08035Start date: 01/07/2008 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 420 €

36 Name of the project: Resistencia del maíz a la contaminación con fumonisinasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas(CSIC)

Type of entity: **Organismes públics estatals

City funding entity: Madrid, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08040Start date: 01/06/2008 Duration: 7 monthsTotal amount: 4.000 €

37 Name of the project: Relación entre la incidencia de la plaga del taladro y la contaminación confumonisinasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas(CSIC)

Type of entity: **Organismes públics estatals

City funding entity: Madrid, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08041Start date: 01/06/2008 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 6.800 €

38 Name of the project: Determinacion Inmunoenzimatica De Micotoxinas En Materias Primas Y PiensosDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos Girona



Nº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Laboratoris Bautec, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 08551 Tona (Barcelona), Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08036Start date: 26/05/2008 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 17.920 €

39 Name of the project: Evaluación de la eficacia de diferentes tratamientos antifúngicos en el control deAspergillus de la sección nigri i la micobiota de la uva y de la prod. de ocratoxina a. in vitroDegree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marín SilluéNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Bayer Cropscience, s.l. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08029Start date: 21/05/2008 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 13.000 €

40 Name of the project: Determinacion De La Contaminacion Por Micotoxinas Em Muestras De PiensosDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Mevet, S.A.U. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08022Start date: 15/04/2008 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 4.246,8 €

41 Name of the project: Determinación inmunoenzimática de micotoxinas en materias primas y piensosDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiolog. Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Laboratoris Bautec, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privades



City funding entity: 08551 Tona (Barcelona), Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08006Start date: 01/02/2008 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 12.800 €

42 Name of the project: Factores que influyen en la contaminación por fumonisinasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiolog. Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas(CSIC)

Type of entity: **Organismes públics estatals

City funding entity: Madrid, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08001Start date: 02/01/2008 Duration: 6 monthsTotal amount: 10.000 €

43 Name of the project: Factores que influyen en la contaminación por fumonisinas. Entidad: Misión Biológicade Galicia (CSIC).Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08001Start date: 2008 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 10.000 €

44 Name of the project: Determinación inmunoenzimática de micotoxinas en materias primas y piensos.Entidad: Laboratoris Bautec, SL.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08006



Start date: 2008 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 12.800 €

45 Name of the project: Evaluación de la eficiacia de diferentes tratamientos antifúngicos en el control deAspergillus de la sección Nigri y la micobiota de la uva y de la producción de ocratoxina A. Estudios in vitro.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Bayer CropScience, SL.Degree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marin SillueNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08029Start date: 2008 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 15.080 €

46 Name of the project: Evaluación de la eficiacia de diferentes tratamientos fungicidas en campo en elcontrol de la ocratoxina A en uva. ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Bayer CropScience, SL.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marin SillueNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C08064Start date: 2008 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 3.480 €

47 Name of the project: Estudi sobre la ingesta d'aflatoxines i patulina a CatalunyaDegree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Agència Catalana en Seguretat Alimentària (ACSA) Type of entity: **Administració de CatalunyaCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C07065Start date: 19/12/2007 Duration: 3 yearsTotal amount: 118.964,79 €



48 Name of the project: Evaluación del efecto de las atmósferas modificadas y los absorbedores de oxigenoen la conservación de productos de bollería industrialEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marín SilluéNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Panrico, S.L.U. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C07079Start date: 10/12/2007 Duration: 3 monthsTotal amount: 5.600 €

49 Name of the project: Determinació de la contaminació per micotoxines en mostres de pinsosDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiolog. Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Mevet, S.A.U. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C07039Start date: 05/06/2007 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 12.016,5 €

50 Name of the project: Determinación inmunoenzimática de micotoxinas en materias primas y piensosDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiolog. Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Laboratoris Bautec, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 08551 Tona (Barcelona), Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C07028Start date: 21/05/2007 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 12.250 €

51 Name of the project: Evaluación de la eficacia de diferentes compuestos químicos en el control de lamicobiota de la uva y de la producción de ochratoxina a. estudios in vitro y en campoDegree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University



City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiolog. Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Bayer Cropscience, s.l. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C07029Start date: 21/05/2007 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 10.250 €

52 Name of the project: Determinación inmunoenzimática de micotoxinas en materias primas y piensos.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Laboratorios Bautec SL.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06086Start date: 2007 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 12.250 €

53 Name of the project: Determinación de la contaminación por micotoxinas en muestras de piensosENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: MEVET.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06086Start date: 2007 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 12.016 €

54 Name of the project: Determinación in vitro y en campo de la eficiacia de diferentes compuestos fungicidasen el desarrollo de la micobiota de la uva y en el control de la producción de ocratoxina A. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: Bayer CropScience, SL.Degree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, Spain



Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Sonia Marin SillueNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C07029Start date: 2007 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 10.250 €

55 Name of the project: Determinació immunoenzimàtica de micotoxines en matèries primeres i pinsosEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiòlogica en Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Laboratoris Bautec, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 08551 Tona (Barcelona), Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06086Start date: 31/12/2006 Duration: 7 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 7.350 €

56 Name of the project: Anàlisi Microbiologica D'una Mostra De Soja.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Cooperativa Tècnica Agropecuaria, SCCL(COTÈCNICA)

Type of entity: **Empreses privades

City funding entity: 25250 Bellpuig (Lleida), Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S06136Start date: 21/11/2006 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 93 €

57 Name of the project: Determinació de la contaminació per micotoxines en mostres de pinsosEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiolog. Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Mevet, S.A.U. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain



Code according to the funding entity: C06022Start date: 10/05/2006 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 11.700 €

58 Name of the project: Determinación in vitro y en campo de la eficacia de diferentes compuestos fungicidasen el desarrollo de la micobiota de la uva y en el control de la producción de ocratoxinaEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiolog. Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Bayer Cropscience, s.l. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06017Start date: 18/04/2006 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 12.000 €

59 Name of the project: Determinación por duplicado de la actividad de agua de diferentes tipos de alimentosmediante la utilización de un medidor de la actividad de agua Aqualab Decagon o equivalenteEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): S.C.T. Qualitat Microbiolog. Sector AgroalimentariNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biotest Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06044Start date: 01/04/2006 Duration: 11 months - 1 dayTotal amount: 3.240 €

60 Name of the project: DETERMINACIO DE L'ACTVITAT D'AIGUA DE MOSTRES ALIMENTARIESEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biotest Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C0772Start date: 01/01/2006 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 756 €



61 Name of the project: Determinación de la actividad de agua de muestras alimentarias. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: BIOTEST.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C0772Start date: 2006 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 540 €

62 Name of the project: Análisis e investigación de micotoxinas en materias primas y piensos. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: LABORATORIOS BAUTEC, S.L.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06001Start date: 2006 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 6.125 €

63 Name of the project: Determinación de la contaminación por micotoxinas en muestras de pienso.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: MEVET, SAU.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06022Start date: 2006 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 11.700 €



64 Name of the project: Determinación in vitro y en campo de la eficiacia de diferentes compuestos fungicidasen el desarrollo de la micobiota de la uva y en el control de la producción de ocratoxina A. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: Bayer CropScience, SL.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06017Start date: 2006 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 12.000 €

65 Name of the project: Determinación de la actividad de agua en muestras alimentarias. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: Biotest.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06044Start date: 2006 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 3.240 €

66 Name of the project: Determinación inmunoenzimática de micotoxinas en materias primas y piensos.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Laboratorios Bautec SL.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C06086Start date: 2006 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 7.350 €



67 Name of the project: CONTROL DE QUALITAT MICROBIOLOGICA D'ALIMENTS DESTINATS ALCONSUM HUMADegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Consultor de Ingenieria Civil, SA (CICSA) Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C0757Start date: 04/10/2005 Duration: 1 year - 27 daysTotal amount: 3.855,6 €

68 Name of the project: DETERMINACION DE LA CONTAMINACION POR MICOTOXINAS EN MUESTRASDE PIENSOSEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Mevet, S.A.U. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C0748Start date: 01/09/2005 Duration: 1 yearTotal amount: 2.970 €

69 Name of the project: ANALISIS I IDENTIFICACIO D'UN MICROORGANISME CAUSANT D'UN VEL EN ELVI.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Tomas Cusine, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1846Start date: 25/07/2005Total amount: 60 €

70 Name of the project: Análisis de micotoxinas en 60 muestras de maízDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University



City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas(CSIC)

Type of entity: **Organismes públics estatals

City funding entity: Madrid, Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C0731Start date: 30/06/2005 Duration: 6 monthsTotal amount: 1.200 €

71 Name of the project: ANALISIS DE PATULINA EN CONCENTRADOS DE FRUTA Y DERIVADOSEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:NUFRI Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C0719Start date: 14/06/2005 Duration: 1 year - 16 daysTotal amount: 5.000 €

72 Name of the project: CALCUL DE LA CONCENTRACIO MINIMA INHIBITORIA (CMI) D'UNAFORMULACIO AMB CAPACITAT BIOCIDADegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Textron Técnica, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: C0692Start date: 17/03/2005 Duration: 3 monthsTotal amount: 450 €

73 Name of the project: ANALISI ENTEROBACTERIES 2N 20 MOSTRES DE PINSOEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:



Adiveter, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1836Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 600 €

74 Name of the project: ANALISIS DE LISTERIA EN UNA MUESTRA DE QUESOEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Laboratorios Arroyo, SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1824Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 60 €

75 Name of the project: Anàlisi de 3 salmonel·les (La seva Ref. 84-12-141b; 84-12-145)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Laiccona, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1755Start date: 01/01/2005 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 90 €

76 Name of the project: ANALISIS DE TRES VINAGRETESEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Aceites Borges Pont, S.A. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 25300 Tàrrega (Lleida), Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1894Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 1.240 €



77 Name of the project: ANALISI DE 2 MOSTRES DE CAVIAREntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Caviar Nacarii, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1917Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 360 €

78 Name of the project: DETERMINACIO ACTIVITAT D'AIGUA EN 4 MOSTRES DE MAGDALENES.Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biotest Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1835Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 70 €

79 Name of the project: DETERMINACION ACTIVIDAD DE AGUA EN 3 MUESTRAS DE MADALENAS.(SUREFERENCIA 28744-28746)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biotest Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1767Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 21 €

80 Name of the project: ANALISIS DE 3 MOSTRES DE SUC DE FRUITESEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)



Funding entity or bodies:Moleva, SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1825Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 90 €

81 Name of the project: DETERMINACION DE LA ACTIVIDAD DEL AGUA DE 16 MUESTRAS DEMADALENAS SU REFERENCIA 05.389-05.3834 Y 05.4559-05.4566 Y 05.4599-05.4602Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biotest Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1895Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 112 €

82 Name of the project: ANALISI D'UNA PRESSUMPTA SALMONEL·LAEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Laiccona, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1834Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 60 €

83 Name of the project: ANALISIS DE SHIGELLA EN 3 VINAGRETESEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Aceites Borges Pont, S.A. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 25300 Tàrrega (Lleida), Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1828Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 180 €



84 Name of the project: AILLAMENT, PURIFICACIO I IDENTIFICACIO DE 6 FONGS FILAMENTOSOSEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biotest Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1923Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 100 €

85 Name of the project: DETERMINACION DE LA ACTIVIDAD DE AGUA EN 8 MUESTRAS DEMADALENAS (SU REF. 05.0987 A 05.0994)Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Biotest Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1756Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 77 €

86 Name of the project: ANALISI DE DEOXINIVALENOL (DON) EN 2 MOSTRES DE PANISEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Mevet, S.A.U. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1857Start date: 01/01/2005Total amount: 41,25 €

87 Name of the project: Evaluación de la eficacia de diversos tratamientos antifúngicos en campo en lamicobiota total, el control de mohos ocratoxigénicos y la presencia de ocratoxina A en mosto de uvaDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, Spain



Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 4Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Syngenta Agro, SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 28042 Madrid, Spain

Start date: 2004 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 4.000 €

88 Name of the project: Cálculo de la concentración mínima inhibitoria (CMI) de 4 formulaciones concapacidad biocidaDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 2Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Textron Técnica, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Start date: 2004 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 1.800 €

89 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos destinados al consumo humano.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CICSA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2004 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 12.600 €

90 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos y de aguas. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: JOYCO ESPAÑA, S.A. UnipersonalDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: University



City funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2004 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 5.106 €

91 Name of the project: Análisis microbiológicos rutinarios de frutas, superficies y manipuladoresDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:AGROVEN INTERNACIONAL SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Start date: 2003 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 3.794 €

92 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos destinados al consumo humano.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CICSA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2003 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 12.360 €

93 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos y de aguas. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: JOYCO ESPAÑA, S.A. UnipersonalDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2003 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 4.958 €



94 Name of the project: Formación personalizada en análisis microbiológicos de huevoDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 2Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Textron Técnica, SL Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Start date: 2002 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 1.746 €

95 Name of the project: Análisis microbiológicos rutinarios de aguas y frutasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:AGROVEN INTERNACIONAL SA Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Start date: 2002 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 2.070 €

96 Name of the project: Análisis microbiológicos rutinarios de aguas y frutasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Aceites Borges Pont, S.A. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 25300 Tàrrega (Lleida), Spain

Start date: 2002 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 5.398 €

97 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos destinados al consumo humano.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CICSA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3



Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2002 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 12.000 €

98 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos destinados al consumo humano.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CICSA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2002 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 12.000 €

99 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos y de aguas. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: JOYCO ESPAÑA, S.A. UnipersonalDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2002 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 4.958 €

100 Name of the project: Preparació medi, tramesa i anàlisi de 10 plaques (ref.2292-2296)Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 1Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Ambifit Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Spain

Code according to the funding entity: S1106Start date: 13/06/2001 Duration: 1 day



Total amount: 60,1 €

101 Name of the project: Análisis microbiológicos rutinarios de aguas y frutasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Aceites Borges Pont, S.A. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 25300 Tàrrega (Lleida), Spain

Start date: 2001 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 6.010,12 €

102 Name of the project: Identificación de cepas de mohos filamentosos procedentes de muestras de chorizoDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Embutidos Palacios, S.A. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: 26120 Albelda de Iregua, Spain

Start date: 2001 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 10.148,09 €

103 Name of the project: Análisis de micotoxinas en piensos y estudio de la capacidad adsorbente demicotoxinas de diferentes tipos de compuestosDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Nutritec, S.A. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Belgium

Start date: 2001 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 2.083 €

104 Name of the project: Estudio de la capacidad adsorbente de micotoxinas de 3 muestrasDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, Spain



Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Nutritec, S.A. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Belgium

Start date: 2001 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 2.165 €

105 Name of the project: Estudio de la capacidad adsorbente de micotoxinas en 11 muestras de piensosDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Nutritec, S.A. Type of entity: **Empreses privadesCity funding entity: Belgium

Start date: 2001 Duration: 1 dayTotal amount: 3.393 €

106 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos destinados al consumo humano.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CICSA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 2Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2001 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 11.419,23 €

107 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos y de aguas. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: JOYCO ESPAÑA, S.A. UnipersonalDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain



Start date: 2001 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 3.005,06 €

108 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos precocinados. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: Gestión de Industrias Agroalimentarias, S.A.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2000 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 8.654,57 €

109 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos destinados al consumo humano.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CICSA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2000 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 11.419,23 €

110 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos y de aguas. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: JOYCO ESPAÑA, S.A. UnipersonalDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 2000 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 3.005,06 €



111 Name of the project: Unitat de Tecnologia de Productes Vegetals del Centre de Referència de Tecnologiad'Aliments (CeRTA)Degree of contribution: ResearcherEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vicente Sanchis AlmenarNº of researchers: 12Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de laInformació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI)

Type of entity: **Administració de Catalunya

City funding entity: Spain

Start date: 2000 Duration: 4 years - 1 dayTotal amount: 100.007 €

112 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos destinados al consumo humano.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CICSA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 1999 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 6.010,12 €

113 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos destinados al consumo humano.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CICSA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 1999 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 6.010,12 €

114 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos destinados al consumo humano.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CICSA.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium

Type of entity: University



Entity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 1999 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 6.010,12 €

115 Name of the project: Aislamiento e identificación de la micoflora existente en productos de bollería.ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Repostería Martínez, S.A.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 1999 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 2.824,76 €

116 Name of the project: Control de calidad microbiológica de alimentos y de aguas. ENTIDADFINANCIADORA: JOYCO ESPAÑA, S.A. UnipersonalDegree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 1999 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 2.854,81 €

117 Name of the project: Control de calidad de aguas y otros materiales. ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Generalde Confitería, S.A.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3



Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 1998 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 2.464,15 €

118 Name of the project: Control de calidad de aguas y otros materiales. ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Generalde Confitería, S.A.Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortiumEntity where project took place: Universitat deLleida (UdL)

Type of entity: University

City of entity: Lleida, SpainName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Antonio Javier Ramos GironaNº of researchers: 3Participating entity/entities: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Funding entity or bodies:Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityCity funding entity: Lleida, Spain

Start date: 1998 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayTotal amount: 2.464,15 €

Scientific and technological activities

Scientific production

Publications, scientific and technical documents

1 Pascari, X.; Ramos, A.J.; Marín, S.; Sanchis, V.Mycotoxins in beer. Impact of beer production process onmycotoxin contamination. A Review.Food Research International. 103, pp. 121 - 129. (United States of America):2018. ISSN 0963-9969DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2017.07.038Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/60356Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4

2 Estiarte, N.; Crespo-Sempere, A.; Marín, S.; Ramos, A.J.; Worobo, R.W.Stability of alternariol and alternariolmonomethyl ether during food processing of tomato products.Food Chemistry. 245, pp. 951 - 957. (UnitedKingdom): 2018. ISSN 0308-8146DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.11.078Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5

3 Aldars-García L; Berman M; Ortiz J; Ramos AJ; Marín S. Probability models for growth and aflatoxin B1 productionas affected by intraspecies variability in Aspergillus flavus. Food Microbiology. 72, pp. 166 - 175. (United Kingdom):Elsevier, 2018. ISSN 0740-0020



DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2017.11.015Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5

4 Pascari, X; Ortiz-Solá, J; Marín, S; Ramos, AJ; Sanchis, V.Survey of mycotoxins in beer and exposure assessmentthrough the consumption of commercially available beer in Lleida, Spain.Lwt-Food Science And Technology. 92,pp. 87 - 91. (Switzerland): Elsevier, 2018. ISSN 0023-6438DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2018.02.021Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5

5 Aldars-García L; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S. Single vs multiple-spore inoculum effect on growth kineticparameters and modeled probabilities of growth and aflatoxin B1 production of Aspergillus flavus on pistachioextract agar. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 243, pp. 28 - 35. (Holland): Elsevier, 2017. ISSN0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2016.11.026Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/59083Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4

6 Aldars-García L; Sanchis v; Ramos AJ; Marín S. Time-course of germination, initiation of mycelium proliferationand probability of visible growth and detectable AFB1 production of an isolate of Aspergillus flavus on pistachioextract agar. Food Microbiology. 64, pp. 104 - 111. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2017. ISSN 0740-0020Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/59110Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4

7 Estiarte N; Crespo-Sempere A; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Exploring polyamine metabolism of Alternariaalternata to target new substances to control the fungal infection.Food Microbiology. 65, pp. 193 - 204. (UnitedKingdom): Elsevier, 2017. ISSN 0740-0020DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2017.02.001Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/59787Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5

8 Díaz-Gómez, J.; Moreno, J.A.; Angulo, E.; Sandmann, G.; Zhu, C.; Ramos, A.J.; Capell, T.; Christou, P.;Nogareda, C.High-carotenoid biofortified maize is an alternative to color additives in poultry feed. Animal FeedScience and Technology. 231, pp. 38 - 46. (Holland): 2017. ISSN 0377-8401DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2017.06.007Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/59978Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 6Total no. authors: 9

9 Vila-Donat, P.; Marín, S.; Sanchis, V.; Ramos, A.J.Evaluación de nuevos adsorbentes multimicotoxínicosbasados en bentonitas para alimentación animal.Revista de Toxicología. 34 - 1, pp. 21. Asociación Española deToxicología, 2017. ISSN 0212-7113



Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4

10 Alonso V; Cavaglieri L; Ramos AJ; Torres A; Marin S.Modelling the effect of pH and water activity in the growth ofAspergillus fumigatus isolated from corn silage. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 122 - 4, pp. 1048 - 1056. (UnitedKingdom): 2017. ISSN 1364-5072DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jam.13395Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/60245Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 5

11 Díaz-Gómez J; Ramos AJ; Zhu C; Martín-Belloso O; Soliva-Fortuny R.Influence of cookingconditions on carotenoid content and stability in porridges prepared from high-carotenoidmaize.Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 72, pp. 113 - 119. (Holland): 2017. Available on-line at:<https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11130-017-0604-7>. ISSN 0921-9668DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11130-017-0604-7Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 5

12 González-Arias CA; Marín S; García-Rojas AE; Sanchis V; Ramos, AJ.UPLC-MS/MS analysis of ochratoxin Ametabolites produced by Caco-2 and HepG2 cells in a co-culture system.Food and Chemical Toxicology. 109, pp.333 - 340. (United Kingdom): 2017. ISSN 0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2017.09.011Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5

13 Vidal A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S. Effect of xylanase and α-amylase on DON and its conjugates during thebreadmaking process. Food Research International. 101, pp. 139 - 147. (United States of America): 2017. ISSN0963-9969Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4

14 García-Cela E; Marín S; Reyes M; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Conidia survival of Aspergillus section Nigri, Flavi andCircumdati under UV-A and UV-B radiation with cycling temperature/light regime. Journal of the Science of Foodand Agriculture. 96, pp. 2249 - 2256. (United Kingdom): 2016. ISSN 0022-5142DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.7343Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 2.463 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 56

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 2.463 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 21 No. of journals in the cat.: 72

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



Impact index in year of publication: 2.463 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 130

15 Vidal A; Ambrosio A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Enzyme bread improvers affect the stability of deoxynivalenoland deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside during breadmaking. Food Chemistry. 208, pp. 288 - 296. (United Kingdom): 2016.ISSN 0308-8146DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.04.003Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/62344Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 4.529 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 72

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 4.529 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 130

Impact source: ISI Category: NUTRITION & DIETETICSImpact index in year of publication: 4.529 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 10 No. of journals in the cat.: 81

16 Vidal, A.; Bendicho, J.; Sanchis, V.; Ramos, A.J.; Marín, S.Stability and kinetics of leaching ofdeoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside and ochratoxin A during boiling of wheat spaghettis. FoodResearch International. 85, pp. 182 - 190. (United States of America): 2016. Available on-line at:<http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.037>. ISSN 0963-9969DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.04.037Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/62580Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.086 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 21 No. of journals in the cat.: 130

17 Estiarte N; Crespo-Sempere A; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene on the developmentof black mold disease and its potential effect on alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether biosynthesis ontomatoes infected with Alternaria alternata.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 236, pp. 74 - 82. (Holland):Elsevier, 2016. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2016.07.001>. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2016.07.001Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57760Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.339 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 13 No. of journals in the cat.: 130

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.339 Journal in the top 25%: No



Position of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 125

18 Garcia-Ispierto I; López-Helguera I; Ramos JA; Marín S; Companys E; Puy J; Galceran J; De Rensis F;López-Gatius F. Prepartum blood lead concentrations linked to subsequent cyclicity in high-producing dairy cowsin a non-industrial área. Livestock Science. 191, pp. 86 - 90. (Holland): Elsevier Science, 2016. ISSN 1871-1413Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 9Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL

SCIENCEImpact index in year of publication: 1.377 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 17 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

19 Estiarte N; Lawrence CB; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Crespo-Sempere A.LaeA and VeA are involved in growthmorphology, asexual development, and mycotoxin production in Alternaria alternata.International Journal of FoodMicrobiology. 238, pp. 153 - 164. (Holland): Elsevier, 2016. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2016.09.003Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.339 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 13 No. of journals in the cat.: 130

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.339 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 125

20 Díaz-Gómez, J.; Marín, S.; Nogareda, C.; Sanchis, V.; Ramos, A.J.The effect of enhanced carotenoid content oftransgenic maize grain on fungal colonization and mycotoxin content. Mycotoxin Research. 32 - 4, pp. 221 - 228.(Germany): 2016.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12550-016-0254-xType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5

21 González-Arias, C.; Marín, S.; Rojas-García, AE.; Sanchis, V.; Ramos, AJ.In vitro biotransformation of ochratoxinA using a co-culture system with Caco-2 and HepG2 cells. Toxicology Letters. 259S, (Ireland): 2016. ISSN0378-4274Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.858 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 92

