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Post on 23-Nov-2021






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&Pf$& &gTrss nFFsHr

8mf{ I3tr"{lxrHr snrlsss


qssjsffi*l-F. *

16 Fsoffib€r

The S*vLafen oo*upL+{ a f,atroard ersonbly *r** $,n the vialntby ofIII HI$G prapratcry te 3xw*hlrry *n *itl*le te the Hsrth bo breash the$IffiFqIm ?JHE i.n th€ffie$tB3tltXH$ arffir

0rdars lsre r€Gslvsd frani XII eerpe a}.ert$*g th+ klriaJ.an fcraorment ** tha $sfth t,s sono**trate ln the vtclnlty ef ldfX#'iflfrlt&$ toa*els& $"r: r*pelllng the ttsatLl* *tta*k fp th* Zwre of tha YIIX e*lpr*

19 Seeember#

The &th Infantc? Slrieton began mwea*nt bg notcr to a fonq*^rdaseembly area ** the *wr* e:f ttr* &th Infantty Flvl*l*n* fhe }lvtdsnra; as*lgn*d ts IIJ 0arpm+

8S $ssel$;pf

l?re ffith $icl"slen Somr*nd Fo*t *p*nd at tho !{edqt**ters sf, t&alr.th Infasrtey Stclslon et Llffi&{$*$ffi at 0ffiS*

Fle].d Srder F{un#ef 2E was 1*srr€d d5.reet{ng tha *e*rryatt*n of a&esewE Eattl"* Pwltton ln the xsne sf ths l+th Inf,ar*ry D$lrlelsn'

?he E*th $fvle!.en unl"ta cll"*sed ints ds*ignated aact'sfs'

31 Deao&sr

0t*lpatlan af tha Resere Ssttle Feelti.srl asrtlnscd*

?h6 6:.Gth T$ Bett*llm wec att*alred t* the Sth Infantry Sirlalrln.

?h* &Sth tD s*ttslton xa,e ralassrd froa attcehn*nt*

Fr*g*rnt{st trar6 msde ts *,tteak te the $srt& to rry}" h*attl*fsrsa* *dranelng oa tha e*.ty of, l,llXlb,m*llH#.

Forqse *ar6 rrsr*npcd and nrr-tf,s xe6r*,pmp*red ts efuanee et 33S6SOA.

St leers$nr

fho ffih Infantry.Dfv{"slon **ranesd *s tks t{or&h st, ffiffiA stth tbs3].Sbh Infantry ard 319th fnf,a*ry ebroasdg ?he 31?tb lltf,ant'ry J-n fosarvs*

f2 Sppeqppr {Conttnne{)

?ha 318th Infentry gatncd tontact llth ho*tltre forecg $outh ofsfmrssuer ( pmao) r

The 3l?th Xnfantrfr fl.rst eontactd hostlls alurcnte tn UBR?f,S{prre)

geatf ftghttn€ derelryed at SftTtrBHICK.

HEnZre (F?53S) ad HIISERFEmmI (ff?l+r) rcr* capturcd by tho3l9th Infarrtryn One hurdrcd t*onty-ftta (l"?f) prtsonue xere c*ptur.d,

In thLs aetion great c4:antJ"iies of, enw6r na.tericl ww* destrc3rodand hea.vy easualtiee inf,!"icterJ* Thc erwrqr fenees atber,rpttng to a&ranccto the Ssrth$est, uere eon-uLete3"y re,pulscd.

23 Deceinber

?he *ttaek Eontlnued to the Nsrthr Durfue tlro ntght 22,e3 $eE$crtha ?d Bettal"lon 319,th Infantrg a*vanqed to the $orth to selrrrl T$rqsc!{EIn (r?,r4&) .

?he ]L7t!t Infantry peased tl"rrough lhe 3L$bh Infantty and adrancedon BCI::lllCIHEED (P804?).

thc 318th Infantqr rwertc'l to Dlvtslsn Rctme clth the mlss!.onsf eoata.tning BFTSI,BF"UCK (pUE0) and prote€ttng thc Firtrlon rfusht flank,

ItEIDFfr$C!{gtS (P?AJ*) was cei*sd and eLearad at !-I-ffiAr

tho 3d Battalt-on 3f9th Infantry sel.s6d TADITI (?7rl+7),

ttre lst Battallon 319th Infantry eeired the ?rtgh grorsd Soutlr*setof KFf{M${ (pzal}a),

Dwlng thls astl"on the ?Of,d ?snk Eattalllsr dao0ragad three {:) enrrytanka* ?fre 610th TD Baitsll"on doetroyed t€n (1O) {nqr tanks.

