69th year, 206th issuo 24, lv>2 gop cheers, nixon...

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69th year, 206th issuo

/rfo /to ’s Lnrgvsl Evifnini> Nt^tvspaper.TW It^ FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, lV>2

1 0 '

GOP cheers, Nixon campaign

MIAMI BBACH (UPl) —A the event protest dcmonstra-

linppK oncl peppcd-up Proslclont Hons (jot out ol liiind, Tliey

NiU)n hit tlic campaiun trail wcro not used.

today In search of the "new Ulcy were nnrt ol n

Nixon's first campa)nn-typo

speech, botore tho Legionnaires

In Chicngo, Included im attack

jm_thc "honcaUiut mimulded-

“Joln our now majority —not on

the basis of the party label you

wear on your lapel but whot

-bcUavR In youtUiejirtaJ^majority" ho promised to win contingent o( 5,500 federal and voiccs of those who soy we Ninon seemed convinced ho

for the Kepublicans who gave National 'Guard troops who aliould .wooken America and could w in, Uie "four more

hhn a roaring sendoff at the stood by as local and state naively liope for peace tomor- years" the ii}lcg«tcarcpcatedly

dose ot their notional convcn- police handie<l demonstrations row" -on obvious reference to chanted about, with continued

_Uon.-----------------------------------------whlctusaw4,100arrosU------------- hl«— Diimocratie— opponent-oppeolste-indtpmdentJ-nnd-to--------NixonhcudecltowurdCalifor- '‘We appreciate your servi- Sen. George S!* McGovern, ^thosc millions wlw have been

nin —with two spccches en cca,” Nixon told &00 fotiaue- ( whom Nixon djtl nnt montinrt ymir in thftrouto-with a personui thank-you clad soldiers from the by name) who has called for Democratic part>.”

and a round of fence-aide Airborne Dfviaion ut Ft. B/agg,' $30 blUion in defense cuts. “ ' 'Remnants of protest demon'

stratlons wero'still evident In

Miami Beach on the day after,

but the ocean playground was

fast returning to normalcy. A

C o n tr a s t

ATTEMPTS BY antl'War demoastrators to

prevent delegotes to Republican Natioaal

CoovcntloD from hearing -President Nixon’s acceptnncc speech on renomlnatlpn sparked u

series of clashes in Miami Beach Wednesday,

with about l.lOO {Arsons arrested. The

President (above) addresBcd b packed hall

despite clashes, which produced stru^tgles like

this (below) -as protesters were luuded intu

police vans. (UPI)

hondshaking ut Homestead Air N.C. .Tho GIs responded with Nixon promised "economy ol-

, Force Base for some paratroo- cheers and whistles. ways, weakness never." >

. pers who \vere summoned in While Ntxbn heads for Cl)ica* McGovern, vote hunting in

go and a speech to the Minneapolis, attacked the con-

j ginn, hlH running__vnnMnn wh|rh gnyff-NiTnp_h*°- fow-bua-bonohfln-ivoronQvtor

mute, Vice President Spiro T. third presidential nomination In turned bi tJie street and litter

Agnew, was nt work on the a dozen years ns “ tho most totted grassy strips of palm-

could ^thrust him to the national convCntior)/ln Ameri- protesters Who staged their forefront when tlie GOP picks cop history.”

Its next candidate four years “ l^ e Doinocralic conven-

from now. • tion,” McGovern said, "wasAgnew dropped by a meeting open to the people. The

of the Republican Nationol .Jlepublican convention was a

Committee for a pei>talk on place for the President to

party unity and presumably to hide."

consolidate his position among In his speech to the ..Mtum

the GOP professionals. Some convention’s final session Wed- Chuck Hall, said he didn't corc

party conservatives met Wed- pesday night -and the millions to host another conventiori of

nesduy and generally agreed of voters who watched it on eiUier party again, saying it

Agnew was their favorite for television—Nixon urged discon- cost loo much, for one thing,

10V6- , tented Democrats and others to and hurt tourist business.

m i l d



Justice Department said Wed­

nesday It Is planning no

investlgution of former Attor­

ney General Hainsey Clark gr

former White House press

secretary Pierre Sulinyer for

possibly havinji violated the Ijiw

by holding discussions with

North Vietnainuse ufficiuis.

Both Saliii)>er and Cluck are

strung suppurters of Sen.

George S. McCuverti. Salinger

talked to North Vietnauiese

officials in Paris In McGovern's

bet\aif, and Clark briefed the

Democratic [jreaidentiai iiuini-

neu after retui iiing from Hanoi.

"We are not looking into

whether they have violated the

Logan act," a department

spokesman said.

maximum effort Wednesday night.

Judges were still processing

thp demonstrators arrested in

the disruptive tliough lorgely

Ineffective attempt to stoU


*nic mayor of Miami Beach,

Newsman sniffs fumes on way to GOP session

Cool spell not unusual in August


Spcclal to Ihc Times-News

MIAMI BEACH - I walked Uirough'the

crowd of deinonstratorsbutslde Convention Hall Wednesday night, and, would you believe It, 1

was almost set'iousiy injured.I ’d been sleeping In pie hotel room during Uie

late afternoon and before leaving for Con­

vention Hall I tuned In a local TV station. 1116

reporters were telling about angry demon-

' TWIN r*'AU^ — llie cool strators confronting angry police, aijd made the

weather in tho Magic Valley the '(‘•“■■ti™ sound terrible, Hley

past few days and nights is not “ I" “'»"•! <l<-monstrators have the

unusual for the month of bu' «'<•■>■<> barring reporters. ( from the area. ,

Winter-iike rei.lperatures are ^ beginning early this year in U.e “"■* P“

central Hockles.' Traveler’.

— jHOuulaln— paasG^

spraying tear gas In the street outside. But I

noticed no tear gas until I ’d gone five blocks. Hiere, some demonstrators .were trying to block

from the Caribbean Hotel to Convention Hull.

US family food costs hit peak during l y


retail beef and |>ork pt'Ices

breaking records, the co. t ,of a

typical family food market

oaskel Jumped 1.8 per cent to

an all-time high in July, the

Agriculture Department report­

ed today. 'The monthly advance, the

slmrpest since February, was

partly due to normal seasonal

factors. After adJusUnent for

■uoBonalu variation, officials said, the increase would be 0.7

per cent. ‘ ' \ • Despite the Increase, depart­

ment food ficonomists today

relifflrmed thdr belief that

consumers have already, seen

the worst of the year’s price

gains, and may get some relief

ut supermnrkot counters this

full.A spokesman said the July

rise had been expected, and.

there was no reason to waver

from a published foreciist

earlier this mdntli Uiat by full "the Index may show some

seasonal decline" because of

rising' beef supplies and declln-

Protesters drift from camp qui

Did vouad lor bn accordion

;tn tfidpy'i p b p tf?


ragged demonstrator^ who

came to Miami-Beoch to ohut'

down the Republican -Convcn-

.t io n drifted out of tholr

* Flamingo Pork, campground

‘todiiy, their fo rta defeated by

_moro than IJWO-arresta-ond' choking cloudfl of tear gas. '

The estimated 4,000 young, nntlwar protesters povo evlpry-'

thing they had Wednesday night, tying up troffic, pounding

on cors and cursing and

throotfi^nlngvdelegi}^ (or'blQc)ui

alonji tho resort city's., beach-

s|d<).- strip and outside \he Convention Hall.................

But the final session of the

Re|)ubllcan National Convention

convened only nine minutes late

and wpnt off on sche<^ule.

.I^lice said the pork, head-

quarters of the prptosters, was

being peocefully emptied as tho

young peoplo who spent up to

two .weeks there struck •their

tQnt3 and M t ’ as tholr, clty> lia^^d pern^lt bxplre'd“at noon.

ing fresh produce prices.

The department's montiily

food price report today said the

retail oost o^a-typienl-mnrket bijsket of farm-produced foods,

bought for n family of

four, rose from an annual rate

of I I,200 in June to 11,322 in

Jiilyi ^10 133 gain lifted the

c'ost to 4.5 per cent above o

year earlier. * ,* ’

Retiill beefr^Mces rose to u record 11.173 n-^und-in-July.

because of a sharp increase In

supermarket margins. But most

of tho montli’s price gains wcro

due to higher farm prices for

hogs, frying chickens, eggs,

potatoes ond onions, the report


C o io riid o a n d Wyo„-,in« to d a y . ? 'O cc as ,6 n a l snow w in n m k e ‘ ''ild re n lo -stay in s id e because po licy were

fur hazardous driving as a

.fvOntiiUystuiiuuuvcsiJuLJif-tlic----------------—--------- —------------

central Rockies producing heavy thundershowers In Uie

high plains witl) cold wciUher

and snow behind tlie system.

TumperatUJ'es this - morning

were well down in the 30s at

higher elevations In Wyoming and Colorado.

According to the U. ^S.Weather Bureau in Kimberly,

Uie record low of 31 degrees for

August in TwlhTaliro"ccufred

on Aug. 31. lOOB. A reading of 45

was recorded here today.

^ In I960 record high tem- perature.^or August were set at

101 on Aug. 22; 102 on the 23rd

and 24th, and 103 on Aug. 25.

Twin Fulls recorded an ex­tremely wet August in 10C8 with

2.77 Inches of moisture. Tho

norinu lprec ip lla llon for the

montK Is 0.17.'

‘delegates from coming out of the Saxony Hotel,

and the tear gas stung my eyes. I walked a block

Uirough It and, if I'd t«en a determined

demonstrator, could probably hove stood it

much longer. But I was inspired >by nothing

more fervent than curiosity, and I turned aside,

detourcd a block and got out of the gas. That put

me along Uie Indian River Canal. 1 thought of

-waahlng-iity-eyesrbut-oftcrlooWngTitihrwntcr* I decided I ’d rather take my chancQS with the tear g^s. ~ ^


F a s t C S I g ro w th p a ce m a y s lo w up

— TWIN FALliJ - The gush of-growth at Uie : the yearfollowlng. '

Chessfneii draw, 2 Jerom e fa ir, 15C d lla r la l. i F a rm , J T M a rk n lv , t : i TV ,iuav li<« .(i V a lley llv lnK. ia !-M .

College of SOuthcrn'Idaho may slow U) a U-lckle

Uiis year.Although finarenrollment figures are notVet

available, pre-reglsU-ation trends suggest Ihe

college's enrollment-wili bo about tho same or

onlv slightly larger than last year.This would tnean the ra^id expAnslon Uiat has

characterized tho college may have ended.AccordinjUQ CSI director of admissions Jerry

Meyerhoeffer, o student body of slightly over

3.000 ‘rull"ond pflrt*tlmo students Is qxpoctod'

when clnsBOS begin MOndoy. ThU would

compare wlUi 2,042 students at last year's peak.

CSI dpparently is not alone is projecting a

Blowdown In enrollmenta. Earlier In tho week, 'MiiR)nSrffoiiriUnnoflse'euiiv(rdiroctanirH!BK6f“ anti'mcomo7*

education, said reports from state collegos Hie draft throat has been romoved. "Four or

pro]ectcd enrollments would romtftn unchanged five years ago every young man coming In to

or Increase only slightly. school 'VtfSi somewhat concerned about the ^CSI's Moyorhooffor echoed SmairB,\_draft,.whlclj he isn't any mor«,^Moyorhooffer—

prediction. Ho said people ho had'contacted' sold..

from othercoUoRpa.‘‘thlnk thoy’ro doing great . •‘Hoyvey.Qc.'Lho. sold, “ many re turn ing :

if they hold tiiplr own." sorvlcomen / a i^ taking collogo .coilrfles.v,

" I think we’ll hold our own and probably somewhat counterbalancing tho effect of the

KroriJ lOCfl until 1071, the growth rate hovered

In tho neighborhood of 16 per cent each year.

• This year, should the enrollment peak at 3,150,

enrollment woul(l rise only 7 per cent. The

incfeasfi could be less.

Meyerhoeffer suggests that Uie trend toward

leveling college enrollments In the state may be the result of several foctors: '

Reports of many colleg»v graduates find It

dirricult to find jobs. On tho other hand, much

publicity has been hoard “about howyou'can' •

find a lot of jobs wiUiout going to school

Meyerhoeffer ix skeptical about the claim: " I would like to debate Uiot wiUi somebody." He .' fiold’cducation does correlote with employment

increase o lltUo,” ho sold.: - CSI enrollment hod grown faster thon'ony ot-

her Idaho college ncc It opened Its doors In JDG5. Since the>i its enrollmont grew to about five

; tlnie^ Ita initial enrollment.

Tholorgest itrowth took place In tho collego’s second year, os onrolln^eht nearly doubled, to

.,overl,l00 students.In Uic next two’ years, growUi.wos rapid.

draft removal

. He sold there haft been no pdrcoptlble change

in thgj'atlo of men to women s tu d o n t^ h e ratio

has rdraalnotUt about WW2. ' ’ wi- * -

Inooklng to the future,-Meyorhobffer predicti

Uiat U)e slump In enrollmont will la it only 9 year. *

"AfterUtal;^' he saya» "growth should reiume.’

'tlio rate of growth protMbly won’t be as high u

jumping one fourUi In I0fl7 and moro'Uiat^ii third jlurilljt the opUegq’s foundaUon years," he ,u ld.


; I .

a TIm'ei-N«wi, Twin Falli, Idaho Thuriday* 1»72

N ix o n s a v o r in g'^Ile says h<i accepts, c h ie f '

MIAMI nE A C II(U P I)- it nil nmong Republican votorfl.' too good true (or MncQrcfifor cHoa i Minnesota

nichard M. NUon. poll, taken by Uig Mjpncapollfl

II0 leaves t^ a y on n doy< Tribuno, which sHowod Nixon long, hodfte-ljopping (a icago , 'getting the votes of M per cent

' Otica, Mich., San , Diego) of the Republicans. In one nows

Journey to his San Ocmentc conference, he .colled the

* homo wiUi no rcnson to doubt unanimity both "unprecedcnt-

ttie chant o f ‘‘four more years, cd"and'*iinbcllevable.’’

four more years" which greet* A Gallup Poll sliows Nixon


At this stage of Uie campaign

-some 10 weeks before ■ the

election—Nixon must bo as

prohibitive a favorite as was

President Lyndon D. Johnson

when he defended against

Barry M. Goldwater in lOM.

leodlng McGovern 57-32; a New

It l8 a remarkable situation

niany defeats as victories.

Going Into the campaign.

Nixon’s achievement rating is

’ at Its peak.

And his edge, in the polls,

had notlilng but troubles to add

to the troubles ho began with.

Ho was forced to rid himself,

of Sen. 'niomos F. Eagleton as

his vlce>presldcntlal candidate

In 0 manner that could only

have cost him support; ho has

been unable to moke peace with

labor; he denied, Uien admit* ted/Kc"st*nt.Pierre Salinger to

Paris to confcf wltli the NortJi

Vietnamese; ho is having staff

problems. McGovcrn has all but

squondered the five-week edge

in beginning his campaign.

And if money is a .clpcldlng factor, MacGregor plans to put

135 million to |38 million Into

the campaign. It is a figure

that McGovern, despite Innova-

York Times Trl-SUite Poll

shows Nixon ahead by almost „ .wvjw»v.m, ...

_ — H -|o»^po llU c l^w hosc_carcer— t|,o-gnj„c-nj^rBtTHn-NovrYorkr-\l^r\mlJ^laftHr'tccttnt(iac87has been marked by ahiiost as Jersey, and Connecticut, will find difficult to match.

and a Time Magazine poll gives Qut there are 10 weeks left,

Uie President huge leads in and Nixon has a history of

states with 10 or more doctoral dliisiputlnK.loud«.

votes.Alabama Gov. Qporge C.

M agic^alley ObituOTi«^sL . S . I l l e i H. Hiinscheid BarthoIotn«w H. Crawford


Seen...Jolm Harti getting first hair

c u t ^ , . . Javier Gonzales

discussing high cost of

automobiiea . . , Diick . Hiatt

expounding on now grandfather

status . . . Dick Haynes

advising motorist about

interesting sight . . . Ollle

Horton wearlrtg hot pants under

modest lengtli top . . . Tim

Qualls complaining about'the

amount of Instant coffee he has'

consumed . . . J im Rosenbaum

reporting on hospital

remodeling work . . . Judy

Brooks holding'dpwn^two Jobs

- ^- .^B ob—Gollins-whlpplng-

oround corner in parking meter

‘ vehicle . , . Mrs. Inez Peterson

anxious to got workers started on awning Job . . . Gcne.Wliitc

feeding neighbor's livestock . . .

George-S.-McGovern,-thi>-WQjlucg-^l,o~pljc¥eUl)rrrrv' Democroticepresidentialcnndl- southern states remains para-date, la 80 large, U has the

markings of a landslide.

But what campoign manager

Gork MacGregor likes about

tlie polls Is the degree of unity

At ^ MURTAUGH - Lawrence S .' RUPERT - Hermon Joseph TWIN FALLS — Funeral Cr^'wfold fis Glenn Trail announclnR birth of

^ S e l S l ^ l T f i o u p ' n o t n Q i ^ ® * r ^ ^ 7 ^ “* **'‘f ' s e r v i c e s for "Irene E; Bar- Wedntisday morning at Magic gran^dchild . . . Mrs. Johnas toduv lover Hubert H ^ e d n c ^ y morning at GdTOing Wednesday at his home-of a tholomew, 09-year-old Twin Valley Memorial Hospital Doe«TworklngonCampflreGirl

nLT rev- ond b a r X w6n FaWs resident. wU\ be held at 2 following a long illness. Pr<^ect . . and overheard, q

. He was born Sept. 20. 1808, at p,„,. ,F riday at the Hove ' He was born Jan. 15. 1917, In young mother talking to college

Ident a seemfng sweep of the d i L e ^ t h a t If the campaign lAM. In Rich- Muenster. Tex. He camo to Funeral Chapel. Jerome. Belle Rive, Ul. When he was 3 IS u “ ^ ^ E f„L mond, Ind., he wus among the Rupert In 1906 with his parents Final rites-wUl be In the months old his parents moved to have Is 0 BA as In BAby.”

early formers on the MUner from Twin .Falls and has since Jerome Cemetery. the Twin Falls arco. He '

ar-iiigatlon-DUtFiot^Io-wafr-r0sld®d-her<h------------------ Smrwos-bonrJuly-2i.iB73rat-trailuntcd-from-Filcr-

lyzed from the walst^own and

cannot run, giving Uic Pres-

South.In x’ontrast, McGovern has.

had run another week, Nixon

would have lost.

McGovern raps confabedueatMl In nichmond and was He wo!( a retired U.S. Postal aarlo ii, "lowo. She attended &hooT'l'nra." ........................

a m embor of the Catholic Scrvlcc cjaployc, . retiring ' In school at Qnrlon and waa nn flrt. fi. I!l«. he marHciL

■ ■Juno, 1057: He was a diarfer niarrlcd to Arthur M. Bar- Genevieve HiKglns ot Gooiling,For 10 years prior to comlnB member ol Ihe Knights of ihblomcw on Morch 15, 1091, at

1 Proposal I


—Sen. George McGovern den­

ounced the Republican National

Convention today as a "slick ' and cynical spectacle” that hid

President Nixon’s real record

from the public.

■‘Jilst hours ago, the Nlxon-

Agnew ticket accepted 'a

nomination for a second term

from the most incredibly closed

and controlled national conven­tion In American history,” he


••Armed security guards were

even assigned to watch the secretaries who were typing the

Republican platform—after see­

ing that platform I can

understand why they wonted to

keep It 0 secret,” he said. “The

Democratic cor.vention was

open to the people. The

Republican convention was a pluae foj; ]he President to

hide." - ^ .

McGovern came here to cap

a three-day swing through the Midwest with a speech to the

Amoclcan Federation of Teach­

ers.' Uic AFLrCIO union which

is growing in strength among

the notion's educators.He also scheduled a spwch '

here to the Veterans of Foreign

.Wars (VFW). corrylng the same message he gave to U)c

.American legion In ClUcogo

Wednesday: that the Vietnam

wac wos harming national

security by dralplng off badly

Daley did not seem particu­larly enthusiastic when the two

men appeared together in

public for the first time since

tlie McGovern-dominated Mia­mi Bead) convention, In which

needed resources and destroy- Uie mayor's aiiciiBO delt'KUtlon

ing the faith ol Americans in wos denied scats,

the military. The mayor predicted, howev-While he was in Chicago, that McGovern would carry

McGovern met with Mayor niinois in November and

nichard J. Daley and at a newF McGovcrn said tiie convention

conference afterwards the may- «.(is now "past history." He

or again gove his grudging .|,e was "salisfied tiiat I

support to the Democratic have the total support ot the

nominee. mayor."

Russians-lWge official protest

to Idaho, he wus stationed in_ C o lu m ^ and served as J h e Dqvvs. Iowa.

Chicago, I II . as an engineer for first “ a n d knight for the siie’ came to Idaho In 1927,

the Chesapeake and Ohio Rupert chapter of Knights of settling in Uie Jerome area. Mr.

Railrbod. He wa a veteran of Columbus. He Isa past member Bartholomew preceded her In World War I. and at the close of of the Rupert Elks Udge.

tlie war he was in France, On Aug. 25, 1925, he married

serving as an officer in Army 'Hieresa Wagner at American intelligence. Falls. Since their marriage, the

In June. 1923, Mr. Blei was couple has resided'in Rupert,

married to Esther Briggs of Rupert.

Murtaugl^ For ®me years he

m s dlrertor of the Tmn Falls

Bean \Growers -Warehouse W illiam Henscheid, Idaho ation. He was a member

Henscheid, Albuquerque, N,M.;

two daughters Mrs. Ken ( Mary

Association. He wus a member

of Biirracks No. 509, Veterans of

World War 1.

Surviving are hia wife; Jhree

son^. Richard L, Blei, Burley;

TYuinon Biel, Twin Falls, and

Bruce Blei, Murtaugh and twUi • brotliers. Paul Blei, Richmond,

and Pete Blei, Phounlx, Ariz. Tliere are eight grandchildren

juid two great-grandchildren.

Funeral services for Mr. Blei

will bd conducted ul 2 p.m.

death In 1059.Stie became a resident of Sky

View Manor in Twin Falls, in 19G1. where_ahe lived until her


She was a member of the

Christian Cliurch.

She is survived by four sons,

Lee Bartholomew, A. E.

(Swede) Bartholomew, and

(Robert Bartholomew, oil

Jerome, and Michael Bur-

Anny Newman, Belvedere' tholomew. Gooding; three

Tlburon, Calif., and Mrs. Ed daughters, Mrs. NeUa Genesay.

(Dolly) Frlesburger. Rupert;

four brothers. Casper

Henscheid, Aloys Henscheid,

William Henscheid and Carl

Henscheid, all Rupert; two

sisters,Mrs. ElizubeUi (Betty)

Rausch and Mrs. Adam (Annie)

Emmett; Mrs. Bess E llis ,

Jerome, and Mrs. Hazel

WUliiUTU, Stirling, Colo.; 27

grandchildren, 77 great-

grondchildrwi and 40 great-

great - grandohildren.

She also was preceded in

death by one son, a daughter,Schell, both Rupert;, 15 ........ ... . .Saturdayat the White Mortmiry grandchildren and one great- two sisters and three brothers.

Cliapel by the Rev. Uam an grandchild. Friends may call at the' - Messley. Burial will be in funeral chapel this afternoon

REYKJAVIK ( U P I ) T h e Spassky had made a booboo Sunset Memorial Park. Friends He was prectded n death by evening and until 1:30

Russians lo ^ed an official yesterday which cost him a may call at the mortuary todoy, parenia and one

draw, Russian Grandmaster Friday and until 1 .p.m"

Syflm Geller lodged today’s Saturday.. Tlie fiuiilly suggests

official protest about the seats, memorials be made to the

Geller fired off an open letter charity of tlie c-ontributor’s

two days ago asking that the choice. /%

playing hiill be chocked for uny

tU f t lC R IP T IO N H A T I i ^

— JH E T IM E S -N E W ST w in F a ll* . Id th o

Oy C « rr l« r rP t r AAonth(D a ily I . Sunday) » SO

protest with World Chess

Championship officials today,

demanding that they return the

three rows of seats which tliey

took out at the request of

Bobby Fischer.

" The seats, filled with what

Fischec considered overly noisy

spectators, were removed when

lie issued on ultimatum—either

the -seats were takbn out or he

-WQuLd-nQL-Cont[nuQ_his cham-

He had farmed until 1969 when ill health caused his retirement.

Mr. Crawford wos a deacon of

the First Baptist Church, Filer,

und wos pasl grand of Filer Odd Fellows Udge No. 125. He

belonged to Miriam Rebekah

Ii)dge No. 80 and was past chief

putrUirch of CoHux En-

cumpnient No, 20, lOOF. both o f .


Surviving, in addition to his

wife at Filer, ure a son, Lynn

Crawford. Vaklnia, Wash,; a

daughter, Mrs. Alan (3hcrry) Harvey, Moscow; his mother,

Mrs. Nellie Evans, Twin Falls;

two brothers, PauV Crawford,

Shoshone and Raymond

Crawford, Twin Falla; four sisters, Mrs, Doris Willlnms,

Tacomoj Wjish,; , Mrs.* Josephine Van^nte, and Mrs.

Phillip (Juanita) Brennen, both

Twin Falls, and Mrs. Jerry

(Myrtle) Bodenhamer. Eden, and six grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by

his father and one brother.

Funeral services >vill be

conducted Friday at 2 p.ni, in

the Twin Falls Mortuary Oiiipel


differHEIj:NA,Monl.(UPI) -For­

mer newscaster Chet Huntley

and Montana Sen. U>e Metcalf

und Mike Mansfield, both De­

mocrats, are lining up on oppos­

ing sides as a hearing on a

wilderness proposal draviis near.

Huntley's Ulg Sky Rijsort

announced Wednesday it's sup-

porlinga road across the Spanish

Peaks area liouth of-Bozeman,

MonH A spokesman snid the »

road would give the resort tietter access to southwestern Montana.

Some-local officials also sup­

port the road across the 11,000-

foot liigh range connecting the

Gallatin Canyon witli the Madi­

son Valley.Mansfield and Metcalf are

supporting Metcalf’s Spanish

Peaks Wilderness Bill. Tliat bill

would set up a 113;000 acre wil- .

derness area and rule oiit the

number one route choice for thewith Rev. Roy Watson and the c-ontroversial road across the

"electronic devices or chemical substances” Fischer might be

using on Spasskyl Today ife told

arbltt.r I-otliar & hm id the

Russians were "against the

channea in U\e. playing hull.”pionshlp match with Russian ^ V ? w a n t IHos'iTThree or foTir TWiN-FAhl£-— Tho-Se


Dm“ "Frldav ^ ^ t ‘^T hf* wLlk F u n e r a l S e r v i c c s - ' ^ ^ M a d i s o n ' R a " n g e . 'iviortuarv Chanel Funeral ficiating. Final rites will be in HunUey is supporting a smnl-

w lllb e n t l l n m <iiitiiriliiv nt TWIN FALL5 — Services for the Filer lOOF Cenielery. ier wilderness proposal offered

St NlchnlW r^thoHc f S Uwrence A. Jncltson, 40, Twin may call , ot the by_Rcp. Dick Shoup, R-Montrwith- Rev Kenneth Arnzen Falls, who died Aug. 18, wUl be mortuary this evening and until Shoup's proposal would permit

—- officiatini! Final rites will be in conducted at 2:30 p.m. Friday noonon Friday. Memorials maV the-rood.-' -----------

the-Hupirt Cemetery - at. Hoynolds Funeral Chapel Senate-publitrlondj-sub-• . ; ' V . F r k S s m a T S at the Rev. U s Brown of the VaUey Fellows Budding Fund or the committee, chaired by Sen.S l a t o i l i n T l ' M ovL ry Friday afternoon I d Christian Church. M ilitary Filer Baptist Omrch. „ Frank E, Moss, D-Utah, will

evening and Saturday prior to graveside rites will be con- . . hold a hcaringjin.the.Metcaliiihva wm uc cun- | ^duned by Mountain Home Air INOVV y o U K-IIOTV BrMonday in Bozeman.

P a id In A d va n c i (D a ily 1 Sunday)1 M onth tU S

• JAAonthi« M onths < '4 30•1 Vtar «3^00AAjll lu b ic r lp t lo n i acc*p»*d o n ly

whara c a r r l t r d a l lv try i i .not


C a ll your carriaro rth a T lm ti-N a w i

P H O N E 733-0931B u h l'C a illa ro rd ' S43 4&4I B u rliy -R u p a rtP a u l'O ak ltV 'N o i'lan d 471P lla r-R o o irw m H o l l i i t t r ) ]« })75 W ardan-Jarofna

• Coedlno-Haoarm an 43*-JS3J


AlmoMrV. Wallace Taylor 034*23»

- — B u h l'- ------------- -— ------------ j' -Pauline Day '543-5412F ilerMarlorje Llorman 32A S4&4 Goodlno County Peggy Chu 934-5704Haoarman -W ilm a Lario n e37-443«-Hanien . -

-O o ro tlw a Steolsmlth......423-5408JeromeCharlotte Doll 324-4761

- Kino H ill 4.- M r * . Arthur Greer - 3&ft-2SS8 M lnT-C aiila

. ^ Georgia Laylon 678-B90eRichfield

. D ixie Dlxort 407-2117Shoihona

' M elba Thorne ea4.2p7j, Sun Vallfy^Hafiey-W ood River

W rry Campbell . 708-4634 Springdale -Cam lla Bronion .

‘ w-x->

Boris _Spassky,________________

Today’s Iflth game was

scheduled for 5 p .m .d p.m.

EDT) with Fischer playing “White;— which— movrs— flrsh-

rows of seats back In place,” Citizens Federation. Uic. met at

“hiiasjan UranUmaster Njkoljy

Krogius, another of Spassky's four seconds, said.


ing the playing hall with~movrT*

Fischer holds n 10-7 lead and . . _

needs another 2,5 points to take Iceland organizer ,Gudmundur

tho crown. Spassky needs five Tlwurinsson on Geller’s earlier

points in the seven remaining-, request^ said he received the

games to retain it. Russian protest and think

While chcss experts argucil the chatrs wlll bi{ twick whereampng themselves whether they were.”

tht~~Tdaho~I*uwer Audltorium-

Weilnesday night to discuss

plans for moving into the Senior

in Center on Sept. 15,

TorcTBase at iiunset Memorial

-Piick -Hie iiraLwuinaii to receive a.

RICHFIELD - Services forpension.from thf U.S. govern­

ment was Margarut Corbin.Hecurd numbers of high William Henry Gill , will be wounded.iu.,|he Hovolijtiunary -

Phms were iiw d ino funiiai in college. But uneinpltiyment ot Thompson Chapolr-command of a cannon after her

meals-on-wheels nve days a uniong collegtgraduates la at a Goocllng, Bi^riAl .will ^be at hasband-died firing it in the"week and luncheons a r Ihe

center, threo days' a week.

Arrangen»ent.s . for group

meetings will be m’nde following

the move into the center.

lO-year high. Elmwood Cemetery. battle of Fort Wasliin«ton.

0 t A V

- V M l i r


" S E PT .n , 197^

Magic Vslley HospitalsM n g ic y a l l e y IV Ie m o r in I

A dm ittedMrs. PeteFabcla.Eden; Mrs,

Joseph Shnw,. jackpot. Nev.; Mrs. Ronald Metzger, Jerls C.

Neaderhiser. Martina Sperle,

James O'Dell, Mrs, Thomas

Revol, Michelle DiMaggio, Teri

. Perkins and Looii Howe, all

Twin Falls; Mrs. Goorge WiUtz. H a g e rn ia n ;M r8 . W ayne,

Whltely. Cafltloford;. Scott

Clarkson. »/crQme; Lee E

boy Yoc'om Jmd John Farkslon, .'Admitted

both Uuhl; Mrs.- Edward Neil Hltchie, Donald Hanzel,

Kerbs and Mrs. Thomas Shield .Bell, Mrs. R o m Kun-

Gunnell, both' Burley; Mary zler, all Burley; Mrs,'Warren

l ia is e Borrowman. Arco; Ijtrsen, Rupert, and U*nz Hunt,

Merle Swain III, Slwshon?. and Heyb\irn. ^ ,

Terry McClaU) and Mrs. Pete UUmistied

Fabela, both Eden. . Hewayne Hondo. Fredrick

Blrthi ~ Shaw. Bonnie Vaughn, and_

Sons were bom to Mr. imd Ginger Cutler. :all Burley:

Mrs. Dean Allred, Buhl, ftnd tOjJJpuglas Turner, Declo, and JoeMrs. Theresa Annedtn, Twin Gurule, Delen. N. \1.

Dr. Jerry W. Jacksonis p le a s e d to announce

ih e o p en in g o f his

Veterinary Practice.in the Jerome area.

Preston and Trade'Ward.'both M s . A daijgliter was Iwrh fo

Filer; Kimberley D. Albortson, Mr. iind M r i Joseph Shaw.

Rupert; Stacey A. Jobnsoh, Sun Valley; John Francis, Wendell,

and Mrs. David Kraus, Paul. bliDilBieil

Hazel Kendrick. Wondoll;

Mrs. Ruth Ramsoy, Filer; Alisa

Whlt«. Vernal Sterner. Kelly

Rathbun. Fredrick Citron* Mrs.

August Flowers and daughter,

Mrs. Gerald WUllamson and

son, Brandi' LcMbyhe. Mrs.' Ludoll Waldron and daughter,

Mrs. Everotf Whittaker, Herb

Irving Arnold, JMra.-r^DcB.

VonEaton. Mrs. Alfony^i Ralph,. Mrs. Goroldino Corak, Mrs.

Jnmqd Munn and Terry

Jftckpot, Nev.

G o o d in g C o u n t y

McKnlgiU. qU Twin ^aUs; boby-hoBpllai offlelnis.

[V lin itloku M v m u r iu l


- w n t ie ^ n l n , Mrs.“ Nedra“ Palomorez, tioth* Ru^wrt; Mrs.

• - • Admitted , . .... .Chrlatjne Fisher and iJndu.

John Gulnn, Rophld Helsley Howard, both Burley, and Earl

and Mrs. Charles Mulder, all Dakln, Heyliurn.

Goodlng_uiid. Brenda Sawyer, • DlsmlBsed "Boise.* ' . • RU^y Anderson, Jennie

. . Djgznlss'ed .B ailey , both Rupert; Mrs.

Imo Phillips, Dorothy Johnny Seal and 'daughte i'.

Severance and Clirls Hopkins, Paul; Mrs, 'niomas‘'Reed and all Gooding. " , daghter. Heyburn.


M o r i l /C o n i i iM in i ly Sons were born, to Mr. and Mrs.. Coleman Fisher, Burleys

f “utlont list nol refeiiscil by »nd Mr. nnd ' lyjra, Frod

'Palomorez, Rupert.


■Cel Tour On* Way Ticket To SoUt SuccfU lha


and/or FRANK A. PATTIRSONrJR. ' — Amarico'i loiameil Sal* Tfalning Eap*rt«, g| , ..

— ---------------- CtS I . F INE ARTS C E N T E R -

M O N D A Y & TUESDAY AU G U S T 2 8 th & 3 9 lh

A lO iO O p . m , . .far c o m p U lc 'iiir it i $3?

AIm Sp«<tglOr»upRalM

n o n j im prov* you( cu.tom«r ignu, h

f<om nowr•la ^o n t in |Otl tw o n ighu, 2.'-/'. hgori

•PA'lnighy 100 licmt ha«i eiscu-livet ond tm ployaei.

tnvitcd Back Ik S |^nio(»d far . Th* S«<ond Tim* by lh« Twin Falli

Cham btr of C em niiK *


Ybu may r« g iit* r In M rM n 'a t Th* Chamb«r O fflc* -a37Shoihon*Sl.N.

t a l l m lnut* RvoUlrotiffn a l lha C.S.I. FINC ARTS C IN T It DOOR

A lt t r 7 p .m . — Manday, AugUit 3 | lh '



STUDENT DESKSAll »i*oi pf Finiihod and.Unfim»hed Sludc'nf Detki ii. four lo levon drawer modeli. Tha U R G fS ’r ^alectiorf in fow n i '

AS LOW A S ., 25 95

FURNITURE'In Stoeo'Financing

A v o ila h lo '

127 2nd Avo. W est 733-.1421

reason qiuestioned wVeeks kid 2BOISE (IIPI) _ Federal

Judso Rjiy McNIdiol'a luia q,u05. llonod why Uio Idulio Congress

of Pnrcnls nnd Tcaclicrs, hns

‘'lyought Us.cn clowmcnt fuml suit

jirto U .^^a tr lc t Court for Ida-

' Wlillo hcnring oral' nrgu*

. menls in Uic cnso Wednosilay;

U),o judge look note that two

stato agencies are Involved In

It-tJio U nd B«ard uncj the

Parks Department.

"Fedora] administrators don't seem to bo outraged about Uiis

matter,” McNlcliols obscryed.

Alter bearing nrguments. Mc- Nlcliols gave cnch side an ad-

ditlonjJ 10 doys to fiUTwritten briefs in U)C‘ case.

Support said need

in new youth home

Tlio PTA bnji, challenged Use

of public scl'i’ool endo\Vment

lands.for public parka, claiming

it. violates by tlie. Idaho Con-

stltutlon and U jo state’s ad-


man due

in co urt

HAILKY - Community

support is the first essential for

estnbiisliinf' n* honje for problem youtli,

That \vHs empliasized

Tuesday during a panel

discussion on operatin« a.youth

hoint*, S[)onsored by "Tlie Other

Side of Time,” an nrtjunizatlon

whiclrhupes lo set up a home for

pre-delinquent boys in Blaine County.

During Ihe discussion, Carl

Qiristopherson and Kevin Kirk,

fi'om Youth Services Bureau,

Boise, and Farrell Drowm, of he

Corhiribnity Instiiule for Mental

Healtli, discussed Uie variety of

youth Ihni Hre^rCfefretl and

relative advantage ' and

disadvantages of placement for

more than 30 days in a foster


The speakers said that taking

u youth from his own home for

division of the Department of

Health, Jack Steneck, discussell

with the directors *of, the

proposed home the relationship

a group home would have to

m en ta l' health and slate

agencies. Al the present, a

honie such ns planned already

In operation could qualify for'si) ' to $10 a day per child If U

provided essential social ser-


TWIN FALN':;-Cleve URoy

Starry,- 20, Ri.iute 3, Jerome,

was scheduld f< )r appearance In

Magistrate Coi rt today on three

felony charges

He was taken, into custody by

Twin Falls city and county

officers ''late Wednesday and

charged with two counts of rape

and one‘of bun^lary.

Capl. Tim Qualls of the Twin

Falls Police department said

-llie-i rAvas-rrrestedvnbout-

mlsfllonsact. • -

Attorney Kenneth Puraley,

argued Uiat lMth tJio constitu­

tion and Uio' admissions act,

chtu'go UiQ land board wlUi ad-

mlnisterl;ig scliool endowment


. He Urged the endowment fund 'bQ compensated for ujlej)f en­

dowment land for parks._ Assistant-Attorney- General

Don Knlckrehm argued, Iww-

over, tliat no-lransfer-of- title

to tho land has taken place. He

stildonly the Qdmlnlstrnllon h»3 chJuiged.

Tljls dpes not give tlio Parks

Department any right to sell or

lease tlie lands, he siild, adding

JJie Department of Public Lands

‘Still has tluit power.


aide namedBOISE I UP! 1 — Former state

health adnunistrator Terrell 0.I

p.m. in Twin Falls. He Is

clmrucd with I! rape of a

year-old Twin f alls girl on Aug.

14;-burgiury of a Twin Falls

home on Aug. :!2 and a second

Steneck sold, ' i think that all

regions would benefit from this

type of program.” He said the

home would a lleviate the

problem of "throwing some of

U ie^k lds m iali." or sending

Tltem t r ^ t . Anthony or To the -jvin Falls girl on Aug“ li'. .

State Hospital South.' starry was pi aced in custody

“ You are providing a of the Twin Fulls sheriff pen- program here wltl^n the ^.Qurt action. He was

framework oPyour own com- confined to the county Jail, munity,” Sten9cksald. q„.,i|jj the arrest

Home organizer Janet Small followed invesi igation by tlie

cfty arrd county'o(iid‘er^ *”__lessllian.30 days-doos not4>Foak—&aid the planncd^iome-wuuldbo^

the family ties that need to be ‘•qntl-institutlon.” "If yoi can

strengthened, but that a month give these kids the right kind of , —

—imoriAng■cnouBh-ttriYnitnnr^are nt-rrrritn:arTrotnr i' TCir“ |O tlf ly ~ S ~ F ~ U N N Y *

Carver lias been named health

services and mudical director of U)e ['iedmont Health Care Corp.

in Greenville. S. C. ____

Dr. Carver, who resigned his

slate post eaiiier Ihis^ear, will

'•Tie res’iwnslble for Uie standards'

of medical care offered by


His first task in tlie new

position will be lo develop u

health services program and

recruit physicians and allied

i^culth— stiiif— Uic— Uic— C0C-.

WELLS, Nev. (DPI) — Two Collfonilo men

• died Wednesday (njreparate 00,cldentjUn iiorUt- vcditom Nevodfl.

Fred Mondcl, 16, Sonta Clam, was killed

when his cor overturned on Interstate 80 obout

14 miles from Wells. The hliihwny pntrol said he apparently lell asleep. Chnrles Todd, a

, paBsenRcr, wu« hurt.

I Adolpii Frias, 18, noBevilie, wna.killed When

the ear In which he was riding ran off U.S. 40 and struck a culvert 12 miles west of Wendover.

Injured were his niflters, Ocmlce Frias and ’

Cecilia Crowley, wife of the driver, who wos

appai'ently not hurt.

Miami Beach mayor scorns politicians

■ MIAMI BEACH (UPD—May- Convention, but said the cosl to or Chiick Hall of Miami Beach the vacation playground would

said today "politicians are be tlu-ee times that. He sold the

uauolly free loadors".and as fur Democratlcr Convention , lost

tis he is concerned, tliey carf month was also a losing

keep their national conventions, proposition, altliough not as

•— Hnll-aaid-that-as-long-ua-he—great-because-proteatera-wervwas mayor, he would not try to less active,

get eltl^er political party to holdJinolher nominating convention ‘i 'm going to try to get 0 bill hero ogaln.-unless-the-fodorul-ln Congross to havo thO:fodoral -

government picks up the^lab. government pay all the costs of Hall-aaid -tho- city- recolvpd--Uiow>-oonventlonBr^sald llall.-

about j i ' trillllon In funds oL "Tliey reolly don’t bring much

various kinds to pay~Jor Jhe money into the city. Pollllclans

Juat-ended Republican Natl|ffial are usuolly free loaders. -

Thuriday, Auou>l 34) 1972 Timot-News, Twin Pallt( Idaho. 9 •

Ori“site inspection for A- tests askedGENEVA (UPI)-TlMJ United

Statca.sald today li I9 prepared

lo accept a ban on oll'nuclear

. testing as. soon as It can bo

naaurc^-tito Soviet Union Ifl

unoble to run the rlak of

dlagulslng clandcatlnp under­

ground ■ explosions as natural

eorUiquakes. ^

Joseph Martin Jr., the

Amerlcon nepotlator ot the ‘25-

nation'Genevo blsormament

Confcrenco, said there are about 25 large eartli tremors a ye/ir in Russlo which ore

dete'cted by long-range seismic

■Instruments but which cannot

bo traced to either natural

cauacsora nuclear test.

The only way lo ba aure tHat these events arc not t<»tB Is to conduct bn oivaltc In sp^ lon* .

Martin told tho conferonco.

. "Ttio United States U p<‘6'' pared to give up t)>o advantages

derived from nuclear weapon

toatbig only If wo can bo

assured, tluit 'other treaty

partners-- arej abiding by the

same reatrlctlona," ho'aald.

Even II oil treaty partners

abided by all tho rules, Martin ^ Id , a lock of' odoquatA

verlflcotlon capobllltloa "could

foster uncertainties pbout whe­

ther other nucleor powers were

octually complying with ‘the

treaty in nil respects."

JC’s see aid filmTWIN FALl-S - Jaycees and

J^y-C-Ettes saw a flbn on the


during a joint meeting Tuesday

night at the American Legion


— Byron • Hacking) firBt>aid

instructor, presented the film. A

-question- and—aijawer -period-

followed. ‘

Mias Jeannette Carter, who

recently returned from

Guatomalo after a. six-month

visit and study program, told of.

hertmvclrnnduxpcrtcncB5nnd“ presented slldea.

Rex . Lyle was named tho

Jaycec of the Month for July! A-

fnmlly - campout will be held

Saturday and Sunday at

Beor Gulch and Sho&hono

Springs Divide. Eadi family is

to furnish its own equipment.

ineanltlgful change in a youth’s

attitude and behavior.

Tlie liead of the mental health

lives, you can do much to

prevent di.sfunclion in their

later lives,” she Said.

4 - H ’ers practiceRUPERT — A practice style

review'was held Tuesday al the

Rupert Armory for 4-H mem­

bers using the theme "Fashion

Modeling Your 4-H Garment."

The practice session- was In

preparation for the annual 4-H

style review scheduled for 8

p.m. Monday at Minico High

School, Tlie public is invited.

Carolyn Barnes. dlsXrict

lUrcetor, Twin Falls, gave lips

and suggestions on 4-H modeling. luislBtod by C1iurl«no Wicka.-.Minidoka County ex.

tension home economist, during

the practice session.

Miss Barnes reported the

judges will score models by


There were 35 girls taking pari in tlie practice.

'niere were eight 4-H club.s

represented at Uie session in-

.eluding Uiv Funlaalic Females! Jackson Acres. Goofy Gar-

nSenla, Buguloo Mixers, Thu

B le n d e r s , - M in id o k a Roadrunners, StiU’h and

Splatter and Jackson HillbiilieK.

TuJu}i fUNNT I. ill po, ilOO'. Iu< to<f> ui.g.nul ’ lunc , utcd Stncj oogi >0 Todo, t fU N N ' 1200 W «tl Tki.d St C lt.cl.ind OK. > 44IM

porution's primary lieaith care



announcedBUHl.F.Y The Burley

Duplicate Bridge.Club had five

tables in play ‘ Tuesday al

Burley Elks I-edge Hall, Winners were Dan Johnson

and Art Norby. firsl; Mrs. Gladys Manning and Mrs. Ruth

Walton, second; Paul Taylor

and Max Hogg, Ihird; Mrs.

Mabol llowarlh and lyirs. Virguua Marlin, fourth.

(luesls attemUng were Mr,

and Mrs. U*onard Ziirp, 1-jguna

Beach, Calif., uuil Mrs. Mary

Lund. Phoenix, /\riz.Kefreslimeiil.s were furnished

by Mrs. Howarth.


SaturdayvA ugi-26— 6^30-EJVl arrhe FTtER FAIR (iR O U N D S.

•— - ■ -------------------------------------- ----- ------- --------




CHICKEN And All The Trimming^ ]


■ ■ AT THE <3ATEROPER'S, Twin Foils . '

• , . CROWLEY'S PHARMACY, Twin j=al|s .----------- ' ARNOLD'S DftY GOODS, Kimberly

’ BUHL;HERALD, Buhl' . $3.00 per Person 0.00 per Family


V • s* ■ ---- - ' .


D o v o liid I 'o The C ilizu iiH O f M a g ic g a l le y

■niurtd»y. AoflUll 3<, l»73 Al Wmlergren, Publillmr . ’’ PHONE 733 0931

OHiciAt C ityAnct C ounly N ow tpA p fr v' A A om bqro lA u illl Outoauo I C lrcula lion-And UPl:>RuuuAnM o-S«c|lon-iO -IO t ld«lM> CoUb, rh u r» d » v - if rh e r# b y d e ifo n ii ie d n r th » 't t in ro f -m rv ^ jn ir rW T n tf i~

ItHJAl n o llc o t w ill t>0 ptib liU ied . P ubfithvd dA ilv «nd Sunday, fxce p i SaturdAy,*Al 133 Third Siroo l W n l,. Twin F«IU. ld«Jto,«3101,by M flo ic V « ll«y N e w ipd p& ri, Inc. C niorod « t io c o n d c U i» m « il fr to fle r A p ril t,

IP)0, /lU h c p o tl oM icu in Twin F a llt i Iddhoi 613UI. under Iho oct o f M arch 8. IB79

Message From The White HouseM IAMI BEACH The Nixon years was exposed when surprislniily oppeiircd at the

alirouiled attempt by the Nlxop Rep. Jack Kemp, a (reshman Fontalnoblcai^oU l . _____■

■Whltfr-Houje to shnpo-thi! conservotlvo from upstn^o Now ^ H l s nppoaroiice was

1 post- York ,_____ sudilonly____ .^o m l_au rp tls ln ii_ l

cancelled out that day os a pro- But the fight Iranscondj

reform witness before Uie Agnow. One conservallvo »t«t«

-Ropubllcai)-niloir comraltlM,— elialnnan vigorously puahliig

H A V E D O V E - W l L L T R ^ V E L '

The WinnerRichard Nl^on is on iiis way,

foliowing tiie Republican sessions'

in Miam i, and Jt Iool(s lilie he is ccrtain to spend another four years

, in the White House.Opinion poiis to date show un­

precedented ieads for President -Nixon over opponent. Senator

George McGovern. No preaidentiai

candidate in history,, the pdliticai pros say, has been so far ahead at

, this stage of the game.McGovernTaflhcTiillirat point;

is given oniy seven stated and some : poils do not give Kim even that

nutnbcr.If .President Nixon is the winner

iilte most people expcct him to bo,

the flood wave will be so great he will take many state and national candidates with him. In fact, the Republicans will once more regain control of the U.S. Senate. If all this is true then James McClure will easily be the next Senator from

Idaho.It looks like it is going to be a

Republican year in the nation and7 of course, in Idaho. — OAK.

One Time?There are a lot of people who

now have the opinion Cecil Andrus will be a one-term governor. They contend he won the office he now

holds not because of his program,

the voters simply did not want DonSnm iiplHpp fp fw flrrmprj fnp -

wouldn’t take much to convince them they should make the roce

when the time is ripe. It could be

said they are actively seeking the job. They both know it is not too

“ti>—spread— tlie— si


term.Right now it looks as though the

next governor of the state might just come from Magic Valley in the person of Jack Murphy or Pete

Cenarrusa. Both have indicated it

The governor, of. course seek another term. But his com

. petition is Shaping at this early date and his mistakes are being entered in the little bli|ck book for use when the time is ripe.—OAK.

Jake With Vs

Washington. U buddon

bocauso kcmp had planned to bo in Wflshlngtbn that night

playing in the annual

Congressional baseball game.

Inateod, ' Kemp was summonGd, along with Sen.

us ho does not consider Agnew

clcctable In 1070 • and would . prptcr somebody else.

Neverthploss, he bitterly

opposes any leftward shift In tlte

power balance.That is not far from private

Jolin Tower of Texas, from views by Ninon campaign

Waslilngton to Miami Dench to advisers. They fear any

be briefed on a now allocation • delegate 'forinulii leading to

formula for delegates to the 1975 nomination of n liberal wljo •contfcnti.on whicli would benefit cpuld provoke.« -disaalrous

Uie conservotlyo Soutli arid west UtiM-party bid by conservative

and hurt Uio liberal Nortlieast. nepiiblicuns. At this writing,

That plan had been secretly Nixoii campaign aide Harry

: drafted by conservative state Flemming ia only a very

party leaders, with convert’ help ayinpuUieUt observer. But M r..

from VlcePt'osidenl Spiro T. Nlxon.miglit yet decisively imd

Agnew's staff (and President openly endorse • tlie Tower.-.•Nixon’s own-operatives us Kemp formula.

Interested obsorvers). It wus liven Mr. Nixon’s new

unveiled Uie next'morning by uillunce with Gov.-Nelaun

. ..Dfellci-orNcwVorlTTvas'compromise." almken a lilile. HockefcUer's

Tlie selection of u New Yorker state chairman, Cliarles T.as a co-sponsor attempted to Unigan, wus put out by Kemp's

undercut a .r iv a l nllpcotion use .byNixon-Agnew forces-'scheme backed by the New When Lahiji.tn objectedYork Republican party.

Mol-ebver, KefpfJ is on intiinute

, terms wlth’theWtiite House and particularly Herbert Klein, the

N ixon a d m in is t r a t io n 's propaganda chief.

, Thus, Kemp's sudden

intervention was a signal from

-----thc'Whltc“Houso“thflt, It favors"the conservative delegotli

formula but does not vot ogenly

to calling the Tower-Kemp

formula “ the Miami

compromise," Tower replied

the name wus suggested by

Kcmp, u former pro football

quarterback. "He's known to

be clevor at the hidden ball

playj^;,-aiwmsmlllng Ljinl«un

Who says American voters never have a choice, only an echo? A fellow named Jacob J. Gordon of

Worcester, Mass., has declared

Abolish all labor unions, which will no longer be necessary. (7) Eliminate crime, inflation and

unemployment for all time and


support it.

., PrsoccupatlonJicti! overJOT sUims from heudy Republicun

cunfldulicc reBurdlnB 1072 and

Aynuw's probable bid for tht*

Prealdcntlal succession. It was first thouyht the struygle here

would center on McGovern- style , delegate refurins

atlenipUng to puck the l'J70

convention with untl-Agnew

bluclts and youUis.

When it becHin.e_ cleur

Hepubllcans would never

swallow a Mc<jovernile quota

Maneuverings for 1976

multiplied, lleoubltcnn national

himself a candidate for president---.return morality and God to theon The National Government ticket with a platform that makes those of every other party look like exer­cises in namby-pimibyism.

Stating that "a ll Americans and the entire world realizes (sic) the present existing federal govern­ment of the United States is totally, completely and hopelessly corrupt from top to bottoin," Gordon offers 0 platform which includes the following pledges:

(1) The complete removal of

American troops from Vietnam within 72 :hours. (2)^Guaranteed $10,00cr earned m inimum annual income for all families and $500 m inimum monthly pension for all

Replacement of all

United States for all time. (0) Reduce all taxes by a mlhilnum of

75 per cent.■ Dicidentally, "the armed ser­vices will in no way be effected (sic) by the transition of govern­

ment.”The platform will be adopted in

convention assembled in New York City on Sept. 1. For those who can't

attend, at the bottom of Gordon’s campaign literature is a handy

form, for applying, for a job in tlie new "National Governhient of the United States," with a space for the position applied for — “Congressmen, Judge, Clerk, other positions available.'!

Maybe 7 States ?

commltteewoinun Cecil Harden.

In{liana,_u.jnember of Ihe

rules subconuiiittce considering

delegate (iliocutlcins, wua inclined to the Tower-Kemp

formula. She pruiiipUy wus

urged by lndl<in» national

conunittMiniun Keith Uulen to oppose It. The reason: Mayor

Richard Lu^ur of Indiana|>oIis,

a 1976 dark horse posalbilUy,

would benefit from a larger,

more liberal convenlion.

I Such maneuveruiga were

possible because Uie Nixon

intervention was indirecl.


Republicans gatliered here to

nominate the Nlxon-Agnow

ticket think it may win In

, .system . the focus turned to the ............. . .........

new delegate allbcatlon formula What’s more, Mr. Nixon aeenu

for 11)76 required by Federal to care less about ail this than

c-ourt order. A formula devised his political aides. Tliese uides

by party leaders from New were privately denigrating a

\Yolk, Michigan, Minnesota and McGovern-style t'oniiaibsion to

Ilhode Island W9uld make the consider future deU ial«197G convention larger and reforms. Less Uiu/i 2i hours

fixed re-elecUon candidacy of

Sen. Ted Stevens.

In the Middle West. GOP . . . . . .sources think Illinois and niore liberal than any in the later, the President endorsed u

Michigan look vei v gpod. Ohio Piirty's history. Congrosiiioiiul group’s reform

belter Uian earl).'er but still A c c o rd in g ly , A g ne w ’ s (WL'kage containing just such a

troublesome. Wis-; onsin seems lieutenants were deeply in- <.omuiission, n ia fs not the

McGovern’s best Ik *1. volved in preparing, as an nieiiiajje from Uie White House

With swing-staUi Connecticut alternative, the Tower-Kemp l^esideiu’s men here were pllin. - trying to cutivey.

elderly* (3) Replacement of all '*T h re ^ rnillinn^Qi^>mmont^|ob»-

-federah-crniiloyes-‘witirTTOW~dTTF are yours for the asking!” 'says *<4^-Bar-«ll7 !aw yers- from — H jO rH o n :----------------------------

s e r v ^ as judges in any court. (5), Abolish the national debt. (6)


No references necessary.

going for Mr. Nixon still seems

to be valid, thitugh some

Democrats tapped earlier think

2fi-vote Texas can besalvaged.

sweep over McGovern-Shrlver Spot checking here, suggests all

this fall, and they’re trying to the rest of It is .lust to

' avoid gettlnggiddy over the McGovern, prospect.

A party leader from a large Gne key Hepublican doubts he eastern state told me: . will spend much time and strong for Mr. iN’lxon today,

■i don't want to be over- money In the SouUi, tliough onlyMassachusel.Us In New

confident, but 1 find lt.hard to.be-lher.c_ m «y._bejL iol of hopeful . EngL«Jld .is__ .b j Lng.^rated

underconfldent." talk and a few showcase trips. McGovern. The Ecujt's big three

I ran the &0-statc map with a The Republicans can’t see — New York, Ne»y Jersey and veteran GOP elect bral-vote Nlxon-Agnew losing any of the Pymjjylvanla ~ a ll fall in Mr.

counter, and apot*checked eight mountiiin states, or more Nixon's column right now.

about 15 slates. Including seven- than South Dakota among the There is real fear a couple of

of ihe most populous 10. There is five In the plains area. In the these mluht shift loter on as

—JusmoTJad iiews at the mament Pacific zone. Oregon and McGovern narrowM the gap. But

for President Nixon, though in a Washington are trending Nixon- no one I talkpd, t f in this city

few big stales, nibsl pur- . ward, andlne i"residerii;geis a thinks sucITii'sinTt WouJd s i^ a l anemic. She told me’ there was’ vUainms are NOT the only cure

ticularly Californala, the Alaska from the well* a winning McGov.jrn surge. no cure except to eat lots of ftjod • for anemia,

situation is considered ^ witlUrun and take vitamins plus <\netnia means lack of suf-

somewhal shaky. . . iron, but she didn't tell me what ficient iron in the blood; that's

The people I canvassed are P A N I H A R V E Y because of slwer without exception reaiisV. Not __________ _ ____ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________1;»-k ».r i r t .n n r _ii_ J u> ^ i iu l


I’m AnemicDear Dr. 'I'hosteson: I was anemia.

lold' by a nurse that ____Furthermore, iron and

Day Of MemoriesThirty-three years ago — on But the terrible legacy of war

'Scptr3ri!)3U — Brltaiirdeclared ^remains. In solving one great

une expecta Mr. Nixon t to hold

war on Germany. It was a reluc­tant dccisioiy, There opened on that September day a chapter in liistory

the end of whiciT has not yet been written. Out of that war* there

■emerged ne\y patterns of power.In 1B39, the Great Powers went

to wor. That meant Britain, France- and Germany. Six years Iqter the expression meant something quite different. It meant the' United Statiis'and Soviet Russia.V

But this was only dimly seen 33 years ago, if it was seen at all.

Hitler was not alone in underrating the red army.

Britain knew that it had’nothing to gain in war and much to lose. .The conflict was to confirm this in lives lost, war damage and the loss

; of practically all thatrwas left of the huge, fortunes in overseas in-

problem others were created, which is the ironic history of

sacrifice and conflict.Mr. Spectator thought all you

folks who were involved in World War II would do well to remember September 3 -i and, perhaps, just what you were doing back then when you first heard the word that

.war was starting.

tJtfkTn'd'orSB^lnr-plus lead he

has in the national polls, but, In

all but a few cases, they can't

see Mr. Nixon sliding far

— entAigh-ta-losc-thetrstntcs:----

Bedside1 have two t^niall children iind t)ii»'r.>'s » hu-ic of r>»H t!ens, whidii^

AHOY. M A ’AM !In the days of full sail, women on

board almost always presaged trouble. Storms and mishapi* at sea

were attributed to them, and in swashbuckling novels the captain

always wlth.^drawn sword defended ladies against superstitious crews.

A ll~~ bu t— lire— ra t1pna le"^has

•They. know, all-about this business of Mr. Nixon starting

out with his leads and then

frittering them away, 'lliey

think hlfl support; ampjig

disaffected DerjtOQrats is firmer

this time, and less likely to fjow

back across Uie line.

The Republican who gave me

tlie 50-atate rundown thinks that

Mctiovern today may be

lea^ng in no more than seven


' South .Dakota, Minnesota,

Wisconsin, West Virginia and

Massachusetts. And this

Judgement gives the

Dentucralic nominee the benefit

of serious doubts In at least California and Minnesota.

'I'he seven states have a total

elc.cloral vote of 04, with 270 the

number required for victory In Noveinber', ' * ■”

California might better be

The bedslHe niunnera of most for that. ______________ ___________pfcople and some doctors are ‘lliey leave it to Ihe clergy and iron. Mrs. U.D.

atrocious. family to hypo the patient’s Wish 1 knew just a little mure

Very many sickroom visitors morale. Some do. Surely abour you. If Uie aurso Just

are careleas. Insensitive or everybody wants'iD. ’ thought you lookec^pale-tlial'sstupid, - . Maybe the doctor should hand not enough for a diagnosfs of

You can be too sick to move, the fiunily a list of suggested

to weak to talk — but you're not "do's "and "don’t i i " for visiUng

deaf. hours.Vttt doctors are sometimes Don't .compare, symptoms:

guilty and family members are ;'He looks better, h u t then Aunt

frequenUy guilty of expressing Minhle looked .'jottor Just-

was told last week that my are the ones that carry Iron?

.tjiJby’s blood count was lower . Is it pernicious anemia, which

than normal..! don’t want my nt/iSmount of Iron will help? Vet baby to become anemic. Please pernicious aneniia can be

tell me some‘ food ~tlifit have cofT^liTd wlUrYili«LU>» li*l2-

Is some chronic infection'

cjiuaing U)e unemia? Ur some

subtle but continuing hloud

loss? Ur is soine blood disorder


BERRf’S IBLO110 morM^n pl,y, .|,o pe|™ a!i - u„d ev™ befori3 .Huwull._Cahfornla;-J^,' _ . . . . „

self-pity — In tbe audible

> presence of thu ulUng-kin'u' . I've heard loving wives say,

“ t don't know wlutt I'll do-U he

lingers; it's so expensive!”

'Oiat sick guy, tqo weak to

protest. Just ralibd an eyebrow

and died.. . - ^

So he wus dying anyway. So

what; we're all dylnij!

Don't discuss symptoms gr i

vflal'signs exce'pl. when those

sympoms or sl{{ns are en-


Don't refer to his ailment,

whatever, as "another case o f . .

boh'’t worry the patient with

any talk of expeivses'on. other

All of lis past the age of 10 arc Problemsj^jt ho.mi iKBlnnIng to roveal Uil' many hc«‘Ven-!i nmnc

metastases of the Incurabicarninge

- . changed. Women are being tl^ained veslment!i_that_diligehLaod_adi^_iQ-aecvc_aboard_nu.val.-voisolii-in---venturous forebears _ had ac- other than a nursing capacity and ciuelloaijoarly orBaniiniion But the inlnuio one ai ua la |)otli-'ni

cumulated. " _____ojiejny_-muy--join-the-cohimana----cverybwly.^helon. A Ueute^ant, stationed at ™Lakehyrst, N.J. is the first wom an. adm in istro tive , officer ever

assigned to an American crew, and it ought not to be s\irprising if a gal

: As thS^anniveraaries ' of great events' come around, those who , took part in them and those who liv^_through-the item s, iii which they took place, recall them' as" thou^l^ t h e £ j^ o n g ^ J a ^ a period-

'^ longe r,than a third of o century

ogo, for this is an entirely different — ase — the nuclear and space age. _ , l t is aisp the jet-Age.Tlie olipost 17 dava It t<Mik/to circle the world by

propellQr plane in lOSO iias slirunic - to loss than I three days In.iom- '

mercfal jets. . '

By now the word Is spread

..wide that, the respected Min-.

