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70 Benefits of Positivity

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Table of Contents Introduction 1 ..........................................................................................................................................

70 Ways PositiveThinking Improves You and Your Life 3 .......................................................

Choosing Positivity 16.........................................................................................................................

Introduction Are you someone who sees a glass as half-full? Or, do you instead see it as half-

empty? It's an age-old question, one that gives others an insight into what type of

thinker you are. Are you always the optimist or do you have a more pessimistic

view of the world? It's a simple enough question to answer; however, what you

might not know is how thinking positively can benefit you (and your life).

Various researchers over the years have studied how personality traits can impact

our well-being and health, to include includes optimism and pessimism. Optimists

are positive thinkers and optimism—or positivity—is an effective way to manage

stress, which has many more benefits.

What does positivity Mean?

Before we get into all of the ways positive thinking can improve your life, let's first

address what positive thinking truly means. It's important to note that it doesn't

mean turning your back on problems in an effort to ignore and avoid unpleasant

situations. What it means is that when faced with unpleasant situations you do

so positively and with productivity in mind. From the outset, you believe the best

case scenario is more likely to occur as opposed to the worst case. That begins

with your self-talk.

Learning how to manage the 30,000 thoughts that stream through your mind on

a daily basis is key. These thoughts are automatic; they may be primarily negative

or positive. Some of this talk stems from reason or logic, while much of it is based

on your misconceptions.

Are your thoughts negative or positive? If they are the former, then it is more than

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likely you have a pessimistic thinker. However, if your inner thoughts are positive

then you are probably an optimist.

Don't worry, pessimists, you can make changes and become a a more positive

person, and I’m hopeful you'll find the motivation to do that from the huge list

benefits listed below!

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70 Ways PositiveThinking Improves You and Your Life Before we dive in, while there has been plenty of research that suggests positive

thinking has these benefits in your life, we don't really know why. There are

theories, of course, one of which is that optimism helps manage stress and reduce

its harmful effects on your body and life. Additionally, it's believed that optimists

live healthier than pessimists, which means enjoying a healthy diet, getting regular

exercise, and avoiding bad habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

1. Protected Against Cardiovascular Diseases

Optimism means having a healthier heart. This is likely a lot to do with managing

stress, but regardless of the why, start being more positive if you want to protect

your heart from disease.

2. Psychological Well-being

Positive thinking is also great for your mind. Negative thoughts have a way of

making you feel miserable.

3. Physical Well-being

When you are negative it can affect your sleep, your mental health, and your body.

Sometimes, in your exhaustion, it feels as though every muscle in your body is

aching. It's anxiety, you're tensing yourself getting caught up in all of the

negativity. You are dissatisfied, and the negativity is impacting your physicality.

Positivity has the opposite effect.

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4. Lower Blood Pressure

This goes back to stress management, as stress fuels high blood pressure. By

thinking positively, you are beating stress before it can become a major factor in

your life. This erases many of the health problems that stem from stress, and in

particular, blood pressure problems.

5. Lower Cholesterol

According to a study from the University of Harvard, optimism helps lower your

cholesterol (http://www.ajconline.org/article/S0002-9149%2813%2900388-3/


6. Improved Immune System

Researchers are always looking at different ways to boost the immune system. It

turns out that it's as easy as being more positive. According to the University of

Queensland, studies have found that positivity can help you bounce back from the

common cold and flu much quicker (https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/

2014/09/positive-boost-immune-system). Do you struggle to get rid of illnesses?

Maybe you should consult your self-talk to see if that's why.

7. Resilience

People who think positively are better equipped when it comes to coping. So, not

only do they bounce back quickly from illness, they're just more resilient. That

means that beyond the immune system aspect of positivity, positive thinkers are

resilient after surgical procedures and more serious injuries.