?hree hrtrdred and nineby t390) prieonsra uoro capturad,r

$even (?) ttloiletene of groruril "u;ere ga,J.nod*

2.h Lcecnbsr

The enemy sounte!&tteckad iffit$Efm0lf$D {wtng the mornlngr fhtrattaek wes repu)sed end h*ary enetry loasee *ere lnf,Llatord"

Tho emry also launehed an atrtack agalnet the I*t Battalj.cn 3$thInfnntry poeltlon -$ast ol KEfiHm[r T?rl"s *ff.aak raa reprel.*d,

Thc 31$tb lufentry (1grr 3d tsattallan) rac rttachcd to lrth 4ru#Gd$ivtsr.on and began novenen! to thc BASt0GltB AP"EAT ($ac AW}IEX l{0. 1)


&,, FaelgF,g (cenarau*)

Tbe S{ tsc**allsa 31$-th Infantry ssstlnusd te eeats,Ln hsst$"l*forc*ra *.n Sf?HL;EtFltCX*

Thtr*y*nlse {3p} prteotxa's u6rs e*plnrcd*

25 Leeersber

Yhe attaek sse **nt*.s:ed,

ThE SX?th Xxfa,rlt'ry af,bw pa*d.ng thr$Wh tlrc *€tt* of th* 3}8t?tInfantry l"aunehcd an at*ack trith the Lst nnd 8d Sat*aLiexs lo seia*rElrLTJf (prqe) and ffi$R5g?{sl$ (P&t#}. f}rs tc ths hcary il}*yresists.rrce end *xtre*ely rugged tw:ral"n totsn* wsre nd& *aptur*d.

Yhe 31?th Infantry conifnud tha attaek end *eI.xd l?IHSfi!, {pt6&?}.

?t*rg a:"btlLery ssnc$?tvatl**s h*d b*aer placd on HffS[8ru]SK tn*dd{t5.en ?e dlrest ftr* fy*sr elennen?s of tltt 61*th ?D kttel.S"on and thc?S€d fank BattaL:lsn* Hpet*]"e tn**Be n*t d*strcyod by *he*t firer v*sa?edETTETBRTICK.

' frl*l*nta of ttle H F*.ttal1*n l}Stb" fnfa*try *rctrsrod F,.IT*ISft!I*K ard**tabl$ahs+* L*"stantn6 F*.*tg "

5te 6LSt'h YI: Eettdlte'r d*rtroy,ed *,w* (3) *nry tanksr on* (1) aa,rg+tmck end ona (t) tr*:"f*traok.

?ho ?#d ?ar:k S*?tell"en deatrnycd tb** {3) 6nW bLf,-tr.**ls' endf,osr {l+) txtti*tenk gr**.

Sne hundrad sn{ otrht {f**1 prtr-eonera r**Fe eapitsFed*

E* S*ear***

Tha 31?*?t Iuf*n*ty *tt*ak t* eei,ss lm*ffi, xlth *l:e l.*f, *nd !d Se?t"el1onc1xse ce:ltlared *ith*ut tu6sw**

?he 31??h l:rf,entt? h*ld gr*nnd prerlou*ly gatned and mtpee*d th*SURE ?lver,

ttr* H Batt*.ltcrr Sl$th Tnfant:y rnai.r*afn*d d*fens*.ye ponltf*ru $.*th* rlol.n$.ty d $??KISR$SX*

One hrmdred farty*teo {U*g} prj-*o'n*r* wero a&ptaradn

llvJ"eJ.sn Artll3arp' 5.* sapport sf lr#*ntry Eag$.mante fi.r*d *$s hrl:dradfrfty;;;'ffiiilii;fi;;.*"

u4vsiv*w u& &*srvi'' !i*{t#*qts* }&}.* v:rry ,4rs**t*q j

fhs Sth Ftv*elsn was ascigr*d ts XII Cor,pa*


F? Fe;eerFer

?he 31?th Infantry **er:p1*d a*d mai"nta{nod d*faislse p*eltiona'lest of rmrr['El{.

lke 3* Bs?t*ILsn 31$th. lafantry patmll.cd s??H.g.qqfX' andmei*r:hei"nsd dsfen*tse p***t*-*:r* *

Th* enery J-a*nq?r*d a eanntelstt*tlr ln *n attqb *a aelse :?31t*HI"*Yft* Lst Satta]"*e*r 31?*h 3nf*ndry :-spnl"a6{t thLc *ttauk gnfLf.atfng h**qyencny I osseg.

,For€g**tght {&$} B*ts*t:ers rg*r* c*pb*redl

*S !i*cer*:er*

?ha d$ttr Flvi"sl$n teryorarlSy *arunned the deferrolse *s dtreEiedby XII [orp*r

?he 31&lh Tnf*.ntry t l*c* !d ]-1atta,11on) waa gelwsed fsos attach-nent ** {t'h Anr'.nred l}$"sJ"si*n and b*gan nsvesent, t* lt* as**nbl!*y are*: the vSeini*y sf f;*I}.ff.i3i {f*f3$}.

Th* sn€ng agai-n 1.a;l:re|*d a counterattack agaixst the l"st Eattal.1oa31?'th Inf,*ntrg p*e5.tf"*ns.l€*rbheasi *f .ittrlfi}$Lr t1lts aittek r':&* r-epul*dedth he*ry sn*rf losss€.