22 Vidal, A.; Cano-Sanchis, G.; Marín, S.; Ramos, A.J.; Sanchis, V.Multidetection of urinary ochratoxin A,deoxynivalenol and its metabolites: pilot time-course study and risk assessment in Catalonia, Spain.WorldMycotoxin Journal. 9, pp. 597 - 612. (Holland): 2016. ISSN 1875-0710Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/59142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal



Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.189 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 130

Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.189 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 16 No. of journals in the cat.: 30

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.189 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 52 No. of journals in the cat.: 92

23 García-Cela E; Crespo-Sempere A; Marin S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Effect of ultraviolet radiation A and B on growthand mycotoxin production by Aspergillus carbonarius and Aspergillus parasiticus in grape and pistachio media.Fungal Biology. 119 - 1, pp. 67 - 78. (United Kingdom): 2015. ISSN 1878-6146DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funbio.2014.11.004Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.244 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 29

24 González-Arias C; Piquer-Garcia I.; Marin S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Bioaccessibility of ochratoxin A from redwine in an in vitro dynamic gastrointestinal model. World Mycotoxin Journal. 8 - 1, pp. 107 - 112. (Holland): 2015.Available on-line at: <http://www.wageningenacademic.com/doi/pdf/10.3920/WMJ2014.1744>. ISSN 1875-0710DOI: https://doi.org/10.3920/WMJ2014.1744Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/59359Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.091 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 15 No. of journals in the cat.: 29

25 Vidal A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Thermal stability and kinetics of degradation of deoxynivalenol,deoxynivalenol conjugates and ochratoxin A during baking of wheat bakery products.Food Chemistry. 178, pp. 276- 286. (United Kingdom): 2015. ISSN 0308-8146Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 4.052 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 72

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 4.052 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 125

Impact source: ISI Category: NUTRITION & DIETETICS



Impact index in year of publication: 4.052 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 80

26 Crespo-Sempere A; Estiarte N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Targeting Fusarium graminearum control viapolyamine enzyme inhibitors and polyamine analogs.Food Microbiology. 49, pp. 95 - 103. (United Kingdom):Elsevier, 2015. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2015.01.020>. ISSN 0740-0020DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2015.01.020Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57759Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.682 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 161

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.682 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 125

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.682 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

27 Aldars-García L; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S. An attempt to model the probability of growth and aflatoxin B1production of Aspergillus flavus under non-isothermal conditions in pistachio nuts. Food Microbiology. 51, pp. 117 -129. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2015. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.682 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 161

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.682 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 125

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.682 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

28 Cano-Sancho G; González-Arias CA; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Fernández-Cruz ML.Cytotoxicity of the mycotoxinsdeoxynivalenol and ochratoxin A on Caco-2 cell line in presence of resveratrol. Toxicology in Vitro. 29 - 7, pp.1639 - 1646. (United Kingdom): 2015. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tiv.2015.06.020>. ISSN0887-2333DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tiv.2015.06.020Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/48443Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 5



Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.338 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 19 No. of journals in the cat.: 90

29 González-Arias CA; Crespo-Sempere A; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Modulation of the xenobiotictransformation system and inflammatory response by ochratoxin A exposure using a co-culture system of Caco-2and HepG2 cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 86, pp. 245 - 252. (United Kingdom): 2015. ISSN 0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2015.10.007Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/49019Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.584 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 13 No. of journals in the cat.: 125

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.584 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 15 No. of journals in the cat.: 90

30 Vidal A; Morales H; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marin S. Stability of DON and OTA during the breadmaking processand determination of process and performance criteria.Food Control. 40, pp. 234 - 242. (United Kingdom):Elsevier, 2014. ISSN 0956-7135Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.806 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 16 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

31 García-Cela E; Crespo-Sempere A; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.Ecophysiological characterization ofAspergillus carbonarius, Aspergillus tubingensis and Aspergillus niger isolated from grapes in Spanishvineyards.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 173, pp. 89 - 98. (Holland): Elsevier, 2014. Available on-lineat: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168160513005795>. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.12.012Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.082 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.082 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 38 No. of journals in the cat.: 119

32 Cao A; Butrón A; Ramos AJ; Marín S; Souto C; Santiago R.Assessing white maize resistance to fumonisincontamination.European Journal of Plant Pathology. 138, pp. 283 - 292. (Holland): 2014. ISSN 0929-1873DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-013-0328-yHandle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58484



Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: HORTICULTUREImpact index in year of publication: 1.49 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 33

Impact source: ISI Category: PLANT SCIENCESImpact index in year of publication: 1.49 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 89 No. of journals in the cat.: 204

Impact source: ISI Category: AGRONOMYImpact index in year of publication: 1.49 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 81

33 Astoreca A; Vaamonde G; Dalcero A; Marin S; Ramos AJ.Abiotic factors and their interactions influence on theco-production of aflatoxin B1 and cyclopiazonic acid by Aspergillus flavus isolated from corn.Food Microbiology.38, pp. 276 - 283. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2014. ISSN 0740-0020DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2013.07.012Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.331 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 41 No. of journals in the cat.: 163

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.331 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 9 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.331 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 119

34 Santiago R; Cao A; Ramos AJ; Souto XC; Aguin O; Malvar RA; Butron A.Critical environmental and genotypicfactors for Fusarium verticillioides infection, fungal growth and fumonisin contamination in maize grown innorthwestern Spain.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 177, pp. 63 - 71. (Holland): Elsevier, 2014. ISSN0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2014.02.004Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/60311Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.082 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.082 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 38 No. of journals in the cat.: 119



35 Vidal A; Marin S; Morales H; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V. The fate of deoxynivalenol and ochratoxin A during thebreadmaking process, effects of sourdough use and bran content. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 68, pp. 53 - 60.(United Kingdom): 2014. ISSN 0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2014.03.006Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.895 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.895 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 88

36 García D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Growth parameters of Penicillium expansum calculated from mixedinocula as an alternative to account for intraspecies variability. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 186, pp.120 - 124. (Holland): Elsevier, 2014. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2014.06.023Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/47392Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.082 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.082 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 38 No. of journals in the cat.: 119

37 González-Arias CA; Benitez-Trinidad AB; Sordo M; Robledo-Marenco L; Medina-Díaz IM; Barrón-Vivanco BS;Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Rojas-García AE.Low doses of ochratoxin A induce micronucleus formation anddelay DNA repair in human lymphocytes. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 74, pp. 249 - 254. (United Kingdom):2014. Available on-line at: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691514004281>. ISSN0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2014.10.006Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 9Total no. authors: 10Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 88



38 Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V; Marin S; Ramos AJ.Occurrence and exposure assessment of aflatoxins in Catalonia(Spain). Food and Chemical Toxicology. 51, pp. 188 - 193. (United Kingdom): 2013. ISSN 0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2012.09.032Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 21 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 87

39 Vidal A; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V.Determination of aflatoxins, deoxynivalenol, ochratoxinA and zearalenone in wheat and oat based bran supplements sold in the Spanish market. Food and ChemicalToxicology. 53, pp. 133 - 138. (United Kingdom): 2013. ISSN 0278-6915Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 21 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 87

40 Rodríguez-Cervantes CH; Ramos AJ; Robledo-Marenco ML; Sanchis V; Marín S; Girón-Pérez MI.Determinationof aflatoxin and fumonisin levels through ELISA and HPLC, on tilapia feed in Nayarit, Mexico. Foodand Agricultural Immunology. 24 - 3, pp. 269 - 278. (United Kingdom): 2013. Available on-line at:<http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09540105.2012.684202>. ISSN 0954-0105DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09540105.2012.684202Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.984 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 47 No. of journals in the cat.: 71

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.984 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 70 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: IMMUNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.984 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 135 No. of journals in the cat.: 144

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.984 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 75 No. of journals in the cat.: 87



41 Vidal A; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V.Determination of aflatoxins, deoxynivalenol, ochratoxinA and zearalenone in wheat and oat based bran supplements sold in the Spanish market. Food and ChemicalToxicology. 53, pp. 133 - 138. (United Kingdom): 2013. ISSN 0278-6915Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 21 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 87

42 García-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S. Risk management towards food safety objective achievementregarding to mycotoxins in pistachio: The sampling and measurement uncertainty issue.Food Control. 31, pp. 392 -402. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2013. ISSN 0956-7135Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/49042Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.819 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 17 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

43 Garcia D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.Modeling kinetics of aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus inmaize-based medium and maize grain. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 162 - 2, pp. 182 - 189.(Holland): Elsevier, 2013. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.01.004Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58512Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.155 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 11 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.155 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 38 No. of journals in the cat.: 119

44 Santos L; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Mycotoxin in Medicinal/Aromatic Herbs - a Review.BoletinLatinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas. 12 - 2, pp. 119 - 142. (Chile): 2013. ISSN0717-7917Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/60327Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACYImpact index in year of publication: 0.505 Journal in the top 25%: No



Position of publication: 229 No. of journals in the cat.: 254

45 Cao A; Santiago R; Ramos AJ; Marín S; Reid LM; Butrón A.Environmental factors related to fungal infectionand fumonisin accumulation during the development and drying of white maize kernels. InternationalJournal of Food Microbiology. 164 - 1, pp. 15 - 22. (Holland): Elsevier, 2013. Available on-line at:<http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.03.012>. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.03.012Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58506Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.155 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 11 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.155 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 38 No. of journals in the cat.: 119

46 Santos L; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.In vitro effect of some fungicides used on cultivation of Capsicum spp. ongrowth and ochratoxin A production by Aspergillus species.World Mycotoxin Journal. 6, pp. 159 - 165. (Holland):2013. ISSN 1875-0710Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.38 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 23

47 Garcia D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.Equisetum arvense hydro-alcoholic extract: phenolic composition andantifungal and antimycotoxigenic effect against Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides in stored maize.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 93 - 9, pp. 2248 - 2253. (United Kingdom): 2013. Available on-lineat: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.6033>. ISSN 0022-5142DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.6033Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58504Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 1.879 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 56

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.879 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 71

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.879 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 41 No. of journals in the cat.: 123



48 Crespo-Sempere A; Estiarte N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Propidium monoazide combined with real-timequantitative PCR to quantify viable Alternaria spp. contamination in tomato products.International Journal of FoodMicrobiology. 165, pp. 214 - 220. (Holland): Elsevier, 2013. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.05.017Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57758Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.155 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 11 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.155 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 38 No. of journals in the cat.: 119

49 Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Effect of food processing on exposure assessment studies withmycotoxins. Food Additives And Contaminants Part a-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure& Risk Assessment.30, pp. 867 - 875. (United Kingdom): 2013. ISSN 0265-203XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 2.341 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 17 No. of journals in the cat.: 71

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.341 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 28 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.341 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 45 No. of journals in the cat.: 87

50 Marin S; Ramos AJ; Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V.Mycotoxins: Occurrence, toxicology and exposure assessment.Food and Chemical Toxicology. 60, pp. 218 - 237. (United Kingdom): 2013. ISSN 0278-6915Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58491Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 21 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.61 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 87

51 Crespo-Sempere A; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.VeA and LaeA transcriptional factors regulate ochratoxin Abiosynthesis in Aspergillus carbonarius. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 166, pp. 479 - 486. (Holland):Elsevier, 2013. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.07.027>. ISSN 0168-1605



Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.155 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 11 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.155 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 38 No. of journals in the cat.: 119

52 García D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Effect of Equisetum arvense and Stevia rebaudiana extracts on growthand mycotoxin production by Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides in maize seeds as affected bywater activity. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 153 - 1-2, pp. 21 - 27. (Holland): Elsevier, 2012. ISSN0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2011.10.010Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58609Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.425 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.425 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 116

53 Cano-Sancho G; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Occurrence of zearalenone, an oestrogenic mycotoxin, inCatalonia (Spain) and exposure assessment. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 50 - 3-4, pp. 835 - 839. (UnitedKingdom): 2012. ISSN 0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2011.11.049Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.01 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.01 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 27 No. of journals in the cat.: 85

54 Cano-Sancho G; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Exposure assessment of T2 and HT2 toxins in Catalonia(Spain). Food and Chemical Toxicology. 50 - 3-4, pp. 511 - 517. (United Kingdom): 2012. Available on-line at:<http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2011.12.044>. ISSN 0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2011.12.044Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



Impact index in year of publication: 3.01 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.01 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 27 No. of journals in the cat.: 85

55 Astoreca A; Vaamonde G; Dalcero A; Ramos AJ; Marín S. Modelling the effect of temperature and water activityof Aspergillus flavus isolates from corn. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 156 - 1, pp. 60 - 67. (Holland):Elsevier, 2012. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2012.03.002Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58599Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.425 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.425 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 116

56 Garcia-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S. Ochratoxigenic moulds and effectiveness of grape field antifungalsin a climatic change scenario. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 92 - 7, pp. 1455 - 1461. (UnitedKingdom): 2012. ISSN 0022-5142DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.4726Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58624Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 1.759 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 57

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.759 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 71

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.759 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 47 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Source of citations: WOS Citations: 2

57 Cano-Sancho G; Ramos AJ; Marin S; Sanchis V.Occurrence of fumonisins in Catalonia (Spain) and an exposureassessment of specific population groups. Food Additives And Contaminants Part a-Chemistry Analysis ControlExposure& Risk Assessment. 29 - 5, pp. 799 - 808. (United Kingdom): 2012. ISSN 0265-203XDOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19440049.2011.644813Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIED



Impact index in year of publication: 2.22 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 19 No. of journals in the cat.: 71

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.22 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.22 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 44 No. of journals in the cat.: 85

58 Ramos AJ; Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V; Marín S.Evaluación de la exposición humana a las micotoxinas: estudioglobal en la población de Cataluña (España). Revista Bio Ciencias. 2 - 1, pp. 45 - 57. 2012. Available on-line at:<http://biociencias.uan.edu.mx/publicaciones/03-01/biociencias3-1-3.pdf>. ISSN 2007-3380Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 1Total no. authors: 4

59 García D; Valls J; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Optimising the number of isolates to be used to estimate growthparameters of mycotoxigenic species. Food Microbiology. 32 - 2, pp. 235 - 242. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2012.Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2012.06.005>. ISSN 0740-0020DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2012.06.005Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58568Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.407 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 160

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.407 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 9 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.407 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 35 No. of journals in the cat.: 116

60 Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V. Modelling Aspergillus flavus growth and aflatoxins production in pistachio nuts.Food Microbiology. 32, pp. 378 - 388. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2012. ISSN 0740-0020Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/49041Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.407 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 160

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.407 Journal in the top 25%: Yes



Position of publication: 9 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.407 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 35 No. of journals in the cat.: 116

61 Coronel MB; Marín S; Cano-Sancho G; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Exposure assessment to ochratoxin A in Catalonia(Spain) based on the consumption of cereals, nuts, coffee, wine, and beer. Food Additives And ContaminantsPart a-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure& Risk Assessment. 29 - 06, pp. 979 - 993. (United Kingdom): 2012.Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19440049.2012.660708>. ISSN 0265-203XDOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19440049.2012.660708Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58613Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 2.22 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 19 No. of journals in the cat.: 71

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.22 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.22 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 44 No. of journals in the cat.: 85

62 Cano-Sancho G; Ramos AJ; Marín S; Sanchis S.Presence and co-occurrence of aflatoxins, deoxynivalenol,fumonisins and zearalenone in gluten-free and ethnic foods. Food Control. 26 - 2, pp. 282 - 286. (United Kingdom):Elsevier, 2012. ISSN 0956-7135DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2012.01.052Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.738 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

63 García-Cela E; Gil-Serna J; Marín S; Acevedo H; Patiño B; Ramos, AJ.Effect of preharvest anti-fungal compoundson Aspergillus steynii and A. carbonarius under fluctuating and extreme environmental conditions. InternationalJournal of Food Microbiology. 159, pp. 167 - 176. (Holland): Elsevier, 2012. ISSN 0168-1605Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58581Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 6Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.425 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.425 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 116



64 García D; Barros G; Chulze S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.Impact of cycling temperatures on Fusariumverticillioides and Fusarium graminearum growth and mycotoxins production in soybean. Journal of theScience of Food and Agriculture. 92 - 15, pp. 2952 - 2959. (United Kingdom): 2012. Available on-line at:<http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.5707>. ISSN 0022-5142DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.5707Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58567Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 1.759 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 57

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.759 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 71

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.759 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 47 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

65 Marín S; Mateo EM; Sanchis V; Valle-Algarra FM; Ramos AJ; Jiménez M.Patulin contamination in fruit derivatives,including baby food, from the Spanish market. Food Chemistry. 124, pp. 563 - 568. (United Kingdom): 2011. ISSN0308-8146Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 3.66 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 3 No. of journals in the cat.: 70

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.66 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

Impact source: ISI Category: NUTRITION & DIETETICSImpact index in year of publication: 3.66 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 15 No. of journals in the cat.: 73

66 García D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Is intraspecific variability of growth and mycotoxin productiondependent on environmental conditions? A study with Aspergillus carbonarius isolates. InternationalJournal of Food Microbiology. 144 - 3, pp. 432 - 439. (Holland): Elsevier, 2011. Available on-line at:<http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2010.10.030>. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2010.10.030Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58654Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.33 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 9 No. of journals in the cat.: 128



Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.33 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 35 No. of journals in the cat.: 113

67 Cano-Sancho G; Valle-Algarra FM; Jiménez M; Burdaspal P; Legarda TM; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; MarínS.Presence of trichothecenes and co-occurrence in cereal-based food from Catalonia (Spain). Food Control. 22 -3-4, pp. 490 - 495. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2011. ISSN 0956-7135DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2010.09.012Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 6Total no. authors: 8Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.66 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 15 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

68 Coronel MB; Marín S; Cano G; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Ochratoxin A in Spanish retail ground roasted coffee:Occurrence and assessment of the exposure in Catalonia. Food Control. 22 - 3-4, pp. 414 - 419. (United Kingdom):Elsevier, 2011. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2010.09.012>. ISSN 0956-7135DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2010.09.012Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58652Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.66 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 15 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

69 Santos L; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.In vitro effect of some fungicides on growth and aflatoxins production byAspergillus flavus isolated from Capsicum powder. Food Additives And Contaminants Part a-Chemistry AnalysisControl Exposure& Risk Assessment. 28 - 1, pp. 98 - 106. (United Kingdom): 2011. ISSN 0265-203XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.77 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 24 No. of journals in the cat.: 70

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.77 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.77 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 60 No. of journals in the cat.: 83

70 Garcia D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Modelling the effect of temperature and water activity in the growthboundaries of Aspergillus ochraceus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Food Microbiology. 28 - 3, pp. 406 - 417. (UnitedKingdom): Elsevier, 2011. ISSN 0740-0020DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2010.10.004Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57813



Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.28 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 158

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.28 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 10 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.28 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 113

71 Sardiñas N; Gil-Serna J; Santos L; Ramos AJ; González-Jaén MT; Patiño B; Vázquez C.Detection of potentiallymycotoxigenic Aspergillus species in Capsicum powder by a highly sensitive PCR-based detection method. FoodControl. 22, pp. 1363 - 1366. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2011. ISSN 0956-7135Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.66 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 15 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

72 Garcia D; Garcia-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Mould growth and mycotoxin production as affectedby Equisetum arvense and Stevia rebaudiana extracts. Food Control. 22, pp. 1378 - 1384. (United Kingdom):Elsevier, 2011. ISSN 0956-7135Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58633Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.66 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 15 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

73 Coronel MB; Marin S; Tarragó M; Cano-Sancho G; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Ochratoxin A and itsmetabolite ochratoxin alpha in urine and assessment of the exposure of inhabitants of Lleida, Spain.Food and Chemical Toxicology. 49 - 6, pp. 1436 - 1442. (United Kingdom): 2011. Available on-line at:<http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2011.03.039>. ISSN 0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2011.03.039Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58640Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.114 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 13 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGY



Impact index in year of publication: 2.114 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 83

74 Cano-Sancho G; Marín S; Sanchis V; Colom C; Coronel B; Ramos AJ.Sphinganine and sphingosine levels andratio in urine and blood samples from a Catalonian population (Spain). Food Additives And Contaminants Parta-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure& Risk Assessment. 28 - 8, pp. 1055 - 1065. (United Kingdom): 2011. ISSN0265-203XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 6Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.77 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 24 No. of journals in the cat.: 70

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.77 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.77 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 60 No. of journals in the cat.: 83

75 Cano-Sancho G; Gauchi J-L; Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ.Quantitative dietary exposure assessment ofthe Catalonian population (Spain) to the mycotoxin Deoxynivalenol.Food Additives And Contaminants Parta-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure& Risk Assessment. 28 - 8, pp. 1098 - 1109. (United Kingdom): 2011. ISSN0265-203XDOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19440049.2011.576445Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.77 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 24 No. of journals in the cat.: 70

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.77 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.77 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 60 No. of journals in the cat.: 83

76 Coronel MB; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Ochratoxin A in adult population of Lleida, Spain: Presence in bloodplasma and consumption in different regions and seasons. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 49 - 10, pp. 2697 -2705. (United Kingdom): 2011. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2011.07.045>. ISSN 0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2011.07.045Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58626Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



Impact index in year of publication: 3 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 13 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 83

77 Garcia D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Intraspecific variability of growth and patulin production of 79 Penicilliumexpansum isolates at two temperatures. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 151 - 2, pp. 195 - 200.(Holland): Elsevier, 2011. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2011.08.021>. ISSN0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2011.08.021Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58619Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.33 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 9 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.33 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 35 No. of journals in the cat.: 113

78 Santos L; Marín S; Mateo EM; Gil-Serna J; Valle-Algarra FM; Patiño B; Ramos, AJ.Mycobiota and co-occurrenceof mycotoxins in Capsicum powder.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 151, pp. 270 - 276. (Holland):Elsevier, 2011. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 7Total no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.33 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 9 No. of journals in the cat.: 128

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.33 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 35 No. of journals in the cat.: 113

79 Oueslati S; Lasram S; Ramos AJ; Marin S; Mliki A; Sanchis V; Ghorbel A.Alternating temperatures andphotoperiod effects on fungal growth and ochratoxin A production by Aspergillus carbonarius isolated fromTunisian grapes. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 139, pp. 210 - 213. (Holland): Elsevier, 2010. ISSN0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.143 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 126

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.143 Journal in the top 25%: No



Position of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

80 Santos L; Marin S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Co-occurrence of aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in Capsicumpowder samples available on the Spanish market. Food Chemistry. 122, pp. 826 - 830. (United Kingdom): 2010.ISSN 0308-8146Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 3.458 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 69

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.458 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 126

Impact source: ISI Category: NUTRITION & DIETETICSImpact index in year of publication: 3.458 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 13 No. of journals in the cat.: 70

81 Santos L; Kasper R; Gil-Serna J; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Effect of Capsicum carotenoids on growth andochratoxin A production by chilli and paprika Aspergillus spp. isolates. International Journal of Food Microbiology.142 - 3, pp. 354 - 359. (Holland): Elsevier, 2010. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2010.07.018Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 6Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.143 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 126

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.143 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

82 Santos L; Kasper R; Sardiñas N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Effect of Capsicum carotenoids on growth andaflatoxins production by Aspergillus flavus isolated from paprika and chilli. Food Microbiology. 27 - 8, pp. 1064 -1070. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2010. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 6Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.32 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 40 No. of journals in the cat.: 158

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.32 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 126

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.32 Journal in the top 25%: No



Position of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

83 Cano-Sancho G; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Biomonitoring of Fusarium spp. mycotoxins: Perspectives foran individual exposure assessment tool.Food Science and Technology International. 16, pp. 266 - 277. (UnitedKingdom): 2010. ISSN 1082-0132DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1082013210368884Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.577 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 53 No. of journals in the cat.: 69

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.577 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 88 No. of journals in the cat.: 126

84 Cano-Sancho G; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Peris-Vicente J; Sanchis V.Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 and exposureassessment in Catalonia (Spain). Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 27 - 3, pp. 130 - 135. (Spain): Elsevier,2010. ISSN 1130-1406DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.riam.2010.05.003Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.074 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 16 No. of journals in the cat.: 22

85 Fernane, F; Sanchis, V; Marín, S; Ramos, AJ.First report on mould and mycotoxin contamination of pistachiossampled in Algeria. Mycopathologia. 170, pp. 423 - 429. (Holland): 2010. ISSN 0301-486XHandle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/49040Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.728 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 9 No. of journals in the cat.: 22

86 Fernane F; Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ.Aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in pistachios sampled inSpain: occurrence and presence of mycotoxigenic fungi. Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance. 3 - 3,pp. 185 - 192. (United Kingdom): 2010. ISSN 1939-3210DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19440049.2010.497257Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57772Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.783 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 43 No. of journals in the cat.: 69



Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.783 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 73 No. of journals in the cat.: 126

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.783 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 76 No. of journals in the cat.: 83

87 García D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Modelling mould growth under suboptimal environmental conditionsand inoculum size. Food Microbiology. 27, pp. 909 - 917. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2010. Available on-line at:<http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2010.05.015>. ISSN 0740-0020DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2010.05.015Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58526Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.32 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 40 No. of journals in the cat.: 158

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.32 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 126

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.32 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

88 Marin S; Colom C; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Modelling of growth of aflatoxigenic A. flavus isolates from red chillipowder as a function of water availability. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 128, pp. 491 - 496. (Holland):Elsevier, 2009. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.011 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 118

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.011 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 95

89 Castells M; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Reduction of fumonisin B1 in extruded corn breakfast cerelas with salt,malt and sugar in their formulation. Food Additives and Contaminants. 26 - 4, pp. 512 - 517. (United Kingdom):2009. ISSN 0265-203XHandle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/10948Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4



90 Cano-Sancho G; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Survey of patulin occurrence in apple juice and apple products inCatalonia, Spain, and an estimate of dietary intake. Food Additives and Contaminants. 2 - 1, pp. 59 - 65. (UnitedKingdom): 2009. ISSN 0265-203XDOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02652030902897747Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4

91 Daiana Garcia; Antonio J. Ramos; Vicente Sanchis; Sonia Marín. Predicting mycotoxins in foods: a review. FoodMicrobiology. 26, pp. 757 - 769. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2009. ISSN 0740-0020DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2009.05.014Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58728Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.216 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 40 No. of journals in the cat.: 152

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.216 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 118

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 3.216 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 28 No. of journals in the cat.: 95

92 Coronel MB; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Assessment of the exposure to ochratoxin A in the province of Lleida,Spain. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 47 - 11, pp. 2847 - 2852. (United Kingdom): 2009. Available on-line at:<http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2009.09.005>. ISSN 0278-6915DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2009.09.005Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58732Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.114 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 23 No. of journals in the cat.: 118

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.114 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 77

93 Santos L.; Marín, S.; Sanchis, V.; Ramos, AJ.Screening of mycotoxin multicontamination in medicinal andaromatic herbs sampled in Spain.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 89 - 89, pp. 1802 - 1807. (UnitedKingdom): 2009. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 1.386 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 45

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIED



Impact index in year of publication: 1.386 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 64

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.386 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 39 No. of journals in the cat.: 118

94 Marín S; Cuevas D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Fitting of colony diameter and ergosterol as indicators of food bornemould growth to known growth models in solid medium. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 121 - 2, pp.139 - 149. (Holland): Elsevier, 2008. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2007.08.030>.ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2007.08.030Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58606Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.753 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 107

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.753 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

95 Morales H; Sanchis V; Coromines J; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Inoculum size and intraspecific interactions affectsPenicillium expansum growth and patulin accumulation in apples. Food Microbiology. 25 - 2, pp. 378 - 385. (UnitedKingdom): Elsevier, 2008. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.847 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 40 No. of journals in the cat.: 144

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.847 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 107

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.847 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

96 Valero A; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Survey: Ochratoxin A in European special wines. Food Chemistry. 108 -2, pp. 593 - 599. (United Kingdom): 2008. ISSN 0308-8146Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58602Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 2.696 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 60

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.696 Journal in the top 25%: Yes



Position of publication: 9 No. of journals in the cat.: 107

Impact source: ISI Category: NUTRITION & DIETETICSImpact index in year of publication: 2.696 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 17 No. of journals in the cat.: 59

97 Morales H; Sanchis V; Usall J; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Effect of biocontrol agents Candida sake and Pantoeaagglomerans on Penicillium expansum growth and patulin accumulation in apples. International Journal of FoodMicrobiology. 122 - 1-2, pp. 61 - 67. (Holland): Elsevier, 2008. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.753 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 107

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.753 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

98 Morales H; Marin S; Obea L; Patiño B; Domenech M; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Ecophysiological characterization ofPenicillium expansum population in Lleida (Spain). International Journal of Food Microbiology. 122 - 3, pp. 243 -252. (Holland): Elsevier, 2008. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.753 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 107

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.753 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

99 Castells M; Marin S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Distribution of fumonisins and aflatoxins in corn fractions duringindustrial cornflake processing. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 123 - 1-2, pp. 81 - 87. (Holland):Elsevier, 2008. ISSN 0168-1605Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57833Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.753 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 107

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.753 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

100 Sanchis V; Morales H; Usall J; Ramos AJ; Marin S.Candida sake and Pantoea agglomerans as biocontrol agentsagainst patulin production in stored apples. Journal Of Plant Pathology. 2, pp. 317 - 317. (Italy): 2008. ISSN1125-4653Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal



Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: PLANT SCIENCESImpact index in year of publication: 0.786 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 97 No. of journals in the cat.: 155

101 Valero A; Begum M; Hocking AD; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Mycelial growth and ochratoxin A production byAspergillus section Nigri on simulated grape medium in modified atmospheres. Journal of Applied Microbiology.105 - 2, pp. 372 - 379. (United Kingdom): 2008. ISSN 1364-5072Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.028 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 69 No. of journals in the cat.: 144

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.028 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 51 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

102 Valero A; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Brief in vitro study on Botrytis cinerea and Aspergillus carbonariusregarding growth and ochratoxin A. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 47 - 4, pp. 327 - 332. (United Kingdom): 2008.ISSN 0266-8254Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.679 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 83 No. of journals in the cat.: 144

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.679 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 61 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

103 Morales H; Barros G; Marín S; Chulze S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Effects of apple and pear varieties and pH onpatulin accumulation by Penicillium expansum. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 88 - 15, pp. 2738 -2743. (United Kingdom): 2008. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 1.333 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 89

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.333 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 60

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.333 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 41 No. of journals in the cat.: 107



104 Marín S; Hodzic I; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Predicting the growth/no growth boundary and ochratoxin A productionby Aspergillus carbonarius in pistachio nuts. Food Microbiology. 25 - 5, pp. 683 - 689. (United Kingdom): Elsevier,2008. ISSN 0740-0020Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57834Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.847 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 40 No. of journals in the cat.: 144

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.847 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 107

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.847 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

105 Marin S; Ramos AJ; Vazquez C; Sanchis V.Contamination of pine nuts by fumonisin produced by strains ofFusarium proliferatum isolated from Pinus pinea. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 44 - 1, pp. 68 - 72. (UnitedKingdom): 2007. ISSN 0266-8254Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 86 No. of journals in the cat.: 138

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 62 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

106 Morales H; Marin S; Rovira A; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Patulin accumulation in apples by Penicillium expansumduring postharvest stages. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 44 - 1, pp. 30 - 35. (United Kingdom): 2007. ISSN0266-8254Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 86 No. of journals in the cat.: 138

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 62 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

107 Valero A; Oliván S; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Effect of intra and interspecific interaction on OTA productionby A. section Nigri in grapes during dehydration. Food Microbiology. 24 - 3, pp. 254 - 259. (United Kingdom):Elsevier, 2007. ISSN 0740-0020



Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.039 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 66 No. of journals in the cat.: 138

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.039 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.039 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 55 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

108 Valero A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Studies on the interaction between grape-associated filamentous fungion a synthetic medium. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 113 - 3, pp. 271 - 276. (Holland): Elsevier,2007. ISSN 0168-1605Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58434Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.581 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.581 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

109 Marín S; Vinaixa M; Brezmes J; Llobet E; Vilanova X; Correig X; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Use of a MS-electronicnose for prediction of early fungal spoilage of bakery products. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 114 - 1,pp. 10 - 16. (Holland): Elsevier, 2007. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 8Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.581 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.581 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

110 Bellí N; Marín S; Argilés E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Effect of chemical treatments on ochratoxigenic fungi andcommon mycobiota of grapes (Vitis vinifera). Journal of Food Protection. 70 - 1, pp. 157 - 163. (United States ofAmerica): 2007. ISSN 0362-028XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.886 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 74 No. of journals in the cat.: 138



Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.886 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 22 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

111 Morales H; Marin S; Centelles X; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Cold and ambient deck storage prior to processing as acritical control point for patulin accumulation. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 116 - 2, pp. 260 - 265.(Holland): Elsevier, 2007. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.581 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.581 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

112 Castells M; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Distribution of total aflatoxins in milled fractions of hulled rice. Journalof Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 55 - 7, pp. 2760 - 2764. (United States of America): 2007. ISSN 0021-8561Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57336Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 2.532 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 1 No. of journals in the cat.: 35

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 2.532 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 62

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.532 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

113 Morales H; Sanchis V; Rovira A; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Patulin accumulation in apples during postharvest: Effectof controlled atmosphere storage and fungicide treatments. Food Control. 18 - 11, pp. 1443 - 1448. (UnitedKingdom): Elsevier, 2007. ISSN 0956-7135Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.823 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 24 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

114 Bellí N; Marín S; Coronas I; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Skin damage, high temperature and relative humidity asdetrimental factors for Aspergillus carbonarius infection and ochratoxin A production in grapes.Food Control. 18 -11, pp. 1343 - 1349. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2007. ISSN 0956-7135Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.823 Journal in the top 25%: Yes



Position of publication: 24 No. of journals in the cat.: 103

115 Valero A; Begum M; Leong SL; Hocking AD; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Effect of germicidal UVC light on fungiisolated from grapes and raisins. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 45 - 3, pp. 238 - 243. (United Kingdom): 2007.ISSN 0266-8254Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 86 No. of journals in the cat.: 138

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 62 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

116 Valero A; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Effect of preharvest fungicides and interacting fungi on Aspergilluscarbonarius growth and ochratoxin A synthesis in dehidrating grapes. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 45 - 2, pp.194 - 199. (United Kingdom): 2007. ISSN 0266-8254Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 86 No. of journals in the cat.: 138

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 62 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

117 Valero A; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Effect of preharvest fungicides and interacting fungi on Aspergilluscarbonarius growth and ochratoxin A synthesis in dehidrating grapes. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 45 - 2, pp.194 - 199. (United Kingdom): 2007. ISSN 0266-8254Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 86 No. of journals in the cat.: 138

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.623 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 62 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

118 Pardo E; Malet M; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Effects of water activity and temperature on germination andgrowth profiles of ochratoxigenic Penicillium verrucosum isolates on barley meal extract agar. International Journalof Food Microbiology. 106 - 1, pp. 25 - 31. (Holland): Elsevier, 2006. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



Impact index in year of publication: 2.608 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.608 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 88

119 Pardo E; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Non-specificity of nutritional substrate for ochratoxin A production byisolates of Aspergillus ochraceus. Food Microbiology. 23 - 4, pp. 351 - 358. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2006.ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.137 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 54 No. of journals in the cat.: 140

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.137 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.137 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 48 No. of journals in the cat.: 88

120 Pardo E; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Ecophysiology of ochratoxigenic Aspergillus ochraceus and Penicilliumverrucosum isolates. Predictive models for fungal spoilage prevention - a review. Food Additives andContaminants. 23 - 4, pp. 398 - 410. (United Kingdom): 2006. ISSN 0265-203XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.78 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.78 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 19 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.78 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 43 No. of journals in the cat.: 76

121 Bellí N; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Effect of photoperiod and day-night temperatures simulating fieldconditions on growth and ochratoxin A production of Aspergillus carbonarius strains isolated from grapes. FoodMicrobiology. 23 - 7, pp. 622 - 627. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2006. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.137 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 54 No. of journals in the cat.: 140



Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.137 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.137 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 48 No. of journals in the cat.: 88

122 Castells M; Pardo E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Reduction of ochratoxin A in extruded barley meal. Journal ofFood Protection. 69 - 5, pp. 1139 - 1143. (United States of America): 2006. ISSN 0362-028XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.921 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 71 No. of journals in the cat.: 140

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.921 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 16 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

123 Valero A; Farre JR; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Kinetics and spatial distribution of OTA in Aspergilluscarbonarius cultures. Food Microbiology. 23 - 8, pp. 753 - 756. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2006. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.137 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 54 No. of journals in the cat.: 140

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.137 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 12 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.137 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 48 No. of journals in the cat.: 88

124 Valero A; Farré JR; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Effects of fungal interaction on ochratoxin A production by A.carbonarius at different temperatures and a(w). International Journal of Food Microbiology. 110 - 2, pp. 160 - 164.(Holland): Elsevier, 2006. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.608 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.608 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 88



125 Castells M; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Reduction of aflatoxins by extrusion-cooking of rice meal.Journal ofFood Science. 71 - 7, (United Kingdom): 2006. ISSN 0022-1147Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58661Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.004 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

126 Bellí N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Impact of fungicides on Aspergillus carbonarius growth and ochratoxin Aproduction on synthetic grape-like medium and on grapes. Food Additives and Contaminants. 23 - 10, pp. 1021- 1029. (United Kingdom): 2006. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02652030600778702>. ISSN0265-203XDOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02652030600778702Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/60290Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.78 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.78 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 19 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.78 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 43 No. of journals in the cat.: 76

127 Bellí N; Bau M; Marín S; Abarca ML; Ramos AJ; Bragulat MR.Mycobiota and ochratoxin A producing fungi fromSpanish wine grapes. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 111, (Holland): Elsevier, 2006. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.608 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.608 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 88

128 Marín S; Bellí N; Lasram S; Chebil S; Ramos AJ; Ghorbel A; Sanchis V.Kinetics of ochratoxin A production andaccumulation by Aspergillus carbonarius on synthetic grape medium at different temperature levels. Journal ofFood Science. 71 - 6, (United Kingdom): 2006. ISSN 0022-1147Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.004 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 96



129 Marín S; Morales H; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Evaluation of growth quantification methods for modelling the growthof Penicillium expansum in an apple-based medium. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 86 - 10, pp.1468 - 1474. (United Kingdom): 2006. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 1.026 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 31

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.026 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.026 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

130 Marín S; Morales H; Hasan HAH; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Patulin distribution in Fuji and Golden applescontaminated with Penicillium expansum. Food Additives and Contaminants. 23 - 12, pp. 1316 - 1322. (UnitedKingdom): 2006. ISSN 0265-203XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.78 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.78 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 19 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.78 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 43 No. of journals in the cat.: 76

131 Marín S; Ramos AJ; Cuevas D; Sanchis V.Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium graminearum infection andfumonisin B-1 and zearalenone accumulation in resveratrol-treated corn. Food Science and TechnologyInternational. 12 - 4, pp. 353 - 359. (United Kingdom): 2006. ISSN 1082-0132Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.689 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 35 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.689 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 56 No. of journals in the cat.: 96

132 Guynot ME; Marín S; Setó L; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Screening for antifungal activity of some essential oils againstcommon spoilage fungi of bakery products. Food Science and Technology International. 11 - 1, pp. 25 - 32. (UnitedKingdom): 2005. ISSN 1082-0132Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5



Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.724 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 59

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.724 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 43 No. of journals in the cat.: 93

133 Pardo E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Modelling of effects of water activity and temperature on germination andgrowth of ochratoxigenic isolates of Aspergillus ochraceus on a green coffee-based medium. International Journalof Food Microbiology. 98 - 1, pp. 1 - 9. (Holland): Elsevier, 2005. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.499 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 93

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.499 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 86

134 Bellí N; Ramos AJ; Coronas I; Sanchis V; Marín S.Aspergillus carbonarius growth and ochratoxin A production ona synthetic grape medium in relation to environmental factors. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 98 - 4, pp. 839 -844. (United Kingdom): 2005. ISSN 1364-5072Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.127 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 48 No. of journals in the cat.: 139

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.127 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 48 No. of journals in the cat.: 86

135 Pardo E; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Impact of relative humidity and temperature on visible fungal growth andOTA production of ochratoxigenic Aspergillus ochraceus isolates on grapes. Food Microbiology. 22 - 5, pp. 383 -389. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2005. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.592 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 71 No. of journals in the cat.: 139

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.592 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 93

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.592 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 59 No. of journals in the cat.: 86



136 Castells M; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Fate of mycotoxins in cereals during extrusion cooking: a review. FoodAdditives and Contaminants. 22 - 2, pp. 150 - 157. (United Kingdom): 2005. ISSN 0265-203XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.61 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 59

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.61 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 19 No. of journals in the cat.: 93

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.61 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 43 No. of journals in the cat.: 75

137 Pardo E; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Effect of water activity and temperature on mycelial growth andochratoxin A production by isolates of Aspergillus ochraceus on irradiated green coffee beans. Journal of FoodProtection. 68 - 1, pp. 133 - 138. (United States of America): 2005. ISSN 0362-028XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.687 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 68 No. of journals in the cat.: 139

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.687 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 17 No. of journals in the cat.: 93

138 Guynot ME; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Study of benzoate, propionate, and sorbate salts as mould spoilageinhibitors on intermediate moisture bakery products of low pH (4.5-5.5). International Journal of Food Microbiology.101 - 2, pp. 161 - 168. (Holland): Elsevier, 2005. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.499 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 93

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.499 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 86

139 Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Comparison of methods for the assessment of growth of food spoilage moulds insolid substrates. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 99 - 3, pp. 329 - 341. (Holland): Elsevier, 2005. ISSN0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.499 Journal in the top 25%: Yes



Position of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 93

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.499 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 86

140 Guynot ME; Marin S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.An attempt to optimize potassium sorbate use to preserve low pH(4.5-5.5) intermediate moisture bakery products by modelling Eurotium spp. Aspergillus spp. and Penicilliumcorylophilum growth. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 101 - 2, pp. 169 - 177. (Holland): Elsevier, 2005.ISSN 0168-1605Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57835Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.499 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 93

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.499 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 86

141 Pardo E; Lagunas U; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Influence of water activity and temperature on conidialgermination and mycelial growth of ochratoxigenic isolates of Aspergillus ochraceus on grape juice syntheticmedium. Predictive models. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 85 - 10, pp. 1681 - 1686. (UnitedKingdom): 2005. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.996 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 31

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.996 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 28 No. of journals in the cat.: 59

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.996 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 93

142 Bellí N; Mitchell D; Marín S; Alegre I; Ramos AJ; Magan N; Sanchis V.Ochratoxin A-producing fungi in Spanishwine grapes and their relationship with meteorological conditions.European Journal of Plant Pathology. 113 - 3, pp.233 - 239. (Holland): 2005. ISSN 0929-1873Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: HORTICULTUREImpact index in year of publication: 1.534 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 21

Impact source: ISI Category: PLANT SCIENCESImpact index in year of publication: 1.534 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 51 No. of journals in the cat.: 144



Impact source: ISI Category: AGRONOMYImpact index in year of publication: 1.534 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 11 No. of journals in the cat.: 48

143 Valero A; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Ochratoxin A-producing species in grapes and sun-dried grapes and theirrelation to ecophysiological factors. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 41 - 2, pp. 196 - 201. (United Kingdom): 2005.ISSN 0266-8254Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.44 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 77 No. of journals in the cat.: 139

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.44 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 64 No. of journals in the cat.: 86

144 Torres MR; Ramos AJ; Soriano E.Impact of processing conditions on the ultrafiltration of blood proteins withexperimental polyamide membranes. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 39, pp. 121 - 123.(United Kingdom): John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2004. ISSN 0950-5423Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.97 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 34 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

145 Pardo E; Marín S; Solsona A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Modelling of germination and growth of ochratoxigenicisolates of Aspergillus ochraceus as affected by water activity and temperature on a barley-based medium. FoodMicrobiology. 21, pp. 267 - 274. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2004. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 78 No. of journals in the cat.: 133

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 27 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 64 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

146 Bellí N; Pardo E; Marín S; Farré G; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Occurrence of ochratoxin A and toxigenic potential offungal isolates from Spanish grapes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 84, pp. 541 - 546. (UnitedKingdom): 2004. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6



Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 29

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

147 Bellí N; Marín S; Duaigües A; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Ochratoxin A in wines, musts and grape juices from Spain.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 84, pp. 591 - 594. (United Kingdom): 2004. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 29

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

148 Marín S; Velluti A; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Effect of essential oils on zearalenone and deoxynivalenol productionby Fusarium graminearum in non-sterilized maize grain. Food Microbiology. 21, pp. 313 - 318. (United Kingdom):Elsevier, 2004. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 78 No. of journals in the cat.: 133

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 27 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 64 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

149 Guynot ME; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.An attempt to minimize potassium sorbate concentration in spongecakes by modified atmosphere packaging combination to prevent fungal spoilage. Food Microbiology. 21, pp. 449 -457. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2004. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI




Impact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 78 No. of journals in the cat.: 133

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 27 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 64 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

150 Pardo E; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Occurrence of ochratoxigenic fungi and ochratoxin A in green coffeevarieties from different origins. Food Science and Technology International. 10, pp. 45 - 49. (United Kingdom):2004. ISSN 1082-0132Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.571 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.571 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 51 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

151 Bellí N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Influence of water activity and temperature on growth of isolates ofAspergillus section Nigri obtained from grapes. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 96, pp. 19 - 27.(Holland): Elsevier, 2004. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.49 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.49 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 28 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

152 Velluti A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Effect of essential oils of cinnamon, clove, lemon grass, oregano andpalmarosa on growth of and fumonisin B1 production by Fusarium verticillioides in maize. Journal of the Science ofFood and Agriculture. 84, pp. 1141 - 1146. (United Kingdom): 2004. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 29

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 58



Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

153 Pardo E; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Prediction of fungal growth and ochratoxin A production by Aspergillusochraceus on irradiated barley grain as influenced by temperature and water activity. International Journal of FoodMicrobiology. 95, pp. 79 - 88. (Holland): Elsevier, 2004. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.49 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.49 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 28 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

154 Marín S; Abellana M; Rull F; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Efficacy of propionates and benzoates on the control of growthof Eurotium species in bakery products with near neutral pH. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 84,pp. 1147 - 1152. (United Kingdom): 2004. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 4 No. of journals in the cat.: 29

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.871 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

155 Velluti A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Turon C; Marin S.Impact of essential oils on growth rate, zearalenone anddeoxynivalenol production by Fusarium graminearum under different temperature and water activity conditions inmaize grain. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 96 - 4, pp. 716 - 724. (United Kingdom): 2004. ISSN 1364-5072Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.835 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 51 No. of journals in the cat.: 133

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.835 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 48 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

156 Marín S; Magan N; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Fumonisin-producing strains of Fusarium: a review of theirecophysiology. Journal of Food Protection. 67 - 8, pp. 1792 - 1805. (United States of America): 2004. ISSN0362-028X



Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.874 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 50 No. of journals in the cat.: 133

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.874 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 10 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

157 Velluti A; Marín S; González P; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Initial screening for inhibitory activity of essential oilson growth of Fusarium verticillioides, F. proliferatum and F. graminearum on maize-based agar media. FoodMicrobiology. 21, pp. 649 - 656. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2004. ISSN 0740-0020Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 78 No. of journals in the cat.: 133

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 27 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.105 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 64 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

158 Vinaixa M; Marín S; Brezmes J; Llobet E; Vilanova X; Correig X; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Early detection of fungalgrowth in bakery products using an e-nose based on mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and FoodChemistry. 52, pp. 6068 - 6074. (United States of America): 2004. ISSN 0021-8561Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 8Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 2.327 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 1 No. of journals in the cat.: 29

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 2.327 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.327 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

159 Bellí N; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Incubation time and water activity effects on ochratoxin A production byAspergillus section Nigri strains isolated from grapes. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 38, pp. 72 - 77. (UnitedKingdom): 2004. ISSN 0266-8254Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI




Impact index in year of publication: 1.461 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 62 No. of journals in the cat.: 133

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.461 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 56 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

160 Torres MR; Soler J; Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ.SEM study of water activity and temperature effects onthe initial growth of Aspergillus ochraceus, Alternaria alternata and Fusarium verticillioides on maize grain.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 81, pp. 185 - 193. (Holland): Elsevier, 2003. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.261 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 2 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.261 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

161 Marín S; Abellana M; Rubinat M; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Efficacy of sorbates on the control of the growth ofEurotium species in bakery products with near neutral pH. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 87 - 3, pp.251 - 258. (Holland): Elsevier, 2003. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.261 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 2 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.261 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

162 Marín S; Guynot ME; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Hydrolytic enzyme acitivities as indicators of fungal spoilage inbakery products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 83, pp. 685 - 691. (United Kingdom): 2003. ISSN0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.978 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 29

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.978 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 22 No. of journals in the cat.: 57