8. Increased Lifespan

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Yes, thinking positively can increase your lifespan. Not just by a year or two. By as

much as 10 years! The reason for this is that all of the other physical benefits you

receive from positivity add up and improve your overall health and wellness, thus

extending your life. The good news is that you get more time with your friends and

family and will be more healthy to enjoy it. It's a win-win (https://


9. Pain Tolerance

How is your pain tolerance? As it turns out, positive thinking can help. This

mindset keeps you from focusing on the discomfort and allows you to overcome

the temporary pain. Positive thinking literally increases your pain tolerance.

10. Lower Depression Rates

When your self-talk is overwhelmingly negative it shouldn't be a surprise that you

are at greater risk of developing depression. Mood swings and poor mental health

go hand in hand, and one of the best ways to combat that is with positive thinking.

11. Be Better

One great benefit of positive thinking is that it encourages you to be be/er. You

are more aware of the needs of your body. So, you make healthy dietary decisions,

you exercise regularly, and you go to bed on time. It's much easier to succeed when

your mind and body are healthy. Positivity has a lot of influence on your life.

12. Social Health

Social media has been driving an image is everything mentality. What you see is an

amazing selfie. What you don't see is the dozens of photos they took to get the

perfect one. What you see are funny stories and cute anecdotes. What you don't

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see is the chaos. We are all guilty of putting a different face on when we post on

social media. Well, when you're a positive person you aren't really affected by

what everyone else's life looks like. You're more than happy with your own. Your

positivity will also rub off on others and it makes them value you and want to be

around you.

13. Leadership

Positive people are the more likely type to find themselves in positions of

leadership. That goes for outside hires and promotions, too. People are happy to

follow positive people. Just like positive salespeople are more likely to sell more

than a negative salesperson.

14. Life Is Fun

It only makes sense. When you view life positively you're going to enjoy it more,

aren't you? Positivity will lead you to be more outgoing, you will feel free to

interact with others, and enjoy your surroundings more.

15. A Boost In Self-Esteem

Positive thinking begets self-esteem. When you start to think more positively you

will start to feel more confident. Confident people are just more attractive,

whether it's romantically, socially or in your career. Do remember, there is a fine

line between confidence and arrogance. Be sure you don't cross the line.

16. Healthy Relationships

One of the most difficult things in life is successfully managing relationships.

People are complicated and when two (or more) people come together, there is

bound to be problems. Not so much for positive people, though, they tend to be

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successful when building long-lasting relationships. Those skills can extend

beyond romance and be put to good use in the workplace and with friends, too.

17. Healthy Habits

Positive thinkers are more aware of what goes on around them (and within

themselves). We already pointed out how positive thinking causes people to be

better, but it goes beyond that. They choose healthy habits because they know

how their actions could be perceived. So, instead of giving into peer pressure they

are the ones who set the standard. They surround themselves with people who

make good decisions.

18. Stress Management

When faced with a challenging situation, someone who thinks positively can deal

with the issue quicker and more efficiently. Why? They don't get caught up in the

tangled mess, instead, they shift their focus to solving a problem.

19. Focus

Positive people understand that no matter how bad a problem seems it isn't the

end of the world. They don't get caught up imaging the worst possible scenario.

They are quick on their feet and capable of handling stress effectively. No matter

what life throws at them they are able to make the correct decision, even when

faced with the most difficult of situations.

20. Success

Negative people are more likely to get caught up in their failures. Positive people

instead see a failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. So, they are the more

likely of the mindsets to push themselves out of their comfort zone and try new

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things. Which might just explain why they tend to be more successful when it

comes to careers.

21. Happiness

Not only do positive people live longer and more productive lives, they're happier,

too! Positivity attracts positivity.

22. Inspirational

Positivity really does rub off on others. Your positivity can affect the behavior of

others, which makes you a leader (even if you're not in a leadership position). It

means that you can make a difference in the lives of others.

23. Positivity Attracts Positivity

This is a little bit along the lines of the law of attraction. When you choose

positivity, you attract the same in return. Make positivity your priority and ensure

you always make a great first impression on others.