’ “ iiesota’ poll curr‘ 117 give Mr. Nixon a 56-51 edge over

— discuss fupera’l

e ii^n ts— unless th o -

^ n i l i o . ’tes such


starts counUng to 10 mention lllne,s.sva otdl’ou can kill anybody “U>era;. past or pr^.sunt. ,

preinulurely by compounding' D" “ “ f* patient as his frailty-with doapalr. . - “ tmforliiblo ai.pniwlblo; brush -- . Sir WllUam Oslor, one ot the •'air, fluH pillou s, straighten

great teachers of, medicine, sheets.-were honored someday for-runriing----WcGovorn, wllh_M-piir-ceiit qI ■■n is-mdrd Important— Dmrtnj^choorfTl - ai least

............................... ““ S ' ' “ to “ "nt sort of a pnUont 'they Intend to birck Mr. NUon. luis iho dlieaso Uuin what aofi---Uto voice of ii loved one,

Savcral, Minnesota leaders I" .^ f dlsooso the patient hag." ponotroUng Jhe conscloilsneas both parlies wy, however, that old-laahlmicd doctor had olacQmutoaepuUtVnt.comlM-tB,

litt)«-medlclnothatwaaworUi '■“““ “f ““. ‘n »y l'i!a l. ,

anything, but his bedside ' Do dlsciiss the patient's life,

manner .yas of linmcoaurablo situation before the lllness;-

psychologlcal benefit. , parUculary ItT^niirei pleasant-Today's,doctors are too,busy otpiicts.

a tight ship.No'nccd to be concerned, about

tho male reaction. Troditions are adjustable*when the Navy d e u ^ s . And to vyorried wives, Mr.-spec­

tator would give words of comfort: They keep a guy awfully busy

aboard sTTip. tljese days. '

this sltuatioh Is pretty sure to

close' up In the weeks ahead. '

Thai stunning gencrallkatlon

about the whole llHit^ti!,Snntli

Whal w orm i me i i, i f things don't Uort getting belter lo r McGovern, he irtoy gel o tremendoui numMr o l ' ■\ ^ 'sympathy vo te i'!" ,

k . '

Vixoh vb: s defeiisfe budget tHmCHICAGO tUPI)-Prei)d(!nl 'opponent would m«k« It Impoi- (ijhttag .nun from .VUtntm— In contro'linB d*lenM nw ndln j mllllsryipendlniiwirenovorBnd

Nljon rp«n«d h li r«-*l«(<llon _ cu tip iign lodiy with a p ltd iit

to trim the t«t but not the muicle from th« nation',

-defenw-budget • and charjed that Democrat OooI’bo S.

.M(jO«vorn'« programs would _leaim-thB-natlon_a-Moond-ralfr


ilble to auure. pe^e In the world or negotiate an arma curb. • ■ ytf* ■' "Econorrty alwaya, weakneu

nevrir,"‘Nixon told the annual convention of the American Legion a> he launched a cutting

and we havtT-done It without which now Impoaei the amalleit wherever It la ia te to do ao,”ulUlng outp our aUlea, without - economic burden oh the Muntry Nixon aald. “ But I never havelurrenderlhg to our entm lei In 20 yeara. . gambled—and I never w illand without abondonbig'pfl- WIttioul naming hla opponent, gomble^wlth the aatety of theaonera of war and tholu m lu liig Nixon la ld the (tfopoaalB' American people under a falMIn action," he la id. . McOovern advocate i^uttlng banner of economy. L a i t ^

The visit here waajlie flrU of the atrategic bomber force by peace l« built only on

men who lerved In Vietnam, gallant men who are not aihamed. of their love of country; brave meh who did not desert thelrnailon'a flag In time of need; heroes who atand Just a i ta ll as any who fought UBLt STAMPS

^gatast—■McOojrem'a-Tlhree-slOp swing jc ro s a the 00 per cent, cutting back on the He was scornful of those who ridicule m ilitary service and

, , ---------- —............. .......D— ------------- .....ni .luiuo «>•>«■, attacked McQovorn's stand onmisguided voices ol those who lenient attitude t<>ward draft Calif, during which Nixon also and trimming funds for wea- draft roslsters.’ '.say wo ahould wooken America evaders ond Ms offer " to pressed his • ottack on the pons dovelopment-would "risk "To those who try to moko _____________

nnlyc h j g pc lor unllgtMnlly— ^wlthdraw_from_Democrot«-for-talllng-to-danl-the-oaf«ty-of-ih»-n8xt-garf6ra— falsa-m oro l-hcroos-o l-n-fow—a-d«m p.-cloth Immidlatel; peace tomorrow, be rejected Vietnam. with the school busUig problem, tlon of Americans." hundred deserters and draft Don't give food deposits Unie

budget cuts “ We hove been able to bring NlxOn claimed he arfoady had "We have economized and , didgers, I soy the real heroes to harden. After utonill has Domocrotic homo half-a.mllllon American started a substantial program w ill continue to economize on are the two and q half million cooled, rinse it Immediately.

. f proposed HO.blUlon defens«.put- nation on route to the Western number of aircraft carriers.He urged that the "honest but back, his wllllngnesj to'take a white House at San Clemente, withdrawing troops from NATO

and said the proposed by his

Use prpper technl()uea when cooklng’ln aluminum. Spllla and bollovers should be wiped-with

D O U B U « e u S T M M I g V A H V S th ls

DOUBLI Jrour savings at Marty’s i liSDA C H O ltE BEEF I

Agnew attacks various Demo plaps in acceptaiice speech *

M lW l DOACH (UPD—At- McGovern (or advocating what by 1,345 GOP Convention

tackin^Uift^bualng, dcfcnao and he catlcd ‘'ple'ccmcai, Inconsls- dcleKales wlUi the solo oppoal-

VictnaJrwpoUcles of Democrat tent and Illuaory” programs. lion of one vote (or television

I George McGovern, Spiro ,T. “ Do we (ollow Senator commentator David Orlnkloy. A1- — Agnow-aeoopted-re^iomlnntlon—McQovern'sTJroposnls-forabTrrr-UlllcJrac’f e p tc T i jU ir m i lc h "

(or vice president Wednesday doning the South Vietnamese to mond, 20, o( Plnb Bluff, Ark.,

the invaders from Hanoi ’ and

for trusting or 'begging' tliti

North Vietnamese to return our

prisoners of war?” Agnew

asked the delegates who

shouted, “No.”

Agnew's plifce on the ticket

while his conservative suppor­

ters laid plans to nominate him

for President In 1976,

Setting perhaps the tenor ol

his fortlicomlng' campaign as

President N ixon’s running

mate, tlie 53-year-old former

Maryland governor denounced

fLQ W rektUves


I\ixonb a ck e rs

. LINED UP like children waiting to i(ee Santa

Claus, Republican Convention delegates wait to .

i^hake tlie hand of President Nixon after his

acceptance speech Wednesday night. (UPl)

abstained from voting t>ecauso

he said Agnew was a racist.

Interior Secretary . Robert

Morton, a fellow Marylander,

placed Agnew's name • In nomination, declaring that he

. , was -a njan whose name hadwas overwhelmingly approved become a "household word."

Kleanwhlle, UPI learned that

a group of Agnew's staunchest

conservative backers had hold

several strategy mcetinRS

iilihed at helping Agnew

capture the presidential nomln- -ation-foup-yo'ttrtt-from'noi

The overwhelming defeat of a

liberal-movfr- tO' broaden-the

number of delegates from the

big urban slates, according to

many of Agnew’s supporters,

proved that they maintained

enough power In Uie GOP to

iin »


I ♦

I I ♦






1,000 plus delegates push,

shove to shake Nixon’s handWASHINGTON (UPI)-Tlie

General Accounting Offlco

(GAO), congressional watchdog

agency, withheld a report on

the handling of Republican

campaign funds,after confer­

ring with the party's chief fund

raiser, Maurice H. Stans, It was

learned today.

Washington sources said El­

mer B. Stoats, comptroller — general- of-tho- United-States -

and head of the GAO,. felt he ,

. needed more answers to

quoitioni alM ut. the use ■

campaign funds be(ore he could

approve the report. ____ ____

‘ ‘ '‘taati is a very careful guy

and me wants to. make very lAUu-thc-Tcpoiit-is-tor-roct-

Iden^ Nixon allegedly wound up in the Miami bank account of

Bernard Barker, one of the

arrested suspects.

Meanwhile, Stans said he

MIAMI BEACH (UPD-The and tlioae who iiave died in

largoi^ organization of POW enemy hands."

rcleptivcs has branded us "too Ttie lea^^ue telegram stated:

,ir ijfl^b le" the Republican par- ‘'Apprehensive tliat platform ----r — ................... - — -

ty’spllitform plank on Vietnam, indicates hardening of M;iy 0 ‘put him at Uie head of the

the National League of proposal by our government, ticket In 1076.

Families of American FVisoners Afraid that paragraph relating

and Missing in Soutl)east Asia to American prisoners Is too

said in u telegram to President Inflexible und indicates that uU

Nixon Wednesday that the POWs will remain interned

platform plank appeared to until all missing men are

represent a “hardening” of accounl,ed for. Release and

Nixon’s May fl peace proposal, accounting could begin simul-

The organization said the taneously."

plank could hinder rather than

speed the release of prisoners.

Nixon, on May 8 offered to withdraw iTS. tpops from

Vietnam four months ofter the

imposition of on internationally

supervised cease-fire through-




J0LLEIieAPtR.,H», i


While Agnew publicly will say

only that he Is “keeping my

Options open,” an associate

quoted him saying "1 wouldn't

put up with this ]ob for another

four years if I weren't

Interested in seeking the top-




“had nothing to do” with the

break-ln. "That is absolutely

my position and when the grand

]^d p r e d ic t io n

fore he signs his nunio," one

source said. A definite date has

' not been set (or releuHe Q( the


Sources said that Stans, who -l*-Hillenfllni(-(he—Republican

— Notional— Convention,— lallced-

wlth OAO olllclals by telephone

Tuetdoy before a decision was

made to delay release of the

Bud« IlnUlngs. Releoso _.had - been expected Tuesda^^

The OAO Investlgalion was

sparked by the alleijed attempt

of five men to bun the

Democratic National Commit­

tee headquarters In the early morning hours of June 17, The

' suspects Iqter were linked to

NlicQIi's re-<!lecllon committee.

Ifunds from the OOP’s

Committee to Ren^lect. Pres-

“ HONOLUtU-(UPI) - PollSler Burns W.“ Roper said Wednesday that President Nixon may be the odds-on favorite lo win the November election, but " I would not make a prediction as lo the outcome."

The president of Roper Research Associates told the American Society of Association Executives that U he had lo bet he'd pick Nliion

-T ra f l - j iv n a iin rw j ir --------- - ’ ~"Ru^ I would bet no more than I could afford

to lose, because I would have bet, and given odds, eight months ogo that Oeorge McOovern would not gel the nomlnalloni" he said.

the prisoners.

The platform Insists there

should bo a full accounting of

the missing before all U.S.

— trdops-aru, withdrawn.

' The league also demands an „_..ocs.qunt|ngjQrJhe_mlsslng.but_

said In Its telegram It would be difficult or Impossible to achle-ve In the timetoble set out In the platform, The result would be to block a settlement and delay return of the prisoners, the telegram said.

The section of the nlaltorm-

Back to School Shoe FashionsF ron . ROBIN hood;

Shoes for Boys and Girls

[______ ___ &ie SoElvii}!tob}i hfcoldr§'

states: "We Insist that, before oil American forces are withdrawn from Vietnam, American prisoners must be returned and a fuU accounting

r tm c tlo n -

Now come tho colora, Thay apark the look of Roblti

Hood's broad to« oxford, Made for the gtrl who’i all

g o w i t h braaay eyeleta,.bold unm i ^nd

tch|ard‘‘4re«t*d- pigakin leather.

Campaign funds Leaves

release withheldMIAMI BEACH (UPI)-More

than a thousand persons

pushed, swore, groaned ond

shouted to get to shake the

hands o( President ond Mrs.

Nixon when they left the

podium to greet the delegates

who renominated him.Standing In front 6f the

Presidential seal, t^lxon and his wife, Pat, Wednesday night

patiently puniped the hand of each person who got up tlie

stairs. Including an elderly

woman who had to be held up

tg keep from being pushed to

Uie floor and a child carried to

the stairs on his fatlier’s


Moat tQld him how proud they

rwerr^to-meet ■■ him, thot he

.................. ........ ....... would carry their particular

f!n\r v>»‘tnnii/i/fhTimH. three of State and that he gave a great’

whom were in wheel chairs. apeevli. Sortie gave mm glTlSpuCIl^nT-rnnBlnB— froni -‘0710 !— to " n '


hinderedMIAMI BEACH (UPI) -

niere was one antiwar demon-

iitratlon inside the convention

haU when President Nixon dellveretl ' his acceptnnce

speech. Tlie participants were

to 1 In Sen. George S. B E *™ (U P I)~ U s t McGovern's home state "and °«™'V'>«^■N»5«"l«‘ Abrahm , he wail extremely, happy.” “ Columbia. S.C., publish-

Moyor Richard Lugar of f f . announced ho waa leaving Indianapolis .went through the * » , Domocratic party and line and told Nixon the decision Join ns the Republlcons. . to greet the delegates "was a , Wednesday, he said he was great Iden. I f . n renllv ^e Repub lean party tremendous personal effort on bocouso It was racist. ■ his port " ■ -

Nixon originally had planned tho notl,onar level dnd In the ................................ state executive “.committee,to shake the hand . o( every

delegnte but decided before his Abrnhsm sold. " I hove bow speech to cut It short, U-ylng o gel \Uie party

He shook hands for nearly i.n “W n l f d [“>■ Nixon but Uie

hour on the small platform ’ f ”--built Immediately In front of Abrohnm sold the Republicans

Uie podium bearing the- Pres- oompalgnlng. nnoong

Identlal seal ond Uie lino was South Carolina Incut off. Mrs. Nixon Btumbled v^r uni secrocy to avoid ontaeo-

torword loklngly aa U Uie

couldn't stand any more while

- hundreds of peraona lammed i\' foot of the stairs crlyd.

" I don't think a successful^

campaign can be run for Nixon


»0h. no.Abraham said. }

Tlie four hadConvention gueat passes and twillpolnt pen. chont, “please don't go.' o n i«iSilt In the aisle in the bpck of Tfltsu Qgawa, an BO-year-old ' Us|ng 0 microjjhono lowered He said-ho would not rejoin

the h a l i W hen N lx o ruw a^ l iv e ,J a p n r te k H a w a iia n fo r m m I r o m _ t h e p o d iu m ,

minutes Into hiH spccch;'they JtJ'®wn Nixon for 20 yeflfa and Nlxbn dxplQlned that ho hewmo nn ndopendcnt.

held up a sign saying "stop the ■Wfil a^gUest at Julie and David hod a llghl day planned (of Abraham acnargeso(roclflm

_boriiblng|lntll8tarlcd tHtTslogan.

"1 anf guilty of.murder," une yslled J-iell- Ulc truthll We-Hl»0-Nlxim,- — _

. h.ivJ‘ sulloiod from this war!" ttoreon Allison, of l^uUi

"atop Uie TVOTa guest at Julio and David had a llghl day planned for Aoranam a cnargesoi racism

J shoutlnu Eisenhpwer.'s wrodng, prflsent^_'niuradiijUiut.told-thcrti-ii-U8ht-^-®-rfi-^®nl®^-by 4he-Rop.-U.S._ ed thOj President with a red .day (or him meant Irovbllng Loverott. a black South

"der’’ ime carn.itlon-lcl hO had brought*to acro.ss the. United States ^ ro jln a alternate delegate lo

'makfng five visits Uie tjOP convention.

/ Levorett is chalvniuii of the

. (I is(ihoiK one >s*(;uod{or t/ic.si! (Ifiys. . ,

Dakota, gave him u -large,

green button reading. ‘Tm

(rom South DakotaT McGovern

doeso't sp«ok (or mo:” She said told Nixon, he was leading 2


A thought for. the day: British Wack, division' o ! h is 's tate ’s popt Robert Southwell, sold.'(^"^nnittqo for Ro-elociiun o(

'.‘Wlien fortune smiles, I smllo the Prosl'dont, antf ho acknow*^,

tp think how qUlckly.'ahe will runnlflg“ n very 'frown.;' i quiet cacnpaign. ,« ' ■ '

The brualied Icathur oxford with a bump toe and »haped heel. It’s'the look growing

Rirli like and jt 'l in the

^-grown-up ^izci they need»

B a n k ^ a r d s W e lc o m e OPEN FRIDAY NfGHTS 'TIL 9 P.M.J


: ' I --

6 Twin Idtho Thuriday, Auouit.a4, YW

N. Viet launches ‘’"11!’“*'attack

— ^AIQON-WPI;)-NorU^-VI»U-Natisrunerth^lown-was-hlJby-norUi^l-'niiinB-Blnlir^liii: namew troopi nicnoclng South M-rouficln ot tiro from IJOrtim govornmont cBiusltloa were

NEWBEnO,‘ 0 » . (UPII - QuakeVi In the

PacUlc Northweil vottd Wedneaday to^hgld a

. telleMrrilldg campaign to.urgo tht banning of alcoholic bovoragea on alrllnera.

" H i» yaarly mettlng of Frienda aald thay.aliO-

oppoiod Uu lowering of the legol drinking age and the aale and-nae of marijuana.'

The cAurch, wlth^M congtegallona In Oregon,

igtCD'Trad idsh07~ils6~urged”Tf~lettw

. Vletnum'fl aeo)nd largest-city

of Dfi Nang hit a hoarby district capital with artillery, Wodnos-

day and launchod a ground

atttack on a srhaller townUS miles ffonf\ the northorn port..

Other Communist -gunners

alio attacked a petroleum

field piocos and captured soven killed and 15 wounded.

158mm «unsWodnefldny,mllltfl- Tliang Binh U capital of one

ry sources snld. Three porflona of the two districts In l h e ‘

wore killed and 30 wounded as valley, and Quo Son is caplUltho North Vietndmese pushed of the other. Total Con>mlmlst

eastward-to follow up their control o/tho vital volley would

weekend success in capturing pose a stiff threat to Da Nang,Uie Important district town of an^ literally Qut South Vietnam

writing campaign to oppose any state lottery to '

raise governmental operation money.'

. complex arfd vlllogo six miles * Que Son and nearby fire base .in two. _ souUieest of Salgbn, spokcftmen’ noss -to oflfobllflh dominance in U.S. and South Vietnamese

aald. It was the closest attack the Quo Son Valley. pilots swept over northernmost

to the capital since Juno 2fl. UPI photographer Jeff Taylor' Qunng Trl Province Wednesday

In Saigon, tho U.S. command In Da Nnng said he saw South^ and destroyed 13 North Vletno*

todayonnouncedthat Uirpo U.S. Vlctnomose soldiers ln,_full mese thnka:

soldiers died iri Vietnam battle genr walking among the


agrees to


righting last week and 21 more

were wounded. Soutlr Vietna­

mese battle deotlis totaled 017

for the wepk and Communist

war dead for the period wns 3,376, according-to-tho SnlKon

refugees leaving Thang Blnh- Y l fv vh w o 200 l io m o a w o re d e - IN C W S U l K e C O r d . i t r o y c i l a n d o h u g e ' f i r o w o i m a i i b i< i>i i . i c i u i i i ' Started b rthe barrage.

About six miles aOuU) of » ‘ "a Lou^.n. h WJlklmon. 44. bolh

high command.Thousonds of refugees fled

(the district cnpltfll of Tliang

Binhf 27 miles south of Dn


won’t be

prosecuted-- MIAMI-BEAGH-f-UPIt-

Justice Department has

plans to prosecute former

east of Saigon —Communist

commandos mad? “hit and

run” pnidfl on severnl villages

cost pf national hlglvwny 1,

demonslrjiting they could ,crfl3.s. tSTjrV Uie rood, military sources said.

Tliey said three “Happers” were

killed. .Tlie Sjil^on lilgh command

reported 5fi North Vietnamese

killed In an uttock on govern­

ment positions near Duy Xuyen

district town, about 15 miles R".“n^drVi “ nS .south. of

POCATELLO.Idaho (U P I)- Democratic Senate hopeful

William E. Davis has agreed to.

a televised debate with his Re-

pubUcan opponent', provldng

anylndependent condldato for

the office bo allowed to Join

Bich«fci 6 aor#h. i». Vnd them.• nr* L •O im ftl* . it , M in Twin Pa lli. ^ .. _ , , . iCfiririrp-Ev.nTJrT70r»ndT3»bofiVr— “Both“DnV!S“and"nCD7"Jam08~.I>lnmn in >v<tn T>uln C«ll« DI.-harH . , f. _ I

A. McClure, R-Idaho, the Repu­

blican aspirant for tho scat being

vacated by retiring Sen. Lon

... - B, Jordan, were asked earlier by Mirviou Television Network of Idaho

Uudoipn, JO. both Twin P a lll, Richard Ct^*rlt% Cappt, 10. Twin Fa lli, 0«l fl Arnold.. 21. Klmbarly. Wayna Voran. Tobtrar. 71. Duhl. and Pollyann 0 Pott, }0. Uillawa. N*D

Edward Gtorga Carpannr, 70, Twin........ " 'V i i a r i t F Wan»irom, JJ, Arco,

Q. K >fn«n, ii,'tr. 31 - ' -

Geni aide hits fatality rate

'BOISE (UPI) — Idaho Labor “Now they’re doing 1c m 'than

— Commissioner Bart Brown Wed* 10," ho Ba'id.‘‘'niey are not doing

ncaday accused the; federal' thelf Job." ^

government of contributing to . Because of the alleged failure

. Increased lniiualrla\ falallllfis in , of the federal government to do

thS state by falling to enforce the lob, Brown said, “We also

the Occupational Safety and..folji that both tho employers

Hoi^lth Act. • and eraployes In Idaho would bo

Brown said a comparison of better served by tho admlnlstrp-, tho accident and fatality rate tion and enforcement of the act

for the first six’mqnths of-1071 -on a atato level.*’ against tho same ]^rlod in J072

showetU Indus^ial deaths In Idaho increased by 07 per cent,

from 10 to 22. Ho added thl^

total- Included neither tho 01

Sunshine Mine deaths nbr the

state’s agrlculturol fatalities.

His comments came on the

heels of an earlier statement In

"'dcat continuously

Hcnlth Act of jOVO, (j,u

thn Wrcaa.Irnmod bSldlng waatho need for, more and better j


S i -Bpeotearso„‘‘ ln the bln.e’'

Oldest u n it........destroyed


Tlio VoluntMr Fb-e Company

No. 1 Station has housed the

i»ti. 31, amTwin Fafl*


Attorney General Hanisey

_gark-idiL-imtLwnr atatomfenlflark made in'North Vietnam.

Richard G. Klelndlenst, F^es-

ldont.NIxon^ attorney general,

sold WednesHny there was “no

credible evidence" that Clark ’


i lC Q n y ie t s ^ r e e -

Lovit Larton, 51. Twin Fall*, and «n nn nn n i*Jtan«ii» Snofl. }J, Hupari. Oary Otan n **P P «u r.

McClure has already agreed

to take part, his staff said, pro­

viding the congressmon Is In the

state when the appearances ore

arranged for the two candidates.

Davis saltl he would be “de-

-opportu*-nity lo debate.

~^I-havo-o-lot-of-<juoflllonft-'I- wouUl like to ask my opponent


ItaxKr, ]9, FHtr. and Rebyn P 17.Twin FalU. Charlt* F Hooblir. 17. and HuDv C Richarduin, 41. tiolh Twin F a lli

Otnni* Richard «aln»Hln, 1*. K lm btrly. and Kathy J M llitr , 1*, Dolta Paul tu t t r o Jr ■ II, Rolia, and Opal L Kallay. 17. Kunoarly, Michatl John Tramoiay. JO, ard Connia S Ooyd. I?, oolh Moicow

Ricflard 0»M oon, IJ. and Darbara J Shulttn U, both Twin F a lli. Larry P. Raynoldi, 71, and Ka lhtrln L Sattlont, 70, boiti Twin FnlH. David n WHvon.'IV, Twin

C r i t i c a l 'VICE ADM. HVMAN' G.

niCKOVER, In testimony to the

House Appropriations Com-

mlttee last May and released

Wednesday, has called the

military's frequent rotation of

officers "a'form of corruption.” (UPI)

S iilH Ie r

BEl.FA S T ._ m £ lJ ^

ed with better ecucatlon and

training programs for all em­

ployers ond employes.

“ However,Secretary Hodgson

in extolling the- virtues of- the act to the Idaho delegation (t9

the Republlcatlon National Con­

vention ) In Miami did not bother to explain why the Labor E)e-

partment has not accomplished

this," he'sold. '

_______ "On Aug. a..,Gov, Cecil D.

Andrus wrote to...Hodgson ur-

~~ — pninyTe(of OSHA io reducing the num-


Industrial accidents Inldoho to

n„r-Tno ^au lab le- re ^

COOL AND cuifortablei

five hostagesClark In o trip to Nortfi

Vietnam earlier this month'

denounced U.S. bombing ijnd called for an end to American

participation In the war.

Klelhdlenst said he would like

to see Qark and other antiwar

activists like Jane Fonda.

. DQvld Dellinger and WHUam Kunstler appear on television

every night.

if everybody heard

everything they suld, they

woul0 realize U)ey have no

programs,” Klelndlensl auld.

“They have no alternatives. All

they want to do Is eliminate the

free institutions in this coun­try,"

Five convictjj who look a lab Tlie convicts, all described astechnician and two giiard.s ••Imrti core criminals," and

hostnye at knlfej>b|nt in the Uielr tliree htotages had been

inaximuni security Kddyvllle Uiside arf^Wowless hospital

Stale Penitentiary released pharmacy roorfi since 5 p.m.

tiiem unharmed today. 14 hours ( e d T) Wednesday.

. .. .. killed' a British soldier in avoting record over the post s li Cntholic nolBhborhood

years, Davis snld. "Idahoans Wednesday and a wave of

deserve some direct answers bomblnii, hit Northern Ireland,■One of the lively topics of indudlni! a blast by a bomb

£Chirc^s— tiod4a^-tttlok-and-flr«d4poiiwi--- wuspro4>mpt>—still undisclosed sources of funds

for his campaign,” the Poca-'

tello Democrat added. "Tills

topic Is of great concern not

Only to the average citizen, but

to many leading Republicans.”

after Ihc ordeal began.

"Kverythlng's O.K..” stale

Corrections Commissioner

Charles Holmes lolfl newsmen

gathered at the llHh Century

prison. "Kveryone’s safe."-


An army spokesman said «

sniper bullet hit tlie soldier in

the head as he was palroHing

the Andersonstown d lslrid In Belfast.

Assistant Superintendent Wll-‘

Ham Uisley had promised the

five Inmates no physical

punishnienl would be doled put

if they surrendered.

State police ringed Ihe prison,Holmes had rushed hert* from located in a scenic areo of

his liome at Frankfort, the southwestern Kentucky hear

state capital about 200 miles Uie Illinois border. Gov. Wen-

uway, whfii {he Inmales dell Ford had authorized "anyrefused to discuss their de- action necessary to prevent

iTianda witii inslllution officials, twdlly harm to any of the

wjying they would talk only to j»uards.”


snvu uur it)ySi source — human' beings.

this date, no anwer

has been received by the gover­

nor," Drown said.

ed by .lhe federal-act from

making safety inspecllons,

Drown pointed out. "We were

doinj; an averaj'e of between

200 and 250 inspections a month.

::^£levisiojL SxihedulesT h u rtd a v , A u g u it >4. 1177

A l J p.m. or» c tia n n o lj 3b. } ,ind 11 - Movto "ApACho U p fii in o ’• R ory Caltwun f it iM aq<ilr> in _ th is

"w ostoro It ' is ari ac iibn ialt* o( cow tx iy t v»."ou tlaw s and rem^uadu

. Indians II Is repea l and runs lo r two hours. Corinne Calyot, John Russell a n d \.o n Chaney a lso s ta r

E v tn lrtg 4:00

J » l . i - News. W eather. Sports It j. 1, 4sl - T ru th or ConsFquences 7sl — Sesame Street 70 - Hee Haw ‘I - AAod Squad n - K id Power

t':30Jsl - Ironside

■■ Drug .P il t i

4Ti-ll7sl • W orld Pros^ "

10:10;U. U. n - J otm ny Cctr^iin

' 10 M inu lus• 10 ;Ji

M ov iv "V illa g e o l the Ddmnc-<l'4, 3 Uig Ptsh Show

I 0 :«i - M o v .f "K e l lv and M o”

ie;SO3 M ovie "T h e TiQcr and the Puisyca'f

11:004sl - Nows, W eather, Sports

11:10 4i l - DICK Caveti

J — AAy Three Sons HI - DriavrnUrtiFr*

J — To Be AnnouncetJ U — T h re iD o o N lg^ t. Concert

30. 3, 11 — M ovie "A pachel lp fls ln fl"4 il - K id P o w tr,40. 7 il - M ii l t r o o e r i iO , I — JUUe Ip e c iA i

T iMMl - Or Simon Lo ch t 411 - Three Doo N ioh l. Concert 40 - lo o k Beat 7 il - l le c t r ic Company

' l iMM l. )b. I - BobOy D arin V a rie ty 4«l - Ju lie . Special?il - j a i t 8#r40 - Idaho O u ld oo ri > « iNH I. lb . I - NBC A O vtn lu re ih e a le f }D - M a n n ii ) - - To Be Announced t t l - •O W itt M a rih a U

.40. U l H o l ly w o o d Television TheatreI — In g e iM r l H u m b ird in ck

M l - H aw a ii F ive 0 lOiM

M l, }b, 1, y I, 11 . News. W ta l^e r. Ip o r i t - 4sl Perry Mason

F r id a y . August ] l , 1*MAl • p m on Channel 4sl — AAovie

••EKperlm ent In T e r ro r ," a th rille r ' aooui a psychotic c r im in a l who i r iM to b la ckm a il a benh te lle r m io

-^m-tininira-TTDnTBOO. rilm ed 'onlocatlon-ln San F r'anc lico . Ihe t ilm Is h iahlghted .by a de ip e ra le chasethrouoh C an d le s tlck 'P a l'K "------------

■ venlnv ' tiM

2*1. t - News. W eather. Sport - National Oeouraphic

) - T ruth or Consegufnces 4«l> >b. I ' Summ er O lym pics U l - Seasame Street 11 • O ’ Hara

t()0Is i ^ f lC Nwws W hite Paper on v ie in a mi - M's A Smal\ W orld 4b D iac 'ric Company > — M y Three Sons................ »iOO - • - - •30. J. 11 - Pro Footoall

'4b'. U l M iste



JEAN SEBERG •JACQUELINE BISSET• t uNMiui nciuit • iroiiiicoiot> • rm tat • m -M *

7 il W ashington m R vviow /b - M ag ic C ircus G - NBC News W hite Paper V iu tnam - ________________________

Tsi A m a ttn u W orld o l K rosk in 7 lp T iger by tho Tail

2sl - N igh t G a lle ry 4b F ine A rt o f Goolmg O tt 7b - II Takes a Thief

f:M4D - Best of ETV 7 |l - H ine A r i o f Cooting 0»f

IO;MJsl. Jb. 1, .5. 7b. •W eather. Sports 4sl - P e rry M ason



Eon on U S 30 To Eattlond 0«va

PfiSm V ElY•13 BAYS

ONLY!! -

At 9:00 P.M. NIGHTLY

3 — M ov ie "T h e Big B ro a d ca it of 193I-’

10140i - M ovie "S end M l No P lo w a ri^

- R e w irW ia ih irT S p o rti lliM

411 - M ovie " C u r ie Ol the M u m m y 'i T o m b " - •

ISiM3«l - M ovie " M r . B ileve da re Qoe« to C o llege"

4b" I t "

Across the Fence E le c tric Company

iiiuM p v ie " E s p e r i f

**Snoopyf Come Home**■ A C IN E M A n t-N T E n FILM n P R E R lN tA T iO N

A LEE M £ N D E L 30 N -Q IL LM ls l.E N 0E 2 PHOO UCTlON iC H E A TC U AND W IIIT T LN liV CMAKLCn UCm u l / PnOOU C ED OY l e e M E^^0EL8ON AND HILL M E lE N O t / • U ilU .C TbO HV UU I M i l l N U F /

MU9l0 AN 0 LY M lC 8D Y n iC H A H D M *-A *4D n 0U E M T () iiHtJtMAN • T rC H N iC O K )n «A NATIONAL QE NE nA L P ICTU nES nC LE A S r

"Snoopy Come Home"M U 30 3.41 7,00 10 l i

1K« I.kIk A.k III t 55 5 H) H ')'}


D flhu* tlrado. ilo tt A otlon^ —. ciurum laAlurai ai

■ " X . a V w S X T t . ‘ P ln « - C . t . c h .b l .

.JJ.JSO n»m. .M.oo lUm,"'JSS IUm . .370 w in-

' Tmmltam. jo-ooHpto. $ 1 1 A 2 5•USWln. .aonwin. '••"l.iu ' i l O• linn^i Item.Mwff. lUa. , , . » |3 7 ,s o

■ — --r^».30K-4 m raver Srope Mrg. • .

" BID'SUse Your Bank.Cards 2 1 5 Shoshone St. S.


Aui!ii.ii 22nil 10 2 7 lli (• /%NDY •• IIUSSELL .•

. # 1 . - ■ ■ ) » .

m t> j|ii ii! i i ii i li i ij ii i. loih • I JI.MMV I

- J ^ W A K K f c V S I I O W j ^

9 Siu. #• SATIIETTI a• RDKDA 9 .A'.(m.i>ikr«!tiii.!< ' ' 'm 9 The 0A . ModcrnalrcN .


"•O N O O "AT liOO .M.

"H ACK IIA U T Y "a l 3>30r.M . Qally


T O D A Y T H R U S U N D A Y ^ BIOO H N „N O O N .«H D *V ^ P O A Y S I I


A C am b in iilU n lh « l « r« ■rcHl'ai i l n j t a i . . . n M m c M A P i f l j i n i m i r

• - lO N N ir ' AT 9iOQ > 'n b U y j" AT 1Qi<S

Thuridav, A oou it u , 1«73 TlmM-N«wV, Tvy|;i F * l l i , ItUho 7

Idaho ffrm feels environmentalist pressure on new Wyoming pBy DWIGHT JENSEN

— S|wdil.to the T taw N ew i■vROCKSPnlNaS, Wyo. - Id« l» Powor.Co. Is

building lt» fltrt >l»8m BenoroUngplant^nni ' fHllng lha creuure of envtronmentallui o i b

re«J.I____ r' . .

About 39 mllM ettl by northoul of Rock

'Sprbiga, near a wide spot In.tire rood collod I^ ln t ot tloclu, cotiitructlon Is at Ua peak on tho

Jim Brldgor Power Plant.

Ute (Irst unit Is to go on tho lino within two

years, It the Job stays on schodulo.

Later In tho decade, when tho plant la com-

pleto. It wlU Include three units generating I s

million volts — half o million (or Jdoho Power

and a full million (or PacKlo Power and Uslit

~Co;, WWCtnratllMnglho cost o( tho plant.

Iho Wyoming site was selected because I t Is

close to tho raw.materials. 1110 plant Is being

’ built adjacent to a large bod of low-grade coal

that con be strlp^mlned at cijmporatlvoly little

cost. A 42-mllo pipeline wUl bring water from

thoGreen River. Burning coal and boiling water

will form steam to power the generating tur­


As recently as |ts 1671 annual report to^

stockholders, Idaho Pjwer was.boastlng o f '

being an 11-hydro company, ana publishing

— photograph»-of-lts-m»ny-plBnttr^'niousin3 ^rlngs,'Malad River, Hells Canyon, Swaif Falls

and so on. But hydroelectric sites ar« running

. out and tlie company has at laat turned to sttam

generation-.--- 1--

reduce particulation emission) to on. absolute . back Into the soil-will b« cleaner'lhan when it minimum. Thli smoke ItseK will rlsi up a 900-

:(oot<smokostack before going out into the at

The concept is simple. Coal from tho nearby

fields will be crushed to dust and burned at high

temporoturos to boil wotnf bi ovorhead boUers.

The steam will bo'drawn off to power turbines

that will generote electricity. The condensed

steam will then bo cooled and reused in the boilers.' .

But tho builders are having to deal with en­

vironmental issues. A (ederal government

report listed many possible sources o( ecological damage;

—Smoko omissions. These could darken the

air nearby, and oven bo carried away to con­

tribute to ah pollution at distant pohita.Idaho Power has spent millions o( dollars on

anti-pollution efforts^ Including the building of

precipitators that tho company believes will

. mosphere, and the high smokestack is designed

to help reduce pollution.

7 -Land damage ftvm strip-mhiing and ditch-

digging. The companies say they will reseed

—mbiedout-areas-as soon as they'ro through-

worklngthemtAU.S. ForestS^vlceofficlBl says

that reseedbig a mined area is "Ijke putthig a

Band-Aid on aftef you've ah'eady boon cut."

It also prpmlsos to bo careful about digging

the ditch for the water pi|Hllne. and to restore

tho surface to-lts hotural appearance after tho

pipe is laid.

Environmentalists aren't sure the natural

appearance can be restored — the earth in that

area may bo too delicate, they say. And tho

■ (ederal government says It will not grant rlght-

o(-way over it^ land unless it is satlsded in

advance with tho restoration plans.

—Possible water pollution or deterioration In

water quality resulting (rom use o( water in the

plant. 'Tho company says that whatever water 'is

rotumed to tlie river or allowed to be dischorijcd

shortage of energy, Uectrical and other^

came out of the river. . wise,and construction of new generating pUmti '

—The effect bn wildlife. There can be.nordoubt---- is IrapaaUvsTWd iriT righrU iofat u pteplt

that much wildlife will reb'eat from the bn-

medlate area of the plant. The government la

worried that the effect may be too widespread

' and lo n g - la s t in g ._______^ ____-. ' '

.^The effecta d( the transmlssltm line. Hila

line will run MS miles to Pocatello.,Hie route

has already been explored (or archaeological

sites. Environmentalists worry about the e(- (ectsOn land and vegetation of the construction,

ond the govonunent report also notoa that the

route could become a favorite anowmobUe trail

and snowmobilers are known to sometimes

harass wildlife along the router either

.deliberately or by accident.

So (ar there has been no concerted effort to,

halt construction of tho plant, but future steam

' genorathig plants are likely to face an uphill


One sot of questions that haa not been asked

ls,"Do wc need this extra powerl

The power company says' we are facbiB a

and bushiess are, using more and more elec­

tricity, oil, and other types of energy.

But a (ewyoicei are btglnnbig to u y that our

goal should be to operate on less energy and

begin lb preserve some of these resources.

Dr. Barry Commoner, for blstance, dies

many methods of reducing energy consumption.

He pobits out that making beverage cans out of

aluminum instead of steel used ateut sbt times

as much energy.

And traitsportbig goods or people by motor

vehlcl»-truck or car—Instead of on railroads,

takes about six times as much fuel, causes

about six times u much pollution, and uses lip

four times as jmiich land tor right-of-way.

Generally speaking, however, Americana

expect to use more and more energy and, faced

, with this demand, the.power companies plan to

' build more and more generatbig plants.

Dul a ma)or political battle over the Issue

many bo only' a (ow years oway.

C o n v e n tio n - re s e m b le s ^ l^ tro m c

hall of mirrors for. brief momeiit

the briefest moment Tuesday

night, the Republican National

Convention was like an electro­

nic hall of mirrors, a gigontic

infinity game being played

across a television screen.

always is ensv to ^ e l

have used film and various

types of-graphics in the past. But tl)ere never bus been such

sucked up In the excitement of

a political convsntlon. When the

balloons come cascading down,

the signs bob crazily ond the

country of Pennsylvania, not

the worm noodlo'soup zanlneas

of Miami Beach.

Thlngs^started getting mixed

up on Tuesdoy.' First, In the

midst of convention business,'

-Uje*4iugfr lrlple-1

movie obfiut Nixon.

And. of course, tho sccnes of the President breaking bread

wiUi Chou En-lol wore about

things that really hoppenbd

earlier this year and praOtlcally

-had— aeeiT”otlng the rostrum suddenljT S v ls lo n .


a mix of the media before, such

S n i » k c N ( i i e k o f l l r i < l ( ' « > r p l u i K

noise rises wind ahead

of a tornpdo, it Is an effort of

will to keep from being drawn

Into the scene.

But this convention has

something added. More than

any otlier in the two decades of

full-scale television convention

coverai^e, this oi)e was tailored

for the screen ond all Its uses.

A {ir\e thing for lolKs al home

In front^of Ihe set, but strange

If you’re part of It.

"aTil^U ing opw har la really

happening before your eyes,

what was filmed and edited In

a darkroom and what Is being

broadcast to you, as they say.


In ■ the first day of the

convention, It was fairly easy to

keep the ephemeral separated

from the real. After all, Dwight

D. Eisenhower is dead, and the

scones of his widow seated in a

comfortable living room could

arriving at the airport. Several not make sense'to people whd

_thmisand-pQQple_MihQ_hpd_becn—watched—tho— convontlon-

doing something themselves

that wos being broadcast as a

newsworthy event found them-

selvei watching someone else

doing something even more 'Important, and in fact, part of

the point of it all.

I..ater, the fantasy of film

became real when someone few.

persons had seen In the flesh,

cowboy actor John Waj^e,

appeared In that condition

before the convention to Intro-

television Tuesday night, it is

because they saw m entirely

differentjNlxon film from the

one shown delegates.)Putting'that small goof aside,

thp convention proceeded to .

nomlnotfe’^ lx o n to run for a

second term as President. As

each state was callcd, Its

delegation chairman onnounced

the vote and was shown on

those big screens In the front of

the hall.

Laird criticizes McGovern^s p lan



firingCHICO,^Calif. (UPl)-Union

employes walked off their Jobs

at a match manufacturing plant

Tuesday to protest the firing of — —thrcB^TOJns^OTTtFvlng'lol^

----------- imit^--------------:------------------- r,-----Officials at the Diamond

International plant sold r the

three employes were fired July 17 because-'tholr halr-stylfls do-

not conform to ,, compony

' stundardi." 1110 poilcy stotos

that holr could not bo bolow the

I collir. .

About 170 momborn of the Workera' Union, M illm en’ii

Union Locil \m of tho

Brotherhood of Curpontem and Jolnteri walked off tho Job

ofter uttornptfl by ii fodonil

inodlutor to rsiiolvo Iho iMue

foiled,----. -------- -------

’Legality of

driver plan

assuredBOISE (UP!) - A ipokoimon

for tho Alcohol Safety Action

ProjBctAayi thore’B nothlnH Illegal about providlnB flnfln.clal

L m ililan c fl____to--- « lR 8d[lo_proaocullop of drunken drivoro.

Director L C. "Colty" Lowry

said Qoodlna County

Pros'ocutor Mtlrow F. Jwno® rnlsunderitjttndi the progrnm.*

Jfimos lald lo it wook the

program tiould bo lllogal

- bocttuio it would phy up to 1280 ‘ per caiie for handling tho

incroaiod nunibtf of-cagoi-

. --rUwry oxplfllnwj Jhe monw- • goes to cltlos and coWtTos whorothere iB a backlog o r iu ch ..

coiei.Heaold It la to bo usodto lUre assistants to help the

proa^Qutors dispose of the



—Defense Secretary Melvin

l.aird. Insistinfi he was not

engaging in partisan politics,

said during u visit here that Sen. George McGoycrn's pro­

posed military cutbacks would

■■amount to unilateral disar-


l..aird emphasized Tuesday

Uiat he has tried to be

“religiously bipartisan,” but

said he ■‘cannot sit by and

a lB ^ someone to moke those

cH'arges” that the defense

budget could be almost halved

without Jeopardizing tlie notion­

al security.

“A cut in the nature of |20 or

130 billion would amount to

unilateral disarmament and

would gravely endanger our

national security; severely Im*

pnlr the prospects of .peace and ■put an end to successful

negotiations toward greater -Intemntional stablllty-*^r:alrd


C b j r a / a m n n m : . .

T o p . m odels

TOP MODELS In the Jerome County fair M l

Btyle review Tuesday night were Jan Mcchom.

lefti Junior division, ond Ann Peterson* ^6,

senior model.

Man fin e d 2 models named Jo jLdrug---atJ^r-ome-£ai]possession

GOODING — A Jerome niun

pleaded guilty Wednesday lo

charges of possession of u

conlrollod^suUslancTS orrd

disordorly conduct before

— --6oodtiiy Cuuiiiy ■MuyrBtTf

Qmrles C. Shjjw.

-Riehard- -Kulhunek-

fincd 142.50 for the disorderly


Prc-senlcfice irwcaltKallon

was ordered prior to scntenclnK

for possession of the controlled

substance. Kultinnek was

arrested at Niagara Springs on

March 17 for disorderly con­

duct. Tlie second charge was

entered when the'aubstance wus

discovered during booidng


Kulhanek was released on

bond.Officers said tlie possession

charge wus brouglit during the

short period in which the Idaho

Crim inal'' Code had boon

revised. Under the code in ef­

fect on March 17 possession of a

• controilod substanco Is a


JEROME — Top models in

Uio 4-H style review were

named Tue^ay night at the

Jerome County Fairgrounds as

part of the week-long activities

the fair and rodeo. l.ee Ann Peterson, 11

, award for the ton model In the

senior division and Jan

Mecham, 12, in Uiu Junior

division. ~

. Top winners in the style

review plus livestock and other

department winners will show

in the fairgrounds arena at fl:30

p.m. Friday. At tliis time

awards will be made with Jim

Messersmitli acting as nuister

of ceremonies.

Tills is the first time that all

the award winners have been

assenibled for one showing and

the event is expected to become

a regular par.t of the fair in the

future,officials said.

Wednesday exhibits were

with judging being


llie Ray Cununack Carnival


WASHir^GTON (UPI) -Sen. G«orge 8 , McGovern • will

remain ‘‘it^lwart' to the prln* eiplei” of hU proposed welfare

refown program, Arthur Okun,

former chairman of tho Council

of Economic Advisors and now a McGoVem consultant, sala

Wedne^oy. ‘

- McOovorn's wolforo reform program hos been the target of

horivy criticism from Rep^ubll-

cons who hove doHdod It as o

giveaway. ' • ^

Okun acknowledged to a

reporter that McGovern’s pro-

posal as released earlier this

year was "distinctly tentative/'

but he snld "tlie.candid airing

It received will Itfad to n

progrom with broad acceptabl* llty.”

In a speech delivered Tuea*

day . before the New York

Society of ■ Security Analysts,

Okun said President Nixon’s

record was “dramutlcaily dis­

m al” and warned that “no

previous incumbent administra­

tion has 'Created so much

uncertainty about what its economic polic'y would be in a

second term of office."

In an. attack on critics of

-McGovorn^j-eoonomio-poiiciosr- Okun said “ it’s time to cut out

Uie mischief of painting Karl

Marx’s beard ^un 'George

McGoVern's picture.”

McGovern is scheduled to

address the same group next

to give

details on changes in his tax

-,and welfare proposals-------

Okun, who was council-

choirmiin durini.' thc_ Jfjhnson

and will be playing unti Friday night.

A western Jamboree on

Saturday night will complete

U»e weok-long activities. Seven

teams will compete from

Shoshone. Gooding, Valley,

IV in Fails, and several from

Jer(jme. Frank Slieppeard is in charge of arrangements,

administration, told United

Press International, however, tliat he expected McGovern to

remain “stalwart to the prin­

ciples" on welfare reform,

■ As for his tax' program, Okun

predicted McGovern’s reforms

would ' ‘refic'ct his desire for a healthy advance in both private

investrijent and corporate after

tjix Income in a prosperous aiid

growing economy,''

^Loved not understood^TALLAHASSEE, Fla, (UPD

—Observing thot “women are mode to be 'loved, not to be

understood,“ the Florida Su­

preme Court ruled Wednesday

that a Miami woman separated

from her muitl-mllllbnalre hus­

band was entitled'to his support rights for women) that classic

despite a pre-marriage contract observation of I^rd Byron in

ruling out alimony payments. his 'Pearls of Wisdom': *Wo-

The high court said "perhaps men are made to be loved—not

a husband must consider to be understood’,'' the court(nothwithatandlng today's 'wo- observed.

men's llb'-for extended 'equal'

Boy's Shorts And T-Shirts From KentfieldQuality T iHlrtt and ihorti, 100% lo ft whll« cotton. Boy'i i lz « i 10-20, Non-iag nam lB ii,

~ j 6 l l a r , c e m r e l l r t t —i h f t n l c o g r —Strest levgl.

at savings timely clearance o^ classroom fashions for boys & young men


“Regulor b.OO Long Sleeve “ Shirts For BoysLatest fashion — dura press cut and sown shirts. Famous m aker, washable cotton in solids, p rin ts , a n d ' sFripes. Tan Sizes 8-20.

299-BoysBody-Shirts, Reg. 5.00 a t Big Savings NowBoy's Custom O rig in a l body shirts. Choose from solid co l­ors o r p rin ts, j] | | petm onenf press. Sizes 8 to 20. Sove on this needed school item now!

.50Sox fo r Boys By Munsing- wear and Kent­fie ld Save!Regularly priced at .79 1.00 a pair, lox in oil colon fbTtym :k~^ftr^ichool—Quolliy— mode for long wanr. S iiM7 to 9, and 9 to ) 1. Street level.


Double-Knee Jeans, Reg Priced 4.50Rugged double-kee jeans for boys, a t savings. Perma- press c o tto n po lyes te r in brown, blue, go ld , navy. Sizes 6 slim to 12 reg, Street level.


199BoyVDeninT-----J ^ n s , Reg., 4,50. Ftere Leg StyleDenim jeont, tizei 6-)6 for boyi at loving i now. Swob* bifl itytB-wtTtrfttfme~gi, Son-

~forrzvch fo k i 5'dvantoge oT~ th ii back-to-ichool icvingi.



sale 9.90STURDY AGMEBoy's H am ess Boot• Send, hirn back to school in th e ro u g h e s t, to u g he s t b b o t a roO nd — Harness Boots b y A cm e. Rich d a rk le a th e r u pp e rs w ith co m p o s itio n o ve r-s tich e d sole fo r lo n g ‘ w e a r . S iie s 8V2-3. a n d 3 'A to 6 , p rice d 9 .9 0 M en'b sizes q t ,18.90. Second level.

like it? Charge It!

" T V .

/ T h i ^ l ^ i x o i i .

lias lost, tooBOUNTIFUL, Utah , (UPI). - Rlchnrd M.

s Nhon, who hos {^(^col ambltldni but luiowa .

wh^t lU like to bo n loser, rcglBicrcd tp vote hero

Tuesday lilght. ' . *

The l!)i<ycarol(l ipcdlcfll student ond his wife

Pamela were (liti'last of the newly enlroHchlscU voters In their district to register. They signed

on as Ropublleans. . . '

NUon sold he had nin for office, severnl times:- OMce being elected second-grode

president ond the other running for the eighth

grade presidency and polling only five votes'llc

soys he'll-try again despite the^etbnck. ■e^ei

Jordan may make

peace with Israel

DyRWIGHTJEfisEN Spcclal ^0 thd TInies-Ncws

M IAM I BEACH - J ‘th la

economic question is going to

mnkc US or breiik u&as a natiorv U la a Wb or dpalh Issuo."

. ■ 'Omt is how strongly George

nomncy, secretary of Housing iind . Urban Development,

■'stroased the tiocketbook

question at a briufing of. five delegations at tlic Republican

. N u tio n ./ i.l C o n v e n t io n


Ilomney headqtl a team of

- administration officials who

talked to delegationa from .Utah, Montana, Arizona,

Hawaii and Kentucky about lipw to re-el«cl the president.-

Dicse delegates said almost

s e e sunnnlmoiiflly’ they think the.

most imik)rti)nt Issue this year

Is Iho economy.^ ;___________■Romnoy prrtlMd tlie prosldoht

for his actions on economic

Issues. Hc i id Nixon analyzed

tlio matter carcfuIly bbforo

imposing wogo and’ price,

controls. Ronuiey callcd tliose

controls essential to tlie pres-

erVntion of ''competitive enterprise."- lie said uncmploymcntis now.

tower than it was in 10G4 and

Uint Uie United States ‘'has

luindled its Innutioi'i problem

better tliah any other country in

tliG free world. We don’t know

whnt the figures are in

Communist nations, but we

luive less inflation than .any

Thuriday/ j i ; 1W3 .^Tlrtim-Novili, '"liwln F«l'l|>’ld»ho

a soUi'er free nation on eartli.V

Romnoy said that when Nixon

took office in 1009, "he inlierlted

Uie gravest crisis In American

history . V The crisis of Jho spirit. Richard Nixon did,a Job J

don't believe - any- other

American la qualified,to do.”

Romney said one reason for

re-electing Nixon is that “he has put an end to legislative action

by the U; S. Supremo-,Court. Wc

-no.w_have li_court-that^ is as

concerned about the victim as It la about the crUnlhal.."

Romney also credited the

president fo? reversing a

century long trend toward fed­

eral centralizatipn. As jiart of

thid reversal, Rgmney endorsed

the President's revenue

is s u eahjirlng. . ‘said the President is ending tho director pf. th(S Environmental ' *

He snld President Nixon vvor. "Don'tTTatinhdorrBUCccsfl Protoctioh-Agoncyr said-‘‘The

wants to reform Uic_wclfar.<Lfor-Ui«haphakardpiJllcyofSon. Pro ildont’s . rccord- -In— T- program ^ t^U lired objectlvea McGovcrn,":Kl.6in-iiald.- • ' environment i i unporrnoUod in inm lnd. TIioSoonwelforowlM) W llllam-R'uckelshaua, the American bUtory.''*j . nro. able to work ought to work ‘ . vor be dropped from tho welfare

roles. Welfare should not break

up families forcing the liusbahd

■to leave home. And people on

welfare should not got more

money tlmn people who work!"

Herbert----K lc ln r thePresident's director of

communications, reviewed the Nixon foreign policy anXi

praised the Preaidoht for

"n eg o tia t in g m ean ing fu l

agreements" wiU» tho Soviet Union. He attacked McGovern's •

Vietnam, policy as naive and

N EW DIET PEPSItaste pfeo rBafc; ' apptjbieTake!

Diitpepsit. \

Dolil«cJ>iotl#<.tb* doilton'fy'oi pepuCo. N Y, '


Minister Moalie Dayu’n beheves

Jordon. Is prepared to make

|)encc with Israel wlUiout

waiting for Egypt, the newapa-

|)er Yedloth Ahrondth said

Wednesday.Under a banner headline, the

front page story said Dayan

Have tills assessment in a tiilk .

to a groLjp of Labor Party


“According to Dayan, an

ngreement with Jordan* could be based on Jordanian agree­

ment to allow Israel security

Installations along the Jordan

River, to denationalize tlie West

liunk. to make minor border

alterations and to leave the question of East Jerusalem

open to further negotiation."

-tJio-gtopy-^ id

A Defense Ministry spokes- . man,-while-not dwiying- Uiii_

story, said it. was Inaecurate.

He would not elalMrate.

Accordittg to Yedioth Aliro-

noth, Dayan said Jordan has

softened its.policy following the

Soviet exodus from Egypt. King

Hussein Is reportedly ready to

be tnore flujdble, especially in

his demand that Israel return

all of East Jerusalem.

Israel captured East Jerusa- ■|e(n and the West Bank of

Jordan in the 19ti7 Middle Eiist

War, its troops pushing to the

Jordmi River cease-fire line.

’Jlie Yedioth story came two

days after Dayan had met with

tile mayor of Gaza' City. Rrashid al-Siiawa, who had Just ruturnud from tiilks with King Hussein in Amman.



balloons-WK'HITA. Kan. (UPI) -

Iliose red, orange and green

unidentified Hying objects seen

bobbing above the Central

Kansas plains for the past few

w|eks may be nothing more

Ufiui helium-(il,led weather bal- luutts, an Army-Navy store

ijwner says.

iiliu siwulU know, June

•Kriedinan said Tuesday, since -sbti-iias-suliLuibout—100-of-Uiti-


W O R L D 'S S M A iL E S Tm N E B O T T L E !!— The Thompson.'Flask — otherw ise known as the Thompson seedless grape.The Ecblogically perfect, com pletely blo-degradable beverage container. This T H ^ ^ J L I D S O Msm all hot,tie can be e a te n jig h t a lo n g w ith the contents w itho'ut any unpleosant *effect to the teeth , m outh, or,s ton jach . In fact, it's g reat fu n ll Because a t SEEDCESS

^ w e n s e n :^ -M a g ic MarUets-this w e e k e iid , thes& little Thom p^on-w ine-bottles a re -------- --------------------------filled w ith pure, sugar-sw eet, fresh g ra p e juice an d can be purchased a t the pre- M n r sprohibition price of 2 5 ‘ lb. B UN O J l: I f y o u 're lo o k in g fo r v in ta g e w in e w ith th a t n ice a ro m a far the l i t t le i M W . . . . ^ .b ubb les , y o u 'l l h a ve to go to a b ig g e r b o ttle a l a n o th e r sto re . ' This week Is the peak of the seedless erape harvest, so PUY.NOW.. . , f . 25 IB. lu g ’ 6.00

u.s.iijimnCHUCK-'STEAK 59 c



Uiree weeks to purchasers wtio told-her they attach flashlights

iM.'iide and outside to -‘scare;iny

neighbors to deatii." ' -

. PoUce7"howc*m,~said' the' UKOs aru ’ too fast Xy be

ballounj), ^Dan Garcia, an investigator

■for \he InteriUitjonal UnidciitU.. fiod- Kiying Objects Bureau in

Oklahonia City, has theorized

tlif obJect.s are scouts'for a

.moUicr siiip. «

AlmanacBy United Press International

Today is lliursday, Aug, 24,

Uie 2:i7th day of 1072 with 121) to

fullow. .The nioun is full

llie morning stars are

Mercury, Venus and Siiturn,

Hie evening stars are Mars

.and Jupiter.Ttiosc horn on th B datil are

under llm slBn ol Vil'iio.

Ilornun Qithullc Ciirdlnnl

lUthiird CuaWri« wus liorn Aiii).

24., 1IIU3.On Ihia (luy ill hlalw y : ,

III 70.-A.D.. Hiousuiida, wurc

klllcil'uml Ihu d llta M Pompeii

luid Horluliinciiiii buriod by the

eruiilion of voicnnlc Mount

Vesuvius laJta ly . > ' In 1814, Uio British captured-

Wnalilnijlon. D.C., burning tho

Uilillol ..Bulldlnii ond Iho

Enecutlvu Munnlon.

I n , 1032, Amelin Eorhnrt

bcL'ume tho .first wuinun lo

iiiiike a trunscuntlni/tul non-’

, 4 p nrnlit. ' ■ ' ■In 10^, Franco deton)itcd Itji

■ rimt hydrogon-bomb- to-tho-

South PocHtc. ' .

_ _ _ _ ^ B A N N O C K B R A N D







L O G A l NO. 2


SEA STAR 1 LB. PKG.M E A T P IE S I pkh- *



B E E F^ - H j 7 - P k q . . ................... . ■

# M 2 S IZ E



39 cea




-Pen^t-tol«e-otrr-word-for- W u rt-o-couple-pf-rn o rtth i u jid bBtj fo r your-se lf . C a n n i n g f r u i t is v e r y s c a r c e o n d t h e s e p r i c e s a r e t h e b e s t y o u ' ! s e e t h i s y e a r .


PORK & BEANS Casebf 24‘6”... 2 7 *"w e s t e r n f a m il y 303 SIZE


c a s eOFea 24 .............



' L

00CASE OF 4...... # 4 0 0

sfoRE I^OURSi 8 a .m . 10 10 p.m . MON.'-TKru SAT. CLOSED EV^PY SUNDAY '



TOMATOES/$ • 00 CASE ' SO F 2 4 '.

9 8

L O C A L 2 3 SIZE

CANTS( H U G E ! )

S | 0 0J W L .


$ ^ 0 0PKGS;


. MUBlE LHcf0 3 S IZ L ♦5.-*


1 0 > :O ll


m I!

10 T(m«*'N«wi«\Twln F«l|i« Idaho 'piMtdAy. Auguit 94/1973

l ^ e G o ^ e r h ^

- ‘ ■ L '


■ Klmclmon. flnancc dlroctor far tiio M ^ovcrii campnign, said

Wodnosday that tho bcmooratic • non^nefl's hqadquortorts had

r^f^ve'd sovoral mlllion'dollors during Uio l)ast monUi from

about Icndcrs.Aad contrl-

biilors. ' ' , .Kimclmnn said 00 per ccnt of

■■ Uie Individual givora h a d ^ n t

' less Umh. 1100 apicco. I ^ h o . acknowledged that a N ow ^m (^

TiVncs story', pubUslicd Wcdncs-

' day, was correct U)at jjrillllons

iii Joahs and donntlons had

come from nnHlonairotf, some of

‘tfiem young and with Inheritod wealUi.

Tlie next official reports from

all committees working for

presidential candidates arc due

at the General Accounting Of­

fice Sept: 10...

Tltoso named In tlic Times

' i;iiciuded Stewart Mott, 34, scion

of a large General Motors C^rp:

stockholder; Alan Davis,' 24,

New York, a law student;

Morris Dees, Montgomery, -Ain., attorney; Julian Price', 31,

Oregon farmer and heir to a

North Carolina insurance com-

' pany fortu;ie, and Max Factor

III, 20, of ' the cosmetics

producinn company.

Mott was quoted as saying

tiiat he had loaned or pledged more than $500,000 .to George S.

■McGovern’s pre-convention aiid — general-oloctlon campaigns.-If

Mc(jOvern w ins.iio .said, ho

would Ilko to work on wmo special projocta Uiat most o^

t}>6 young large contributor's wore Interested in Issues, not

jobs'in (|,McGoven admljilstra- tion. . . .

Davis was quoted as saying

that McGovern is "a man who

speaktf for Uio p ^p le and needs

an alternate boutcc of help.’’.

Dees said he wasconcerned

about Uie war and regarded President Nixon hs a tliroat to

civl) llbectles.Others nam6d ()y tlie Times

as concerned about Uie war were. John H .Gutfround, 42,

partner In a New York, brokorago firm , and Marin

Pere’tz, 33, Harvard faculty

m em b^.Milerf L.' Rubin, 42, U)s

Angeles businessman, a fund

raiser and himself a lender and contributor, was quoted, os

^laying he believed MfGovern'

could reduce defense spending

and reallocate tiie money.

Howard M. Metzcnbaum^

unsuccessful Democratic candi­date for senator from Ohicuin

1070, and his Geveland business

partner, Alva T. Bonda, were

on'the list with Bonda quoted

as saying their combined loans'

and gifts probably would be.in .

six figures.