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.978 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 31 No. of journals in the cat.: 94



163 Guynot ME; Ramos AJ; Setó L; Purroy P; Sanchis V; Marín S.Antifungal activity of volatile compounds generatedby essential oils againts fungi commonly causing deterioriation of bakery products. Journal of Applied Microbiology.94, pp. 893 - 899. (United Kingdom): 2003. ISSN 1364-5072Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.743 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 53 No. of journals in the cat.: 132

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.743 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 46 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

164 Guynot ME; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Modified atmosphere packaging for prevention of spoilage of bakeryproducts with different pH and water activity levels. Journal of Food Protection. 66, pp. 1864 - 1872. (United Statesof America): 2003. ISSN 0362-028XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.154 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 132

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.154 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 3 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

165 Marín S; Velluti A; Muñoz A; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Control of fumonisin B1 accumulation in naturally contaminatedmaize inoculated with Fusarium verticilloides and F. proliferatum by cinnamon, clove, lemongrass, oreganoand palmarose essential oils. European Food Research and Technology. 271, pp. 332 - 337. (United States ofAmerica): Springer-Verlag, 2003. ISSN 1438-2377Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.22 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 17 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

166 Guynot ME; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.Mold-free shelf life extension of bakery products by active packaging.Journal of Food Science. 68, pp. 2547 - 2552. (United Kingdom): 2003. ISSN 0022-1147Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.943 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

167 Velluti A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Egido J; Marín S.Inhibitory effect of cinnamon, clove, lemongrass, oreganoand palmarose essential oils on growth and fumonisin B1 production by Fusarium proliferatum in maize grain.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 89, pp. 145 - 154. (Holland): Elsevier, 2003. ISSN 0168-1605



Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.261 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 2 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.261 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 84

168 Torres MR; Marín FR; Ramos AJ; Soriano E.Study of operating conditions in concentration of chicken bloodplasma proteins by ultrafiltration. Journal of Food Engineering. 54, pp. 215 - 219. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2002.ISSN 0260-8774Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: ENGINEERING, CHEMICALImpact index in year of publication: 1.085 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 126

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.085 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 25 No. of journals in the cat.: 92

169 Marín S; Guynot ME; Neira P; Bernardó M; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Risk assessment of the use of sub-optimallevels of weak-acid preservatives in the control of mould growth on bakery products. International Journal of FoodMicrobiology. 79, pp. 203 - 211. (Holland): Elsevier, 2002. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.719 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 92

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.719 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 41 No. of journals in the cat.: 82

170 Marín S; Guynot ME; Sanchis V; Arbonés J; Ramos AJ.Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger and Penicilliumcorylophilum spoilage prevention of bakery products by means of weak acid preservatives. Journal of FoodScience. 67, pp. 2271 - 2277. (United Kingdom): 2002. ISSN 0022-1147Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.188 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 21 No. of journals in the cat.: 92

171 Guynot ME; Ramos AJ; Sala D; Sanchis V; Marin S.Combined effect of weak acid preservatives, pH and wateractivity on growth of Eurotium species on a sponge analogue. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 76, pp.39 - 46. (Holland): Elsevier, 2002. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5



Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.719 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 92

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.719 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 41 No. of journals in the cat.: 82

172 Bellí N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Ochratoxin A (OTA) in wines, musts and grape juices: occurrence,methods of analysis and regulations. Food Science and Technology International. 8, pp. 325 - 335. (UnitedKingdom): 2002. ISSN 1082-0132Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.409 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 59

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.409 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 65 No. of journals in the cat.: 92

173 Bellí N; Pardo E; Marín S; Farré G; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Presencia de ocratoxina A y sus potenciales productoresen uvas españolas.Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 19, (Spain): Elsevier, 2002. ISSN 1130-1406Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6

174 Pardo E; Marín S; Solsona A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Influencia de la actividad de agua y temperatura sobre lagerminación, crecimiento y producción de ocratoxina A de tres cepas de Aspergillus ochraceus en cebada. RevistaIberoamericana de Micologia. 19, (Spain): Elsevier, 2002. ISSN 1130-1406Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5

175 Robledo ML; Marín S; Ramos AJ.Determinación de micotoxinas en maíz forrajero y granos de café verde en elEstado de Nayarit (México). Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 18, pp. 141 - 144. (Spain): Elsevier, 2001. ISSN1130-1406Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3

176 Abellana M; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Effect of water activity and temperature on growth of three Penicillium speciesand Aspergillus flavus on a sponge cake analogue. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 71, pp. 151 - 157.(Holland): Elsevier, 2001. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.579 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.579 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 81



177 Velluti A; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Occurrence of fumonisin B1 in Spanish corn-based foods for animal andhuman consumption. Food Science and Technology International. 7, pp. 433 - 437. (United Kingdom): 2001. ISSN1082-0132Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.324 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 44 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.324 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 76 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

178 Marín S; Albareda X; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Impact of environment and interactions between Fusariumverticillioides and Fusarium proliferatum with Aspergillus parasiticus on fumonisin B1 and aflatoxin on maize grain.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 81, pp. 1060 - 1068. (United Kingdom): 2001. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 1.16 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 3 No. of journals in the cat.: 28

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 1.16 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 58

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.16 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 22 No. of journals in the cat.: 94

179 Abellana M; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Nielsen PV.Effect of modified atmosphere packaging and water activity ongrowth of Eurotium amstelodami, E. chevalieri and E. herbariorum on a sponge cake analogue. Journal of AppliedMicrobiology. 88 - 4, pp. 606 - 616. (United Kingdom): 2000. ISSN 1364-5072Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.511 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 44 No. of journals in the cat.: 134

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.511 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 42 No. of journals in the cat.: 83

180 Velluti A; Marín S; Bettucci L; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.The effect of fungal competition on colonization of maize grainby Fusarium moniliforme, F. proliferatum and F. graminearum and on fumonisin B1 and zearalenone formation.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 59, pp. 59 - 66. (Holland): Elsevier, 2000. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.848 Journal in the top 25%: Yes



Position of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 95

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.848 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 83

181 Velluti A; Marín S; Gonzalez R; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Fumonisin B1, zearalenone and deoxynivalenol productionby Fusarium moniliforme, F. proliferatum and F. graminearum in mixed cultures on irradiated corn kernels. Journalof the Science of Food and Agriculture. 81, pp. 88 - 94. (United Kingdom): 2000. ISSN 0022-5142Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.966 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 2 No. of journals in the cat.: 28

Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.966 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 20 No. of journals in the cat.: 55

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.966 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 26 No. of journals in the cat.: 95

182 Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ.Control de micotoxinas emergentes. Situación legislativa actual. RevistaIberoamericana de Micologia. 17, pp. 69 - 75. (Spain): Elsevier, 2000. ISSN 1130-1406Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3

183 Sanchis V; Magan N; Marín S; Ramos AJ.Ecology and control of growth and fumonisin production by Fusariumspp. in maize. Mitteilungen der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft. 377, pp. 41 - 41.(Germany): 2000.Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4

184 Marín S; Homedes V; Sanchis S; Ramos AJ; Magan N.Impact of Fusarium moniliforme and F. proliferatumcolonisation of maize on caloric losses and fumonisin production under different environmental conditions. Journalof Stored Products Research. 35, pp. 15 - 26. (United Kingdom): 1999. ISSN 0022-474XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.65 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 40 No. of journals in the cat.: 113

Impact source: ISI Category: ENTOMOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.65 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 31 No. of journals in the cat.: 66

185 Ramos AJ; Magan N; Sanchis V.Osmotic and matric potential effects on growth, sclerotia and partitioning ofpolyols and sugars in colonies and spores of Aspergillus ochraceus. Mycological Research. 103, pp. 141 - 147.(United Kingdom): 1999. ISSN 0953-7562Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal



Total no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.158 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 15

186 Ramos AJ; Muñoz J; Marín S; Sanchis V; Magan N.Calorific losses in maize in relation to colonisation by isolatesof Aspergillus ochraceus under different environmental conditions. Journal of Cereal Science. 29, pp. 177 - 183.(United Kingdom): 1999. ISSN 0733-5210Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.489 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

187 Marín S; Magan N; Serra R; Ramos AJ; Canela R; Sanchis V.Fumonisin B1 production and growth of Fusariummoniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum on maize, wheat, and barley grain. Journal of Food Science. 64, pp. 921 -924. (United Kingdom): 1999. ISSN 0022-1147Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.187 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

188 Marín S; Sanchis V; Sanz D; Castel I; Ramos AJ; Canela R; Magan N.Control of growth and fumonisin B1production by Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium proliferatum isolates in moist maize with propionatepreservatives. Food Additives and Contaminants. 16, pp. 555 - 563. (United Kingdom): 1999. ISSN 0265-203XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.879 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 19 No. of journals in the cat.: 49

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.879 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 31 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.879 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 45 No. of journals in the cat.: 74

189 Abellana M; Benedi J; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Water activity and temperature effects on germination and growthof Eurotium amstelodami, E.chevalieri and E. herbariorum isolates from bakery products. Journal of AppliedMicrobiology. 87 - 3, pp. 371 - 380. (United Kingdom): 1999. ISSN 1364-5072Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.521 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 124



Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.521 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 36 No. of journals in the cat.: 79

190 Abellana M; Magrí X; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Water activity and temperature effects on growth of Eurotiumamstelodami, E.chevalieri and E.herbariorum on a sponge cake analogue. International Journal of FoodMicrobiology. 52, pp. 97 - 103. (Holland): Elsevier, 1999. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.673 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.673 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 79

191 Marín S; Magan N; Bellí N; Ramos AJ; Canela R; Sanchis V.Two dimensional profiles of fumonisin B1 productionby Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum in relation to environmental factors and potential for modellingtoxin formation in maize grain. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 51, pp. 159 - 167. (Holland): Elsevier,1999. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.673 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 91

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.673 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 79

192 Torres MR; Ramos AJ; Soriano E.Ultrafiltration of blood proteins by experimental polyamide membranes.Bioprocess Engineering. 19, pp. 213 - 215. (Germany): 1998. ISSN 0178-515XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.655 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 76 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: ENGINEERING, CHEMICALImpact index in year of publication: 0.655 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 33 No. of journals in the cat.: 113

193 Marín S; Sanchis V; Saenz R; Ramos AJ; Viñas I; Magan N.Ecological determinants for germination and growthof some Aspergillus and Penicillium spp. from maize grain. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 84 - 1, pp. 25 - 36.(United Kingdom): 1998. ISSN 1364-5072Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI




Impact index in year of publication: 1.051 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 58 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.051 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 48 No. of journals in the cat.: 81

194 Torres MR; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Occurrence of fumonisins in Spanish beers analyzed by an ELISAmethod.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 39, pp. 139 - 143. (Holland): Elsevier, 1998. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 90

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 81

195 Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Viñas I; Magan N.Environmental factors, in vitro interactions, and niche overlapbetween Fusarium moniliforme, F. proliferatum and F. graminearum, Aspergillus and Penicillium species frommaize. Mycological Research. 102, pp. 831 - 837. (United Kingdom): 1998. ISSN 0953-7562Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.993 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 15

196 Marín S; Companys E; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Magan N.Effect of water activity and temperature on competingabilities of common maize fungi. Mycological Research. 102, pp. 959 - 964. (United Kingdom): 1998. ISSN0953-7562Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.993 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 6 No. of journals in the cat.: 15

197 Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Magan N.Effect of water activity on hydrolytic enzyme production by Fusariummoniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum during colonisation of maize. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 42- 3, pp. 185 - 194. (Holland): Elsevier, 1998. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-1605(98)00077-4Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 90

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGY



Impact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 81

198 Marín S; Sanchis V; Rull F; Ramos AJ; Magan N.Colonization of maize grain by Fusarium moniliforme andFusarium proliferatum in presence of competing fungi and their impact on fumonisin production. Journal of FoodProtection. 61, pp. 1489 - 1496. (United States of America): 1998. ISSN 0362-028XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.329 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 44 No. of journals in the cat.: 123

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.329 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 90

199 Ramos AJ; Labernia N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Magan N.Effect of water activity and temperature on growth andochratoxin production by three strains of Aspergillus ochraceus on a barley extract medium and on barley grains.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 44, pp. 133 - 140. (Holland): Elsevier, 1998. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 90

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 81

200 Marín S; Sanchis V; Arnau F; Ramos AJ; Magan N.Colonisation and competitiveness of Aspergillus andPenicillium species on maize grain in the presence of Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum.International Journal of Food Microbiology. 45, pp. 107 - 117. (Holland): Elsevier, 1998. ISSN 0168-1605Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 90

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 81

201 Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Magan N.Effect of water activity on hydrolytic enzyme production by Fusariummoniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum during colonisation of maize. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 42- 3, pp. 185 - 194. (Holland): Elsevier, 1998. ISSN 0168-1605DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-1605(98)00077-4Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4



Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 5 No. of journals in the cat.: 90

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.593 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 32 No. of journals in the cat.: 81

202 Ramos AJ, Hernández E.Adsorción in vitro de aflatoxinas mediante la utilización de compuestos adsorbentes:montmorillonita. Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 14, pp. 72 - 77. (Spain): Elsevier, 1997. ISSN 1130-1406Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2

203 Abellana M; Torres L; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Caracterización de diferentes productos de bollería industrial. I.Estudio del pH y de la actividad de agua (aw). Alimentaria: Revista de tecnología e higiene de los alimentos. 285,pp. 75 - 77. (Spain): 1997. ISSN 0300-5755Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4

204 Magan N; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.The impact of ecological factors on germination, growth, fumonisinproduction Fusarium moniliforme and F. proliferatum and their interactions with other common maize fungi. CerealResearch Communications. 25, pp. 643 - 645. (Hungary): 1997. ISSN 0133-3720Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.207 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 81 No. of journals in the cat.: 112

205 Marín S; Rull F; Ramos AJ; Torres M; Sala S; Sanchis V.Interactions on growth between Fusarium moniliforme, F.proliferatum and Penicillium implicatum on maize grain depending on water activity and temperature levels. CerealResearch Communications. 25, pp. 497 - 498. (Hungary): 1997. ISSN 0133-3720Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.207 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 81 No. of journals in the cat.: 112

206 Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Viñas I; Magan N.Effect of water activity on hydrolytic enzyme production byFusarium moniliforme and F.proliferatum in early stages of growth on maize. Cereal Research Communications.25, pp. 809 - 810. (Hungary): 1997. ISSN 0133-3720Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.207 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 81 No. of journals in the cat.: 112

207 Ramos AJ; Soler J; Torres MR; Marín S; Magan N.Scanning electron microscopy study of germination and growthof Fusarium moniliforme on the surface of maize grain.Cereal Research Communications. 25, pp. 809 - 810.(Hungary): 1997. ISSN 0133-3720Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal



Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.207 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 81 No. of journals in the cat.: 112

208 Sanchis V; Companys E; Marín S; Abellana M; Ramos AJ.Fungal reactions of Fusarium spp. and other speciesisolated from maize when interacting on agar media at different water activity and temperature levels. CerealResearch Communications. 25, pp. 811 - 812. (Hungary): 1997. ISSN 0133-3720Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYImpact index in year of publication: 0.207 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 81 No. of journals in the cat.: 112

209 Abellana M; Torres L; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Caracterización de diferentes productos de bollería industrial. II.Estudio de la micoflora. Alimentaria: Revista de tecnología e higiene de los alimentos. 287, pp. 51 - 56. (Spain):1997. ISSN 0300-5755Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4

210 Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Hukic M; Jasic M.Mycotoxins in foods. A review. Acta Médica Saliniana. 26 - 1, pp. 9 - 18.(Unknown): 1997.Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4

211 Ramos AJ; Hernández E; Plá JM; Merino M.Intestinal absorption of zearalenone and in vitro study of non-nutritivesorbent materials. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 128, pp. 129 - 137. (Holland): 1996. ISSN 0378-5173Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACYImpact index in year of publication: 1.129 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 79 No. of journals in the cat.: 155

212 Ramos AJ, Hernández E.In situ absorption of aflatoxins in rat small intestine. Mycopathologia. 134, pp. 27 - 30.(Holland): 1996. ISSN 0301-486XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.578 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 7 No. of journals in the cat.: 13

Impact source: ISI Category: PATHOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.578 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 48 No. of journals in the cat.: 64

213 Ramos AJ, Hernández E.In vitro aflatoxin adsorption by means of a montmorillonite silicate. A study of adsorptionisotherms. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 62, pp. 263 - 269. (Holland): 1996. ISSN 0377-8401Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2




Impact index in year of publication: 0.68 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 13 No. of journals in the cat.: 45

214 Marin S; Sanchis V; Teixido A; Saenz R; Ramos AJ; Viñas I; Magan N.Water and temperature relations andmicroconidial germination of Fusarium moniliforme and F. proliferatum from maize. Canadian Journal ofMicrobiology. 42, pp. 1045 - 1050. (Canada): 1996. ISSN 0008-4166Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 7Impact source: ISI Category: BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.184 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 155 No. of journals in the cat.: 231


Impact index in year of publication: 1.184 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 72

Impact source: ISI Category: IMMUNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.184 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 69 No. of journals in the cat.: 108

Impact source: ISI Category: MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.184 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 38 No. of journals in the cat.: 65

215 Merino M; Ramos AJ; Hernández E.A rapid HPLC assay for zearalenone in laboratory cultures of Fusariumgraminearum. Mycopathologia. 121, pp. 27 - 32. (Holland): 1993. ISSN 0301-486XType of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.211 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 3 No. of journals in the cat.: 12

Impact source: ISI Category: PATHOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.211 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 23 No. of journals in the cat.: 57

216 Cantalejo MJ; Ramos AJ; Carrasco JM; Hernández E.Producción de fusarina C por Fusarium aislados a partir depiensos, cereales y granos. II Anales de Investigación del Máster en Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Alimentos. 2, pp.31 - 47. Valencia(Spain): Universitat Politècnica de València, 1993. ISBN 84-7721-168-XType of production: Scientific paper Format: BookTotal no. authors: 4

217 Gasque L; Ramos AJ; Hernández E.Producción de desoxynivalenol por cepas de Fusarium aisladas de cereales.II Anales de Investigación del Máster en Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Alimentos. 2, pp. 73 - 87. Valencia(Spain):Universitat Politècnica de València, 1993. ISBN 84-7721-168-XType of production: Scientific paper Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3



218 Picazo JA; Ramos AJ; Hernández E.Producción in vitro de tricotecenos y zearalenona por cepas de Fusarium.III Anales de Investigación del Máster en Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Alimentos. 3, pp. 63 - 76. Valencia(Spain):Universitat Politècnica de València, 1993. ISBN 84-7721-168-XType of production: Scientific paper Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3

219 Gimeno A; Ramos AJ; Hernández E.Estudio de la producción de deoxynivalenol (DON) por Fusariumgraminearum. Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 9, pp. 55 - 57. (Spain): Elsevier, 1992. ISSN 1130-1406Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3

220 Ramos AJ; Hernández E.Observaciones sobre el poder adsorbente de aflatoxinas por parte de silicatos naturalesy sintéticos a pH similar al gástrico e intestinal. Ciencias Veterinarias. 5, pp. 139 - 144. (Spain): 1992.Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2

221 Gimeno A; Ramos AJ; Hernández E.Estudio de la producción de deoxinivalenol (DON) por Fusariumgraminearum. I Anales de Investigación del Máster en Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Alimentos. 1, pp. 55 - 73.Valencia(Spain): Universitat Politècnica de València, 1992. ISBN 84-7721-168-XType of production: Scientific paper Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3

222 Tato A; Planes M; Ramos AJ; Stockert JC; Ferrer JM.Differential staining of mucin granules from epoxy resinsections by a phosphotungstic acid-methyl green procedure. Biotechnic & Histochemistry. 66 - 3, pp. 139 - 144.(United Kingdom): 1991. ISSN 1052-0295Type of production: Scientific paper Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 5

223 Marín S; Ramos AJ.Molds and mycotoxins in nuts.Food hygiene and toxicology in ready-to-eat foods.Capítulo 17,pp. 295 - 312. London(United Kingdom): Academic Press Inc., 2016. ISBN 978-0-12-801916-0Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 2

224 Marín S, Ramos AJ.Safety in fruit juice processing: chemical and microbiological hazards. Juice processing.Quality, safety and value-added opportunities. pp. 329 - 348. (United States of America): CRC Press, 2014. ISBN978-1-4665-7733-6Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 2

225 Romero MP; Élez P; Ramos AJ.La tecnologia d'aliments a l'ETSEA.L'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Agràriade Lleida 1972-2012. Un valor al servei de la societat.pp. 223 - 237. Lleida(Spain): Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs,2013. ISBN 978-84-96908-83-3Legal deposit: L-551-2013Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3

226 Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marin S.Other moulds and mycotoxins. Guide to Foodborne Pathogens 2nd. edition. LabbéRG and García S (eds). pp. 284 - 302. Chichester(United Kingdom): Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. ISBN 9780470671429Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3



227 Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín, S.Prevención y control de mogos toxigénicos en alimentos. Avances enMicrobiología de los Alimentos. 1, pp. 73 - 79. Logroño(Spain): Universidad de la Rioja, 2012. ISBN9788469540930Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3

228 Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Plant products in the control of mycotoxins and mycotoxigenic fungi on foodcommodities.Natural products in plant pest management. pp. 21 - 41. (United Kingdom): CAB International, 2011.ISBN 9781845936716Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3

229 Marin S.; Ramos AJ.; Sanchis V.Chemical control of mycotoxigenic fungi in fruits.Mycotoxins in fruits andvegetables.pp. 280 - 296. Amsterdam(Holland): Elsevier, 2008. ISBN 9780123741264Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3

230 Sanchis V; Marin S; Ramos AJ.Factores determinantes en la producción de micotoxinas.Micotoxinas enAlimentos.pp. 63 - 89. Zaragoza(Spain): Díaz de Santos, 2007. ISBN 9788479788087Legal deposit: M 6692 2007Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3

231 Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.Aspectos legislativos de las micotoxinas y normativa vigente.Micotoxinas enAlimentos.pp. 133 - 163. Zaragoza(Spain): Díaz de Santos, 2007. ISBN 9788479788087Legal deposit: M 6692 2007Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3

232 Sanchis V; Marin S; Magan N; Ramos AJ.Ecophysiology of fumonisin producers in Fusarium sectionLiseola.Advances in Food Mycology. Hocking AD, Pitt JI, Samson RD, Thrane U (eds).pp. 115 - 122. (Holland):Springer, 2006. ISBN 0387283854Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 4

233 Bellí N; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Primera aproximacion al control de la ocratoxina A en vino. Estudiosmicológicos. Impacto da contaminaçao fúngica sobre a competitividade de vinhos. Ocratoxina A. pp. 29 - 52.(Portugal): A. Cerdeira, A. Venâncio, A. Alves, P. Baros and T. Simões, T. (Eds.)., 2003. ISBN 972-97916-2-7Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

234 Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ.Occurrence of toxigenic fungi and related mycotoxins in Spain. Ocurrenceof toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in plants, food and feed in Europe. pp. 191 - 199. (Belgium): EuropeanCommunities, 2001.Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 3

235 Ramos AJ; Cantalejo MJ; Carrasco JM; Hernández E.Screening for fusarin C production by Spanish isolates ofFusarium. Occurrence and Significance of Mycotoxins. pp. 301 - 308. (United Kingdom): Servicio de Publicacionesdel CSL, 1993. ISBN 1-85945-000-8Type of production: Book chapter Format: BookTotal no. authors: 4



236 Cano-Sancho G; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Micotoxines. Estudi de dieta total a Catalunya. 2008-2009.1, pp.1 - 320. Barcelona(Spain): Agència Catalana Seguretat Alimentaria (ACSA), 2012.Legal deposit: B 27368-2012Type of production: Scientific book or monographTotal no. authors: 4

237 J. Díaz-Gómez; S. Marín; T. Capell; V. Sanchis; A.J. Ramos.The impact of Bacillus thuringiensis technologyon the occurrence of fumonisins and other mycotoxins in maize.World Mycotoxin Journal. 9 - 3, pp. 475 - 486.(Holland): 2016. Available on-line at: <http://www.wageningenacademic.com/doi/pdf/10.3920/WMJ2015.1960>.ISSN 1875-0710DOI: https://doi.org/10.3920/WMJ2015.1960Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 5Total no. authors: 5Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.189 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 37 No. of journals in the cat.: 130

Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.189 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 16 No. of journals in the cat.: 30

Impact source: ISI Category: TOXICOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.189 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 52 No. of journals in the cat.: 92