S{vi"sls* Artt"l3"ery fi"rd cr:e hturdre.* and thtnteen (fU} rnLssl*ns,

$tnee the b*6i.nndng af ths St?: Btrri*donrs atba*k sn S3 Seaember,*Lxteen {:6} nt":"es of grourd wor* ga5"ned, twcnt-y (eO) ensny tanked*otrcyed, and *sle th*ueeind s$"x hundred elghty treo (16P) prironerr *#**ep*ur**. *y th3.s aetf.on th* thr**t tr 1,tf{H}.#{il}9S wae e}J"m*nated*

29 DgeFabes

Infa.ntry i?eg5*t*nts eov*l"nusd tc :v*ai.ntal"n artd **rength*n defenslyep**itionxu

*tvl.et*n "4rt5.}J-oty lf$-rcd sn* h*rx{r*4. and t}:frteesr {}13} nnlaeLanr*.n *upp*'r{ *.f the def*nee*

3P Ppssffi

_ The €n€qr *gefn a?tary*o* ts rsi.ru tha hfuh ground ln the nt*f.r,:ityof ItIi'.flIL (ry6&S)* Agafn the e*wrieratt*ck waa-r'ep63s*do and hr,avpl"ssses i,lrf,llt*ted *x tbc s:lsrryr

P*r*y {:u,*} prt*o$eys were captrrr*d*

$t"vlstcn *rttll.cry ftrsd offi trqa#d*fl"fty {fgO} x*sslons*


?1 !ea.@Sef,enelre Bo*tt$.mr were cn.,agn?ained *nd tnprard*

Snfen*ry H*gi-ments p*trc1"1-e,.-{ *#Srsssivefu1 to '$et*r'*,rir:s &r:w,"6r

dlsp**i Liftns a*d ident*f$.eat3.on* *

*irrini<r:r Arbllter,"* srapi"ortd tire defenc& bi' flring ons hturdra".l*fo:::r { 3*&i *i.cot*nsr

Yhj,rty*f*ur: t}&i pr:*$nsrs **r'e e*"ptursd.

r --J-:sgge{U't}fv{slen held paciltong an:! rea.dJu*t'ed fsq'cos Scuth of the llJRS

and Fie*t cf blie $l:13I11, Xfuer** Thc }lvis{orl *F ltas Loce*e* {n0$FrFp:"ffi;}f { F?F,+Q}


6 ."1*"9rtr

]-lurlrw il:fe period $t*1{ Cr'*cr filxriher *$ be*.me sfleoLive,

?h* 3L?ttr e.nd S.$th Intantrp gagix*nt* ree.dJu*ted lS*E {tgai"rr Llne*f Resiels$s*) p***tl*nr, re)-l*yiru elenents *f th* 319th lnfar:try fr*r",td*f,*n*{v* po;itioner

Th* 3!?th lnfantrry regr*up*e1 l"ts fcree* drrlng the night 5-6 J*nwqtr"

The l6*b!l Sngine.# fwrbat Fat&.}Tan eor:structed a bridge *rr*r t!:,a$Utrti ,'tiser in the *ie*n:"ty af 1{$i}Il.5ili:;IllScilirl t9?246) prio:' to day}J"ght6 Ja:rui,ry* At 06Slr*GA ih* 31?th lnfiurtry croseed t'he $tJTt".E .a"l"ver anttl.a*:*hs:i-::.n **.trs*:r l,i sefx* C*ASDf':I (ltCt-t) ant TlAilI,, {F?3Ii9}"

f** 5d Saltalicn 319th sr**ssd th* $IRS fi,{vor, byjassed r,$#ll}{};1fffirysr*,?fte heary lro*tit* restst'ene* and" diJflcult t*mafu *rid seLued I)*HL*

?lie 8d Sat*allon $:St,h, Ilegi"rnmtal ?eearrre, m*rod from }iffillffi$elf$t$trtg+*i to Gsffi$s&rt

Yh* let BedtaStox 3l"9th ettaeked overe*::d.ng hostLle reel,stans* ald*apt*red {X}ffiilOi$r

FwitS"*rx r$*tr* sf,gey1t*ed-for defenee, nurirg th3.s *per*ilon he*ryart'tSlery nr,rd mo**as fLr* r*qt res*lvadr' firc &Esfif tanka w*rt *sEtr€ysd by tho *l*bh ?F BEttall"onr

f:ns hw:dre{. and four {:Ob} prl*on*ro w*re oaptur*d "




4 -tfqou*fitr {gant*ar*cc}

F*fanstvc po*lti*x* r*r* mlr*elnrd tn tha **Sore *f; *tre jl?thand 31Fth fnfentf_y Reglnenta.

?Frs ffi*h *fvl-sl"an Ar?*"1"}erXy f,lred ene hwrrln*d e5"ghtlr-*flve {fgg)xrles**ns,

? danmrrr

?he *nary lalxished *. cc*ntemttack *g**.n*t the Fq*ltlona *f ths31?th InfantqE at G*SSStr' end SAI{L* frre attask c*nre frm the East,ldorth and lierthea*t an{ es*sl"st** cf enr*rq,* lnfaxtry and tanks.