Kimelrrtan himselfsaid he has loaned4C0,000 to Uifrcampaign.*

Demo defends defense budget-




5 2 G A L L O N


■ G la it Lined* 2 'E lom orits

M fg . b y F o w l^ r ” ^• 2 Tnbrm osta t*” Hi Tom p. Shut O ff

Models Priced from Only *52^

Several New Shipments of

LIGHT FIXTURESh a v e a r r i v e d . ' H u n d r e d s q f d i f -

f e r e n l ' Q u a l i t y F i k f u r e s t o

c h o o s e f r o m d t .

DiscouKTSM 35%Ta 50%^ O FF L lS f P R IC E !

A ll S w a g L ig h ts

D o z e n s to choo se f r o m ............. ii>i

2’ - 500Watts 11.50

3' - 700 Warn 13.50

4’ - 1000 Watts 14.75

6'-1500 Watts 19.50

“ S' - 2006Watts i 43r 10’ - 2500Watts 28.50

ThermostatsW all-o r-H iia r-



APPROVED — Construction Grade

m N m N ^ C O R D r

. CHICAGO (UPl) - Sen. •

* Geor({c S. McGovern, hoping to

tell "what sort of man I am ,”

defended his defense budiict and his p a tr io t ic before the'

^ e r ic a n Legion convention

today. ' .

The Democratic presidential

candidate, weoring his blue

Legion cap from the Mitchell, , S.D., post, go.t poUte applause

and sometimes silence when he

told the Ibglonnalres his pro­

posed $30 billion cut in the

defense budget would still leave .

tho United Stiitea strong enough

to ccfiist any threat.After the Ugion address,Jhe

,bil{ Item on McGovern's .sche­dule was a meeting with party

kingmaker Mayor Richard J . '• Daley. The 2 p.m, EOT

qonfrontation In party hehd-

qiiariers was the first meeting

' between the candidatc nnd-the

mayor since McGovern forces

helped keep Daley and- his

Chicago delegation out of tho

Democratic National Conven­

tion lust month.

McGovern has called Illinois

essential .to. his presidential

hopes and Daley is generally

r e g a ^ ^ a s essential to.Demo-

c ra ts ^ lfh g to carry Illinois.

■‘““ Befar^latihching Jnto— hls=

—prepared" text “ i}Cforc— the'

'legionnaires, McGovern told them, “There has been so much

baloney about me both in the

..press and.Urara) my opponcnta-

that I'd' like to ' take th|s

opportunity to tell you what

Wnd of man I am ."

— -JiU(nbec one,’ witli every fiber of my being, ' I love

America," the. World War II

bomber pilot said, ‘lit is the

greatest nation in the world and

1 would gladly sacrifice my hfe

to serve It in whatever way I


" It has been good to me, the

son of oi poor clergyman.”There were about 4,d00

legionnaires in the Arie Crown

Theater where McGovern spoke •

and others listened to him over closed circuit television in

adjoining rooms at McCormick Place.

The legionnaires applauded

him when he plumped for

benefits for Vietnam veterans

and "better and independent"

Veterans Administration hospi­

tals. There was little other

applause, although McGovern

gota 10-accond^t^dlng ovation at the end of'his speech.

Afterward, McGovern said,

^know some of these rrfcn’ | d i^gree with me violently.

There were no hisses or

anything of' that kind. I

appreciate their courtesy."

National Legion Commander

Jolin B. Geiger said, ‘‘As a

legionnaire. wc respect

everyone's opinion."




cunn ion.tM|(hi.......... f 1.49 'P 9 W N lP 0 U T i,..u .. $a.20W IN IS o rn R R IL I V h lIU»CONNICTORS |4<IN D I A OUT! 9S<V O M IT III ; $1,49 DOWN iROUT IL L I


.......... 4 / a 9 '4'p«r«al«iiit»<«piaiU.........D rv« fA rono t|lio> a llip ii«»d rr«m . • a "

1/79*Ucfy lin^U (m U iw ll ik « i . a / 7 9 *

3 9 '

1 6 — 3 — 15 f o o t .................................. * 2 . 3 9

1 6 — 3 — 2 5 f o o t . . . ........... ................... . . * 2 , 9 8

1 6 — 3 — 5 0 f o o t ................................... . ' . . * 5 . 4 i 51 4 - 3 — 5 0 f o o t - : ............. .........................* 8 . 4 9

1 4 — 3 — 1 0 0 f o o t . . . . ............................ * 1 1 . 5 0

1 2 — 3 — 5 0 f o o t ........................ ...* 1 4 - 9 5

1 2 — 3 — 1 0 0 f o o t .................................................................. * 2 1 . 5 0

MEDICINE c a b in e t sQueen Ann

l .o l tn lii'i

Simplicity with a touch^f elogonce. liio.pueon Ann adds Ilsdwn special clTaiim-lCLan^y^ioni^

STOKRS. Conn. (UPl)-^If^lI~[

the household (lies “ hatched

weren't reduced by various

means, we’d be literally waist

-deep ordeeper in-them:------ 1Reproduction of apair of flies

sUtrtin'g in April, if all lived,

would result in Ipl quntllllon, 10

quadrillion files by August,

says Extension Service Eh- '

tomologlst Dr.-Milton Savos-

---- l€> seton Russian tax


Minister Golda Meir urged "all

freedom lovers.and haters of

s lavery"‘ Wednesday to Join

Israel’s "aacred battle” against

a Russian emigration tax on

coUe^O'^ducated Jc^s.

Speaking before an emergen­cy seasiftn of th e , Knesset

(parllam ent),.J^s. Meir said

the ^v ie ts wefo'^charglng from - |4.800-to-|24,000 -for'-cpUege."

educated Jews to emigrate to

Israel, depending ■ on k their

^Idegroo of education. t ' “ I call on all freedokrj lovers

and haters o( jEdaver'y to raise ‘ their volce8^_ln._prgte^ and

bring the, riujBom to an end/;.

'.Nfra. Meir «aid. “We arc

: fighting a sacrod battle because

It Ifl Q Just battle for our

pooplo.” , .

FoUowlng her- ,20-mlnflte

upooch, the KncasGt unoillmou»

'ly resotvod to call ol goveni'’

! rpenta, parliaments, •• religious -JoadBrff aolGfitistB and Intelloc-

• 1 over ,to U)l?by

"this insult to humimity.”

"l>et our people inimigratc

without ransom, without bias,

without a price on them, and

without any discrimination whatsoever,” Mrs. Meir said,

"We’re ■ going to sock all

possiUe support to rescind the


Thirty per cent of the Soviets

-rnawarriving in Israel will facc

tho tax now, she said, adding,

"We also have reports that the

tax may be dpplled to high

'school and trade school gra-


- ."T^e tax ia.only.port oflan.

, anti-slewlsh policy of the Soviets

aimed at deterring Unmlgra-

tion, puUing obstacles in the

path of advanceO education and

represaing the Jewish renals^

Banco,” die u ld .

”& m e countries still have

alave :irade, where strength fetdiGS tho highest prlco,” Mrs.

Meir aaid. “ In Ru|iala, the best \ price is conunanded by Intellec-

^ ji i i l ottalnmonl.” , ,

b y lkn ttM l

LIST PR!Ct-29.50

C 4 2 8 3 BARCLAYSiphon - Je t Toiletlo w , a t t r a c t iv o i i lh o o o t te s ty lin g .

Tho most for thfl toast — good fnlrror covoriigo and attractivo etorago space for your toilet orticlos at a ropi economy price.

1 8 " CABINET 2 8 .6 s 1 4 .9 5 HA * ’ CARIMET 3 3 .5 0 1 6 .9 5 3 0 ” CABINET 4 0 .5 0 1 8 .9 5

Copptr Lemtx

WIISEWIirll/ lw lH iJJ.




B O R G W A R N E RM oda o f d u r a b i* C o lo t b rp n d ABS. L i ix u r io u i ly tm o o th . Ia » y lu ( le a n w i th | u i l th o w ip in g o f a d a m p ( lo th .



-UBITBUIBS4 0 -6 0 -7 5 -1 0 0 W A IU




6 „ * 1$ | 0 0



PRICES e f f e c t iv e THROUGH AUGUST 31

C^lechic and Pium U ^-8:30 to 5:30 MONDAV THROUGH FRIDAY: SATURDAY 8:30 to 4: 0

TWINFAllS- 1960Kimherl»Road-PH0HE7J3-730f •

'Boise, ho N. Orchards' Hantpa, 824 Clevelaml Blvd.’N i l

m■.' .11 j

. Ik. 1 !,



to reducelocal taxes■ MIAMl'Bt^Ctl(UPt)-Prc»- Idcnl Nlxqn proposes if ro-

*: cicclod to got locnl property

taxes reduccc) while Iioldiilg the

line agninst lidditionnl spending

Uint would force on Increase in ledernliaxes.

In accepting his party's

renomlnation late Wednesday. - Nixon did not spell out his

• . ‘ plims lor culUng tiie properly

' • tax, nor did he commit himself

'• floUy to oppose tax boosts at '■ . L the federal level.

« He charged that spending and -" 7 r tflx plans of Democratic

; presidential candidate George

‘.McGovern would wreak the

; • ccanomy, and predlQted Umt

: ^ e r ic d n f l won’t be '‘t^iken In”

by tlie Derriocratic proposals.

' / On the foreign front, Nixon

; npcused McGovern of leading a

; return to national isolation, and

of proposing defense cuts tliat

” will leave tiie United Stales in a

. second-best position to Russia.

In a preview of the Republi­

can campaign tJieme Nixon said

millions of Domocrats had been read out of their party by

actions of tlie recent conven­

tion. and invited tlK'rii to "come

liomo" to tJie • '^inciples to


' committed itself.

■Nixon told cheering tonven-

• tion delegates and a national

prim<* time television audience

his administrntion hi‘d made

. "great progress” in solving

problems boU] at home and


CORRAL tU P l) — A aUilo Democratic Party Central

Committee meeting and can­

didates’ worksliops arc planned

in Boise Aug. ■26-27, stale

chairman Joe McC^irter said


McCarter said the Agenda ■ also Includes election of a new*

"state party vice chairman.

setting dales and locations for

'th e I&74 ahd'l97fl state don-

, vcnlions and meetings with the ^party 's senatorial and

^congressional candidates.

J - “We are expecting a large

•-turnout for the meetings,”

, 'M cCarter said. ".neW state

rcentral corhmlllee men and

tlwomen were elected after the

H.pcilharj' and Uils will be the

“ first session of the new central

; corrunlttee.”

• • He said election of a new vice

"-chairman Is necessary because”

'/Mtb. Gloria Cartan of Idaho

‘Vfllls has re in e d .

Other business, McCarter

said, includes setting the


Jefferflon-Jackson Day' dinner

and the discussion of a voter

identification program.

abroad. He ask^-for-anotljer

four years to finish tlie job.

. "ThD chtDice in tills election is

not between radical cluinge.and

no change," Nixon saijT. "The

choice is between change that

works and chiinge tlial won’t work.” . ; ■ .

Nixon put reduction of' property tjjxes at the top of his

list of= second term' goals.’

Although he did ript say so, he

apparently referred to possible

expansion of a $5 billion a year

revenue sharing plan now'

working its way through

Congress, with Uie additional

payments to states'and locali­ties l o . be lied lo Ihelr

willingness to reduce taxes on real property.

.-In a recent Interview John

Erllchman. Nixon’s chief

domestic adviser, discussed

such a plan, and said It could

result in cuts up to 50 per cent

in local properly tJixes. .The

revenue sharing plan now in llie

works Is not tied to any tax-

cutting agreement.

“One {if the goals of our next

administration is to reduce the

prbperty tax,” Nixon suid,

without amplification. Me called

■propcrtytaxcBairunffllpWrden on the poor, the elderjy, the.

wage earner, the farmer Jind

tho.se ofi fixed incomes, .

As for 'federal taxes. Nixon

said welfare 4ind bther econom­ic proposals of the Democratic

convention would add IM-1

billion la curimnt governmenr

outlays and force a 50 per cent

boost in federal levies,

"I oppose any new spending

programs which would add to

U e lax burden of Americiin

wage earners,” he said,' io a

pledge Uuit fell short of

specifically eschewing any plans for a lax increase. Some

economists say a tax boost will

be needed next year witliout

additional spending and no matter who is ele^'ted.

On olher domestic Issues

Nixon called for ' welfju-e

reform, removal of the ‘iast

vestiges” of race discrimina­

tion, furtlier cuti> in inflation, development of more jobs, a

continued offensive against

crime, and a commitment lo

repair Uie American system

wherever needed rather than

t sar it down for rebuilding.

News Of

ServicemenT W IN FA L l^-M r.and Mrs. *

Earl F. Jordan of Crest View,

Fla,, are visiting In Twin Falls

witli his inotlier, Mrs. Fred Jesst!r,_and_sist<T, Mcs^Riiy-


Thur«doy, Auguit 24, 19?2 Tlmos-'NoWa, Twin Fajttl. Idahq ‘ 11.

United Mine Workers officials indicted

WASHINGTON (UPD-Four fnso testimony about Uic UKollolto, . Tcnn., a 'field United jVline Workers (UMW) slaying of Joseph A. Yablonskl • rcprescntotlvo-for-dlfltrlct.io.

■ offlchda In Kentucky and and his family, Uie ” Juatlco

Tennessee were indicted Wed-'.'Dcpnrtmcht (innounccd.

nesday on chargcs of conspiring Attorney General Richard Gr .to influence v 'itesses to give Klelndlenst said a single count

Indictment was retdrned in U.S.


B ir d h o m o s l l i r c a t c n c d t

Geneva rules violatedWASHINGTON (UPl) -Sen.

James 0. Eastland, D-Miss\.

said Wednesday a study of the record offwed iittle room for

opUmism aboul. North Viet­

nam ’s treatment of American

•prisonersof war. • ■

Eastland of/ered Uie assess-

n\enl in releasing, u 32-page

study of communis treat;nent

of war prisoners during World

-Vyar II, the'Korean War and the Frertch-Indochlna war.

Tlie study was prep{\red by

Siunuel 0. Oglesby, foreign

affairs analyst for the IJbrary

of Congress, for the Senae

Internal Security subcommittee

which Eastland heads.

“Wliat emerges from this

study.” Eastland said, "is that Uiere is noUiing'essenlially new

aboul Hanoi’s trealmenl, or

nialtreatinenl, of American and

Allied POWs and about the numerous violations of the

Geneva convention which have

char^jclerized its treatment of

prisoners, ‘

“ If anyliiing, the records of

die Soviet treatment of POWs

in World War II and the Qiinese-North Korean treat-

inenl of POWs during Ih

Korean war areeven moregrisly

than the dismal rccord esto-

bllshod by the Vietnamese

, Communists,"'

In releasjnn tha study,

Eastlenddidnotm'ention former

Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who returned recently

from North Vietnam to report

dial POWs he interviewed there

appeared, well treated ‘ and


Tlie senator said that al­

though there were differences

of treatinent of POWs revealed’

by the study.Tills should not be surprising,

he saldr"beeau3e-in-the^yea-of-

Communisls everywliere POWs

are not human beings but

political pawns—to be broken

ransomRAIilS lUPI) ~ Two FBI

agetJlH flew into Orly airport

Wednesday nighl from Algiers, carrying in two black satchels

Uie Si million ramsom paid by Delta Airlines July 31 to a band

of hijackers. .

'llie money immediately was

.loaded Into a Brink’s armored

car an^ driven away,- and

airjwrt authorities said llie Iwo

Arnerica'n plainclothosmen

would take Uie ransom on to

Uie United Stales Tliursday morning.

Eight air pirates conunan-

deeVed a Delta airliner over

Florida July 31 and after

getting the money from Delta

psychologically so that they can ordered the plane lo Algiers

•be used against their own after a stop in Boston.^ llie

country and to be exploited, Bliick 'Panthers movement -willjoul-nity-of-any^kindrras—“•‘>'<*-‘<WoMhe-money-forrlheir-

instruments of political warfare cause but Algeritm officials directed, in the first instance, relumed it as they did *a

agiiinsl their own families." previous ransom.

FKIEMEN stand by wlille flames race un-

cotitrolled In heavy underbnish In 6,000-acre fire

In Topntopji Mountains six miles northeast of

OJal, Calif. Some 750 firemen battle the blaze,

which has jhrcatcned a National C o n ^r Sanc­

tuary for three days. (UPI)

District Court In Oevoland, Ohio.

Additionally, two oUier offi­

cials of UMW district 10 were

cJuu-gedwHhcmbewllngtl ,135ln

union funds, b'im inal Informa-' lions agaUist Uiem were filed If)

U.S. District Court .of Uie

■Dlalrld o( aumblft.

Tlie four indlcled in Cleveland

were identified as: —Ajbert E.

Pass, 53, of Middlcsboro. )<y..

secretary-ireaaurer of UMW

district 1. He la currently In Jail in Pittsburgh awaiting trials on

federal and state charges

c'onnected with the Vablonskl

slayings on Dec. 31, 19C0.

—Wjlllnm J. Prater, 53, of


Koops ^ar-B-Q Clean

Absorbs Gl-oase

Pol Dopt. . ..

Food &'Drug Stores

Revolationfzes Denture Wearing

'I h c n c iir rf tl (liitiK lo lu iv in |{ ym ir own Ic c ll i lii'iM issibk’ now w ith .1 pliiH tic Cfuauv <li»cuvcry ih u i ;«clu- i i l l y l i i i id u l i i i i l i " i i j ip iT s ' ' , :u n l ■■liiwrnt” ;is i irv iT liu luri; i«ivsili|c.

h 's ii r i ; i i i lu in i i i i i r y i lK iu v i r y c .lllfc l lo r i l in ly liotiur

Wj Uu

lliav.i;*!!. Uuuh, cvitik-liuiu■ i r r y <'l •U’i i tu r i ' \ Iimi-m*

i.ra n r O iiil tirlp-v a lis-.rti ilio Ol l) i l in « .in il i l ii'ttinB . Vmi- tu.iy

ba« Ic in lc r , c liew b e tte r,'e n t more n iitu n il ly .

n n y h e lp .y o u incak m ore ck-arly. tv m ore nt ense.

TJic jR-ncil |K iin l cligpenwr IX yi>u t>|)oi E'lXdj.HNT w i t l i pro-

w lie rc needed._Uuc-4ipph(uiuuii~-ntasia«t f0r-l i i j i i r t . ] K-aturcs t iu u C»t nre c is tn* Ih t l- . io ln* iilll> .-.S c r - y o u r t l e n t i i f r i ’ K i i lJ i r ly ( I r i tM Hy to -u s e I - ' i x o i j k n t D .n t i i r c A ilh fs tv c C ream a t a ll (IriiK i'i)iit>(cr».

Miz Jones loves to see how far her food dollars

can be spread, here, atWaremart

_ Jordiin is a retired Navy.Air.

Corps officer, and is rtow ser­

ving in the Secret "^rv ice in

helicopter radar. He also visited

;er, Mrs, l^Ucrl

Hazellon, Another sister, Mrs.

Hazel Pepper. Placentia. Calif.,

is in Twin Falls during his stay.

QnUs •-(And Bankard)


T h a t's because we love Miz Jones and love to save her m oney on her total food b ill.We know she counts trer Food Dollars, C arefu lly. And like a lo t of us, she likes lo see how (ar she can.^ make those Food Dollars slretQ.h, And tha t's why she keeps com ing back. To W aremart.She com es here once a week. She grabs a couple of em pty cartons, puts them on a cart, takes a m ark -

-<ing pencil and storm s every a isle in our m arket. She reads the p rice righ t o ff the outsid? p rlce 's tic te rs , m arks it on her selection, and shoots o tf to our next barga in on na tiona lly advertised brands'and quality

■ W arom art. la b o l items.-Of-course._ouj'^cTieckers__:know the prices, and if you forget to m“ark an item o r two, they w lH-help-you ,out a t th e 'ch e ck stand.

But, th is way, guess who else knows ou r prices? Our shoppers. And when they get careless and stop at another S -o-o-per f^/tarket by m istake, you’d be surprised how m any W aremart bargair»s they re­m em ber . . . especia lly when they see the p rice o the r— m arkets have stam ped on top of the sam e item. , By the tim e f /tiz Jones has toured our m arket, she has filled her em pty cartons w ith values in meat, produce, da iry prdqiucts and non-food items. She has a lso found tha t when m oney can be saved o n ' one ite m . . . m oney can also be saved o n an entire case. . . .M iz Jones just-keeps com ing-back here fo r more.— She gets more. For her-Food Dollar. At-W arem art. We lOvS her, '


OFFICES: DownlbWn Twin.Fnlla Lynwood Btiopping 0onler • Klmborly



Glidls i c cs 0 ( tNEVER A ' MEMBERSHIP FEE REQUIDED.l.l- ' ■ ■__

1708 i,K lK lB E R LY .R O A D -TW IN FALLSHOURS: b,TO 11 M. t Nr U PR. • 0 T p O. S A f. • 10 TO 7. BUN,



■ .''■t

I : ' ■ ' '

Tlm ei Newi. Twin F« l|i, ld«ho 'H ipi'idav, A uo ;jit J4, m i

. A b lg il l Van fruren *«* •

D E A R ABRIT: I nm vbry much In love with a vory (Ino

IfWitlcronn whoso ulfo pnsscd owoy about alx months bro. flhc^nd bocn nlllng for ovor rf^oar.

TOla mnn nnd I have known oach olfior for'sovoral ycnr/i. b»il 1 give you my word nothing, went on bolwoon ub wtiifo lu.' wan still married altho wo tiavo boon aitractAd to'

each other nlncA our first mooting.Wc arc iMth pa»t’<mldd!o flfllos, but this is-Bome wild

loyo .afnttr. He .wants to marry mo quJotly and quickly, I want (0 marry him, too. but it ims cotno back (o'me that many poaplL ' think wo' had somot^ilng going whllo his wifo

was BtUI Uvlng' Hiifl Is not true. '

Love ne^^ 'f wait

for appearances'

Pancake ■ , supper set in TF

T W IN FA UH S-nio 'ivom cn ,

or tho Moptfe mado plons

Tuesday night for n -mcnfi-borflhipdrlvopancnkosupper a t - -

the Moose L/>dg”o Snturdoy ot 7

p.nr>..Admission to Uie supper will

be' by b r in ing a proftcpcctivc—

member or $2 per family!

A cleanup of Uie Moose Lodge

is scheduled Sept. 18 and 10 by

Moose members...On Sept. 23, an appreciation

' Dutch lunch nnd dnnce will be

held for Uiopo who, work In Ujo '

fnir booUir'Any member who

• can help wlU> the fair In nny way Is osked to contact , Mel

Dixon, governor, or Mrs. Merlin

Miller, senior regent.'

Mrs. Uwis Hoffman gave a

Star llecorder report and rend n poem. Refreshments of cake

and coffee were served after thoi

meeting. , ' ' ‘

■ V

' '4 k . • . ' '. FRBDBRICKA THOMPSON

■ - B 1 9 A s h S ( . ,T > y in F o ( l i ■' , , .

AMQER APPLE BAKE remaining Ingredients. Bdng to

• I. package (8 ounco): rofrig* o ^oil, aUrrlng constanUy.crated buttermilk .biscuits . Pour over applcsand biscuits. '

buttermilk biscuits ' ■ Bake a( 350 degrees for 20 to 30

2 ciipspeelcd,cored and tliinjy minutes unUl'goIdon brownond

. bUcc(J. apoles, or one can bl&cuits are firm in center. Lift

lipploflrtlfnlncd' ........ * up apples In cenler of dessert to “

^ cup flrtnly packed brown be sure biscuits are Hrm' Serve

sugar , ' wiUi warm 'Vcam or whipped-

cup evaporated milk cream.

.■V4 -cup b ^ le r or margarine If have J .

Separp^ dough into 10 favorite r«dpe. Just m*U It-Iflbiscuits. Place on bottom of .the .Recipe Department. .

' greased eight-inch square pr. Women's Page Editor. Ttw .,two^unrt 'round baking dish. r«dpe becomes Um p r o ^ y of

Arraoge apples over biscuits. In the Ttmes*Newi and cannot h t '

a small snucepnh, combine returned

' MagicValley^avorifes

Troubled? Coll Hotline 733 )122 •

I have married children and^so has ho and I don’t want any ugly talk. To be on tho safe side, Ik>w long should we wait hefoi'e.mnrrying? . CLEAR CONSCIENCE

DKAH I f your conBcienre l i clp'sr, you have clear u ilin g . VVhy w all Q( allT ^

DKAU AUBY; I road Uio Icllor from ’ FOnTV EIGHT AND GETTING T IIERE" with some concern bccause os far back as I can remember, comedians hnve boen portray­ing old folks.

^Nnturnlly, they come off a bit wobbly, and some don't hear too well, b utJt’a all in fun, and I doubt if anyone sots’

out to ridicule .(jicra.________________ ^ ---------- —

WITH THE siart'mg of school almosi

horo, if}o.CSI Facuhy Wivos and Womon

h\lp\A/ I - Posted a fea Tuo^doy io welcome nowl l i c m u c i b * mombors. A m o ng fhoj'e aUonding'wore

Mrs. Michaol Glonn, loft, one/ Mrs. Ed

Hurlbut. Tho too was hold at J/ie home

of Mrs.—Jorry Meyorhoo/^or, Plain. Viow’



show" wrilch Inchwlea skH.s showing Ukji old couple in their

..rdcWnfl.chairs,My n d ^ lc c to "FORTY - EIGHT AND GETTING

TIIERE"Ts to dovelop a sense of humor.


DIilAy}l THERK!: T h a ^ i^ .,fo r e ip re f iin g opinion, ■harcii by m lB 'w riter and many’ ^pierfl. Carol Burnett i t for loo kind and tentlUve to tntenUonftlly ridicule or hurt ftuy- •er.

D E V I ABDY; Our 22-year-old »on has a 21-yoar-old girl friend who spends a tot of time at our home,

Tlicse two cannot seem to keep their hands off oooh.

other. Tlic girl is always running her fingers Uuii his hair,* petting him, smoothing his sUlebums, massaging his ghouV

•tiers and legs, sitting In his lap and givbig him n hug around Uie waLsl. They often sit with their armR around onch other, kissing frequently.

This goes bn not only in the presence of the family, but before guests and neightxtra aa well.

My twsband and I have both told our son that such behavior In public is In poor taste and to please il out, but Jhey tell us tJjat "love" is beautiful and they are not

ashamed of it. Tlien we're told wo arc old fashioned.Please tell me what you think of such carryings on?


DEAR I'AIIENTS; LAve Is InilfiK! beduUful. but luch eihibltlona a'ff out of place in public. -

DEAR ABBY; Okay, go ahead and scold those who

.write UiQhluyou. notos ■And-/ail -to- sign -thoir last nsmesr- Most people remember to whom they send gifts.

How about tho chumps who send gifts (especially wed- .ding glftaj jn d sign tho card, "M ary" or "From tho Smiths"? Or (are you ready for] "Love from both of us"?

Anyone who sends a gift and docs not enclose a card with his full name, and a legible return address on tho

package deserves, to be stuffcyj Into, a mail slot and canceled I. M; pISGUSTED

newsa bout

.th epeoplle^ V a l le yi i S L i i v l i i g ^ Eal

'. • . Tlniirnt'O

Valley students receive degrees

7 valley women named outstanding


Valley area students receiving


. Rupert graduates Include Floy Fay Crandall B igler.

' James___p igby Bradshaw,

•t)onald Arthur Cazior, Bruce R.

Hunsakcr, Ronald W. Jolley,

Lorita K. Nelson, W llllom

Howard Nichols and Dennis L,


TWIN FA U iJ - Seven Magic Valley women have been

selected "Outstjinding Young Womei^iDf Am erica,” the

director of the national awards

program rtnnounces.These women are now being

considered lor furllier slate and

roitional awards. This fall, 50 of Uie young women nominated for

the “ Outstanding Young


A complete biographical sketch of oach nominee Is

included in the annual awards

volume, "Outstanding Young

Women of America," which is

distributed nationul.ly as a reference publication. Tlie 1072

ediUon, to. be published in

November, will contain special

introductory messages by U.S.

lencenient exercises have I named ty Brigham Yo'ung

University officials.

Twin Falla students earning

degrees include J. Ken Barton

Jr., Stanley E. Cook, Terry.

Guest Hiijnter, Larry C. Pond, Other students receiving

Glen Russell Sheen, Robert L. diplomas include Louise

Stevens,- Marlon - Hunter McCarUiy, Acequia; Merikay

Swenseh, David Orvel MiAioney Thurber, Albion;

Thompson and Rex Van-Webb. Ernest D. Messerly, Glenns

IJsted from Burley are Selene Ferry; Jo Capps Glosset,

Burgi, Robert J. Christensen, Thomas * R. Newman and

Jerfy D. Davidsdn, KenneUi Deborah Ann Nye, all Jerome;

Oris DllworUi. Evard Hyrum Janice U e Doutrc nnd BrendaGlbby, Dawn Themis Hunt, Merrill Walqulst, both Paul.

June L illian W illiams and and Evette Ellen Bigler and Jon

Elizabeth Zollinger. Reed Hunt, boOi Wendell.

... 12.99Cool, Capless WigsCaploss, cool, com fortab le — so weightless you h a rd ly know you hove it on! 100% Kane- ko lo n AAodacryWi. M ode to sell a t 25 .00 , now 12.99 for. throe days on ly ! M illin e ry , Street level.


O P E N M O N D A Y A N D F R ID A Y N IG H T S U i^T IL 9 P .M .

BACK-TO-SCHOOLWomen of America" program. Rep. MarUiaOriffiUjs, D-Mich., one from each state, be and Amy Vanderbilt, etiquette

named as their- state's^ authority;

"Outstanding Yoimg Woman o Announcement of this year’s

"Outstanding Young Women'

was made on behalf of the board,

of advisers by Anita Capps,

program director.

Uie Year.'

Magic^ Valley women include

Potrlcia Dyer Harder, Twin

Falls: Dorothea Mount Moore,

Wendell; Linda Zlttel Ekren,

Jerome; and Maureen McNeal v / I i.

Schelske, K a th le " Johnson V O l U n T © 0 r SSchm idt, Nancy Andrus

Patterson and Julia SabalaFrance, all Gooding. l l . t f t J U t J U

The purpose of the

"Outstanding Young Women of TWIN FAIJ.1S — Vo.lunteers

America" program is to are needed to work In the

recognize young women Veterans of .Foreign Wars and

between Uie ages of 21 and 35 for AuxUiory food stand at Uie Twin

Uie district fair in Jerome Sept. 12-lC. Tlie County Builders will

Conference in McCall Sept.

imd 6

VM.IS - Swinging Sixties will meet at Uit Odd

Uvc music will be featured for

dancing. All persons fiOyenrs-of-

age or older are invited. Those

attending are asked to bring their own table service.

TWIN FAL15-The Sew In 4-'

H Club wUI present the program

at Uie Kiiull Grange meeting at

8:30 p.m Fridiiy a f Uie Corrv*

Members are10 uruig


TWIN FALI5 - Tlie Slngle-

Ites Club will have a dance

SiJturday night at Uiu^ Odd

Fellows Hall. Twin Falls. Tliere

will be live music from 9 p.m. to

1 H.m. All single persoas bet*

ween t h e ^ s of .10 and 60 are welcome. ▼

F l l J S n ^ ^ u r a J. Vincent, W er, has l>een .named to the

denn's list at the University o f ,

Rochester. Rochester, New

■ VorU, for YchoVasilc excellence _ - for the spring semester.'...........

G lJiNNS FERRY - Tlie i-U .

Co4ncU and Uie County Builders

will hold ihcir monthly

mootings ot 8 p.m. on Aug. 28 in

Uio' courUiousc In Mountain

Home. Plans will be made for

Falf boots 'Bootfl take from shoes .the

Uiemea’of hlljnw htela with”

platldrm soles for women, The

rvildemess" boot wins for foil

in sports (t^twcAr. mode in

rough, shaggy suedes with

crop« or Uro-llke> soles. '

Wonderf^^f Varjtrift

M o rv« lo u t V a lu t f

. C lastic |iiiduK . . ihu n u m lx r onn c h i ld f in 'i ilic^o becpuia of tlio ir f«m oiis 'T ilT in‘^*OQlloM.

T'hev7e iinoniialo<4 for w octim an tliip too . Thoy'i .viilun priced oovv l^ r l)Bck-to'-(Chool lavinQ i.


For those special lit t le under'C loum or^ w ho ore o ti^a ) to jum p (ope bock-to-»chool th i i fa ll, Your I.D.' Store 'd ffe r i o Dfat^d ,iew collect tion fro m P laym ore. Cute litt le m ix an d mo^tcf) ou tfits in Purple Hdo-

thpr th a t w ou ld rem ind o Scojchman o f Home . . . o il in 50% Dac­ron p o ly o itc r ond 50 % Q rla n acrylic. They are eas;- cqro <^nd w a \| \ '« .

' w e a r 'd n d w ill a p p re c ia te tha t, C lioose from S w oatcrt, Jumpers,■ Skirts, Pants, filouses o r Vest in i i i e s '4 to 6X and 7\A From $4 ,50 to S I 1,00..


Jacoby- Qpponentsl Help ' Declare/

k A s t* 108 7 2 V JOH♦ A Q J 4* 107.1

N O im i - 21 *Q 0 ( !

• V A Q r> a 2 « n 5 1■* 2

W EST* A J .1 V K 10 0'♦ K1073 Ij * - IC J 0 ^

^ SOUTH (D )' • *4» K 5 4

¥74 ♦ 92* A Q B f t 5 4

Easl*W(est vu lnorfih le Wcfcl Easl South

Pims1 NT- Pns!i 2N.T. 3 * ' D bk‘ _Phhs Piiss Pass

Openinfj k-iid— ♦ 3


n> .Oswiilci & James Jacoby

' .Expert South was in Ijad hi.mor. He had been holding bad cards and his palooka opponents were all winning Irom him in the rubbcn bridge I'ame.

tiirce-c'lub call cqaonly be a s tT i .b c d to that bad

,Jli|mor which was not im* proved any When West let out a resoi(nding double but wlien tlia smoke had cleared away South was positively beaming wliile East and West were engaged in one of Ihose verbal figltls that seem to enliven mbber bridge yames.

jettifionocl - a - honrt; • Next - ■ caiDo u henrt to the ace and 'a ruff of a henrt with East disposing of the deuce of spades.

East had had two chances' to u«e his 10 of clubs but. had held it back.

Now So\iih led a low spade and West .did his bit to help South along. Instead of duck­ing ht; played his aco ahd led ' the suit back;

* South cashed the king and queen of spades and led a heart from dummy. East lidd a last chance to beat tho contract but he still refused to put his 10 of clubs to work. He ruffed low. South over- ruffed with the • eight and West was forced to win tho trick and lead to South’s trump tenace.


V < f« C n R D J k '/ » J c < | k t

The l)icidinK hoii bucn:VVcst N o r } l i___ fZflst South1 V Pblo Puss 2 VDhle PuM Pusrf 3 iPush 3 V Piis.s 3 4PUS.S 4 « ' Pnss 4 ♦Pns3 4 W Pas.s ?

You, S outli, hold;A 8 t 4 3 V 2 * A K 0 4 3 A 7 « 3

W hat ( ill you do now?A—Vciiir parlntT Ik Uirlurlnjr

.vmi, hul you con'l nlfort] tn pass- ih ls -T n a - t itr tm ljr f lv 'ir f t iit i 's :------___ lO U ^ V i’S - Q l lE S T lO X -__. Y ou r partiii.-t't'ontiiiue.s li» five hpadi-s. W lu it du y tjii do now?

Answ er toMH»rr«w

O rganization p lanned .

■ ' PR6PARING rnato fia ls h r tho. schools fo r fho fa ll cam pa ign and o rgan iza tion o f tho ScfiJthyfostorn .Council o f Camp Fire G irls aro P a tric ia B lake, le ft, Comp

Fire G irls ; o ffico #ocro<6ry, and 'Mrs. John O oorr, o rg a n iz a tio n cho irm an, . VoluritQer workers w ith the p ro g ra m ore M rs, Rgy lA bund is , M rs. Julos Hgrrison, M rs. W illia fn Hughes, M rs. John Me- Noos and M rs. Lehman Sterling.

pldnnedHANSEN— A card party and

cooked food sale arc planned for

Sflptombcr by the Royal Nolghr

bora at -Woodn\an HaU.--- - -

Mooing Tuiosday at Uie hall,

Urn group Uiankcd Oio Modern Woodmen mombors for

preparing Ui()>dining tables in' Uio hall,

Pro-tcma were Mrs. 'Wayne SmiU). Mrs. Riith Wright and Mrs. Hugh Sanderson. Mrs. Elsio >

Henry presided In the absence

of tlio regular chairman^ Mrs; .Lewis Reed.

Members dlscusiicd solllnn surplus chairs, and they will

take the matter up before the

■Roynl Nclghbor*Woodmen joint board.

Mrs. Ernest j'ohnson and

Mrs. Walter Johnson provided

entertaincment. Mrs. Wayne

Smith and Mrs. Minnie Bedow

will be hostesses for tlie Sept. 12 meeting.

Decemberw e i

j ^ t d a y , A uguit 24, 19X2 Twin P a iii, Idaho 13

v a Le r a a r c h b r :

. . . se/s d a te .

ChairmanGI^NN S FERRY - Mrs.

Isobel s t ic , Glenns Ferry, has

been named “ Heart Chairman" for this area. She said she

bo happy to receive any

donations or memorials to tho

heart fund. Her tclephono

number is 360-2170, or write

P.O. BoJf 564 , Glenns Ferry, 83023.

planned ^- P A L IS - M r. and M r t ."

Delbert Archer, Twin PalU,

announce'tJie negngement. of

their daughter, Valera, to Jon*' atlum Myatt.

Myott is tlio son of Mr.'and

Mrs. Robert Myott I I . Kcnnesaw, Ga. .

‘ Miss Afcher Is a 1 9 ^

graduate of Twin FaUs’ Hl^n,

Miwol and is presently cmgaged

ih im iulonary woHc. wlth tho

Jehovah Witnesses.

The couple met'ln Mexico City

two and one-hMf years ago.Tlie couple l^lans a Dec. 16

wedding at tlie Kingdom Hall of

Jehovah Witnesses In Twin

Falls'and tyill then go to Ken.-

nesaw where they will reside

and work as full time missionaries.


Dumionds were continued wltli-Soull>-ruffit»g-tlie-lhitd— lead. Me finessed dummy's (jiieen of hearts and ruffed llie last diamond while East-

Tickets avdilab le- ‘TW INFALj^-T lcketsareitlllavallDbfefor

ti>c Twin Falls Sweet Adelines Charter Show set

at 8 p.m. Saturday*a( the College of Southern

Idaho Fine Arts Center.

Tickets can be obtained from Judy Freeman,

ticket chairman, 733-2034, or from Helen’s

Record Shop, El Margo’s Deauty Shop and

Wamcr’B Music Shop, Twin Falls, and Garth'ft

Musie^^torc and Studio'and Wood’s Music,

Durley. ^

Gathy Coulter, Lee wedKING HILL - Cathv Allene CQultcL^lateiLQLthtLbcidR. Mra. Dlecea.uscdhad.bcl

Coulter and Johnifllnnley U e Coleen FuIlmer was matron of great-grandmotlier. —.

-werc~marrled"ln ~an Augr-10 honor.'Bridesmatds were Sheila— Refreshments were served by

'ceremony. McHugh, slater of the bride, and Marilana Whitaker and, Cindy

Laura Lee, sister of the

bridegroom. -

Mark Simmons wes liest Tftnn.

. . yit s at the Parisknit tur t les . . . the best \ 4rieiid^M-wiM4r^^

President Hart pfficlated.

Tlic bride is the daughter o f ,

Bench. The guest'book was cared for by Diane Mourtsen.

Loralee Anderson and Brenda

Jatobs assisted with tfi gifts. ■. ,Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Coulter, David Talich* arid LaVelle

Pocatello.' former King Hill Coulter werp ushers,

rcsldenb, and the brldegi;pom A reception jn the Sixth Ward

la the son of Mr. and Mrs. LDS Cultural Hall followed the

Dean S. Lee, Glendora, Calif, ceremony. The ha ll was

The bride wore a floor-lepgth decorated in rainbow colorswhite gown with a bustle, a with a blue'Austrian backdrop,

rounded neckline and long A pond decorated with rainbow-

pointed sleeves. She carried a colored flowurs was set in the

bouquet of white-carnations, center of the floor,

red roses, daisies and baby's 'Fhe wedding (falfe was made , the bridegroom Is a student inbreath. by Mrs. Dean-Lee, mother of the Idaho Slate University

*Mald of honor was Karen L. Uie bridegrooiri. The serving Pharmacy School,

N o q u o itio n about' it . thi» is ih fl yea r o ( the tu rtle . O v e r p a n t i, ta p p in g y 6ur ik ir t* , under yo u r b la z e rt o r jackets . . . you can count on the turtlonecl( to a d d xip a nd

, tp ic o ta yo u r w a rd ro b e . A nd w ha t a -m b rv e io u t velaclion i 100% o c ry lic t. They look | luKurious, foe l even m ore luxurious, f i t ' t o pe rie c tio n . You fe a lty should hove more thon 'one . Sizes S., M ., 1. ' ,

After a honeymoon to

Glendora, Calif., where an open

house was held In their honor,-

the iouple returned to' Poca­

tello' where they will 'reside

at 515 S. 10th.

The bride Is an employe of

Idaho Bank and Trust Co. "and

W hiteBlackN q jiyffroWn

Coup sets fall wedding

- . TWJN^J-.r:S.-Mf^i|nd>lrA-. Ernest Host, U ke Geneva,

Wis., announce the engagement'

'Of thei^ dFugHter, Cathy, to

inonaW W. King.

. King Is the son of Mr. ‘and

I Mrs. J, Wayne King, Twin

; Falls.

; Miss Most was graduated ; from Badger High School In 1968

‘ and attended Wisconsin State

' University.King was graduated from

, Twin Falls High School in 1960.

"ifrro tfAPPY" jom CHRISx j o n T v o u / X w e l l -a -H A V E A N V ^ I

V a /e A K M E6 6 E & ? J A L W A V 5

W M EKI X B u y *A U S E D C A T ^

G E . r S T U N G E V E R V T IM E / '

B ^E A K V O U R 6AMBLIWG HABB u y y o u R NEXT c a r a t

IvAOTOftS-TKEM y o u W o m V


■ and In,1970 from the University

’ of Idaho, where he was af-

fiiiatcd wllii Phi Ganwia DelUj-

Frajernity. He is currently

etnployed.at Pratt and Wliitney


■ engineer. ‘

The couple plans a Nov. 10 wedding in Florida'where they

will reside.








See the new

• - E«cillno* • o i io r lm in ls ' ,

. fKclutively at

CROWLEYPHARlllACY: O n lh a M a l l .

Dow ntbw ji


SHARP USED CARS1970 BUICK SKYLARK . . . , T - 9 - 9 5V B etiQiTic, liiitBd gla»«, radio, ciuio intifu Koiiu inm on, loctory ait totuJi liomrm,.l>nwp, tlcunnn. QQ'.n, lw „L« i -

1965 BUICK W ILD C A T ....... *5 9 54 d b o f, V -S .onoino, tin ted g lo » i, ra d io , o u to m a tic transm ii*

-lioiL-^wef-ttaatingr-fiowof-|[ttokeTi ' ■ " — ——

-^1964 g m t : -. 7 ' . ...................... 1 5 9 5V -6 diosol, 825 m 20 ru b lio r. 4 spood transm ission, 2 speecf^ ax le , 10Q inch cab to ax le , looks a n d runs eK ceptiona lly well

H95196 5 ^P O N T IA C 'C A T A L IN A . . .A dooi. V « .n g in * . iin lo il ulcuv •odio ou tom i.ln i r o m m U ^Moo'iiHj

1963 FORD FALC O N4 douf. 6 t'inii'iilBi angiit

1971 FORD P IN T O ................... .7 door, the perfect bcor/omy.cor.

1 9 5

*8 9 5

*6 9 5

1966 MERCURY M ONTEREY4 door.'VD •ngina,'linl«d tital*r, rodii;,powar iltfrinq.'

rodi(^, auloniqtic trdn^rAiition,

1966 CHEVROLET VMPALA . . . w , wSloVion w o g o n , V-B cnQine, tin te d glasv, ra d io , a u tom a tic transm ission, pow er steering., ■ / " ■ ' -4

19 68 X )L D S 9 8 . . , . . •..............4 door tiord top , V-Q tngind. lu ll pO wit, l in ltd g ia u , radip, oulomi |,ibnimiuior>, vinyl lop . la&lbcy n ir candiiioning. po w tr U«arlng, p o w ir t to l , powar.braket, power w lhdowi. w tiltew all t iro i. titt

1968 PO NffAC CATALINA — - - ^4 door, V*a enQlne. tinted I'odio, outoinolle tron im li' %lon, (a c to f / o lr contllHot^lno, pow«rVV#*?Jr)o, power brok^i,


( i o l ^ i \ i \ w i : . i :


' I< > n ,

- ,m1

.. ,M T lm « -N fw i, Twin Id thc , nn«-id>v, A ugu it 7^, \m

f Coi^^erecites vd ws :

TWIN' F A L L S '- Noncy

-.-HcllbwcItland'-.Pougras Rt Mctcialf • oxchangod mnrrlnKc

vaw0 In an Aug.’ ^ ccrcmony In

the Salt LokD City LDS Templo.

The brjdo'ls tlio dnu^htcr of

Mr. hncl Mrs. Oscnr W.

Hcllowell. Twin Falls, and (li'o

brldcjflroom Is the eon of Mr.

and Mrs. Rood J . Mctcalf,

Salt Uke City.

Tlio. double ring ccremohy ' wns performed by President

Sclvoy Opycr of the SqU Loko

City Temple.. ’

After the ccrernbny, tlip

^idegroom's parents hosted a

wedding breakfast at tlie Lion

House, Salt UUe City.A garden reception was held

at the Iwm6 ‘ of tlie bride's

parents. The guests were

’greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Eldon

J. Ilaskelf.'uncle and itunt of the

bride.The bride wore a floor-iengUi

white lace (>uwn. fashioned wiUi

Q ruffled mandarin collar. The

- neckline was enhanced by Q comeo necklace from Argen­

tina, a gift from her brother.'

The bride’s head wreatlf and

bouquet were yellow l-jlfin rosie-

buds surrounded by a potpourri

of flowers. Tliey wore designed

and arranged by Uie natu/alist,

John Clnrk, Provo, where the

bride is employed,

................. .. coualn-of^tho—

in i'fs e M e w d

M R . a n d MRS. D O U G L A S M E TC A L F

Sail Lake-' City and by Holly

Haskell, Joyce Bergeson and

Judl Foster in Provo.

The bridegroom was grad­

uated from the University of

Utah in tnternationfll relations


Best Seller^

, ■ ---- 1 ■ *111 • The bride was graduated and political science.

I fn f nh.h"' -fromBrlgham Young University Vic couple wUl reside in

L »reL M ^s ie san d s taU ce in graduate

' adorned the tables. The four- ' ’

tier wedding cake wils topped

with miniature cherubic figures

of the.bride and bridegroom.

_ Assisting at the serving table

were Mcrilyn Metcalf, sister of

‘ the bridegroom, Mrs. John (Compiled

Bluth, and Mrs. Danny Boyd. Weekly)

Gyesta were served by Vickie

and Janice Metcalf^ Tamra

Haskell and Kelly Miller.

Mrs, Kelly Carlson, cousin of the bride, was In charge of the

guest book. Amy and Brad

■ Carlson assisted at the gift cart.Pre-niiptlal parties were

hosted by Mrs. Vem Harmer,

Mrs. John Dluth, Mrs. Uoyd

M iller, and Mrs. David

Hamilton at Use Banner home;

by Publishers’



SEAGULL -lllchard' Bach



Taylor Caldwell


Q iaim l^tok.IH E WORD -Irving Wallace

THE TEKMINA i . m an ■

by aunts of the bridegroom In Michael Crichton


Superbly Slim m ing

Printed Pattern

A POHTION KOI'l’O Ii_£ :a iE ;


;s -

DARK HOUSE -Fletcher Kne-




O JERUSALEM! -Urry Collins

and.Dominique Ijipierre

I ’M O.K.. YOU’RE O.K. -

Hiomus Harris



seph C. Goulden

GEORGE S. KAUFMAN - Howard Teichmann




liidislas Farago



-fla-Dennls-E. Smitli—--- 1-

tW IN FALLS - ' IV ln FoUl) Public Library officials iiavo'

U^Uod minkevlflws fof a few

of the now books rccontly re:

cclvAd at the library. '

' "M onhotlan North*’ by

Morthb Albrand. From \in drothfiUc opohbig scene to Its

. electrlfvUig cllmax .— here Is a* riveting novei of suspense..

' ‘.'All and Nino-,, by Kurb«R

Said. Sot in the Traiis-Caucasufl, thU^.is a story -of All, a

passionate young. Moslem, and

Nino, hla Georgian love, and ■

how their lives are engulfed by

the conflict between East and


• "T iger's Daifgtiter” By

Bharatl Mukhcrjoe, When Tara

rodirns to Calcutta, she boord

witness, to Uio downfall bf her

own class. •

"Horatio Alger Ia\ Alivo'and

Well and Living In America” by

David L. Goodrich. This

colorful book focuses on ten

coptemporary men and women

In order to eiploro what It takes' .

■ to be successful under ..30 In

today’s highpaced life."Rome Wasn't Burned in a

ImpactratingsairedSurprised if on a future

supermarket expedition your

ecology-ooneerned-wife—flonds- you over to the meat depart­

ment to compare Impact


Midwest Research Institute, a

Missouri-biased think ttink has come up with a new system,

called Total Environmental impact, that measures Uie

envlromnental effects of con­

sumer products from birth on

the production line to abundon-

'tnent on tW* refuse heap. In its

first application to u specific

product, the system showed

that molded pidp meat trays

have nearly twice as much

harmful effect on the environ­

ment as foam plastic trays.' To your wife, picking a lower

Impact rated product will mean

a cleaner environment, whllo to

some businessmen, tlie Impact

system will mean a more

perspicacious sho|)^r.

Day'.' by .Leo Rotten. a

treasur)' of wonderful^bloop«r8,

collected from evei^y .cbn-.

celvatil? soiu-ce or, concocb(]

by Uoaten. ' . : .

.1‘Under the Yoke" by Ivan.

Vazor. A novel, revered'by the

Bulgarians as* one 6f thofr.

classics. An exciting story of t h ^

A p r il. uprising of 1870 and .

Bulgarla'ii liberation from five'

centuries of Ottoman tj^anny.,

“The Kllldeer" by Dbrothy

Ham ilton. This story^takes .

place (m a faixn In .Indi.ana',

emphasizing the ImportailM of

Genesis; 2:^4. .

*’M lleH ig Ii-Knee Deep" by

Richard K, O'Malley.' A Hory 6bbut Buttq, Mont., In the

turbulent twenties when the city-’

was a lusty, two41sted copper


"A fter LetfVlng Mr.

MacKenslo” by Joan Rliytf. A

terrible, but superb book about

the final floundering to

destruction of a pitiful woman. '

" n ie Devil's Daughter" by

FVank Yorby. Joan Paul Marin,

the hero in Frank Verby's now*

novolrls only part devil.

- f ■,

'D id1-g-trip'DAIJLAS (UPl)-.-T DaUai .Treailt 8y»Um '

busfii do dot travel DeaiLFark&liuidr,.a Iiouilflg_J__. development for the elderly. But Uiey will itr^y

. . ;.j o f i^ e regular rbuteatafewnipsoftheflnger.

. . The clty*owDed system has ilflrted Its "dUlra*' trip" program by which Park Manor resldebts '

' . .Deed only to dial a telephoQ^ request sad a

dispatcher will reroute the next bus.oiit of Its

. way to make the. pickup. Tbe same return

service Is alio available. /

And, the city buses plan to start another In*

Dovative service next week when they

Inaugurate their own version of tlie airlines

"stopover prlvllegea."

On Sale Friday morhing at 9:30.

St. Patrick, Mo., is tiio-only

town In the nation named for


iO PPenG h ...D odya iiiiSD ie !

. 9 2 2 0 \0V, - W/j t\i

Do everything. yo cvfrywiiere in u strennjlinud

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dry-don polyester.

Printed pattern New ' half slze.s 10‘a, I ’i'*!, 14'j, lG*j,

I8‘*i, Size ibust 37} tunic,

pants 2\ yds, 54-lnch. 95SCVimty.five cents for each

J pattern — add 25 cents (or euch

pattern,for Air Mull anil SiJeciul '

HandUhgl Send to Marian

Martin, . Times-News 305

■pattern Dept.’, 232 West I8th St., — ^G W ,Y o rk / N. Y. 100U-. Print ,

. j j a m address with lip, size and «ylc?r\umber.

IDO top Fall-Winter patteps

' In all-new Fashions to Sew

. _ catalog! Plus fabulous bonus-

’ choose a free pattern, 75 c'ents.

IUjtant ayylng Book sew

' today; weai* tomorrow. II.'

' , Instant Fashion* Book — -

I pf fdshldn facta, ‘II.

■ J .

V a m .f - e m u n n r ^

Dunham French Paters!.. the new^hQe^happening from France! Buttehsoft suede minhwedgerbottomed off with the porthole sole that has

rOveryonp- ta lk ln g lit’S”THE shoe for this season’s “ differents"... and in your , favorite colors.

. in L y n w o o d ,


$ I 00Broken Sizes 5-13 Regular to$ 1 2 . 9 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . NOW


SWEATERSJunior & Subteen Sizes

Reg. to$ 1 2 .9 5 .. NOW W


JR. SPORTSWEARBroken Sizes -5 thru 1,3

$ 3 9 9Reg. to , $29 .95 .. NOW

r— - H K i H l 4 l(


$ 2 0 0Broken Sizes 8 thru 20 and 14'/2 to 20'/2 REG. TO $34 .95 ....................... ...NOW

ITA B L tO F O D D S n S rE N C

Missy Sportswear $ I 00Reg. to

$14.95, , NOW

OfACltEAMOUS RANO----BRAS Sizes 325 th ru 38C

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$ 3 9 9Sizes 10 tliru 16Reg. to $ 1 9 .9 5 .. . . . . . . .N O W

PARIS SHOE SHO Wa t th e T o p o f^ h e S ta ir

Charge Down town on the Mall

gaplQaf-4-H OtQp Jerome fair fio aJE R O M E —"nio Siyjorloaf 4*

- n Club took first ptnco In Iho flont division ^of Uio Jcromd

County “ Prfagrcsa *.72" Fair and

Rodeo parnile Wcdncsdny.

vA tol«l of $250 in jwlio money,

was awarded' to parotio cn* tranta.

. The Sutfarloaf i- ll Club

received 150 (or. (IrBt place In •

Uie float division.'Second place

and 125 was awarded to Uie

Ciooilinf' Methodist Omrch. ,

The Jerome Slierl'fCs Also participating In the . Mounted Posse took first place-

parade was l971;Jerome Rodeo .{»nd |25 In the pdssb.ilivlslon,

Queer/Debbie ^cheoc. wlio &con(| was Uie Gooding Purple

reigns over this ycnc's fo|r.and, Sa«e Riders. The Jerome rodeo activities until TJmradny Junior poase placed third,

night wheii.thejiew queen will . In Uie novelty division Van

Lnnn Drackenbury, Jerome, former Miss Rodeo America;

served as parade morslml; '

nnd iWrdi. thif'Joromo Senior

Citizen Fund, 110.

Tlic Valley High School drill

team took first place In Uio drill

competition, winning 115.

Second was Uie Jerome Girl

'&out Troop led by Mrs. Dale


Ti\o purnilc was led by the

Jeromo High School bond,

directed by Larry Standloy. It

followed Uie some route as in Uic pnst, proceeding down souU)

Uncoln to East First, then Uiro«

blocks cost to Clovoland, ono

block to Main Street, and down

Main to the fdlrgrounds where

children . parUcipatlng In tlie parade were treated to Ice


Jerome Moyor Jock Rusaoll

nnd mnyora from Eden ond Hazelton, as well os several

c o m m is s i o n e r s .f r o m

surrounding counties, por* Ucipated in the parode.

be.selected. Following ,Miai»

• Scheer In the 'parade were Ujc seven qucciv candidates. ,

Camp's-space shutUe was first, $25. Second was the Rev. Dill

Barrett family on hiking, |15,

Ghallis rider rodeo leader

GARDEN OF EDEN constructed by the


Populai* float

Writer finds tear ga& real

popular float In the Jerome Cuunty FoIr (mrade

Wednesday. During tlie trip from Guuding, the _ .,. ,

tree wofl Uowii offllicjfloal, but was repaired in • time Ui enter Uie luirode.


D e b b ie h o m e

JEROME - The first night of

Uie Jerome Rodeo Wednesday

iUiw Jim SmiU), Cliallis, leading

.In'Uie bareback’ riding with a

total pf '59 pointif.'.

Taking top honors in calf

. foping was Jeff, Copenhaver,

Lone Creek. Orc.. wlUi a time of

• 10.5 seconds, topping the

, crowd’s {avorittt.Puun Oliver of Uolse, ■

Uuye ^{urt. PyL-utello.^'is-

leading In saddle bronc'riding

wiUi ,U5 {joints. Steer wresUing

winners was Jackie West,

Jerome, with time of 4.7 seconds. ,

A tie for first place resulted in

’.llie girls’ burrel race between

■'DarliJne Collins, Sweetiund.

Wyo., .and Jody Thunnun,*

P’aUon, Nev. Both bad times of 10.9. seconds.

First place in Bralima bull

riding wjuj captured by Benny

Stoddard, Rexburg, -05 fwints.

I ’he'Cassia County Sheriff's Posse also |)erformed during

Wednesday night's show. A

novelty act including Roman-

riding (uid .trick roping was

ptTfuriiit'd by Neul s<}hinldr’

TTiey will present shows again

tonight in the final rodeo performonce,

Highlighting 'Hiarsday night's

rodeo will be the crowning of the

new' Jerome County Fair queen.

Fair queen candidates' are Debby Slagel, Betty Will, Janet.

Illa inc CamoN C a s N i a

Elmore Goodltii! Jerom e U ncoln

M inidoka , Twin rnllN

M a g icV a l le yThursday, August 24. 1972

Three hurt

in crash

at Jerome

Uilli)tT3, I'ixie Unrncs, Urcnda

Pflersun,' Shurri Muir and ‘Patty Sonniciiseii.

(Continued from P.l)1 could see where cinderblock

walls had been lorn down to

provide m ateria l for street

borricades.* Once I passed a heavy pioou of iron pi|w und

tossed it mto Uie I'anal so it

wouldn't be uround us u weapon. Twice I came upen

lines of masked state troopers,

but they didn't try to stop rpe.

At uboiit 24th Street, yix

blocks from Convention Hall,

the demonstrators began to be

Uiick. AcToss Uje streets from

them, wcll-dri^sttd people

“Hookfcd (lown from hotel

balconies to watch the fun.

Dem onstrators walked

run.' But Uie runi)ing con­

tinued. Soon 1 heiu-d other

voices shouting ‘Get out of the

way'.’ Stale troopers currying

cluba began to run past me, coming up from behind. Twice I saw troopers holding clubs in

boU^hunda*tf)e hands separated

by Uie lengih of the club, run up

behind demonstrators, plant Uie club In their backs, and push

lhem~o ahovc not l\eard ent^ugh

to disturb a blocking guard in a football gome, but enough to

catch ihe attention of the

demonsU-ator. n\e demon-

Rl’IlLEY - Debbie Flowi>r», whu WnH Injured ■Imu' 'iG when ii car run Into the Purley High .Schiiol band, has buen released from Cashla Memurial

She is now at her home with her parents, Mr. and \;rs. Janies Flowers, Burlvy.

Miss Flowers was In Cassia Memurlui lt((si\ltul, theu truWHierred lu u Salt Lake City.

Utah, houpltal and then returned to Casdia Memorial.

Family members report that Miss Flowers Is able to recoguife them uiid emlverses with thejH althoagh she dues nut open her eyes. SJie does move her arms and legs, however.

The family reports they are encouraged by ■ her progress.

Action obtained on Malad Gorge park

GOOD lN ti - The Idaho

Parks Uuard will put up parking

biirriurs. fences and signs at the

• prupoJied Malad River GorgeSlate Park soon. u’cco} dli\g to County lust week to examine the

state Rep. Vernon Raveiucroft. site, and that Steven Biy. sUite

JEROME — 'hvo persons

were listed in poor condition

und another in fair condiUon at Hospital this

morning following on Occident oh liUeratale 80.

"Hie accident occurred about I

a.m. near the rest area just

north of the U.S. 93 Interchapge.

north of 'I'wln Falls.

' Officials at the hospital

reported Richard Murphy. 28,

. Uiicago, 111. and Cht^rlene Sloas,

'22, Uemta, Ore.. both In pqor

condition with multiple Injuries.

Ustud in fair c'ondition.IsEd-

ward King, 33, S^'otUc. State

pohccinvestlgated the accidcnt

but tbereport was not available

today. . . MANfLA (UP IJ-A 32-ycar-It was repdrtcd the single car old escaped rtJurderor from the

accident occurred when the southern Philippines' Dovoo native . stones for parking .west bojind vehicle, left the -penal colony, following his

bjirrlers, warning and.directlo/i highway, overturning and arrest told ouUiorltldshe bribed

the site.

Wednesday. Ravunscrufl lold

Uie Times-News two state park

officials came to Gooding


7 8

l)is|)*‘rsion;' .7’o</«y; ICxvvUvni •Ttm iffht: I*ook I’ r i.: I'lxveltvnt

may b t olle<ted by

Buys escapeparks board director, had called

iiini to say a work crew would

be in G or ing soon to put upHe said the state parks board

.responded limnediately to his request made at the Gooding

C oun ty c o m m is s io n e r ’ s

meeting Aug. 14 Uiat sofety signs and to fence one or two, narrowly missing a conal near a prison trustee wiUi 20 pesos precautions' be established at overlook areas._____ the highway. . ________ ($3.30) to allow his cscnpt*.

sU-ator would lurch bi/t not full, look around, und go back to a


alongside delegates, urging

Uiem, to dppose Uie war. One

woman delegate was saying to a demonstrator,‘You're offensive

to me. Wliy aren't you proud of

America?' In frynt of heru-iiian delegjite was sayipg to iinother

People cumc out of stores

yelling to the police, ‘KiU those

hippies! That's ihe only way.'

That wave of excitement

passed! I saw si>me den^on-

strators Uirowing boards under

fwissing cars, as if trying to


delays project

demonstrator,•Well, it's in-. mi»ke Uie boards land in front of

teresting to hear your the wheels and stop the curs,

argujnents. Thank you very' The cars, kept going,

much.' 1 heard no obscenities at At one intersection, some anv time on this trio. demonstrators fonned a llneJn.

TSw^hirwalklh irdelegQC^• wimm- inFgr iitrcKs-orcoirventlon Hall, a group of

delegates were walking

together down Uie middle df the

street. Demonstrators walked

anU-way sentiments at them.