238 Vidal, A.; Sanchis, V.; Ramos, AJ.; Marín, S.The fate of deoxynivalenol through wheat processing to food products.Current Opinion in Food Science. 11, pp. 34 - 39. Elsevier, 2016. ISSN 2214-7993DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cofs.2016.09.001Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/62347Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4

239 Aldars-Garcia, L.; Ramos, AJ.; Sanchis, V.; Marín, S.Modeling postharvest mycotoxins in foods: recent research.Current Opinion in Food Science. 11, pp. 46 - 50. Elsevier, 2016. ISSN 2214-7993DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cofs.2016.09.005Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/60289Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4

240 González-Arias CA; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Mycotoxin bioaccessibility/absorption assessment using invitro digestion models: a review. World Mycotoxin Journal. 6 - 2, pp. 167 - 184. (Holland): 2013. Available on-lineat: <http://www.wageningenacademic.com/doi/pdf/10.3920/WMJ2012.1521>. ISSN 1875-0710DOI: https://doi.org/10.3920/WMJ2012.1521Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/59854Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.38 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 23



241 García-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.Emerging risk management metrics in food safety: FSO, PO. Howdo they apply to the mycotoxin hazard?. Food Control. 25 - 2, pp. 797 - 808. (United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2012.Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2011.12.009>. ISSN 0956-7135DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2011.12.009Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/58598Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.738 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 18 No. of journals in the cat.: 124

242 Marin, S; Ramos, AJ; Cano-Sancho, G; Sanchis, V.Reduction of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in theMediterranean basin maize chain. Phytopathologia Mediterranea. 51 - 1, pp. 93 - 118. (Italy): 2012. ISSN0031-9465Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57814Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: PLANT SCIENCESImpact index in year of publication: 0.791 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 133 No. of journals in the cat.: 197

Impact source: ISI Category: AGRONOMYImpact index in year of publication: 0.791 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 40 No. of journals in the cat.: 78

243 Ramos A.J., Sanchis V.; Marín S.The prehistory of mycotoxins: related cases from ancient times to the discoveryof aflatoxins.World Mycotoxin Journal. 4 - 2, pp. 101 - 112. (Holland): 2011. ISSN 1875-0710Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 1Total no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1,450 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 15 No. of journals in the cat.: 24

244 Morales H; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.Influence of post-harvest technologies applied during cold storage ofapples in Penicillium expansum growth and patulin accumulation: A review. Food Control. 21 - 7, pp. 953 - 962.(United Kingdom): Elsevier, 2010. Available on-line at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2009.12.016>. ISSN0956-7135DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2009.12.016Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/57820Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 2.812 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 11 No. of journals in the cat.: 126



245 Coronel MB; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marin S. Review. Ochratoxin A: Presence in human plasma and intakeestimation. Food Science and Technology International. 16 - 1, pp. 5 - 18. (United Kingdom): 2010. Availableon-line at: <http://fst.sagepub.com/content/16/1/5>. ISSN 1082-0132DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1082013209353359Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 3Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.577 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 53 No. of journals in the cat.: 69

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.577 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 88 No. of journals in the cat.: 126

246 Rodríguez-Cervantes CH; Girón-Pérez MI; Robledo-Marenco ML; Marín S; Velázquez-Fernández JB; Medina-DíazIM; Rojas-García AE; Ramos AJ.Aflatoxin B1 and its toxic effects on immune response on teleosts fishes: areview. World Mycotoxin Journal. 3 - 2, pp. 193 - 199. (Holland): 2010. ISSN 1875-0710DOI: https://doi.org/10.3920/WMJ2009.1202Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 2Total no. authors: 8Impact source: ISI Category: MYCOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1,255 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 14 No. of journals in the cat.: 22

247 Santos L; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.Capsicum and mycotoxin contamination: State of the art in a globalcontext. Food Science and Technology International. 14 - 1, pp. 5 - 20. (United Kingdom): 2008. ISSN 1082-0132Type of production: Review Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 4Impact source: ISI Category: CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDImpact index in year of publication: 0.702 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 38 No. of journals in the cat.: 60

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.702 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 66 No. of journals in the cat.: 107

248 Ramos AJ, Robledo ML.Las fumonisinas: micotoxinas cancerígenas producidas por Fusarium spp. Unarevisión.Revista de la Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit. pp. 26 - 30. (Mexico): 2000.Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2

249 Marín S; Magan N; Abellana M; Ramos AJ; Canela R; Sanchis V.Selective effect of propinates and water activityon maize mycoflora and impact on fumonisin B1 accumulation. Journal of Stored Products Research. 36, pp. 203 -214. (United Kingdom): 2000. ISSN 0022-474XType of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 6



Impact source: ISI Category: ENTOMOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 0.725 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 30 No. of journals in the cat.: 66

250 Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ.Problemática y control de micotoxinas en alimentos. Seguridad Alimentaria, UIMP.pp. 127 - 140. (Spain): 2000.Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3

251 Ramos AJ, Hernández E.Prevention of aflatoxicosis in farm animals by means of hydrated sodium calciumaluminosilicate addition to feedstuffs: a review. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 65, pp. 197 - 206. (Holland):1997. ISSN 0377-8401Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2Impact source: ISI Category: AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL

SCIENCEImpact index in year of publication: 0.587 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 19 No. of journals in the cat.: 52

252 Torres MR; Ramos AJ; Soriano E.Aspectos funcionales y nutricionales de las proteínas sanguíneas: empleo en laindustria cárnica. Alimentaria: Revista de tecnología e higiene de los alimentos. mayo, pp. 63 - 69. (Spain): 1997.ISSN 0300-5755Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3

253 Ramos AJ; Fink-Gremmels J; Hernández E.Prevention of toxic effects of mycotoxins by means of non-nutritiveadsorbent compounds. Journal of Food Protection. 59 - 6, pp. 631 - 641. (United States of America): 1996. ISSN0362-028XType of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3Impact source: ISI Category: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED

MICROBIOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.372 Journal in the top 25%: NoPosition of publication: 28 No. of journals in the cat.: 72

Impact source: ISI Category: FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYImpact index in year of publication: 1.372 Journal in the top 25%: YesPosition of publication: 8 No. of journals in the cat.: 75

254 Torres MR; Ramos AJ; Soriano E.Factores que determinan el comportamiento de las membranas de ultrafiltración.Alimentación, Equipos y Tecnología. abril, pp. 119 - 123. (Spain): 1996. ISSN 0212-1689Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3

255 Torres MR; Ramos AJ; Soriano E.Ultrafiltración de disoluciones proteicas. Alimentación, Equipos y Tecnología.diciembre, pp. 97 - 103. (Spain): 1996. ISSN 0212-1689Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3



256 Ramos AJ, Sanchis V.Micotoxinas: principales criterios para el establecimiento de su legislación. RevistaIberoamericana de Micologia. 13, pp. 76 - 84. (Spain): Elsevier, 1996. ISSN 1130-1406Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2

257 Ramos AJ, Hernández E.Utilización de ácidos para el control antifúngico de granos y otros alimentos. Ventajas yriesgos respecto a la producción de aflatoxinas. Microbiologie Aliments Nutrition. 11, pp. 21 - 30. (France): 1993.Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2

258 Ramos AJ; Hernández E.Reducción de los niveles de aflatoxinas y otras micotoxinas en alimentos mediantemétodos físicos, químicos y biológicos. Alimentaria: Revista de tecnología e higiene de los alimentos. 225, pp. 45 -55. (Spain): 1991. ISSN 0300-5755Type of production: Review Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2

259 Ramos AJ; Marín S; Sanchis V.Las micotoxinas, una amenaza oculta en el maíz.Vida Rural. Febrero - 408, pp.62 - 66. (Spain): 2016. Available on-line at: <http://agronegocios.es/digital/vr/w19c6ng_vr408/index.html>. ISSN1133-8938Type of production: Popular science journals Format: JournalPosition of signature: 1Total no. authors: 3

260 Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.Las micotoxinas: un problema que resurge con fuerza.Grandes Cultivos. Octubre2015, pp. 4 - 8. Interempresas, 2015. Available on-line at: <http://www.interempresas.net/Flipbooks/GZ/5/>. ISSN2014-8305Type of production: Popular science journals Format: JournalPosition of signature: 1Total no. authors: 3

261 Butrón A; Cao A; Malvar RA; Ramos AJ; Marín S; Souto XC; Santiago R; Aguín O; Mansilla P.Contaminacionescon micotoxinas en el grano de maíz.Agricultura. Diciembre - 979, pp. 846 - 848. (Spain): 2014. ISSN 0034-7655Type of production: Popular science journals Format: JournalPosition of signature: 4Total no. authors: 9

262 Bellí N; S. Marín S; V. Sanchís V; Ramos-Girona AJ.Presencia de ocratoxina A en vinos y derivados de uva.Alimentacion, Nutrición y Salud. 12 - 3, pp. 113 - 118. (Spain): 2005. ISSN 1136-4815Type of production: Popular science journals Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4

263 Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ.Micotoxinas y seguridad alimentaria. Alimentacion, Nutrición y Salud. 11 - 1, pp. 17- 23. (Spain): 2004. ISSN 1136-4815Type of production: Popular science journals Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 3

264 Ramos AJ; Guynot ME; Marín S; Sanchis V.Alteración fúngica de los productos de bollería. Prevención de sudeterioro mediante atmósferas modificadas.Alimentacion, Nutrición y Salud. 11 - 3, pp. 66 - 72. (Spain): 2004.ISSN 1136-4815Type of production: Popular science journals Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 4



265 Ramos AJ, Sanchis V.Etapas básicas para el análisis de micotoxinas en un alimento.Cuadernos de Microbiología.5, pp. 2. (Spain): 1996.Type of production: Popular science journals Format: JournalTotal no. authors: 2

266 Sanchis V; Orive M; Ramos AJ.La Cerveza. Aspectos Microbiológicos. pp. 1 - 218. Lleida(Spain): Edicions de laUniversitat de Lleida, 2000.Legal deposit: L-616/2000Type of production: **Llibre docentTotal no. authors: 3

267 Ramos AJ.Parasitología de la carne y de los productos cárnicos. pp. 1 - 67. Lleida(Spain): AJ Ramos Ed., 1998.Legal deposit: L-174-1998Type of production: **Editor llibre d'investigació Format: BookTotal no. authors: 1

Works submitted to national or international conferences

1 Title of the work: Evaluación de nuevos adsorbentes multimicotoxínicos basados en bentonitas paraalimentación animal.Name of the conference: XXII Congreso Español de Toxicología y VI IberoamericanoType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2017End date: 2017Organising entity: Asociación Española deToxicología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Vila-Donat, P.; Marín, S.; Sanchis, V.; Ramos, A.J.

2 Title of the work: Transferencia de las micotoxinas durante la maceración de la malta para la obtención delmosto de cerveza.Name of the conference: XXII Congreso Español de Toxicología y VI IberoamericanoType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2017End date: 2017Organising entity: Universitat de València Type of entity: **Universitats públiquesPascari, X.; Rodriguez-Carrasco, Y.; Ramos, AJ.; Marín, S.; Sanchis, V.

3 Title of the work: Stability of deoxynivalenol and deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside as affected by additives andenzymes during the breadmaking processName of the conference: 31st EFFOST International ConferenceType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Sitges, SpainDate of event: 2017End date: 2017Organising entity: European Federation of FoodScience and Technology (EFFoST)

Type of entity: **Empreses privades



Vidal A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

4 Title of the work: In vitro assessment of new efficient mycotoxin adsorbents based on bentonitesName of the conference: 31st EFFOST International ConferenceType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Sitges, SpainDate of event: 2017End date: 2017Organising entity: European Federation of FoodScience and Technology (EFFoST)

Type of entity: **Empreses privades

Vila-Donat P; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

5 Title of the work: LaeA y Vea en Alternaria alternata y su potencial como posible diana para controlar elcrecimiento fúngico y la biosíntesis de alternariol y alternariol monometiléter en tomateName of the conference: 13 Congreso Nacional de MicologíaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Organising entity: Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityEstiarte N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Crespo-Sempere A; Ramos AJ."Libro de resúmenes, pp. 80".

6 Title of the work: Relación temporal entre la germinación, la fase de latencia, el tiempo para crecimientovisible y las probabilidades de crecimiento y produccción de aflatoxina B1 por Aspergillus flavus en agarextracto de pistachoName of the conference: 13 Congreso Nacional de MicologíaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - othersCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Organising entity: Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityAldars-García L; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S."Libro de resúmenes, pp.108".

7 Title of the work: Nuevos retos en el estudio de las micotoxinasName of the conference: 13 Congreso Nacional de MicologíaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talkCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Organising entity: Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityRamos AJ."Libro de resúmenes, pp. 62-63".

8 Name of the conference: 13 Congreso Nacional de MicologíaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Organizing committeeCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2016



End date: 2016Organising entity: Universitat de Lleida (UdL) Type of entity: UniversityRamos AJ.

9 Title of the work: Enzyme bread improvers affect the stability of Deoxynivalenol andDeoxynivalenol-3-Glucoside during bread makingName of the conference: International Commission on Food Mycology. Current and future trens in foodmycology-Methods, Taxonomy, and Emerging ProblemsType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Freising, GermanyDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Vidal, A.; Ambrosio, A.; Sanchis, V.; Ramos, A.J.; Marín, S.

10 Title of the work: Multidetection of urinary ochratoxin A, deoxynivalenol and its metabolites: a pilottime-course study and risk assessment in Catalonia (Spain)Name of the conference: 5th MYTOX International Symposium Mycotoxins and toxigenic moulds:Challenges and perspectivesType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Ghent, BelgiumDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Vidal, A.; Cano-Sancho, G.; Marin, S.; Ramos, A.J.; Sanchis, V.

11 Title of the work: Efecto de la concentración del inóculo en el crecimiento y producción de aflatoxina B1por Aspergillus flavusName of the conference: II Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigénicos y desus procesos de descontaminaciónType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Cáceres, SpainDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Organising entity: Red Nacional de Excelenciasobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de susprocesos de descontaminación.

Type of entity: **Universitats públiques

Aldars-García L; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S."Libro de Abstracts, pp.14.".

12 Title of the work: Presencia de micotoxinas de Fusarium en panes comercialesName of the conference: II Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigénicos y desus procesos de descontaminaciónType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Cáceres, SpainDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Organising entity: Red Nacional de Excelenciasobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de susprocesos de descontaminación.

Type of entity: **Universitats públiques

Vidal A; De Boevre M; Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Pascari X; De Saeger S."Libro de Abstracts, pp. 18".



13 Title of the work: Biotransformación de la ocratoxina A por células Caco-2 y HepG2 en un sistemaTranswellName of the conference: II Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigénicos y desus procesos de descontaminaciónType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cáceres, SpainDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Organising entity: Red Nacional de Excelenciasobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de susprocesos de descontaminación.

Type of entity: **Universitats públiques

González-Arias CA; Marín S; Rojas-García AE; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ."Libro de Abstracts, pp. 33".

14 Title of the work: Evaluación in vitro de la capacidad de adsorción de micotoxinas de bentonitasdioctaédricas y trioctaédricasName of the conference: II Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigénicos y desus procesos de descontaminaciónType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cáceres, SpainDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Organising entity: Red Nacional de Excelenciasobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de susprocesos de descontaminación.

Type of entity: **Universitats públiques

Vila P; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ."Libro de Abstracts, pp. 40".

15 Title of the work: Estabilidad del Alternariol y el Alternariol monometil éter a lo largo del procesadoindustrial de productos derivados de tomate.Name of the conference: XX Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: León, SpainDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Estiarte, N.; Crespo-Sempere, A.; Sanchis, V.; Worobo, R.W.; Ramos, AJ:.

16 Title of the work: In vitro biotransformation of ochratoxin A using a co-culture system with Caco-2 andHepG2 cells.Name of the conference: XIV International Congress of ToxicologyType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mérida, MexicoDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Organising entity: International Union of Toxicology Type of entity: **Associacions d'investigacióGonzález-Arias C; Marín S; Rojas-García AE; Sanchis V; Ramos, AJ."Abstract book, pp. S136".



17 Title of the work: Use of high carotenoid transgenic maize in poultry feed.Name of the conference: I Jornada de Recerca a la UdL: El doctorat com a motor d'innovació.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2016End date: 2016Díaz-Gómez, J.; Moreno, J.; Angulo, E.; Sandmann, G.; Zhu, C.; Ramos, A.J.; Capell, T.; Christou, P.;Nogareda, C.

18 Title of the work: Modelización de la probabilidad de crecimiento y produccion de aflatoxina B1 porAspergillus flavus en pistachos en condiciones no isotermas.Name of the conference: 1er Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos yde sus procesos de descontaminación (MICOFOOD).Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2015End date: 2015Organising entity: Red Nacional de Excelenciasobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de susprocesos de descontaminación.

Type of entity: **Universitats públiques

Aldars-García L; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S."Libro de abstracts del '1er Workshop de la Red Nacionalsobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de sus procesos de descontaminación' pp. 14.".

19 Title of the work: Estabilidad del deoxinivalenol y la ocratoxina a durante el proceso de elaboración delpan.Name of the conference: 1er Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos yde sus procesos de descontaminación (MICOFOOD).Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2015End date: 2015Organising entity: Red Nacional de Excelenciasobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de susprocesos de descontaminación.

Type of entity: **Universitats públiques

Vidal A; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V."Libro de abstracts del '1er Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre lasmicotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de sus procesos de descontaminación' pp. 16.".

20 Title of the work: Citotoxicidad y modulación de los genes del CYP450 por la ocratoxina a utilizando unsistema transwell de co-cultivo celularName of the conference: 1er Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos yde sus procesos de descontaminación (MICOFOOD)Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2015End date: 2015Organising entity: Red Nacional de Excelenciasobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de susprocesos de descontaminación.

Type of entity: **Universitats públiques



González-Arias CA; Crespo-Sempere A; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ."Libro de abstracts del '1erWorkshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de sus procesos dedescontaminación' pp. 53".

21 Title of the work: Determinación de mohos y micotoxinas en un maíz transgénico con alto contenido encarotenoides.Name of the conference: 1er Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos yde sus procesos de descontaminación (MICOFOOD).Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2015End date: 2015Organising entity: Red Nacional de Excelenciasobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de susprocesos de descontaminación.

Type of entity: **Universitats públiques

Díaz-Gómez J; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ."Libro de abstracts del '1er Workshop de la Red Nacionalsobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de sus procesos de descontaminación' pp. 54.".

22 Title of the work: Laea y Vea en Alternaria alternata y su efecto sobre el crecimiento, esporulación yproducción de micotoxinas.Name of the conference: 1er Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos yde sus procesos de descontaminación (MICOFOOD).Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2015End date: 2015Organising entity: Red Nacional de Excelenciasobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de susprocesos de descontaminación.

Type of entity: **Universitats públiques

Estiarte N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Crespo-Sempere A; Ramos AJ."Libro de abstracts del '1er Workshop de laRed Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigéncos y de sus procesos de descontaminación' pp. 55.".

23 Title of the work: Estudio comparativo de mohos y micotoxinas en dos variedades de maíz con diferentenivel de carotenoides destinadas a pienso para avesName of the conference: XX Simposio Anual de AVEDILAType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Gijón, SpainDate of event: 2015End date: 2015Organising entity: AVEDILA Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat de

lucreDíaz-Gómez J; Nogareda C; Zhu C; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ."Libro de Ponencias, pp.125".

24 Title of the work: Las micotoxinas en producción animal: un problema reemergente de difícil soluciónName of the conference: XX Simposio anual de AvedilaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Gijón, SpainDate of event: 2015



End date: 2015Organising entity: AVEDILA Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat de

lucreRamos, AJ."Libro de ponencias, pp. 45-52".

25 Title of the work: Efecto de la radiación UV-A y UV-B en Aspergillus aislados de viñedos españolesName of the conference: XIX Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Zaragoza, SpainDate of event: 2014End date: 2014Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Garcia-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.

26 Title of the work: Effect of ultraviolet radiation on conidial of potential mycotoxigenic Aspergillus species.Name of the conference: XII Congreso Latino Americano de Microbiología e Higiene de AlimentosMICROAL 2014.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Foz do Iguassu, BrazilDate of event: 2014End date: 2014Garcia-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.

27 Title of the work: Stability of deoxynivalenol and ochratoxin A through the bread-making process.Name of the conference: XII Congreso Latino Americano de Microbiología e Higiene de AlimentosMICROAL 2014.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Foz do Iguassu, BrazilDate of event: 2014End date: 2014Sanchis V; Vidal A; Ramos AJ; Marin S.

28 Title of the work: Ochratoxin A induces micronucleus formation and inhibition of DNA repair pathway inhuman lymphocytesName of the conference: The World Mycotoxin Forum. The 8th Conference. Mycotoxin control: thesystems approachType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Viena, AustriaDate of event: 2014End date: 2014González-Arias CA; Ramos AJ; Benítez-Trinidad AB; Sordo M; Robledo-Marenco ML; Medina-Díaz IM;Barrón-Vivanco BS; Marín S; Sanchis V; Rojas-García AE."Book of abstracts, pp. 104".

29 Title of the work: Targeting Fusarium graminearum control via polyamine enzyme inhibitors and polyamineanalogues.Name of the conference: The World Mycotoxin Forum. The 8th Conference. Mycotoxin control: thesystems approach.



Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Viena, AustriaDate of event: 2014End date: 2014Crespo-Sempere A; Estiarte N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ. "Book of abstracts, pp. 143-144.".

30 Title of the work: Kinetics of ochratoxin A, deoxynivalenol and its conjugates during baking.Name of the conference: The World Mycotoxin Forum. The 8th Conference. Mycotoxin control: thesystems approach.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Viena, AustriaDate of event: 2014End date: 2014Vidal J; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S."Book of abstracts, pp. 156.".

31 Title of the work: The influence of 1-methylcyclopropene on Alternaria alternata fungal growth andmycotoxin production in tomatoes.Name of the conference: The World Mycotoxin Forum. The 8th Conference. Mycotoxin control: thesystems approach.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Viena, AustriaDate of event: 2014End date: 2014Estiarte N; Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Crespo-Sempere A."Book of abstracts, pp. 159.".

32 Title of the work: Ochratoxin A induces micronucleus formation and inhibition of DNA repair pathway inhuman lymphocytes.Name of the conference: The World Mycotoxin Forum. The 8th Conference. Mycotoxin control: thesystems approach.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talkCity of event: Viena, AustriaDate of event: 2014End date: 2014Ramos AJ.

33 Title of the work: Contamination of tomato and apple samples by viable Alternaria spp. analysed byPMA-qPCR.Name of the conference: ISM MycoRed International Conference Europe 2013.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Martina Franca, ItalyDate of event: 2013End date: 2013Estiarte N; Crespo-Sempere A; Berge A; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

34 Title of the work: VeA and LaeA transcriptional factors regulate ochratoxin A biosynthesis in Aspergilluscarbonarius.Name of the conference: ISM MycoRed International Conference Europe 2013.



Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Martina Franca, ItalyDate of event: 2013End date: 2013Crespo-Sempere A; Estiarte N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

35 Title of the work: Nuevas fronteras en la investigación de las micotoxinas.Name of the conference: IX Congreso Nacional de Toxicología. Sociedad Mexicana de Toxicología.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talkCity of event: Nuevo Vallarta, MexicoDate of event: 2013End date: 2013Organising entity: Sociedad Mexicana deToxicología

Type of entity: **Altres IPSFL extracomunitàries

Ramos, AJ."Memorias del IX Congreso Nacional de Toxicología. Sociedad Mexicana de Toxicología, pág.3.".

36 Title of the work: Efecto genotóxico de la ocratoxina A en células HepG2 mediante el ensayo cometa.Name of the conference: IX Congreso Nacional de Toxicología. Sociedad Mexicana de Toxicología.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Nuevo Vallarta, MexicoDate of event: 2013End date: 2013Organising entity: Sociedad Mexicana deToxicología

Type of entity: **Altres IPSFL extracomunitàries

Martínez-Delgado, C.A.; Vázquez-Estrada, G.; Verdín-Betancourt, F.A.; Benítez-Trinidad, A.B.;Sordo-Cedeño, M.; González-Arias, C.A.; Rojas-García, A.E.; Medina-Díaz, I.M.; Robledo-Marenco, M.L.;Ramos, A.J.; Barrón-Vivanco, B.S."Memorias del IX Congreso Nacional de Toxicología. Sociedad Mexicanade Toxicología, pág. 89.".