Artfl"l*ty e*ncer:trail"sns were ptae*d qpo* th* att"ask*"ng for*eslnfl{eting h*aqr snen\y }ssses,

fke 6:chn TD Bat+-a1J.on clestroyed *even (?) cnes$r *an}*s end faurtt+) nre r*r* }:rob*blg clertrog*d* rlno (1) emcng' tenk;rw. {eetr*ysd bybagsoks, fire,

$*xty*s*ven ( 6?i nrieoners eere capt*ad*

Al1 def,enstv* po*itinns erers rlel.nt,a*n*d :*{t!t*ut, l"*ss of gr*und,

?hs SCIth fllytstcn er:**3.l*ry ftjrrd ons hundrrd. snd *[fty {lt0}stL;s$"*ns *

?he &d Ba,ttal"*.m* S$lat SngLnecr ffanus,J. $ervl"s* .Rcggxant *.ncieo*p*rry t&r 6$lst ?B Bettellon tt*ys at*s.ch*d t* t!:e *Stk infantly!)isiat*n and j.n txrn x*ers st*a*he{ to *he 3lF,tfr lnfantx?; yh*se sr*tstoct:3r!"*,* an.3 prep*-raed def,en*lv* posS-t$.*ns $oubh of F.*"l'EISHTrflf{ tf*a46;


-€--{wsIlef,anslss poettf*ru $ar6 lne!.ntaint4 x*.thtx the Flv*ctorr Seetour.

?hc S*th i]*v!"ston AS{-1J-arp *l"red, cr:.e hnr:dred nlaaty*foar {1?{) rnl**l"onsoFstraljing **ntlnued ta bp aettns tc naltrtatn s*n**ct etth l:wti,lc for**aea* t,s dateredrrc thefu {dentlfteeslon *nd dtspoo$"tJ"en"


, Infar$ry fteg{x*rta esntirxl*d d*fen*lre po*5"t{.*ns and grat:roAllng,ten (l0i prLconsrs rsFe ceptured* flra *Oth S$"v{si.*n ,&rt{Ilery firEdorre hundred-trco (fOa) rd.sslona.

:f ,.fswlqrHie {Xfi.ln LLns d **sl"et*.*eo} yra*ttl"sns wsr€ r*adJwted smd

*tr*ngthen*dx S,atlve fntrollin$ wr**"nud* &th SivLaion Artilleryf.ired flr-ty-tro [5e) td.esis'rcr

11 Janujrry

SL& FseLt*nm lrsr€ 6d$sstsd and etr€lgtiffia*r*5*

$. -:lq+pagg ( eor*tnrea)

sff* Swrp*rqg K$tn 3nf*ntry reccnneit,*rsd 3n fsrea the ts$n *fn$CfiltSLY* (etrfg)* fie*plete srrryrise w&a ashE€ryEdr $wenty**hre*{?3} pr{sentrs wetr* eapturer* *nd the tswrl }lbsrated:* I}efsn*iv*p*sii3*r":* ?ier* Frepared and o*eupied by S*elp*ny Eff sn hlgh gn*r:.n*nliest *f EL!*{}{CL?U

l3-:l9lu-IE?,{LS po*5!l*ne wetre r*adJt;stect snd advsnc€d to the $nrth, ?h*

31"?th lnfantr:," in th* sss*qlr of thc 3d 8*,*tslten a*r*need ite }:l,ti,p*sfii.en tn the hlgl: gn*r:nd $outh cf *EISI{Strn {pS&&}.

t'jne (?i prls+n*,rs xer* e*ptt"ir*d. 'lk* $*th lX"vislern Arti.llJerySatt*l,1os$ fi-r*tt f5"fty i$*i n***lonsr

13 J*1,1T{f

?he 8$!h Infantrs' Fivl*J-en nont:-nuer!, ** ss*nteLn dsf*nstv*pa*3.t*.*ns an"l pe.{*+t}ert. 8*van t?} prS-aon*rs *Gpe aapturcd* ?}effi,1r l,livfslon ilir*J-l1"*r"* flr*d seventy-tqree (?3) n*{satms"

1" .l;on:mqf

*r:rinp the neriod lnfantrv patroS* cei*fJ-nu*€ to probe en*n{rl"lne*" lji-n* t?) pr*"son*f$ wer* **ptr*r*d. The *Sth iX,vi"ci.*n ..lrii"l.leryf;lred $i xtlu*61p,ht {6S} :ntsrl-s:}s.


Fefensige p*ritionn rqer* m*j,ntai-n*q1 and frr:nt lir:,* ueits lrerenotal*l* The S{}bh }i.vi.*i*il ,4r!i.}-}*r3' fi-r*,;l *S.gilty-*ev*r, {*?} :rlssions"$ersn {?} prtson*tra rler€ s&.FlLured*


3:',f,xrrtry 3*glnente eantj"nud to o*crt.gt defenslve p*nitl*ns andpatr*I"l*i* penr3inrt tl:e raeunqpu.on *f, ti:e *ffsq'rs*vo* #Jbh l)fvtston $rt11Iaqyf5"red *ir3y-slx t66) rciesttlnx*

LT ,Janu"arv#

#)th lnf*ntrp }lvisieri eni*e ***rpleted p3.a*e f*r c*e,1*inu:i*1-.: t,h*ett*eb t* the $orth :"S?SOAI Ar*,il],ery Sattal.f*n* f*r*d ]"fi? mieoi*ns'

S*:ls*emF*.s1d CIr{er }{ukh€f *6 bse*as affegt*ve }m?CO&r

. Y!:* 3d PettelS.cqr 31"?th Infwrtly att**k*d to *,he Flcrttr to refs+!r*{:$Hl? {fZ:ff} cncsuntsriru h*ary sncstr rerl*ts$ea, Yhls rs*Let{qaser*&s *?*r6oue an* !l$t;l$5 xnc tnptw*d.