'Hiere were some shouts and

demonstrators begun to run.-

Some dcmonstratdrs yelled tit

Uieir feUows, 'Don’t run. Don't

'T . r i -

l ip s

O U . t l

HUPER'i’ ^ A new federal board at a meeting atteni|edj}y

regulation iias cau:ieU a liOnlay •'’‘-‘Vt'ral nort^t^lde area farmers'

delay in the start of an Idaho ‘*"d led by Rep. Steve Aiitone,

Highway 24 nuproveiiienl Rupert, ami himself,

project, according to sVdW .Sen. Diu-ing the meeting. Uie i)nard

John P*5avey. agreed to develop the Center-

Uie new ruling requires that all Plan was to begin al the Dietrich

projects involving federal < '‘d und improve'about one

money carry an approved Uiird of the unimproved sectione n v i r o n m e n t a l im p a c t at a timcf which would have

statement. ' ‘ made the' Center U jkc im- '

. ' .. .nutorprovernent of six miles of the said,

highway w«st of the surfaced- Sen. PeaveysaldUie hlghwoy rttiidway., -.west, ..of ..Kimama, project should begin this fall so

which woqid • elim inate the Uiat the road'bed will not be* small walled terrace open. As almost yearly closing of that flooded next spring,

two Dollccwen stood on the highway by the Hoodin;- of

tcfruce.Icllmbedoverthewall. Center l4»ke, Peavey said.Tliey said nothing. - Hie Senator said that the

I entered ‘the conYontlon importance of, improvlnB the

grounds. And Uiat was when I section of Highway 24, crossing

.almost got hurt. I tripped over Center Mjike, Waa oul

u'sprinkler head. ■ last spring to the stale highway

nvorce?^ they’re available at SY auction

A motorcycle policeman drove

up, dismounted, and advanced

on the demonstrators with a can

of Mace. They scattered und

I t u m ^ down the last block

toward Convention Hall. TIio police had buses parked from

wnU to wall. leaving'only a

^By TERRY,CAMPUpLb , featuring local waitresses, auction block.

TImesiNews writer games and dinner are aU part Of ParUcipanta will vie for a

\ the Ketchum-SurT Valley scenic airplane ride over theSUN VALLEY — An Clianiber of Commerce’s "Fund Boulder Mounmips and Wlilte

opiwrtunity to sinjj in Hap a Bus" event, .scheduled to Gouds.doiiutbd by Jim £k)nurt'

Millci ■!i^aOT~A^l.■onlpl■!^e benln at 7 ii.m. FrldflvJii-thc n nvp,vrnmimnh<iiahli>-lii-th«-

divorcer- Fou^ German IJmelight Room of Uie Sun Sun Valley Ski Club, donated bySliortlmir puppies. Valley Inn. Gordon Butterfield; a day of fly

lliose are some of Uie items flawing wlUi Jack Hemingway:

that will go to Uie highest bidder Under the direction of a vasectomy, donated by Dr.

Friday night, with proceeds to auctioneer Nt‘d Bell and casliier Robert G^^lnnor;- or a

fund two shuUle bufies_Joc_Jack—Cosimanr-»—myriud-of-honeymoon for two nights?winter service between-services and merchandise, three days 'of boby sitUng

Ketchum and Sun Valley. donated by urea stores und service and a bottle ‘ of

Heidelberg inn.Competing for the Utle ofMIss

Fund a Bus wiU b e ’the 14

waitresses representing eoch of

the restouranta In the chamber

Tickets for Fund a Bus will be

110 per person nnd will Includc a

sit-down dlnner'and |3 worUi of- •

script 'for playing Uib many

Ka'mca set up' in the- room.

Tickets may bc-pui'chosed at

the - ‘Sun Volley Lodge

------ — » ______ V- information desk and theTlic auction, u queen contest individuals, will be put on the chi^pugne._dQnQlcd_ by., the.. chamGci^ffice'iHTCetchunT“

Demonstrators^ trouble some Idaho delegates



al Rupet't


Special to the TlmeS'NewB

MIAMI BEACH - The Idaho dcle«aUon sat

“ Uirough Uic final aa-plannpd, sessions of the..

Republican National ConvenUon, got conned by

Uie Secret Service, and headed for home.Only Uiree rpembers of the Idaho contlrigenl

hiid U-ouble wlUi Uie Wednesdjiy night

domonihcator3. A -Utxl contiiining alternates ' Ruth Johnson and Eliuibeth McReynolda, oloiig

y>ithf^rs^McReynbid^sjothcrtWnjatoppgdjieQr-:.lUio-PreAldentT“ Convenlibh Hall by dflmonstrotors who spray- -palniod lhelvTn^dshrold^d'rlpped otit engliie

‘ Wiring. The Uireo' got out-and walked to

ConvenUon Halt wlUiout flirther. trouble.' .L t . .. Gov^. Jack Murphy and nine oUier

delegates simply walked the IS'blocks frcm the

hotel to the hail und, oxcepl/or being rerouted

Uirougft alleys a coUple of tlme^'hod no troublto.

TTio finarseflsloii jf/Uie con'v^Uon'Wcnt off

_8ocordin'g to plon. '' . •

RUPERT — A motion to

delay the preliminary hearing

of Joseph Arturo'Ybarro was

grunted 'Wednesday.

He first appeored Aug. 14 fn ’

cx)urt on charges of forcible

rape and assault wtUi a deadly

'I’htt Idaho dL‘lcguUin,.inuiiudonly seven rows from Uie rosU-um, got Into lino to shake hands' D istrict Magistrate

wlUi President and Mrs. Nixon. There was an Blacker extended the-Umrnodlate-ruahiindT)rcssTrfT)oopUrtaimToThT~hem1nB” d a n n D "" 'a « y w rD ic

ppdlum. Some o! Uio big men'blonrf the line had rctiuest of Minidoka Proa. AUy.

oil Uiey could do to forestall the rush f r o m - w h o sold,Uiot

behind by pushing backwards.. vitid-titoio'a evidence hocl been

Finally the Secret Service stepped in. "Movj; sent to Uie F B I ’crime lah-bi

back, move back,!' they shouted. "People are Waaitlngtoni D, C., for analysis'

getUng crushed up. here. Movo ^ ic k and . no^ been rotumod,.

... everyone will get' a chance to sluike ritifida wiUi ^ aame octioj^Mog[B^a\p_._' ------ ---- --- Black(»';donlo'd Ui'o dofondonftf

Tlie Sccre^S^rvlce pcQvedlli^bajliuii«curuio„-nVQUQivjQr_a_cl>imBO-ol-vonuo.— ~\ TTiose who moved back lost Uielr places InJIno ' 'I’bo denial was bused oh

and never-did gel to thQ'roatrum.''niose who i procedural .uiatters, as ', the

Ignored the request und crowded aheod got to dofendanl had not been bound

atuike hands with the Prcaldent. lUoliohud'SomB over'lo any court and cliunge of ^delegates in each category. ■' .V venue wus not warranted uLUiio

■ Then It way bock to the'hotel, a'^QW, hours of early stage, sleep, and up to catch airplanes, some of them Ybarra ren}ained ln;Mlnrdoka

■ *“ Vlng tojeove the hotel fo^ Uic ttlriwrt wlUdn 'W ^ead fty withU ^o rli f o r bus

flvo hours p( th^ond of tho.hiind9h«l(rn«. und not at 110,000.

PUnCIMSINO TICKETS (or Friday nl(hr>

Fund t Bui srASus Volley mayor Wlnton Gray,

left,'ond Pete tine ,. rlghL TIckol id le r Paul

■ Plchon, Keichum, center; li one of a number 0/

are* yoOnjilert eompeUnj Jor a new-bloycl*;

, which will be nw n td^ lb Uie ode who ielljfTho' m oit tickets. . V ■ '

I ,* '■ I '

1i Tln(»»-N«w*i Twr'n Thuriday, Auguil » , m 2.

M ^btirn coSidiicts iutorijng project

HEYDURN A tutoring tutorlfJBproafom In Durloy Will planiwd for-20 flmt' Hirough. -prberaih fo r ' children ago 6 ' be hold Aug. 30 ot 7:30 p.m. in rourtli graders, ^vlth 20 hiRh

Uirouglr 10 Is being conducted Uio Durldy Neighborhood school students tutoring. Any

_^n to r . ^ adults who would , lllto toDolton, assisted by his. wifo vplunteer ns tutors nre nlso

June, has conducted a bobk- oncouroged lo do so, BoUon

lending service in Hiiybum tlils said.summer. Each week, the Tlio summer progrom will

Rarenta ond child ore yisited In concludQ. Uie last wobk inand tutoring progrnm director, ^ o homo and given a Augiut, with this fall's prdgrRm

Tliegoaijiof.the probram are ..programmed reading book scheduled to. begin two wookstd help clUldrcn develop better which tlio chid redads aloud to after school atnrts.

the parents. Bolton's nsflignmcnt as o

During the school yenr, the . VISTA volunteer in Ujo Dilrloy-BoltonsJ^lan o two-hour after- Hoyburn area will end Uiis

school progrdm to meet, four December, days a week at Hoyburn

elementary school. Tho tutors,

who are high sclu)ol students,

will meet Individually with

. . _ . children for help with reading ike amore active part in theit skills,

children's educaiion. . The second hour will bo o

A moot/ng for all persons structured time for amali group may contact Tom

InKirested In organizlng^a craft work, 'rtio program la Bolton .at 078-3074.

this summer ot Hoyburn.The phogram will bo

expanded to Includc Burley

elementary schools this fall if

. enouftli interest Is shown, said Tom Bolton,. VISTA ^volunteer

reading .skills, bettor study

• habltji* ■ and constructive

approaches to school Work; to

Introduce the children to a wido

range of experiences, such as

crafts, cooking und art;-to help

working parents with after,

school care for tiieir children, and to, encourage parents to take ■

GOP dra^s for 197(6.M IAM I BEACH (UPI)-Foiir 'of Uu j ' 1052 struggle bctwp«n, ^^ld/i976-UiaJ’s what the boll alternative .

yetirs In odvahco, lUjpuUlcans, c^ lo ‘8 Sep. nobert A. Toft and game Is all aw u l.’V Sen. Charles H. P<)rcy o!

^ n . D ------- * " ............. ‘ ■ .........................hove disown tlio battle lines for

tho party’s : 1070 Presidential

.mmnlnriUon. •

- In pno camp 'are tjie South,^

tlio West, the small states, tl.ie‘

c o n w r^ a d v o ^n d Spiro T.

Agnow, _ j . . , . _ .In tho otbec ore^tlie largo,

Dwigh^D. Eisenhower.

Ilift first fltep was tak^n here

Tuesday jit tlie 30th Republican

National Convention.

In a political powei^ play; tho

party's conservoUvo wing im*

posed a formula designed to

give, small southern and wcs«

Boj^nd question*.. Agnew is ' lUinols, who four ^ears ago hod v

tho man-the flght-wants and visions of being Nixon's running

boyon4 . question A ^ow is inato and wound up In almost willing. mado'his Vnovos'

- Even bo'foro Niion announced uuTiveek. ' •'

ho would keep /ignew on tho 7 Ho lod tho Rules CommHteo

ticket, the Vice Fjre^dcnt {old dghton beholf of tho big stptfs

tho A^anchestef Unlbn-Uader infokr a blggdr share of dologotes ..

/ hcavily*wpulotod oi/ban and tern states the balance of an Interview that ho would tiqI'^I/i 1076 but in thq end was

‘ Industrial states, tlie ronmants pOwer at tho 1070 Republican 'occcpt unless he^^vas consider^ forced to obandon'tlie effort'on

of Uio GOP's eastern llbdraHeonvoAijon^._ . '** : ■' ing, running for the Presidency tlio convention floor.

■ ' ' * ’ Tl is upshot was U\at ho

antagonized his enemies, do-

In order for tlic tutoring

oroKriim to contlhuo after the

qndof this year, locol people will have to show on Interest in

ossuming responsibility, Bolton

flald. Anyone wanting more

information' on .the program


Winners at Cassia fairCMILOOavlLOPMINT

Unil I Carol Amenua, Kenpi* M«f Smiin, M in Dlut «nd did rlcr; Gloria Dtnutn. Cindv W«rr«n, bolh blu*. Elam* aowtrt. Anna M c lln d i. Julianna JOIlay, Carman Walker, all r»<l

Unit II L<natl« Clinom VarUa Wffinar, and Sandra Whitakar. all rad ,

ClolhinBCvtnini] Elaganca. Sutan'Amand*. blut,

and K ritt** AOatri*, fad

' Unill Oarla.^lj*vi»?**w'llara SmiJn,” Siavan Patar«on, all- blua and d itlr ic i. Alayna) Hardlay. Malania (tarbata R atm utttn, all fM

Unii II K tnn it Maa SAiim. d iitr ic l '

ta ll Oala^minad ClQdy’ Garner, blua, Jodia Anaerwn,

Karan Uoatiy. UcOmlay, f ia n ta tMoiernick, Oebr« S itwart. Snail« Siewarl. Valent Slewirl. Cheryl Winlle. all <ed

Mofarcycl*Mat Kuwina, Mark Kuwana. Andy

Kioar, all blue. Rickte Ceorga. Jerry Kuwtna. all rad

TractBrMark Kuwana, Dean Ringham, boin

blua and d itln c t1*oraitrv

C»ro> SarQeni, Roaanna .^myer, OebUia Smyar, uoOita Moncur. all blue and oiylncl. MIcnalla Turner, Lon Palarton. boin blue. Jill Hitl, Marlea MQncur, Oarrto Smyar. all red

■aalFai I.OiOpound* and up Su»an Payion,

Anne pierca. Jerry Lynn Udy, Sally Payion. Ted Oaitt>. M irk Sm jo , Ooug Oarm. HarlonhW.ird. Sarah Jana Spencer. Pamela tla rin . Debra Ward, Carl Erlckion, Jellrey Jontt. Mike Larton. Scoll Carler. Clark Ward, Patty Harper, Vairy Ward. Trbdv Ward, all blue

Fat I.O M totO poundl Slaven Ourtee, Jonn Wrlglay, Dili CitaiOum, Julia Ourlea. Jukia Ann Joiiay, Pal Parke, Nellie Ourtea. Perry Tracy. Wayna Hurtt. all blue, Cindy Ola(ker. Tin| Crar>ey. Pat Roo*r<. Cardalt Sheridan, Parry Vracy, Mallhew Swan. Ron Ralley. Scot Allan, all

^at. »4I lo l.oso poundi Kenna Harper. Shelley Hogert, Lloyd Hichini, DKnn Harper. Joan Harper, Cratg LariOn, EOtvard Harper. Scot Enckton. Sandy Harpar. Oryca Ueck, Mary Pierca. Richard Swar>. Kanny Tracy, Taddy Qiacliar, Kanny Tracy, Tarlya Jolley, Cindy Craney, al| blue '

f=al, «10 poundi and unaar. Bob Feriic. Ronald Harper. Rick Harpar, Kenneth HvUhliofx, G rtfl JM\n, M *rU oShtritl»n, Lanae Ourtea, Dt<h Ferlic, 6 0 ^ Richmt, Kanny Tra(y. Dili D^rkdull, Randy CoiiK- Charla HuKhiwn. Oel Jone«, Halan Parka. l le h tWard. Jelt Chaibufn. all bjoa, Mark_

Dlackar. LaOawn Teaier, Donni. Hutchiion. Paul Rodo^r»- Ton> Oa<i«y. Dabb Oaiiay, all rad. Cariea dann, Nancy Conrad and Oarlon Thompton. alt whita

Dan Kidd, grand champion, rotalta, Randy.Curflt, retarva champion, roiatla

■aa(Fal. 1.0S0 and up. Pal Hogert. blue.

Jim Kanak, Alter) Harper, Oallvn Ward. Cryital Payion, Janet lUylon, Rod A»her. Jamai Parka, and Kent Kidd, all red

'a n o u ic o w iRay Sarganl and Slevan Saryont. both



. . . aAKI^IUMl

News Of

ServicemenTWIN FALLS - Airman

Michael Alan.Burgess, son of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E:

Burt{e3s, Twin Falla, has

completed basic* training at

Uekland-Alr Force B o se .^ n

Antonio, Tex, - .

BurKcsH has also completed

technical training at' Keesler

AFB.'Biloxi, Mi.«w. He has been

assif’ned tu Ent AFB Colorodo

wing—«nd who?

In recognltlonio Qie renomin-

ation of President Nixon'9 total

control of the party tho doop

poiltlcol split in tlio GOF^paved ovor for tlio time being.

. Joining toge'ther In well-

orchestratod harmony arc Now promise, tlio' conservatives took

York Gov. Nelson RockofoHqr, on tlio liberals on tho conven-

Nixon’s politicql enemy for tlon floor In front of more than


chuselts, 0 black In a basically than two4o-ogo margin,

whito party; and Sen. J a m e s / TlierO were efforts on botli

Ignoring overtures 'of com- In V97Q.

i TIien tills week, an assoclato

quoted Agnew as saying " I

wouldn’t put up \rith hhis job

for another four J'erfrs if' I

weren't interested In seeking

tlio top one.”

Agnow himself told rejMrters

in Miami Beach tliat . " I ’m

scrtod his allies and could not >

dven control tlio Dllnols dologa- tlon.

SImt out of top party councils

slncc lOfiO and demoraliicd by Barry -Goldwdter’s nomination '

lnlOG4. tlioGO^ liberals lyivea

surfeit-. of familiar faces.lA/ttKCHl Cliviltjr |U> UUII (tu y i lit l iu i l t U| U I .. ' y lU lllU lU T lUUCH,inn n -decodo; Sen, nntlonwldo tolovlsian uudienco “ooplnB my options open. I RockcW lor, Sen.

W: Brooke ot Mnssn- nnd Uirnsliod them by a boiler Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania ond

Bucklcy of New Vork;

Conaervatlye passing


Four years, from now, that

harmony* could well be burled

In .another liberol'Con^rvative

a sides to picture it os merely a

croas section of tfio party."

California Gov.:Roniald Rea-

•gan, - a possible challenger

™ rron tiuonbe tw een lw o nd. “ nniiinn«.A nAn*. Anrffn^alniv onnowhere near endorsing an Agnew candidacy. Ho put it this


“Vve admired Ted Agnew as

neth Feflic and OoU Farllc, both b iu i ’ flH lnoandlHaw ltts

Ten to II year old t Once Deck, tilua, roM lla-anft <i>»lrlcl;>M|ka Larlon, rvd. roteiia anil d i» lric l. Scoll Carlar, while, rotaile and d it ir ic l. Todd Uarlh, C ryilai Payion. John Wriyley, Trudy Ward, Cmdy

bluit jn d d i«tricl, Ueity Moorman, Tanya Jollay. Ten Lynn Slangar. Tvrri Money,Cart'.Seymour, all Ulve. Sondra Sau*r.Tarri Burch. Dawn Hujjinga. , KarenOedke, Carrie Walker, K im Ooman, Ttna _ , . ; .Dradthaw, Honald Harper, ChM-let S p rU lg S , C o lo ., w h c rq ; l ie w l l l""“ '“ " .n ,; . " o,™ serve as . lennl service'Durch. blua and d itln c l, (.aDawn Eartir», u n n r 'ir iH 'lt Jill M ilt; both blu«, Tony G loflliia . VtBlhiFitihugh, Sieve Ourfee, Wondia Kaeiflunn, H e a n d hj.S W lfC . th p fo rm p r

small states for 0 bigger sliare

of tho ^Jie witli no reol

Influence on 1970.

— ---------- ,---------- - But. Clarke Reed, tlie Missis* ,

sliowdown, strongly reminiscent slppi state chairman, candidly ^ ^ ^' ' * , president but 1 tliink he himself

would be the flrst-to soy that to

be trying for 1076 now would be

loo crystal-balling.’'

, Sliould Agnew be os strong In

1976 as he appears now, tlie

party’s liberal wing (which

dominated the GOP from the *

lime of Wendell L. Wilkie to

DwiRht D. Eisenhower) would have lo come up with a viable

Sen. Jacob- K. Javlta of New'


Their problem Is they have '

no candidate—and only four ,

years to find one.

DIacker, Sleven OurJamt% Parkt, allPaul Rogeri, K tltey H urti, Richard . . Parry Tracy, V loyd .R ichin t, Royd Rlchlni, all red, Tma Craney, Janel Payton. Carolea Uarih. Dill O^rkdull. narloh Thompwn. Jedd Geary. Wandy Dunn, ^il.w h lf*. . • ,

Twelve year o ld t Craig Larton, blue ro ialla and d itt rlc t Rodney Curli». rad rQ«alle a n d d itln c i. Allen Harper, white rota lla a n ild ltir ic t, Jerry Lynn Udy. pink ro«e))a. Edward Harper, Jail ChaiOurn, Julia Ann Jolley. Mary Pierce, Kent Kidd. Doug Oarlh. M allhew Swan, Cindy Craney. all blua. Lea Carler,- Tedd Olacker. LaNaa Ourlea, Tommuaiiey, llene Ward. Valry Wad, Crag Joi*e«, Shalley Rogert. all red. Pal Parke, Pal Rogari, JuHe Ourfae. Linda H alm i, LaDawn Teaiar. Stevan Sergani, Margaret Dakar' and Ricky Geary, alt White

Fourteen IS year o ld l Dan KidU. blue rotette and d ittn c t. Randy Curtii. red rotelte and div iric t, Rick Harpar, white rokalte a n d 'd i i t r ic l>* P a lly Harper, rote iia . Sutan Payion, Ronnie Harper. Scptl Allan, Jim Janak, Rod Ainer, Hon Dailey, Kenna Hai'per. all blue, Oallen Ward, Clark Ward, Dill Chalburn, Detl Oalley. Kenneth Huichiton. Wayne H urti. Tere«a QIackrr. Pamela Darth, Debra Ward, Sarah Jana Spancer. a llrad . Haodv Colllrfr~Mkrlon Shefldan, Jellery Jonet, Ray Sargent, Jim Praton, Mark Kuwana. all whila' Siklean and up Ann Pierce. Dob Fariic, Joan Harpar,, all rgtatle« and d iilr ic t, Dalh Ferllc. Kenny Tracy. Sally Payion, Tanya Jolley, Diana Harper, Cardeii Stitridan, alt blue. Halan Ward, Dea Jonat, Helen Parka. Charlet Hutchiton, M ark Swan, Janal Oeyiry, Dpnnia


year old or ovkr yeldm^ Kavin

Eddia Markham, Debra Oilwortn, Scott Carlar. ail while

Junior w atta rn pleasure Jodi Sammann^ Jeff CKalburn^'Ron-Dailey, all bfiia and d it lr ic i, OiannaitiDurch, Pal PJrke. bolh blue,' DebDia H ill, Jamst Parka. Lea' Carler, Scot* Carler, Tony

Delrdra Coats, Filer, wlll reside

in ColorJ^do Springs, '

China unruffled by Quemoy site-JEAiaElWJP-I-)-4VlUJbolh41ie-lnterdiel-eotnmunlst'9e»-trftfi

»•«<>•• 11 >«i I,a,a I

For PiO(t»p|,Pi(|cU(i O f . .

D E A D A N I M A L SOarfio Oitporchec/



Idoho Hide & Tallow

SnoSHONn; - U . Cmdr. and

Mrs.S, J. Vaden and two

children visited relatives in the

Shoshone.area this week.. He Is

1, Sandy Harpaf,- .Olorlield, Greg Durch, LaDawn Er N tlU * D u fltt . Slava Ourlaa. Fran Huitinga, Carta Crane.

Valerie Chritlian. Wendit Kae Uunn.Julianna Jolley, Vikki Reitman, Kavin Sailon. Jill M ill. Roy Week*, all red,Eddie Merknam, Kalhi Filihugn, Nancy s ta t lo n o d , a t C hcSUnO »ke^**'Vn. Conrad, all while . i “ .. . >

In le rm td ia ie w nte rn hortemanthip b u t WCrC S p e n d in g a ICOVC In Jodi Sammann, Je(l Crijtburn, Tom 'Dailey, Roy Weekt. all b lu i and d itlr ic t.DIannt flurcn. Carla Crane. Julianne Jolley, all blue. Lorann» Andrrun , Fran I^K inga, Vikki'Redman, Kevin Saaloiv Oebbie H ill Pal Parke. Le« Carler.Valene Chrutian. all red

Junior reininu Jell Chatburn. Keyin Saiton, v ikk i RaOman, «U blu< and d ii ln c l. Julianne Jolley. Jitl Hitt. Pal ParkB. II blue. Roy Wcek», Debpie Mill,Jamet Parke Leo Carler. Scoll Carter, all

' ‘ tills area. l.t. Cmdr. Vacjen Is a

former Richfield resident, the

son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H.

Vaden, Moiintairi Home.

Sasion: Tjnya Joiiay.

Junior weitorn rid ing Jell Cnatburii. Julianne Jollev. Kovm Sa<lo«. all blue at\U d u lnc t. Vikki Hrdniiin. Jill H ill. Roy Weeki, Tom Da.ley. Octibio Milt, all blue. Dianna llu rch , Fran H u 'lm ga . Jodi Sammann. Pal Parke, /jm o» l*arke. Scoll Carler. all r«d. Wifndic' Kae Dunn. Nancy Conrad. Lea Carler. all while

Senior reining Melon Parke. Tan,a Jolley. Non Dailey, all blue ana d itt rn l Dill Chalburn, blue. Sondra S^ger. i»ct»v

Doman. uonnia M ulcni\u i\, C narle i Hulchiu>n. all while

Senior wettern ndiiig lliil CKdtUuin. Helen Parke.i'Hon Dailei J it ir ic l. Debbi* McCuitiiOn larcn Dedke. Oet»y Moorman. Tanya Jolley, fe ri Lynn Slanger. Cnarlat >tuKh>»on. all blue. Lorana AnOerwn, Tern Uurch SontJra Sager. Kim Doman. iloxnie Muicxi Carl Seymour, all red, Tma - UraiiWiaw. Ronald Harper, both while

Senior we»**rn p leatut* »>>1 Ch»*burn. Terri Morley. both Oloe and d itlr ic t. Ten Lyim Slanocr. Helen Parke, both DeblJie •• 'I McCuit

H tre lo rd t M *rg ar« f {taker. Pa>W Harper, Ronnif Harpar. all blue. Pat Roger*, Wfndy Burn*, bolh r»d

Twelva to I I month* old Handy Curti*. Joan Harper. Rick Harpar. Dob Ferikc. ati blue, Edward Harpvr, Sandy Harper, Lma Helmt.ailrad

Under one year,' Dan KiJd. Edward- Harper. Randy Curii*. all b iu i. Honme

- Harper. Handy Curli*, Dob F frti? and Tim Pration. all rad

Champion*nip Dan Kidd and Dob Ferllc, both roieile*

PaadirCaina Caroie« Dkrlh, Nancy Conrad. Darion

Thompton. alt .blue, Janei .Geary, jed Geary and Ricky Gear-y. all red

B ie llc I rM tf*Doug Darth.and Shellay Roger*, boin

. . . . ^ - • Humnga. Karen lledke. ...Slanger, Hon Dailey, v l i P ifke , Scoll Deiiy Moorman. Tanya Joiiey- Carter, all blue. Xddi* Markahm. Sieve Driothaw. Donme Hbtchi*oii. Ker Ourfae, Fran Humnga, Carla Crane, Hutchiton. Ronald Harper, Cni Carna Walkar, Wendia Kae Runn. Jodi

----------------------- - - H ;II, l e . ta rfe rT - J Fred

Four year Old or over mare Hoy week*. Julianne JoUey, Helen Parke, TomDaiiey. all blue and d i» inc i. T trri Durch, Dill ChalDurn. Jen Chalburn, Carl Seymour, all blue. Tony Glorlield, Greg Qurcti. Dawn Humnga. Karen Uedke, Nancy Conrad. Vikki Rrdman. Ronald Harper. Heidi Holtman. Kim Ooman, Oabbia McCuiilion, all ted Lorana Anifar*on, Sondra Sager. Kennein Hulchiu if, all while

Junior halter thowinanihip. Jill H ill. Scoll Carter. Lor I McCui*lion, all blue and d i*lnc l. Greg Durcl], Nancy Conrad. Heather Hallman. Ht<di Hoilman. all blue. Eddie Markahm. Steve Durlee. Jay Heward, Lenny Rehn, Jamet Parka. Edward Harptr. all red. Tony G.orlield,

zEiijar-------------- ----- -

“ bngllifi


FerliiPole •■ndini

Tanya Juiley t ir t l . Juali. Jell Ch.itou'n. third

I- I Tand d i* lr i( l. Pam Aincr. i d itlr ic l. Him Muolgomrr y Keyin Sniycr, RiCky Hedm d i* ln c l. Kelley Jard>ne. Kc Dyron Clark, Trudy Ward. Le*iiv


Navy Lt. ^j^{.l David E.

Menilng, son of Mr, and Mrs.

John J.'KleniinK. Uliss, js a

student pilot at the N^aval Air

Station here.

His wife i.s the former

' Deborah r'orrestcr, Hurley.

TWIN FAl.I.iJ - Navy Air­

man Gre^jory L, Yehle. Twin

Fjllltf, has reported for duly at

tlie U. S; Marine COrps Air

Station, Iwakuni, Japan.

UUPERT - Second 1>1.' Elden

R. Condie recently completed a

nine week tranyiMirf.iUoa-offw

^*4 basic course at the U. S. Army

7^ "-Transportation School, /Ft.

Kiisti^, U

He is the son of Mr, and Mrs.

Ray C. Condie, Rupert, A 19G5

graduate of Mlnlco Hij{h School,

he received a B,S, dej»ree in 1972

from Utah Stjite University,


United States and Japan trying ’ Its total area Is only 175 square

lo court its favor, China does' kilometers.-

not seem to mind the Nationa- Agriculture forms the back-

llst Cliinese military presence bone of the economy of

on Quemoy, yvhere 0 massive Quemoy, where oVer i>i,000

offensive was launched H years people live. It is self-sufficient

af»o today. In food except rice, which Is

It was at fi:30 p.m. Aug. 23, imported across -t}ie ]004nlle

1958, wlfen Qilnose shore Taiwan straits frontTalwan.

batteries near Quemoy opened In 1065 a land reform

fire at the tiny Island complex, program was started under

which has suice been hit by which all tenant, farms have

nearly one million 'artillery bee^ enabled to own the land sliells, they till.

No traces of war can be Wltii the steady rise in tlie

found today on Quemoy, only a per capita Income, the Islanders

few miles from the Oiinese began to enjoy modern anleni-

mauiland. */ ties. Including electric lights,

Tile intensive artillery duel city water, ra^io and TV sets,

between the mainland and the School attendance rates have

Quejnoy Island complex conti- soared. Tliere are 25 primary nued for U days. On an schools, five Junior high schools average, more than ;0,000 and a senior high school,

rounds a day were fired against Students constitute 28.50 per-

Quemoy during the period. cent of the population.

On Oct. 6, Peking suddenly Few worry about their future,

dpclured a self-lmposod "cease- One old villager, whose home

fire,” under which.comniunlst .was bombed flat 14 years ago

sliore batteries have continued today, described his experience

to shell Quemoy sporadically on ' as "going through helK" odd days. , " I ’ve' seen the worst, and

Mnn.T.se-Tiing has .■iiarp h»f( \vp’vi» hf»rn grnwing lilr-nnnflr-A

Uie Island complej alone, he said. "Why should I worry

Uiough he hiis stepped up his about any more communist

.auiipajgn tn Isnlnto NatinnalisL- nttackZ

ClUna from the real of


'Hie Quemoy complex compri­ses Quemoy, Little Kinmen and

12 islets, 'riiey are located at the mouth of Amoy bay und .

Back-To-Scliool Special!'


BO.XSPRINliS, f a c lo r y C to 4 ® -O v l Cover m altes 'lh is spe-' c io l buy po ts ib le l


Twin Size

One Groiip Only!

R e g . M 1 9 ”“

Par S«l

k. blue ruveilr cd roielie and Mike (‘ rellon.

■ News

Of Record-

___la d u ie ha lie r %howmaninip.Julianna Jollay. Jell Cnatburn. Tom Dailey, Hoy W»*k», all olue and d n inc l. Craig McCui*l*on, Kevin Sailon. Jodi Sammann, Pal Parka, alt Diue, i.orar>a Ander*on. Oianne Durch. Fran Hu>M'ya. Carla Crane, an Bird, V.kki Hedn>dn. PtnaiB Milt. U fcC flfte f. LaNflB n iirl«c ..* li.

__"£S£i_5,‘m_Donno^lien.Jiioct^dt£a__fc am e r all Sm vfr Dict^ KclifY^.N H Iit Pur Inc. Shcc.'f

Taylor. Roanne Smyar. Danny Kel*»y.iiyer. Danny Ratry Pet«(\on. Adaiv Hale. L«>\a .Cra>u Dorm. MaHhcvy Clark. Sharne' Boren, o tjke TAylor. Dabra McDonald. C>ay Stnnonam. Lola Oarnct. Oeana Uedman. DAvid Judd, Uretl jackwn, llrenda Jonet. Kim Montgomery. Paul KcDey. N rit HrIvrMn, D att Ward, iu i jn

C«kt(l*COUH'tY • M ig l i l r a lt Court

W illordV Robarlion. *0. Sail Lake Ciiy, Ulan. O l M overweight on iruck: Leonard O. Evant, 11, dnid: 0 k la ', ' i | } SO, no' pro i-attd »iick»r: LtoyO K Witvsn, H, O a n c ro ll.tiru , toaadmu,.LaNa« Oayiey. II, Ourlty. t i r iO, »lop iign , and Randolph B. Dial. I f, Durlay, 11} U, aipirad veKi^ie late ly <intp*ciion Hicker

Data K Black, 47, Draper, Utah. t)4. QvHwaionion truck. Jamat E- Canady 33. Mulual, Okla , I I ] iO no pro raied iiic k e r , MicAaal 0. Klo«plar. 20. Rurlay. in ' » ,

S*nlor KaHar »howmnnihip Helen Parke. Hon Daiiay. Dili ChalCurn, Hetty Moorman, all blue ang divUici •‘.a rtn Xadka, Tanya Jatley. Ten Lynn Stanuer. Terri Money, aU blue. Deuu<e MiCuiH'on. Tern _Our<n, C a m * W alk{r. Cart Seymour' a ll'rad , Sondra ' &au«f' Dawn Huitinga, Tina Dradihaw. all «vhii« '

Sartior' w enern nor»eman»nip .D ill Chalburn. Helen Packe. Non Dailey, all

'i^F'>lcdhcr. OAlcn ^myer.Iwlne

l-ai Oan mdd. Cnritlme M iline. Karen Caiv K Rhonda Mcpwodh. DarrenSni.er irrrv Kuwana,'John Wngley, . Mike ^chnxdl. all Qlue Oonald Sandman Pill* .Dencti. f’ n iilic strihui'.a. w iro ra .Wnuley U Washburn. Philhp George. Gilberl Wdih|n;rn. C.trl Sandniann, W4yn» llei’ ch. Scoll A iiflitit. Paul Warr. all rodi Mat Kuwrthn. Steven H.ty u iln wt><le

•■pired veMcit late ly m ipafrion, and John W Diair, 2*. Sail Lake City. Utah.

J o i^ h 0 H ill, I I . DKIO. I i r so. patting • I tn ia riK lion. i lw e n Sprague, Burley, W SO. drag rating Jonn Haiiarton >1. lurlay . H IM , t ip i r M yen ifi* ta>*ly mtpoOKM. Kathy * Callon 21. Rup«rl. tl> u . loiiftwino *00 (low iy #na Mildred M Won. U •wria*. »I0 no driver » i ic a ru or> par ton

O a o i i t . i r •wriey. 1 0 W. ^O. iir*A«a T«<v B«nd«i.'lS .'-|uriey,t i l . no ' onvfT t li(*r>M B rifn <C MOMrl«A« l». Burior ' tU ii(U .« n i« le backin* C(*v>i» LM »*rrent>w*o. P . •wri#y. UB t'oa iifk *. 0*y» Oary 0 ** varM«w««< | i ^ u , »anu(» 'e"•9,*v«rnan«iA«

D lV O tC It - ■ «ey * Haiwav irom Roiiarm

Hei»**».Aw U > « > . JMhC ».iO*aeliMary C fi|l>«r. Av9 f t . tH I ■

>f r«f«l«i}♦ 1* 1. «ino» Oa*».

King H ill Grangf^

acciepts rnefnbers .■ r

KING H IIX — Mr. and Mrs. each King Hill'Grange family

Ijirry Smith were accepted os will furnish a fried chicken, plus

new member of the King Hill a salad, vegetable or rolls.

Grange Tuesday evening. Glvctlon 6f officers will bo*nie purple jjrand champl9n held Sept. 28 during the regular

ribbon .from the King Hill meeting. Tlie secretary will

Grange produce booth at the write thb lda)io attorney

Elmore County Fa ir was

nwunted In the hall. After a

(iiscusslon pbout Obligating and welcoming npw members, plans

were made for a special

general for informat^lon about

the Idaho Highway. Board's

auditing system. *Mrs. H. 0. Lipe reported on

the attendance of 12 King- Hill

' Ji.Qum*;'” ! ! . tiui , this stAtc Grongo mabtcr, Daji reported on' tipmyinft of tho

,nobln?oiT, aiklna'subordinate ground chcrry weed.- "■ . G w e c ^ to send In rtsolutlonsr Mri. P. M.,Tlmbcrs,'lect^dr,

iu .mo. M n" li! ' tS ‘r?! S !!' “ “'o QT‘“ '8® connWorotlon. proscnlcd tho program speaker,■——olii'-illKirijSi -AnothoT-lotteif,-lrom Dnvid—MrarJonra, who roportmliin'a

M, wfi'iiim 111 iin A., e ; ' Hortcrt, chnlrmim of Iho Bint? ’ new.«yslem with four quartori «r« . 11.100, N « N . Qrongo Ejccutlvo Commltteo, *n the school ycnr. Each student

concomed tho pay sbalo of state l> requ|re'il lo attend Uiroo

oftlcors and the clpcted quarters each year. She also

aecretary. told of a visit to the new moUiod

tMfihswp7c n)ode for 0 school Hagermnn High School, of ‘/nstruction by tHo.,-state .. ArtljurlCfeer tead an article

officers for Elmoro C oun tjm t"™ nowT.uhltorm probate Iho King HIUGranse Hall, Sefit, code. Mr. and. Mrs.. D. R.

w iiiia iii I I I iin Ave c •>ruc« AMlior. conlraclor. ll.iOO, N.A N . nc. u n i K i n p i O a li lub.. 114.000; M

S l09*n t|H . U l} AM Ilon Ava. B:, UOO,'" •V L. Conyeri, > » Ifh Ave. E , f ip a ir i.U06i Jo* LaVallH i Lol l l l Creon Acr»i.

, tub.. yjO.DOO Rickt Parki. L o ll 2, 92.C«th. H U .luO . contr»ciar. t i.OOO. V

O lu h irH « ll* n l ir u » U v 'I R u iu ll fldwartf Cummlni Jr.. 4 il

J t f f t r u n I I . . ' TWIn Kni».’ JOMsft T. U rtd K i. M l iM lh C. Rupert; Otnnjt W«yrt*W«lk»r. R t l . San ) l . l> *u l,'W a llic 'Roy I IM M IM . in « ConanI Av» .,Buri«yi ■ 12; ■ irov i m Nof mai .av«.. . Mem bers. of Ma^ipoaa

Grange will furnla|i deport, and

Anderson were the refrtahmfint

commlttoo-V.'^.. _•

•'-a;-; " ? S S

V -

je^m e falsiock sale

■ ^JT^uriday, AuflOst H 1 W 3 T tm M -N^w i, Twin F if l l i . Idaho • 1/

crop losses dim hope for better living standards

jteROM E — Tlie nnnuni

'Jerome County 4-H Oub anil

Future Fanners of Amerlcn fat

' stock sale Will bo Saturday at

P r o d u c e r s .M v e s t o c k Association aalc yards.

•D ll Priest, Jerome county

ngcnt. said the sale, wfll start at

12; 16 p.m. Tlioso eligible to

eriter stock In Uie {flilc are

youngsters who have shown

(heir ahlinals at the county fair

and have an iuiiipal which will

• grade gbod or better.

He .explnifled tliat the sale Is ' limited to one animal per tlub

m ^ b e r and the livestock will

' sell in the order In- which they

' were graded at t)ie fair.

Priest said that oil the day of

the sale, tlie animals wUl be

weighed in at 10 d.m. as Uiey.

arrive at ‘the yard. A uniform

alirlnkage will be applied,

■‘At Uilsycar's sale we plan to

have firm commitments

from packer-buyera as to what

•tljcy will poy by grade for the

animal entereii,” Priest said.‘‘AS’ an • exfuTiple, If ,a calf

weighed 1,000 pounds and.

graded hlgli citolce wltli a

commlUci\ prlcb of $20.25 per

hundredweight, the bidding

would start jU this figure. Every cent bid above Uils price would

mean ilO above the commlUcd

I^lco," Priest said.

' " If tlie buyer wonted to have

U»e animal slaughtered antj use

it, he would pay U\e (uU, price and lise the animal. If he

wanted to resell it. he would pay

the difference between the

$26.25 per hundredweli'hl and

his bid,” Priest said.

Peak achieved by meat prices

, WASHINGTOl') CUPD-Meal, The l-obor Departm enfs

prices have toiipped out'after Bureau of U b^r Statijstica

’largely c'ontrlbu':lng to the five- (DI-S) reported l\iesday‘ titat

montli peak Jn tlie July Cost of jlie cost' pf living rose-O.-l per

living Inilex, ‘ according to cent in July, the highest since

administration officials. U'lc 0.5 per cent Increase In

tlieAgrioiiUur.e Department's FebruarJ'.Tlie hike waa O.2 perUve^ock Markc UNaws Service cent In June. “

In a report lo be published this lllgiier lood prices, parlieu-

week wiirshow thiii wliolesale Inrly meat, accounted for about

beef prices set! led six "weeks two-thlrda of the Increase. BI.5

Hgo into- a Umg-predlcted sjjid. Prices for moat^,j>ouUi-y

downlvirn. and fish went up 2,8 per cent,

But tlie lower prices meat Is while fruit and vetable prices

now bringing or the wh,ole.sale increased 0.9 per cent, market may not be reflected in** The Index stood at 125.5,

retail food stores. ll\e officlala meaning tiwit gogii».and servi'^

Pork grades, egg controls proposed


UPI Farm Editor

WASHINGTON (UPI) - A special series of

"marketing team "reports due for public release here .soon will urge efforts to tag retail pork cuts

witli the kind of quality gradca long used oh bei)f. • ■

Tlie reports will also recommend a study of

methods of controlling surplus egg production,

it wiis learned today.

Five reports^— on marketing systems to

improve farm income from pork, eggs,

potatoes, apples and canning peaches — are *

included in the package, llie documents,

currently being edited and condensed for

publication ai;d release expected in about a

,montli. were drafted by expert teams named

early this year by Agriculture Secretary Earl L. Butz. -

RecOimnendotiojis in tlie lengthy original dr/ift8 ront{o from compnrntlvely bland

i>uggestions to some which could touch off shdrp

contrpversy. like the proposal for a study of

supply controls for eggs. The House earlier this

year rejected one version of egg control.

Pro{)«sals made in. the reports are not official administration policy recommendations, .

Assistant Agriculture Secretary Richard E.-

Lyng said In an Interview.

’ Lyng said sUggt'sUons which call for govern-'

Tnbm^nm '^llin)b~feTe7f5aTb” Agi'lciJti^^^

Department agencies for stiidy and possible

action, while others calling for action by fqr-

mers or marKeimg groups will 6e left ^or th^Ir

consideration. ' •

Tlie fact thot some of the marketing team

proposals may .r.uffle^li few feathers does not

surprise or upset Lyng. He said the study teams

of federal and state experts^.()uslnesamen and

fanners were told to be “ Innovative and

creative, and not to worry about confonnlng to

estabUsihed policies’’ In making Uielr’ studies.

Hie pork team report suggestt d one metliod

of stepping up siilesAvhich have U igged In recent

yejirs in'coniparLson with beef, inlght be to

'’identify ” l\ig!\-quuUty cuts for cc naumers In U\e

same woy beef is tagged with retail grade

names like "prime" or "choice.* ’

Tlie Agriculture Department 1 lus for years

operated a pork grading system which.,while

not -using n ^ e s , grades hog < iircasses as

Nuifiber 1, Number 2, Number 3 or Number 4.

But the system luis been use( I almost ex-

cluslively for whole carcasses, i ind is almost

never used on cuts In retail cour turs,

Officials here say numy meal jwickers have

been cool towiu-fl the use of fede ral grades bn

retail cuts because it miglit weal ten consumer-,

dependence on pucker brand nai aes.

Other experts cautioned, howe\ er, that they have not yet-developed a practical and con­

venient method for assuring that i^rade stamps

can be kept on retail pork cuts aft nr the carcass

is broken down.

Tlie outer fat layer on whicfi pork grade

stamps are applied is usually 'ximmed tuid

discardcd.before consumer cuts are fabricated,

the specialist explained.

Another proposed for ii^iprovt'd marketing

efficiency In the.pork report calle('i for efforts to

provide more competition in hog buying,

perhaps by-de^velopment of regi .mal or area-

wlde markets ' in . which eleuti onic bidding

ces worth $10 In 19C7 cost $12.55

last month.*’

B I^ also reported . that

average wagfis • of .workers

increased enough -to cover the

higher cc st of living and to

iiuprove workers' purchasing

iwwer 0.4 per cent In,July.

Assistant Treasury Secretary

Edgar R. Fielder said .the

rej)orts were a "mixed bng" of

good and bad news. But he

, a d d ^ , “^We expect to seT~

flfrther signs of cutback In

the pace of inflation before the

end q( the year."

Tlie B l^ survey was made

during the first week in July, In

which wholesale beef hit 'its

1972 record peflk before tiirnihg

into a decline. • 1 ■

Wliojesale prices of kteer

carcanses in the week ehrling

last Siiturdiiy dipped to 55.05

cents a fwund, down 9.1 per

cent from the 60.5ii cents for

the week ending July fl..

•'We .should be seeing this at

retail," an Agriculture Depart­

ment econotnist said.

HOW much of the wholesale

decline will be passed un to

con.sumera remalhs to be seen,

l^ibur iind Agriculture officials

jiiiid. ■


tJPI Foreign Ncwfl Aaalyat- ^ , Savcrc crop (allures' la U<c

'Soviet Union could nqoan’ a .Kctback for hopoa to raise Uie

Soviet consumer's standard of

living, particularly In conaump-

, lion-^ment.

HlgnN^inda, drought, a heat

wave, iW ds and admitted

mismanagement which have cut the harvest in Byelorussia ■

and the Ukraine by 15 per cent also could mean a huge upward

I revision of* last July's agree­

ment by which the United

States Is to ,se ll tlie &vlet Union . at least $750 million

wortli of American wheat, corn'

and other grnlnsiOver the next tliree years.

Department of . Agriculture

expertsjhave eiltlmntcd that In

t)ie next 12 months Soviet

purchases of U.S. farm pro­

ducts will total $1 billion.

. CYop losses this suinmer are

being piled upon heavy losses

during the last winter estimat­

ed to have affected^^ti tlilrd of

* ^ e grain crop.

Target figure for the grain

harvest hnd been 100 million

metric tons.-A metric ton l^

2.200 pounds.

l.jist year's harvest also was

a disappointment.

Tlic crop falluMS arc occur­

ring at 0 timo wlii^ tlie Soviet

lewlcrahlp hnd 'ho ^d to exp©, dlte n shift from bread gralna

to livestock feed grains to meet

growing consumer demhndfl

wheat. Tfic.ren

puch: food] groinswill be la

reflecting the gradual rise In

Uie Soviet stanjiard of living.

Soviet meat conaumptlon la

leas than half that of tlio United

States fper capita.

Suggestting the extent of tlie

emergency Is a nationwide "save bread" campaign being

cftrrled .on by Soviet newspa­pers.-

A newspaper In tho Soviet

Republic of Kazakhstan in

Central Asia blasted parents

who set bad examples for their

children by wasting. bread or even fcedln|? It to tlielr-plga.

A Moscow publication de­

clared that "to thriow a piece of

bread on the floor "or Uie

ground Is "a graye sin against

tlie people."

Agriculture DepnrtWient ex­

perts estimate about half of the

anticipated $1 billion Soviet

grain purchases^' will be . In

com,’Borghum and soy beans.

Assuming tlie Soviet grain

purchases do tal(c place, tlie

result will be a huge Imbalance

In U.S.-SGviel.trode.

Under Uie original agreement for the purchase of $750 million

worUi of U.S. gr^aln. Uie U.S.

agreed to extend n maximum

of $500 million in credit.

AnyUilng over thot presumB-

bly would bo In cosh and

probably, would mean the Soviets would have, to soil goIc| on Uie world market. ‘

Lack of agreement on ^v lb t

repayment of IcndOeaso deUs

Incurred; during WArld W or'II

so far have held.up any general,

occord on trade between tho

two countries. .

Minting p eet ion orders issued■BOISE (UPI) _ 'All mint

rootstock must be inspected imd

certified free of disease Ijefore It may t>c planted in Idaho,

Stale Agriculture Commissioner

Oscar Arsteln reminded

growers Tuesday.

"This control order prohibits

the removal of mint rootutock from the grower’s property to

be planted elsewhere wltliout

first obtaining certification

from a state inspector," Arsteln said. "This year’s high price for

mint oil hai caused a sub­

stantial Increase in the desire

for mint acreage for next year.’'

He said the mint disease con­

trol order of 1971 was adopted to

avoid furUier contamination of

agrlculturol land and to protect

the growing mint oil Industry In Idaho. A 1970 statewide field

inspecUon showed 1,330 acres of 5,932 acres of mint fields to be


"The control order would

require 'a former to obtoln a certificate even if he was

removinj* the rootstock from his own land to be replanted by him

on rented land," Arsteln sold.

CA E l p ^l i i M -

_C Q n ta c k .th e „ T im e > 'N e w i. Farm".Sole& D ftp a rtm « n t- for com p lete advertis ing coverage of your fa rm «ale, hanci b ill i , n e w ip a p e r coverage (o ver 7 0 ,0 0 0 ro a d e rt • In M ag ic V a lle y ) ad vance b ill­in g . A ll o t o ne tpeclo l lo w lo te . Evefy ta le lif te d In .lhi« Farm C o len d ar for 10 day» before ta le .


Adv*rHi«m«nl: Auguit “lA Auctlonaaril: Kay* Wall & Don PotUfion

AUGUST 27MR. C MRS. CLYDE PRYOR Adv»M li« fn«n t; A u g u tt 3S

A u c tio n ta ri: l y l * M a tU f t & CarV O«born«

i’ AUGUST XTANTIQUE AUCTION. PAUl A d v a r li ia m tn l; Au b u iI 34

A u c lio n ta r. Jo« O u fU k— Sal* M o n o g td by C l«n Oa\)UY

O M A H A ^ ^ L lv o s to c k :

Hogs G.OoJTbarrows and gilts 75-1.00 lower and moderately

active:'l-3 200-250 27.75 - 2a.OO; some 2-3 uneven weights 27.50-

27.75: 2-3 250-2G0 lbs 27.25-20.00;

bulk 27,50-27.75; few lots 200-270


l^rain SEATTI^ I UPI I — Today's

-gmin-prices, f.u.b. Srottlcy---

Soft white'l.94

White club 1.94 Hard winter l.OG

-Gopn-Wr7&- aT60-------------

CHICAGO ' ' d mf'OtfllOM lol4l »t

systents could be used7

Running through all the flv > .marketing

reports, department sources sa Id, was one

common thread — Uie idea Uiat, i n one way or

another, producers should be looVilng for more

effedive ways of tailoring their output to the

demands of domestic and foreigr: consumers.

Produce Prices .

Its uneven lamKiT

32.75-33.50; load high choice and

prime 807 lb heifers 3100; nine

loads same grade 925-1050 lbs

33.-ID-33.50; choice {150 - 1000 lbs

32.50 - 33.25; mixed good and

choice 750-975 lbs 31.75-32.50,

Sheep 200; small lot slaughter

265-300 lbs 26.60-27.10; some 1-3

190 - 200 lbs 26.75 - 20.00; SOWS weak to 50 lower, mostly 25-50

down; aOO-G25 lbs 24.25-2fi.50.

Cattle 3,500, calves none;

slaughter steers and heifers

slow and moderately active;

steers mostly 25 down^ heifers

weak to 25 lower, some 50 off;

tliree. load’s high, choice and

prime. 1135-a2aD-ib-sU‘ers-34.75- -

35,00; load choice with end

. Oct 13 ; ) 3? 8/ J3 »UOre J] )Q 13 I I 11 }7

• 34 35 34 34 J1Aur 34 30 34 34 }2

( l i l t32 Ki HJ3 11 43 410

primeV loao lljs 34.50; choice

950-1250 lbs 33.50-31.35; .mixed

good and ^-hoice 950-1250 lbs

steady; ewes scarce; choice with some prime 90-110

lb wooled and shorn slaughter

spring lambs 31.50-32.00; mostly

choice 30.00-31.50,

DENVER (UPD-Llvestock:

Hogs 350; barrows and gilts

1.00 lower; 1-2 28.00-28.25; 1-3

27,00-27.75 ; 2-1 20.50-27.5'0. Sows1.00 lower; 1-3 22.00-23.50.

.J O U ie t. Ill (UPI) - Live»locli_ C**ii»-7,JS0r-trio# m 6def*f»lv'actlv*.

»le»f» 15 50, m»t«ncci 100 lower

- . . t i« « r i 14 JS U SO, th ou * uood «r>d cnolc* JJOOJ4 7J.

good 31 SO 11 00. nigh choict and prime h t iie rt 14 00. crtoiCf 13 W 14 00. goog and chpicc 11 OO 1} JO. uood 30 00 Jl 00.

Barley 59.0W)D,50rtporlnl bv U&DA

k price* paid delivf'cd ii 10 tirm. cenit prr iloie

Potatoes come in two general lo l"

types—long imd round.' Round

white ones uro recommended 1“

for bdllinit, frying and salads ^and round red ones, for salads,

boiling or fresh. Round russets

ure : uU-purpose spuds, and

Idaho russetSk or long whites,

lire for baking.

Paul news Hem? Call Georgia

Layton, .Tl^ys-News com­munity cora*spondent, (}7B-fl90fl,

Tha toliawing w ilt b* i«ld ot pullIU dudia li lo cov^r tlornnabail. lo<oUd 134 1. RcilUopd St..%urUv, Maho.

SATUR DAY. AUG. 26 .1 9 7 2Salo T im eV l P.M.'. N o Lunch

PO lf/lAM P. .•,SWING SEToookcase



BABY etP.• 3/4 OED.


pOrta die i v f l r . *ENDTABIE “ W HlfllPO O l WASHLp DEbK.DEO SPRINGS & MATTRESS. TABLE,

.Sohit M iuallonaout Carton* whUh havt n»l b«tn op«n«d,t t * r iS M Whot'iln Ihtm.


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BurUvJdaho ' KImbatly, fdahs' Twin hilUJdohp .NQmpii'; Idaha67«.9735 , 733-5363 <»6»4007.

- .A U U I O N U N f -KoytW^lliDenralUiMn

Jim Undwy, C U rb .

AUCriONa i i U N D A r , A U G U S T 2 r ; 1 9 7 2


P A U l . . I D A H O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __-■^AflPET DACi GER CHAIR


M a rb le roal nice


-W A lL C L O C IC T T d w p rd i— -------------

. ■ . R O U N D O A K TABLE. cloW foot - O A K DRESSER “




• O , 0 ,_ W E lG H T X l0 C K ,-fe re » » e r— W ESTM IN ISTER C H IM E S CLOCKS



S | > C C I A L N O T EThere i» »eli of 4-6-B potterr> BocIt' Chairs. There will be o lof of real- nice Lompt. Ail Clocks or.e rurrninjQ and Qood shape. Alt the ’(urnltures U- In reol _Qood ^ondilion, Also ihore will be a l t of other (niscellonoous • dishes, furnitures and olher articles

'too numdrous 1 o mention. This will be a large auction of real nice ontiques. v OREN fOR VIEWING — AUGUST 06 "197i

' -*A lt ,M y k N A G E D OY M R. A N D MRS. G U N HAXSitY.— PHO H E 436-6027 'T M M S - C A S H D A Y O r i A U

lONIER — J O E D U F F E I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ THE IPAHO DEPAITTMENf STOREI . ■



I I Twin p«lli. l<l*ho Tliuridaw Auou,t J4, IW '

Killaniii sets aboutmpic

.MUNICH (U PD -U rd Mi-' jifcflldenl of Uie Intornallonal m«n of.many talcnta and one alrc who has ruled the nmatcuf

chad Klllanln of Ireland, who , Olympic CommlUeo and snid liked by nearly'everyone In tlio aporta body since. 1052. '

came into sporU administration his first Job will bo to heal tlio IOC, succeeds Avery Orunduge, Klllanln won out In a Iwo-mon

tljrough tlie back door 22 years cracks. ; the often prusty-and unbending race witir Count -loun do

UKO, Wednesday wa.s ijamed Tlie 50-year old Killanlh, a M-year old American million. Beaumont of Franco. No vote

count was announced in keeping

with IOC troditian. with do

Beaumont mpving up o step to

senior vice-president and .Wllll Duume, pres)t]cnt of ' Uie

Gprman Olympic Committee

and organizer of Uils year's^

Munich Games, taking over do

MUNICH (UPI) -CTOrgo 20a-incterdniaijilgh j im p mid registered Ur ' brat limu In the Pl“™ vice-.

Woods 0 Warden, Mo., led a 1' boUj relays Wednesday night In'^ 200-meter heat, '20.24 seconds.2*3 American sweep in Uie shot the finul major tuneup for the Rod Milburp of Soutliem (L a .) ' Killamn moved Into a hot

put and tho United Slates men Olympic Games. University took Uie llO-meter Z'® remains

also won tlie llO-meter hurdJes, Gary Black of Miami. Fla., liurdlcs In 13.7 and Dwiglit ,tbe IOC canStones of UCLA captured the - survive its current problems,

high jump in 7-1 2A. , »>“ve a lot of-nie U.S. 400-meter relay “ieople^ nights,” lie said, "but-

team won in 3fl.89 seconds andthe ICOO-iheter team won in politicians iiaye taken over

3:00.09, tlie world’s best time the IOC will have to

U.S. sljoiputters^weep top thre^places in tuneup meet

L.A.’s Bill Singer

shuts out Cardsm SANGELES(UP I)-H ard driving in six runs Wedne.sd«y

luck hurler .Blll Singer restrict- night, aa Uie Montreai-Iiljipos

ed St. U uis to four singles sliutout the Cincinnati Hods 11-0

Wednesday night to snap o on rookie Balor-Moore’s four-

personal foyr-game Joslng hit, 13-strlkeout perfgrrnatic-e., streak us he pitched the Los ctncmMii Mor.ir.»i

- Angeles Dodgers lo a 3-0

victory over Uie Cardinals.

The shutout was the 'fifth straight between the two clubs

at Dodgei* Stadiuiii. In posting . Iiis first victoi'y since July 22,

Sinner joined teammates Don

Sutton and A1 Downing wiUi

-sJiulouts over St. Louis. Cardin­

al ace Bob Gibson has tossed all shutout innings against Uic>

Dodgers fn his last two


Uiis year,

I'he U.S. did not enter anyone

in Uie flOO-meters and each of

four heats was won 'by Kenyans

with Kip Kelno, the

do a lot of serious thinking."

Killanin drifted into sports

but he started out on a senior

level —back in 1950 when, the

Olympic Council of Ireland

AW ARD WINNERS were honored at the Twin

FaUn slowpltch aBSoclatlon'B (Inal meeting

Wednesday uight. From left are Dewey

Williamson, Atlantic division MVP; Don Meyer,

representing champion Coors-Flrsr Federal; Kirk Williams. Pacific division MVP and

leading hitter, and Kay Reece, coach of the

Atlantic- division champion Gallatin Valley Seed.

H o t* II Mofu«r< Jb Chdnry.7b' lisncn 11U ttii III

jAVKr ](>

I D 0 0 M c C .trv r r (0 7 0 F o il k i0 0 0 S inulotw> II0 I 0 M i r l v II)Q .O' 0 J o rg rn ls n c0 0 0 Woodi rl . 0 I 0 - | l.< i lry )l>-

I 3 I

Olympic 1.500.meter gold medp-

list, clocking the best overall

tim eof 1;46.41.

' Ben Jibcho of Kenya won the ,

first heat of the 3,000 meters In

7:54.7 and Grant McLaren, of

Canada took Ihe.second hent In


ip r . lg u e p T g t i l tcm<inn«i>M o n lr t i l

I; l le iu i i .04 004 00> - t l

io n o u *. I-OII Ol' 6. M o o lrp ii l


Killunin has worked as a

buslneastnan. a Journalist and

more recently as a member of

the British House of U rds, His

ex[u>riunce in tlie latter profes­

sion should serve him in good

Woods, a 6-2 , 300-pounder, f I h u n liftdy iiuiIfHl hin Im‘hI sHni nnt‘ **u*.r tn his electlon.-

Oply U hours before lie was

named president, the IOC was

rocked to its foundations over

Olym pics peiid Colorado vote

MUNICH I Denver,

Olympic Organising Conmiittee

Slowpiitchers-cile K ru m rit i and P lankey

I ’ l l rveB wins

Dean Krum m and Fred Barry Espil and Don Meyer,

^ I"lunkey were named to the .500 and Charles' Uowyor .485! mg Uie-^97fi Winter Games in -tsuin x,\„Ur,A ...hi..u i.

Moru.it>. McC.ii

S.ii<»)lori L / 5- Siif.muc M u o rt W % «

Sun m o n t A lou IDVfflcndtlA n o c rio n

rgui p Ournam p CrutUv I t TolaU )i t l Lsuil Lot Angtlct

OI> St l u u LQua «. L

lU 0«v.t b

4 0 0 0 OdviV 4 0 } 0 l>Ar»r) 0 0 0 i lu ik ' i

0 0 0 Scnyrr | 0 0 0

0 0 4 0 To l« U

/\.str4»s (i|i M vts u 'U h bi|{ liin in g

equaled his best sliot put ever

with a distance p! 70 feet; V a-4

Inches to pace the American

sweep. Al Feuerbach of Sun

Jose, Calif., was st^cond with

G8-1 M and Brian Oldfield of

South Elgin, Ql., was third with


Tom Hill of Jonesboro> Ark.,

had th6 second bust time in the

110-meter hurdles at 13,85,

Second overall in tht* 2U0-

metei-s was Ita lian ' -Pitiiru

Menneawith 20.4. Liirry Burton

, of Purdue had-the Uiird best NKW YOUK , UPI, 'The of 20.6.

Huusten Astros scored five runs ' tk,„ guarrie, a University of

on SIX hits in the fourtli innlni! Soulliem Culifomiu slur from and wuiit on to defeat Jhe New ,,ntl - th» fn.u/,.rlHYor. Mets We.U,esday holder i . this event at

10.8. clocked the feurU. fastest jown ns presiilent ut

tlie fUiudesla problem, finally

settled by the ouster of the tiny

African nation from this year's

(James, which start on Sjitur--


'i ' in under no illusions about

tJie task ahead," Killanin said.

■ " I would have been very happy

nut to have been elected, but 1

was, and now we have to try tu

heal the cracks."

• Naturally. Killanin was asked

how he stoodfon the lUiodesiaii

question and ‘what did he think

about ending the Winter Games

after 1976 —a proposal p\U

eliilj crownJim Pul-ves won the Blue

.Lakes Countt-y C lub’s golf

championship by defeating

Cliarles Cosgriff in .sudden- death.