24. Problems Become Solutions

Positive people don't see problems, they see solutions. While even the slightest

challenge can throw a negative person off track, even the largest obstacles can't

derail the positive among us.

25. Gratitude

How often do you take a moment to show gratitude for what you have in life? It's

something that positive people do easily. They know exactly what to celebrate.

Negative people, meanwhile, are too busy complaining to see the amazing life they


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26. Motivation

Positive people tend to achieve their goals easier and quicker because with

positivity comes motivation.

27. Inner Peace

We already pointed out that positivity leads to confidence, which is attractive.

Well, positivity also allows your inner peace to show through. Positive people

smile more, are more friendly, and happy. That shows on the outside.

28. Graceful Aging

With less stress, you're going to find yourself healthier. Healthy living means

graceful aging. Forget wrinkles and gray hair, embrace positivity.

29. Less Selfish

It's easy to be self-centered, we are technically the center of our own universe.

However, we probably still spend too much time thinking about ourselves. While

self-care is something everyone should practice, we should also try to think of

others. That's something that positive people do automatically.

30. Less Distress

When you are thinking positively and find solutions instead of always seeing

problems, you are going to experience far less distress in stressful situations.

31. Emotion Management

Positive thinking reduces jealousy and can make memories happier. Positivity

allows you to experience happy emotions and bounce back from challenges and

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stress quicker.

32. Better Sleep

Positive thinking won't just help you get a better night's sleep, you'll find yourself

falling asleep quicker and for longer. If you are someone who struggles with

insomnia, then try positivity on for size. Think about what's keeping you up –

problems, anxiety... products of negative thinking.

33. Relaxation

Yes, positivity is an effective relaxant. Think positive thoughts and see how quickly

it helps you relax.

34. Friendlier

Positivity makes you friendlier, which makes people more likely to be friendly in


35. Making Friends

Yes, positivity makes it easier for you to make new friends. It can be difficult to

make friends as we get older, but not when you're a positive person!

36. Deeper Friendships

Not only will you make new friends easier, you will be able to deepen the

friendships you already have. Your positivity will make your friend feel good,

they'll feel appreciated, and get a buzz from spending time with you.

37. Effective Manager

Not every manager is a leader, nor is every leader a manager. However, positivity

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can improve your management skills. This doesn't necessarily have to relate to the

workplace, it's also an effective skill set for home life. Positive people aren't as

quick to criticism, which means they communicate more clearly and with a touch

of empathy.

38. Networking

If positivity affects every other facet of socializing, then, of course, it's going to

improve your ability to network efficiently.

39. Achieving Goals

When you set a goal, motivation is necessary to achieve it. It's far easier to

maintain your motivation when you have a positive mindset.

40. Making Decisions

You make hundreds of decisions every single day. Some of them are simple, like

eating and drinking. Others aren't as easy. Positive people don't get bogged down

by complex decisions. They can easily cut through the static to find the best

solution and make decisions easily.

41. Improved Productivity

Positivity makes it easier to focus, as we noted above, so greater focus leads to an

increase in productivity.

42. Hope

With positivity comes hope, and hope is everything.

43. Strength

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Positivity means always finding the strength to continue and never give up.

44. Expectations

With positivity comes an expectation of success, never considering failure as an


45. Self-Belief

You do because you believe that you can, your positivity fuels your belief in self.

46. Problem Solver

Instead of getting caught up dwelling on problems you instead seek solutions.

47. Opportunity

When you see an opportunity, you seize it. And, you will see those opportunities.

Suddenly, you'll notice them more frequently.

48. The Silver Lining

Positive people always see the silver lining, they can always uncover the blessing

in disguise.

49. Perception

When you become a positive thinker, you recognize when it's all in your head. It

helps you process life more efficiently.

50. Inner Voice

Positivity changes your inner voice and allows it to drive you in a positive way.