' €-

18 J*l1es' (ccrtinuad)

?he l*t Satta}{cn 319th InfarrerT *ttaek€d te the Xest' t'e cclvtKAS$HLHR {ff*Jlg}* Thts ai,*a*k ?res swp*F*6d W f,!.re *f tho *d }3at&al.!"ss31?th Tnfantry* flsssy gr$q' rsal.s*eaqe *v&s en**untered* The ebJ*otivther.d not heen **ptr*ed by dar!*r**s an<i tl:e lst EntteLtan we,a srdered tos*cuFf fomior posltLorr; f"a th* tLt*nttp sf, s$,HL'

. iiirir:g thls aperatien 1?$ prlsener* *ere eapttttrsd. Sr*und gained bythe att*ek *s"* *r6*nlx** for rlefeneer *ivJ"eiGn i{r&111*V fired 1*? mi*sJ.onsr

F,t,. 'rstlyq$*ef,ensi\re pesiti.eri* xere r:raLrrtsi.neci e,n;* i:aproved* S$i,lr $i"vision

Artl).}ery fi"red 11* r**ssi.*ns* Unj"fl* r*{iletns{* i:r readinss* N* x'*sr&}€ *ttagkr


Ytr* 3l$th Inf*niry aent *t$ong patr"ole to t&s vt**.r::ity sf l3Ult$Sni

{p*a*A} efur3.*g t}re aftemscn e&{t finrti:eg itr rxro*cupisci t}rs 2d **tte.Iiwae*ren*ed tts MIfi er:d e*eupled *hc tss$* The 31$-bh In:'nnt'ry- prey:are<l lsecntinvre its adgan*e iq: :h* l'{nrtir.

?hs 31?t?r Infantry preparor* t's launeh an att*ek tei eeLse l;S[&ffi; tPf*t*]].

The 3!Sth Infantry e*nt,inued N':,ia;d-*t*.i,:r d*fensive pneilir:ns sffl ptrroRed*

ffih,h litlri.*icn Arbi.ll+ry flrsel $f rirt-m*i*rirn *t$llt pris*:rc:'* r"r*r* ee3:ttredl


Yhe Pd Sa$*allsn -1l$th Infanbry ccnlinrmd ita adv*$na dl*ri-nq Lhea*mins of 31- J*nuarry anC leunch,sii an *,!track sn pff1i-lfiC:l.::fn ipil*A$) n ce+rtwln6lrsctile rcsi"*ian*o arst captwi*rg t*lc &mn.

?1'r* 3d $a,ttsli.sn 3}ggh inf*a|ry a'btaeked an"* seissd ''XLIil;iI:In tf$&*&)c.slements +f the lst Sa.ttali.on claered the raes{ted area betvesa tliiii;r'i}f!{€I$ e.rd',:T;L1i::-:i,Il *nri frast ts the *q;rllljn F"ir+:'*

Yhe 3* Bat,t*liErr 31?th Inf*nbry atta*hsd at CI6OAA to selae i'he brtdge*wer ih* $tliiir ftlven i{ef{trr sf, Sti}SCii&11}* l*r.faterrab}e terral*, ti€sF s*{ilnnd h*avy s&*ry resi.Etarxe prove*ted bir* e*ptur* *$ the obJ*ative arrd thetd B-"tte-t*on eas ardsra{ t,a resuea oceuSaril** of defeneiv* p*ait,i*:;:s in thevici*ity *f iXSlSiilL {ffft*gi * ,iile*snts sf 'Lhe lst *st*a3i"out abl,**};*d ;*i'id

captnred KSI{r.ffil{ {},?Sh$} *

LS6 prirorrsra w€rs mptr:red in blie aperaliio** &bh $iris*on Arbtll*ryf,ire* IS$ rn:ix*iono,

$F ,{sppeg

93re defsn*lre po*i.tions South of the $II&€ Sls*r sera $*lnt*.lncd" andrrnltg re$row€d. prefi.rat*rf to leuncl:Ln6 an a&tsek Ss t'he S*st cf I'ILTU (pfg$g).




€3. Ja4Rqqy (*sntinud)

the 31?th lttferttrf eoneentratd in FiILfZr

The 319th Infcntrg srtel"ntalnsd dafms{vq po*tt{*no Sert}r sf *hr$U:iH tlver.

ffith SlsLsfum ArtLllry *[red ]la nicstona* 16 Pseeinsr** xenra *apturd.

