95t inspire console_e

Post on 14-Nov-2015






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95T Inspire Console_E


  • 3This Operation Manual describes the functions of the following product::Life Fitness Treadmill:


    See "Specifications" in this manual for product specific features.

    Statement of Purpose: The treadmill is an exercise machine that enables users to walk or run, in place, on a moving sur-face.

    Health-related injuries may result from incorrect or excessive use of exercise equipment. Life Fitness STRONG-LY recommends seeing a physician for a complete medical exam before undertaking an exercise program, par-ticularly if the user has a family history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or is over the age of 45, orsmokes, has high cholesterol, is obese, or has not exercised regularly in the past year.If, at any time while exercising, the user experiences faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath, he or shemust stop immediately.

    Des problmes de sant peuvent tre causs par une utilisation incorrecte ou excessive de lquipement. LifeFitness recommande FORTEMENT de consulter un mdecin pour subir un examen mdical complet avant decommencer tout programme dexercice, et tout particulirement si lutilisateur a des antcdents familiaux dhy-pertension ou de troubles cardiaques, sil a plus de 45 ans, sil fume, sil a du cholestrol, sil est obse ou napas fait dexercice rgulirement depuis un an.Si, pendant lutilisation de lappareil, lutilisateur ressent un malaise, des vertiges, des douleurs ou des difficults respirer, il doit sarrter immdiatement.

  • 1 GETTING STARTED1.1 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSRead all instructions before using the treadmill.

    OPERATION Always follow the console instructions for proper operation. Never insert objects into any opening in this product. If an object should drop inside, turn off the power, unplug the

    power cord from the outlet, and carefully retrieve it. If the item cannot be reached, contact Life Fitness CustomerSupport Services.

    Do not reach into, or underneath, the unit or tip it on its side during operation. Never place liquids of any type directly on the unit, except in an accessory tray or holder. Containers with lids are

    recommended. Do not use this product in bare feet. Always wear shoes. Wear shoes with rubber or high-traction soles. Do not use

    shoes with heels, leather soles, cleats or spikes. Make sure no stones are embedded in the soles. Keep all loose clothing, shoelaces, and towels away from moving parts. Handrails may be held to enhance stability as needed, but are not for continuous use. Never mount or dismount the treadmill while the running belt is moving. Use the handrails whenever additional sta-

    bility is required. In case of an emergency, such as tripping, grasp the handrails, and place the feet on the side plat-forms.

    Never walk or jog backwards on the treadmill. The system issues immobilization of the treadmill when a pre-defined hard key sequence has been activated by the

    club manager. This sequence is currently defined as 3 STOP key presses followed by 3 SPEED DOWN ARROWkey presses. To prevent false toggling of the Immobilized feature, this sequence should be limited to a pre-definedtime period (i.e. sequence must be done in a 5-10 second period). Sequence should also enforce that onlyPRESSED events are used (i.e. if HELD or RELEASED are detected during the sequence, then the sequence isrejected). Once the Workout Logic sees this event, it toggles the Immobilization configuration item, saves it in theregistry, and then issues an ImmobilizationStatus event to the system.



  • 51 DMARRAGE1.1 CONSIGNES DE SCURIT IMPORTANTESLire toutes les instructions avant dutiliser le tapis roulant.

    FONCTIONNEMENT Ne jamais placer aucun liquide directement sur lappareil, sauf dans le plateau pour accessoires ou un support

    prvu cet effet. Il est recommand dutiliser des contenants munis de couvercles. loigner les vtements lches, les lacets et les serviettes des pices en mouvement. Les rampes latrales peuvent servir rtablir son quilibre, mais ne sont pas destines un usage continu. Ne jamais monter sur le tapis de course et ne jamais en descendre pendant quil tourne. Utiliser les rampes

    latrales afin de ne pas perdre lquilibre. En cas durgence, par exemple, en cas de trbuchement ou de faux pas,saisir les barres latrales et placer les pieds sur les plates-formes latrales.

    Ne jamais marcher ni courir reculons sur le tapis roulant. Quand il est ncessaire dimmobiliser le tapis roulant, retourner lcran de bienvenue. (Appuyer deux fois sur la

    touche STOP ramne immdiatement lappareil lcran de bienvenue.) Tenir brivement la touche SPEED DOWN(ralentir), la relcher et appuyer sur la touche PAUSE. (La touche VITESSE VERS LE BAS est la flche pointantvers le bas lextrme droite du groupe de flches sur le panneau de commande.) Lcran du tapis roulant affichealors Appareil immobilis par le gestionnaire Il ne peut alors plus fonctionner, Le moteur principal, et la la pente.Le tapis roulant restera immobilis, mme sil est rinitialis, mis hors tension, puis remis sous tension, etc. Le modede fonctionnement normal ne peut tre rtabli quau moyen de la mme squence de touches : tenir brivement latouche VITESSE VERS LE BAS enfonce, la relcher et appuyer sur la touche PAUSE. Le tapis roulant reviendra lcran de bienvenue.