37 Title of the work: Micotoxinas y micobiota en alimento para camarón de granjas del estado de Nayarit,México.Name of the conference: IX Congreso Nacional de Toxicología. Sociedad Mexicana de Toxicología.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Nuevo Vallarta, MexicoDate of event: 2013End date: 2013Organising entity: Sociedad Mexicana deToxicología

Type of entity: **Altres IPSFL extracomunitàries

Girón-Pérez, M.I.; Romero-Bañuelos, C.A.; Robledo-Marenco, M.L.; Ramos, A.J."Memorias del IX CongresoNacional de Toxicología. Sociedad Mexicana de Toxicología, pág. 171.".

38 Title of the work: Bioaccesibilidad de la ocratoxina A en vino tintoName of the conference: IX Congreso Nacional de Toxicología. Sociedad Mexicana de ToxicologíaType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Nuevo Vallarta, MexicoDate of event: 2013



End date: 2013Organising entity: Sociedad Mexicana deToxicología

Type of entity: **Altres IPSFL extracomunitàries

Ramos, A.J.; Piquer-García, I.; Marín, S.; Sanchis, V.; González-Arias, C.A."Memorias del IX CongresoNacional de Toxicología. Sociedad Mexicana de Toxicología, pág. 175".

39 Title of the work: POs, FSOs and sampling influence in the determination of mycotoxins in pistachio.Name of the conference: Baseline. Final Conference.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Bolonia, ItalyDate of event: 2013End date: 2013Marin S; García-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.

40 Title of the work: Miembro del comité científico. (Scientific committee member)Name of the conference: IX Congreso Nacional de ToxicologíaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - othersCity of event: Nuevo Vallarta, MexicoDate of event: 2013End date: 2013Organising entity: Sociedad Mexicana deToxicología

Type of entity: **Altres IPSFL extracomunitàries

Ramos AJ.

41 Title of the work: Diversidad y perfiles ecofisiológicos de crecimiento de aislados de Aspergillus de lasección Nigri procedentes de diferentes escenarios climáticos.Name of the conference: VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Micotoxicología.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Rio Cuarto, ArgentinaDate of event: 2013End date: 2013Garcia-Cela E; Crespo-Sempere A; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.

42 Title of the work: Mycotoxins in tilapia fish (Oreochromis spp.) feed, and its potential oxidative damage onlymphocytes.Name of the conference: X Congress of the Latin-American Immunology AssociationType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Lima, PeruDate of event: 2012End date: 2012Rodríguez-Cervantes CH; Ramos AJ; Robledo-Marenco L; Medina IM; Rojas-García AE; Girón-PérezMI."Conference Proceedings, pp. 85".

43 Title of the work: Aplicaciones de la micología predictiva en el ámbito de la seguridad alimentariaName of the conference: XI Congreso Nacional de MicologíaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talk



City of event: Cadiz, SpainDate of event: 2012End date: 2012Marin S; Garcia D; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

44 Title of the work: Prevención y control de mohos toxigénicos en alimentosName of the conference: XVIII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talkCity of event: Logroño, SpainDate of event: 2012End date: 2012Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marin S.

45 Title of the work: Mycotoxin contamination in wheat and oat based bran supplements from the Spanishretail marketName of the conference: International MPU Workshop 2012Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Bari, ItalyDate of event: 2012End date: 2012Vidal A; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V."Abstracts of lectures and posters of the MPUWhorkshop 2012. O 38".

46 Title of the work: Mycotoxin in special commodities: Gluten-free and ethnic foods.Name of the conference: International MPU Workshop 2012.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Bari, ItalyDate of event: 2012End date: 2012Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marin S."Abstracts of lectures and posters of the MPU Whorkshop2012. O 40.".

47 Title of the work: Cytotoxic effects of the simultaneous exposure of Caco-2 cells to mycotoxins andantioxidants.Name of the conference: World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Rotterdam, HollandDate of event: 2012End date: 2012Cano-Sancho G; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S; Fernández-Cruz ML."Book of abstracts, pp. 156.".

48 Title of the work: Application of propidium monoazide real-time quantitative PCR to quantify fungal viabilityof Alternaria spp. in tomato products.Name of the conference: World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: International



Type of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Rotterdam, HollandDate of event: 2012End date: 2012Crespo-Sempere A; Estiarte N; Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos AJ."Book of abstracts, pp. 166-167.".

49 Title of the work: How will climate change affect the effectiveness of wheat field antifungals?Name of the conference: World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Rotterdam, HollandDate of event: 2012End date: 2012García-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S."Book of abstracts, pp. 222.".

50 Title of the work: Food safety objectives applied to the risk of mycotoxins in pistachio.Name of the conference: World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Rotterdam, HollandDate of event: 2012End date: 2012García-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S."Book of abstracts, pp. 217.".

51 Title of the work: Exposure assessment of Catalonian (Spain) population to Fusarium mycotoxinsName of the conference: 2nd InternationalCIGR Workshop on Food Safety: Technologies and InnovationsApplied to Food Saety.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2012End date: 2012Cano-Sancho, G.; Marin, S.; Ramos, A. J.; Sanchis, V.

52 Title of the work: Exposure assessment to ochratoxin A in Catalonia (Spain) based on consumption ofcereals, nuts, coffee, wine and beer.Name of the conference: 2 InternationalCIGR Workshop on Food Safety: Technologies and InnovationsApplied to Food Saety.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2012End date: 2012Coronel, B.; Vidal, A.; Estiarte, N.; Ramos, A.J.; Sanchis, V.

53 Title of the work: Mould growth and mycotoxin production intraespecific variability: a study with Penicillliumexpansum isolates.Name of the conference: International Congress of Postharvest Pathology.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Lleida, Spain



Date of event: 2011End date: 2011Garcia D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.

54 Title of the work: Modelling the growth of ochratoxigenic Aspergillus carbonarius isolated from Argentineandried vine.Name of the conference: International Congress of Postharvest Pathology.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2011End date: 2011Patriarca A; Romero SM; Vaamonde G; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

55 Title of the work: Ochratoxin A in human blood plasma and urine as biomarkers of the exposureName of the conference: 4th International Symposium. Mycotoxins: Challenges and Perspectives.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Ghent, BelgiumDate of event: 2011End date: 2011Coronel MB; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

56 Title of the work: Mycotoxins in pistachio.Name of the conference: V Baseline Meeting.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talkCity of event: Dublin, IrelandDate of event: 2011End date: 2011Sanchis V; Garcia-Cela E; Ramos AJ; Marin S.

57 Title of the work: Predictive modelling as a tool for Performance Objectives (PO) achievement andPerformance Criteria (PC) and Process/Product Criteria (PcC/PdC) calculation for the mycotoxin hazard.Name of the conference: 7th International Conference 2011 on Predictive Modelling of Food Safety andQualityType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Dublin, IrelandDate of event: 2011End date: 2011Garcia D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S."Conference Proceedings, pp. 357-360".

58 Title of the work: Determination of mycotoxins in fish feed from Nayarit, Mexico and its potential for in vitrooxidative damage in lymphocytes of Tilapia (Oreochromis spp)Name of the conference: MYCORED ARGENTINA - ISM 2011 Conference - Strategies to reduce theimpact of mycotoxins in Latin America in a global contextType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Mendoza, ArgentinaDate of event: 2011



End date: 2011Rodriguez-Cervantes CH; Ramos AJ; Robledo ML; Sanchis V; Marin S; Giron-Perez MI.

59 Title of the work: Impact of cycling temperatures on Fusarium verticillioides and F. graminearum growthand mycotoxin production in soybeanName of the conference: MYCORED ARGENTINA - ISM 2011 Conference - Strategies to reduce theimpact of mycotoxins in Latin America in a global contextType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mendoza, ArgentinaDate of event: 2011End date: 2011Garcia D; Barros G; Chulze SN; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.

60 Title of the work: How will climate change affect the effectiveness of grape field fungicides?Name of the conference: MYCORED ARGENTINA - ISM 2011 Conference - Strategies to reduce theimpact of mycotoxins in Latin America in a global contextType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mendoza, ArgentinaDate of event: 2011End date: 2011Garcia-Cela E; Gonzalez-Arias C; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.

61 Title of the work: Modelling the effect of temperature and water activity in the growth boundaries ofAspergillus flavus isolates from cornName of the conference: MYCORED ARGENTINA - ISM 2011 Conference - Strategies to reduce theimpact of mycotoxins in Latin America in a global contextType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mendoza, ArgentinaDate of event: 2011End date: 2011Astoreca AL; Vaamonde G; Dalcero AM; Ramos AJ; Marin S.

62 Title of the work: Influence of abiotic factors and their interactions on aflatoxin B1 and cyclopiazonic acidco-production by strains of Aspergillus flavus isolated from cornName of the conference: MYCORED ARGENTINA - ISM 2011 Conference - Strategies to reduce theimpact of mycotoxins in Latin America in a global contextType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mendoza, ArgentinaDate of event: 2011End date: 2011Astoreca AL; Vaamonde G; Dalcero AM; Marin S; Ramos AJ.

63 Title of the work: Dietary intake of zearalenone in Catalonia (Spain)Name of the conference: MYCORED ARGENTINA - ISM 2011 Conference - Strategies to reduce theimpact of mycotoxins in Latin America in a global contextType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mendoza, Argentina



Date of event: 2011End date: 2011Cano-Sancho G; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marin S.

64 Title of the work: Mycobiota and co-occurrence of mycotoxins in Capsicum powder samples available inthe Spanish marketName of the conference: MYCORED ARGENTINA - ISM 2011 Conference - Strategies to reduce theimpact of mycotoxins in Latin America in a global contextType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mendoza, ArgentinaDate of event: 2011End date: 2011Santos L; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

65 Title of the work: Modelling of A. parasiticus growth under non optimal environmental conditions.Name of the conference: VI Latin American Congress of Mycotoxicology.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mérida, MexicoDate of event: 2010End date: 2010García, D.; Ramos, A.J.; Sanchis, V.; Marín, S.

66 Title of the work: Dietary intake of aflatoxins by Catalonian (Spain) population.Name of the conference: VI Latin American Congress of Mycotoxicology.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mérida, MexicoDate of event: 2010End date: 2010Cano-Sancho G; Ramos AJ; Marín S; Sanchis V.

67 Title of the work: Ochratoxin A in roasted coffee in Catalonia, Spain.Name of the conference: VI Latin American Congress of Mycotoxicology.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mérida, MexicoDate of event: 2010End date: 2010Coronel MB; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.

68 Title of the work: Co-occurrence of aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in Capsicum powder samplesavailable on the Spanish market.Name of the conference: VI Latin American Congress of Mycotoxicology.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Mérida, MexicoDate of event: 2010End date: 2010Santos, L.; Marín, S.; Sanchis, V.; Ramos, A.J.



69 Title of the work: Incidencia de aflatoxina M1 en derivados lácteos. Evaluación de la exposición enCataluñaName of the conference: XVII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valladolid, SpainDate of event: 2010End date: 2010Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

García E; Cano G; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.

70 Title of the work: Actividad antifúngica y antimicotoxigénica de extractos hidroalcohólicos de Equisetum sp.y Stevia sp.Name of the conference: IX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica (SEAE)Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2010End date: 2010García, D.; García, E.; Marín, S.; Ramos, A.J.; Sanchis, V.

71 Title of the work: Adaptació especifica del pràcticum de la UdL en les noves titulacions de grauName of the conference: Jornada d'Innovació docent i tutoria universitàriaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2010End date: 2010A. Tena; A. Vendrell; M. Moltó; M. Balcells; J. Monyarc; F. Badia; Mª J. Motilva; A. Ramos; J.L. Gallizo.

72 Title of the work: Ocurrence of mycotoxins in Catalonia (Spain) and global exposure assessment.Name of the conference: Workshop Mycotoxicological risks in Mediterranean countriesType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Cairo, EgyptDate of event: 2010End date: 2010Sanchis V; Cano-Sancho G; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

73 Title of the work: Dietary intake of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol by the catalonia (Spain) population.Name of the conference: Workshop Mycotoxicological risks in Mediterranean countriesType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cairo, EgyptDate of event: 2010End date: 2010Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.



74 Title of the work: In vitro antifungal and antimycotoxigenic activity of extracts of Equisetum sp. and Steviasp.Name of the conference: Workshop Mycotoxicological risks in Mediterranean countriesType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cairo, EgyptDate of event: 2010End date: 2010García D; García E; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.

75 Title of the work: Modelling of Aspergillus ochraceus growth under non optimal environmental conditions.Name of the conference: Advanced tools for shelf-life and safety prediction in the food chain. SAFEConsortium/AZTI-Tecnalia Food Safety Seminar.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Bilbao, SpainDate of event: 2010End date: 2010García D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.

76 Title of the work: Intraspecific variability of growth and mycotoxin production of Aspergillus carbonariusunder marginal conditions.Name of the conference: The World Mycotoxin Forum. 6th Conference.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Noordwijkerhout, HollandDate of event: 2010End date: 2010García D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S."Abstracts of lectures and posters of the The World MycotoxinForum. 6th Conference. pag. 195.".

77 Title of the work: Aspergillus tubingensis, A. ochraceus and A. westerdijkiae growth and ochratoxin Acontrol by fungicides frequently used on Capsicum sp. pre-harvest treatments. An in vitro study.Name of the conference: The World Mycotoxin Forum. 6th Conference.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Noordwijkerhout, HollandDate of event: 2010End date: 2010Santos L; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ."Abstracts of lectures and posters of the The World MycotoxinForum. 6th Conference. pag. 202.".

78 Title of the work: Actividad antifúngica y antimicotoxigénica de extractos hidoralcohólicos de Equisetum yStevia.Name of the conference: IX Congreso SEAE.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cairo, EgyptDate of event: 2010End date: 2010García D; García E; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.



79 Title of the work: Ocurrence of patulin in apple juice and apple products and exposure assessment of thepopulation from Catalonia (Spain).Name of the conference: The SAFE Consortium International Congress on Food Safety.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Girona, SpainDate of event: 2009End date: 2009Cano-Sancho G; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

80 Title of the work: Mycotoxigenic mould growth parameters as affected by suboptimal environmentalconditions and inoculum size.Name of the conference: The SAFE Consortium International Congress on Food Safety.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Girona, SpainDate of event: 2009End date: 2009García D; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Marín S.

81 Title of the work: Resaerch at the Food Technology Department of the University of Lleida.Name of the conference: Food Technology Erasmus Workshop. 21-22 Mayo 2009.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2009End date: 2009Ramos AJ.

82 Title of the work: Aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in pistachios sampled in Spain: occurrence and presence ofmycotoxigenic fungi.Name of the conference: ISM Conference 2009. Worldwide Mycotoxin Reduction in Food and Feed chains.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Tulln, AustriaDate of event: 2009End date: 2009Ramos AJ; Fername F; Sanchis V; Marin S.

83 Title of the work: Occurrence of fumonisins in corn based food and exposure assessment of populationfrom Catalonia (Spain).Name of the conference: ISM Conference 2009. Worldwide Mycotoxin Reduction in Food and Feed chains.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Tulln, AustriaDate of event: 2009End date: 2009Sanchis V; Cano-Sancho G; Ramos AJ; Marin S.



84 Title of the work: The career prospects of the ETSEA students: a survey to students and companies, thetwo sides of the same coin.Name of the conference: 9th European Conference on Higher Agricultural EducationType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2008End date: 2008Ramos AJ, Lloveras J.

85 Title of the work: 9th European Conference on Higher Agricultural EducationName of the conference: 9th European Conference on Higher Agricultural EducationType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Organizing committeeCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2008End date: 2008Ramos AJ.

86 Title of the work: Chairman de 2 sesiones en el 9th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education(**Presidència de sessió)Name of the conference: 9th European Conference on Higher Agricultural EducationType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - othersCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2008End date: 2008Ramos AJ.

87 Title of the work: Co-ocurrencia de micotoxinas de Fusarium en cereales para alimentación animal.Name of the conference: II Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Seguridad Alimentaria. V Congreso Españolde Ingenieria de Alimentos (CESIA-CIBSA 2008)Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Barcelona, SpainDate of event: 2008End date: 2008Santos L; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

88 Title of the work: Asistencia al 3rd Erasmus Workshop, organizado por la Universidad de Gent (Bélgica)Name of the conference: 3rd Erasmus WorkshopType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - othersCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2008End date: 2008Ramos AJ.

89 Title of the work: Efecto sobre la producción de patulina por Penicillium expansum de diferentesvariedades de manzanas y peras.Name of the conference: XVI Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los Alimentos.



Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cordoba, SpainDate of event: 2008End date: 2008Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Ramos AJ; Morales H; Barros G; Marín S; Sanchis V.

90 Title of the work: Predicción del crecimiento de hongos aflatoxigénicos en extractos de pimentón enfunción de la disponibilidad de agua.Name of the conference: XVI Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los Alimentos.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cordoba, SpainDate of event: 2008End date: 2008Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Marín S; Colom C; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

91 Title of the work: Ocratoxina A en plasma de donantes de sangre de la provincia de Lleida.Name of the conference: XVI Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los Alimentos.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cordoba, SpainDate of event: 2008End date: 2008Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Sanchis V; Coronel MB; Peris J; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

92 Name of the conference: 9th European Conference on Higher Agricultural EducationType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Organizing committeeCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2008End date: 2008Lloveras J; Badia C; Lopez T; Michelena A; Ramos A; Roure G; Santiveri, F.

93 Title of the work: Primary modeling of growth of mycotoxin producing fungal species in solid medium.Name of the conference: XII International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Estambul, TurkeyDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Marín S; Cuevas D; Ramos A.J; Sanchis V.



94 Title of the work: Distribution of aflatoxins in the dry milling process of rice.Name of the conference: XII International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Estambul, TurkeyDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Marín S; Castells M; Sanchis V; Ramos A.J.

95 Title of the work: Fungal interaction and pre-harvest pesticie treatment effects on ochratoxin Aaccumulation in dehydrated grapes.Name of the conference: XII International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Estambul, TurkeyDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Ramos A.J; Valero A; Sanchis V; Marin S.

96 Title of the work: An HACCP approach to control of patulin in apple juice post-harvest measures.Name of the conference: XII International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Estambul, TurkeyDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Sanchis V; Morales H; Ramos A.J; Marin S.

97 Title of the work: Ecophysiology of Penicillium expansum in apples effect of inoculum size and intraspecificinteractions.Name of the conference: XII International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Estambul, TurkeyDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Sanchis V; Morales H; Marin S; Ramos A.J.

98 Title of the work: Intra- and inter-specific interactions modulate ochratoxin A production by Aspergillussection nigri during grape dehydration.Name of the conference: XII International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Estambul, TurkeyDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Ramos A.J; Valero A; Marin S; Sanchis V.

99 Title of the work: Ocratoxina A en vinos especiales europeosName of the conference: IV Congreso de Ciencia y Tecnología de AlimentosType of event: Conference



Type of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Tenerife, SpainDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Ramos AJ; Valero A; Marín S; Sanchis V."pag. 545".

100 Title of the work: Prevention of postharvest patulin contamination in apples intended for juice production.Name of the conference: Workshop in Food Mycology.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talkCity of event: Key West, United States of AmericaDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Sanchis V; Morales H; Ramos A.J; Marin S.

101 Title of the work: Modelling of the individual and combined effects of moisture content and temperature onthe radial growth of black Apergilli in pistachio nuts.Name of the conference: 5th International Conference Predictive Modelling in Foods. IC PMF 2007.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Atenas, GreeceDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Hodzic I; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marin S.

102 Title of the work: Presencia de ocratoxina A (OTA) en vinos especiales europeos. La pasificación y surepercusión en el contenido de OTA en los vinosName of the conference: Simposi Internacional. Microbiologia i Seguretat Alimentària del Vi.Microsafetywine.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Vilafranca del Penedès, SpainDate of event: 2007End date: 2007Marín S; Valero A; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.

103 Title of the work: Efecto del estado de madurez de las manzanas previamente frigoconservadas en lacontaminación por patulina y su difusión al tejido sanoName of the conference: XV Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Orense, SpainDate of event: 2006End date: 2006Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Morales H; Sanchis V; Marín S; Ramos A.J.

104 Title of the work: Hongos filamentosos en matrices sólidas: ¿Cómo cuantificar su crecimiento?.Name of the conference: XV Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: Conference



Type of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Orense, SpainDate of event: 2006End date: 2006Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Marín S; Ramos A.J; Sanchis V.

105 Title of the work: Colonización fúngica y producción de ocratoxina A por cepas de Aspergillus sección Nigrien uvas sometidas a deshidratación. Efecto de la flora acompañanteName of the conference: XV Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Orense, SpainDate of event: 2006End date: 2006Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Ramos A.J; Valero A; Sanchis V; Marín S.

106 Title of the work: Contaminación por patulina en manzanas en postcosecha: efecto del tratamientofungicida y del almacenamiento en atmósfera controladaName of the conference: XV Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Orense, SpainDate of event: 2006End date: 2006Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Sanchis V; Morales H; Ramos A.J; Marín S.

107 Title of the work: Estrategias para la prevención de la contaminación por ocratoxina A en vino y derivadosde uvaName of the conference: XX Congreso Nacional de MicrobiologíaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talkCity of event: Caceres, SpainDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Sanchis V; Belli N; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

108 Title of the work: Influencia del periodo de postcosecha en la acumulación de patulina en manzanaGolden.Name of the conference: XX Congreso Nacional de MicrobiologíaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Caceres, SpainDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Morales H; Marin S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.



109 Title of the work: Incidencia de ocratoxina A y cepas productoras de OTA en café verde. Modelospredictivos para el crecimiento de Aspergillus ochraceus.Name of the conference: XX Congreso Nacional de MicrobiologíaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Caceres, SpainDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Pardo E; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

110 Title of the work: Incubation time and temperature effects in ochratoxin A production by Aspergilluscarbonarius.Name of the conference: International Workshop. Ochratoxin A in grapes and wine: Prevention andcontrol.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Marsala, ItalyDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Marín S; Bellí N; Sanchis V; Lasram S; Ghorbel A; Ramos AJ.

111 Title of the work: Ecophysiological studies on OTA-producing species of black aspergilli.Name of the conference: International Workshop. Ochratoxin A in grapes and wine: Prevention andcontrol.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talkCity of event: Marsala, ItalyDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Ramos AJ; Bellí N; Marín S; Sanchis V.

112 Title of the work: Influence of mycoflora on ochratoxin A production by Aspergillus carbonarius at differentenvironmental conditions.Name of the conference: International Workshop. Ochratoxin A in grapes and wine: Prevention andcontrol.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Marsala, ItalyDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Sanchis V; Valero A; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

113 Title of the work: Aspergillus section Nigri dominance during the sun-dried grape processing.Name of the conference: International Workshop. Ochratoxin A in grapes and wine: Prevention andcontrol.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Marsala, ItalyDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Valero A; Ramos AJ; Marín S; Sanchis V.



114 Title of the work: OTA-producing species from Spanish wine grapes.Name of the conference: International Workshop. Ochratoxin A in grapes and wine: Prevention andcontrol.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Marsala, ItalyDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Bellí N; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

115 Title of the work: Effects of fungicides on ochratoxigenic black aspergilli.Name of the conference: International Workshop. Ochratoxin A in grapes and wine: Prevention andcontrol.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Marsala, ItalyDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Bellí N; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

116 Title of the work: Two-dimensional profiles of germination, growth and fumonisin B1 ptoduction byFusarium section Liseola in relation to environmental factorsName of the conference: Reducing Impact of Mycotoxins in Tropical Agriculture. Mycoglobe meetingType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Accra, GhanaDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Marín S; Magan N; Bellí N; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V."Abstract Book, pp. 60".

117 Title of the work: Occurrence of ochratoxigenic fungi and ochratoxin A in green coffee and predictivemodels for fungal growth preventionName of the conference: Reducing Impact of Mycotoxins in Tropical Agriculture. Mycoglobe meetingType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Accra, GhanaDate of event: 2005End date: 2005Pardo E; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ."Abstract Book, pp. 61".

118 Title of the work: Reducción de la concentración de fumonisina B1 en maíz mediante extrusionado.Name of the conference: XIV Congreso de Microbiología de los Alimentos.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Girona, SpainDate of event: 2004End date: 2004Ramos AJ; Castells M; Marín S; Sanchis V.



119 Title of the work: Ecofisiología de los mohos productores de ocratoxina A en uva.Name of the conference: XIV Congreso de Microbiología de los Alimentos.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Girona, SpainDate of event: 2004End date: 2004Sanchis V; Bellí N; Ramos AJ; Marín S.