33 S.aa$flff ,

?h* 31?th Infa*try la,rmehtd sn att'uak A3$f3g* to the Eg!t, of !']"JT,ffi

anEl grmtd !?t* SI"ffiF Sver* Kcary oricry pe*faterrps rs6s *mEountarsd.sne 3d l3a.tt&:,lsn 31?th Infrntty dron* ter th* B*at an$ ast"s*d the highgronnd ficct of sILDFftl'ILTZ (F?559), Yhs l"*t Sattallaa *t?qcked to thafieat ef *apttr* Hlsefig??a$*H (P?{s6} * Ths gd *ette:laa, }?rg!-aanrbel R*uerv*1rw*ta*d tn $fiPsls&ffix tp?esslr

Th* 3t8th Infantrly salntafu*S drfsn*ive poeltl"ow fn the ilH!*{#**S1"$I9CHSfI if#4?) &16&* Th* 5{ B*ttalloa, *[rioL*n Raacrve, mwa* by$*ter ts !iTLT?.

Tba 31?th lnfantrg adtanoed ba th* tlsrth aroned.ng th* i{IL*3 BlrwrKAffi'q$FA$i{ {P?6S:), a.I$cHgtD (F?655), and MSRfrsLg {rtg$g} uore rapturodrThe l"st, Eettalitrr eontlyrud to pr*&eeB *he Seg:i-aen?rs rtght fl*rrk btrr'

mal"grtaini"lq {ef,arofv* posl"tions $outh of, *he ?', 3,ffi Hlvs}r

tk+}rc prfuonore vcrc eaptured dur{ng the perlod,

At* i?en!**l'y

Yha 3$&h &rfar*,ry eenbLnrrad {tE et,*eek tesErds tho SL*$,F Rlrs.r uithtbe lst SattslJ*n eaptr:rlng $K$SHERAIIGS e*r thr €oat baak ef ths glffif Slvcs,$* tlie 2d Batt&:.jlon galsiss tho !:3"9h gfowd S'rot ef ]' ISffi?,tLI%r

tho 31$t& Inf,sntry *mtinud to orrtpeet tho m(ffiSHSlL $rw prupardta aescnnble ln qlllgr

X?e }lfnh Infantry crsrsod lha ?fltLYX ffi.rar" *nd noprpd r4p tlre ar.oab*rryeen the elftlE and, SLtrF Rfrerc,


fh+ 31?Eh lafantrg etta*kad ectrsss thc SLffiF fi,Lv*r st trlS0IJffiRAFx3E *rdr'Tl8ffivtx,tf eloerlng the tsrra of r{t$ffilttl,l.% *f €riqnry and wt*bllahl.ngbrtd6ubcada at both loea}ltlsE &srs*6 tho CI*ERS Hrctr* Tba 318*h (}ss 3dSettNilffi) slge*d tnta sss*kbl$r *r*a* *t +St?fr.

?hi 31?th luf,antry ssntlrssd ntt xopp*ng try optr*tfun la thaKA$fffiSASeS * AL$OHSID &tra&r

&blr Slv Aray fbod l"l,L pieslons. X3t* p,*lacnar* H*r6 sep&srsdr

fr*s {*} e}aee lr0 Traadn*y bri.dger s{trt {rpe$d aerssx tho SIffiF &ivcrLa*e the aftpfues *f bho 35tb"




?6 JFmraqg

Yhe *tteck Esnt'l"nua{* ?he lst Battaltonr 31?€h Ingantil?, c*pburdFosx{ffiIg {rmfg} r the $d $ettelioqr sru*sd t$ cilffiF R"tror ai& efbrdtb* toen 6f LgltS!{ss}$ {e?6fs}" Ths 3d Bsttallen Ee*.ca€ $xffifiHAt$R {Fn5s}.

??re 3.et"-$*ttallsn SXebh In{*ntry, attaehqd to tha 31?th Inf*ntry,nxrai.nd ln Rqtrcental.Beesrt*n Tho 2d Bottallqar 3l$ttr *rfaatry nmrd bymotss frors BS$ffielW$ tFSe?) and r+lfunad s:.amtnrt* of th* 3fgtl gsfent*et &I$srffiF (eg6$3) wd s$lr!ffiBAcs {r?6Sft}, fh* 3d satts}J.s* Slsr,h rorr*lf*yremain€d in 'ILTZ (PZ0tl) l

fhe 31?th lrrfantry p:epared for rmvsnant to the sone of th; &th InfantqyIrlvislon North of FEL9 (p9032).

Artill-eqr f*red, 133 u:!-seions. 12? priooncrc sicra eaptuned.

?'aak Foree $$$HSR$ was f,cfteed to eontfulu€ ihe attsek &e the gast t*aa*Ee the c&$aetlvE (trleh ground tr$ett of l{ffiIM}Fs (Fffif9}}-

Taek Fesers $q*trffi$ serqel,stsd of the f,cll*xlng troopar

31?th trnf;*ntrylst' S*ttrtLtm }lSbh Infar&rYSryan$.o Fteld Ar"bi"3lerf Batt*llsrf,8*bh RaeanrsLsc*ass troap?Sd Tamk Sattx.llw (frtl 3 nadts sawerli"*)

A*, ;rcl3$A T*rk Fery*s $I':W{ERS Larurshrd the *.tiaek to eatse ths ftml-o&Jeetire*

Tht Xet SettsL{ryl 3X?[h lnfantry Eetred ]IE:IXAISEK (fWC] and elearedthe toene ef ffiAF.BiiF"S {fm0$; and DoE$CIffiID (FS-61} |

ths id Bs,ttaS:[on 3ffth Inf*ntry pat'retl*d &e th* Sart" to Eontactel"ss;entn cf 4t*l lnf,aniry &lslslon'

9lw 3d Battal{an 31?th Inf,antrp oocrplo&od tha *l"*arlna of mSKS{0ffi tf?Ff$}.