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51. Increase In Energy

Negative thinking is absolutely exhausting, so by being positive, you can expect an

immediate increase in your energy levels.

52. A Change In Perspective

When you can flip your perspective and see the world through positivity tinted

glasses it's amazing how things change.

53. Self-Improvement

Positive people are more self-aware, which means they are more likely to pursue


54. Happy Home

Whether you live with a roommate, romantic partner, and children or on your

own. Positivity will improve your home life. Your ability to relate to people and

communicate clearly will make all the difference in how your home life operates.

55. Parenting Skills

For the parents out there, positive thinking improves your ability to parent! Why?

It instills self-confidence in your kids.

56. The True Pursuit

Positivity will help you in your true pursuit, instead of getting caught up in what

your neighbor has, and you don't. You just get life on a deeper level.

57. Clarity

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You have a choice in what thoughts you think and when you choose to think

positive thoughts you have a greater sense of clarity in your life.

58. Joy

Positive thinking won't just change your entire life, it can change the atmosphere

of your life, too.

59. Positive Impact

Your positivity will have an impact on others. You will naturally bring out the good

in others when you are your best self.

60. An Awakening

Your positivity about others can awaken positivity and self-belief in others.

61. Living Meaningfully

Use your positivity to uplift others. When you see others engaging in positivity

thank them for it! Everyone wants to live a purposeful and meaningful life.

62. Love

It is easier to love and be loved when you think and live positively.

63. Abundance

Positive people are more open to opportunities, which means you are welcoming

an abundance in your life. When you're positive you start to realize that

coincidences aren't just coincidences at all.

64. Big Sky Thinking

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Thinking positively will encourage you to push yourself outside your comfort zone

and embrace opportunities. No challenge is too great when you're a positive


65. Improved Cognitive Function

When you're caught up in negativity you are fueling your stress levels, which have

a direct impact on your cognitive abilities. Which means that positivity improves

cognitive function.

66. Sex Drive

Negativity kills your libido, but positivity can reawaken your sex drive.

67. Digestive Health

Negativity and stress go hand in hand, and those are two things that can impact

your digestion process.

68. Peace of Mind

You will have far more peace of mind when you feel better overall, and that is all

down to positive thinking.

69. Stronger

You might not feel physically stronger, but as your self-esteem and confidence

increase, you will feel stronger as a person.

70. Life Is More Worthwhile

The more positive you are the more value you place on your life, making it more


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Choosing Positivity We choose our mindset. And the first step in choosing positivity is identifying your

nega8ve thinking.

Start with your self-talk.

• Are you more likely to filter out positive thoughts and seize the negatives in

every situation?

• Do you personalize everything? Do you blame yourself when something bad


• Are you more likely to anticipate the worst case scenario in every situation?

• Do you think in terms of black and white and view them as inherently bad or


You can turn your negative thoughts into positive ones. While it will take time and

a lot of practice and consistency, it's probably easier than you realize. Essentially,

you're creating new habits.

This is how to tackle it:

• First, identify the areas you wish to change. What areas of your life are

fueling your negativity? Is it a relationship, your job, the commute? Start


• Take time out periodically throughout your day to evaluate your thoughts.

Are they negative? When you notice negativity in your thoughts, spin them

in a positive way.

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• Don't allow stress to rob you of your joy. Laugh, smile, and appreciate the

humor in life whenever you get the opportunity to do so.

• Focus on being healthier. Not only should you be eating well, but you should

be getting at least 20 minutes of exercise each day.

• Spend time with positive people. When you are faced with negative people,

try to allow your positivity to rub off on them. Don’t internalize their


• Turn your self-talk positive. Think of it like this—if you wouldn't say it to

someone else—why would you be saying it to yourself? Be more gentle with

yourself. Instead of putting yourself down, be encouraging.

You won't become an optimist overnight, but, with a bit of practice you will start to

see a difference in your self-talk and in the rest of your life. When you are positive

in general you will find yourself more capable of handling stress and finding joy in


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