120 Title of the work: Efecto de la extrusión en la reducción de la fumonisina B1 presente en harina de maízName of the conference: III Congreso Español de Ingeniería de Alimentos (CESIA 2004)Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Pamplona, SpainDate of event: 2004End date: 2004Castells M; Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

121 Title of the work: Ecophysiology of fumonisin producers in Fusarium section Liseola.Name of the conference: 5th International Workshop on Food Mycology.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote talkCity of event: Samso, DenmarkDate of event: 2003End date: 2003Sanchis V; Marín S Magan N; Ramos AJ.

122 Title of the work: Presencia de ocratoxina A y sus potenciales productores en uvas españolas.Name of the conference: VI Congreso Nacional de Micología.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2002End date: 2002Bellí N; Pardo E; Marín S; Farré G; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.

123 Title of the work: Influencia de la actividad de agua y temperatura sobre la germinación, crecimiento yproducción de ocratoxina A de tres cepas de Aspergillus ochraceus en cebada.Name of the conference: VI Congreso Nacional de Micología.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2002End date: 2002Pardo E; Marín S; Solsona A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ.

124 Title of the work: Impact of environment and interactions of Fusarium verticillioides and Fusariumproliferatum with Aspergillus parasiticus on fumonisin B1 and aflatoxin on maize grain.Name of the conference: International Symposium on Bioactive Fungal Metabolites-Impact andExplotation.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: International



Type of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Swansea, United KingdomDate of event: 2001End date: 2001Marín S; Albareda X; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V."pag. 76".

125 Title of the work: Occurrence of fumonisin B1 in Spanish corn-based foods or animal and humanconsumption.Name of the conference: International Symposium on Bioactive Fungal Metabolites-Impact andExplotation.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Swansea, United KingdomDate of event: 2001End date: 2001Sanchis V; Velluti A; Marín S; Ramos AJ."pag. 90".

126 Title of the work: Determination of the efficacy of essential oils on inhibition of growth of strains of Fusariumspp. on maize-based agar media.Name of the conference: International Symposium on Bioactive Fungal Metabolites-Impact andExplotation.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Swansea, United KingdomDate of event: 2001End date: 2001Velluti A; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; González P; Marín S."pag. 103".

127 Title of the work: Identificación de la micotoxina deoxinivalenol en trigo y maíz forrajero de Nayarit.Name of the conference: 5ª Reunión de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Nayarit.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Tepic, MexicoDate of event: 2001End date: 2001Bañuelos MAM; Robledo ML; Ramos AJ."pag. 163-164".

128 Title of the work: Efecto de la competición fúngica en la colonización de granos de maíz por Fusariummoniliforme, F. proliferatum y F. graminearum y en la producción de Fumonisina B1 y de ZearalenonaName of the conference: XII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Oviedo, SpainDate of event: 2000End date: 2000Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Velluti A; Marín S; Bettucci L; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V."Libro de resúmenes, pp. 171".

129 Title of the work: Control de la alteración fúngica en análogos de magdalenas mediante la accióncombinada de conservantes, pH y actividades de aguaName of the conference: XII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los Alimentos



Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Oviedo, SpainDate of event: 2000End date: 2000Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Guynot ME; Marín S; Sala D; Arbonés J; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ."Libro de resúmenes, pp. 234".

130 Title of the work: Control In Vitro de la alteración fúngica en productos de bollería mediante la accióncombinada de conservantes, pH, y actividad de aguaName of the conference: XII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Oviedo, SpainDate of event: 2000End date: 2000Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Marín S; Ramos AJ; Neira P; Bernadó M; Sanchis V."Libro de resúmenes, pp. 237".

131 Title of the work: Potencial for control of Fusarium species and their mycotoxins using naturalpreservatives.Name of the conference: Food Safety in Europe. Challenges and Opportunities.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cranfield, United KingdomDate of event: 2000End date: 2000Magan N; Sanchis V; Marín S; Velluti A; Ramos AJ; Hope R.

132 Title of the work: Identificación de ocratoxina A en café de Nayarit.Name of the conference: VII Jornada de Investigación CientíficaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Nayarit, MexicoDate of event: 2000End date: 2000López A; Robledo ML; Ramos AJ.

133 Title of the work: Determinación de toxina T-2 en granos de maíz forrajero del Estado de Nayarit.Name of the conference: VII Jornada de Investigación CientíficaType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Nayarit, MexicoDate of event: 2000End date: 2000Zavala A; Robledo ML; Ramos AJ.



134 Title of the work: Fumonisin B1, zearalenone and deoxynivalenol production by Fusarium verticilloides, F.proliferatum, and F. graminearum in mixed cultures on irradiated corn kernelsName of the conference: 6th European Fusarium Seminar & 3rd COST 835 workshop of agriculturallyimportant toxigenic fungiType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Berlín, GermanyDate of event: 2000End date: 2000Sanchis V; Velluti A; Ramos AJ; Marín S."Abstract book, pp. 112".

135 Title of the work: Ecology and control of growth and fumonisin production by Fusarium spp. in maizeName of the conference: 6th European Fusarium Seminar & 3rd COST 835 workshop of agriculturallyimportant toxigenic fungiType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Berlín, GermanyDate of event: 2000End date: 2000Sanchis V; Magan N; Marín S; Ramos AJ."Abstract book, pp. 41".

136 Title of the work: Determinación de ocratoxina A en granos de café verde del Estado de NayaritName of the conference: III Reunión de Investigación y Desarrollo TecnológicoType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Nayarit, MexicoDate of event: 1999End date: 1999Verde R; Robledo ML; Ramos AJ.

137 Title of the work: Efecto de la temperatura y la actividad de agua sobre el crecimiento de tres especies deEurotium en un producto de bollería.Name of the conference: XI Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Pamplona, SpainDate of event: 1998End date: 1998Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Abellana M; Magrí X; Sanchis V; Viñas I; Ramos AJ.

138 Title of the work: Efecto de la temperatura y la actividad de agua sobre la germinación y el crecimiento detres especies de EurotiumName of the conference: XI Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Pamplona, SpainDate of event: 1998End date: 1998Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre



Abellana M; Benedi J; Sanchis V; Torres M; Ramos AJ.

139 Title of the work: Control of Growth and fumonisin B1 production by Fusarium proliferatum on irradiatedmaize using propionatesName of the conference: Mycotox98Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Toulouse, FranceDate of event: 1998End date: 1998Sanchis V; Castel I; Marín S; Ramos AJ."Abstract boob, pp. 540".

140 Title of the work: Efficacy of propionates against population of Fusarium spp, fumonisin B1 and otherspoilage fungi in maizeName of the conference: Mycotox98Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Toulouse, FranceDate of event: 1998End date: 1998Marín S; Magan N; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V."Abstract book, pp. 537".

141 Title of the work: Producción de fumonisina B1 por Fusarium moniliforme y Fusarium proliferatum en trigo,cebada y maízName of the conference: XI Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Pamplona, SpainDate of event: 1998End date: 1998Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Serra J; Sala N.

142 Title of the work: Effect of water activity and tempetature on ochratoxin production by three strains ofAspergillus ochraceus on barley grains.Name of the conference: 2º Simposio virtual de micotoxinas. Asociación Latinoamericana de Micología.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterDate of event: 1998End date: 1998A.J.Ramos; N.Labernia; S.Marín; V.Sanchis; N.Magan.

143 Title of the work: Colonisation of maize grain by Fusarium moniliforme and F.proliferatum in the presenceof Aspergillus spp. and their impact on fumonisin production.Name of the conference: Mycotox 98Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Toulouse, FranceDate of event: 1998End date: 1998



Ramos AJ; Rull F; Sanchis V; Marín S."pág. 523".

144 Title of the work: Fusarium moniliforme and F. proliferatum in the presence of Aspergillus spp. and theirimpact on fumonisin productionName of the conference: Mycotox98Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Toulouse, FranceDate of event: 1998End date: 1998Ramos AJ; Rull F; Sanchis V; Marín S."Abstract book, pp. 523".

145 Title of the work: Interactions on growth between Fusarium moniliforme, F. proliferatum, and Penicilliumimplicatum on maize grain depending on water activity and temperature levels.Name of the conference: 5th European Seminar on Fusarium. Fusarium Mycotoxins, Taxonomy andPathogenicityType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Szeged, HungaryDate of event: 1997End date: 1997Marín S; Rull F; Ramos AJ; Torres M; Sala N; Sanchis V.

146 Title of the work: Contaminación fúngica y su relación con factores abióticos (pH y aw) en productos debollería.Name of the conference: XVI Congreso de la Sdad Española de MicrobiologíaType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Barcelona, SpainDate of event: 1997End date: 1997Ramos AJ; Torres L; Marín S; Sanchis V; Abellana M."Libro de resúmenes, pp. 167".

147 Title of the work: Scanning electron microscopy study of germination and growth of Fusarium moniliformeon the surface of maize grainName of the conference: 5th European Seminar on Fusarium. Fusarium Mycotoxins, Taxonomy andPathogenicityType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Szeged, HungaryDate of event: 1997End date: 1997Ramos AJ; Soler J; Torres MR; Marín S; Magan N.

148 Title of the work: Effect of water activity on hydrolytic enzyme production by Fusarium moniliforme and F.proliferatum in early stages of growth on maizeName of the conference: 5th European Seminar on Fusarium. Fusarium Mycotoxins, Taxonomy andPathogenicityType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Szeged, HungaryDate of event: 1997



End date: 1997Marín S; Sanchis V; Ramos AJ; Viñas I; Magan N.

149 Title of the work: Fungal reactions of Fusarium spp. and other species isolated from maize wheninteracting on agar media at different water activity and temperature levelsName of the conference: 5th European Seminar on Fusarium. Fusarium Mycotoxins, Taxonomy andPathogenicityType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Szeged, HungaryDate of event: 1997End date: 1997Sanchis V; Companys E; Marín S; Abellana M; Ramos AJ.

150 Title of the work: The impact of ecological factors on germination, growth, fumonisin production ofFusarium moniliforme and F. proliferatum and their interactions with other common maize fungiName of the conference: 5th European Seminar on Fusarium. Fusarium Mycotoxins, Taxonomy andPathogenicityType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - oral communicationCity of event: Szeged, HungaryDate of event: 1997End date: 1997Magan N; Marín S; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V.

151 Title of the work: Osmotic and matric potential effects on growth and partioning of polyols and sugars inmycelial colonies and spores of the mycotoxigenic species Aspergillus ochraceus.Name of the conference: European Symposium on Fungal Physiology and Biochemistry.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Notingham, United KingdomDate of event: 1997End date: 1997Ramos AJ; Magan N; Sanchis V.

152 Title of the work: Effect of water activity on hydrolytic enzyme production by Fusarium moniliforme andF.proliferatum on maize grainName of the conference: Fifth European Fusarium SeminarType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - othersCity of event: Szeged (Hungria), HungaryDate of event: 1997End date: 1997Marin S; Sanchis V; Ramos A; Viñas I; Magan N.

153 Title of the work: Impact of environmental factors on germination, growth and fumonisin production byFusarium species from maizeName of the conference: IX International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and PhycotoxinsType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Roma, ItalyDate of event: 1996



End date: 1996Marín S; Sanchis V; Canela R; Ramos AJ; Viñas I; Magan N."Abstract Book, pp. 299".

154 Title of the work: Influencia de la actividad de agua y la temperatura sobre el crecimiento de tres cepas deAspergillus ochraceus en agar extracto de cebada.Name of the conference: X Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 1996End date: 1996Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Ramos AJ; Labernia N; Marín S; Sala N; Sanchis V."Libro de resúmenes, pp. 98-99.".

155 Title of the work: Efecto de la actividad de agua y la temperatura sobre la germinación de losmicroconidios de cepas de Fusarium moniliforme y F.proliferatum aisladas de maízName of the conference: X Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 1996End date: 1996Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Marín S; Teixidó A; Ramos AJ; Torres M; Sanchis V."Libro de resúmenes, pp. 99.".

156 Title of the work: Factores ambientales e interacciones interespecíficas entre cepas de Fusarium,Aspergillus, Penicillium, Eurotium y Trichoderma aisladas de maízName of the conference: X Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de los AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 1996End date: 1996Organising entity: Sociedad Española deMicrobiología

Type of entity: **Instit. privades sense finalitat delucre

Sanchis V; Saénz R; Marín S; Viñas I; Ramos AJ."Libro de resúmenes, pp. 99-100".

157 Title of the work: Factores ambientales e interacciones interespecíficas entre cepas de Fusarium,Aspergillus, Penicillium, Eurotium y Trichoderma aisladas de maizName of the conference: X Congreso Nacional de Microbiología de AlimentosType of event: ConferenceType of participation: Participatory - othersCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 1996End date: 1996Sanchis V; Saenz R; Marin S; Viñas I; Ramos A J.

158 Title of the work: Impact of environmental factors on germination, growth and fumonisin production byFusarium species from maizeName of the conference: IX International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and phycotoxins



Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: Participatory - othersCity of event: Roma (Italia), ItalyDate of event: 1996End date: 1996Marín S; Sanchis V; Canela R; Ramos A J; Viñas I; Magan N.

159 Title of the work: Enzymatic activity and mycotoxigenic capacity of Fusarium isolates.Name of the conference: 4th European Seminar on Fusarium. Fusarium Mycotoxins, Taxonomy andPathogenicity.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Martina Franca/Bari, ItalyDate of event: 1995End date: 1995Sala N; Canela R; Viñas I; Torres M; Viladrich R; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V."pag. 40".

160 Title of the work: The effect of cholestiramine and activated charcoal on zearalenone adsorption.Name of the conference: 4th European Seminar on Fusarium. Fusarium Mycotoxins, Taxonomy andPathogenicity.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Martina Franca/Bari, ItalyDate of event: 1995End date: 1995Ramos AJ; Sala N; Hernández E."pag. 68".

161 Title of the work: Aflatoxins incidence in sunflower seeds in CataloniaName of the conference: IX International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and PhycotoxinsType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Roma, ItalyDate of event: 1995End date: 1995Sala N; Vilaró P; Jiménez F; Torres M; Viladrich R; Ramos AJ; Sanchis V; Canela R.

162 Title of the work: Enzymatic activity and micotoxigenic capacity of Fusarium isolatesName of the conference: International Seminar on Fusarium Mycotoxins Taxonomy and PathogenicityType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Martina Franca (Italia), ItalyDate of event: 1995End date: 1995Sala N; Canela R; Viñas I; Torres M; Viladrich R; Ramos A J; Sanchis V.

163 Title of the work: Zearalenone absorption kinetics in rat small intestine.Name of the conference: 4th International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Division andof Mycology Division.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Praga, Czechoslovakia



Date of event: 1994End date: 1994Ramos AJ; Merino M; Hernández J; Hernández E."pag. 472".

164 Title of the work: Utilización de resin colestiramina para la adsorción in vitro de zearalenona.Name of the conference: IX Congreso de Microbiología de los Alimentos.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 1994End date: 1994Ramos AJ, Hernández E."pág. 170".

165 Title of the work: Screening for fusarin C production by Spanish isolates of Fusarium.Name of the conference: UK Workshop on Occurrence and Significance of Mycotoxins.Type of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Brunel, United KingdomDate of event: 1993End date: 1993Ramos AJ; Cantalejo MJ; Carrasco JM; Hernández E."pag. 28".

166 Title of the work: Resin colestiramina: un adsorbente de zearalenona de alta afinidad.Name of the conference: XIV Congreso Nacional de Microbiología.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Zaragoza, SpainDate of event: 1993End date: 1993Ramos AJ, Hernández E."pág. 235.".

167 Title of the work: Producción in vitro de tricotecenos y zearalenona por cepas de Fusarium.Name of the conference: III Jornadas de Investigación en el Máster en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Alimentos.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 1993End date: 1993Picazo JA; Ramos AJ; Hernández E.

168 Title of the work: Estudio de la producción de deoxinivalenol (DON) por cepas de Fusarium aisladas decereales.Name of the conference: II Jornadas de Investigación en el Máster en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Alimentos.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 1992End date: 1992Gasque L; Ramos AJ; Hernández E.



169 Title of the work: Eficacia de la montmorillonita para la adsorción in vitro de aflatoxinas.Name of the conference: VIII Reunión Científica de Microbiología de los Alimentos.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Cáceres, SpainDate of event: 1992End date: 1992Ramos AJ, Hernández E."pág. 131.".

170 Title of the work: Utilización de la ultrafiltración para la disminución de compuestos interferidores enmedios líquidos con aflatoxinas. Estudio preliminar.Name of the conference: III World Congress of Food TechnologyType of event: Conference Geographical area: InternationalType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Barcelona, SpainDate of event: 1991End date: 1991Ramos AJ; Torres MR; Soriano E; Hernández E. "pag. 174".

171 Title of the work: Utilización de bentonita para la adsorción de aflatoxinas en jugo intestinal simulado.Name of the conference: XIII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Salamanca, SpainDate of event: 1991End date: 1991Ramos AJ; Merino M; Hernández E."pag. 223".

172 Title of the work: Observaciones sobre el poder adsorbente de aflatoxinas por parte de silicatos naturales ysintéticos a pH similar al gástrico y al intestinal.Name of the conference: I Congreso de Zoonosis.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 1990End date: 1990Ramos AJ, Hernández E."pag. 125".

173 Title of the work: Utilización de silicatos naturales y sintéticos para la adsorción de aflatoxinas a pHsimilares al gástrico e intestinal.Name of the conference: VII Reunión Científica de Microbiología de los Alimentos.Type of event: ConferenceType of participation: 'Participatory - posterCity of event: Barcelona, SpainDate of event: 1990End date: 1990Ramos AJ, Hernández E."pag. 65".



Works submitted to national or international seminars, workshops and/or courses

1 Title of the work: Micotoxinas. Nuevos retos y estrategias de control en alimentación animal.Name of the event: Jornada "Perspectivas de futuro de la Ganadería y la IndustriaAgroalimentaria".Organizado por el Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Tarragona-IRTA-Asociación deVeterinarios de Porcino de Cataluña.Type of event: WorkshopReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: El Morell, Tarragona., SpainDate of event: 22/06/2017End date: 22/06/2017

2 Title of the work: Micotoxinas: situación actual y retos futurosName of the event: Joranada "Contaminantes Emergentes en el siglo XXI", organizada por la UniversidadInternacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP),Reasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Huesca, SpainDate of event: 29/09/2016End date: 29/09/2016

3 Title of the work: Micotoxinas: nuevos retos y estrategias para su control en alimentación animal.Name of the event: Dex III International Distributors ConventionReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Vila-seca, SpainDate of event: 27/09/2016End date: 27/09/2016

4 Title of the work: Las micotoxinas: nuevos retos para un problema que resurge con fuerza.Name of the event: Seminario r-Biopharm: Análisis de Micotoxinas en Alimentos.Type of event: SeminarReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Madrid, SpainDate of event: 16/06/2016End date: 16/06/2016

5 Title of the work: Micotoxinas en alimentos: cuando los mohos se convierten en nuestros enemigos.Name of the event: Ciclo de Conferencias "Ciencia y Alimentos".Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs.Reasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 06/11/2014End date: 06/11/2014

6 Title of the work: Micotoxinas y la cadena alimentaria, riesgos que supone su presencia en los alimentos yestrategias para minimizarlos.Name of the event: Seminario Bioser: "Micotoxinas, riesgos y efectos sobre la salud humana y animal.Métodos de análisis de micotoxinas en alimentos: situación actual".Type of event: SeminarReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Madrid, Spain



Date of event: 22/05/2014End date: 22/05/2014

7 Title of the work: Adsorbentes de micotoxinas: una herramienta útil en el control de las micotoxicosis enlos animalesName of the event: Jornada Técnica Pla Annual 2013 de Transferència Tecnològica (DAAM)Type of event: WorkshopReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Barcelona, SpainDate of event: 10/01/2014End date: 10/01/2014

8 Title of the work: Métodos rápidos de análisis de micotoxinas. Legislación europea.Name of the event: Jornada 'Ocratoxina A: un problema emergente para la industria vinícola'Type of event: WorkshopReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Mendoza, ArgentinaDate of event: 17/11/2011End date: 17/11/2011

9 Title of the work: Estrategias físico-químicas y/o biológicas de prevención de micotoxinas por el uso deadsorbentes. Estado actual del conocimiento en España.Name of the event: Reunión proyecto CYTED. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.Reasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Córdoba, ArgentinaDate of event: 19/10/2009End date: 19/10/2009

10 Title of the work: Calidad de Alimentos.Name of the event: Conferencia en la Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial (UNGE) por invitación delInstitut Catalunya-África.Reasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Malabo, Equatorial GuineaDate of event: 26/02/2008End date: 26/02/2008

11 Title of the work: Jornada sobre micotoxinas en alimentos y piensos. Organizada por el Centre deFormació i Estudis Agrorurals del DARP.Name of the event: JornadaType of event: WorkshopReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Reus, SpainDate of event: 22/06/2006End date: 22/06/2006

12 Title of the work: Influencia de la aw en el control de mohos alterantes y/o micotoxigénicos en alimentos.Name of the event: Jornada 'Principios y aplicaciones de la actividad de agua (aw) a la industriaalimentaria'. Organizado por Centro de Asesoría Dr. Ferrer SL.Type of event: WorkshopReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Valencia, Spain



Date of event: 28/04/2006End date: 28/04/2006

13 Title of the work: El proyecto estratégico del CeRTA sobre seguridad biótica y abiótica de los alimentos.Name of the event: Mesa Redonda 'La salud y la Seguridad Alimentaria: la apuesta del CeRTA'. FeriaAlimentaria 2006.Reasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Barcelona, SpainDate of event: 08/03/2006End date: 08/03/2006

14 Title of the work: Nuevas perspectivas en la investigación con micotoxinas.Name of the event: Centro Multidisciplinario de Investigación Científica (CEMIC). Univ. Aut. de NayaritReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Tepic (Nayarit), MexicoDate of event: 09/09/2004End date: 09/09/2004

15 Title of the work: Micotoxinas. Veinte años de investigación en la Universidad de Lleida.Name of the event: Centro Multidisciplinario de Investigación Científica (CEMIC). Univ. Aut. de NayaritReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Tepic (Nayarit), MexicoDate of event: 08/09/2004End date: 08/09/2004

16 Title of the work: Pastelería y bollería industrial.Name of the event: Curso 'Análisis y valoración de los factores que afectan al desarrollo microbiológico enalimentos'. Organizado por Centro de Asesoría Dr. Ferrer SL.Type of event: CourseReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Barcelona, SpainDate of event: 30/05/2002End date: 30/05/2002

17 Title of the work: Micotoxinas y micotoxicosisName of the event: Instituto Tecnológico de TepicReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Tepic, MexicoDate of event: 11/10/1999End date: 11/10/1999

18 Title of the work: Micotoxinas y MicotoxicosisName of the event: Universidad Autónoma de NayaritReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Nayarit, MexicoDate of event: 08/10/1999End date: 08/10/1999

19 Title of the work: Técnicas de análisis de micotoxinasName of the event: Universidad Autónoma de NayaritReasons for participation: Speaker



City of event: Nayarit, MexicoDate of event: 05/10/1999End date: 05/10/1999

20 Title of the work: III Curs Interuniversitari de Bioquímica de la nutrició y alimentació humana.Name of the event: Curs, Lloc: Universitat de les Illes Balears, Duració: 3 horesType of event: CourseReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Palma de Mallorca, SpainDate of event: 25/05/1998End date: 25/05/1998

21 Title of the work: Aflatoxinas.Name of the event: Instituto Tecnologógico de TepicReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Tepic, MexicoDate of event: 10/09/1997End date: 10/09/1997

22 Title of the work: Avances recientes en la investigación de las Micotoxinas.Name of the event: Coordinación de Investigación Científica. Univ.Autónoma de NayaritReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Tepic (Nayarit), MexicoDate of event: 03/09/1997End date: 03/09/1997

23 Title of the work: Parasitosis humanas transmitidas mediante el pescado en el Continente Americano.Name of the event: Facultad Ingeniera Pesquera. Univ. Autónoma de NayaritReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: San Blas (Nayarit), MexicoDate of event: 29/08/1997End date: 29/08/1997

24 Title of the work: Parásitos de la carne transmisibles al hombre.Name of the event: Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Univ. Aut.de NayaritReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Tepic (Nayarit), MexicoDate of event: 28/08/1997End date: 28/08/1997