Purves and Cosgriff turned

the final 38 holes at M7 cach

with F^urves going 75 and 72 and

\i)agriff 7J and 74. ^ •

:r Saitip-air-M tnisiiEShSi:i4. ,

Denver will be.almost impossi­

ble if Colorado voters reject a

J4 million referendum Nov. 7, " If the state of Colorado

denies us the additional funds

.'I'win Falls Slowi>itch softball Coors-First KederJil, which Is

association "hpll t)f fame" and 'headed for regional playoffs in

Kirk WUliums took the must Cueur d ‘Alenu this weektmd.

individual playing honors. won die Pacifi division title with

'l>ie association (x)ncluded-its • Hoyal lounge and Depot Grill '

1972 season wiUi an awhrds , tied fur second- Gallatin Valley,

Willi^ims was named the

Pacific; division most valuablemake it aUuost hnpossible fur

"f "ef‘"Sir i::;s:r."However, if thb International

Olympic Committee ilO C ) wants us tu ^o ahead despite

Uie financial pressures, we will

do , our best tu stiij>e a

succe-ssful meeting."

A $15.5 milliun bill fur the

giinies IS pending in the U, S.

Senate. Hut it is void if the

referendum fails.

Atlantic division with Caiji's

and Pepsi-Cola second!

afternoonH o u ilo n

C u b s d o u ii 1' i id r t ‘s 7 -5


Williams used a single, an

infield out and a sacrifice fly tu

drive in three runs anil lead 1 yOiicago to u 7-5 victory over

Sim IJjego \Vednesday night.

C n ic ig o t« n D itg o

Houtun H iw V ork

OPHouMof* 1. H o u^ lo ii 4 Nvm

I I I U.«u«r A iou l»lMddcr

000 1)0 000-1 001 OOOOJ#—4

Now Y o rk 1 lO H

time of 20.66'and Chuck SmiUi

of Los Angeles was fifth with

2 0 .G 0 ,The winning 400-meter relay

team consisted of Ujrry Black

of North Ciu-olina Central.

Ilobert Taylor of Texas South­

ern, Gerald Tinker of Kent

State imd Eddie Hart of

Pittsburg, Calif. France was

second in 39.4, Polimd third in

3!).9 and Saudi Arabia fourth in


Tl)e makeup of the l.tiOO-

Srt.llo JO . .Ml)t>Ddv Cl 4 0 1H u i« d l« r I 4 0 1A k e r p 10 0f'opovicn ;b ] 0 IP4PP*» p ] I IH e n d n c k t c I I I

0 3 c 6iU i'f i I t0 0 GAtlMI 'f1 0 Thorn«» * I 0 K en iK H c S,i(tuiki

McCra MOP b , O

A c o tU i;Norm n i t U r y ph 10 10 S tv« rm vn> pO 0 0 0

T o u u ) ) M O I T dT irW 40 t I I i ChlC iOO 400 JOOOlO-»S«n D ic gs ]W 010»4 I ~ t

E H u nu lsy Oi> C h icauo 1. Sdii U<ryu J> LO U C h .td g o «. Sail D i»«o «

l b K t i» ir io e r . C b lh fr l H H H uU vf.II. — fir - - J e t I i-d r - T n S kmlJToM !,h

^ » p .io n « [J i . W il l i« m t

l l a r r , U ia iitN

b 4‘lt P ir a te s


-Uiglithander-Jim Barr retired-

U)e last 21 batters in succes-sion.

. meter relay squad was Vince

Matthews of New York City,

Wayne Cbilett ahd Jolin Smith

of UCTAiind LeHSvans of San

Jose State. Italy was second in

3:07.5, Canoda third in 3:07.7

and Austria fourth in 3:^1,0.

H u l i n U s

tile conclusion of the Games


As for the firt question -

iibout liiiudesia - Killanin said, ■'1 alway.s have to .sui)port the

majority." On the latter, he

replied, "1 have no thoughts

either way."

Brundage wantji an end tu the

Winter Games beaiuse of

commercia lism , but K illan in

said the Games could continue

"if th(*y are run properly."r p p i i i l i u . H

'IVoubled ' Call HoUine 73:W)122

year and also won that

division’s batting title with a

.523 • averagt!. Dewey

Williamson took the Atlantic lx*ague MVP. Caiji’s Furniture

ajid Culligiin-Paris won the

■sixirtsmanship avi'ards. ,

'llie top five butters in the

Atlantic d ivisidfi were Ted

'Manker,.627, U r r y Lewis, ,619,

Mike Phillips, ,597, John

Bryant, .5BU and .Steve 'Rjomas

,5fll. Pacific leaders beiiind

Williams were Rusty Eller. .508,



326-4398 'Twin Falls C ou n ty Fa ir


big problem, even though the

country was denied a spot in

the Munich Games by a 36-31

ouster vot(J Tuesday. There was

httle doubt that jwlitics —

pressure type politics at that -

figured in llhodesia's ouster

and much'billerness remains in UVe lUC,

Bruiidat'e' wlw__had the

( ■ O U l l t O I 'S U I l

W IAh»rO r# ,I L i I. C o rk .n t ACOII* N o rm a n

} i

Aco«ia to } ua ltcft

1 J » A

I I r a w s w u tliis t J * h i l l t c s


I>usty Baker drove in three

runs, two of them wit}) a home

run to allow American l4?ague

reject Jim Hardin To pVclc up

-his- th ird . Tlctopy'Wednesday' night as the Atlbnta Braves

uutlasted the Phiiadelpliia Phil- hes, 0-0.

and piteiied u two-liitte.r Wed7

nesday fur his first inajur

le^ague shutuut as the Siin

Fraiiuisto. Giants blanked the “Pittsburgh>irates tt-U.

Tile Pirates mounted only one

tiu'uat against Barr who I'.iced

just !i0 batters. Wilhe Stnrgeli

led off the second inmng with a

single and advanced to sccond on'Milt May's hit.'Barr fanned

Jackie Hernande?: to end tlie

ixming and allowed only one

more base-runiier .viivn losing

pitcher Bob Moose led off the

Uiird will) a walk. ”

ujihappy task of aimou/icijig the


CHlCAGOi U P I)—Bobby HuU pleasant chore in introducing filcKl a countersuit iii fe de ra l _ Knianiii tbe next president

court Wednesday to try to 1* hours later, said•prevt-Til—Die—UticMgo— Block—l"hln.‘al-|)i4;f*Mures-Avithin-tl

Hawks'* from stoppiag his 10(* woi’l becoming ‘'iijtolera-

attempf lo piay w^h the-;ble" and tliat his successor

Wiiuupeg Jetsof the new Wurld “ t ^ogh road ahead. Hockey Association. But Killanin conie.s to the Job

. .'i'he iluwka. last week sued excellent credentials.-He_ HulJ-in- Cook County -Circuit -*‘»s-beet»-H very-actjvc-member“

Court seeking an injunction to sinceJiis election in

prevent his departure on the served as Chief of

grounds that his c-ontract, I’rotutol for two yeurs and as which expires Sept. 30, ciuTies pi.csident of the i>ress a n d .

hiblic . Helatiuns CuuumMiiun—

M.llan }t) Uiankt }uU4k«r il l lr « « i t « i I

f>h\u<ltlpn>«« b c h b i • a b ih b i. ) 1 ; O.Do»lf JU . 4 ' ) '

1 1 ) 1 Uowa.tt 10 0 0

I I Jon i'v o " ' J I L.V 10, IM ) Jl.0 09 0 K u» grl <

I 0 0 0

T o U ll AtlanioPMiad«iphi«

Ca',nbi* pn 10 0 0Chsijip iO K p 0 0 0 0

' Ntcb4>^r p*'1 I I 0 lioUi'iuui pn 1 0 0 0

14 I Tolalt ) t t * 4 000 «1 IOO-»

E Oow* DM AllaiiU LOD A iu n it r. pm u

}n Lutn }. (ivani. P t r t l . Jonnua. Montantfl ]t1 Qayl* HH lU k tr I'lOI.

i n i MiMan.' H tl OR ■■ to

M a fo m w jO .^ J j ' j I 4 4 VI J j j i r v i i . T • 1 J J J 0Motrntr I )TwilchOll L ] } 4 I J 10 T*fl#ckl • • • - •u a 0

. Champion -I )N tibautr 7 >'

Savt Hotrnar IS)T 3 J« A lO.OSf '

H r

Expos win with W o g i l ^ ’ 6 I I B r s

MONTREAL (UPI) - Hon Woods slununed two homo riuis

Into tho leftfiold blcucher.H,

t :

Wilkens unhappy with swap

' SEA 'rn .E tUPH_- Veteran

All-Star 'guard imd former

Scnttlc playur-coach- I.i‘nny Wilkens said Wednesday ’his first reaction was not to rej>ort

to tho Cleveland Cavaliers,

where the Sonics had traded him earlier in the day.

"At thiii point I can't sec

mysolf going tu Cleveland und .l don't Intend to,” ‘Wllkena.said

in a shakey-vo|ce<l radio interview with the. Sonics'

official broadcaster,Seattle tf-uded the 34-year-o|d

Wilkeng, an eight-time National'

along w ith fo rw ard .Barry

Gemens to the Cleveland

Cavaliers (or young all-star guard Butch Beard.

'*My first r e o ^ n —I was

shocked, very dls9|nnted and

disilluslohed," WilkciH said. '

__ , . . —option— ....... ............................... _ _________ ___-requiring ixith parti u i uj suUnit. J-^?ILr.iLji*!iaiiidicunicly_

any contract differences to ri»i"g fi'r a man wlm still iioldsarbitration.' membership in the British

. •> , National Uniun of Jounuili.sm.

(lard (fi'id aitlo

<ii(;s on |)laii(‘

HOUSl'ON I UPI) - Chuck

Drulis, a St. U uis Cardiiuds

defensive coach for 17 years

juid a coiich in. the National

Football League for 22 years,

died of an ai^pa^ent hciut

tittock Wednesday a s ^ e flew with Uie teaift to Texiis. Drulis

Was 53.

l l ie Cardinals, en route to

^loufltpn.Jor a 'Hiuraday night

pre-season game ;ugalnst the Oilers,were over Arkansas

when Drulis died, said u team

spokosm^-The s{wkesman. said Drulis

•suffered'.oAe previous hourt

u ltuck/ln l^W TRlrbody was

rciitoved from an airJliuT at

Uttle* Rock, Ark. '^ s d u y -

nlght’a game will be ployed aa

8chedul9d. ...Thu veteran cqach_,'hnd

overall 'res^nslbUlty for thp

Cardinal'^ dcfenajvu unit

‘ .'V

( ^ o o d i i f h O K s

longer pai'l

l.NGl.liWOOU, Cullf. lU P D -

‘ Gad Goodrich, who led the"

world champion I.«s Angeles Liikers witli 2,217 points last

season, has agreed to extend

his contract with the club for another two years, it was

annowiced Wednesday.

'll)e former UCLA All-

. America guard has one yeal'

rt*malnlr\g on his - cid-rent

contract and the two addltionol

years will begin with the.l97p4

campaign,. He signed ,f6r‘ an undisclosed sum. ’ ' ‘

The l,4ikera open tlielr pre>

seasoi^agaitist Gulden State ut Simta Barbara Sept. 27.

The Gcan-Uex Movie theater

in Buenos Aires,"with .3,281

seats, la tlie .largest In SouUi

. Aiyerlca, says Argentine Air*linoj<',' • ' . . . .

Tigfers: edge. As-tp protect

vigor- ' • ,T)iur»d«v; AuoutI j ^ r w j ' T lm M -N iw i/Tw lii P»lii,

tw in FMls foo ibuti hopes


Fyocliim's sccond (jriuid ulaifl- liomcr of'Uie soason cappcd b

seven-run' sccond Inning Wcdnosdiiy nlshl which helped

Uie Deu-olt Tiijera to protect

Uiiilr 1-2'ijnmc coat division lend ,_wlUl a 7-5 victory over Uio’,

Ouklund Atlllctlcs,

Joo Colcmnn, with ninth In- ■ nlnn relief help troln amck

Seclblich, won hla Ilrst gnme In

n monUi nnd helped Detroit stay

1-2 same up on Ooltlmore In tho

American League East.


■Aiom*f }i)■brhbt tb rh b t4 0 0 0 m u n u fr t i s : r i .

. . 3 0 J 0 n i i l r c« 4 M 3- Pmtop r l ^ 0 1 1 . OjvI» l( 4 0 2 1 O llvtr )U 4 0 0 0 Rtltnmnd If I 0 0 0 Suerxir It ] 0 I 0 Powill lb 10 10 McMuiln 4 0 1 0 n«ylor r f 1 1 0 0 Cjrc]<»<4t «t 4 0 0 0 Roblnion 3b 4 M 0 sie{)hvntn c. J I 0 0 .Crlcn 4 0 11

" • 0'6lC l;«W tn t I » > 0 0 P«rnifr p ' ] I 0 IMdy p

Molion ph Cl«rk p

» ptiI 0 U 0

AllonT o lil lC«lllornUBJlllmort

O ifK nd p t iro tl ■^ «b ( h bl

1 3 - MdDoual rl Rodi H Epitcin lb Odndo Jb HcncJrick cl Gr#»i> 7b Mincncr pn

ib r h bl•1 0 0 0 ModrlDui ]u 5 1 0 0J I 0 0 Kalint lb } I } D4 7 7 0 Frvehati c 4 I } 44.0 0 0 Horlon rl. 4 1 1 04 1 1 0 St«nier cl J I 1 00 0 0 0 inrown l( 4 0 0 01 Q'O 0 Ur)nkmdn t i4 I 7 l<

tk. Cullfn ' HR

P H R rin 10

Kut}i4li 3b . L . - * _____ ^ . V i, VOuistftrj t * (S 0 0 p 0 0 0 0Holliman p 0 0 0 0 'Horltn p 0 0 0 0.Marquei pn i o .l 0'Uock»r p 0 0 0 0 ^Vq i* pn 1 0 0 0 •• ^Hamillon p 0 0 0 0H»o«n ph I 0 0 0 •W aii«wlki c 0 .0 ,0 0 . 'CuH«p oex \ 0 1 1T o li l l ) i 1 I s T o tlll ]4 MO r 0»l(l«n(J 000 OOO 104-1□ •iro il o;ooooooi-r

E 04ndo. T«ylor LOO 0«hl«nd J. O«lroil J

20 f rtthan. KuUi F r itn tn II) s Coil')'

Hoiwmin L 14 I H oM in' ' • JLocKtr ]Htmtlton • }W illtw lk i ’ ICol«m«nWI] H I ]SttibiCn I

S*x» S#»ib«cn 'I* !T } 21 A }« .(l|

‘ Hood and Allen Stop Vanks 5-2


blnstod an nwono/no iwo-run

V homo run .and aub. LuU

Alvarado hit a two-run single

Wednesday to load the Chicago

White Sox to a 5*2 victory over

the New York Yankees behind

WUbur Wood, who raised hla

• major-league .leading. victory

tot^ to 22,

Allen’s homo run, his 32nd of

tho season, put tho game out o(

^ roQCh In the seventh inning ond

was only the fourth ball ever

hit Into the ccnterfleld bleach­

ers at White Sox park.

The blast by Allen, which

came off reliever IJndy McDa­

niel, cleared a Ifl 1-2-foot high

waU: beyond an abandoned

bullpen 440' feet from home*

plotc.N«w YBrk cnutao

m i l Tol«l» » 3 10 t 000 010 000-*l OOfl*OIM«-7

U Crich 2. M ty DH (la ltlm or* I tOQ CfllKornia I, lln itipior* . 10 HU lllAir (tJ Sil Gnch S P4lti|tr

IP M R c n BR to May L -i 10 4 t t * ] i

. Clark . ■ 2 ] I I r I Allen 3 1 0 0 2 1PrtlniBt W IJ 6 fl J I .,0 J 9

T J ] l Al.Sli

K € slops Sox on oiic-lillier


llolson allowed only o^o hlt->a

line single to right by rookie

Ben Oglivio with twp out in thfr

eighth innlng-T-qnd ’ErKlrkpa-

trlck-'hll a threo-run sijith

inning Iwmer Wednesday nl({ht

to lead the Kanshs City Royals

to a 3-0 victory over tho, Boston

Hod Sox Wednesday night.■otlon

•b rKania i Cilv

•6 r h blM irp .f cl 4 0 0 0 Paltk (I Aptricin I I 4 0 0 0 G ilt cl 1 1 1 0 V iti-{m ik It)] 0 0 0 Scminbim rIO 0 0 0

• Smiih rl 1 0 0 0 Hovliy rl J 0 0 0 P«lrQCtlll JDJ 0 0 0 M *»brry ID 1 I I 0

C ) 0 0 0 Klrkp«irck c3 I I 2 OfllWli II J 0 I 0 R o lt l Jb 3 0 0 0

iK tnnidy 20 1 0 0 0 P In lill* ir J 0 0 0 Siabtrl p I tl 0 0 Schaai )e 3 0 10 C urlli p 0 0 0 0 N*lMO p . 3 0 0 0 I ' * ph 10 0 0 •Totin >1010 Tolill ] l i n le ifo n oeotMOOO—0K inM l Clly OOOOOJOOi-l

' tODBOIIon 2. K«niat City 4 2{l O ll| 3B Scnid HR K lrkp ilrlck I I I SB O llt J. .

IP H N IH BB 10S ilb ir l L 10 10 J 4 3 1 1 4CurU» • 1 1 0 0 0 ISN lllo rW

Indians run iitrtiak five


Bell drove In tlu-oe runs with o

' bascs-loadcd . floublo in < tho

seventl) inning to help Stove

Punning pick up his Uilrd

victory Wednesday niglit as the

Cleveland Indians, ran U)elr. winning atroak U>_flvo games

with a 9 1 vldtory over tho

Mlnnesotn Twij^^11)0 Indions, who were hold

to one hit by starter Dick

Woodson over the first . five

Innings, pushed across two runs

In the sixth. Bunt singles, by

Dunning and Bell jind Jack

Brohamer's sacrifice put run-,

ners on sccond and tliird with

one out. Clirls QiambUsa was

given'an intentional walk to fill

the bases. Dunning scored on

Alex Jol^ison's sacrifice fly and

Bell trotted homo when centor- (lelder Jim Nott\os threw tho

bail into tho Twins’ dugout.

M lnntM l* . C liv il in d4b r h bl lb r h bl4 0 0 0 0(11 C( 4 12 14 O'*] 0 Drcftamr 2D 3 0 0 0 4 0 10 C hfm bitt 1b3 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 Johnion If 3 0 0 '1 4 1 1 1 Htnnlg«n .□ 10 103 0 0 0 aw%iirii 3b 4 o o o

« r y i II 3 0 0 0 f o i l i c 1 1 ) 0 M m utl o»' 10 0 0 U rilir r l 3 1 1 0 Dorominn c 2 0 I 0 OuHy «( 2 0 10 Woottwn p 1 0 0 0 Ounnfno P . 1 1 1 0 C rin a tr p 0 0 0 0 McCrtw ll 0 10 0 LlHOCh* p 0 0 0 0 . fK lllib r tw ph i 0 0 0 re fill ' J l I • 1 refill

JN tiiie i cl C«riw 2b Brfun 20 Derwm rt •R fite -lb Thompin ii - ye If


204 0 10 jonnHuiit cl 4 j 10 4 0 0 0 Allen lb 4 I J 2 4 0 0 0 M4V II 12 2 0

Aiou lb 4 0 10 AnU'ewt 2b 2 0 I I ^MVObOds r l 4 0 10 So'vOO 2b 10 0 0 Sdncntl }u J 2 0 0 Aiv4r400 t i ) 0 I 2 Lanier i i 1 0 3 0 Herrmann c 4 0 J 0 Slolllemyr p ) 0 I I Moraiei lb 4 0 0 0 E llu pt> 10 11 wood p 4 0 0 0. Kcnn«y pr 0 Q 0 0 - ‘M cDanitl'p 0 0 0 0Tof«i» n 1 r t Tofait • 2} t II i N iw York O04l10l0ft-2Chicago do) qio 2Qa->

eM ora lo i Mucwn I O t'N tw York ] ChiCdUO 2 LOU New Turk i. Chuauu I

211 Kelly HK A|J(t> (J'2I ,^U M .lr.


Cavaliers, Seattle

make swapCLEVELAND (UPI) - The

Cleveland Cavaliers of the

National Basketball Association

■Wednesday traded cuptuln

guard Butch Baird to the

Seattle Supersonics for star

guard Lenny WUkens and

forward Barry Clemons.

“We’re thrilled' to get a pfoycr of Lenny WUkcns'

ability," said Cavaliers^ owner

Nick J. MUeti. -Pairing Wuk-

ens with Austin Carr, we think

we have the moat exciting

backcourt In basketball. Butch

Beard is o fine young player

and gehtlemwi' nnd we wish' him well at Si,'attle,"

Coach BUI Fitch, who hfjs

been stressing u young buUclub

since he look over the head

couching duties, said he was

always looking for someone like


WooawnLU n tOrino»r 1 •LaOoche. - - Iounnino W 1 1 }Mennioan 2

Wood topiich id to two

Save HinniuanMl)

14 17 I000 ees io»-i 600 SO liOR-l

H o le -in -o n e ,Gordon Crqckott scored the

, second hole-in-one of his career

Wednesday at the Twin Falls Municipal golf 'course.

With Vey Gish and Dale Crlat

watching, Crockott ac­

complished the feat on the par

.thr^e, 150-yard fourth hole with

a six iron.

S t a n d in g sAmerican (,eegue Itandlng*

by Uniled P re ti In lirna llona l le « l

w I pci. OB


Cnicau‘>OakliiiK} 'Minncwila K jn ii i i Clly Calklorniii loxis

to SI JW 2'.

w I pci ObA« 41 SVO69 4V $IS ’ <60 )) S22 IU S9 417 1212 tt 441 17';

' 40J 21’ -W id n iid a v 'i R eiu llt

O r io le s w in on Ni.i^-rnn innlufii


Blair’s three-run hoiner cli­

maxed a ' six-run Baltlinorje

fourth inning and Jim. Palmer

W l f c

‘‘Altlwugh we’ve been building

pn youth, we were always

looking for an outstanding

veteian and we fuei Uiai 1^'iuiy

IS jUst such a player,” Fitcli

said. “ Lenny not only is a fine

ieader and student-uf the gaine

but I pul him in Uie samt: clas5^

with Jerry West in the last

Amblvalonco best describes

Cofich Norm Ttiomas as ha

gurvcya' his 1972 ,Twih ' Foils Hfgh School football team.

Ho seOs a lot of pluses, a few

minuses. Ho sees po'tentlorof a

strong team, Ho seos

possibllltlcs that the potential

mlgtit not.be roached. In sliort,

Oooch tliomias may bo less-

certaln of whot .lo cxpecl .Uila

fall than any oUie'r time ih-hls (Caching career: He's really looking forWord to Saturday'’s

1:30 p.m.scrimmage for some


Tl\c numbers aren’t ^ood,

only 47 rofipondlng to tlie call,

and tho ln)ury bug already has

struck and perhaps struck hard.

“Our. depth appears' better

than Rist year since we’re

looking at two or Uiree men

going boU) ways where last year wo usod five or six. In Ironman

roles,” he opens. “ But we’re

really undermanned In some

positions.’’ .

For Instance? ’ ’Ouk'

linebackers (M iirk McKain,

•Gary Irish 'and Dick Walker),

will definitely be all right. But

there's question marks behind

them. We have a couple of men

that show potential as corners

but everyone behind them will

be new. Our first-line offensive

tacWea are good. Those behind

need considerable time for SIC

football. We're very deep at

guordx-but it's thoso same kldi

who w ill bo providing tho

Unebacklng and a lot o{ dq|en&e.

However, they provldi us with

enoughmatcrial to help In other

oreos. Wo con sort of spot them

for help In other positions.

" I ’d rate loam speed as pretty

good, better thon last year.

(Gary) Scott onJ^B lU ) Wbotl- son‘ give us perhaps the two

fastest halfbacks in the state,

but they're both small. ^Pat

Keegan and (Paul).VanNoy are

only a step or two behind.

Hiey're also small. (All fall in

the>7 to 5-fl and 146 to 160- pound category). So physical

endurance over a 10-game

pounding comes Into con­


Coach Thomas is more than

happy with the'response of his chorBe8/’ '^We’ve had some

really pleasant siirprlses.

(Jun ior Dave) Galvan has

looked very good ot guard and

even better at defensive end. Irish Is- up a couple of inchcs

and 20 pounds and could go both

ways, guard on offense and

linebacker or end on defense.

Dick Walker (back after laying out last yoar) will help us.

(Shawn) Livingstori and

(Brady) Barbour give us two

starters back'at safeties. Ross

Deahl Is another of those j^uards

who' is fine ' offunsively and

looking real ^ood atiiose.guard.

It’s things like that Just about

everywhere we look. It gives uslot of hOpo.”

.'lie ’s taken over os team

leoder," CoqcIi Tlibmus said.

"Ho was leading. Uio wind

sprints nnd tho cheers' Ho

performed so much'better tlian we's expected of Kim at quar-

terbnck. He took to tho option

like he's played it a couple of yeaVar-Now we dottjl know when

or how or if weVe wen going to

have hiin". And Ije probably

would be as gOud a. defensive .player as we.had', toq.,”.'

— Junior-'fullback’ Curtis Ward

has u Tlare up of clironlp ahlilb trouble, and luckless i le fb

Arnold, u senior center,

sustained a brol(un leg in the

sccond hitting drill and is out for

the year.

On the.oUicf aide, Twin Falls

1s returning a fair sprinkling

of veterans witli five back off

tlie defensive team and four on offense. •

T)ie Individual rundown in­

cludes quarterbacks, ^u rg lll, 6-

1, 185; Ron Schapffer, 5-7, 155,

and Pat Cliarlton, (M), 170.

Halfbacks Bill Woodson, 5-0,

157; Gary Scott. 5-8, 165; Pat

Koegah, 5-a, 100; Paul VanNoy^ 5-10,17tf; lyilkaDostron, 5-a, 165;

-lillennis Mnughan, 5^7,'145; Doug

Macliamec, 5-fl, 145, and Kovin Wt^bb, M , 140. . -

Fullbackii,.Mel Harder,

180; Terry Hillman,G-1,207;and ■ Wfird, 6-0,105. • ■ ■

ends, Bruce Cooper, 6-0,180;

Mike Back,' 0-1, ‘180; SlJawn

Livingston, G.i; 177; Landy

•Hayties, -VlO, 147; Fran

Florence, 5-11, 175, and Jolin Blaku. 5-9, 150.

Tackles, Clay Asher, 6-3, i02; •.Toiiy Kevan,' 0-2 , 205; Kim

% ‘llsen,M , 105;.A1 Brodley, ^ 2, 184; Bill ’lililler, 0-1, -200;

Steven Day, 0-2, 188; Rod

FIndlayson, C-t 202; Bryan

Thompson, 6-0, 102; Honk

.Reeling, .0-0, 484 and Dave Hamilton, 5-10,200.

Guards, Steve Brawloy, 5-8,

100; Jesse Hernandez, &-0, ICO; Ross Deahl, 5-9, 100;' Dave

, Galvan. 6-1,175; M(jrk McKain,

5^, 175; John Wilcox, 0-1, 195;

Gary Irish, 6-0, 175; Dennis

Mitchell, 5-9, 100, and Andy Cover, 5-9. IflO,

Centers, Jlh) Millor, M , 180;

tom Afllionbrener, ft-1,174; Dick

Walker, 5.8, 164, and Herb

Arnold, $-0, IM.

Thb .Twin Falls schodulo

includes Sept. I , Joromo at

Thomsen has '

T.F. crown

Jeff Thomson, succeeded older bj'Qtlic’r Curt TJiomsen as

Twin Falls city golf c)ianipion

by defeating Dick Reed bnd

Greg Sn)utncy in Uie two flnol rounds.

llionlsen,' a sophomore at

Arizona S>te, defeated Rood 1

up to win the champlpnaliip

round and.ln U\o.special playoff

agnlnst flrst-fllgh^ winner

Smutnoy, won 4 and 3. Smutnoy

nipped Sherm Williams 2 a(id 1

for first night honors.

Bert Bolling dropped John

Miller 3 and 2 for fourth flight

lionors and^Russ Gage topped'

^ b j ^ k a r d ^ up' In the fifth


Twin F a U B i^p t, 16, t^dWeU

at Twin Falls; S«pt., 23 T#ln

Falls at Borah! Sfipt..29. Twin.

Falls at Pocatflllo; Oct. 6,

Falls at Nampaj Oct. 13 Tvyln .

Falls at Idaho FalU; Oct.-tt. Highland at Twin Falls; Oct. XI» M6rldlan at Twin FaUsi Mov. 3.

Skyline at Twin Falla, and N6v.

10 Twin FalU at Mlnlco (1:30 s p.m.) .

Under q new Southern Idab6

Conference format all but the

Jerome game wlll'count In' SIC standings.



Difference between thO/ boss and us: Wo bring.our lunch to work— ho*, brings . his .launch.

An angry father Is a man with a bau sonburn.


H U H n H G

u j i lU E SFrom

I (iiiehr. ppa . r National League ilanding i

Qy Uniled P re it In lirnalionei E4»l

ii Loi«*-t.*rMunlU'til .I'iJJdUvlphia .

TJltarcd'aTTve-Kitt^. tor Ills I7Ui three minutes of the game

■victor-y-as-lhe-Orioles-crushed— ^-lirSnaitlerSupbrsontCs’

w. I. pcf. g.b.

Line coach Dennis! Almquist

added “Tl\la is a hard working and very coachable bunch.

They like the K.ame. TJiey hustle

and have a lot uf enthusiasm. I

tiiink they cuuld surprise sotnc


At the same lime, both know

tliey have only six or seven nien' ■tiill_iind_oyer aix teelJ

Huutlon S3 ssajily six

over 200 pounds — ond that’s

the Angels 7-1 Wednpday night, nerul Manager Bob Houbregs

^ e Orioles sentiiine men to said U^adlng away the highly

the plate in the fourtlj Inning in popular Wllkens was “Uie most

----- thelr-secpnd-nioiit-productivo—diffleuU-det'ision-1 have everInning oC' Uie year. * .made.”

AtldnlA Si i i 4SS 20Sdii Ffdiiciicu S3 442 21’San DicUU 4S 72 MS 21

Widnaulav-‘» R eiu llt Houtlon I New York 4 San Frdncikco 8 PIMlburuh 0 AAoiilreal II C iiicinnall 0 Iilivli1l_

' A lijn iA 9 PiilladvlpKlA i (night) (.niciigo t S.in iiio go S iniohil Lu» Angelc% i Jt Louil 0 ImghlJ


Perhaps a major setback

already has occurred 'w ith

senior quarterback Mike

Sturgill fighting an ear InJjiry.

sustained while sw imm ing.

Learn a s k i l l .

A nd liv e a l i t t le .•The Army's 9th Division is now th®. Northwest's own Division. Fort Lewis, Woshington is its new home. AfuJ they're looking fo r good men to contirroe the "O ld Reliables” prouo tradition.

At a stfirting salary of ^286 a month. With promotions dnd rolssi o t you move up. With lots of additional free benefits and '30 dcfys paid

‘ vc^cQtlon a year.

Living and working In the great Northwest. Where outdoor recreo» tionol activities are second to none the yeor 'round. '

If-yo.u qualify) we.ll put it In.writing and guorontet you duty wlth-th» 9th for 16 months before you ilgn.,up. T^ilk It over with your h»ar«it iocot Army Repr^ienfatlve. ' • ,

ItodasOi Army wanli to

S P q ^ A R O L D 1 J O YTWINFALIS — 733-2671


Ch«ck Our Archary Dvpartmant








* 2 7 “ . ’6 6 "

OXFORD CEDAR SdAFTSf r o m n o r t h r u p a r c h e r y

■■ Proniii>fn Grade #} Croited and Flelchod

5" Toper

- VALUES TO $ 1 2 .0 0



& ^ I L L S -U C). Camt Im i. 3 % dnm I « . t'» 018's . . 1 .

16 C). C«ME Load 2V, dram 102’. 6'i or t'l

20 CtCamLoid- *'*

$ | 9 9

• I 8 ?^

$ 1 79


-G a L F

3-9 Ironi, 1-3.5 Woodi, 4 ‘ Putlort. Syncro-boloncod.

REG: $ 1 2 6 .5 0CLOSE OUT...



M«n!i & Women'i S liti

VihiMtoS22.50Ckise Out .

31b. Iniul. 200 Fill Cotton Flannfll LInino 33‘’ K75''Flnl»htdS)i#

2 bagt will mot« for doubt* bog.Quantity limited-'Z4‘* Value



V A R IA B L EMed. Croiihoir.

5 yeor guaronte*.

$39.95 VALUE-NOW



* 3 .6 9 V A L U E


$ 1 .4 9 ,1

_ y .a iu e



Mogic Va»«y \ ■ $ J 0 0

REG.2tWCH- '


. OeM'l u a .if W nU i>i'-, t i.ni..r ir«. Iii4i>i

■■ ■ ■ . V - , ; .•’ » -TlnutNawl, Twin Fajli. Idaho 'niuViday,. Auguit 34, \m '

M a r k e t R ev ie td’----- ......... ..

' Idaho Tenij^eratures

V all4By Wii^ather t

L n e w YORK (.y iM )-i«co« '-i!

were lower ln'»luggl«li Irndlns sfler Ihreo liflurs on Uio Now D1.M111. w

York Slock Exchhngo Hiuw

■ djiy. ■ , ______ „' Shortly ntler 1 p.m., Uit Dow g " “ “ ',S Jonoo Jndustrlnl avcroeo of M ;DoPoni i>.ci

selectod blue clilp stockfl wns olt 3.M to M«,5I nnd-declinea

were ahead of hdvnnccs, 712 to ““S74, niiion|! the 1,057 Issuos

, c ro s f lln g U>c t f lp c . H jc O irc o - Esnm t u i

tlinn lO.C m l% n aliares,Stock brokers ottributed tho

mnrkct's hesltflnl pattern to concern over hlRber interest

• rntcs flnd news Umt mont

prices hnd struck rccord” levels

in July.- Tlicre wns renewed

conccrn over inflntlon, nnolysta

odded. .•Profit loklng hit n number of

Rlomor issues. Some of the bit*

losers included Corning; G1iis.h,

by-<,»\Wlt.Dlsney iVi. IBM 4.

Burrough.q 5*tt nnd Honeywell

Other iaauei, however, mnn-

ORcd fnir>slzcd gnins. Curtiss-

Wrifiht tflcked on I'n, Echlin

Mf(j. picked up H and Getty Oil

rose 2^.

Steels and motora._ were mostly lower In frflctlons.

Rnils, nirllnes nnd nircrnfts

moved irrefiularly in frnctlons.

W J0»» JO' i 30W.........JJ )JH JOW 1?«»- '»

. M K"> JO JO - '•HI) 4>V, 41W '■•l

M? tl» - 4Orr'cppr .4] . IQ tl«k OornfMn nr*' • li-D o w C h lM Si VS'i «•

4J’ i 4) 4) * '-I( I n }}»« • ««

IW 1»0«4 '-I14 '*

-- ■ --J ll>« ll<« .

- 3 « W s -J4^* J iW - ’■*3U 1» 1J0'»17 44V» i4t»4•|» ll'l tl'tf

4 3i'< 14'> )4><JV 3J'» JJ'4 IJ'-J ♦ '1

. 10 4f'4 4V’|> '191 }«>< }•<■ 19

. I I 1l>( U ' l 1l>«« </<■'-----F f -----

V< ■}*• !}>< I3<k» } | ' I 31 21» 0 4S'« 4}>.

; 4} low ioj»I) i ; ' . > /•

3) M-1 1t>. .' I t 49'<1*1 }}>4 7]'411 33*< 23'.40 >0)* lO 'il> 3*>i 3A'<; ] 43U 43>> *r>IJ 37'I 27'I 1 1 ' I -12 11'« I0> 10l<

t4 t t t 'i i9t l l iU 24>i 24«kf

' NOA Rk l.«0 NoNIGl 2 U NoSIPw 177 Nwn»f»C I'-i Non llm .31

« ]• '»*» )1^+ >

ji 'mU J*'*+ i^ 'A berd^n »I jr u t. u + 'u n-|~

79 1*‘ » MV», ^ XJOWq.

niT”nw ijv<+ iVjj, i4ij n i4'*+ w Burlovn ‘ 23 :ivi 31V.-'A „

131 H'/i Calc^ell '

3j }?'' l?i* 1m»; . ] CaaUcford

•,} in; I?;;* i j : r Emmeu

« ’/j ij**.- % Gooding



Idaho Falla




Mtn. Hgrpc

Soda Springs W.Yollowstone

IS 47«k ' 47'/4' 47'.<<- Vi

137 M»» M 10'.« • ''4) l 34«* U'/4 3<V«- H

US 4S>« 4S% 4SV«39, 33*» 33** 33»» .34 17'/j 17'/. 17'/. f Vi

u»i IV’. n H'/*”.SO 34». J* l i - *»141 3»» 3'< J*»- '■»113 im i , lO tiv tO lv - ■'*11 9 'l » »'»

43 34'’j 34'» 34»»- '■» .

I'.109' II'. i7«« I7H- «t rorm a194 44'» 4)V< 4J«»- Hju 39'j 31 Ji»«^»» rbcotelloii! S , S ! 5 P r » » t o "

> i : : r j:'‘ = si» 33't 2i'!\i 3t»»- '■<< Salmon137 130'> I I IH l l l i« - 1U 4 ii* 43*4 4 l» i - '1i l 9i>» 95'i 9J»4*40 JO I9’ » 20

319 34 iy » It11 47H 47'/4 47--J11 |7l« -1? ' W - «»

304 i j ( | iS iS i.r-7 .

m 37 37»** W73 34«« }4'.% 34U »

377 iV -t 3SV. ) iSO 34^ 3)1* I3«» - 44

10 7J'/j 771.% n '/> '133 71'^ 70U, 71 +>1*

’ 33) l l t» I I 1 | l« - Ik3 43'/< 43>.<< 43'Xi-f K\

23 SH JV, JV ,-i 44<« 44U 44l«— It

33 30t« JO'i 301.4- Wi 3S'^ lS'/4 ISV)-.- >M

3 li I I IO'/4 lO V i- %i4 I9lk W'.t )94k- W27 3I’/4 I I 1IW+ W

• 31 19' 4 39 39 - >J4

31'i. liV» %40 39(« 39)t }« ^ 4 w 13 41 40H 40'lk^17 IS 14V. IS73 JOfc at J|i.,4+ 1.1

170 13 3 IH 3 m - Vt 149 134 IW*^ I33I.1 + 3V433 3l4V. 3I1H 3n(»— H41 17^ U*« U IV - '•%

131 n<« I3H l l t t ^ \ \171 1041/, lOl^H 101-4- »* Its U'.« 49U> 4914—)

3 IS 170 33'<4 3H i 33

m r s i';*~ s ) ■ ' i l ' -34 IK i IH l lU i

141 44V, 4J'/> 4SH— '»IV 3V'.. 31'^90 lOl'.l lOO'-l J00'/.-3 'o 13 49H 49'4 49 '..-4 S'.« S'.* S'/«

44i i9'>. tJ'/i i7 '/ ,- )V .30S 7»»* 74'/, 7S - I ' / ,S7i lo w 71V.73 7«^ 79 79 H - '■%

133 34V. )4>/4 34H»9 l i> . l i ' / , 3 iV .* I,'.

I I 4I'4 47’ i 4 I‘ .4I) 41>| 4)H 43 '1 - V.33 10 9 ' i » '•

'39 330’/, 317 317 - 3 ' lS3 IS'-, 14'-, 3S'T ♦ ^

111 1S~ »'■» 3S»,fW3 \l't VIV, IT**-)3i 3 m 3 IH 34W- <4I I I 3S'i 34V. 14 'i~13 S3 Sl*» SU»- '«

> 137 34«» 34 34H t H1391 I I '/ . 1/’ . 17'/>-

i 173"! 17}'« I73W+ t«. 31‘ . 33 '..

30'7 30V.71 14 34 t t«91 19i. I9'4 »9' i3i 13»» 13'1 I3»» .t l 40 39*. 40 -t- ' .9 70U 70 70«»+ <t

337 I9t« 19'-. I9t»33 44', 43V. 43V.-1I-*

N m i o n i i l

Temperatureslllf lltM P c p .


Fair, slightly warmer by Friday

-AtlanU-cy-_: .Boiton pc .



71Bulfalo^cy 81 70

Charleaton^.C. c S4 78 .88Oilcago.c 80 •7 .81

Oorumbufl. 0 . cy . 85 87 .34Des Moines cy 70 50Detroit cy . , 85 68 .05H P f ls b c . 00 74'I^uaton cy ; 87 78Indianapolis cy. ■ 89 68 .24Kansas City pc 70 87

Ixs Aiigeles cy 03 70

Memphis pc .s 84 71'

Miami Beacli cy 81! 70Mlnn.-St.Paul r ‘' 04 53 aNow prleons c 03 72 .02New York cy 88 72,Orlando ,c 83 74

Plioenbc c 107 70'c

Portlmid, Me. pc 80 82

PorUandr Ore. q 86 82 ....R a le l^ c 87 88

Richmond c 88 66St. Louis cy 62Salt Lake City c 77 50

San Francisco pc 85 54Seattle pc 77 56Spokane c 71 52

Tampa cy ■ 80 78 .05Washington c 87 72

Wichita cy ‘ 00 65

Twin Falls, northaide, Burley-

Rupert area:

Fair ond warmer on Friday.

Overnight lows 37 to 47 wlUi

Wgha tomorrow 75 lo 85. — -

Ttie outlook forSaturday calls '^en ther,

for fair and a little warmer Synopsis


Camas Prairie, Hailey and

lower Wood River Volley:

Fair and warmer on FYiday.

Overnight lows wiy range from

35 to 45 with highs tomorrow in

the low 70s.

Tfic outlook for Saturday calls

Wr fair anti a IHtle warmer

Uie aoutiicast and near -50 In the


Into nortJiern p-itlah Columbia.

Ught frost V ll l probably be

Afternoon temperatures on reported In the higher volleys of

Wednesday were on ^Ihe coot eastern Idaho and ahoujd kill

Fair but cool weather covers

the Gem State. Morning low

temperolures were In the 40s In

side ranging frpm 66 at Salmon

to ^ degrees on tlie border at

Ontario, Ore.

Slight warming is expected on

Friday. Skies should remain

fair as Uie next storm system In

the Gulf of Alasko-ia.divcrted

Twin Fails Temperaturea

potato vines to begin the har­

vest season In those Important

seed growing arcqs.The extended outlook through '

Monday Indicates folr weather High U»w

ond alow warming. Highs In the Vcsterday 76 45803 with lows In the 50s. U stycar 70 S9

Normal 88 46

Mutual Funds S u c c e s s fu l In v e s t i i igp i, Entrov 13 3) D 33 MFD

------------- .. . t i l l EqutW F 9 7i 10 47 MCDo» bid »na «tk*d '1*3 'lO J M *'t»

• ic ti on M uto il Dun 11 OS 11 OS M<ii<«i«"«'•»»' ......................t NASD Inc

W odnttdty AuQuU 33. |473

■ rd A«k ADtrdn <11 I t ) AOMIPALTY.Orwlh 4 39 i 19. Incom 4 40 4 1) In .ufn 1103 13 M

A d v ilir 104 SSI Aetna Fa (I) <i) A(utur« U 9? I< 91 AGE Fd 4 23 * 3* A ll l la lf 14 41 IS 71

IS i« IJ 04 in Dean IS J3 IJ 32 17 >6 19 43 SlOe.Fd 9 40 10 S34 1] 4 13 tIO MA PUMDS.

U 37 14 37 Cap Shr 10 S7 II SS. ..... A t] 7 33 inv I 3 t l l 3 l i

F ID IL IT Y Many f^d 13 S3 14 79 Tr»l 9 47 10 ISOROUP: MIF FJ a t t 9 14 Venlur 13 43 13 79

Ond d«D 9 t3 10 S3 WIF Cro t 01 t S3 Smitn 0 13 13 13 13Capital 13 31 14 43 MuO<n gl 4 33 I 17 SD l iG r 13 I I 1} II

“ ~ ......................... ' " 14 IS 11 349 75 10 14

Amcap F 7 34 7 93 Am O vft n 43 12 49 Am Eqty 4 OS 4 43 AM I X P A I I IPUNOI Caplal incom invitmSptCI 9 72 10 43 Sloch

31S S0>| SO734 17U 17 ................................131 33** 33*» 32»»— *n i Mul 9 tS 10 SS ^0” Of 17 14', S3*. S 3 'i- >• AmNi Cr 1 44 3 9| PO UM M RI


Conlr'a I0S1 1QSI W u0m ln l0 93 11 17 So GtnF iCv iS ft 197 197 Mul Stiri 14 13 I t 13 Sw»lD«»l 103 Mull Tr» 2 04 3 04 Sw invG 113 9 SSE»4«. 14 1114 19 Nat indo 13 39 13 39 Sovf In IJ 49 14 77e»tr« l I3 0) 14 3t N A T S B C fO I; Spactra 131 9 07Fund 17 74 19 39 Daianc 10 41 II 43Purlin 10 41 II J3 Dond &r S 33 1 70 Coni Fd t01 t 17Saltm F 111 t 39 Oivian 4 33 4 t l Olvatil t OS t i lT rm d 3 l 3 t M t l Praf Stk. 7 31 t OS P(oof% 1 111

Incom S 49 4 00 SI F r Gr 4 9t .<4 94Slock Sr 7 9t I 70 SI Fr Inc 9 91 9 91

10.11 11.09 State Sir 14 OS S4 10


4 41 NJI G w t i im IJ39 ITBAOMAN PD».4 30 NEL Sia 17 9t 19 13 Am Ind 4 10 4 105 II NEA Ml 10 93 1 1 14 A iw fd 130 I JO 14 35 N«u C«nl 7 10 I 30 f io u c r 110 I 10

Neuwin _ 13 30 13 33 STflIN ROE POI.Ntwlon 31 0) 33 91 Ualanc 34 77 74 77

9 24 N(,V Wid 14 I I 14 34 CapttI 13 33 13 J31343 Nichlat 34 41 34 41 SloCk 17 93 17 93014 N ttI iv ir IS ft) IS 9S IIIO R O U P .

ich 9 19 10 04 *1 M ull. 10 IS 10 IS Oceang 131 131 Ofwtt. 7 17 143Grin 4 39 4 91 »* 'H Omaga 10 00 10 13 'ncom 9 4S 10 SI

— ..................... I»P S itrr 4 15 4 74 O n7 mo IS 04 IS 04 1371 1393’ O"* Will I I 40 I I 40 Tacnm 797 173

POUMOJIRI OPPSNHM PO Syncro »■ 10 43 II 40OnOUP: O p'A im 11 « 14 94 TMB Ap 13 30 14 43Grwlti 19 01 20 10 Op Fnd 9 31 10 33 Teachri 11S3II7J

111 9 70 'ncom '3.99 14 20 op Tm t 11 00 13 03 0 7 | | I t lm u iiiv 9 15 10 47 P Mtual 9 73 Id 43 q TC Sec 11 14 13 17 Tow«r C 4 44 7 31Grwtn 11111391 FJpac ll 13 49 14 94 p^ram t 9 14 9 99 Tran C«p 9 44 10 31Incom * 39 9 01 Fovriq F 10 27 I I 33 Paul Rev 9 43 10 30 T fa v lE q l2 3 4

f>a Mul ’ —• “ ’ * '•Penn Sq

l l lF d Va 13.04 l*IR IT

9kS 10 }S m V ltT O R t;9 33 10 19 Dt»c Fd - '

Roger E. Spear

0 - Could you tell me If there y„ur holdhiga are very Email InvralirB, all lljted on tho Bigis a possibility of Upjohn Co. n^d sole is recommended to Board

splitting Its ahnres? I bouliht M staplHy your portfolio. Palm (To order your copy ol Roger

shores at JlOO, - M.S. Beach Co. (NYSEI has recently Spoor's 6l-pogc Guide to

A-C^ertolnly when shores In turned comings around; shares Succoaslul Investing, send I I

any company move up over the should tie held lor recovery and with name and address lb Hogor»100 m orli,^ spilt Is always a then eliminated Irom your list. E. Spear, (Timos.News). Box

’■......... Aa far OS-your funds permit I — _ • . _ . . . . . . .

Venlur 13 70 11 92 PR4NKLIN W« Nall 15 01 I t 45 CUITOOIAN ,

A ilron S 04 5 S3 Pr Grwl 111 9 11 Auda« F 13.34 15 SI ONTC 1 1 20 13 37 P ||n r„„

F r U l l l l lS l l l r 701 - PUNOI II

Tudot 10 ; 10 W '' CG 00 v t t i 20in Cl 13 13 IS Unilied


possibility. There arc, however, ________ ^___ ______

u substantial number of Issues would favor rounding*^ to 100 which have traded ot and above shares Allied. Maintenance,

that love! for long periods Dymo Industries, Hoyes -

without splitting shares. Albion ond MONY Mortgage Although Upjohn has one of the.

lowest 5-yeur growth rotes in

the drug Industry, a new-line of

antibiotic drugs, Increased

chemical capacity and foreign

plant expansion should reverse

this trend. In the March quarter

1018, -Grand Central Shatlon,

New York, New York 10017.)

Copyright 1972,

CencrBl Feature* Corp.

I 134 41 7 41

Axe Scl -5 40 5 17 DlC Gin 13 95 14 IS QftUion Dsyroc Bayrk gr Deacn Hi 13,01 Beacon IS 50 Hergrr K 13 34 13 34 UcrkUir 4 30 4 71 Dond>U

1 H I GE S S P 37 13 ’ ■ 0*n Sec ' i 77

Gibri Gr GROUP IBC. Ape. h 133 flal Fnd 141 Com

9.40 10 49 PLI OHO IS 41 14 14 N a lM nvl0 30Ir IS 94 17 43. v o ic e DOWE < «P' '4 49 15 14

179 9 41 Grwlh 33 14 33 14 Wrilr>al IS40I701>ltS I3S9 Nw Era 11 VO 41 90 UN1TC0 FUHDt

l« Mor 4J 57 43 17 “ ■ " “I 77

13 13

Pro F I 13 41Pro Horn Providl 100 I 46 Provd Gl 9 1/ 10 34 Prud SIP 11 10 U IV PUTNAM - PUMOS

Ond Fd 8 34 VOS 'Com ow 13 34 14 51 Com ln< II 54 13 67 lt>(.o<i' I S U I t t i Scicoc 113 9 14 VAnUd 10 46 II 46

W all Street ChatterNEW VORK(UPI)-W alston' lent. With a vigorous real rate

sales rose ID per cent with net & Co., noting the recent auna|)ot' of growth, the country should

year average 12 to 15 per cent

over laat year, the firm says.

And, the market may follow

this trend.



- 13 36 I

3 SA Gin I- Aii> tDruwn 4 35 4*4 G>in )nd 35 44 35 44BULLOCK Guard 34 91 34 91

-4 PUNDt. ^mH OA 4 11 5 30'» Uull fd 1191 17 SO Ham Gr I SI 9.4*'» Cdn Fd 33 34 35 45 Ham lr<c 1 47 7 07■t Div Shr 4 07 4 44 Harlwel IS 43 IS 43

H Nalwd 10 93 II 94 Harl Lv II 35 It 35U,----H3C-Ucn- l l . 33J4.47_Hedbwi I 99 9 1 3' i Ornnm 14 IS 14 15 f»»doe 9^8 t 36‘

Q u»m (d 4 97 7 64 Mer.toe 3 31 3 43 ........CG Fund 13 41 13 63 ►‘Ofrtce 19 55 30 3V!6ayn,ar ) 14 3 14 Dos I'nd 6 )» V 14CapAmV 1 34 9 14 '•yNORD M OM 'T sct>u»lr 1140 13 «S llc.% L>)flO J3 11 ib

Cap ln»» 3 50 3 12 “ “ P ICUOOERPDS '•I"'*' V «4 U blCap Snr> a 14 7 40— 100-Fnd I4.J9 li.43 in ir lc)v I t SI la.13Cap Trin IS lt.4a '01 rn d 9.31 lO.U o«innc '• '

Crni St<» 15 03 t t 43 ColLtti 14 IS H 46 Com 13 09 13 09 v .iiii uvu a JjCHANNINO 35>und 7 01 7 74 Specal 39 79 19 79 Vflt.ccl i 4 49 4 4a

FUMO li Impri Cp II Si 13 63 iB C U B lT Y F D i. ’ V.Kvy G. f w ( URained 13 34 13 49 , '" 'P Gr 9 40 10 49 Equity 4 41 4 48 W .illS lgf 9 99 10 93Ond Fd 9 73 10 43 m e'dAm 14 30 IS 43 invo»l l i t 194 Wrt%i>Mul3

Com Stk 1 74 1 90 I " ' (‘ o»l • '

37x price-earnlngs m ultip le doubts this has had any

shares have omply discounted influence on ^ e stock market,

the improved profit level. as suggested’ by another aifO-A~ I havebeen advised to sell lyst. More to the point is the

the nine slocks on tho enclosed hassle over prices on 1073 autos

list. Ihese 1 hate kept since my which Walston says helpedhu.sband’s death a year ago. In depress the market. But It adds

addition, I hold 62 shares of thot the upturn of

American Telephone and W.OOO depressed groups, specifically

V.In lrl ' 11 66 17 U ' i ‘SANOBNS

1/6} Vdi'urd

Moody's Investors Service

says ‘investor psychology Is

some beginning to firm, cand the

growing confidence In economic

in Anierlcun General Bond the oils, has brightened the (M‘0|>ress seems to augur a

Fund both NYSE-llsted. I have market oatlook. continued stock market ' i i ^

monthly Income from Social ---- turn,” Moody’s notos -tho-Security and an annuity of $250 ic. F. Hutton says one of the increased margin trading which

plus $42,000 uT various savings keys to tlie stock market

accounts. Many of tlie stocks perfurniance has been "tlie

40 10 4930 IS 437* ' ’ 4 U ltra F 10 84 n IB Wr>no f<l 11 33 II 7:

, JJ IndFAm 4 44 5 13 tELECTeOFDS WELLINGTON140 10.14 1173 Am Shr 10 43 1 1 40 OHOUP

ipetlVtnluf 14.13 11-30 ^

•OtTON: ‘‘O' H40 I1F no no i 13M 13 33 ‘NVBiTORQUP

Cp 9

I 14 i . p l o r H i


may Indicate public portlclpa-

. tlon, Moody’s concludes, “furth-are well below Uiu prku (laid clouded .st^itus of the doUai up er expansion of profits and

and 1 woulcrilke yom opinion on ihe world . currency scene,” broadening of Investor partlcl-

selUng. • H.M. Hutton wjp^ kforoign investors patloti v^ilUiJO tl't* stock market’

A— BecHUSf your- income think tiip U.S. economy is the headed upward

from all sources is evidently strongest among Western coun'-

adequate for yoi\r needs you are tries but are’ withholding

probably concerned with investment fUnds until after

preserving or moderately November. Hutton feclh the

enlarging your t’upllal. Sevfcral ^i;^>rlam public will have to

of your holdings are entirely too participate in the', upturning

speculative In your situation jnarket to restore confidence

37’ .30*.33*.

71'.30' , 33

Morf.» Knu 1, MolnroiA 40 17

17 . 17'. 119'. H I ,


'• F>nl Sll 30i< '• l-u<aC4-'l« • F ror^lier Air

^ ‘ 37' /- \00

l l ' i7»' ,


3J . •

314M lS lfJ i 1 36

, MurpCo 1 30

3 33U 33

• S ’ l jS "

33'. •

30• tIumyOl 15 17 I I ' . '

4Q7 10'.7 'i " v i

39'. 10 N.il).»ci)^70 1031 N-----

54' . 54l.»rLnl ]4il J }»

1 1 . '. , N-ii Alrlit>f»

4053 IV . 31'.

]5>. J4'«3B .14-. 1 lA .

I J . ' i ' * ]U ’ «4I>.)3‘ .

31'i 47*, . 13'.

NrtUJ*'" 90 k, 50

Ntl OVP 1 05


30'. 19',’ 39*. 39 .

30 . 39>. . * PncuJll Dyn

• I ’u tiio t'l 154 5*‘

JO 1) .'J ' i

N«IMcn 2 , N«toit.rt% 35 90

40'. 40‘ . 40’ . 40'*

40'.40'. use lr«l i.u

«■* Solilfoti 05) 3‘ .

94 10'.3‘ t 3'.


{ i .

31*. • 11

J' Nrv 1*. 1 30 ,* NewUc' I3l> ,• NEr.(,l:-l 1 43 , Ninu'^t* 1 14


33s ' 33 '- 34>l 34 .16'• 14

34 ! ■ 14' . '

. Stainam m i Synlpa C 40

47 }4 'i 474 93'1 41- US


34’ »90>,1|*>

33*. 33‘ . 1* NC H’JuV* 1 * NorlolkWiS * ’44

I4‘ . U '* 69.'. 49'•

• Univ ConI 3i Ulali Sof 10

11 3’ . 3 U ‘\


° SMEARSONFOtApprt Incom

1119 a IV h j 3b IJ J4

C6i"P I Concwi Con» Inv 13 SO 13

' Cnlln □» 41 7 Ot

(]ommodity Fiiliiros

CqoMI . , .Conlrail 10 41 10.91 Corn Ldt 14 31 17 I I Co.»lry C 15 90 17 »* C«n Oall 7 99 I >3 Cy>n Oiv 4 34 4 13 DaviJu 14 93 14 9) DtfLAW ARI

imUKlCl.lilY, Calif, (U P D -

Tlje -piijjers -of • the-lnte

Ernest 0. Lawrence, who oev'JJn

iani.» fd I I n I JMan gilt 9 11 v vy Johntin 31 97 ;n 97 KEVJTONB Cull n i 19 37 30 36 CutI (13 30 44 33 44 Cull 1)4 9 31 10 13 CutI Cult

' category are LVO^ Corp

'iN Y S IO an' Liberty^Homes iiie morket Is ’ In a good

IOTC). In the case of Magnavox po.sltion to continue on Its short-

Co- iNYSK) and Technicon, Uihii uptrend, according to

Harris, Uphiim. The technical

picture has been Improved and

S ilv t?r the fundamentals look cxcel-

O v i * r T h e C ^ o i i i i t e r

Windshields$1 AS!;

FROM i« f FOR ALIIIAKESCFCARSBarger Mattson Auto Salvage Inc.7 3 3 .3 7 % 3 ,

S a llied ^ if l

Q u o ta tio n s f ro m NASO at •Q p ra n lm a lt lv noon.' An b id i a r t

___ . . . . . . . In l t r d a a la r b ld» . In ta r d ta le rCult 33 41 3 5 19 quotations do not Include ra la ll Cull S 3 ir9 9 i3 i4 m v b u p /m a r k dawn o r com iCull S3 91Cull $4 t so ' 13

7 33 1041 73 4 35K in

T h t i t qu o ta tlo n t a r * tS 'W ldM } bv.. M c R o b a rti. S tu rs lll «. U lrich , '

NEW YOiiK (UPI )-HiUidy L Hiirman Wednesdiiy quoted |H silver al 188.7 cents per (ino

.ounce up 4,7 conts. .

Krikr Gl|i 10 4V II 49 L«0» »-a ! I t 10*

......... 9'Js 10.10

May Idaho^ potatoes"

May Maine potatoes

Aug- llvp cattle ..- Dec. live cattle

Doc. hogs

Sept. wheat >

^SeptT-com-----‘“ 7 '

Sept. eggs

Sept. silver

July sliver coins

Ouotations from touis N. Rittcn Co

Prev. 11:00Cldsc lligh Low Q4n:

1 6.W 1 0-R5 1 6.86 1 6 .^ '

5.2.*! 5.20 5.13 5;i6

34.85 34.90 34.82 34.90.

33.90., •33.07 33.70 33.90

26,05 27.35 26.A7 2 ,27

■ 188 *, 101 186 187H r

127H 120 “ 127TS“ /“i2 8 ^ n i.3505 .3555 .3460 .348$ ..

181D0 100.70 180.00 180.60

1450 . 1462• W5C 1402

invented the cyclotron while, a , ! ; l». q, ,

prolessor ot the University of gV;’vVLio-i,;-,-" tl™ f " " ! i " "California, have been given to oryi » u 1444 ',Jhf Bancroft Ubrary here for sp ine’r ^ 'lv '” ©* cAn*S*‘3V44 33 44

The use of qualified scholars. ’1 J? '! J? \l IJ. Uwrence’s key i^ole In the Ea«itGr 9.17 1013 „

history of ioth century sclcnco hovA « di’makes hia papera of IneatimO" u i i 11U i-u"har 1312 nbs

ble value. He Was the orlglna-' ;*?; |

torergrbup-typo research on o slcif fa u v Uu ISJJSmo $

grand scale, combining pngl- eoTc'sd io9*j Jow '• ■ aPCAAduTaBP. “ vJenT -

Indp F

Twiti FalU

Btuiiu HLuii:, L’am om m g pngi* eoig sp io n 3091 neerlng and science toproduco

tlie.ofttin massive equipment. I j k ' ' ' « . i . f u u u m

needed.to penetrate tlie secrets eor.t oi i . jh i i i i * if,V '"m si u ,iofthoatom .■. i - m ; «,Jig innii!IS IS I I 54 .

First Sec. C.


West. Bank Cont.Ufe


Iti’nn.Gas '

Kellwood :

Long. Fibre

North. King


P jc St Ufe

Quantex. . Rogers Bros.

Sierra Ufe'

Surety U fa..

. B i d

45.00 38.50 ,





40.00 '38.00

Post oi’fice

bid taken3.00

57.tk) 16.25

20.00 103.00



' 3.50

M5 15.00

4 50

. 5.02^^-- 6.00

MOSCOW, Idaho {UPI) - A

Seattle firm’s bid has been ac-

bepted for' coruitructlon of a

’Ih i General Servlces^dmln*

l.<itrfltion said ll had occoptod

Uio btd of 17.463,2U,by Chrla-

berg Construction for Uio pro­ject,

Work is BlQted to got under'

woj-. thla fall with a one .'■ycol*

'construction time planned. *—



25.07* 1




W E HAVE A WONDERFUL SELECTION Of CONTINENTAL 4 d o o r s , 2 DQ0R HARDTOPS, AND Th E WQRLD FAM­OUS MARK IV A T CLOSE O U T PRICESTho opportunity of th« year it .ready for' you now a t Jh'flitan M o to ri . we hove o lipilted num ber'of Uncoln-Continentali, a ir loaded, wi^h op llo n i aKd In nioil of Ihe popular co lon , {uit woltlng ^or ownerihlp. W e must sell theie before Ihe '7 2 '* ifa rt rollino |n. And iho Iromendous tdvingt can be youri . . ■ th* fin* cit ta r inud« . ■. ihe 19 /2 . UiKoln f^onlinenlal.


Cassia fair resultsHMIt KM«MlC*

0«MMt(rtlU« eMiM* ,Junior d ivlllon - Jll Wuat€, k t r r i t

tv fw PowiM'. T iu iw Udy. al( b lu f «nd d li lr lc l; M Ic liO li AndK un, 0«wn Batlon, H»y Lynn* Hyd*. HolMi l>trlU i, D«bt)l* M kh*IU T u rnv «ndLyn M lt W irr tn , •(( btu*; B a rb tr* Jo Daylty. ThVMa Ann o«lan«y. A ltyn * lU dKy. K i l l l AU l. Kim M arl* M allfr,Ml in lfl su« OarttariRatmutian, Larry ll»tiwall. Kannia Maa fm irn and Olalna Turnar; all rad.

Inlarmadlaia d ivltlon - CInd/ Warran, ,b lua and d li i r lc t i Suun Doolh. blua and wcodni Ranaa Pratlon, blua and third; Pam AAalhaw*. blua; Danya Kallaf, rad.

