8 compression ignition engines

Post on 26-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines



    Compression IgnitionCompression IgnitionEnginesEngines

    Sections 10.1, 10.2.1-10.2.3, 10.3.2Sections 10.1, 10.2.1-10.2.3, 10.3.2

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Combustion in CI enginesCombustion in CI engines

    Fuel injected into cylinder toward the end of the

    compression stroke atomizes, vaporizes and mixes with high

    temperature air

    Since the air temperature and pressure are above the fuelsignition point, spontaneous ignition of portions of already

    mixed fuel and air occurs after a delay period

    he cylinder pressure increases as combustion occurs

    !njection continues until desired amount of fuel has entered

    the cylinder

    "ombustion continues well into expansion stroke until all

    fuel is burned

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Combustion in CI enginesCombustion in CI engines

    !t is unsteady, heterogeneous, three#dimensional


    $etails of combustion process depend on%

    &"haracteristics of the fuel

    &$esign of combustion chamber and fuel#injectionsystem

    &'ngines operating conditions

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    CI combustion vs. SI combustionCI combustion vs. SI combustion

    here is no knock limit as in S! engines & higher

    compression ratios can be used

    or(ue is varied by varying the amount of fuelinjected & the engine can be operated unthrottled

    )lack smoke *excessive soot+ in the exhaust

    constrains the air#fuel ratio & mixture composition isalways lean of stoichiometric *-. or more+

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Fuel conversion efficiencyFuel conversion efficiency

    $iesel engines have a higher maximum efficiency

    than S! engines due to following reasons

    &"ompression ratio is higher

    &/ir#fuel mixture is always lean of stoichiometric

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    he fall in part load efficiency is moderated by%

    &he absence of throttling

    &he leaner air#fuel mixture

    &he shorter duration combustion

    Efficiency at partial loaEfficiency at partial loa

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    he major problem in diesel combustion chamber

    design is achieving sufficiently rapid air#fuel mixing

    to complete combustion in the interval close to $"

    $iesel engines are divided into two basic categories

    according to their combustion chamber design

    &$irect#injection *$!+ engines

    &!ndirect injection *!$!+ engines

    !ypes of iesel combustion systems!ypes of iesel combustion systems

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    "irect-In#ection systems"irect-In#ection systems

    (a) quiescent chamber with multihole nozzle; (b) bowl-in-piston chamber with swirl

    and multihole nozzle; (c) bowl-in-piston chamber with swirl and single-hole nozzle

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Inirect-In#ection systemsInirect-In#ection systems

    (a) swirl prechamber; (b) turbulent prechamber

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Stages of combustionStages of combustion

    he following stages of diesel combustion processcan be defined%

    &!gnition delay

    &0remixed or rapid combustion

    &1ixing#controlled combustion

    &2ate combustion phase3 /s with controlled

    combustion the rate of combustion is governed bydiffusion until all the fuel is utilized

    hese stages are identified on the pressure and heat#

    release diagrams

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines




    /fter injection there is initially no apparent deviation from the

    unfired cycle3 $uring this period the fuel is breaking up into

    droplets, being vaporized and mixing with air3

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines




    / very rapid rise in pressure caused by ignition of the fuel#air

    mixture prepared during the ignition delay period

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines





    Several processes occurs simultaneously & li(uid fuel

    atomization, vaporization, mixing of fuel vapor with air,

    preflame chemical reactions3 )urning rate is controlled

    primarily by the fuel#vapor mixing process

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines




    /s with controlled combustion the rate of combustion is governed

    by diffusion until all the fuel is utilized

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Stages of combustionStages of combustion

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Ignition elayIgnition elay

    Ignition dela period controls !alue o" pea# pressureand its position relati!e to T$C% thus it a""ects

    engine e""icienc

    &actor e""ecting dela period are'

    & Fuel properties

    & !njection timing

    & 'ngine load

    & 'ngine speed

    & 0arameters of fuel injection e(uipment

    & !ntake air pressure and temperature

    & Swirl rate

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Factors affecting elay(Factors affecting elay(Fuel cetane numberFuel cetane number

    Fuel ignition (uality is defined by its cetane number *"4+

    "4 is defined by blends of n-cetane *"4 of 5--+ and

    isocetane *"4 of 56+ and is given by

    "4 7 percent n#cetane 8 -356 percent isocetane

    "etane number of commercial diesel fuel is normally in

    the range 9- to 66

    he higher "4 the shorter ignition delay period

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Factors affecting elay(Factors affecting elay(In#ection timingIn#ection timing

    /t normal engine conditions minimum delay occurs withthe start of injection at about 5- to 56: before $"

    !f injection starts earlier, the initial air temperature and

    pressure are lower so the delay will increase

    !f injection starts later *closer to $"+ the temperature

    and pressure are initially slightly higher but then decrease

    as the delay proceeds

    he most favorable conditions for ignition lie in between

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Factors affecting elay(Factors affecting elay(Engine loa an speeEngine loa an spee

    /s engine loadincreasesthe residual gas

    temperature and the wall

    temperature increase

    his result in higher charge

    temperature at injection,

    thus shortening the delay


    /s engine speedincreases

    *at a constant load+ the

    delay period increases

  • 7/25/2019 8 Compression Ignition Engines


    Factors affecting elay(Factors affecting elay(Inlet airInlet air TTanan pp

    Intake air temperatureand pressurewill affect the

    delay via their effect on

    charge conditions during the

    delay period !ncrease in inlet air

    temperature and pressure

    results in shorter delay

    period /lso increase in

    compression ratiowill

    decrease the ignition delay

    Ignition dela !s charge temperature

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