25 Title of the work: Mohos y micotoxinas.Name of the event: Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Univ. Aut. de NayaritReasons for participation: SpeakerCity of event: Tepic (Nayarit), MexicoDate of event: 28/08/1997End date: 28/08/1997



R&D management and participation in scientific committees

Scientific, technical and/or assessment committees

1 Committee title: Tribunal de Tesis DoctoralAffiliation entity: Utrecht UniversityStart-End date: 2003 - 2003

2 Committee title: Tribunal de Tesis DoctoralAffiliation entity: Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)Start-End date: 2001 - 2001

3 Committee title: Tribunal de Tesis DoctoralAffiliation entity: Universitat de Lleida (UdL)Start-End date: 2001 - 2001

4 Committee title: Tribunal de Tesis DoctoralAffiliation entity: Universitat de ValènciaStart-End date: 2001 - 2001

5 Committee title: Tribunal de oposición.Affiliation entity: Universidad de SalamancaStart-End date: 2001 - 2001

6 Committee title: Tribunal de Tesis DoctoralAffiliation entity: Universidad de ExtremaduraStart-End date: 1999 - 1999

Organization of R&D activities

1 Title of the activity: Organización mesa redonda.Type of activity: Mesa redonda patrocinada por Supermercados Pujol, S.A., dentro de la Jornada Técnica"La controversia de los transgénicos". 21 de Octubre de 2002.Start date: 2002

2 Title of the activity: Estada professor visitant RecercaType of activity: Robledo Marenco, Lourdes (Profesora Titular)Start date: 2000

3 Title of the activity: Organització ConferènciaType of activity: Implantación de normas ISO 9000 en la industria alimentaria.Start date: 2000

4 Title of the activity: Organització ConferènciaType of activity: Fisiologia postcosecha de frutas tropicales minimamente procesadas.Start date: 2000



5 Title of the activity: Secretaría CursoType of activity: II Curso Práctico sobre Métodos Normalizados y Validados en Microbiología de Alimentos.Start date: 1998

6 Title of the activity: Organización meetingType of activity: Meeting of the Socrates program in Food Technology.Start date: 1998

R&D management

Name of the activity: Desde el 7 de julio de 1997, Director del Servicio Departamental de Asistencia a laInvestigación (SEDAI) "Control de Calidad Microbiológica en el Sector Agroalimentario" de la Universidad deLleida.Start date: 1997

Evaluation and revision of R&D projects and articles

1 Name of the activity: Evaluador en al XIV edición de los Premios de la Universitat de Lleida a trabajos deinvestigación de estudiantes de bachillerato y ciclos formativos, curso 2016/2017Entity where activity was carried out: Universitat de LleidaType of activity: Participation in panelsGeographical area: LocalStart-End date: 2017 - 2017

2 Name of the activity: Revisión de un manuscrito para el World Mycotoxin Journal.Entity where activity was carried out: World Mycotoxin JournalType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 29/06/2016 - 18/07/2016

3 Name of the activity: Miembro del Tribunal de la Tesis Doctoral de la Sra. Amani Lahouar 'Mycotoxineset champignons mycotoxinogènes dans les grains de shorgo commercialisé en Tunisie: Incidence et profilsécophysiologiques'.Entity where activity was carried out: Institut Supérieur de Biotechnologie de Monastir (Túnez)Type of activity: Participation in panelsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 02/06/2016 - 02/06/2016

4 Name of the activity: Evaluación de un proyecto para la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva(ANEP).Entity where activity was carried out: ANEPType of activity: **Revisió i avaluació projectesGeographical area: NationalStart-End date: 17/05/2016 - 31/05/2016

5 Name of the activity: Evaluación de un proyecto para la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva(ANEP).Entity where activity was carried out: ANEPType of activity: **Revisió i avaluació projectesGeographical area: National



Start-End date: 17/05/2016 - 31/05/2016

6 Name of the activity: Participación como miembro de la Comisión de Evaluación del programa Juan de laCierva Incoporación 2015.Entity where activity was carried out: MINECOType of activity: Participation in panelsGeographical area: NationalStart-End date: 24/05/2016 - 24/05/2016

7 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Food Chenical ToxicologyEntity where activity was carried out: Food Chemical ToxicologyType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 04/03/2016 - 16/03/2016

8 Name of the activity: Evaluación de un proyecto ANEPEntity where activity was carried out: ANEPType of activity: **Revisió i avaluació projectesGeographical area: NationalStart-End date: 06/10/2015 - 19/10/2015

9 Name of the activity: Evaluación de un proyecto ANEPEntity where activity was carried out: ANEPType of activity: **Revisió i avaluació projectesGeographical area: NationalStart-End date: 26/09/2015 - 13/10/2015

10 Name of the activity: ANEP Evaluation of an INIA projectEntity where activity was carried out: ANEPType of activity: **Revisió i avaluació projectesGeographical area: NationalStart-End date: 26/02/2015 - 05/03/2015

11 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Food Additives and ContaminantsEntity where activity was carried out: Food Additives and ContaminantsType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 26/01/2015 - 12/02/2015

12 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Journal of Applied MicrobiologyEntity where activity was carried out: Journal of Applied MicrobiologyType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 07/11/2014 - 18/11/2014

13 Name of the activity: Evaluación de un Proyecto de Investigación para la Agencia Nacional de PromociónCientífica y Tecnológica de Argentina. Convocatoria 2014. PICT Tipo B (Jóvenes Investigadores).Entity where activity was carried out: Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica deArgentina.Type of activity: **Revisió i avaluació projectesGeographical area: International



Start-End date: 15/10/2014 - 22/10/2014

14 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista World Mycotoxin JournalEntity where activity was carried out: World Mycotoxin JournalType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 08/09/2014 - 23/09/2014

15 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la Revista Iberoamericana de MicologíaEntity where activity was carried out: Revista Iberoamericana de MicologíaType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 08/07/2014 - 18/04/2014

16 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista World Mycotoxin JournalEntity where activity was carried out: World Mycotoxin JournalType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 28/03/2014 - 11/04/2014

17 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Revista Iberoamericana de Micología.Entity where activity was carried out: Revista Iberoamericana de MicologíaType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 21/03/2013 - 08/04/2013

18 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Letters in Applied MicrobiologyEntity where activity was carried out: Letters in Applied MicrobiologyType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 24/02/2013 - 04/03/2013

19 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Food and Chemical ToxicologyEntity where activity was carried out: Food and Chemical ToxicologyType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 19/11/2012 - 30/11/2012

20 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Environmental InternationalEntity where activity was carried out: Environmental InternationalType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 30/10/2012 - 16/11/2012

21 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Letters in Applied MicrobiologyEntity where activity was carried out: Letters in Applied MicrobiologyType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 10/09/2012 - 23/09/2012



22 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Letters in Applied MicrobiologyEntity where activity was carried out: Letters in Applied MicrobiologyType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 12/03/2012 - 22/03/2012

23 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la Revista Iberoamericana de Micología.Entity where activity was carried out: Revista Iberoamericana de MicologíaType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 12/03/2012 - 14/03/2012

24 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Food & FunctionEntity where activity was carried out: Food & FunctionType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 01/03/2012 - 12/03/2012

25 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista International Journal of Food MicrobiologyEntity where activity was carried out: International Journal of Food MicrobiologyType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 18/01/2012 - 23/01/2012

26 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Food & FunctionEntity where activity was carried out: Food & FunctionType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 07/12/2011 - 23/12/2011

27 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryEntity where activity was carried out: Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 27/10/2011 - 11/11/2011

28 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Journal of Applied MicrobiologyEntity where activity was carried out: Journal of Applied MicrobiologyType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 17/10/2011 - 28/10/2011

29 Name of the activity: Evalución de un proyecto para la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitariode Castilla y León.Entity where activity was carried out: Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Castilla yLeónType of activity: **Revisió i avaluació projectesGeographical area: NationalStart-End date: 03/10/2011 - 11/10/2011



30 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista World Mycotoxin JournalEntity where activity was carried out: World Mycotoxin JournalType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 27/09/2011 - 10/10/2011

31 Name of the activity: Evaluación de un proyecto para la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitariuode Castilla y León. Convocatoria 'Evaluación Ex-post de proyectos de investigación. 2008-2010'.Entity where activity was carried out: Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitariuo de Castilla yLeónType of activity: **Revisió i avaluació projectesGeographical area: NationalStart-End date: 02/06/2011 - 26/06/2011

32 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista World Mycotoxin JournalEntity where activity was carried out: World Mycotoxin JournalType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 14/02/2011 - 25/02/2011

33 Name of the activity: Revisión de un artículo para la revista Journal of Liquid Chromatography & RelatedTechnologiesEntity where activity was carried out: Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related TechnologiesType of activity: Review of articles in scientific or technological journalsGeographical area: InternationalStart-End date: 11/02/2011 - 23/02/2011

34 Name of the activity: Evaluación de una solicitud de Proyecto de I+D dentro del Subprograma TorresQuevedoEntity where activity was carried out: ANEPType of activity: **Revisió i avaluació projectesGeographical area: NationalStart-End date: 17/06/2010 - 22/06/2010

35 Name of the activity: Tribunal Master Investigación en Sistemas de Producción agroalimentariaEntity where activity was carried out: Universitat de Lleida-ETSEAType of activity: Participation in panelsGeographical area: LocalStart-End date: 30/10/2008 - 30/06/2008

36 Name of the activity: Tribunal Master Investigación en Sistemas de Producción agroalimentariaEntity where activity was carried out: Universitat de Lleida-ETSEAType of activity: Participation in panelsGeographical area: LocalStart-End date: 28/10/2008 - 28/06/2008

37 Name of the activity: Miembro del Comité Editorial de la revista Bio CienciasEntity where activity was carried out: Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit (México)Type of activity: Participation in editorial committeesGeographical area: InternationalStart date: 05/09/2011



38 Name of the activity: Miembro del Comité Editorial de la Revista Bio Ciencias.Entity where activity was carried out: Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit (México).Type of activity: Participation in editorial committeesGeographical area: InternationalStart date: 01/09/2010

Other achievements

Stays in public or private R&D centres

1 Entity: Universidad Nacional de Guinea EcuatorialCity of entity: Malabo, Equatorial GuineaStart date: 2008 Duration: 5 daysGoals of the stay: GuestProvable tasks: Docencia en Calidad de los Alimentos

2 Entity: Universidad Autónoma de NayaritCity of entity: Nayarit, MexicoStart date: 2004 Duration: 11 daysGoals of the stay: GuestProvable tasks: Docencia en Mohos y micotoxinas

3 Entity: Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Norte.City of entity: Natal, BrazilStart date: 2002 Duration: 2 monthsGoals of the stay: GuestProvable tasks: Investigación en Mohos y micotoxinas en alimentos

4 Entity: Universidad Autónoma de NayaritCity of entity: Nayarit, MexicoStart date: 1999 Duration: 14 daysGoals of the stay: Guest

5 Entity: Universidad de las Islas BalearesCity of entity: Palma de Mallorca, SpainStart date: 1998 Duration: 3 daysGoals of the stay: GuestProvable tasks: Fumonisinas: ¿nuevos agentes cancerígenos en los alimentos?

6 Entity: Universidad Autónoma de NayaritCity of entity: Nayarit, MexicoStart date: 1997 Duration: 21 daysGoals of the stay: Guest

7 Entity: Cranfield Biotechnology Centre. Cranfield UniversityCity of entity: Cranfield, United KingdomStart date: 1996 Duration: 2 monthsGoals of the stay: Guest



Provable tasks: Ecophysiology of spoilage fungi: ecology of Aspergillus ochraceus.

8 Entity: Department of Veterinary Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Toxicology. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.University of Utrecht.City of entity: Utrecht, HollandStart date: 1993 Duration: 3 monthsGoals of the stay: **DoctorandProvable tasks: Biological degradation of aflatoxins

Obtained grants and scholarships

1 Name of the grant: Ayuda del Vicerectorado de Docencia de la Universidad de Lleida para Proyectosde Innovación Docente 2008-10. Proyecto: "Adaptación específica del practicum de la UdL a las nuevastitulaciones de grado".Awarding entity: Universitat de Lleida Type of entity: UniversityConferral date: 01/01/2009 Duration: 2 yearsEnd date: 31/12/2010

2 Name of the grant: Ayuda del Vicerectorado de Docencia de la Universidad de Lleida para Proyectosde Innovación Docente 2005. Proyecto: "Programa de mejora educativa de la Licenciatura en Ciencia yTecnología de Alimentos (LCTA) en relación a su adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior(EEES)".Conferral date: 25/11/2005 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayEnd date: 25/11/2006

3 Name of the grant: Ayuda del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura para la publicación de un libro.Conferral date: 01/02/2000 Duration: 1 year - 1 dayEnd date: 01/02/2001

4 Name of the grant: Beca del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Agencia Española de CooperaciónInternacional, para la participación en el Programa de Cooperación Interuniversitaria E.AL.99 paraprofesores universitarios. Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit (México).Conferral date: 01/10/1999 Duration: 14 daysEnd date: 14/10/1999

5 Name of the grant: Ayuda OMS de la Unión Europea, dentro del programa Socrates/Erasmus.UniversidadParis XII, Creteil (Francia).Conferral date: 26/07/1999 Duration: 5 daysEnd date: 30/07/1999

6 Name of the grant: Ayuda del Instituto Joan Lluís Vives para la impartición de un curso de postgradodentro del programa DRAC 98.Conferral date: 25/05/1998 Duration: 3 daysEnd date: 27/05/1998

7 Name of the grant: Beca del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Agencia Española de CooperaciónInternacional, para la participación en el Programa de Cooperación Interuniversitaria E.AL.97 paraprofesores universitarios. Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit (México).Conferral date: 25/08/1997 Duration: 21 daysEnd date: 14/09/1997



8 Name of the grant: Ayuda de la Universidad de Lleida para la asistencia al XVI Congreso de Microbiologíade la SEM, que tuvo lugar en Barcelona del 14 al 17 de julio de 1997.Conferral date: 14/07/1997 Duration: 4 daysEnd date: 17/07/1997

9 Name of the grant: Beca de la Royal Society de Londres y del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura parael intercambio temporal de personal docente o investigador.Cranfield Biotechnology Centre. CranfieldUniversity (Reino Unido).Conferral date: 01/07/1996 Duration: 2 monthsEnd date: 31/08/1996

10 Name of the grant: Beca de Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) de la Comisión Interministerialde Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT), dentro del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica y DesarrolloTecnológico, Subprograma Tecnología de Alimentos.ETSI Agrónomos. Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaConferral date: 01/01/1992 Duration: 2 years - 2 months - 6 daysEnd date: 06/03/1994

11 Name of the grant: Beca Bancaixa-Europa (III Ciclo-Doctorado) para realizar estudios en una Universidadde un país miembro de la Comunidad Europea.Department of Veterinary Pharmacology, Pharmacy andToxicology. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. University of Utrecht (Holanda).Conferral date: 01/09/1993 Duration: 4 monthsEnd date: 31/12/1993

12 Name of the grant: Beca de la Caja de Ahorros de Valencia para la realización de Estudios Universitariosde Tercer Ciclo, conducentes a la obtención del título de Doctor.ETSI Agrónomos. Universidad Politécnicade Valencia.Conferral date: 01/01/1990 Duration: 2 yearsEnd date: 31/12/1991

Scientific societies and professional associations

1 Name of the society: Asociación de Científicos y Tecnólogos de Alimentos de ValenciaStart-End date: 1991 - 1997

2 Name of the society: Colegio Oficial de Biólogos.Start-End date: 1989 - 1997

3 Name of the society: Sociedad Española de Microbiología. Grupo de Microbiología de Alimentos.Start date: 1990

Prizes, mentions and distinctions

1 Description: Premio al mejor Póster en el 2º Workshop de la Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongostoxigénicos y de sus procesos de descontaminación, por el trabajo "Evalución in vitro de la capacidad deadsorción de micotoxinas de bentonitas dioctaédricas y trioctaédricas"Awarding entity: Red Nacional sobre las micotoxinas y hongos toxigénicos y de sus procesos dedescontaminaciónConferral date: 06/09/2016



2 Description: 2º premio concurso fotografía 'entreCultures 2006'. Universidad de Lleida.Conferral date: 2006

3 Description: Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura, Especialidad de Biología Fundamental, Junio de 1989(según acuerdo de la Junta de Gobierno de la Universitat de València del 28 de Mayo de 1990).Conferral date: 1989

Summary of other achievements

1 Description of the achievement: Other courses: Jornada "Petits Universitaris".Accrediting entity: Universitat de LleidaConferral date: 03/05/2017

2 Description of the achievement: **Assistència a Reunions Científiques (sense Presentació, ni publicació):XVI Jornada intercomarcal del panís. Reducció del contingut en micotoxines en panís gra i farratge.Accrediting entity: Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i AlimentacióConferral date: 23/02/2017

3 Description of the achievement: Other courses: Com afavorir la inclusió de les persones amb síndromede Down i altres discapacitats intel·lectuals en els nostres centres educatiusAccrediting entity: Down LleidaConferral date: 07/02/2014

4 Description of the achievement: **Assistència a Reunions Científiques (sense Presentació, ni publicació):Asistencia ala tercera reunión del proyecto CYTED Acción 109AC0371 en Mendoza (Argentina)Accrediting entity: CYTEDConferral date: 16/11/2011

5 Description of the achievement: **Assistència a Reunions Científiques (sense Presentació, ni publicació):Asistencia a la Segunda Reunión del proyecto CYTED 'Iberoamérica. Cooperación científica orientada ala búsqueda de estrategias de prevención y control de las micotoxicosis, y mejoramiento de parámetrosproductivos en producción animal'Accrediting entity: CYTEDConferral date: 29/06/2011

6 Description of the achievement: **Trams de Recerca (sexenis): Valoración positiva por la CNEAI deltramo de investigación (sexenio) 2011-2016Accrediting entity: CNEAIConferral date: 2011

7 Description of the achievement: **Trams de Recerca (sexenis): Tramo de Investigación emitido por AQU(2011-2016)Accrediting entity: AQUConferral date: 2011

8 Description of the achievement: **Assistència a Reunions Científiques (sense Presentació, ni publicació):Asistencia a la 2ª reunión del proyecto CYTED 'Iberoamérica. Cooperación Científica orientada a labúsqueda de estrategias de prevención y control de las micotoxicosis, y mejoramiento de parámetrosproductivos en producción animal'. Mérida (México).Accrediting entity: CYTEDConferral date: 28/06/2010



9 Description of the achievement: Teaching sections (five-year): Concesión complemento por méritosdocentes CUC.Accrediting entity: Universitat de LleidaConferral date: 07/01/2010

10 Description of the achievement: Other courses: Curso 'Nociones Técnicas para el apoyo a lainvestigación: ámbito experimental' (34/2008). 1.5 horas.Accrediting entity: Universitat de LleidaConferral date: 2008

11 Description of the achievement: Acreditación de Investigación Avanzada emitida por la Agència per ala Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU), emitida según acuerdo de la Comisión para laAcreditación de Investigación Avanzada del ámbito de Ciencias Médicas y de la Salud con fecha 17 demarzo de 2005.Conferral date: 17/03/2005

12 Description of the achievement: **Trams de Recerca (sexenis): 3er tramo de investigación concedido(2005-2010)Conferral date: 2005

13 Description of the achievement: Teaching sections (five-year): Tramo de docencia concedido (2005-2010)Conferral date: 2005

14 Description of the achievement: Teaching sections (five-year): Tramo de docencia concedido (2000-2005)Conferral date: 2000

15 Description of the achievement: **Trams de Recerca (sexenis): 2º tramo de investigación concedido(1999-2004)Conferral date: 1999

16 Description of the achievement: **Col.laboració amb Centres de Recerca: Desde 1995 a la actualidad,adscrito a la Unidad de Tecnología de Productos Vegetales de la Universidad de Lleida, en el Centro deReferencia en Tecnología de Alimentos (CeRTA) de la Generalitat de Cataluña.Conferral date: 1995

17 Description of the achievement: Research lines: Mohos y micotoxinas. Ecofisiología fúngica. Medidas delcrecimiento microbiano. Métodos de prevención y control.; 07/03/1994 --Accrediting entity: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agraria. Universidad de Lleida.Conferral date: 07/03/1994

18 Description of the achievement: Teaching sections (five-year): Tramo de docencia concedido (1994-1999)Conferral date: 1994

19 Description of the achievement: **Trams de Recerca (sexenis): 1er tramo de investigación concedido(1993-1998)Conferral date: 1993



20 Description of the achievement: Research lines: Mohos y micotoxinas. Compuestos adsorbentes demicotoxinas. Absorción intestinal de micotoxinas.; 01/10/1989 -- 06/03/1994Accrediting entity: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos. Universidad Politécnica deValencia.Conferral date: 01/10/1989

21 Description of the achievement: Teaching sections (five-year): Tramo de docencia concedido (1989-1994)Conferral date: 1989

22 Description of the achievement: Heavy Equipment: HPLC; **Usuari assidu; 07/03/1994

23 Description of the achievement: Heavy Equipment: ELISA; **Usuari assidu; 07/03/1994

24 Description of the achievement: Heavy Equipment: GC; **Usuari ocasional; 07/03/1994

25 Description of the achievement: Heavy Equipment: Nariz electrónica; **Usuari ocasional; 07/03/1994

26 Description of the achievement: Heavy Equipment: Microscopio electrónico de transmisión; **Usuariocasional; 01/01/1989

27 Description of the achievement: Heavy Equipment: Microscopio electrónico de barrido; **Usuariocasional; 01/01/1995

28 Description of the achievement: Technics/Specializations: HPLC

29 Description of the achievement: Technics/Specializations: ELISA

30 Description of the achievement: Technics/Specializations: Microscopía electrónica de transmisión.

31 Description of the achievement: Technics/Specializations: Microscopía electrónica de barrido.

32 Description of the achievement: Technics/Specializations: Cromatografía de gases (GC).

33 Description of the achievement: Technics/Specializations: Nariz electrónica.



34 Description of the achievement: Technics/Specializations: Analizador de imágenes.

35 Description of the achievement: Desde septiembre de 1989 hasta septiembre 1994 trabajos deinvestigación correspondientes a la consecución del título de Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, UniversidadPolitécnica de Valencia.Desde 1994 a la actualidad miembro del grupo de investigación de la Unidad de Micología Aplicada delDpto. de Tecnología de Alimentos de la Universidad de Lleida sobre "Mohos y micotoxinas: incidencia enalimentos y aplicación de los metabolitos fúngicos en el control de plagas".De 1995 a 1997 adscripción, dentro del área de Tecnología de Alimentos, al Institut de Recerca i TecnologiaAgroalimentàries (IRTA) de la Generalitat de Cataluña y asignado al centro mixto de investigaciónUniversidad de Lleida-IRTA (UdL-IRTA, Centre R+D de Lleida).Miembro de la Comisión Delegada de Relaciones Exteriores de la ETSEA desde el 15 de Julio de 1998hasta el 16 de abril de 2001.Miembro de la Comisión Delegada de Relaciones Universidad-Empresa de la ETSEA desde el 17 deSeptiembre de 1998 hasta el 16 de abril de 2001.Secretario del Departamento de Tecnología de Alimentos de la Universidad de Lleida desde el 16 de abrilde 2001 hasta el 10 de marzo de 2004.Coordinador de la titulación de Licenciatura en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos desde el 20 de enero de2005 hasta el 15 de marzo de 2007.Subdirector de Relaciones Exteriores de la ETSEA desde el 15 de marzo de 2007 hasta el 9 de marzo de2010.<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom><w:HyphenationZone>21</w:HyphenationZone> <w:PunctuationKerning /> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas /><w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent><w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility><w:BreakWrappedTables /> <w:SnapToGridInCell /> <w:WrapTextWithPunct /> <w:UseAsianBreakRules /><w:DontGrowAutofit /> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel></w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState='false'LatentStyleCount='156'> </w:LatentStyles> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if !mso]> <objectclassid='clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D' id=ieooui> </object> <mce:style><!st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } --><!--[endif] --><!--[if gte mso 10]> <mce:style><! /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:'Tabla normal'; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:''; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm;mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:'Times NewRoman'; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} --><!--[endif] -->Miembro de la Subcomisión de Estudios de Doctorado de la Universidad de Lleida desde el 14 deseptiembre de 2011 a la actualidad.

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