Sanlon dlwUloai— lu ia n Kuwana. blua and d li lr lc t; Janat Oaary, blua and ucond; Oana«« DarVdull. blua arw) Ihlrd

H»M» Ic M a w lta Cantai)Junlof dlv lilon - Carol Oirrlngton.

fIr ilrD a b ra Pavli. tacond; Julia .Hakar. ' th ird; Cindy Warran. f i r t t allarnala, and Cindy Blackar. lacood alKrnaia.

Sanlof divltlon - Marla - Darrlnalon, | l r * i ; M Ichilla Hanichlad, lacond; Jinal Oaary. th ird , and Davarly H u n t, allarnala.

OamwtiirallMi. Junior d ivlilon - J ill Harpar. I l r i l i Karria Lynn f^owlar. wcond, and Tauna Udy. Ihlrd.

intarmadlata d ivli t in t ; Sutan Ooolh,Prailon, third.

Sanlor divltlon - Sut«n Kuwana. II Janat Caary, ta<pn, and Ginata Oark< third.

. >l»a<lat Award"P oyllrv -< Suian Kuwana. f ir it .

Puric, k lrii Malar. L iu lia Moncur. Marlaa Oabbla Smyar. RoKanna

•M ljia lla Tumar, JacMa Punk, Cindy. Crurch. Dwina Matthawi. 0«b Dayliy, Danny Rahwalt. all blua.

Malania Patarion. Michala Martlndala. Lynn RatM, L « 'r l Ci-ltchflald. Ptm Oglay. Hollla Parlih , Tracy taaman, Mictialla

'Oich, Rialna Land. MIckI Raddar. ilK la Hantchald. K t lia y C rana.'Kalhy

'a rata Ta«an, Alana TH,liv. Tarry w fo«r. Tharaai Dalanay. Jannia Ford. Donna Mowall. Kay Lynna Hyda. Pam Kuhn, Kaiiy Wabb. Pbrrall Daylav, Larry Nahwair. Latlla Warwood,.all rad. ..

Scolt Jonaa, Oary M illar. Tarry Saamorf.Barbara Oaylay, all. Whitt....... • --

' L l l ' l anlarlatn - Kalfiy lo Zolllnotr. blua and d l i t r k l j AAarla Darrlngton and

LE G A L N o t ic e

NOTICVOrtAm N o llc t l ih « r » b v o lv « n iM t .W . W ..

D r««d lna . 577 Jackaon T w in P « lit .■Idiho (V )4^W ) uHll UN to th* — -------------------t i lq h N * b id de r o n * 10 8 « rM N w h M l M il to H i* h lo h M bkk»ar en*i ^ o o r a«dAA‘ (R * t io ra to lt) . 8vlfe l< l ^ . A ^ l t M inor. ID No. M U )*.No. LH 1 I34 I. B ld f w i ll b« b « rM lv « |U n ( l l AUQIMf M.u t l l lA u o u i t a i J » n . H ita d v 'M ’tK w I fn * TTia M v o n i i i r rM ir v M Hi*T B M (V M »hkT loM > D r* l»c1 in v or ..............................................



. N atic* I I h*r*fay alwm Hiat Budd/ Cm ph(»r. Rout* Mo. I, P U t , Idaho


IN T H ^ IS T B IC T C O U B T O P T H E AN O R D IN A N C E OP T H E C IT Y • p I F n y jU D I C I A L D I5 T R IC T -0 P OF T W IN F 'A L l.S , ID A H O


-Thuraday^uouM 2^, ) m TlmM-Niw/*, Vwin P«Ili, Idaho 2T'


ion , Sylvia. McOlnla< r l. Shalla Stawart. Valarl Samualwn, Charvl Wlck< Ilk . all rad.



r l o h t t e r t l k l a n y o r a lt b M t.

V M D IH A N C B NO. .^ N O R D IN A N C E 0»= T H E £ IT V


N O T IC E IS H C R E O /G IV E N Ih a l p R o v Y o iN G ^ F O R ^ T « E Z ^ N E p u b lic h .a r lrM ) .w m b « h .H lb . lo r # T « E 2(?NElH o Z o n ln o C o m m lM lo n o llh o C lU 'o l ' uX ^ c d g a s ' o r lo r tu

le jja tlc ;;

N O T tC e OP P U B L IC m tP B C T IO N Tha annual r f> o rJ o f 1»i* Nor-

ihw a iTarrt D a n evo lfn i. Foundation , in c . , a p r l v a l * fo u n d a t io n , l» ava llab iB fo r In tpa c tlon a t l i t oM Ic* al 9lh and E lm S tr« « ti, b iih l, Idaho,

in ip o c tlo n m » v ba m ad * d u r in g ' i r 'b u * ln * t i .h o u r « w U hin )W

P U B L IS H : AUO. 14. 17; I I , 30, 3). 33, 2J. 34. 31. i J f , 1?73.


------------=ATE OP ID A H O , IN A N D G R A N T IN G ’ TH!e^ P E T IT I0 N ^ 0 FFOR T H R C O U N TY O F TW IN T H E S O U T H L A N D C O R - p a l l s - . P D R ATIO N .FO R A C O N D IT IO N A L

. . M A G IS T R A T E D IV IS IO N USE A T 111 F IL E R A V E N U E .• t w in .F A L LS , ID A H O .

IN 'T H E M A T T E R O F T H E W H E R E A S Ih * lo o ltx o C om - , ES TA TE OP V IV IA N P . C A R L , 'm lu lo n o M h t . 'C l ly o f T w in F a lla , p7 fnclD a i’, -D -c.aw d, h«vlnohald a public haarino w iiM n ^ ^

a t rw ju lra d by la w upon, th * no N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N b y -p llc a llo n o l th * South liind Cor.

m * u n d a rilg n a d A d m ln la lra tr la o t .p o ra tio n fo r a co n d liio n a l u u fo r-a _________-------| b * - * a t * t * - o f — V iv ia n — P .- Car , •e M '« « rv le * -o a a - it | it lo n u p o n - lh * - u i j i «

d e c e a t» d . to th * c ra d llo ra o f a n d a ll SaVon Elawan S to r^ p ro ija r ly lo c a l* '* ’ ■“ pe rio na ha v in g c la lm a * 3 * ln » r ith * .« » \ \ \ f » « - A.v*nu«, T w in PaUi

H a rry

PU BLIS H ,1 3^, «?3. •

N O TIC B TO C R B O IT O R Iiaid- dKtda^r,'tB '.\hllTf -'ih idahi: .■nd-|h*” 'r;co“mrn’ahd;il'o ':o’ f \VjH ^UDICl^L*'dVsVric7 mU kry VOOChara.WllhIn th« 7nnlfUi r n m m l. t ln n h .u in n C .^ V V -.* ’ ‘^5 '? L A ^_ P .IS T R IC T IN'N E w ith th * n o c * i i ) i r y v o u c h * r c ,w l lh

j (Council . 331 ^ Ic o n d

........... .................................. .......... Fa lU * IdfllK ), Ir. . . Room o f Iho C ity H a ll. A beaver!^ nose vnlvcs Avonuo E aU . T w in Palia, laanp. a i

■mlomnllcolly close wlicn, U,o “1. C o n tid o r the lo n in g o? p ro pe rty

proposed to be annexed Into la ld

Slyla rav ir =unk.. and Kalhy Jo'Zoillnoar. lanlor

Pony - J ill Hilt. Poal - Haathar

AAorlay, tKOntf. Yaarllno - Lar

CHatburn, iHird; Jamat Pt Four yaar old or ovar i

Waaka, i l r t t ; JuDa Ann .


itloo. It

ntarmadlala tiallii >utla Ann Joliay. tk tacondi Tom Qalta Waahd. (ourlh.

Sanlor tiallar thov Parka, l in t ; Ron i Ctiatburn. Ittlrd. am lourih. ,


I Oarkdull, »acondand

a Thompwm. tacond Plchlai and r.altthai — Sharon Hatch.

•ir»t. and Sharon Kiptng, tacond.Jam* and (aH<«t - Mary. Palmar, l in t ,

and Agna* Orady. tacondCannad Pruitt

Applatauca^ Uulh Aartow. tJlua.- taN ita■■------- ■■ ■ and Janal Child, whita

I Oavlt. blua; Janalrad. and 1

coilChild, rad. and Lo

CharrlM. black blua; JoanAndario

blua. I

nn Swan, wt Swan, bli

Cartruda .

n n lm o l goes un d e r w n lc r ,

w here its "b v e ra lred lu n y s

p c fm lt i t to s la y for a s lo ng ns

15 m in u te s .


N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N th a l a pCibllc hoaring w ill bo U IV b N th a t a public he a ring w ill be hold be loro Iho C ity Council of the C lly o l T w in PAlts, tdaho. In the Council Room o f the C Itv H a ll, 331 Second A vonuo E a it . T w in Falls,

.Idaho, a t 8:00 p .m . ot) Septem ber IS, 1973, on the (o iiow ing m a n e r i:

I. C onsider the jon lng o l p ro pe rty proposed lo 'b o anneked In to la id C ity, fo -w lf iP a r t o l the N W '/. o l the

' NWV4^ Section 9. Tow nship 10 South. Range 17 E .. D. M ., T w in Falla County, Idaho, described as Iq llow s: D eg lnn in ga t Iho northw est co rn o r ol la id Section ihonce S. Odoaroos 48 m ln u to i 00 seconds W. lo r J02.99 loo t along Iho w es te rly boundary o f said Section 9 lo th a rea l 4>oint o( b e g in n in g ;.the nce S. 09 degrees 09 m inutes 58 seconds E .. fo r 1000.50 fe e t; thence S. 0 degrees 30 m inutes *S seconds W lo r 867.81 M e t; thence N. 69 degrees 10 m inutes 00 seconds W, fo r 779.83 leef a long Ihe sou th e rly ; boundary of sa id 'N W '^ o l Ihe NWV4 of Section 9; Ihence N. 63 degrees 30 m in u te s00 seconds W. fo r 69.38 leet,- Ihence N. S9 degre'es 10 m in utes 00 seconds W. fo r 168.67 fe e t; Ihence N.00 degrees 48 m in u te s flfts e c o n d i E. to r B37.UI lee t along tne w e s te rly boundary ol sa id Section t6 the rea l p o in t o f b e g in n in g . The ab o ve described p a rce l conta ins 30 a c ro t, m ore or less.

3. C o n s id e r.a p p lica tio n fo r. con. d itlo na l use to p e rm it op e ra tion o f a beauty shop In R esiden tia l Low - D enslty Zone at 3038 C oncordia W ay, the p rem ises described as fo llo w s ;

Lot 1 and the W est 16 leet o f Lo t 3, C athedral H eights Subd iv is ion,

.,T w ln F a ils C o u n ty ,l

C ity . > w il :

P a rt of the NW'/4 o f the N W /4, Sbctlon 9, Tow nship 10 South, R ange 17 E .. O .M ., T w ih F a lls C ounty , Idaho, described a>^ fo llo w s : * ’

Q o g ln n in o a t th e n o r lh w o s i c o rn o r 01 sa id Section 9; Ihence S. 0 dogreOs 48 m inutes 00-

'soconds W. lo r 403.99 feet along Iho w es te rly boundary o l said Soction 9 to the rea l po int o l h n g ln n ln g ; fhonco S.-89 degrees09 m in u tes SO seconds E. fo r 1008.50 fo o t; th w ico S. 0 degrees ]0 m in u tes 45 seconds W. lo r 067.Df lu o t; thence N. 89 degrees10 m in u te s 00 seconds ^ /. fo r 779 03 loe l along b o un da ry o f saic NW'/« o l Section \ degroos 30m inute lo r 69,3(| foot; iJegroes 10 n

NW'/4 ol the once N. 63 loconds W.ce n- O’)

fo rdugroos 48 n

.67 toot; thence N. 0s 00seconds E.

proceedings the Zoning C om m ission held Us he a rin g as prov ided by law- and has recom m ended Ihe lo n e fo r Ihe a rea to b * annexed.OE IT O R D A IN E D DY T H E M A Y O R AN D C IT Y C O U N C IL OF TH E C IT Y OF TW IN FA LLS , ID A H O : -. Section 1. T ha t the to llo w in g described p ro p o rty be And the sarne Is ho rebv *nn»K«d and de cta re d lo be a p a r i of the C lly o l T w in Falls, Idaho, to w l l ;

N '/iN E '/4N W '/4 except Ihe W est 625 feet o l the NW)/4NE>/4NW'/4, Section 10, Tow nsh ip 10 South, R ange 17 E., 0 . M .. Tw in F a lls C ounty, S ta le ol Idaho, except Ihe N orth 35 feel th o reo l.

Section 3. T ha i said p ro po rty h e ro in a n n e xe d Is io n o d R E S ID E N T IA L LO W D E N S IT Y ZO N E . *■ •


' S IG N E D D Y T H E A C T IN G M A Y O R AUGUST 31. 1973.

W ins lon I. Jonas A c tin g M ayor

A tte s t:E d ythe D. K oon tt C ity C lerk

f( . - . ............... .........pu b lica tion o f iM * no lli A d m ln is fra lr l i

thPZon lno C om m iss ion hav ing be<ifv t h e ’ S T A T ^ O f T jO A H o T i j a n dh * l l r s t rece ived b y the C ity C o j(^c ll. ^ 3 5!> th * » a lt f W H E R E A S

L,.........- 0/ hav ing hpid It 's hearingby laur «nd ha u ln n rm

roQ ulredand ha v in g considered «

Oicto,, C ity o f T w in P a lls , n ia l iu . .th - O R D A IN E D 'O Y TH Etn is M in g the p la c e j lx * ^ ^ A N D C IT Y C O U N C IL,

ion o f th * business o f sa id c i t y OF TW IN F A L L S . ID A H O , • ■■ • Uie 0 o tit l ‘ •

Ion loi


M A G IS T R A T E D IV IS IO N In the M a tte r o l Ihe E sta te W IL L IA M C. AAcCLURE, D eceai

Iransai estate ..

Dated Ih is IS d a y o l J u ly , 1973. s- H E L E N B. CARL

A d m ln ls lra tr lK o l Ih * estate o f V iv ia n F .C arl, deceased ■

■ PU O LIS H : A u gu s t-3 . IJl. 17 «. 34




M A G IS T R A T E 'S D IV IS IO N In the m a tte r o f - th e . esta te o f : H A Z E L D E L L DROW N, Deceased.

rea l p o in t o l bo Abovo described p. 20 dc rcs , m ore or loss.

a. C onsider ap p lica tion for con d it lo n a l use to p e rm it opora tlon o l a boauty shop in R es lder\tla l Low- D onsity Zone at 2038 Concordia W ay, Iho prom ises described as fo llow s:

Lot' 1 and the West 16 feet of Lot 3. DIpck 2, C athed ra l Heights Subd iv is ion , Tw in F a lls . Tw in F a lls C ounfy, Idaho.

P U O L IS H : A ug. 34, 1973.




W H E R E A S th e Z o n in g C om . m ission h a v ing held a pu b lic he a ring as re q u ire d by law upon the ap ­p lica tio n of M a rsh a ll D ro thers . In d lo r a con d itio na l use to /b u l ld an 8 unll dw«l«ng-upomT\»T6»VprfttvWTy there in described and Ihe recom . m en da tlon fo r ap p ro va l ha v ing been

N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N thal 0 . E . B rovM i-has f ile d he re in a pe tition fo r fo rm a l p ro b a t* o l w ill ,« id h l i .p p o ln lf t iK it • • p « - io n . l „

esentalhH earing has been set upon said

pe tition on th e Sfh d a y o f S *p t*m b * r . 1973. at 10:00 o 'c lo c k a .m . * t Ih * C ourtroom o f th * ab ov* na m *d Court in Tw in F a lla , Counfy o f Tw in F a lls , S ta la o f Idaho, and a n y p *rson In ta rH te d m a y a p p *a r and contast M r d ^ l l l and m i\y o b |*c t to th * appo in tm ent o f B. E. Q rown '* • P ersonal R a p r*s *n t« flv * .

Dated th is 3rd d a y o f A u gu s t, 1973. B. E . BROWN Pe titioner

P U B L IS H ; Aug. 10, 17 a. 34. 1973.




N O TIC E IS H E R E D Y G IV E N th a l . ^ - • undersigned has been appo in ted

I. u l the South land P e rso na l R e p re s e n ta llv e o f Ih e I con d itio na l use lo r above-named estate . A lt persons las s l a l l ^ a l Ihe hav ing c la im s against th * said S to re , 111 F i le r deceased a re r e q u lr e d jo present 'IS, Idaho, be ing the Ih e ir c la im s w ith in four, m on lh s

a fte r Ihe da te o f Ihe f ir s t pu b lica tion o l th is no tice o r sa id c la im s w i ll be fo re ver b a rre d . C la im s m ust * l lh e r be presented lo R uth I. M cC lu re o f the estate, at Mha o ffice o f P a rry . Robertson, D a ly & Larson, Idaho F irs t N ationa l Bank B u ild ing . T w in F a lls . Id a h o ,o r f ile d w lth - th * C ourt.

D A T E D th is Mh day o f August. 1972. .

:S. R U TH I . M CCLURE CO P a rry . R obertson. D a ly S.

Larson 1 ,P .O . Box 535 T w in F a lls , Idaho 83301

P U U L IS H : A ug. 10.17.34 L 31. 1973.

a selt servlL Seven E lo v Avonue, Twii

. sam e Is 'DCanlod and appiPASSED BY T H E C IT Y COUN

C IL August 31,' 1973.S IG N E D OY T H E A C T IN G

M AYO R August 31. 1973.. , W INSTON I. JONES.

A cting M ayor A ttes t:■ E D Y T H E D. KOONTZ

C ity C lerk PU O LIS H : A u gust 24, 1972

Case No. 3SM9.N O T IC B OP SALB

ON P 0 R B C L 0 S U R 8 --------- ----------------------------- -----------------IN TH E D IS T R IC T COURT OF T H E THE TOTAL AM O U N T OF M O N E Y



N o tK * U h « '* b v e lv« n -H i* f th * e i*c trlc« > M d H o m b ln o a » « rd * o f th * M a t* o M d a h o . d *p « ^ im *n t« o f

- Ih * D * p i r t m * n t ' o f L * w E n fo rc*m en t, w i ll he ld a pu b lic hearing a l A .M . on th * a i r t d a y -

-’ Qf— 8 * p i * m b * 4 t - 1 f 7 l , - - f n f - t h * - Conteranc* R o o ^ n M h * D * p * r tm * n t of Law e n f o r c * m * n ^ ld ln g a t »1 1 Wasl S ta t* S ir» * t . D o li« , IdaHo fo r

oovem lho th * * l* c t r lc a l. pTumblno> heatino/ and s tru c tu ra l •y s tcm s fo r m o b ll* h o m *s and re c r e a t io n a l v a h ic ) * ! . th a t th * R u l * i an d R aom atlont In lu b s ta n c * a r * t h o u ad op iad b v A119.1 and A l l f . S A m e r ica n N a tio n a l S ta n d a rd ! InslltiKc.

A l Ih * t im e o l ia id h *arlno< *11 p 4 r i ^ i in la ra s tad m ay ap pa ar and . g iv e - o r a l o r s u b m it w r i t t e n iM t lm o n y b a fo r* o r to a ha a rld o • x a m ln a r d a a lg n a ttd fo r th a t purpos*. C op!** o f th * p ro p o ia d rules and r tg u ta llo n s 'm a y ba obtalnad b / * - r * Q u * s t In w r it in g K co m p an led by a c M h le r 't c h K k o r money o rd e r In the am o un t.o f U.SO.

D A TE D th is I t ih day o f A u gu s t,

-s- John Dander C om m issioner o f Law E n forcem enl B Y :«A rtle D arker ^

S la t* e i* c f r lc a l Board OI*nn G ** rh a rd - -

S tate f*lum blng Boar.d PU B L IS H : A u g . W, J4 I . 31, W l .

o r d i n a n c e n o . ISSfAN O R D IN A N C E OF T H E C ITY


A p e tition b y R ay R oy“ rhom pson , hn rn M av 7, 1954, a t Salm on. Idaho, County o f Le m h i, now res id in g at C larendon. D Ialne C ounty. Idaho, proposing a change In nam e lo C harlton has been file d in the above e n tille d co u rt, tho reason for the change In nam e be ing ;

The ’ P e l l l io n e r 's m o th e r re m a rr ie d R obert C harlton sho rtly a f te r the b ir th o l Ihe m in o r. R ay Roy Thom pson.' A t a l l lim e s . R o b e r t C h a r lto i ' 'suppo rt tMtAn'j


C O N T IN E N T A L • L IF E AC C ID E N T C O M P A N Y , an C orpo ration. P la in tif f .


d been'a la th e r lo th e sa li I he has, a t a ll tim es,

n of c a rp o rt at 1301 Tei.fo r m ade to the C ity C ouncil. __

W H E R E A S iv in g held

Ih e C ity C<

pileiq u in la'

tio n and ha

ib llc he a rin g as

r saii fu lly con-

iria n ceip lic t io n fo i

I N alw irt. r»d.

B a an trKnopp. rad; Gladys Tanni..... ........

fiaani, fancy cul - Jaan NariwarT.

set back re q u lre m e n ti 1 p e rm it Ih ree loo l set baCk fo r )ns truc tlo n o l c a rp o rt a t 1301 Tenth

Jones A d d itio n ,

_______ a ll m a l l - ..OE IT -O R D A IN E D OY TH E

M A Y O R A N D C IT Y C O U N C IL OF T W IN FA L LS , ID A H O , the ap

I p lic a tio n ol M a rsh a ll D ro th e rs . Inc. ronditionat

d w e llin g 19 fa llo w in g described proved pei


n. blua,use


- Charl>. blua. Judy

mka, rad, ana '

*Jlla Hantan, rad, Janal

Z on ib u lld l p rd p e rty :

•E W , Lo t 3. T w in F a lls , Idaho.

Any person ii

Pearson Subdlv ls lBh, Tw in Fa lls C ounty.

I 31st dev of Augui

P U B L IS H : Aug 24. 31 an(l Sepi

ftatpbirrv l»«v — BorU,Emma Thompton. rad. and Cay Nai wniia.Strawberry (am — Mary Palmar.

N O T IC £ o'F P U D L iC H E A R IN O

N OTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N b] ihv Board o l County C om m issioners Tw in F a lls C ounty. State o f Idaho

k 'l and th e roquos



S ection I. Tha i Section 3 of A rU cle V I I . C hapte r V, C ity d f T w in Fatls.

’ Idaho. C od* be am ended .to p ro v id e C as fo llo w s :

-tlr^p T APPI IT A T ir^M lL U i\.

in ing to Ihe loH describea rea l p ro p e rty :

Tow nsh ip 10 South. R ange 17 E., D .M ., T w in F a lls C ounty, Idaho Section 10: A tra c t o l land com m encing a t a po in t 1.008 fqet East o f the N orth w e s t co rn e r o l the SEV4SWV4 ; thence South 331.5 le e t. thence East 338.5 fee l 1 thence N orth 331.5 fe e t; Ihence

. w e s t 338.4. fee t Jo the p o in t ol be g in n in g . E X C E P T a s tr ip 35 lee t w ide a long the N orth line ol sa id above de scrib ed p ro p e rly fo r a pu b lic road.

PASSED OY T H E C IT Y COUNCl August 31. 1973.

S IG N E D BY T H E AuousI 31. 1972.

W IN STO N I. JONES A c tin g M ayo r


N 0 .4 r -4 « n N o tic e i t h e re b y , g iv e n th a t

Q lf fo rd O. D av is , R ou t* 3, Tw in F a lls , Idaho has fi le d a c la im lo a w a te r r ig h t estab lished by d ive rs ion and ap p lica tion to ba n e llc la l u t * o f 3.0 cub ic feat pe r second o f w ate r fro m waste w a te r w ith po in t o f d l« )* rtio n In t h * SW’/ iN E '/ . , U c . 1, T. 10$, R. U E . O .M .. Tw in F« iis Counfy.

T h * w a ltfr Is c ia lm a d to b * used • ro n ' Ap'^ll I to O ct. 15 fo r the

''* '‘" 0 Ir r ig a t lo n o f l3 8 * c r * * w U h a p r io r it y o f AAav 1, 1910; the p la ce o f use Is w ith in th e W>/iNE'/<i. B 'u NWV4, Sec. I.T . 10S. R. 16E. O.M .

A n y exception to th is c la im o l w a te r r io h t m a y be file d w ith the Id a h o D e p a r tm e n t o f W a te r A d m in is tra tio n , 1041 Blue Lakes Q ouleva rd N o r th ,T w in F a lls , Idaho, 83301.

R. K E IT H H IG G IN S O N D ire c to r

Pub lished In th *- TIm es-News, Tw in F a lls . Id ah o ron August 17 and August 34, 1973.

'atlon 0r ito i


VE R N O N J . SHORT and IL E N E M . SH O R T, s ta tu to r y tru s te e s fo r C O N T IN E N T A L H OM E ASSETS C O R PO R ATIO N , a de funct Idaho c o rp o ra tio n ; D . SPEN C ER GROW ,


fo riChool and f6 r eve ry

o tne r purpose. A t no l im e has h is rea l fa the r eve r v is ite d %ald m in o r,

• supported h im o r In any w ay acted as a n a tu ra l la th e r . This ro le has been a lw ays pertor.m ed by R obert C harlton . Now Ihral ' th e boy is eighteen yea rs b id and a g ra du ate ol h ig h school, he des ires to assum e the nam e o l C ha rlto n , s ince th a t has been, in fa c t, h is nam e by use since

Such pe tition w i ll be hei 33th day o f Septem ber 19! p.m . and ob lec tlo ns m ay C any person w ho can . In jec tlons, show to the cou reason aga inst such a <

s L u c il le W llcock D E P U T Y

W A L K E R , D E P E W 1 \ R esid ing at T w in F a lls ,

:0R PUOI 1971 --------

E d y lh e O. Koon C ity C lerk

■ SH : Augus


C TIN G M A Y O R Sealed Proposa ls w i ll ba re ce lve d by th e Salmon R ive r Canal Com pany, Route No. 1. Tw in FaIJs. rd a h p o /n tll 3:00 P .M .. M ou n ta in OaylT(jhf T im e on August 31. 1973. fo r construction of M a in Canal R econstruction lor S a lm onR lver Canal C om pany. Tw in F a lls County, Idaho.


_____ _ _ _____ - BE IT O R D A IN E D OY T H Eig business under Ihe n a m * and MAYOR A N D T H E C O U N C IL OP

d e s ig n a tio n o f G R O W ‘ IN - THE C IT Y OF TW IN P A LL S ,V E S T M E N T A N & - M O R T O A O 'g IOAHOt— ----------C O M P A N Y ; A M E R I C A N Section 1. T he re Js- hereby lev ie d R E P U B LIC F IN A N C IA L COR- upon all the ta xab le p ro pe rty W ith in PO RA TIO N , a Nevada co rp o ra tio n ; the corporate i lm l ls o f Ih * C ity o f F IR S L F ID B L IT Y T H R IF T A N D Tw in . F a l ls , • T w in Fa lla C ounty , LO A N A S S O C IA T IO N , a U ta h ’ Idaho, ad va lo re m taxes * s fo llo w * : co rp o ra tio n ; GROW IN V E S T M E N T !< I- M 9,500.00t0 d * fra y Ihe g e ne ra l A N D M O R TG AG E CO., « U tah^-curren lexper^ses Of u i d C lly lOT the co rp o ra tio n ; D . SPEN C ER G R O W .'H sca l^yaar b e g ln n ln gon th * f ir a t d «y and A R T A L ; GROW , husband and of January. 1973 and ending on the w ife , S IE R R A L IF E IN SU R AN C E 31sl day. o f D ecem ber. 1973. (m il l C O M P A N Y , an Idahg co rp o ra tio n ; llm lfa llo n — 30 m il ls ; SO-335, Idaho U N IT E D STATES OF A M E R IC A ; Code).and L Y L E PO O L, doing business 3. tM4,500.00 to de fray th * *x - under the nam e and deaionations o l pensas o f s tree t Im provem en ts in- g p g L E L E C T ^JC , Defendanta. eluding lig h tin g , s p r in k lin g . H ushing

U ftdW » d b v v » n u * 0f l h * i c w t* m o '«n g . re p a irs , m a ln la na nce , ludgm en t and d e c re * o f fo r* c lo s u r* r tn s tru c ti(w o f s trM ts . o f sa id c ity , and o rd e r o f u l * and w r i l o f dur no said fis ca l yea r, ( m il l - execution on fo r*c lo s u r* lssu *d ou t H m llatlon — none; SO-313.' Idaho 01 Ihe D is tr ic t C ourt o l the F ifth Code).Jud ic ia l D is lr lc l o f Ihe S la t* o f IdW io 1- 1105,000.00 In and fo r the County o f TU/ln P a lls , on August V d . 1973. In Ih * above- e n t ll l* d ac tio n , w he re in C on1ln*nt» l L ife t Accident C om pany, the a b ova iiam ad p la in t i f f , ob ta in ed a judgm en t and decree aga inst the ab o ve -n a m e d d e fe n d a n ts , w h ic h said ludgm en t and de cre * w as, on August 3rd. 1973, f lla d and docketed in the o ffice o f the C lerk o f said Court In la id C oyn ly .

. ______ - - in ta in a freepublic l ib ra ry in said c l ly du r in g u i d fiscal yea r, ( m il l I lm lt a t lM — S m i l l t i 33-3403 Idaho Code).

4. U 3.0»-00 to p rov ide lo r ,« Capital Im erove m en is p ro g ra m In M id c lly d u rin g said fisca l yea r, (m ill l lm lta llo n - 3 m il ls j SO-336 Idaho CodeJ.

5. (53,500.00 lo r m a in ta in in g an d !

Aug. }4, 31, Sept.

34, 1973.

I. Donna M «« d i.«

and Joan cumbar r il l


Oarlow. Iblua. Snerv

^"bfua.“ i?tor*t I C v o g rd f^ lc

lOft bullar ~ t liifon Kip

NOTICE I Ihd l a public tw lo rc the a

hea ring ' wlM M rd of Cour [ ~ (Ko" h 'ou~ on Tousday.

P E R M IT Now basic w ir in g sha ll be covered

by an a p p lica tio n (or a w ir in g p e rm it a l Ihe C ity C le rk 's o ffice . Such ap p lica tio n sha ll g ive the nam e o l Ihe

'o w ner o r tenant, stree t num ber o f the p ro p e rty o r bu ild ing and a de scrip tion o f Ihe Ins ta lla tio ns lo be m afltf. A N Y P E R M IT R E Q U IR E D OY TH IS CODE M A Y BE ISSUED TO A N Y PERSON TO DO AN Y W ORK R E G U L A T E D BY THIS CODE IN . A S IN G LE F A M IL Y D W E L L IN G USED E X C L U S IV E L Y FO R L IV IN G P U R P O S E S , IN

i C L U O IN G . T H E U S U A l




P ro p o s j w i l lp u b lic ly read i

fo rm s , and f l l * fo r A s to c ia le d Gi


o ff ic e , n o f io r th 37th SI

- In fo rm a tio n a r * n in a t lo n a r t n e ra l '

A L IA S iU M M O N tIN T H E D IS T R IC T COURT OF T H E F IF T H J U D IC IA L D IS T O ir r n r TH E STA TE D F ID A H O . IN A N D FOR T W IN p a l l s dO U N T Y

J O S E P H ' M A R V IN O E A T E Y , P iB ln t l l f , VS. M A R Y A N N O E A T E Y , D efendant.

T H E STATE OP ID A H O sends gre e tin gs to AAary Ann 0 *a te y , Ihe •b o v e iia m e d d * l* n d a n li - -

Ynw f l f f t - b w h y n n t l f i f t r t^ h A t-

i am com m anded to t certa in lo ta . p la cM , ani land s itu a t* in Tw in F a lls , Tw ii Fa lls C ounty, State o f Idaho, ani m o re , p a r t ic u la r ly d e s c r ib e d ai fo llow s, fo w if :

U ls I7 a n d IS In B lock 73 o f T w ir F a lls Tow nslte In Tw in Fa lls Counfy Idaho, as shown on th * fin a lam ended p la t th e re o f, o f r The o ffice o f Ihe Recorder county In Book l o f P la ts at

u r ln o ^ s a ld l ls c a l y e a r . I m l l l lim ita tio n — 3 m il ls ; 50-331, Idaho

>11 th o se 'C o d e ),' i . 161,000.00 to p rov ide fo r and regulate rec rea tion a l p ro g ram s In said c ity du rin g said fisca l .year, (m ill llm lfa llo n — 3 m il ls ; 50-303, Idaho Coct*},

7.1119,000,00 lo r m a in ta in in g and equipping Ihe .F ire D e p a rtm *n t o f said c lly In said fisca l yea r, (m il l iim ita llo n — 9. m l l l i T 50 309. Idaho Coda).

The fo fa l o f th * a b o v * la « t .349,300.00,w h ich Is fo r th * sa id purposes ass*ss*d upon a ll th *

p ro p e rty w llh in (he cor- o f i h | - c i f y or T w in '

HO:I. T ha t the fo llo w in g described

pu b lic SKoet r ig h t o l w a y b o and the sam e h vaca ted, to w it :

C om m encing a t tho soctlgn cornor com m on to Sections 14, 15, 22 and 33, T o w n s h ip 10 S o u th , R a n g e 17, E .B .M ., T w in F a lls C ounty, Idaho, Thence South 0 degrees 23 m inutes W est a long Ihe section line com m on to S frc tlo n r7 2 and 33 a d is ta nce of 714.85 feet fo a p o in t; Thence N orth 09 de gra*s 3) m in u tes W est 40.00 feet to tho re a l p o in t o f be g in n in g ; Thonco c on tin u in g N o rth 80 degrees

i_ W 0 S L O 7 A ^ - lM t_ ta

i W hD ID D ir ilG P U R P O S E S F R O M : t tm p la ln lh a s b e m file d a g a liC H R O N IC a, A S S O C IA T E S , In Ih * OlStrlCf C pu rl o f IttJG x is u ltln g E n g in e e r*. 707 N orth 37lh J u d ic ia l D ls fr c to f ih e S ta ieo f IdahiS tre e f, O o lse , Id a h o 63703; o r in an d.fo r T w in F a lls CourS A L M O N R IV E R C A N A L ab o ve fla m e d p la in t i f f , amC O M P A N Y . Route No. 1, T w in he reby d ire c le d lo appeal F a lls . Idaho (H o llis te r).

A copy o f the co n tra c t docum ents m a y be ob ta in ed Iro m the Salmon R ive r Canal C om pany 's o t f lc e or Eng inee r's o f f ic e upon a doposll of S30.00. The deposit w i ll be refunded upon re tu rn o f said docum ents in good condition w ith in ten days fo llo w in g Ihe b id opening.

ic o rd In o f said P a g* 7.

*40T1CE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N That on Sapfam bar 13, > 9 7 3 ,a lm o o - po ra la l lm it i o 'c lock A .M . o f th a t da y a t th * f ro n t F alls . Idaho- door o f Ih * T w in Falls C ounty section a T h * C Itv c ia rk Courthouse If^ ^ T w in F a l l i . _ T w l o _ ^ ) f Ih *

ttT T -ln "ob em en ce\o 'w % °*lu 3S ii^^^^ and d irec ted to c V f i f y to

I p i*a d p;;*

DC no io C E SS O R Y QU IL D IN T .S A N D —lL - m ln u t l t t - W 0S L a 2f l ^----- Q i t t^ - ir ih H S I N C O N N E C T IO N ' P o in I; T he nc* N orth 0

•h ^ iT W ITH SUCH B U IL D IN G S IN TH E m ln u le s E ast 50.00 leef

lid c om p la in t w ith i d a y s a f ia r th e da t pu b llca flon o l th is sum m ons.

The sa id action Is b ro ug h t to ob ta in a jud gm en l and d e c re *o f th is C o u rt d is s o lv in g th * .b o n d s o f m a lr lm o n y now e x is tin g between p la in t i f f and d e fe n d a n t; also fo r genera l re lie f, as w i ll m o re fv iiiy appear In the co m p la in t on f i le to

ip D C ia i r g fa r a n c r i r h e reb y

f fo re c losu re and sa id o rd e r s a i* and w r i t . o t execution on e c lo s u r* ,s * ll lh *a b o v a -d « s c r lb *d P * r ty ,o r so m uch th e reo f as m a v necessary to sa tis fy p la in t i f f 's

ludgm ent w ith in te re s t thereon and costs, to Ihe h ighest kn d best b id de r for cash. In la w fu l m oney o f the un ite d Slates.

D A T E D ; August 7 lh , 1973.P A U L C ORDER S ie r l l f o f Tw in Fa lls C ounty, Idaho

P U B L IS H : Aug. 10, 17 L 34, 1973.

Ih ls 9rd lna nc*-im m e d la te ly a lta r It* p a s u o i-

PASSED BY T H E C IT Y C O U N ­C IL , August 3),' 1973

S IG N E D OY T H E A t T lN G M AYO R, August 31, 1973

W inslon I. Jones Ac ling M ayo r

ATTEST:Edythe D. K o o n ti .C ity C lerk

PUBLISH I Aug. 34, 1973, n

I llu* uround Moor. 1 IhL- Counly Con

m tj ro r the c o u n ty r

degrees 33. . lo a p o in t;

Thonco sou th 89 degrees 31 m in utes East 395.10 lo o t^ o a p o in t. Thonco N orth 0 degrees 33 m ln u tos East

lonco South St-5Q.0QfODl.

South 0 d u g ro u s l3 m in u tes W est 300 lod i to a p o in t; Thenpe South 09 dogrcos 31 i\iin u to s “ ■ ■ Thonco

^ t * ^ h i r * » ” 6q u lre ? 1o r ^ A n d vau a re fu rth e r noH ffed th a t


H O T IC B O f l A L I

e Is hereby given that 0.

E V E N T TH A T A N Y SUCH PER SON-IS TH E BONA F ID E OW NER OF A N Y SUCH D W E L L IN G AN D A C C E S S O R Y B U IL D IN G S A N D /uo uu le o i ,10 a p o ir

-O U A R r E t t i . - A N O —T H A T - IW E - - M d tu ru c i-a iJ n ln u li SAME A R E O C C U P IbO OY SAID ‘ ' "O W N ER . P R O V ID E D THAT SAID O W N E R S H A L L P E R S O N A L L Y PU R C HASE A L L M A T E R IA L AN D SH ALL P E R S O N A L LY P E R FO R M A L L LA B O R IN C O N N EC TIO N T H E R E W IT H .

Such applIcaVlon Shall be m ade and p e rm it secured be lore any basic 2- That tho M ayo r a nd C ity C lork w ir in g is en erg iie c t, any "ro u g h In " are a u th o r iio d and d iro c te d to> ins ta lla tio n s a re covered, or not over oxocuto Q u it C la im Deeds to said 73 hours havo oiapsed sinco-tho new vaca ted p ro p o rty and unto ad |o ln ln g w ir in g w as s ta rted . This 73 hour owners,

p e r il

South 0 dogre 50.00 lee t tc O E G IN N IN G .

Dated jh ls lOfh day o f Augui


D A L E M ESS NE R O ia irm a n . Board o f D lreclo

■ unless you so appear and p lead to sa id c o m p la in t. Jhe p la ln t l l f w ill ta k e lu d g m e n t a g a in s t you as p ra ye d .in said c o m p la in t.

W lT N ESS m y ha nd and Ih o seal o f lh » - 01s lr ic t - C o u r t - th le - « fh - d » v -o f - August, 1973.


C IT Y OP T W IN P A L t I , ID AH OSeries F e b ru a ry 1.1973


— rnB*eitror*Twm'FfHU“wni7eTe7ve"soarca‘bTc lem be r, 1973, up fo 8:00 p.m .. a t Iho olMco.of II AvenuQ E a st. T w in F a lls , Idaho, to r Ihe purchase

Qonds In Ihe am o un t o l ts,? l0.48, payab le Ird ih i on p ro p e rly in acco rdance w ith tho bone llts receU

Local tm p ro v o /tie n l G u aran ty Fund. The sale

s on the le ih da y .o L S a p ^_ le C ity C le rk , 331 .Second >f Ih e lo llo w in g bonds: specia assessm ent lev ied

ed and fu rth e r secured by bonds a re Issued lo r . the

By ( ^ R O T H Y M cM I LL A N p u fp o so o l ACQuirJng funds to pay fo r a par t ol the cost o f con s truc tin g curbs.

P U B LIS H Aug. 10, 1 / 8. 34,

Deputy Cli P U B L IS H : Aug. 1,17, 34 8.31. 1973.

go tie rs .A nd pi

■■’a ; ' ind Iv lng



OREGON TRACTOR l i EQ UlPrJ' »AEHT CO.. INC., an Oragon cop. porallon. P lilM lfl,

omoi- I h A jy t v



IN T H E D IS T R IC T C O U R T O F THE P IF T H J U D IC lA L ^ D L 5 T J tm .T _


by Ihe Coui «no 6in aay o l J u ly , W \ .

Tho bonds da ted F eb ru t dunom inations o l 1100 oac denom ination o lS I IQ.40, sh annum , payab le Febru<)r

ipon and a long < Id by Ordi

. . po rtions th ereo f a . f^o. J5I8, p a u e d _ a n d approved

d M a yo r ol Ihe C lly o f Tw)rt Fal

y 1. 1973, sha ll be num bered 1 to 89 In c lu s ivs , in . except bond num bered 1, w h ich sha ll b * In Ihe III bear in te rest not lo exceed seven pe rcen t per 1, 1973. and annually th e re ^ lte r . and p r in c ip a l


dba OLORE C O M P A N Y .

JACK EQU Dalandani

- -'NOTICE liMBR^iBV GIVEN tha t. a Writ e( A llK hm tn l was l u u ^ out

.o l Hia abova-afttltlatl Coirt. liHhis action, on Aug-ma prepKlv o l I«

tan pKcant ( W> par '

CMrkof District Court : by a e O ROBINSON

OMuty a*rH

y M n u J. jo fM , Jr.. t o H l i Jonas . i«n W. J*ffartOfi

- . i t l l IM II

■ Comm Counti



htotice is hereby g iven th a t Nor- Ihwest Crane A R iga lng and A ll- Northwest Tow ing , A ja iso p Aye. W., T w in F a lls , Idaho w ill sell lo Ih * highest b id de r one 1963 C hevro let 3- do o r Im p a la . S e ria l .»4o. 3I847S119465. Olds w ill be rece ived la i l l l August 31, 1973. The adve rtise r reserves th e r ig h t lo re le c l.a n y or all

.....................-PU O LISH : Aug. 30, 31.' 33, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39 8. 30, 1973.

N O T Ip B O P iA L B

FOR SA LE to Ih * h lg h*s l b idder th * A llo w in g veh ic les lo s a lls ly lien

. lo r pa rts , la b o r and storage.' 1 -« n iy 19S6 Ch»v, p icku p , i d No .

V3A56L004333 1 -o n ly 1963 Chevy 11 (3) 3-door,-

ID No, 304110150387 •1 -o n ly 1967 P lym ou th F u ry I, ID

■No. PK31H741695I5>.

. b id s W ill ba a cc *o t*d a l W a ll's Texaco, W *«| AA aln fa t l~ IO No;, J iro m * . Idaho. T h * h g h t tg .ra ja c t M y o r all b id s ls ’r*s * rv a d ,


to E fV c tn co l Inspec ly e le c tr ic ^ w ir in g not covered b y 'a perr

above, ho m ay in s tr i s Jp p lle r to dlscQnni

e d rop to I'

SIGNfeO OY T H E A C T m G M A Y O R August. 31. 1973. H A L L i

W IN STO N I. JONES A c tin g M a yo r

ihls ordinance ortru in g v )o lh ."

. Tha i Se<V II, C hapter V. C lly o f T w in f- Idaho, Code bo am ondod lo pr< as fo llo w s :

'S e c l io r lW ORK- Upon roce l specllon o t Ini


ig a .roquost lo r in . a lla llo ns covered by

r in g p e rm it , it sha ll b * Ih e d u ly ot m e E le c lc lc a l Inspector lo m ake such insp oc lldn w U hln tw e n ty .lo u r hours, M onday th ro ug h F r id a y , >)Ol|days oxcoptod, a p p ly in g such

a». h P .ih f llL d o flm -n c c f is s a ry -. N ^lfce of ap p ro va l s |ia li be posted on ly on Is la lla tlo n s m ee ting the rog u la lio n s tandards as sa l lo r ih in m e laws o f Ih * S tale o l Idaho and the special re g u la tio n s set fo rth In th is ord inance. T H E 1971 E D IT IO N OF T H E N A T IO N A L 6 L B C T R IC A L C O D E P U B L IS H E D BY T H E N A T IO N A L P IR E PR O TE CTIO N A S S O C IA T IO N IS . H E R E B Y A D O P T E D .' T H R E E C O PIES OF SAID CODE SH A LL OE M A IN ­T A IN E D O N F IL E IN T H E O FF IC E OF T H E ^ C I T Y C L E R K FOR P U B LIC IN S P E C T IO N ."

PASSED B Y T H E C IT Y COUN­C IL , August 31. l»23 . ‘

S IG N E D O Y T H E ^ A C T IN G M A Y O R .^ 'A ug us t 31, 1973.

W inston I. Jonas A c t in g M a yq r

A tte s t. ,E d y th * D. Ko'onti

C la rk '•Aug. 24. 1973.


P U U LIS H August 34, W f3.


OF TW IN F A L LS . ID A H O , AN N E X IN G . P R O P E R T Y , • A N D P R O V ID IN G FO R T H E ZO N E T H E R E O F .

W H E R E A S p r io r lo com n \o n c o m o n t o f a n n e x a t io n proceedings Iho Zon ing C om m lssibn h e ld Us he a rin g as p ro v id ed b y law and has recom m ended the zone lo r ihi

GE O R G E D U N C AN . P ia ln tl

U T I L I T Y C O N S T R U C C O M P A N Y . a pa rln o rsh i E R N E S T E O a N and W IT H E R S P O O N , as in d iv

TH E G R E E T IN G S Above Tiamud

E OF ID A rO : E rr

C om pla in ! in the DIs J u d lc lo l C Idaho, Pn reco vorlno In lu ry to

■ndant:Coby n o tilio d th a t a

as b e e n lile d against you r ic l C ou rt o l the F ifth s tr ic t o f Ihe State o l nd fo r lh f t ‘ p u rpo fe o l dam ages, lo r -p e rs o n a l

e p la ln t l r ' '

-Be—IT— otny«TNED~oT— rm r ’ thir-pt

Tha t said cause o f Action l»-based upon your m a lic io us

L. I-. ^,1 M* ..V I*M A Y O R A N D C IT Y C O U N C IL OF TH E C IT Y ‘ OF TW IN F A L L S , ID A H O i,

Sectl6n I- T h a t the lo llo w in g described p ro p e rty be and the sa m * Is hereby annexed ond d e c la red to be a p a r t d f th * C ity b f Tw in P a lis , . Idaho, to w it :

S W N E ‘/4NW>/4, ■ S o c llo n , lO i Tow nship 10 South. R ange 17 E -. O .M ., T w in F a lls C ounty, S ta io o f Idaho, I ' ' ^ .

Suclfon 3. That la id p ro p o rty he ro in annexed Is lo n e d R es id en tia l. Lo w -D e ns lly Zone.

PASSED B Y .T H E C IT Y COUN- C IU AU GU ST 3^. >973.. S IG N E D BY T H E ACTI.NO M A Y O R A U G U S T -31, 1973.

n tltfT and TOO * r * d to appear and .p lead

C om p la in t w ith in tw e n ty (30) days of the se rv ice o f th is A lla s Summ ons upon you ; and you a re fu rth e r n o ilf ia d tha t un less you so appear an d p ie a d ito said C om pla in t w ilh in t h * t im e h * r * ln s p « c l f l * d . | h * p la in t i f f w i l l lake lud gm en t against you a t n ra yed In sa id C om pla in t.

W ITNE SS M y hand ana s*aih is " ...............1973,



A R L E N E E . G A M E R O Z. P la ln t l lf , O N vs. M IK E Z- G A M E R D Z . D e fe nd an t. and

VCK TH E STATE OF ID A H O Sends a ls , g r o o t ln q \ lo M IK E Z. G A M E R O Z.

th e above na m od de fendan t:You are bccflpy. r to llf le d th a t a

NOS C om pa lln th as been l i le d a g a in s i you > the in the D is tric t C ou rt o f th e F ifth

Jud ic ia l D is tric t o f Ihe State o f i l a Idaho. In and fo r Ih e C o u n iy o f Tw in VOU F a lls , by Ih * above n a m ed p la ln t l l f .

fo r Ihe purpose o f Q btdln lno a D e c re e o f D iv o rc e , s e v e r in g ab so lu te ly , Iho b o o d to f m a tr im o n y ' no w ex is ting between you and th * p la in t i f f and d e te rm in in g custody o f Ih e m in o r ch ild re n o f th e p a r fle *

Ion of he ro lo . le re o y— ^ T h a n a t d x a

Uond N um bers(allU nc lus ive ) D enom ination M aturing M a tu rin g

12.1110.48 1973 S 110.48

2 110.00 ‘ 1973 1.100.0013 23 too.00- ■ 19X4 1.100.0034 34 100.00 1975 1.100.0035 45 100.00 1976 1.100.004A M 100.00 I.IOD.OO57 67 100 00 J ? 7 8 1,100.0068 100.00 1979 . 1,100.0079 89 ^ 100.00 1980 1,100.00

upon irro cQ n c (la b le d (lf« ro n co s ; and you a r * he reby .d laected lo appear and p la a d to said C om palin t. w ith in tw e n ty (30) days o f th * s a rv ic * o f th is A lla s Sum m opa upon vow; and w u a r * fu r th v r n o t l l l* d th a t un l*s« you to appear and plAad to said co m p a lin t w llh in th * f im * he re in t p * c l i | * d . t t \ * p la in t i f f . w i ll ^ak* |u d a m *n t aga inst v o y -*s p ra y e d .Ir . .ry . — naint.


C ourt, th is , 32 d a y of Augus t. -^1*10 L o m p ia in t. iX ' ^ ' ‘• ‘ ^ - ^ W IT N E S S M y ha nd and seal

E d y lh * 0 . KoonU C lly C is rk

P U O L IS H : AupusL14,JV73.

>1. A . LA N C A STER ‘ -C L E R K . 1L U C IL L E W ILC O C K

O E P U T Y ,C U e R X G O L D E N D E N N E T T ASSOCIATES Dy'^B- E . 'R . ’-P ra th ls e u r 346 Second A v *n u * N o rtt i '. T w in F4ills> Idahb 8330) A t io rn a ys fo r P l« ln llf f

A ug, 34. 31 a. Sept. 7,

s C ourt, th e 10th da y o f August.1973. ■ ........ -

, H. A . LA N C A S TE R

fA A V . fAAY t . S U D W 6 E K & f ly J . A L F R E D M A Y A tto m a ya lo r P l* | i f t | f f '51* Second S tr * * t East •P. O. OOK tOS ; . * .T w in P a lls . Idaho i3301 1

• P U B L IC A T IO N D ATES» AUQUSt 17. jg u s l 3<V»71.

None o f said bonds sha ll be sold fo r le u than par and acc'rued in la re s t lo da te o f d e live ry th e reo f, w ilh p r in c ip a l and Interest on Ihe fo regoing.t)onds - bQina pavabta in la w fu l m oney . o f th * U (tll4d S la taa o t ^km arlca , a t th * o f fice o f th * T reasu re r of the C ity o f T w in Falls, Id flho , A l l bonds s h a ll,b * . sub ject to p r io r ro d e m p lio n a t Ihe op tion of the C ity a t a ny lim a w han R iar*Is m oney in Ih * bond fund o f th * D is t r ic t by v ir tu * of p r io r paym en t o f In 't s ta llm e n is o l assessm ent or p r in c ip a l and In terest in ad d itio n lo tha t necessary to redeem the m a tu r i ty o f the p rinc ip a l o f th e bonds ne x t ac-

•jnQ ,fll flbavB p ro w idad ..w h ich bonds sha ll be c * tle d T n id -p a td ln - re p u i* r~ ' q rd er a t « p rice equal to the principal am o un t thereo f, payab le

accrued In te rfts i lo ins red em ptio n da ta p a y a b l*

Sealed b ids fo r M id bonds sha ll be accom panied b y a c e r tif ie d o r c ash lc r's cheek rep re sen ting a se cu rity depos it o f good la llh ' In an am ount no t le u than fl.ve per<;enl o l lh a am o un t bid; w h ich check s ha ll be i**iu rned if th * bid is no t accepted o r a p p lie d upon the pu rchase p r ic * o f salp bonds. Said check of.depos it 0| se cu r ity rep re sen ting good fa ith shall ba m a d * pa yab l* Id Ih * ' C ity o f T w in F a lls . Idaho. - ;

Tha leg a l a p p ro v in g op in io ^ o t E la m . Q ur^*, ;»npes»n. E va n * k Ooyd,’A L lo rn *ys a t L a w , o o is * , Iftaho, a n d ox«cfuted bonds wDl b« lu rn lsh ad to th * successfiil b id de r.

Sealed b ids w i l l bo rece ived by th e C ilV o f Twin F a lls , Idaho, a t Ih * o f f ic * id the C lork , 33» Second Avenue E a s t, T w in Falls, Idaho, up to 8:00 p .m . on S to te m b a r 18,1973. a lW h lch llm e b ld sT o Y a llT to n U rw Ili be i v o p e f T r o — ancNfi on re fe rre d to the C lly C ouncil fo r rev iew and c on s ld a ra llo n o f lha b id s ** a t a r m u la r C ouncil M e e tln g ilo b * h * ld a l tha C lly H a ll 331 SKoiSd A va n u * E a s t. T w tn P a llt . td ah o. on th* 3nd d a y o t O c to b ir, >973. com m ancino a t o r abou t 0:00 p ,m . T h * C ity r *s *rv e a Ih * r lg h l lo awar<d o r r t fa c t any an d a ll b id s and to a ccapt sa id b id w h ich In Ih * opinion of th * C ountU Is In th * b *s t in t* r*a ts o l . lh * C ity of T w in P a lls . Idaho.. 'D A T E D Ih ls 31st day of A uoust. 1973. v . .

.- C IT Y -O P T W IN PA LLS , ID A H O - r - _ ,Oy -Sv E D Y T H E 0 . KO ONTZ - . . . < P

. ' C l ly X le r kP U O L IS H ; Aug. i4 , I V 1. Sept. 7. 19 73 - - .............

■ J ,

j'j TlmM-Nt*<. 'Tw|ti F»Hi. Idaho ,Thurid*y. AuguH H l«>2. O m Io u M* * t l .« V

' ' ■ - AWar-umphf Ertbiiflhof/ This, Iie Ki-ump, I ' "YVes! I rem ehiie f)(<J'V : explidWiT


” Sm ilol"

H o r o s c o p eCarroll Righler


OENF.RAL TGNOENCieS: Indicstlng in .'in(er«it In the loftier attfibutei of the mind,

tuch u in v t , muiic and cultuje. can eliminate a highly dam ^in i condition that prevail! in the itmoiphere today. Uikfl cerriln you avoid maklng.any prom iu i unleu absolutely Hire of ail fact! involved.

ARIES (Mar. 2 1 to Apr^f9):YoU-may-ba in a rut-new bu tif you let kindly toward othera, you can make real heidwayjurt tht iinte. Don't follow a hunch -which tempti you to go on a

~ (an|entrK»epi)olaed^-TAURUS (Apr. 20 to May 20) Don't depend on reliable

friends today lince they have problemi of their own and are '.perplexed. You know ju it what to do, anyway, lo ittnly^^ factori.carefully. Tomorrow ii a better day. ’ r /

OBMINl (May 21 to June 21) Make sure tHat jewelry bnd other valuablei are In a lafe plac« fot-the weekend Do nothing

that will irk higher-upi. Take no chancei where your reputation is concerned

MOON CHILDREN (}line 22 to July 21) Ydd cut lu llt

other! now and ihould do lo lince you are In a fine poiltion at the preient. You can alio expand loon, lo make preparation! now and gel neceiiary detail!

LEO (Ju ly 22 to Aug ?1) You can handle your reaponiibilitiei nicely if you contact perioni who have the data you need. Increaaed affe(!tton for the one you love will bring fine result!. Avoid one who opposei you

VIRGO (Aug 22 to Sept ^1) Carry through with what auociatei want you to do and avoid argumg with anyone for best' results today Compliment asiociatei and express appreciation. Show that you are a practical person.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You have much work to do, so get started early Don't count too much on co-workers who are not feeling up-to par now But show higher>ups that you can be relied upon implicitly .

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Ndv ^1) If you show others more affection you can have a delii^tful time today ulong social lines. Give compliments when due’ Moke a bettor preparation before putting a new plan mio operation

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 2.’ to Dec 21) The situaiion at home could be unpleasant if you don’t Iccep your)vornes to yourself and annoy others with them Moke your home more charming. Think about the future

- C A P R IC O R N (Dec 22 to-Jan '20) Much can be accdmptished now provided you use extreme care m travel,

and avoid arguing winrassgciatenrc'precijc m doing errands, Don‘t cor^ too much cash in your wallet

-inak«-«-grA’error where,, money is concerned if you are not careful Seek advice from a business cxptytT Plan time for balancing your budget. Avoid one who bickers

PISCES (Feb. 20 to Mar 20) Plan how . to make yourself more charming and get out to places wheie you cun succeed instead of worryir\g'abput troubles and anxieties Don’t let ]?lurself become too annoyed with othdrs

IF YOUR CHILD IS BORN TOD^Y he or she will be one of those delightful young people who fiom earliest youth mu!t learn not to take offense at cvaty little.thing, but to use

_ Jhi® magnetic quality lo charm-Qthcra^whcthetan-business.or. - liaflfll ..life... Ideal rhnrt-Jni—the-auisv-th»

W h a t ’s W h a t

L, M. Boyd

Q. ':How'lonflr la thb nVorago grown tifforP" A. About 11 foot from noae to tnll tip^-----

-Q, “WHAT aoH of (lowdor do drug addiota diluto thoir ,

horoln wIthP", . • .A. Quinino,-doxtroBo, laotoao or aomothlnfj; onllcd-.

mannito, usually.

a "WHAT'S tho com- monoat error In tho oount* orfotlng .of rarO' poatago' atampiP'’ .

A. Wrong number of por-. ^oratod 'hoba along thoO d g O B .

* T flXT Loa Angoloa ha- ' bordoflhor wHtoa again to

ask for my varloua clothing ^aizoa. Saya ho'a an export on ■ reading aomothing about a man’a charaotor from aamo. Ail right, I

woAr 10-EB ahooa, 40- long auita, '7 - 1/4 hats, 17 '/^-OS'ahirta, arid bolts labellod, novormind; that's poraonai. ThU drivol oan go on too long. Only char­acter trait I can road from maabulino attiro is: All men who woar rod veata are lonely.

, Q0NTA0T8

W aarar ofoontaol loi^aea are more nu^Aroua on the Waat Cpoat than oiao- whare, far moro v num- • oroua.

NO AOTORB oan atay .overnight at the Palace of Madrid. Houae rulea.

IT 'B In tho Oral three houra Of your aleep .youVo loaat apt to dream, that's known.

A FE M IN IN E oliont aayi ahe ia tirod of in- aolant propoaltiona from married men. 6ho haa our Love and W ar man'a pro­found aympathy. But ho'a pucilod, alight. Her reac­tion appears to contradlot that oft-reportod obaorva- tibn of tho great Ovid In

hia - monumental work on* titled ’“Tho Art of Lovo." .,

Ttt wit: ‘'Whether thoy „ yield or rofuao, ' it do- lighto womon to havo boon naked." :

W h i p l a s h

• That painful ailmont < nallbd whlpfaah affliota moro girla than men,

' ploi^o not'o. Nothing oom- plioatod about why. Al­

though that long alondor fominino nook may be a

'de lig h t to tho eyo, It'a fragile. At loaat moria ao than a man’a. A Oallfomla dw tpr namod Edwin W.' A i^ o a notoa tho thin fo- mlUo nock la roquirod to support a hoad of genor- ally tho aame weight aa the aturdy male neck. Thia, ho aaya, la Imprao- tioal.

AMONQ the plalna I(\- dlana, It waa.thought to be ' a far bravor act to touch r a living anomy, thon get;: away unaoatheij, than to kill aame, hlatorlana aay.

AOCORDINO .tothaU .8.. Department of Labor, 1(; the wife and her huaband both are averoge. ahe'a exactly STOTTiOOOtha aa strong aa he ia.

REM EM BER , too. if you're 6B yeara o)d thla year, you were bom at just ab&ut the aame time thla country’a flrat tax i­cab took to tho road.

Add/m mail lo 1. M. Boyd, P. 0. «o« }7076/ Fort Worlh. TX 76101.

Copyilghl 1972 l.M. Boyd

Mpdhshif) rolls First woman

out, returnsCAPE KENNED'i' (UPJf)— Evnni aiUil. " I waH'roady to

With Apollo, .17 uatronnut charge on ourtljcroV’ Enrller'

Ilonald E. Evonfl ridiny aJiot- he snM^jip wns nnxious to yet ,

-gun,—tho IflBt of - Amflricn’a U jc spoceslilp on Uic rocket

• moonships was rolled out of Ita "bocnusc the closer you. get to

chcckout lyiildlng Wednesday, • Uie pad, the closer we come toonly to return 15 minutes Inter noing." •

bdcause pf high huiniday. Tlie coinr^and module pilot-

There waa o touch of said engineer's were ^worried

noatjilgln present when Uie 53- ihat the .high'humidity might

foot spacecraft, wrnpped tightly resUll'in comlensntion settling'^

in white tarpaulins, edfied put on critical elL'ctrical pnrts In

of 'Uie cavernous monncd Uie four‘legged lunar module

spacecraft operations building landing craft hidden behind a

on its way to tho rocket hangar white aluminum shell that will

four mllfls away. It was ta be , protect it during Uumch.the last moonsl>ip to leave the ^ ,will-S(;rubbod,buU(llni!. Once It Is inovod to the

But when Uie eleht-wlieol "«trnller reached t).e end of Uie » lll be lifted to tlu,

pnrklng lot. apncecroft officials ‘“P “ s three-stoBe Saturn 5

clmnucd . tlieir ’mlndii and Th“ rocket- •ordered Apollo 17 back Into Uie sPncecnift combination la sche-

air coadltioned building. Evans, bo .noved to the Oceanside hiunch pad next

nARROW, Alnnko ( ^ 1 ) - Eaklmo Breiida Ittfl won over the elements and on Incumbent

V opponent Wednesday to beeomc Alasko's first

. i ^ ^ ^ w o m a n to win a primary election for a state

legislative seat.

Miss Kta, 2A, walked, flew and flooied over 10,000 miles to i;cacli 16 isolated communities in

' District 10, known as the top of the world.Dressed In a parka trimmed with arctic fox

fur, Miss Ilta.beat two Democratic opponents.

Her neni‘cst competitor was Iqcumbeni Frank-

• rufguson whom she beat 717 to fil9.

More Cassia fa ir winners


■T^or»t«y. Tlm*i-N»wi, Twin F .ii,, ituho 3J

C LA S SIF IE D IN D E i( ■' H*i 0«v lo llnd to veuf wm I or n««d in Tht TimH-

RtM h»r W«n» Ad celumni. L li l* d b«low I t ih t K iv ' to ^ I c d iv t r i l l l td AAvkMptse*. Q« tur« to H itd.Md UM.HtM* oolumnt r*ou<vly Yeuli pram In lo ititny

Aiir>ounc<m «n(t

.•t-fUrlirt» niMi

wearing a light blue amock

over loud green and blue

striped alacks, rode the trailer back in.