Th* lot BattalL*n 3X-S*h la.fantry euired the }fuh gr,orind issst sf IISIffi$ffi(peerg)

?h; 31*th Infar:try mgsed te FSIS (Pg15f,), and rs:Lievcd el,swrtE of ttrel+6h Infsntqr SilviaLonr

&nh $tvtElon ArtJ.l3*rg f,i"r€d ]33 n{ectona X.n auspsrt af thr atteah*lX? prS.eonr*r* *ers eaptur*d.



Fp {q}.sefrr

Aftqr aei.*lng the *jaetive, ?*ek Fesse S$Li,ffiS erg*nined po*itl*n*for 'lefert"8e.

,11: rnlts of tho ffibh Infsntry Dlvlulsn rmain*.ng 1n ths Y,TLTfl

&roa wsr* r*}{*v*d by bhe 3?&h Alrbtr:u T.{sfs$"on st, A&}?$*A a*d srorsr*ent,ts *h* &th In"fantry Stvirtsa sect*r beg*ar

flsilrpny ttgt* $]st, 0hefial.*al. Sattellon rms* be1l.6ysC by Sonrlerqr s*rt*

llurir:* tha eTt?f, * FffiISf;ffi erperat5"on 359 Fri.s*.ners ?r;*re e;eptured.

* ]..1L *


s$!$ffi., F.,

IieAff$JAstreffi 3$*H Ililt*sffnYAPO #, 11. S, *$dY

3 J*n:acy 1*&5

$tlBJS{Tr After Aotion Rcport - Soverfirg Spanet$.o*ra pf, 3l$th Xnfantry, Mirlus,turing lts ittadmmt to l*th Amored $l"vl-s{anr

fO I fom:sndir..g General, &th lnf Slv, Sp* S' 0. S. Ary(Atbentionr e-3)

*F_{*€eq*pt rgj*&

At 1tO0 *.& Seember 19&r*r bath lst and 3d Sattal"lons, 31$th Snfantry e.or*pr:t ef s*xta€t slt?r ibe wr€ff* At !hs-* *Lonep €neryr el*ment* 1$ ff?glBt$C${p*ll0) r*ttrs santafuod by thl Sd,settg,1ton. ?he Ad pattsl.t.sn *&s noving torcsorte poe{tfcnx tn OBSSFMtffilq {f?St}C} arrd l*t Fstt*J.l-sn re.s a*eambLed J.* ttxvfrlnlty cf BHR$ {fgr}:*}. &t 1"560 the fiegir**nt, Le*s one {frr uatt*U*n, naserdsrd to rcove tri,thrrut dr)"*y t* e*slst th* fith Arporsd trtrvj"s{en tn rel-terlng*ht l$Irt Atrbernc *{vLelon and alwmt* *f, tha fih and 18th &rm*red F{nt*fesc uho*are esEi.rqld try tl:e €a@r Ea BASTtrFIg {r'$f$s)* xelt:tt:r the L*t ssttdel"l$ras rntrEohd et c$ItrAft {rg!$s} at 1?0$ *ad rsoved vla sEssg?,t {e?9lr}" gilL (p6a3r).UASf#I"1,4]ft]S (ff63$] to *a *n*c*!y etre* {n rsod* $rrst Sorbheart of u'AAliaCg (P56t+2).Yho 3d Sa,tt*]"ls* e}.*sad Ln ths qrs& ** nffi, RegLeenb*l HeadEra:**tra1 on* {t)p3"eteca f,owp*rry B S0gt'h snglneor F*ttalfcn and, fow (t*) anuOCn+*a fris {forya.iqyB SSth lfqdleal" Se?ba1i6'n l"eft 0flI,kAn tp8*$5) at 1?0CI atrd soved vl*, *tL {F6ejlX)aud AftISL$ {F6$A} ts FAtIgSlJ"ERs {fgfAf) cLestn€ at 3}S. ?he }st Sattal"ton xaiatt*.e?re* to fiemh*,t tliwrand Ar l+th $mme{ sl.vlslonr 3L*th Inf"*ntryn nr*res twotl] natteL5.ona, me atta"che{-ts Ssebat fieffisnd S &[h Arl*ored, rtvfkl"onn

A$. Pqe*er $*&

At OSS0 t'irc lrt SattaJ"Son *ttesked from the vieirdty *f 565&35 and faught{ts w*y btrr*ugh heartig xo*dsd *n* encbn*s:ely r*ugh t*rrain r& to Ist 3,Lna of-Separture hy 11OO a:rd nered sn to capture the tosn of TIIITAIIGE (P}?&r+) &rdappraxlm,aleLy one hun&ed*ftftf (ffO) prlsonere by l**S* ?hs Ist Satta"ll.En saeoupp*rt*d bp e]"menLs of Smpany S 35th tenk Sattallen, S'rm" }J*$S unti.l 16SB *rd e eetryani"ee cl"esned eut lhe wdg sn ttre ltfuh gr*r:nd S*st ssrd $er.th sfthe totp*. At 1?O0 the SattaLlon nsrrsd l{ortheeet fras t}rs ts}ctx and xrxds *cntrastelth B *eo"psrrtr. 53d, Anmred Inf*nttp $*tt*Llon e.lon$ a *oeds ]*fue at 57A4&'5.

