72-reptilian forces withdraw from the white house

Post on 15-Oct-2015






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  • Reptilian Forces withdraw from the White House

    The US government is no longer controlled by off-planet negative reptilian forces (21 January 2009)

    Message from Galactic Federation:

    "We, the Galactic Federation, announce to Earth Citizens that the government of the United States of

    America is no longer controlled by off-planet negative reptilian forces. The reptilian forces, engaged in

    manipulation through the terrorist regime and holographic mind control used by your last political

    administration, have surrendered their hold on the US government. At this moment underground

    reptilian control centers are moving off the planet in key power cities, such as New York , Chicago ,

    Denver and Los Angeles . The plan to control America with terrorist programming has ended.

    The power of the mind matrix was controlled by a mega-intelligent reptilian holographic projector.

    Many politicians were controlled by this form of robotic manipulation, called the Holographic Matrix

    Control Program Command Center . The Galactic Federation assisted intelligence agents from NSA in the

    deactivation of this matrix control device, freeing many of the political agents under reptilian control.

    We, encourage you not to think of the Republican Party as an evil regime ; many of your political leaders

    were under the influence of mind manipulation and were responding to robotic programming issued

    from this control device.

    There are still old-regime commanders within political offices, but are now in a minority and will

    withdraw during the transition period. The Galactic ONE Council witnessed a signing of an agreement,

    protected by the Galactic Federation, to phase out all reptilian walk-ins holding positions of authority in

    the Pentagon. Many of the old commanders have accepted amnesty and remain to assure a peaceful

    transfer of power. We celebrate with you the peaceful liberation of your nation.

    We advise you to continue sending high frequency love-based energy patterns to your government

    officials and military commanders. The reptilian forces will most likely attempt to regain terrorist control

    by off-planet EMF (ElectroMagnetic Frequency) wave frequency projections. Your loving mind waves can

    form a shield to protect vulnerable humans while the effect of this massive holographic mind matrix

    dissolves. There is still power in this matrix, because of the massive number of humans who have been

    programmed with this mind control technology. However, the matrix can now be dissolved ; as

    individuals awaken, the programs will break down. There are still secret agents within the CIA using

    mind manipulation, but the central force, supporting the Greenbaum project, has been successfully

    deprogrammed. Your love and thoughts of liberation from fear programming will support the process of

    reclamation of the mind of the individuals under the influence of holographic control.

    There are transition teams moving in from the Galactic Councils of Light to support the transition. We

    thank the NASA and NSA officials who have worked with us to make this possible.

    There will be no concentration camps in America. Your precious liberty must be preserved and

  • maintained. The transition has many risks and the democratic system must be re-built. There is much

    work ahead, but now there is Hope. The negative projections from the reptilian hologram still influence

    much of the financial power structures. Many of the controlling powers within the monopoly of world

    banks are still controlled by negative programming and old power regimes. You can change these

    programs. You are now the agents of liberation. We encourage you not to support the mania that is

    associated with negative ET programs and conspiracy theories, that promotes mind manipulations

    which, in turn, reinforce the matrix. Truth will come to the light, but not through acts of paranoia and

    fear. The power of positive thought and love is a tool for the liberation at hand. It has been and is a war

    of the minds. We urge you to participate only with loving thought vibrations and forgive all that has

    injured so many.

    This is a time of great celebration. Many dedicated humans within the United States Government have

    taken great risk to make this possible. The good news is your Government is no longer your enemy. Take

    action for Peace, Freedom and the Healing of the Mind of America . Open your hearts to change and the

    manifestation of miracles. You are the POWER of ONE; you are the future that you have prayed for. YOU


    * * * * * * *

    Judith in Chimayo and Sean and Loryn in Port Alberni 6am

    J. I was awakened at midnight last night with extreme brain sensations. When I attended Steven Greers

    talk, I saw his ET double; it is a physical humanoid being. I saw this person who is part of that team and

    made contact with that particular group of beings. Then I got a telepathic link with the Galactic

    Federation. I was told to channel and have received a page and a half announcing the liberation of the

    US government.

    This was more than just a liberation from a political party at the time the reptilian forces were pulling

    out of Washington DC. It tells of what has happened and the Galactic Federations involvement in this. I

    went back to bed at 1:30 am; they said that the holographic projector still has its effects in mind control.

    The mind control is not entirely gone, but the holographic projector has been deprogrammed. It is a self-

    generating system and it works on fear and paranoia. I was told that when we go into the matrix on

    Monday the 26th of January, this will bring a major shift. The holographic projector previously limited

    us. It was not a simple matter, just about mind control as in mind programming; it involved the

    manipulation of Earths hologram that resulted in limiting human potential for perceptual

    manifestations and perceptual fields.

    The main device that started this, called the Greenbaum Project, has now been deprogrammed; it is a

    device that has been deactivated.

    We have to deprogram the matrix and that is the work at hand for the matrix still has power even

    though the holographic generator of the matrix was dismantled. They said they needed to take me up

    on the ships last night, to insert an implant. After I finished channeling this letter, that I will read to you,

  • when we go into the matrix on Monday, this particular energetic implant I now have is going to be

    extraordinarily useful in penetrating the matrix because now it is up to us as individuals to deprogram

    the matrix. That is what I have been told.

    The important thing that they said, before I went up on the ships, was that it is a self-generating system

    that holographically interfered with the Earths hologram. It had limited our potential perceptual fields.

    So it interferes with our ability to generate positive holographic form. It was very intense.

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