Engineers cflMinued to moni­

tor the outside moisture con­

tent. but they were uncertain

when a second attempt would

be made. Tlie delay will not,

affect preparutlona (or the

December launching.

• i t ’s Idnd of disappointing,"


Apollo 17 Is scheduled to set

out on the nation’s lust lunar landing expedition at'0;3fl p.m.

EST Dec.'6. Evans will remain

In lunar prbil while commander

Eugene A. Cernan and geologist Harrison H. "Jack" Schmitt

land in a moon valley near the southeastern edge of Uie' Sea of


Soviet bombers

fly JapaiinS^TOKYO (UPl I—Soviet born- 2,000 miles,

hers mode it round trip fHnht Four Budliers were picked up

Wednesday from Siberia to a by Japanese radar Wednesday

point in the East China Sea off flying south over the Japan

Shanghai, China. Japan's Self- Sea.'Ille Air Self-Defense Force

Defense Agency said its Jets said it sent up si* l'’Oll fiijhlers

scrambled twice to keep the to watch them. Two of the

'rUlO Badlier bombers under Suviet planes tamed back

surveillance as they flew over before reachintJ the Korea

CUOTttlNO Oarr«(> bmyer. «ii iva.Tfunltr lAilorrd Su*rt(' Kuw#n«. O iv lilo n II C>n0v GI»«»om»nr,

U illr id 411(1 Diur ' AngcU Tullle. blur and ( lit lr ic l. ColircnllAihelor irMiMu Ma i Kuw/inA. HctcJ. tiluir. Lmeila OInuni. Sandra Wnila

iloBlinan «t>d Kenny SHolnian-all Her. UOlh red. VerOa Walker, whilet)luc OUN lAFETY

-Colton cnarnirr Pomala narin, Jerry Kuwana. blue andLourri L«r Cole. Laurie Grron. Cherl ELECTRICITYHantrn. Taininr Quatl. jan icr , Taylor. Mar SargenI, blue ant^ d i t i r Id . SievehKaren Wcuti. la n in iy ilrackcnbury . iargcnl, itrerMiali Hnll, both blue.Julianne Jolley, Mane Darrmulon, Kaltiy <loer. red. Paul Kloer, wf^lteJo Zodinuct, tni6Tty Oommaroi). ^u^an SMALL IN O IM B llloolti. Kerne Uytin Fowict. Heainer Suian Kuwana. blue and d lt in c l. Mark

Hpllmah. Cindy Warrrn. Letlie Cai'on. Kuwana, Kenney SteeJill Harper. Panirla LuKe. K ru li f ' l i . — .'Jerri Keener. Trudy Claetemann. Clecky ......... _ .. . .

(nopp. ^licrcv M 'liK . all Uiue Keony SiMlnsan/Ureihda WtsW. iiu^an" • (taker. Mally ikown. Joan Hall. J<ll Kuwana. Mark Kuwana. dll blue and

Kruie. Jeannir Keichrr. Penny Atner*. d itlr ic lJune Tracy. Laurie Kr.opp. Ponn. Picltell. JUNIOR LBADBH*HIPYvonne Hodriouei. M yra lyn WriilMe. Oivi»lon I ^ a r le Oarnnolon. CtneveArlene Lloyd. jDdir Andervon. Ocbr« llarkiluU. Ovbora*t Cole, jaoel Ccary. AllSlewarl. iill ret], . blue and d tn r ic i. Sandra W h.laker.' Jane Carvia. Kriiline llurch, Karen Micholle HoniCheid. boin blue. ScoMUodily.'Sheila birwarl, Valerie Sluwarl. Mannmy, Ray Saryenl, Tina Orai)t*’ aw.Cheryl Winlle. >-ranci» P rieriiick. all all red. Corey Webb, whil^while ■ ^ Div*»ion II llrenoa 'lU ill, Krulee

Junior ini.ev Mmiiv Cowcn. Deanna Adamv. .tjoth UlUe and d ii ir ic i. HickeePeck. Oianna' ShuHv, Dnrla Oavit, Pam George, red. Carl Seymour, whileM .ilih e w i, H<;nec^ J’ r ff ilo n . Conme O>vition i l l iu ia n iCuwrfna '/o llitiu rr. Jeanne Daniinareii. Pal Parke, d ittn c l. Paul Watt, blueCmUy Garner, llcne Ward, all blue tAPETY

Lua Uarkct, tlam e Dowert. Sandra Jerry Kuwana. blue and d it lr .c l, OlOnaMuiini-i. Aniir iVcnnUc. Cnalel Hobini. Ilmuni. Carmen Walker. L iia .Walker.Daria innm orii. Jule Ourtee. Valry Ward. SanUra WhitakDarieen G e rfa ll, Carol D arnnoion, Kennie Mae bmilh, all blue, Lmellallrb rr ly • M uril. Kalhy Kidd, all red. Ilmuni. VerOa Walker.. Alayna Hatllei

Uinum SAuUt.« mmrara—R7^

llir r it io 'o n ileui.KH'

Mallhew 'W.»r, Suiaii Ward. _ L u i i l l r ileiich. Drin

SdichKlOlfW'sA>b»»4 M W M l' *U M e w r « fn M e

) • r « n * le IM p - I I -U l» « n )« i w iM rtM aH nln

Cm*U- b(uMlMl« WMM U - t u r n M W hW an lM )>V- H uwneu Q p ^a fn n ily U - M « te y m T m 0 WmIwI '

ta w r w i lM tv Utnu •»uta«

) l - in tu r M e '

Q u t ln M t ServtCM

Rm I Estate For SAle. . - ito m M to f U ie U -Out •! Ta«tn tbut*« ‘ M - B m I EUM e WanlM l IV-Famt ft RaniKn I* - atMMew nr»p*rtv D AcrMoe i U U lt-C«m»«wv U l t 1* -VMMIOfl

)» -A W u ie tia m e t U -O IU f. t % •u u n e u U 'SanlM A««rvcle« •-W B m m la Beni l * - r * r m * tar Kanl

For F a ll RmuIIi c « irn ] o n i today A -Tm pU Beachtr' m viior w ill b« haw v lo halp you word and ichadule your Ad lor Ih t im t re iu llt at lha lawMl cotl o r call ona ot lha«t to ll num bwi - SU u m m t>r Cailia««rd. P i » » In Ourlay. Ruparl. o#clo. Paul or Norland. 5U }M$ in Wand«<l, Ooodlrtg. Hagerman. v JtfOmt' n* MM In Holiltter. nootrion.iackpol. Navada ______ _______ ^ -----------

- ForcorrK tlon(ornofllica llone(.lt*m trtfi<»dorio id - pieaitrw>i<«y rh» ClaiilHvfl DapI by « a m. We can Itien maak It "re n ftd " Qr - ta ld " lor mat day* iHUt . ,

Plaaia rtad ’ your atf lha l i r t i day It appeart ai credil adlutlmeni 1 i allowad tor t in t Intartion only

TM C la illllad Deparlttieni i» open waekdayt between I 00 a m and S 30 . P m , Salurdayt I M a m to t^OOp m. Clotedon Holidayi

The Daadllni lor placinp apt utinp im a ll iyt>e only i» 11 in « m me __■'■■■ ........ appear -------- ’

Uiu Jjipun Sen.

HovK'ver, ii defense jjt'fiicy

‘apokcsinnn refused to confirm

reports in the newspaper Asahi

• ;«-A«u»lla«a*u» fa r U ie - r -«I-War«l»dto iwy ®-**oe» 1. Oalfiktg 44-U(a!<^lAU rim M »' «~aadla: IV L Ueraa ..

. 4»-F>*iiHu>e I. CarpM

« :II#M IA 0 fc A ir CAAdiiiaAxm • - iM id ifto u h w iu k ' ' »-Oarao* Uie*

• Lawn, Farm 8. GardenSl>-r.aMl T>itA«t la Cat Q-HMv. 1iM> %. Uvfuta n-r«e1lll»«r Tap tall U -ra rm tawf ' '" lJ U v . OralA » /e *d '

*-Flr»«Bad —. A h w lle i '

«• *Wrm ' 4 I -U V M ( .

U liVMlackt s f a rm 4 natwh lu o p liM a*-fa rm lm|M»n««nu U fawure* far Bant

RscreaUonalu AvtatmW lwal» 1 Marm* Mfmt

n htaw V«*iul»in Travel T railert I tti Matar itomeH Touritl I. Trailer Parkt

i A c c r tu r ie t n A u)o t w i l le d» n«\»■0 -Cycm 1 Su(i(>lie« at- U lllly Trallrri

, Trocki

•*-A i*a * For U lt

'0 'nierllon

LOST W H E E L 6ntl <tr« 900* 30 SprinoHeld K e llY O fI« OMC T ruck. L o l l la»l weak In R ic tido id 6r C A tt ie fD rd a r« « . T w in F a lla T rflc to r ar^d lm p le m *n f. Phone

Striilt .sepnriitltif’


Tlie other two Dew on to tlie

China Soa, and the Japane.sL*

L O S T : G E R M A N S H O R T H A IR . d f lrk brown ticked. A n iw o r i to nam e ol A rn ie . LO)l on F ile r — ' T w in H iahway. R EW AR£)I 733 3090,

LOST — M A N 'S w a lle t downtown .^ a p e r i and c a ih REW ARD!

JobtoflntarMfM aUtPamala

'that the twin-ent'ine bombers fi ^hters followiiij’ them turned

cunie close to Cliina'a largest back when the Russians pas.sed

beyond the Goto Islands, off Japan's snuthurn island of


After 30 minutes absefice

from Japanese radiir screefis.

Uie Badgers were picked up Mf ain heading nui th.

'Hiey flew back toward Soviet

Siberia’via the same Japan Seh

roiite, and more Japane.se

planes scrambled . to watch

tliern. ^

..One published rejwrt said the

plane.s were on course toward

.c ity .Hu auld Ihoy disjippourcd

from Japanese radar screens in

tJif Cljiiia Seu. .

Asked whether American fighter planes on Okinawa were

sent up to check out the Soviet

planes, a U.S. military s|K>kes-

'mall said only;.'•U.S. Aircraft do routinely

identify...unknown aircraft en-

teriiig air space iissigned to this

air defense sector." llie ^ ,S . military also aw>ided the


jets went up to keep the Soviet

planes under surveillance.

•‘We-cannot comnieHt on the

range and capabilities of our

radar,'ithe spokesman said.

Prom Vladivostok in Soviet

Siberia a round trip flight via to Approach China from the

the Korea Strait would be about Pacific.

- '-^WmMs^X^ouniy Fair


■ FOR M o t o r c a r k ie k r o u t e .




-fighters abandoned them at the


n ie newspaper Asahi said the

flight might have been an

"ostentious display" to demon-

strate the Soviet Union’s 'ability

Deoble Collier On<- lo 2 ycart Caltiy Eakm. u

PcIerMJn and Clenda &loO>inu, ail F itting and Stiowiny

Drhbie Collier, red Calhy liaKin Urucr P fie rion. bolh blue.Siotkmu blue and oraod t

•» WAoda KirMftiiQ. pillow t . ..> cate* tjlue Orpha MechaM.

blue. Mary Eldreuuc.

- . I ia n i i lv Luiag—UiMJinliiy Illy ruuiii and ilOkcl Cmdy

Oljiviwiianri iiiu r Carol Ddrnnotoi'

llup iitu Moi» and Dau J.ic kie > u»k. Kamy Coolo, D iirien f Crsvpj. "T f r f is leuan. Alana Tilley, te rry Weorr. all

Cailetf; C U yo llt. blue . collun Donna ilu r t i i a>. red. and Cnarlollc

. (iubeMr Mawamurti. o rsn a 'j OPEN C tA t t F^OWE.

irvipdriiaunt - Mnrcy W nitliy. t HeM,, Muni i*i^j and Unrbar.i T.n

Jeane Cla

t i l l ie i

tihei t unki;. red >1 L Ulacker. blue

eynoldi. blue and

Jumper Sally Oiath. red

Play logk or »wiiii (lerryman, blur.'Ann i

Play lout, knil Lot and Carleen Clayv>lle.

Jeane Oiaeteinan. blur, anilCarlren ClayvMle. red ' . '

Suil Careleen Ciayviiie. blur tmgerie

blip nail Ounna liu iih inuc a'ul

I'ciunoii - bma V>ai. blue Knit, women'* Donna llon h yuie

anil tjd a Mai. red■ I'nnfie i Cbarlellt Wicnei. blue, andfn 'ire ft c iivv ille . red. . - - - ----- --

C AttIA COUHTV f AIB R C tU tT \ Machint MIQIC ■

Lynnellt Dallmu- Cdnnie Funk. Kmi M aier. Maidi Holtnian. DonneHa Menaericii»on. sha rry M itTir,, Sanor* Welu, Jaineitt Oueteti. Mtlaule-Jonev b lie lliv Lloyd. Jackie t-unk, Shellet Olaki’iiiinn, Tereta Teu*«. Alana TiHe«. Cyiuieile Wnrrert. Terrr Webei. Wendy Lainbi-rl, Dnniia Ma IIIkwv. .truUy ^<IU all blue., Cindr Ch(|rih. Caiol AMifiiiie. June n ra lo tie i^ Laura Kenner.. Jean

^wiiir ^ualllv Lance U<4 (4111111/« .

^l>et|i i)ual><v ~ Vain Procki purple: Laren Swccl. Tcil Sullivan, blue

Snefji lillinu and lliowmo Sum. Prock p.;r(ilr Larrn Swri-I. t rd Sudiyflfi, red Drrcdi'iu pwfS t.arer' S ^ rrl purple f\.wF\ l lill ^werl blur

Opin C latlJ::;:'rS z :;" ;X TSaiKltr Tramps mtplay blue

vrilnw *gua^n RuQpnr SiiMiVitn Sue M a'tin blue /u c ir r< )(|ua\h tutfrnp Sull'van Carrie H i'fily r i i /a lji i l l i. I l'a i y Linda I ru tle iiM ' utxir

^quaVi t lila b c lK INiaty, Si/r Marlin, le il Purplr brai<* Carnc Ueedr blue M riilu lk y wonder t lijahrih tira i y. biui-

Onion» f;uuenr Sullivan. CarneHeeUy blur Carrulv L lt\el Lc«».. blue Itrotciih i-ugpiip Sullivan Cluabelh tlracy b lur ApriioU- Carrie Ueedy. ’

Wed po la lo ri l»rcM llra ty Carne

Irovlcnvon. iiUii- Head le llu ic t th r l teek. biuv

Tornilfbet Cladyit rro tltnvo i* blue Kotiiranr'— c ;is flv i“ in’0 ii»nw)nv"niu» ‘ Clrnameftlai gourd* ••• GlaOyk t-ro»tefi»on M l^adlloweri Einel Leek. blue. Jelly

Aila.i.w>n ■>«!.Swrri peas

Orpna Mpchai Wt'He

Qluna.A^cUiaiii. till and Wesley Hum. 1

Janel Sparki blu

Orp'sft Mecham. •

, Shaiia dDaliliav

daiilia - I Mined a

blue Aslrrt

Olten rt-il Daisiev /•iin.at

arrviiioeitH PWOli Pfinkiei

M aiy lUlredue. I rvada SIrode. blur


Janel Sparki blue Deloret Keay. blue

nl Dorn Harlon, re< Melody Peck, blue

Melody Peck, blue •\\ Marion Edward RTIFtCIAL FLOWER AHRANOfMCNTI

tp ia ye d li 'iil while t-rancit Ji ft Olue llower». blue. I

OPEN C LA tl FOOOti \ aeity — fcnMly VrawhetT

blue J ia ty PcIerMKi. raipberr red and Lillian Ulten. retpberr

piUow. r-ed. Elhel SelanOfr. flOll BlllO«.Wtilte----- ■

kimer nyingipn. lhau rvu. blue, Judy Cenarruia. dayeno ^el. blue, p.oyiiis H endrrton . ■ puric.U lue, M oronte PelerMn. <roc>ieled vetl bfuv. twealer

. touCoQdvon ruD. red. Hockie PclL-ruii. ■ ruo. wniie.- Leola Payne, ruy, blue.

Maureen Edwards, quill, red Leola Payne, nuilt red. Quill blue. Dornlhy Whiiby, qollt, wnlte. Friendly Neiol'borilu ill. blue

Leola PaVne. baby duill. wIk U, Annie Shaw, baby quill, red. kcaihy Paile 'ton baby blanket, blue, Lou Coodson, dome blue, doiiie red. doilie while. cei\lcrpirce nivie tenleTpiace. - red, centerpipre while, and Uatielle Wnrihinuimi. centerpiece, blue. .


I blue, wood or«if\ scoop red, red. cu lQ latt pilcher . white '

ttQusel. sialue, blue, Lena (luck, ece ceramic set blue. Uoyd

and Mildrad -Oarion,

inned Cl . CVr.

inlermedlale 1 Advanied -div Ouldooi cookii

...Canned . J r u i t ____i rancu .Johitkiwi.|>eacnts..Ulue. EhiIIy Olten. peaches, red. and i rancU'Joiinsion, apple sauce, wnile

Canned beyelabies .' f-rkncls Johrtslon. tir inu beans ,tilue, tomatoet '*< Ted >n(|pickled neats - 'wmt».... v

Pickles relishes i rancis Johnston, peppci relish hliu). Linily Olsen, pickles, red and f fanciv ^oiiniion. p itk le fl b

Siockinu, lamp, red, pair of tiulls, while ‘ on Palnllngt

I j Molly Peck.'sunsel blue, •’mooniioni" red. and Cmiiy Ouen. Hed F iih Lake.weed white

Mi»< P ic iu r il0 rod ' Carrie Howard, lewelry picture, liiue.

and Helen L'aldlaw. cerantlC picture red. embroidery pictures ' white

' VOUTM PicTurkt f-rancis Jonnsion. dried ilower ana

diinentional pictures, bolh blue, Hockie Pfterion, p a ln tln i^-'b lu t. pamfitig m j.

•ana-LmOJ'Hunl.. tolqretl picture, while

U kddy ) ClikllMna


itkha i'iIClldlK

Olson1 . Debbie Simon Debbie Tate

t ly l* Ravltw

- ju n io r dr inler mediate Advanced division

karaiee inompson, uaura u«»i«i, rm'-r j L j ^ r d ix is 'o n*—’ ’ Katie McCartei Vun«. Shjrry K«<.. ^mdv lo i.tm w ia ^ ; o.vi.ion - Na^.y Oaen.iiTarnmv Srnllh, Tauni Udy. Denise v«,niof n iu iilo it ' Debbie Tale ». Williams, Varda Walkar, Ranaa Crump, . Hanes ^all red; HarUa/a W lll la m i/ D a j'tn ; • Qu^niy Nina H unt. Uiowmanshi

M i^ellaneous thohecherry syr neclar

Ira n iis JiKuislun.

1‘ rafttis Jotinslon. blue. an(| apricot

. na

Short day


Artrra«» Vi

Kent.Harper, (.indy SaniueiMiti. Jean Lung, llene,Hfud. rammv llrasketibtlry. H o s a ^ ir l i Carrillu.-Cu(Jila Hartiirer|-aii-

'hlu«i A flr lin U«(\Ct\. Janlaci tlanch. Jav Bench, Dtborah £ola, ‘ Laurel Uea. Cole. Jimmy SlHlman. Koonie Anderson, D»in

, Harper, Laura Ha»». J h i l ly e i t i i i . '‘ • " 'v .-O o o la .-^ ll' rad;- Carmtfl-'NaHon,'“ UOn

ArmsironQ, «u w hit*. '. Hama lm pravim *nt

Vjftil !.• Trudv Olatiaman, Jtieliav Olaesaman. Uynnatla D alling. Tina Hartien, ' Tamara Maikaii. Maritia

A Lambkri. Kandl Udy. Ciridy-Warran. |H 6fua, Kaltiy Kidd, Lila lampie, |-yf l

divisi6n ••I ^'auU.Wi.'Slri [.leasuii

■ eeluuaiily CUH.OIMH1 irtnwntafisnlp

Clara.Dison Dairy quaiily Shelly CrandaU ^tiuwmansntp ^^elly Crandall

SAN JUAN,-.p,R.. (UPI) -

«,u.; ooru ! " » Coiialltutloii^of th ij-U . S.Wanoa KirUantt. untt>ai| (ooWtas, white C O m m O n w e a U n Of PUCrtO HiOO,

1 0,'iS 'S i.r'rA” ' " ' ’' ™lobr„icd 20tl. «nnlvo™ ry

? :K ' »" July M, H la modcJedjKkr- u ,s , .&niitituiiDn. imd is

V 'caiaa bijje...... more apfeclfjc In detail. For1 oais

#w£la. , __" ANO FRUITI

-OM BM CLAIIVIOITAVLCt'' ^ a u r s B D l i lT * oxuin|)|i!, It spoclfl«s thoTldlit

K u .“'.li , a ” 1“ “ Tree ciliicnllon, prohlbl«~

Qualilv ___ ,Sam’.Prock Miiceilaneom livestock - Warren flow itf

Overall showminihtp. Joani Pauls Tractor driyinu. luntof division Oavif

l ’rO«> itm o i UtuiWon. • Joe MtCart,«r

. _ — -j— ,

Mecttam,. lomaloa»,-red pouioe^^ p l n g , InflUrOS lljJlO f, if lo f j lg h t tO— Li»*t* rVr«''pt<0r7 '

orB"«uiio ni[a''Kiorn'‘couw.** * ... ..-....ABl. K.nanA «/t,,Aahl Al-.. ■ . . .IX a n * a n il u w i i — an iw u . a iiw o i ik im. ,» V U I I V b '< lea ls iu>t0 8 0 w o r k

o‘.“, v , sssiToI^ . , ■ •p°ro ti.nn_ .c inn t_-arler «(\(i Uuih CioHv, ( acl an<t w«\U« " lUUTHi • _

todays ClossKlod sec­tion, tho Want Ads, CountlosB now arid ■liko<new4tom&-«r«-----oHorod d.ally. It's tho ' im ort way. lo sovo in 'todoys modorn World.

Want Money to say...

Helloto you

Y6u can start-money comlno your way b y . turning your un- noodod Horns Into welcome cosh, by u^lng tt\e lasl-aotlno, low cost





B e g in n in grp o t e )

(You m ay ®nclotB o “ ChecV or have u t b ill you.)

____________ - . J ----------

A ddr«»t

C ity


TIM ES-NEW SC ja u if ie d Dept.

Tw in FalU, Idaho 83301

S p tc la lN o f ic M

LEARN TO EARN’ wi'lh A m o n c o 'i (,orQ«tf

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TAX PREPARATIONThm'isands arn) earnifiB Boort money In Ihe nrowin(i lie l^ Q/

frotokiional Income lax Service luollTTionl open lo men .and

wunTcn ol all anu& Job Inter- '■vieyvs • nv.iil.')t)l(* ' lor be&t blU'. du iits Si-nd tu i t tu u intotm a- 'tiori ,iiu l clAvs fccrtodulot > f^UHRVl •

M attes Stan Wa«k o l Sapl. 11


')'33 OIQ6i-!’33-7()0(l .

filpr .



A p p ly in parson,9 . ; I a.m.






6 7 8 -2 5 5 2 .

GIRI;S AND BOYSw a n t e d

To Deliver the TIMES-NEWS In All Areas:

of Magic Valley _Fill out the blank ndMail Direct to TiniesiiNews,'

■ i ‘ rrO. Box 548, Twin Falls'or Call Dir«tl 733 0931

To Times-Nfws. : ■ Circulation Sept.

'Vos, I would Hite to obtain.ort ^ oflBrnoon TIMES— hiows Paper fipulp.

My Name is . ...........iTSm . . . . . . ^M y Phona N o. js M y Addrov« is . . ATTEND . . . . . ! Am iirt fiio..w -.,, . .

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74 T lmBt'Nvwf. Tyvln F a lli. Idahp Thurtday, Au0u it 24, 1973_

We Guaranfee Results or YOUR MONEY BArK# W « r f « | lw l y .C W W A * » r t M r t

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— Get The Want Ad Habit And. Save Money 733-0931Of coll on* oi i h t i r (all h t t num t»f«~543'464l) in OuM or C a ilU lo fd , 670-733? in BufUyr Bup*f1. D«clo, Pool or Norland. ^ 3 6 ‘3S3S in Wancldl, Goading, Ho(f^rinon or Jtrom *. 326 S37S in H o ll» ti> . Rdgkrion, or Jatkpol, Navoda



Lo»e w e iah i «nd m c h t i i h t aa»y w «y I — Pont W allen D«lt V ib ra to r* . I ^poMi Q ikot. Action cyc le and

M a s ft f lo * R o l la r i a t D annar r=u rn ilura 711 U3).

F a l l i C ou rtH o u it. W adn tw lav at fi:QO p.ni'. A l'A non 3rd Floor-

'R e H a b tio u ta . ?tti A v a n u t E a it.

P R IV A T E in v M tlo a lo r - U Hour

H O K Y c a rp a t iw a a p a r r a p re k o n ta t lv e and O e ilc ro p ro d u c ti ia ie i. H a ie l N a tu i. 733 S6U.

M a lt HalpI F U L L T IM e AN O 1 p a rt t im a m an ,

good w a o e i. oood c o n d lllo n i. M N orth M o b ll..n 3 7 4 3 4 .

p a r io n R ogarton R a ita u ra n l.

W A N T E p ^A A M E O IA TE U Y : Ona •x p a r ltn c a d C la c tr ic ' m o to r ra; w in d a r, ona a x p a r la n c fd a la c tr ic m o to r ra p a ir r ta n w tio l» a lto capab la o f la rv ic a ca lls . Paid v a c a t io n , p lu i la o a l h o l ld a v i) t io ip lta l p la n , top w lio a* pa id lo r ttia r lg t i t m an . w r i ta a xp trfa n ca .

T R A CT O R M E C H A N IC W A N T e O .

TRY OUR Corn Oaat and Rueben la n d w lc ti . . wttt a g la u o f baar in a tro itf td Q la t i.

THE COVE'496 A dd iion W a il

M a lt A F tm a laF U LL E R BRUSH no ed i l a la i and

Phone 734 1S7A lo r 0 por ho u r > a lW ;

COOK AN D KITCHEN HELP NEEDEDE ip i'ie iic r Krlplul A>k lo i ocirnimttiolo> Cliti.f Hotpirol Iw in F o llr

76 USD H O SP ITAL neofls rog ts lo red hufbps lo r ch<irgc du ly on evening and n ig til i h l l t t Sm nll com rrtun lly to c rtle d n e a r ocean beacho» .

- Hood'» canal m SoaMIo, 20 m lle l W osi 01 iho s ta le cno lta l Salary range 16411692 lo r 24-hour week depend ing on.hotp ifa ) bxpcrlence . L ib e ra l In n g e b o n o lilt inc lu d ing re fire m o n i W rile or ca ll M ark Rocd H osp ita l, 'n o B irch , Me C lea ry W ashington 9aS57 Phone 1206) 495 3244

JE R O M E COUNTY Senior C ilUan C oord ina tor AAuil ba In ta re ila d In Ih t w a ita ra o t Senior C lliie n . S ta rtin g sa la ry U 2 i a m on th . A p p ly Senior Center o f fice 100

•N orth f i j lm o re .

N E E D 3 m a c h a n lc i w ith a ir co n d itio n in g and pow er .steering cK p e r ia n c e . E x c a l le n t f r in g e b e n e f lU • In c lu d t v a c a t io n , ro tire m e n l. and g ro iM Insurance

S lans. T^p sa la ry a t 14.03 per l i f t ou r on passanger c a n . 'w i t h {A

cont bonus por hour a lte r 1J1 h o u r i —Bnd^L-bonut-i>er7hour~4flar-?0(

hours. T rucks — l4 .]2 '/3 pef; fla l ra te hour w llh sam e bonuses. A p p ly In person to Del H arpe r at Bob Reese AAotor Com n^nV-

R E T IR E D C O U PLE w ith m ob ile hom e to he lp In new m ob ile h o m t p a rk . Lawn w ork and club house c a r t . C ontact Dob W ilis . 734 44)1 days. 733 *460 evenings. F r e t ren t and cash Income.

m T

m ust h a v t h y d ra u lic axperlanca. V a lle y T ra c to r and Im p llm ta t C om pany, Ouhl. PhorW

M IL K C R W A N T E O , t x p e r l t n c t d a i lra a b lt . I4J0 m on th , no h o u it . 934 S334.

O U A L IF IE O M A L E A D U L T oaeriM i In w o rk In t ir a t|u )0 arul s a rv lc t s ta tio n . M u t t h a v t kn o w ltd g to # sa ilin g , m ou n tin g , and various l i r a w o rk . Good wages, h o s p ita l b a n a l l ts . a n d o a ld vaca tion . W r ite .Q o x X n . c o T lm M N e w » . I ___

E L E C T R IC A L E X P E R IE N C E D dependab le m an. No d ru nks . PO Box 614, 733 4906. T w in F a lls .

F tm a la Halp

H O U SEW IV ES and college students to w ork n a m . — 2 p .m . week days. B u rg e r Chef. 733 9B37.

L A D Y B E T W E E N 30 and 50 to w ork in loca l d ry c lea n in g p la n t. E m pe rience not necessary bu t he lp lu l C a ll lo r a p po in tm e n t 733 9672 or 733 3fr5t

W A T K IN S P R O D U C T S needs wom en In T w in F a lls , lu l l o r pa rt lim e . 324 2693 a lte r 6.

FR ESH FOR SP R IN G h o m M , b u in g a d v e r i ls td m toda ClASsilied Ads Chock now )

Employmanr Aganclat

PE R S O N N EL SERVICE o l iVUolC V a lle y . 624 Qjue Lakes N orth , phone 733 SSai.

11 Salatqian or Satetwoman

W A N T E D A lte ra t io n la d y lo r m en 's c lo fh ing and la d le s ' W rile Bok X 10 f<3 T im es News

W A N T E D : L i v e i n b a b y s it te r beginn ing August 26th. Room and board p lus sa la ry , 726 3^69

W ID O W D ESIR E S housekeeping on la rm o r c ity . Lem oyne H oie l. B u f le y . Id a h o . R oo m 33. M Johnson.

E X P E R IE N C E D W A IT R E S S ■ A pp ly in person, fu ll o r p a r i lim e . R ogerson Hotel R es ta u ra n t. :

)1 S ala im anor Saltiw om an

F tm a la H tip

•M A ID W AN TED AT P u rp lb SageM ote l. A p p ly ----------K im b e rly Road.

W A N T E D ; E sp o r ia n c td fu lM .lm o m a id . A pp ly In person, .‘ Im pe ria l 400, 330 AAain Avenue South. ,

e m p l o y m e n t

OPPO RT U N IT YO p en in g lo r n e a t, re s p o n s ib le wom an In loca l l l r m . E x p tr lo n c o In bookkeeping and ty p e w r ite r — adding m ach ine use a re a m ust. Q u ick le a rn e r — s e lf s ta r t e r a b i l it ie s a re d e s lre a b le . If q u a l i l le d c o n ta c t R epal M an u fa c tu ring C om pany 733 9137 B a.m. *-• 5 p .m . t//eekdnys. ,Equal O p portun ity E m flo y e r .

M Baby SiHara— O illd Cara

D u iln a ii Opportunity

FOR SALE OR LE A S E Dolh'S Pirtco, bour Tavern P jiu l. Idaho. P tione 430 S30S

NOW IS An exce llen t o p p o rtu n ity lo r you to leaso A tla n tic R ich lie ld S in c la ir S tation. We o lfo r one o lth e m o s r c o m p o ll t iv o lea se packages in the business. Wo p re le r a m a tu re person, w ith lig h t m 'echan lcal know ledge to become an IN D E P E N D E N T BUSINESS M A N . Chock 9th and Shgshone Street East, T w in F a lls , loca tion . S M ALL IN V E S T M E N T RE>

.Q U IR E O ,,. Phono 733 620) a f l t r ' S p m

BUY OR LE A S E Ih is busy FftH% re i la u ra n t , o w n e r s / .— ..,., lo rces sale C all to d a y ./H a ro ld

733 0716, across Irom Seara

F O R ’ R E N T OR S E L L ; W ell equipped ca/e in R up ert. Id a h a Idea l setup fo r m an and w ile com b in atio n A va ila b le O cjober )s i For fu r t h e r ir i io r m a l lo n con tact M ASTE R S O N / R E A L T Y . P O Do* 541. R u p o rll Idaho.

I l l U N IT' Loca tio n •

iiv a i L.yii«wuu, Qr 733 9010, 733 779J.

B A B Y S IT T IN G IN . M Y hom e m a tu re , re s p o n s ib lo , good ro fo re n c o s , lo v in g c a re

''A lo x .in d e r Street 734 2170

K iM D E R L Y M O TH ER S W ill c.tre lo r you r l i l t lo ones, m y home L o ti

“ orToyS . lovO and ca ru 412V

W A N T E D IM M E D IA T E L Y Live b a b y s i t lo r R oo m , b o o rd . ni s a la ry . )oann Tacke r 436 9S6S

B A B Y S IT T IN G I N » M Y hom e M onday th rough F r id a y , lencedy^n ya rd IPhone 733 0630

6 a 0 Y S IT T IN G IN m y hom e, nice atm osphere. Phone anyflrV ie 734 4B30.

W IL L DO B A t tY S lT T lN G .

JACK AN D J IL L N u rs e ry , licensed ch ild care . Supervised -activ ities 1104 10th Avenue East H3 6647

U lu atlo n i WiinladBACKH O E S E R V IC E .'ca ll 733 9340

ROTO T IL L IN G and b iada w o rk No lob loo la r g t o r s m a ll, g ive us a c a ll. Defoy D lngham . 733 34J9.

cents a hole. Phone‘ 734 i

"?arm oriTwanttd


A N Y O N E IN T E R E S T E D In a Ford T ra c to r Iran ch lse please contact F o rd M o lo r Com pAny. Box 594. T w in .F a lls '

SHOE R E P A IR snop ctoing good businc-ss. idrgL- i to d ra w tro m . M ach in ery in vu n lo rv . bu*id ing . <ind lot in f lu d fd , *8,000 Owner w ill t ra in lor 30 days F A R M B U R E A U , 702 South L in co ln , Jc rom v, 324 437B. DON W A LL A C E , 733 7616

V E T E R IN A R Y C L IN IC m M agfc V a lle y low n Illness lorces owner to sell im m e d ia te ly P rice reduced »6,000 th is week Owner says m ake

R E A L T O R S . 733 0716

C LE A N IN G H U S iN b bb localWuU c'iUiUNMu'a liuMnevs

P n c i-d 10 i f l l .11 u itly iU.UOO * . IK 15,000 |>i'r. yin tr nol C .ill Sl<in W .l lt tT i, l U JIO/ or LA N D OF P IC E 0(- ID AH O W tA LTO H S ,; j j o n *

W EAL N IC E T * .n H .ilh k i-^ l.tu r.tn lu r %<>lc Oooi) liu^ini'^% Rl',11im c Uuildirig m i ' i i l L O l i O lp . K .. .M i-p into . t.u o m ij U u n n w *^ Ca**- H .iro ld KL-iltil7 '7~^iJ 341)0 or LA N D O P M C L O r iC^AMO h u a l To r s /JJ 0/16

N E W L O C A tiO N \o -la liU ' (or att.cc s p . ii i- or l)u»in i‘ S!> D owit-tow n Tw in Iw ilfs m oni' of ida lio luM vii'S i lu M o n u T Ifc il l ic .triM ! A ir lO i'ilit .o r iK K j. hL'.it furm iru-c;

€•>11 E.«ri I rtu lkn c r i ^OH i / j j 1506

iM A L L j A N IT O K IA L Irr tti. ruM 150 <> m on lfi M crfi-c l lor roMrcc couple Prioni- 536 ,

OOOD IN C O M E New H um l (.om plex, cxception> illv 'W L'll u u il l. a l l 2 b e d ro o m s , ap p ii> incvs , ca rp o tcd , drapes, iau rid rv room lllQ.OOO Owner bu ild v r D Luke /34 J32S

H o m ti For S>l« n


' N ew 3 badroom , I.XIO iq u a r t fttt. Top xo n s tru c tlo n . F u lly carpalad and d ra p e d . N tw s u b d iv is io n .

L u x u r y b r ic k d u p l tx . K itc h e n b u ljt lns. Choice loca tion . C lo tt to shopping cen te r. 142.500.

N ortheas l. Spacious b r ic k ra m h le r; 3 bedroom s. D o tu tllu l p t t io and yard . 150,000. ,

Full REAI. ESTATE S.r.'c.

I ? 3 3 - i3 6 5 J i M M A l H M . SOUTH

Spacious 4 bedroom hom o on Fa lls pM i n c w 2 baths, b u il l in ap

New 4 bedroom h o rn T .'sp lit l evel,

ca rt)o i And co lo rs ,

C om m erc ia l bidg dow ntow n in Iho m a ll 4,500 sq. » , w ith fu ll b ftsem enl on Shoshone oxcc llon t lo fu j te rm investm en t

C ^e acre , mco hom e. 2 ba ths.' (ru i|. trees and m an y c x frd s - F ile r

N EW 3 bedroom b r ic k homo In cou n try . M us t soe to a p p ro c ia lt. 1‘ 4 acres or m ore II desired. 3 m iles w est. 1 n o rth ot w est 5 points 733 9676

SPACIOUS N EW 3 bedroom , doub le ua r< ig e . b a se m e n t, p lu sh ap p o in tm e n ls . 127,900 AC E R E A L T Y 733 5217

HoitiM I ’lir S a lt

L ^ r e a Ct y "

ADDISON 733.3A4J , ^

IlM O O 3 BE D R O O M H O M E On- n th , A v a n u t East. Jus» pa inted In s is t and ou t, Ow nar w ill c a r ry c o r tt ra c f w ith I ) . 000 do w n to q u a l i f ie d b u y e r . I m m t d l t l t possession.

LA R G E F A M IL Y H O M E . O rick and Ira m t. S be d ro om i. 3 baths, la rge ya rd w ith a t lr t c t lv e pa tio.

2 O EDROO M fa m ily room , cute s m a ll h o m e or good re n ta l p roperly.USO O..

E s the rD oy le -733 5 406 N k A rv ll la Robbins 423 4 4 ]6 i ' c > D ill R alphs 71] 1033 Jerry W oam ni

4 BE D R O O M HOUSE new ly car

E e t td an d p a in le d . l in is h e d asem ent. 420 East A ve nu t G,

Jerom e. 324 5436.

3 N EW H O M ES under con s truc tio n by bu llda rs . Or w ill b u ild to

>eclflca lions on you r lo t o r o u is .> lntm ont 733.B6S) or

B u ilders.

spec ifica tions on Shown by appoln 734 3489. B ohm [

BY O U IL D E R : 4 bedroom l.uxury h o m e; t l r c o n d it io n in g , lu l tJflM rnifnt. D ea utlfu lly ca rp o led ix f r a la r l j j ' d o u b T i l i i r s i j i r ^ O T r t7 J 0 « I7 '

3 BEOfeOOM H O M E IN W endell, lu ll basem ent. 2 firep la ces , ba th and a h a l f . 136.500 T e rm s . iJ A IL E Y R 0 D E R T 5 R E A L T Y , 1020 N orth Blue Lake* OI«J, Phone 733 4262.

4 BE DR O O M m o M E lo r sale Fu ll bas ' in u n i N ew ly la n d s c a p e d Located ou t at c ily l im its out Fa |ls Avi-noe Easi on D esert V iew Dnwe C a ll lo r a p po in im cn i /33 6J4B

FOR SALE by owner N ew 3 bedroom , baths, all e le c tr ic , if . in i- ^ ir t ie possession See al 1012 ' i.-< •’ Ue West 734 2211

R E A L T YC O U N T R Y ^ ^ I^ ^ N G L U X llR Y

LA N D S C A P E D to p e r le c llo n with e x tra pa rk in g Double exposure lire p la co in sunken la m lly room

LO CAL L iquo r Lounge and lu o a e r c lu h .o n e o f T w in Palls* fine s t The

J N IC E BEUi^OC M S, P^irt b r ic k

ro lr ig e ra to r and disposal home Is e x tra clean and sha rp. Im m e d ia te po ssess ion . t23,800 •^G IC V A L L E Y R E A U T Y . 733 r r Evonings, 734 4090. 423 4109, )3 65l»

S D E O n oO M -H O M E w llh lire p la ce . rc c rc a tio n room and l; t l i i ty room 15 m ile s southwest ol Salt Lake C^'v^or sale, trad e o r lease Phono

T H O U G H T F U L G IF T ? pe rson a l" m essage to one )ve in the W flni Ads. Oial 733 0

R 0 M 6 T 5 r s7fT6 •SHOSHONE

2 B locks o il h ig hw a y 93. 2 bedroom, .home Bath. l iv in g room , din ing room , g lflsscd in ba ck porch Insulated. Furn ished . M ust go lo r cash (6,000 New ga rage, ya rd tool sto rage p lace and la rge sto rage Shed in back ol ya rd . 2 Tots. Phone 036 2182.

FOR SALE One Ol tlie be tte r all e lectric Uiomes in H a ie llo n . 3 spacious bedrbom s, baths,lu liy carpeted. P riced at 121,500


REA LT Y120 E M am Jerom o, ida tioBus 324 B166 Res 835 5573Chuck Henloy Res. 324 8367


F orm al d in in g room , fire p la ce , covered b re e /w a y , double garage, lu ll basem ent. T h is '> love ly. Large loan can be assum ed 2 d a y t possession U9.800

4 BEDR O O M S, 2 ba lh s . b r ic k Choice loca tion , i p l i t leve l w ithChoice loca tion , i p l i t leve l w ith basement 3 l|rep)aces F a m ily ro o m , e x t ra n ic e Im m e d ia te possession, i p i , 000. Term s (a best

□ R IC K H O M E Now lis tin g 3 bodropm s, b a so m tn l w l lh ta m U y- room , la rgo garage. fllOOO.

Out of Town Houias,

CAFE buiio«>V| go od </ciuipm«ni,^ lo rge inve n la iy , good loco tion . doing large lurnover wilh no com. p a lio n . B u ild in g no l in c lu d e d S7.000 I ■ •

'NICE 1 bedroom home in- good Hnritnn localion O llly 57.000

REAI nictf 3 badroom tioine ori large tornor lo l ' in Hanven Hoi oil lui* nace ond uliN'ty room {10.500

TAYLOR AGENCYMtlmbor o l lw in Follv. ">AlS'' SofyiCB

Danold Taylor. Droke, 423 52Q9Moton Smith ' 734 4906Virg.l-Wilvon 4J3 4I37

LA R G E 3 bedroom p a rtia l b r ick hom e In N orth East section ol J e r o m t . D u lt t - ln a p p lla n e ts , c a rp e ltd , p a r l l t l basem ent, largo lo t . g a r d tn , d o u b le c a rp o r t , 134,000. 33/S630 o r 324 4048.

JE R O M E . 2 bedroom o ld e r home - w ith la rge u t i l i ty , neat and clean.

Nevyly redecora ted F ru it Irees, n ice ya rd E x is tin g 5 per cent loan

. 324 83SS

K IM B E R L Y , 4 ba d ro o m b r ic k , la m l ly ro o m , g a t ' liro p la ce s baths.R E A L T Y 733 5217.

2 LA R G E U eOH OO M S u p s ta irs . 2 d o w n C o m p le te ly tin is h o d basem ent 2 ba ths 2 lire p lace s C om ple te ly carpeted FOR SALE BY OW NER See to appreceiate 4V5 East W asnm uton Phone 423 4065. k irn b e r ly

R ta l E ifa t t Wantad

W A N T E O to buy or lease 100 — 300 ac re la rm w ith o r w ith o u t home. P re le r W endell a rea bu t w ill consider any a re a . Call 536-3738.

as r^armi &.|Uinchai

F a fm i'ft.R a n d ia i..

too ACRES, ro w c rop fa rm . 1335 par a c r t . C lo u to tOMn. W r i l t tW>K W ' 10, c-o Timas N tw s. ___

20 a«re», 3 h m iUt from J«rom« Cood houtf and o^ l buildings. J3A,500410 ocre't - 160 und#r irrigo lion3 good wellt w ill ru'r> 300 head i60.' 000.00 Budey oreo{Iricli 3 bedroom wilh ctnKol oir con­ditioning. 4 levelt o l plu th living o n S u n ru iN o n li S3I.0004 Bedroom horn., Wendell. H 4.000

Plush 4 badrooip at 1540 P rince ton D rive . DJo F a m ily room , qu a lity carpel th roughout, gas barbecue on covered P a tio . 2'1 ba lhs. T h e , pe rle c i home lo r «2t,S00,

A(j»nU lor fitu o / Hom«i


1030 Norih DIud lu lie i Twin Epllv. Idoho

- PJmn. 733 4262 Gli,..nD9.iofi Eldon Gougli lu ^ e ll W illt Duriell OxiVfl Ea Bonch Ruby Edmoni

—p a ibcdi

in hay and G ooo ina— r ~

___^room m odern homo F a ir set o lou tbu ild ings. Ideal d a iry or sm all stock la rm t40,000 w ilh low down paym ent

Im m e d ia te possess ion o l bu ild ings. lOOacres jus) 15 m inutes Irom Tw in Fa lls on N orth Side ot R iver 145,000 w iih te rm s

23 acres. 3 bedroom m odern home, open stream throughout la rm lo r year around stock waler t 22.000 w ilh le rm s

V ery n ice ca ttle r.inch , 2 nomes. good co rra ls , 440 acres ot Oeeded land p lus range righ ts SI30.000 w ^h le rm s

Iv e r so n R e a ltyGooding. Id a h j

H arvey 9J4 4054Dwaln I ■ 934 5322Roger 934 4040

48 AC R ES, Southwest K im o e rly 141.500

9; AC R E FA R M A ll pastu re and t ie v , good stock setup wa.ooo

Isl T im e hsti>0 JoOacrus, 2 bedroom nom e ' j basvm i'n t H u ll w a it t r ig h t - recomrner>d/H] lo r s lock or .

•d a iry fo rm tSO.OOO

600 ACRES deeOed 400 acres , jr iv . iie a llo lm c n l o lte red as sell con la in 'x l spread lo r 250 head. tl3U,DOO

One h a ll Acre - New 3 Dcdrpo/n hbm c - country l iv in g -w iih C ily conveniences Bath 4 JJ • m cely carp eto d — c a rp o rl and storage com p artm en t tl9.400

T W I^ FA L LS R E A L T Y 733 3662

A v e r a l L a rg e C a tt le ra n c h e s , am p le w ater, pasture and loc-d

— • - ■ " ------


TO w ork in the Twin Fail* — M ountin H om t o rea . Re­quires txpe rienco in ia its , o( sprink le r ir r ig o lib n systtrrs an(jl pumps. P ro ttr lo m e o n t w ith e x p t r i tn c t in soles of p ivo t systems,


_ PARMA V^AIERAIFIER CO.- _• • ' B Q X ? 4 fl PARMA, ID A H O 8 3 660

Phone 722-5121

CUSTOM P LO W IN G , ro to t i l l in g , 8' - m ach ine . Denver F ine . 32A-4&31 or

733 0690 DIade w ork .

CUSTOM G R A IN com b in ing - 51G Massey FergiJson L a r ry Luper

HAY AN D STRAW stack ing 38 40" bales. W illa rd Tnae li: phone 733 2176

H AY H A U LIN G and s lack in g w ith tru c k Evenings 734 2078 ^

W E H AVE a W holesale business, all casn accounts, g ro w in g by leaps and bounds We need a dependable associa le m you r area w ith S900 00 m in im u m to 'inve s t in equipm ent and inve n to ry whicn w ill tu rn over about tw o fim es m o n th ly In c o m e p o te n t ia l exce p lio fia lly h igh A ll rep lies s tr ic llv con lide n tia l.


i-re e ie D ried P roducts U iviS ion 3B l5M ontrose, Suite 12(1, •

Houston, Texas/7006 ‘ .

asi>d or purchased.

Lynwood Realty" 610 DIue Lakes N orth

733 9311,A lte r Hoursja c k O is h o p 733 7/61R .J Schw pndlm an 733-7100H arley AAathtrs . 733-8473M ike G ray 733 0101

/ ^ a g i c y a l i e y

R e a l t y181 N orth Blue Lal>ts

733 SUOL a ffv Jones ^ 4 4090Mrt« G jile y • 423 4189Gordon C ro c lie li 0 3 6531

UY OW NER A cre , 4 bedroom , bath, g a rd e n , o rc h a rd H u lle r * 536 H eyburn Avenue West.

W A N T E D : Custom been cu tting

BR A N D N E W h o n jj in Je ro m e 3 bedroom s, love ly ca rp e tin g and drapes. P a tio , firep la ce , double garage. Good loca tion .' C all L A N D

-O F P rC E -O P -tO A H O W C A LTO ftS . 733 0716



TO QUALIFY; Must hovo cor, educcftion o nd chor-acto r b ockg round . bor^doble. Some trave l. M ust be o le rl, agoressive, and am bitious —v,

- If You Are Selected YOUR FUTURE IS SECURE----------------—

You w ill be‘ given cr com plete 2 .weeks sales tra in in g p ro ­g ram in Soli la k e — expenses p o id — Ihen be guOr- on leed a mmimum o l $800 o m onth to s to rl w h ile b e ing > tra in e d in the fie |d (com plete hosp ita l ^ d m o|or m ed ica l.

V ery lib e ro l pension p ro g ro m vested 100% in 10 years.)O ur solesmen ore g iven every o p p o flu n ity fdr'odvar^TTTflenT lo ko|| m anogem pnt positions This p tione c 'c lPcon changey o u f

For p e rso n a l irftferview C a ll D w ig h t W d ts o n

Phone 733 -0 6 5 0 .W ednesday o n d Thursdoy, 5 P.M , 10 9 P M.

Phone 733 1T83 F ridoy

CUSTOM PLOW IN G and d iscing H oary trash a s pe c ia lly No lob too

, la rge J L J Farm s S43 59^4

rO O K INGT O R - rr - LA R G K L OAN T A s k ab ou t o u r H o m v o w n e rt. p ro g ra m G A C F inance 140 2nd Street East, T w in -F ^ lit . ; j j 1064.

120 ACRES N ORTH SIDE D a iry Farm w ith p le n ty o l irr ig a tio n w ate r W a lk .th ro ug h d a iry barn w ilh prep s ta ll. 90 head o f m ilk c o v^ can be pu rchased separa te ly 1 3 bedroom and 13 bedroom home Priced at t90,000.

DRYDEN A G EN CY3 3 0 2 3 2 402 So im .o i r

n * 4612 Q, M {, J60*


N O R THSID E 1152. acri>s p r ir

(evenings 733 8 211)

Feld tm an— Realtors932Sho&hone.SI N 733 1988

.CRES.1 3 bedr

1/1 shares o l w afe r, yooa -> uooroom mam hom e Also 'enant house 4 s ta ll w a lk th ro ug h , u a iry barn w ith pipo line m ilhor and b u lk lan k Loaling ihe d and c o r r j l s illO .OOO W E N D E L L R ‘ A L IT Y 5W •>•>’ <

ne w ly pa in te d and re a d y lo rim m e d ia te o c c u p f ------ -1846 Shoup ta


g ra in ,>U-i44l

C O M O IN IN G PEAS p lo w ln o w ilh an itydrouk - f L R SoronspA- ,

C U S T O M ''g r e ' e n C H O P p lT T b ’,S pan ba ue r* Custom F a rm m o Phone 324 5141, JerornH

C U STO M S W A T H IN G , b a lin g . S ta ck in g D ia i r ’ s C us iom F a rm in g , J24 4459

HAV S T A G M N G . Jicw-J-w iUu-JM -— 41" bale Oesi s lack Huy I i i ie y 423 5614

CUSTOM HOTO T IL L IN G and blade w o rk . c■orru^>dJlng Houser Uj^o^thcrs Ptwne 733 j 16} or 734

C O M P L b I t H O M L S IU D Y . Hujh S flio o l •uut M -tr et.ir lal courses F re » D ro c r ii/r t- e x p la in s A M E K tC A N SCHOOl D ISTR IC T Q I FICL- HOK /646. Uoise, Idaho

Econom y K ick?1 bedroom In SouiK P a rk . Corner lo|, ve ry c lean homo w llh n ice yard . Good pa in t, near new roo t Rent th is one out or m ove r ig h t in. 14.800 00, ' ^

- M m i o r y n i K o f n ) ] or


Snake R iver Canyon. P riced <it less than *1.500 por acre Very good te rm s to qu a lllicd^bu ye r

Call H a ro ld K e ith le ' L A N D O F F IC E

'H h A L IU I^ S .---------

■y 733 2400 01 OF ID A H O


I Vor S


W E A R E NOV/ OOlno fu s io n p lo w in g . M oore '« Inc- 423 5533.

HAY STACKIN G anyw here L in e u p •■ M ^^^e ssen ge r and Lew is C,.li

lo u b le g a r a g e

IS B u t ln tn O p p o r iu n l lv U . B u i l n t i i O p p o r lg n llv

^ . 1 R CUSTOM F A R M IN G ........»¥»e*o t f * r m \w ir k . h«v sw ath ing r and ba ling and g ra in cdm tjfm m r— ^ 334 405a or 334 4855. j


L . u f f f l n q e..........C U S T O M P A R M iiiC

733 S363

mM L E T T


AWE VOU tOOK444G- I^OR A H OM E W ITH A L L THOSE EX. TH AS y o u * H A V E 'A L W A Y S W A N TED ?Soac lous 4 I>edruom br ick hom e lo r .d e a l la in i ly l iv in g an d en ' ( • r ia in in y Sunken iiv ir^ n T ffltf - la c tiii^ r< < u ii ba ins , la rgec a u i i i i y h i lc h r n , h r a u t t tu H y i . t r p f le d and .,m-..iiedDrt-jv.ii.-'” -..in fe c re a lio n room and 'out stiop, 2 car ga rag e , paho. a»Hl la rge lenccd ya rd w ilh room lor sw im m ing pool and tcpnis cou rt Deep w e ll. ad |acont lot k iu e d lu r horse a va ilab le h te a i lo c a lio n lo r p ro te s s o r. business or p ro less iona l m an. Call fo r flppoln»menl-rf33-252fl. 733 5691

O n eo l T w in ’s^linest hom es Ur Ick 3 bedroom 2'< t>ath Pool, sauna G rac ious ■ liv in g »42.500

D R AN O N E W Span ish m o t l l . W hite b r ic k , -beau lilu l l lre p la ce . Mflnv_ojUr.flS. »42iW?,

N EAR C O M P LE T IO N , 3 bedroom w ith ove r ' j acre . Good loca lio n Outside c ity Ifm lls 117.000,

2640' OF E LBO W room B e au tifu l fire p la cc A ir A ir cond ition ing M any bu lll4 ns . O n ly 134/900,-

COM ING SOON DeautHul co lonia l2B00squai'e loe t,e )(cellcn tlocation



Phone 733 0574 .. AN Diwt


200 AC R ES Lo is o l Cheap w a te r, 2 Dedroom tiom i'. nood c o rra ls , crop in c lu d e d . ' 5125,000 F A R M

733 2^23 733 5457 733 5045 733-2340 733-M3S 73 3 3 546

1500 acres Lake fron tage offers rec re a tio n a l potential. Close |g Air s tr ip . Tw ohornes. I3SO.OOO. Ilex ib le lo rm » ‘ Gene'Coonv- 733 4019 or K ay H arrison R e a lly . 733 3323.

70 A CRES, 75shares w ate r. Ideal lo r Slock Close m 130.000 C LE AR LA K E S A G EN C Y , 1114 M a in . Uuhl. Phone 543 6444 Evonings 543 4180.

30 acres ba le land. fli.C kW ’

20 ac ru s 'pa s tu ro N or ren f

■ i.-y , Ufoi I /W 4 0 ;9


m v ic t company etlobliihed oil <oth occourtit not o com ^pe ro ltd vending roule. f i»een on IV void in locohons »uch a i u .. . . . . . .ww^w i ... ,..u i.t io ra t. Iinanciol i i^ i lu i io n i. im o ll mai\ulacturino p lo n li. warehouse* and «moll ir t ililu lio n o f^ c o u n ii. The d iilribu lo r

4fn» orep, Thu n lomous brand product^ .you've


dependable d iilnb u io r. mole o rU -. lum to invest in equipmani and in- imet'monthly. fo rn in g i con grow to

e select w ill be re ip o n iib li for momtaininQ thete locotion t'a ridVailockino inventory. All Ibcationt la b lllb e d b yo u rto m p q n y JVeVeed mole, in this area with SQOO.OO mmi venlory which can turn over up to twi l i . X O o n . „ a l l , on il „ a. w ._ i;,i1U o ..................... _ _complete in fo rpo lion . including phone number and Areo Code; AH inquirie i tlr ic t lyco n lid« n f(^ . *

CONSOllDATED CHEMICAX cd R P O R A T lb K T 'Freo i* Dried Products D iviilon <

3 a i5 M a / ilr o u e iv d , Suite 130 - . Houiton, Teio i 77006

733 '

G R E E N C H O P P IN GYour hylago lo ra g i u w e r dealer

i- )* ':« .9 ‘ ^ ‘^ ^S T 0 M F A R M IN G 124 4/UJ ly*


R o c k Y MOU N T A I N "

. REA LT YM 3.1406ISII N u rth M a m

A lte r Jp rn. Phono W ijlflrd P rice 733 4600

Do You Need A TanlShelterT ■"

Th is no w u l t r a c o n le in p o r f f ry .(]uQlox_hAs.3 b cd roo m t por i ld o i din ing roo m , ba lp & ''1 , gas f lr e p le c e , b a lc o n y , m a s te r bedroom , sun deck, e tc ., e tc. This p ro pe rty i i show ing a good re tu rn , P lu i <1 w al'>no l i l t of p o te n tia l re n lb rs i Solve your la x p rob lem today. t45.SO0.00.

P a lllo N a l i lg e r , 7a3-3374 a r—----------


1 your own hom e lor no m ore than Iho cost of ren t .Lot us he lp

tinanco C onven llona l, FH A , or


ID EA L D A IR Y place /S acres. 7b ' stiares ol w aler Set-p ‘.Ire a in . ID stancti'on block barn and m ilk roo m V40.QOO W E b'T E N O H 6 A L t-V,. IJO O rftrtdw ftY-South:

— U ulil. Plionu S4J-4409, —- ' -

160 ACRE D AIW y b fc lU P U Sian t lu n ln .'rrm ijiK jn f barn Lots ot hay and p .is lu ru . AAodurn i bedroom

F M -L SPECIALS 120 acrcs row crop and pasture near-jw rom u . JiuU w ater shares. Newly rem odeled two bedroom l)ome, good out bu ild ings and corra ls (70,()00 00 w ith le rn is w ill pot >K)u on this place

ir r ig a t io n , good tw o bednoom tiom e .no rs i' barn and co rra ls Gel in is o n e lo r 147.500 00

230 acres sprink le r ir r ig a lM row c to p and pasture 17 m iles iV>rth 'o l Twin Falls ju s t o il H ighway 93. House t ra ile r and m achinc shed A good producer fo r.»lOO,OO0.0Q w ith , ___Lou Thoraon. 733 3291 or


G ^ M S

1 2 0 E .M a lrv -------- Jerom o, Idaho[Jus 324 814* Res 825 5573Chuck Henley ' R e i. 324 8347

185 ACRES,-.Gooding area, le rm s negotiab le, 4 p<7drooni house, to m o - oquipm ent included. Im m o d la t* possession ava ilab le . 934 54 1 7,

H A N D F IE L D s lack in g and hay h a u lin g done anyw here Phone 7j4-^- 3088. • ____________________

T ^ t . lE T T tN 'S A u to s la c k i i . j C ou rteo u l, dependable se rv ice Phope 43 > W 8 o r 733 6274

C O M M E R C IA L D EAN th rash ing . Two 660 C ftie cpn ib in cs w ith tw tls and loaders. 734 4431 o r 326 5271.

DY O w n e r o lder home in Tw in ^ •1 l ls iv iih b fd u iy sa lo n . 2 bedroom , I balh w ithout' salon 4 bedroom Ideal investm ent lor re»iia l p ro pe rty Good deal to r ig h t p a r ty W riic M a n n a H arrison,’ ^49

83400 , •


4th Ave L ' I b lock o i l M ad ro na l 3 bodrooiTis, lu l ly carpeted, drapes Ssnd Appliances

734 3325 , -------

F IV E BEDROO M S — one ecr# iw o b»th». N lc t v»Td. Phone 314; 3 l 3 ^ t a r t | :0 0 « .m , A p p o ln lm tn t o n ly . Jerp m C *

W ORTH TW IC E T H E P R IC E I The ep itom e o l e legant l iv in g can be pad In th is exci* ng hom e In K im b e rly , offerir^g 4 spacious o ® droom i. !a m lly ^ i l in in o ,- fo o m -

v w llt i superb v]ew,d»h,3TTnm l«C H , J ' l b a ih t and • fu lly flnf&hed U nsem tntJ i l lu a te d on an e v lra la rg o lot w ith fo m p lo le sp rink le r s y s te m . Fo r y o u r p e r io f i f l l ap po in tm e nt c a ll 473 5343.

B E A U T IF U L S P L iV leve l hom e fo r sale. A lm os t ntfW 3 bedroom , \** bathA, la m lly room , - u l l l l ly o il k itchen and d in ing room . N ice k llche n , do ub le c a rp o rt and la rao s to ra g e , le n c o d -y a r d , 131,500 E v tn ln g ap po in tm ents Q A IL E Y

__RQUE.flLS-ttEAt-TJr.^U-LoWell' W ills 733 4543.

74 A .CRe ROW CROP fa rm south o f T w in F i l l t . H igh w a y fron iag e. Fu ll w a ie r th a ro * . 145,000. Gene Conner, 733 4019.o r Kay HarrI.to f) R ea lly . 733-3MI.

r Property

C om m erc ia l P rop e rly •A SPEC IALTY

Fe ld tm an R ea ltors 733 I9H8

40 ACRES o ld e r -3 badroom 3 s fo ry

■^S3?iSr*STb?KMeN“ ^ too South L inco ln

N O R T H A V E N U E 3 b e d ro o m , .ca rp e te d , »12.500. ACE R E A L T Y .

733 5317.^” -. . ’ .V-

' AcrNO** LoM

,HOR S A L B 'b y ovm er -aVbedroorfl hpusiVwlthrUasem enl'. 739-7540! .

- J

IM M E D IA T E POSS£S5TON. new to ta l o lo c lr ic 3 Wedroom. ca rpe led j.

OS. ,U« balhUi f 19,506 AC G*appliances. ,U «b a lh in U A L T Y 73:15317,

itA 'ZE lL'TO N A R E A , 100 a c re s . M o if iy h a V U n d ^ i i i i iu r e - r - N r c * hom e w llh 4 bedroom s. 3 b a lh i. firep la ce . I50.XO. Gene A n n e r 733 « T 9 o r Ka i( H arrHon.>»««IIV .

20 ACR l:S close to J iTom o, m odern lidm o. priced lo si-ll C all Stan W a lfe rs , 734 3107 or L A N D O F F IC E OF ID AH O RC/VLTORS. 733 0714'.

Tliursd^y, Auguil 3i>!)97} Tlme9-Nowt«,Twln F a lli/Id a h o 35 ' .