. &t *ffi ihe 8d Batt*.liqn Jumpad off fru lte sss@s&ny ar€e rieinlty BUHI{OH(FS:&t) * Yh* l*th Infentry {fsnorLA) Battatr"isn sas $$ i"tc- ldi, fhe Fattalisnatta*ked thr*agh * 3.ar6e p*tch of wosde fer appnrxima&elg flf*mn-hrurdred {:SOA}yardo to eapture t&e t'wn of tl{Am$}flf (flUg) and the hlgh ground J*st, bryon{'Tlr* enesnr *as i,csll dug tn. r'in E*ty rough tsrrsgn.

3L Dea.eaper 1?&4

At SSffi the lst Sattsl:l.cn Jumped *ff frm a poo5"tfon Just Flmthea*t of,TII*?,qr'i*g (p:fllfl) and *dva**cd approitwieSy three-lhourand (3m) fard* ageln*thcavy eppw*.tlon thr*ngh ihl"ekly rsd{sd nnel e*rtrrse3g mountalnaus cawltr.;r*(*wxrxr) *1*


&.*ry. -s* {eqrtrrrudJ

&-q*qsgf. 19-& t eeqrtt nuad)

Th; *d $a,ttalio*r; *tta*klng xtth. ths 10th *lnore{ Infantry Fatta3.l*ntJtrroped off at OmO, eapturod thc tmn of nii"rJ,il]ltUH (P5149) and cleared t'he woodaone thoustnd (1-0Oo) yrrds tl thE r"iorth.


ffiarly J-n thr* er*n1x6 of the gdtbr ?s,nk cl"ern*lrtr of t}'re A.th Ar:mred Flvlelonxere able ic get tnto the-bee**"gert ottf of BA,gT0G$s (PtSfSlr bd $er* unable toget baek out, again, An offloer )-ea{1ng a four (+} nran patroS. rsent through aboutfow utousanO (lrngO) prdm af enry hald tervitorf,r fltfu *dranso thr*ugh 6n€qr}[nee w*s facl:.Lteted by the urs *f red and greon 3,1ght slene.ls whiEh had bssmlc*rnad fro*r ths ffien4r during Xhe prerlous two (3) ,**ys. ?h* patr*l lu.du cont&Etwlth e3.en**ts *f ttra 3*6t]: Hkglne*r Battall*n wJ"thln L}:.e clty at 0r+3OA *n tha3?th a${ waa es*ort*d te the *E*cend. Fnst of iha L#},$i *,lrb*rne Sivi*i.on. Yhqpatral" brou6..ht baek aa wsrlsf aS i;he pmltien* *f tha l$tst wJ-thi"n Lh* *l,tytsnd the #*3 Berlsdio &epCIrt of that ilr:lt.

1? Ss.twbqq.l, &*

l-*t B*tt*]"{or: a4;ts,cksd to tha $srb}"r at 0ffi0 end eaptffad FIS,FS:LIE (ff:*f)and tjVA.QCI{A}{p$ (ff6A*) agaj.nst heevF reslstaneer Thq ?d Battsl$-on attaelredat Sffi, clearcd ths eosda $suth of llfi?."H& (plEff) and s,*r*ne*rl ts t?.e tcwrirFor the'*fght dsfa$**"ve pos*.tlon* esr€ a+t ry Sorrthean* of SS*S101$ (pftf3)*

3g neeeelg 1944

Ab 1SS0 the l*t Fattsl-l"on was r.elL*v*'* by 3d Battalton 134.th Infantry*

tluri-ng ih* *ight the ]"st Fattetlm rstarnst ts'**t$,{Aft (F*t35} ln theEOth lllviston Sectotr.

At OSSO the 2d Battallon from lta poslllon* t{arth of *\ul" E}1*1$ attssksdt* the liorbh *n,* q*de s*ntast wJ*ih sl"snerrt* of the l*lst Afnbarn* *lvLciosl *tl*fif, vi,*irrity 55#3*0, At ?**SA thl,e E*,ttaltrsn xas rel*a.$ed to $.egi-m*ntaL.r*r***1 affi m*vd iire nsxt dag at n*an t$ reJola {h* .tegl*rerit at sC}nS"ET (f ffi38}.ftagima*la]- lieadq'ilarders an* I"teadqu*r"tera fiery*ny ret':r**rl t$ f*1&:5q tp*33f) ea39 $*eer,b*r 3914*, ilurlnr: thic a'peratLon lhe twe SettaS{ons eaptured $ tot/-ri"of ?6? prisrners of ver. One (t) fart fT Tank was destrcyed,

{*xr*m r} -,e-

top related