  • 41




    95Ti Drive motor, Electronics (i.e. PCBs Mechanical (i.e. belt and deck), Console Overlay,Frame, such as motor controller Electro-Mechanical (i.e. Line Cord,Lifespring Shock and console board) switches, lift motor, electrodes), Plastic PartsAbsorbers Labor

    *NOTE - Once any commercial product is placed in a private residence (home), it automatically becomes covered under that product category's consumerwarranty. Warranty coverage begins at the original date of sale.

    WHAT IS COVERED:This Life Fitnesscommercial exercise equipment (Product)is warranted to be free of alldefects in material and workmanship.

    WHO IS COVERED:The original purchaser or any person receiving the Product as a gift from the original purchaser.

    HOW LONG IS IT COVERED:All coverage is provided by specific Product according to the guidelines listed on the chartaccompanying this warranty card.

    WHO PAYS TRANSPORTATION & INSURANCE FOR SERVICE:If the Product or any covered part must be returned to a service facility for repairs, We,LifeFitness, will pay all transportation and insurance charges for the first year. Youare responsiblefor transportation and insurance charges during the second and third years (if applicable).

    WHAT WE WILL DO TO CORRECT COVERED DEFECTS:Wewill ship to you any new or rebuilt replacement part or component, or, at our option, replacethe Product. Such replacement parts are warranted for the remaining portion of the original warranty period.

    WHAT IS NOT COVERED:Any failures or damage caused by unauthorized service, misuse, accident, negligence, improp-er assembly or installation, debris resulting from any construction activities in the Productsenvironment, rust or corrosion as a result of the Products location, alterations or modificationswithout our written authorization or by failure on your part to use, operate and maintain theProduct as set out in your Operation Manual (Manual). All terms of this warranty are void ifthis product is moved beyond the continental borders of the United States of America(excluding Alaska, Hawaii and Canada) and are then subject to the terms provided bythat countrys local authorized Life Fitness representative.

    WHAT YOU MUST DO:Retainproof of purchase (our receipt of the attached registration card assures registration ofpurchase information but is not required); use, operate and maintainthe Product as specifiedin the Manual; notifyCustomer Support Services of any defect within 10 days after discovery ofthe defect; if instructed, returnany defective part for replacement or, if necessary, the entireProduct for repair.

    OPERATION MANUAL:It is VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THE MANUALbefore operating the Product.Remember to perform the periodic maintenance requirements specified in the Manual to assureproper operation and your continued satisfaction.

    WARRANTY REGISTRATION:Please COMPLETE and MAIL the attached registration card IMMEDIATELY. Our receiptassures that your name, address and date of purchase are on file as a registered owner of theProduct. Failure to return the card will not affect your rights under this warranty. Being a regis-tered owner assures coverage in the event you lose your proof of purchase. In any event,always retain proof of purchase, such as your bill of sale.

    HOW TO GET PARTS & SERVICE:Simply call Customer Support Services at (800) 3513737or (847) 4510036, Monday throughFriday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, and tell them your name, addressand the serial number of your Product. They will tell you how to get a replacement part, or, ifnecessary, arrange for service where your Product is located or advise you on how and whereto ship the Product for service.

    Before shipping:

    1. obtaina Return Authorization Number (RA#) from Customer Support Services2. securely packyour Product (use the original shipping carton, if possible)3. writethe RA#on the outside of the carton4. insurethe Product, and5. includea letter explaining the defect or problem and a copy of your proof of purchase if

    you believe the service is covered by warranty

    EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY:THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND EITHEREXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL OTHEROBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES ON OUR PART. We neither assume nor authorize any personto assure for us any other obligation or liability concerning the sale of this Product. Under nocircumstances shall we be liable under this warranty, or otherwise, of any damage to any per-son or property, including any lost profits or lost savings, for any special, indirect, secondary,incidental or consequential damages of any nature arising out of the use of or inability to usethis Product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or of lia-bility for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may notapply to you.

    CHANGES IN WARRANTY NOT AUTHORIZED:No one is authorized to change, modify or extend the terms of this limited warranty.

    EFFECT OF STATE LAWS:This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary fromstate to state.

    OUR PLEDGE TO YOU:Our Products are designed and manufactured to the highest standards.

    We want you completely satisfied with our Products and will do everything possible under the terms of this warranty to keep you secure in know-ing you have bought the best!

  • Life Fitness World Headquarters5100 North River RoadSchiller Park, IL 60176


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