FOR AS -U T JIIA S - 7 0 ^. S «JfoutteM aj^B e Placed For Sale With A Money Back Guarantee*


1 AC R E, 3 b fld roo m -ho m e. P a rt b j i i« n i*n l, c o r ra l i , } c a r o«rao«- <17.000.

JO ACR ES, 3 bjxJroom Jiom o, ne«r J e ro m * , 3 m t le i o f f r ro o w a y MS,000.

L 8 .N R E A L ■* ESTATE CO.

Jorom e, Idaho 334 4U)0

to u 334-4404D ick . 334 SOa«Ed , . 33441B0

TWO CHOICE sdlD inIno lo t i lo r la lD , W arm S p rin o i v a lle y lub - d iv l i lo n , K a lchp m , Idaho, Im ' p r o v t m e a L P r i l r l c t lA . 13 300 iQ u a r e T f tm c lp o l . IB ,000 aach lo bB to ld lo o t lh M ca ll 733 B531 a f lw 1 p .m . ____________ ^

\ ACR E C O U N TR Y lo t, C alj 734.4JW,

N E W LY R E M O D E L E D 3 bedroom tiom e on tm a lt ac rp flov j ie a r Ourley. Can bo su b d iv id e d , l/n m od ia to possei&lon, ttS.SOO. 533-

. 1200ACRES

- V irg in Potato Ground 4 30" w e lls d r il le d , w a te r w ith in 100 feet of surface.

E X T R A N IC E A N D re a io n a b le l 13' X. 44' 3 bedroom m ob ile hom e w llh fu ll ih a o ca rp e t, > 'a lied ilv in o roo m , g a rb a a * d ltp o ta l, washer and d rye r hook uO. E q u ity and assum e loan. 334 5573. a lte r 6.

EO 'S M O -O E L A IR E • M O B IL E H O M E P A R K

Now ready fo r occupancy — 13, 14, double w id e units,- ga», phone, cab le , rec rea tion h a ir 317 South D lvd, W est, Jerome. 334 3009 or 334 S740.





Par ts & S e r v i c e

1971 O ROADM ORE 14 * 64, a ll e le c tr ic , 3 bodroom s. U * baths. V i l la g e M o b ile H om u R ar4 , K im b e rly See a fte r I p.m Key at Space No. S.

M O B IL E H OM E to r sale Ketchum Area 0 X 40 1963 Nashua, new ly carpeted Clean. c o :y , cute 733 7975.

0 X 31 A M E R IC A N T R A IL E R Furn ished o r un fu rn ished, ve ry good co n d itio n . 037 4134 Hager-m an ________ ___________

1971 A C A D E M Y 50 x 13, rea l clean, p riced to sell at 1439S, M ao ic V a lle y M ob il# -H o m e s, 2'/* m iles we*1 o» West 5 Po ln is , Phone 6141.

GET YOUR H OM E sk irte d be fore cold w ea the r comes, 't p r ice w ith the purchase o1 an awni»\o. Ca» Irw i Petersen 734-4Ui.

10' x^O ' m ob ile hom o, v e f ^ le a n . a li conditioned, fu rn ace , re ^ rlg e ra fo r, i lo v B . new c a rp p . tm m e d la le po iscsslon . 733 9378, space 8 D, G racem an's C ourt. Shoupe Street.

^ r n g T i LK 3* T eKpaAuO. 2 badroom , fu rn ished. Phone 733-0I4I, 733r 9831.

1964 NASHUA 10' K SS' W ith 7' K 13' Uwlno room expando. also 7' x 30' back room . E xce llen t cond ition .

« 334 S040. ...



. .PLEASURE CRAFT-’P a rts • S u p p l ie r ‘ Se rv ice

17 YEARS S E R V IN G ' M A G IC V / I l f Y

- i i r A M n o n A v e . W .

M O VIN G M UST SELL 10' x SS' Nashua m obile hom e 3 bedroom , D xpando on l iv in g roo m and f i l f l l t c r tJo d roo m . - c a r p e te d r ik ir te d Oest oMor 733 0433 a tle r S and weekends

SAVE UP 10 11,000 on m ob ile homes, south o l<Tupperware, Jorom e AAA discount

A iW A ) : s B f r r e i n u v s

mA G IC V M lE Y : O B I I B H O M B S

SINGIE — POUBIC V/IDIS ' 3 /* miles W«s't of W t i f 3 Pdnli'

P h o n « 7 3 3 -6 M I

1972 G o vernor

-------- 6 9 'W 4 : —Cloleout Sate

O n ly , $ 8 9 < > 5

e xp a n d o o f f ____ _ _______ .bedroom s. U nfurn lshad. 733 S9^ o r 733 J37I.

3 OEOROOM M O B IL E hom e ready' to m ove Into. H ave lo ap ­prec ia te .-P hone ,433 4336. .

M obil* Hom»i

USED M O O ILE / tQ M E S needed — T r M * yoyrs to r » r^ew bne. H a c lffi^ a Homes, Inc. 733-7S4I.

V A LO AN S o n . m o b ile hom es a va ilab le w ith Hacienda Homes, Inc. n3-75«l.

FOR SALE: M ob ile hom e axles w ith b ^ k e i. Hacienda AAoblle Homes

S K YLAN E M O B IL E H O M E PARK N ow Open - Healed sw im m ing , po o l sauna , e x e rc is e ro g m , clubhouse, pa tios, tto ra o e sheds, b o a t and c a m p e r p a rk in g , sidewalks and paved s tree t. Large

w ide spaces. Call 733 4407, 734 4411, o r 733 0460.


I4 W id « (Dtoadmort or F liitw o odI


U p fu m lih td Apt*' A DupliM *!

. r e l r ig e r a to r , s lo ra o e , garage. Adults, no pe ts, *150. 733;

N EW GOLD M oda lllo rt 3 bedroom bricK duplex, IV} b» 1t>s,'.d ish- w asher, carpeting, drapes, yard- w o rk , u tllltlo s , except e le c tr ic ity . A d u lts tIOS. U 6 Buchanan 733 046S,

R e o m i

FU R N tS H E O 3 bedroom m obile ho m e. No c h i ld re n , no lie ls . References requ ired . 433 S964.

3 O EDR O O M -M O Q IL E ho m e, fu rn ished, by w eek or month, Jerom e 334 S606

M O ffic t A B u fin e iiB R A N D NEW b u ild in g In exce llen t

dow ntow n location fo r lease. 1760 jiq u a re le e la n d w ill design in te rio r to su it fennant's spec ifica tions. S u itab le for P rotekslonal offices or re ta il outlet. C all D ick Messer . s m ith at Gem State R ea lty ' / u . 5336,

FOR SALE; 1969 T am erack 13 x 60. W asher, d ry e r, s to rage shed, a ir conditioned. Phone 734 3464: '

O F F IC E SPACE ava ila b le soon on B lue Lakes P ^ rlh - Phone 375.3616 o r 733 0716. ■

SI ORAGE ^»HACE; as m uch as you w a n t. Easy lo a d in g , phpno ?34_

Wanf»dto Rent

COUPLE W OULD lik e lo ren t smAII h o us f. Phone 336 4431, aMor 5 p.m.

W A N T TO R EN T Sm all house In co u n try . 733 776J.

W AN T TO LEASE Stock ran ch, BO * 244* or more, w ith hom e 436

M ltc tll«n > o u i For SatoGERTSCH A M P L IF IE f^ , H arm ony

e le c tr ic g u ita r , - (75. 13 s tr in g hoU ow bo dy o u i la r , e n c e lln n t con d itio n . tIOO. 1970 Dodge P o laris oKcellen l cond ition t17S0. i960 E l C am lno ready to rebuild . 19S9 a x 40 tra i le r house, exce llen t con' tJ ltlon -Phone 543 6645 or 543 47Q3.

FOR SALE; C ltlijJn band rad io , L a fa ye lie Telsa t SSO 35, l ike new. Phono 43B 4B71.

C O R R U G ATED F IBE R G LA SS fo r pa llos , fences, tra ile r sk irt in g or any use w here a good looking cheap ly priced m a lo r ln l Is desired. W este rn N urse ry . Tw in Falls.

W A N T E D ^ U sed f u r n l lu r e , ’ a p ­p liances, ro ll top desks, baby th in gs , an tiques. Hnyes F u rn ltu re i

B tC V C L E 5 E ^R S bosi lO spcod, 1973m oilp l,new condition. UO. 006-77nt> '

•tAUST S E LL - M o v ln g l F u rn itu re , appliances, ya rd and household go od s . E x c o lle n t buys. 393 F illm o re Street. Phono 733 9470.

M O V IN G ; M UST SE LL .' 13 ho rse , boat m o to r and lan k , good con d itio n , « 0 . One 3 cyc le tra ile r , t75. W elsh pony, ISO. 1956 Ford Crown V ic to ria , *50. 3 - 19" Model A Ford t iro and wheels. 3 — 16 " M odel A wheels A lso o lh o r Item s. 935 N orth 9 lh, Quhi.

31 IN C H TO R O se lf p ro p e lle d m o w e r , ••'«p m JocI c o n d it io n , guaranteed . *59,95 a rC a ln 's 733

3M A T C H IN G G O LD upho ls lered , 3 pos ition re c ljn o r cha irs w ith loo t rus ts 6 m onths o ld *100 p a ir . IS " po rtab le TV, w orks fine . *I5 . 53& 3330,

3 P. A. HORNS,-! cab ine t w ith 3 15" U lah SRjakers. 837 4937.

I X D A L U M IN U M w indow, ca rlo p ca rr ie r ,' w a te rp roo f, rose cofored nyW n cavuno, good shape, 433-' 4943 ,

I f iE A T r u u i- x io w — tn a ta u b o a de ligh t II c leaned w ith Blue Lustre R en t e le c t r ic sha m po oo r *1 K R E N G E L'S

Wanted (0 B u y

ya rd Phone 734 4339

CASH FOR S C R A P M E TA L Copper, D ra u , A lum inum , R ad ia to r. B a tte rie s . Etc,-

H. K O P P E L CO,153 3nd Avenue Sofllh

lA ^ lL L BU Y d irec t o r Auction you r, fu rh itu re — appliances ~ odds A, ends. Snake R iver Auction, 733

35' HOUSE T R A IL E R for sale i

1969 TOTAL EL E C T R IC m obile hom e 12 * 60 3 bedroom , shag ca rp e l, th roughout, like new Call a lte r 3;' S43t&47l

1973's ' ARE HERE

On D iip lo y N ow 1 973 1 4 x 7 2 A lta

Fionl Kilchen 3 B«d-oom I >4 Coll.Miiium Deluio Furnitlicd In Sluck Fu> Immedccilc* D"l<vrty

' .$ 9 5 9 5 •


S Muiti AcfO\» From lliei\oi> Motot» V Twin FullW 734^67

I iHi ^p fl 0 “ t ‘ lnnfj.Wv Ito d t lo i C o 'i fu tn ilu ii & <oll'

'4 0 M it c e l la n M U t F a r S a lt

Ig r e a s e . o i l . i n k , spots. It W illex ; w on 't fake tt ou l of the ca rp e t, get I th e scissors Call 433 5643

(W A R E H O U S E C L E A R A N C E SA LE Over 100 usi-d sewing m achinus, Prices s ta rh n g at *5 A ll m akes and models SKIN N E R 'S SEWING SHOPPE Save On Shoi oing Center

STOW A W A r bud lo r re n t, *4,00 a w m Jl ^^BAN NER f-U R N lT U R E ,

n y o ra u iic acks at AD BO TT'S AUTO S U P P LY . 305 Shoshone SI, South.

FR O N T E N D A L IG H M E N T . T ra ile r h itches insfaited. Overfoad springs in s to ck . M A S T E R S P R IN G S SE R V IC E . 3019 K im b e rly Road.

R E d u C A T IO N POOL ta b le , antique p iano.’ both in good shape 733 6834.

1971 Great Lakes 13 x 60 3 be d ro o m m o b ile hom e A ir condition. 16,000

Feldtman-RealtorsVll.Shoshone St. N. • 733 1988

31 Fum iihad A Unlurn H a u u t

N E W LY R E M O D E L E D I bedroom , p a r t ly fu rn ished, a ll e le c tr ic . *150

_4_m o nlh—L m o n fh -lrc e -o fv -v e a r^ - lease, 3 adults on iy-no pets. Phone

^ ( f^ r • 6 733 0753*.

AD U LT .C O U P LE , t . ik o c a re of lawn and fu rnace lo r p a r i ren t 335 4th Avenue East Twm F a l ls.^ 3 3 ^ 9 66.

3 Q 6 0 R 0 0 M H Q M 6.< 1 i3 -W a«m «i\, *160'per m onlh. 733 730B.

n ^ u rt^ th a d ^ t t . A DuplaKa*

R E N T E R S . We h a v e th e in fo rm a tion you 're look ing fo r. Phone D I D R E N T A L SBRVIC E 734 3488 or stop’ by a t 641 W eit M a in ,

3) Unlurn lihad Apt*.A Duplavai

FOR LEASE lo ad u lts o n ly , la rg e 1 be d ro o m b a sem e n t o p a r fm e n t, bu ilt m appliances and carpe ls 1 b lock from Lynw ood Shopping C en te r u i i iu f e s p a id . *135 m on lh 73IA?61

1 OeOROOM S. 3 bo^hs A partm en l. Call 734 366S between 1 and 5

FOR RENT La rge 3 botJroOtn a p a r tm e n t, f l f ^ p la c o ; stov«< ro tr lg e ra lo r , w asher and dryen. *175. Also u t il i ty ap a rtm en t, J ioo .(, Pfione. ;34.Joa*------- ---- - ,



P t i r i t ,APARTMENT


■ 7 3 4 ;4 1 9 5O flir ln g Yo ui _

1 and 7 litd io om t ' all opplionctt including dithwother, ond^ d iip o io !* cor|)ti and d to p tt * laundry ' fine landKaping . * pool * air con' ditlqniilg * wOlk-inclcualv

F O f;^ S A LE : B la n k e ts a t IM L .F r e ig h t , Inc 393 South Park \A v e n u e West at 8 a .m . on Ju ly i 'd .

O rig in a l conslgnee-Van Englands.

16 'GLASSED BOAT, New tra ile r . 35 e le c tr ic Johnson, tent, 33 r if le , cots, car cooler, b ike . B86-7664,-‘

SA N ITA R Y M EAT scale to r sale. P ra c t ic a lly liew. 733 7356._________

g O ^ . ( L 4 N H Q U I i t —

p S Q im J ' ' '

AD D ISO N A L L E Y .A N T IQ U E hn ^ ch ina , glass, s ilve r 10 per cent off l in co llectab les, B U Y IN G ;33 SBJO

3 W H E E L U T IL IT Y tra i le r lo r sale, *&5. Accordian In now condition. 73f3 3350.

r o U R RCUS S h e ll re lo a d in g e q u ip m e n t d e a le r . R E D 'S T R A D IN G POST 315 Shoshone

U SED BA LD W IN Spinel organ — percussioo ~ exce llen t condition.

,.733:W 45,___ ____ _G O LF CART - C ushm aa.clBC ii:l{L

^m m acu lo le condition. Phone 934-

I X 0' DOG HOUSE. *50. Steel stock ra cks to f i t U ton p icku p , a t ha lf p r lc ^ *75. 734 3406.

LOFTV pile, tree from soli',Is Ihe corpet cleaned with Qluo L u s trr Rent eiectrtc sham pooer * tg r e e n a w a l t z

A L U M IN U M PLATESI 33'., ' -x J l " X 007" 70 cenls each o r 15 conts in lo ts "Of ~5<h o r - m o r e .- S e ^ -O e rry W hite , Times News, Jw ln Falls.

N C e p L E P O lN T T A P E S T R V .ya rn , canvas; Crewel k its and stbols. H ours 10:00 a m lo 4:00 p.m . w M kd a ys . Saturday 10;00 lo 13:00. 733-3804. M rs W lllla r fi O ruloy, 153 9 th Avenue East

DO IT V 0 U R 5 E L F I Shampoo W ow n carpet, pro fessiona l resu lts R ent a C larke shampooei'—w ith c o m p a n io n va c u u m . D anner F u rn itu re , 733 1431.

FOR s a l e o r T R A D E : L ike new >30 bass accordion and i ro n / lg h i Iron e r. Want good t r a i l b ike or anow m ach lne . Call 733 36fl0or 733 3140.


4 s,-3 X 6's, various lengths up to 16'. Plywood cu fou ls , 'Z . 3

I- _-5o*rfeiUnctLJju:aiad-ft#geJ-AAen- , " n j t h c j r n o Company 3 m ire s East

.a n d V'l m i l l South.from M olor. Vue C o rn e r on K im b e r ly Roe'd. M « l i r la l ava ilab le noon to 5 p.m . ^ n d a j» through F r id a y . Phone

C AR PE TS COME Clean w ith our M ech lne . Rent HOST •» . W ilto n Dates Tw in Fails, and Jof^ome,

MXJFF^LERS ir ts ta lU d 'w h ite v o u l Complet# m u ff le r serv ice

Inc lud irto custom du a l* fo r caTt _ _ a f id _ p lc k u p s i-A O O O T rs -A U T O '

S U P P LY , Jo i Shoshone Sf. South.

1967 CESSN A-173 ne w Annual 1400 T T . P rice *7,500. Phone 703 755- 3317 o r 755.3355. Jackpot, Nevada.

10 S P E tO D IKE - M a n '» - 3 V Oondee; New, u ie d I m on lh .

B E A T E N down carbet n e lh t to w hw B lue Lu stre a rr iv e * , t^ent e le c tr ic s t^a m ^ o er 11. V 0 L C O 0 U IL 0 E R &

:O lN £H O P sum m er hours. F rid ay 5;00pm lo B.OO p m Sa lurdoy, 10 lo 6 733 0593. 438 N orth M ain.

W ANT^ED; W ORK ca r. W ilt pay *-0 .

SH O R T B E D p ic k u p p ro lo r C hevro let Days. 733 6370, n ig h ts f3 3 4563.

W A N T -T O B U Y s m a ll t r a c to r p ro lo r ab ly F ord , and m ach inery . C a ll 334 4U3

W A N T E D E A R L Y model Falcon lo re b u ild or less engine and tra n sm ission 733 4035.

W A N T E D - used TrucH one ton or la r g e r , p re ie r D um p T ru c k , reasonab ly p riced , running con d itio n , a lso c im e n l m ixe r P O Qo* 03, Tw in F a lls .

49 AntiquesB E D BAWN. I'.a N o rih Wast\!ftOton,

Iron w are dishes, fu rn itu re , Buv and s ^ l. Restore.

VAISIT OUR Hoard House. Pete Johnston, 313 South W ashington (A irp o r t R oad) 733 3345

M uilc a l Instrufnents

P IA N O LESSONS; Eula Connor, 546 ?nt»—Avurroo Basr,— Twtn— FsnsT daho, Phonc 733 B3S8,

o « N o r -« j.-A » tN e -T ♦weelleiSt co n d itio n , « 0 - 7:‘S lW .33^

S C A N D A L LI AC CORDION given to i l l t o d b r id e b y ux fia n ce to re im b u rse lo r cosi o( cancelled woUlllfSU *WS.- J33 094S

O N E A P O LL O e le c tr ic bass guHor in exce llen t con d itio n . One stadco ♦ -•fi^ lho e le c t r ic - g u i ta r , oood c ^ d l t lo n . M ake o ffe r . Phone ?00

N E W Y A M A H A p ianos, used p ieno t, Y a t r a h a gu fa rs , K L H -S ta re d

O E A U T IF U L H O M E m od e l , .H am m ond organ Sold new *3650.

Po>fecl condH lon. W ill sell *1495 See iJ (how rocm .Q ob Reeto Motor

• C om pany.

B A N D IN S T R U M E N T Ir la l ren ta l - C on n , S e lm e r, B u n d y , A r t le y , Y a m a h a . 133 Shoshone S tre e t N o rth . 733.7083 W A R N E R M USIC .

W OOD C L A R IN E T and c a te , P ie rre R evan, m ade In P a ris . Exce llen t c o n d lllo n . *60. 334 5843.

ftadlp, TV A S ItrM

Avenue East, Open M ondays t i l t 9 p .m ., Saturdays t i l l noofu.


.New 13" P o rtab le O lA fk and \)VhlloM Jtgnavox t V Sot* . __________

r W » » * W ,M ' • , N o ^ *79.95

K EN 'S M AGNAVOX430 Main Avenue South '

W13 3333 ,PO R TAQ L€ STEREO, g o o ^ i

i l M

C LOSE O U T .— > tra c k tapes and cassettes — SA VG I A lto buy, s«lt, tra d e . T H B E - T A p g ^ M o R 34|.

Radio, TV A Starao

F u m itu rt A Carpat

x^ -T 3 L m O L E U M R U G S, ASSORTED P A T TE R N S , 17.9], D A N N E R P U R N IT U R E , .T w in F a lls , 733-1431.

AAOVING s a l e : 'H o tpo ln t 4 0 " 3 owlen stove, . like new , s tu rd y d in e tte tab le , 3 chd irs , 3 stools, d is h ­w asher. IB33 S io rid . Phono 734-

U N F IN IS H E D F U R N IT U R E , tMghest q u a lltv , good selection . M a ry C arte r P a in ts , 1936 K im ­b e rly Road 733 3493.

R U M M A G t SA LE -. M l A BuildiOO- fund p ro je c t. August 34, 35, 36th. 330 Shoshonv Soujh.

U N F IN IS H E D S tud en t b p s k s , la rge s t se lection , v a riou s s i jo i and m o d e ls . C o m p le te r lin e o f un fin lA h e d fu r n l tu r o B a nn er F u rn itu re 733 1431

SPOT CASH For F urn ltu re -A p p llan ces

T ilings o f Value BANNER F U R N IT U R E

137 3nd Avenue W est 733-1431

FOR SALE: L iv in g room fu rn itu re — 7' f sofa, 4 'i ] ' rock ing love seat s o la , r e c l in in g lo u n g e c h a ir , ta rm ica d in in g ta b le w ith lo a f, and 4 chairs. A ll in good cond ition . Phone 733 0770.

T O M A T O E S . C U C U M B E R S , reasonab le p r ic e * , also p ro pe rtv fo r sale HuMer 536 HeybOrn Avenue W est.

F R E IG H T d a m a g e d -g e n u in e posturpcdic m attresses, fu ll a r ^

j iu c e ru 5 l iU ._ d ls u )U Q l5 -u ii percent at C ain 's 7337111

s e T OF 4 lig h t m ahogany oc casiona l tables, e x tra nice, a ll four fo r *90 at C a in 's 733 7111

OASSETT C H E R R Y ^ O O D d Ining 9 l't . blass door china 63“ tab le . 3 leaves,' c in e b a c k -c h a irs , gold ta p b s lrv Oaby bed, m a ttre ss , c a r top c a rr ie r . A ll l ik e new. Phone 733 7933 or 733 5999.

3 P IE C E E a rly Am cF ican go ld sola and cha ir, c lean *0a at C ain 's 733 7111

7 PIEC E tu rquo ise and b ro n j d in e tte , very n ice , *66 at Cam ' 733 7111

U N C L A IM E D la y a w a y 3 p ie . . Spanish bedroom set, Pay o tt ba lance, over *60 a lrea dy paid d o w n . D A N N E R F U R N IT U R E 733 1431

47 Appllancas

e x c e lle n t c o n d it io n 3 beds m a ttre ss , sp rings, -Some cha irs 733 5400.

IN E X C E L L E N T C O N D IT IO N 40' range , 3 s to rage d ra w e rs , c lock, t im e r 543-5473,

M U S T SELL Q U IC K L Y , 9 m onth Old G E re ln g c ra lo r F ros t free New J398 W ill sell lo r *350 Also, stove, *34, 734 2734.

;ain 's 7.1.1,t l-U -C O PPER TQ N E s ix cyc le flrV e f,

econditioned and guaranteed , *98 It Cain's 733 7I1J . '

3 Y E A R 0 L 0 ap a rtm e n t s i lc P ti'tco co^ jie rtone re lr ig e ra to r , *75. 734

M O V IN G M UST S E LL 1973 .Sony tr in lt ro n co lo r. T v 19" screen,

.A ntlQ U jf^ ro un tJ lo ilk , Iflhle_. Sears_ 1973 Coldspot re fr ig e ra to r F e o je r 13,1 f;i^h lr tn n t^a u tn m a H c .d o lfO tfr E le c tr ic • stove. 433-5936.

41 Heating A A ir Conditioning

U SED GE o il l ire d w a rm a ir fu rn ace M a x im u m ou tp ut 05,OW, w ith m olor. fan and other ac eessoriesr Phone -733 ♦Sfl?-------------

Building MatarialT.

M IS C E L L A N E O U S B1 :S y P P L IG 8 — N ow -and 4 ' i . 3 X 6's, va riou s lengths up to. 16*. P lywood c u to u t* , '/*. * q u a r te rs In ch . L o c a te d R egal M an u fa c tu rlnp C om pany 3 m iles E ast and W m fle Soufh fro m M otor Vue Corner on K lm t> a fly Road. M a te ria l ava ila b le noon, to 5 p m , M onday th rough F r id a y . Phone 733 9I3>,

K IL N D R IE D STUDS 935 0 " 3 x 4's 47 cen ls 'each. 1790 F lo ra l Avenue. C all 73 3 4673 o r 734 3670.

P re -fln lih e d W all Paneling 4' X fc' Wood;^ tu r n ( w tM t« l *3.49l^a e itlcB lu e *4.49

D ro m e {cab in g ra d e l *3.9B ’/4 " Leathe r (cab in g ro d e l *3,98 Banana *390Drown H areiwood - «3.»9

-W alnutfe *3.49■ /4"N ugget'(cab1ngrade) *3.19 ■/4’'C h arcoa l (cab in grffdo ) - *3.19

.4' X 7‘ Wood;

V4" D ronMSaturn (no 'D i'tiovos)' '

^V iriyls:HICKoryPecanGolden E lm -V4" B lrc h e s -N o . 1 Shpp:Vermont Birch \ •New Y o rk B irch ’Salem Dirch




i m

Northwest P ly wood

_____S a l o s ^ 3 . S 9 0 9 —

1 B lo c k W e ito f G u lf Station

- O ara g t

O A R A G E SALE fla fu rd f iv . Sunday 10 a.m . - 4 p .m ., 643 R lrp V Ipw p r lv f tB lc y d e . rug s , etc.

O A R A O E SALE < Jt Lv ii»10l)ll D ouieyard . We have the Item s you

‘ need. '; .T h i|r id a v . and ..F rida y..

Oaraga Salat

Y A R D S A LE ; 9 a.m . F r id a y 'a f Peace Lu th eran Church P a rk in g lot F ile r . C lo tlijn g , books, dishes, m isce llitneous.

Y A R D 'S A L E : Thursd«»y, F r id a y 10 a.m . - 4 p .m . 781 N o rlh V ie w D rive . C lothes, g u ita r ch ild c ra ft , p o rtab le steroo, sw am p coo ler, m isce llaneous.

Good Things to Eat

C ABB AG E , CORN a n d re d potatoes, Bodtinstab - 3 n o r th , 1 w est o t West 5 Points

PO TATOES, T oW kT O E S , p a p e rs , co rn , m elons and ta k in g o rd e rs fo r cucum bers Q a k.jr '% .'1 n>ilo west

FOR S A LE : Tom atoes,green beans, corn , Dewey N ipper U W eM. 3 n o rth o f D uhi. Phonc 543 4739,

R E D PO TA TO ES , 5 cents. Sweet co rn , 55 cents. V ance 's stand F ile r and W a lh in g to n s trae t..

93 . Plants. T ra a i A ShrubsG L A D IO L U S , lo r a ll occasions.

south M oto r Vu co rn e r. (. Loon W rig h t 733-7473.

Hay, Qrain A FaadGOOD D A IR Y h a y lo r sale, by sem i

tru c k load. Bonded ha y 'a n d g ra in .buyer Dorda T ru ck in g , 934 4036.

W ANT TO B U Y : A p p ro x im a te ly 61 bushel lu th e r b a r le y for seed, r

V A N T E D ; Lease o r lease p u rch a io //J O ^ 'o d g rass ranch. Handle 100 500 ca ttle . S36 3156.

ftA tV B S FOR S A L t: AJI Hinds, ell ' sliee,Be«3Wesf.Vi South.*iiWeeT

of jDUjI on hlohwey 30. Phona M3-

R E G IS T E R E D ANGUS he rd sire . Son o f P a o ra m a .o f E a s tfie ld , 8 years o ld . Chance lo Im prove m ost herds w ith a proven s ire . Call 543- 4053. -

4A B S OREO h e ife rs ca lv in g M arch th ro u g h M a y . H o ls te ln s , G uernsey, red r t j ls fe ln . Call 734 4857 a fte r 6:30,

S M ALL H O LS TE IN d a iry he rd for la le . 788 3B33before 6 a .m , o r a fte r7:30 p,m .

FOR S A L E : 90 Head o f H ols te in co w s . Y o un g h e rd .. A .O .S . Oreedlng, d .h .I.a . reco rds. M a rk P u rc e ll, Route No. 3, Box 30, Idaho F a lls , Idaho 83401. Phone S22-4507.

Hughes, Buhl. 543 5825 o r 543 5469

GOOD QAOY and pasture ca lve s 'fo r sale. A ll Kinds. K o n e 334 4163 or 334 4038. Jerome.

100 to 154 H olste in he ife rs on nand. W elgt\t 1,000 to 1,350 pounds, tw o w ays to finance . One lo fo u r years. Cows Insurod against death. A ll h e ife rs g u a ra n te e d . Eugene Hughes, 334 3415, Jerom e,

W ANTEE7: F a ll p a s tu re up to 300 brod d a iry he ife rs Need feed lo t la te r. 536 3156.

P a ts A S u p p IlM

T IN Y TOY b lack poodle pupp ies. 0 weeks, reg is te red and w orm ed . Phone 733 5337.

DAIRY SMEEVERY'FRIDA.Y^>\ A.M ,C ottle , SheAp Hogs, hforses

EVERY M O N D A Y - 12 N O O N


Bill t lo rn i QQ6 7516O J H otrn 1)06 ??42




086-338)B ill H a rr is 886 7516O J H a rr is m i 3 i 3

40 Hortas

FOR S A LE : Factory b u ilt 3 horse ta n d e m a x le t r a i le r . Good con d itio n . Phone 733-0189.

FOR SALE AKC reg is te red N or w eg lan E lkhound puppies, *50. 43B 5B34.

f iE T S IS rE R E D A U S T R A L IA N S h e p h e rd s .' M a le s . N a tu r a l heelers. Proven w o rk in g pa ren ts . Top blood lines 543 4094.

H U N T IN G PU PS 6 weeks o ld to r sale. AKC R eg istered, phone 543 4515.

( t - C i ST E R b P ' ST B & H N A ff lT puppies w ith srjo ls Dorn M a y 7. *S0 and up. R eg is te red b lack Scotty pups, *75 and up, PO Box 606 M o u n ta in H om e 507-4031 evenings.

13 Y E A R O LD Sorre l G e ld ing , very •~ «e n lle . Good pack horse. *150.

Phone 788 4461,

L U E L L A N SE TTE R pups, r.eady to hunt, 533-4191 or 800 N orth iOO East R upert.

AKC R E G IS T E R E O Qeagte puppv, e xce llen t b lood lines. 734-4597,

W A N T E D ; Horses to tra in , P h on i 9 jO ;o a e f lc ly m orn ing or eve n ln r

R E G IS T E R E D S ilve r Toy poodle pupp ies, R easonoble. Phone 733-

— 8009 —m o rn in g s —or— ove n ln o *—

AKC R E G IS T E R E D N orw elgen E lk )und pupp ies. y47-446l.

T E A M OF w o rk horse* and har- -n e i* e i. -a o e -0 -v in d --1 0 ,- b a y -a n d

■ W elgri“ ir0 0-p ao nd s each,'

P O O D LE -.G R O O M IN G , Stud ser v ic e , p u p p ie s . C h e rl M il le r , K e n n e li , W est R eca p c o rn e r .

5 M O N TH o ld G e rm an S h oriha lrs . See a fte r 6:00 p .m ., 3 ’/j fJorth D e a d m a n 'a -c o m e r,'f* llo r .

A K C G R E A T D on os P o od les .' B e a g le s , B r l t la n ie s , S a m o yed ,

^ e c T a l on N orw eg ia n E lkhounds, G erm an S h orth a lrs . A lso Po in te rs ,

. Toy T e rr ie rs , O rifa -P oos, G erm an —6he^ei'd,~AAa&^s—iCennels^ 536..

r e g is te re d D r iU a n y S p a n ie ls , puppies, 3 m onths o ld . m'alje o r fom a ie , 543 49S4,

R E G I S T E R E D G O L D E N R E T R E IV E R S C t^ a m p io n sh ip s tock, Phone 733 7043-

FOR SA LE D oberm an P inscher pupp ies, 14 weeks o ld Phono 337 3519, Pocate llo .

G E R M A N S H E P H E R D fe m a le , 11 m onths, good w ith c h ild re n , w atch dog, obedience tra in e d . 678 5313.

A nijn a i Braadlno

breeds o f bo0f a y ii lta b le . OuKl' ( iid ' 6103; Jerom e, IJ»56 iJ .J»hQ *hone, 886 7507, O u r le y , 678-93S3,’ M aJelton, 839 5303.

5» CattiaH O L S T b lN H E tP G R and b u ll - c a jy e s , W is c o n s in H o ls te in

S p rln oe rs , 30 to 60 days fro m ca lv in g . -A lto , open and b red h e l le r s , j N T E R A A O U N T A t-N .

- P A o m r d - D A ito Y . c a t t l e c o ...m e . ' 337-H03;-' Pocate llo .

3 R E G IS T E R E D ..B LA C K Angus ye e rlin g b u lls . (S ire — T r ito n a d v e rtis e d . t)V M on Repose as

• looaest. b u ll) 7930a91.

r e g i s t e r e d H O L S T E IN b u lls to lo a n .-Ike BiOKham 733-13061

9 rE G IS T E R D O O LAC K A h g u l, ' cows. Bred, B V tl fo undo fjon he rd . _333.0»B1. - -— r--............

3 M A T C H E D P A LO M IN O and 1 Appaloose. A ll been b ro ke good grade sfoc>». 733-3«38 evenifMJr

. a f te r 6:00 and weekends.

H O R S E S H O E IN G , T R IM M IN G . 336 4631 o r 733-0690, D enver F ine, F ile r . A ll shoeing cas^.

SA D D LE HORSES for sale Ages 4 and 5. A lso 3 n«W saddles. Can 733-

TH O R O U G H BR ED S. AAares, f i l l ie s , co lts . Spec ia l, 3 year stud colt over 16 hands. 7^3-()e95,

FOR SA LE o r tra d e m a fc h fd p a ir of re g is te re d Welsh stud yea rlin g p o n ib s . G ree n b ro k e , f i r e ped ig rees. 334 3464,

*500. 806 7766,

G E N T L E G R A Y M A R E . 10, N o fto r ch ild re n . Good hunting prospect. 433 5776.

A L L T Y P E S O F HORSES, bought, sold, trad ed . P lenty o ) ranch ge ld inas. Ren H aley, 733-A05f


F 0 R ~ S A c e —<5CTIuw

a F arm A Ranch Supptlat

Farm Im p la m an ti

F A R M E R S , D O N 'T TA K E a chance on h ig h p r ice d spuds, heve e x tra h a rve s tin g c a p a c ity . Curl D ire c t P o te lt H o rve s to r, fAoOel No. 45. Duo o n ly 400 acres. Call 733 0719, reasonab le .

TRACTOR re p a ir in g , a ll makes, &«Q'. Tom DoUnoer-or b i l l H o lm an

. . j i l M O L Y N E U X J lAAC M IN ER Y, I9B3 F lo ra l A ve . 733 7547.

]' - JO H N DEERE 720 D iotel

r - y p H N DEERE'aO IO O ioiol

i - )OHNDEERE.X.T190

1 - IN /E R N A T IO N A I 504


"1 ^ IN T E I iK lA T IO K u r B 2 7 5

2 • MASSEV F tR p U S O N 180's

1 - MASSEY FE/1G;US0N 65 ■

GEM„ E Q U I P M E K I T , I N C .T>»in'Foll» 733 7272 ,-D j M J 43-4392 O ie t Sli«>feit 733 52AQD«e Oorlon . . . . . 543.5452 ■ fta ga r,N iw to n . . . . \ . 733-3604

Farm lm plam a«iti

chopper With hayW esl'o f

F A R M HAN D 1 row beet h e rves lo r sell o r tra d e fo r Calves, ha y or g ra in . C all evenings 536-3490.

5<W G A L L O N ,;? A !« V K O O L m ilk

W AM TG D TO T R A D E : • double f r i ^ t end fo r a s ing le fro n t end fo r ^ 6 0 0 O live r o r buy a s ing le fro n t­e d . 433 5001 or 435-5133.

ID AH O TRACTOR sM vsoe. Cash lo r used tra c to rs . Used p a rts a t big discounts. 733-B393. r

FOR S A LE : Omaha S tandard fo ld ­dow n s tock rack. l i ‘. vary good cond ition . 334 4071, •

■FOR S A LE : F arm hand power box

s"d T y3 4 .*4 g 7 7 "‘‘ °^


TRACTORLocated In Oen's A u fo Repair. F ile r on M ain tak ing ove r O liver T ra c to r franchise . Can o r d ir ani' O live r parJs o r . eqolpm ent. For m ore in fo rm a tlo n -ca ll 336-5067.

W A N T E D GOOQused 7' hay 'm ow er — 3 po in f h itch typ e p re fe r r td . Phone 733 3367.

FOR S A LE : 1 5 'beet bed also baled h a v loader. EarJ B lacker, R upert. 438 5971. ^

1 N EW H O LLA N D 383 h e y ba ler, tw in tied , P.TO.O. used'1 season. B ig savings. M rs . Roy Dopson 473i 47i0 or 433 5733.

FOR (SALE; Cheap 13' O live r self

' Pasturat For Rant

H O R SE P A S T U R E fo r r e n t, K im b e rly Road, c lose -in . T w in FW Is. S43-61S1.-

Boati A M arin a Kam t

JUST A R R IV E D I 1973 F lb o ffo rm boats. E v ln ru d e and M trc u rv M oto rs . DUO AN D M A A K 'S , YourE v ln ru de *and AAofcury ’ Dealor.1163 Blue L a kM N orltt.

1971 16' STA RC R AFT J u p ite r , 650 M ercu ry 7'^ horse po w er tro llln p m o lo r , con ve rtib le to p , *3650. Can be seen at Ken R oundy's M otor Lodge, 761 M ain Avenue W « t ,


14' G T I4O C la iilron , new Colbint ifoile t, uiod 35 hp •l«ci/ic ilp>|.£viri' - rud« Onij, $ 169515' W elcfoll, open fronl. vol(-<op, • lu ily carpet.d, n«w Calkin TfoiU,, u t t( i 35 hp elecl'ic i la r l Evlnrude 51995S n t l HAVE S O M f GOOD USSD aO ATS A N D 7RAft£ffS - fiOlCED TOseiiii


261 Add.ion a'»«. W. 733-5070


>, M A R IN A ,, JE R O M E . ID a Mo .

c n o ^ A L E - IV Sport boat and t r a i l e r . Oood reasonab le . Call 733-1934,

Sportino Ooodt

GUNS DR O W N IN G JO^luage, 3 " m a g n u m ,- B ro w n in g H l-p o w e r 9m m ^ ^ r u * l ie d ; Colt -f i a u to m a tic^

BR U N S W IC K , D elta and tH E A pool tab les, accessories. Seles and Serv ice . Jam es C la rk . 731S6Qt a fte r 4:00 and ' ' weekends.

SH AR P 1970 Ski-doo, 640 T N T , new lyo v e r h a u le d ..___Rhona----- U4-3383d a y tim e , 733-1056 evenlf\Q*.

AAAX'S FLY SHOP1106AAorningslde D rive

JO E 'S GUNS AN O Sporting Goods. A ll po pu la r m akes and ca lllb e r. R if le , shotguns, p is to ls . Open 7 a .m . to t l p .m . 7 days. 761 M a in A venue W est, Tw in F a ll* . Phone

T ra v tl T ra iia rt

FOR R EN T new 16' K lf T ra ile rs , • ' K i t c a m p e rs . W ilk in s T r a i le r Sales. Gooding 934 1769.' C all fo r rese rva tion s .

1973 S U N FLO W ER 35* x 8' fu llyw in te r is e d . M u s t s e ll d u t loovw tec'* fa iU ng he&l\t\- U nitedC a m p g ro u n d , A lec H illto n In te rs ta te 80 Tw in Falls.

FOR SALE K e n ik il l trove t tra ile r ,, , gcuxl cond ition ,. . ^43.UA7,^

K E N S K IL L 34' trave l trailer.^ bath, sh o w e r.v b e d ro o m . E k c e lle n t

—con d itio n ---------Phone---------

1971 n * R O AD R U N N E R cam per Queen s ite cabower, o a s - e le ^ ic re fr ig e ra to r , w ate r pum p, steeps ------- ----------condition on iWO F ord '

^S' 1970 K IT K ^ - " " ? '« m p f r a i le r . .lik e r .« w > -u s -SOLD e». tUSO.-^P fw ne 733 3431. •

'f o r 'S A LE O R TR AD E to r an 'o lda r cam p er tra ile r 1964 .C hevro le t' cqupe. Phone 436 330V-*

1973- N O R T H L A N D • * ' ca b o ve r c a m p e r . 'te e bOK, s ink , tu rnaca . L ik e . new - cond ition 9 I4 - I IU .

Motor H a m n -

1970 1 8 '.sport klhcr~1f1oldr hon^ai sieiDps te lf -c o n fa lp e d . J q w - ' m lle a o e .-------e k tra s ..........____ ::____ !_ __• »-

- - - -V - ; r - r

1 V-,

34 -Tlm«l N «"> .1 'w ln F«M», Idaho: Thur«d»/, A u flu it U, 1972

• Private Patty Clasiified Adv«rtisers '• Reolistate Excluded

V o ur P w p U R « ith » r W o n l> d For 01 l iH l* 01

( 3 U n t « - |O p « / l )

( 1 3 W o r d i )


5 4 3 -4 6 ,4 6 in B u h l o r C o j i la f o r d j 6 7 8 -2 5 5 2 in B u rley^ R u p e r t r D e c Io , Pq u I o r N o r la n d ; 5 3 6 -2 5 3 5 in W «n<^«ll, G o o d in g , H o g e r m o n o r J e ro m * ; 3 2 6 -5 3 7 5 in . H o l l i i f e r , R o g e r to n , o r J a c k p o t , N s v o d a .


C y c lttA S u p p llt*

1972 HONDA S t 100, 4 0 o in lle 'l, COtt tSSQ m u ti CBcrlflce lU O . P h on *

1071 HONDA CL17S, under .3300 m’ilO f, (425. 324v(UB.

FOR S A LE 1970 V *m « h a 133 Gnduro. low .m llta o t , e xco llen t con d itio n .. 733 S30A.

/ L L T Y P E S or tp r ln g t rap fflrad , o v s r io i id s p r in g ! In it a l la d . M A i l E R S P R IN G S E R V tC G V

' 3019 K im O«rlV R ofld . 751-7*11.

1971>ton C H C V R O LE T 16' LvOnard bed, 5 3, l ike n o \^ , |Phone l3 /-4 flW :*

1973 Honda CL3S0 S cram b le r, low ' m lleaoe, eKcellenI con d itio n . Take

over p a ym en ti.. 733 3431 before 5

7S H O N D A »e m l Chop! In v o ite d .w lll lake«149S T av lo r o r 733 779S

l . , - i I’ Irn t , hc<|l- I

IT • pum ■

WILLS Motor Co:336 Shoihon* 51 W 733 3091

734 4lh Av« W 733 7363 '

A u to S « rv le t —

P a r l i t A c c t i t o r iM

1963 C H E V R O L E T 337, 350 ho rio p o w e r, F I. H oad i. bip v a lv b s , q u a d * , engte . D u co ll J f lh n j Phono 733 3097

TWO 10" w ide, one w ith po lstrac, and tw o 6" w id e ,'a ll ET m a g i lor C hevro le t. t9S 733-(41S between 4 p .m anti 6 p.m . w eedendi,

1 5E.T OF M ic k y Thom p ion noodle b a rin g rocko r a rm i to III sm all b lock Chevrolet C all 733 3193 ^ lle r

1967 ICO YAAAA oxce llo fit condi 0&53

1968 C 0 350 HONDA lo r r m g . w in d s h ie ld , lo chrom o 6,000m ilos L ik c n e 5059

194? XL CH H A K L t*Y Engine in p i- r lfC l th .ipu M od if ie d C hrom e U cAulilu l p a in l t650 537 6t{)9-

USED MOTORCYCLES, Hondo 70 W,.s S I fl<J NOW S I 49 Ho.Ipy 17 V<.

W o, S3H9 NOW. Tiiiim lui l.o i l UK)

S?'.'!) NOW SI49 -AfHhrrt-Mrfnrryrfprtr'mirfn'---



PEDERSEN'S•i'69 Mini. A.vhuu b.Ml ; n

AS O C Y C tlN D ^R BSA Sharp, ready to go . tw in c a rb o 'ra lo r t^ pe rfo rm ance cam sha ft Phone 733 9176

M ake oMer 314

1971 HONDA SL 175 S50 ac lua

FOR SA LE : 1970 Honda 750. very good cond llion . C all 734 4414 o r tee at 1414 n ivc Lakes B lvd . N orth .

■■^'Q Y A M A H A -174 E n d o ro ,- -1335. Phono 324 3145. •

H t s v y E q u ip m t f ih



JOHN OttRf R andA l t c o SCRAPEB

-------- iu .o o o

C A6 t W /'7 loQ d if JOHN O tt« ,tk ic k h o «

500 « .


V I .s o d

s i6 . ; f o

■^ELLIOTT'S111 Ovedand Avt . OucUy, Idaho

Phof*. 670 3385B O B H O U S T O N

So/tt ffep'eienfofiv*» Home phpne 733-1490

. MOBilE PHONEfiurley Areoi fwin Folli Areo

479-3319' . . 734-2331 Unfl313^ . JJn itJ l37 .

---- :"—T

1967 QSA 441 V ic to r, t r a i l ip ro c k e l, ho lm o t.good condition . Phqne 733- 4513.

F O ^ S A L E 1944 Honda 3o6, s f r ^ m odot. 5335. Pifone 734-3050 a lte r 6.

13 H i» v y Eqiripm ffil

LO ADERS JOHN D E E R E 544. 1970 CASE, W 7, 196B M IC H IG A N , 135 A M IC H IG A N . 75'A CASE 680 Dackhoe- CASE S&O Oacttnoe CAT 13 g rade r. 0 Call m e lo r any new \e qu ip m en t need.DIM Lo ughm llle r

T r u c h i

1959 C H E V R O LE T ton pickup, ne w ly overhauled , good t ire * . Cali

•o v e n ln g i 734 3439,

1965 F 0 r 6 T 850 tandem w ith FM C a lu m in um bu lk feed body. A ll In good condition. B a rg a in , $5,500, 1965 F ord C BOO t i l t ca^ , new Ford la c to r / 391 engine, w ith te n than 20,000 m ile * , a ir b ra k w . 33’ fla t bed w ith 13,000 pound w inch. O argaln 13.500. New P lym ou th 37B

FOR SALE 1969 E l Cam ino, low d o w n p a y m e n l. T a k e bve r paym en ts. 536 3134. W endell,

3 TR UC K S 1600, 1937 In te rn a tio n a l, ru m OK, 1959 In te rn a tio na l w itt i 13' beet bad, and h y d ra u lic aide h o l i t . Phone 139-5007 a lta r I p m .

1971 F O R D 350 ;.p ic k u p , p o w ifr steer Ing, pow er braket< au lo m a llc t r a n tm ls i lo n , s te re o , . '^ u x l l ja r y l a n k t t p re m iu m ' t( r « s , (ow- mlloAoe, o r io in a l ow ner. S3650 firm .-P h o n e 733 8361.

FOR S A LE : 1968 C h p v ro lf l heavy d u ty '/3 ton p icku p , good condition 1973 L T D B rougham ' w ith a ir cp n d ltlo n , v e ry c lean, low m ileage. 1963 C tiovro lo t II good condition. Can be seen - 'W a ll* T exa co , Jerom e. Phone 334-83^0.

1969 C H E V R O L 'E T 1 to n , lo w m ile a g e . E x c e l le n t c o n d it io n Phone 334 8019,

FOR S A LE ; OW or D iam ond T ru ck , fla ^ b o d . Phone 733-4639.

i'C AAAPER,»395. Gas tru c k tra c to r . Gds 10-whaoler w llh 30' bod. 3 10 w h e o lo r d ie s e ls . D .losoi t ru c k tra c to r . 40' s tock t ra i le r , double dock. 40' f la t bod. 30' l la f bed. 31' van , lO'W hoeter d iesel, SI500. Good 1959 Ford *150. 1' j ton C hevro let t ru c k »150- V 'i ton Dodge t ru c k , V 6. C om m uns m o to r, 6 71 GMC po w er un it. 733 0717.

196s Ail ton in id m a llo n a l p icku p , low m lle ao e , ilSOOn O o H - f4 9 ^ ^ i le y . -

1966 FO R D 4-wtf««l d r iv e p icku p and 8 '/> 'c« b o ve r cam p er com b in atio n . See a t 415 South L o c u it. Call 734- 3354 a lte r 5.

1963 C H E V R O L E T p icku p ' j Ion. ro b u l l l ongino. 4 speed. (600. 334 5657

1964 FO R D '4 Ion C am per Special, P iv jna 334 3393. Jerom e.

FOR S A LE ; 1951 Ford Can 3364813,

1959 IN T E R N A T IO N A L L 160. 3 ton. runs good. N ew c lu tch , good tires . Licensed and ready >lo go. (795, A lso, 14' beef, g ra in bod, (350, 15' Lockw ood spud bed. (350. And F a rm ha nd pow er box w ith In ,salage sides (450 W ill se ll all

her or sep a ra te ly Phone 334-

im port—Sport* C art10; i - VO LK S W A G E N , good con-

11500 o r eQ uily and lake p a y m e n ts 733-6115.

1966 V O LKS W A G EN A -l condition Inside and ou t, low n llls a o e . 336-

a l lo f 5.

1967 V O L K S W A G E N , r e b u i l t engine, r a d io , good c on d itio n , 1773. Phone 733-5^4. A tk fo r K aren.

1969 DATSU N STATIO N W AGON 1 ow n er, 39,000 m iles. E xce lle n t con d itio n . Phone 336 5335-

\9A4 VO LK S W A G E N bu g , new llre s , good ih a p e . O u tlaw t r a i l cyc le , good t ire s , and c lu tc ti, no m oto r. 733-5598.

1969DATSU N SRL 3000convortlb lo .. Lo w m ileage, exce llen t con d itio n , ra d io , new lo p , godd tiro s , good scho o lca r, 670 9369, OurleV, Idafio.

1967 F IA T Station Wagon-, 33.800 a c tu a l m ile s . E c o n o m ic a l

. tra n sp o rta tio n . Delojv book. 734

^ •p - 4 W hM lD r iv M

1948 J E E P U N IV E R S A L , new top. exce llen t in te r io r , good tire s and s<)arB;’ inte r-locHIno tiubs. V - lengine. Safety Inspected. 334-3906.

1953 W ILU Y S 383, runs g re a t, Needs b r a k a ^ ^ r k and seat covers, l i7 J .

A u to s F o r S a l t

1973MERCUR>C.A4PNTEGO 3door, loaddd, 1 ownerTTow m llonge. 734- 3394 evoolng««

FOR S A LE : M y po rton a l ca r, 1971

1965 C H E V R O L E T IM P A L A , a u to m a tic t ra n s m is s io n , po w er 734*^7lP ' good.

1968F IR E O IR D , lu rb o h y d ra m a llc , 400 m o to r, m ags, good cond ition , 733 6559,

1970 TO YO TA CORONA. 4 door - sA dan . . 4 speed tra n s m is s io n ,

M IchoHn ra d ia l lire s , low m ileage exce llen i con d itio n . Call 7X ^70^

" im T O L K S W A G E N O l/G , e x c e lle tir con d itio n , w ith-^low m ile ag e, w ill sa c r ific e lo r q u ick sale, phone 733- 0995.


Baof Inflalion At . ■ .

D E A N M O T O R C O . 409 2 n d A v o . S. 733-2022

J « t p — 4 W h t f l D r W t i

)967 JE C P S TE R \A6, au tom atic Ira n im is s lo n - Low m ile ag e , ex tra good .-- 678 7535 or 436 4783.

1967 F IR £ O IR O OHC 6 cy lin d e r, p o w e r i le e r ln g , a u to m a tic tra n s m is s io n , M ic h e l in t i r e s .

1964 F O R D F A IR L A N E 4-door v o d a n , 6 c y l in d e r , a u to m a tic , oxco llon i cond ition , (395. 733 8363.

1957 C H E V R O L E T ' 4 door wagon, 337 au to m a tic , body fa ir , lu ll carpet (350. Phone 734 3379.

FOR SALE*: 1969 Duick E le c tra . 335. Low m ileage, w i ll consider

1966 1948 ca r on Irado. 438 487) ovenlngi.

1968 C H E V R O LE T C AM A R O R a lly S p o rt. '3 2 7 . 4-Spood P o w er steering , good ru b b e r. (1500, 733- J4A4

A u to s F o r S a lt M A u to s F o r S a lt

1968 O LD S M O D ILE Cutla(S 3 door ha rd top , new tiros , good cond ition . (1300,’ 734-4755 a lte r 5:30

19*9 NEW YO R K ERK w er. p r iced r ig h t.

i t .

W hsn p fo b U m i, la rg e -o r »mgll, o r ite in yo • f the ik iile 'd ip e c io l i il* l i iH d b e low . Ye i;‘ i: Unii lU e 'd p e r io n le f i l l 'm o i l - any ip e c io li ie d need you m ight hov< PHOFfSS\O NAU Y o u 'll t in d th>m conven ien tly l i lte d be lew .


Appliance RepairI I15 M E F R iC E R A T O R S . F re c io rs .■ rang^Di, w a sh e rs , d ry e rs . .2 V E R N ' i a p p l i a n c e■ R E P A IH . 733 54 « , 875 F ile r

Avenue Wi'St

I Penclna

R EFR IG E R A TO R S, ' washers, d r y o r t , ra n g e s R ea son ab le ra los SO vearsexpcrience Crtll S H U M W A Y A P P L IA N C E R E P A IR , 733 6167

I P rin tin g • ' T ra ile r tw itches.

OLSON FE N C E 6. POOL CO ■' in s ta llin g a ll po pu la r styfTs fo r p ro te '^ tto n , u J U ily , b e a u ty

- Phone 734 4306

Q u a lity o flse t p r in tin g p rice s Q u ick Copy Center I 3nd S«. W o sr ............

10^ : T R A IL E R H ITC H E S and bra kes '117 I -insta lled, e q u a lite r and o the r,

m 1300 > Fast se rv ice 761 M a in Avenue H i «« u . 1------------- -- I 0141

I- J

F U R N A C E S C L E A N E D ano serv iced , (13 OH slaves (8 17 years e«perience Phono 733 n u

... l A s w e l L'S S E R V IC E I Trash * O e rb a g tjS e rv lce C o m m e rc ia l r o i r Ig o ra t I o n . ----------------------------------------------

, D i lk I PARKS AN D SONS - ! U 4 «[ 2583 I C om m erc ia l and lo iid e n t la l,1 I hau ling? C ontainers - specia lI . . __ , ^ la u li - inside or fio fs ide c ity

R in la l l I

M A G IC -V A L L E Y AW N IN G CO F ree estim ates g la d ly g iven, LO C A L 5 A L E S A N D IN STA LLAT IO N f34.4900.

I S P E C IA L P A T IO C O V E R S , | " — C A R P O R T S ;— a n a ~ w 7 n d o W “ i ■ a w n in g s . R e s id e n t ia l an d *

G R A V E L , f i l l d ir I, top soil w ith in 3 m in u le s fro m to w n . U n lim ilo d * sup p ly . . de livo rod 733 lj234. North West C rane. R igg ing and Transport


R cnIa lm a s I a n v ih m o. h o u r, da v . I — ' - -----W W KTm W lfi O s 1 FTZFTO nts I Tree

Rentals 733 B0A3 <Service

TR E E T O P P IN G and rem ov in g , m F ree estim a tes and insu red. ■ 733 6001 or 734 3403 any tim e .

• w n in u * ' r tv a iu v n i ia i o iiu ■m ob lle ho m e s, F r e i es tim a tes. | Home D u ild trs ^ ,

-------- -------------------------------

_ X L A t t J t_ A A lU U E a - G U 6 M - I - R ANCH. Phone 77,4 3535 or w r ite K tflchu m . Idatio 03340.

733 6001 or 734 3403 any tim e , ^ TOWN A N D C O U N TR Y T R E E I

-S E R -V IC E ________________________ J .

sta r C ra lt Homos, de livered on I Dnaiina 'your lot Samples at 1013 F i le r ' * . - j j—— ____- ' - _____________

I H E A R D R O O FIN G C O M PAN YAve W, 734 331,t,

K O N IC £ K iT R E E SE R V IC E - —Now do ing : M echan ica l tree |topp ing and rem ov in g . A ll ^lim b s cu t and sa fe ly low ered ■ h y d r n u l ic f l l ly . Save • •

1,733 6 ^ 0•In su red ,7Call 733 17M

Beal Service

I F IO E R F O R M Doals. M ercu ry■ an d E v in ru d e O u tb o a rd

m oto rs BU D >. M A R K U 63

J a n lto r i i l Sa rv lC t'

T H E JAN ITO R M A N - a ll types . o l c le a n in g , c o m m e r 'ia l re s id e n lia l. bu s ina s t, Pfione 536 3331 W endell

Lawn C o n itru c tto n

“UTueTTjbUermvd N-

C arpe l C leanln« |

"O IG E L O W K A ftp E T K A WE , |Custom F loo rs of Idat^o Ad id ison Avenue East Pnone 7U I

, NEW LAW NS p la n te d ! FVee - I e s t lm a te t Top so li, fe r t i l i ie r ,

I b a c k l i l l , le v e l in g - M o y e r 's Landscap ing J33 8 7 ^

Rool Spraying ^

M i M CONTRACTORS — RU>f spra y in g our spe c ia lity . D on 't n e g le c t y o u r ro o l. a i r l spray ing

___C.0 a.t.1,

Vacuum C leaners,^Service

Sewor Service

L ivestock W antad ._ _____ II D E A D . A N IM A L S p ic k e d up | I p ro m p tly C all c r t le c t 753 48351 ' I Gooding,


I ■ I

V A C U U M S E R V IC E C e n te r , I p a rts , re p a irs on K irb y com Z pact. M ost o the rs . Tw in F a lls . ■7">1 ilrtjl

C le a n s Sor V IC o .T T lV iT e c * 44 lA ^a inA ve . Bast j |

I A U T H O R IZ E D Hoover s a l e s ' ! and s c rv ic e V A C U U M ■ C LE AN ER S OF ID AH O . 3nd ' |

Ire e inspociion

Avenue East and Oiue Lakes.

Cement W ork |------ I L K k s m il| i ln «

ALL TYPES o l cem ent w ork w arned Free • s t tm a te i ' 543.- 5396------------------- , -



DonOec] Lo cksm ltt\. Sate S. Locti. .1 -_ C om binaliOns Changed, Keys : M a d e ,.( io s le r Key Shop. 733- I 4030

ROTO R O O IE R sewer se rv ice Sower l ln e i and septic tank cleaning: A lso , a ll types of o j^ v a l i o n 733 3541 o r 733



Weed Control

"ID ra p e r ie s . Sw«o>, C a lc a d e i, , | H U G H E S . AAoblle H om es. ■ A u stra lns. CuslonJ m ade to I .-L o c a lly o w 'ie d . Insured c a rr ie r I Suit. Samples shown in hom e • ^ o c a t and Iona d ls lanco 7U - *

3'S lh'Avonu'c N orth 733 3454

W E E D CHOPPING(Jbn va ca n t l o l l and d itch bu rn ing . Call B u rl 734 3050 '

H OLEY 1 H E N R Y Twin Fa lls and M u r'd u g , 733 1065 o r 433



B e it Food in Town, F rie nd li e llic le n t waitresses. - O i i t l t f Inn,. 0^ Main N o r ^

AAoney to toan on any tn ino v a iu t, ja c k 's Pawn Shop 1517 K.irnberly^ pd- 733 5796


o T - !

t ic k Room Equlprlliim l -

I Ptio lo P in tilt in o

D ra p a r li i , U pn e lile ry

D R APE R IES ,'- U PH O LSTER Y,* A W N IN G S . C a ll R a m s e y 's , 713 1979, T hey 're a t 336 A ^ ln

I 34 hour Color Photo Processing, IA M O R O S E ^ ^ O T O , 305 S, I '

I Llncoyi,. J t r o m f, 334-3737, |

I **Butlry P roca is lng

HO SPITAL □ E O S ,'w tiM l cha irs . k e r s , v c r u t c h e s - .

co n v » ie s c e ;it a id s and I eKerclsing equipm ent. For rent ' o r l e l l i .

' I ___ C R O W L E Y -H E A LT H ------ i -i ---- ^ Y a rec en t erI SO IAddiU n A v e . ^ , 733 4800

t P O U L TR Y S U P P LY . ?13 \ Av«nu« W e^l/.,733'3!««.' '

I INSeCT A N D W E E D p ro W e m i, I C a ll G E M S P R A Y IN G , | , SERV^iCG, 733 4306,,



, £ V m DAY.

DOG GONEH ”man's best friend has wandered off, the best, way to find him is to put a Super Sleuth to worJ< on the job — a (Name Newspaper) Want Ad. A "Super Sleuth" Want Ad

~w!irgo1nt<rOOOOO“hbtrios alerting thousands of dog lovers to be on the lookout for your pet. Chances are good that the happy reunion will occur quickly.

' "To Find the Lost• To Report the Found• To Puy • To Sell• To H ire • To G et a Job




WANT APS!"W h e re p eo p le so lve prob 'lem s

fo r p e o p le e ve ry d o y " ^


A u to l F o r SaM

A Volkiwaaen guarantee doein't have to guarantee a Volkiwagen.

A n y u g o d c o r ih a rd c U Q h

o n o u g h to p a n V W '< p o in t ii^Y p ec lion d a ia r v o ( a V W g u a ra n ta e . N o m o tto r h o w b ig i t l i .

Y o u s o b .g V W g u o r a n lo o •in 'L2 .£0/ £ 0 d o a l b u t o u r fu ll 100% g u a ra n te e - to r o p o ir o r ro p lo c o a ll m a io r m och o n - l e d w p f l i in g p a r ls * fo r 30

' da ys o r 1000 m ilo i. W h ic h ­e v e r c o m o j f irs t.

So b e fo ro w o g u o ro n to e a b ig used c o r , w e m ako ju r o i t ' j as lA u gh a$ o o r l i t t le c a r .

H o ro a re som o b ig c o f j —who^f^ougl>-onougf>i-----

'•ngino, iiommiiiion, n o r a«lo, front oala otiembllai, brake lyitam, •Uctficai tyltam.

1971 VEGA3 tpped 1toiHin.\»ioii

butkcl 100U. fa tlb a tli


1970 VOLKSW AGENSquuro|ju<l> \u nruo f M ld iu lhrr

$ 2 1 9 5 "

196? MERCURY COUGAR' 3 jpccd iranim im on, viri^l lop

'Tv. tu6bi>. come »cc it i . f


. 1966 VOLKSW AGEN BUGJc- r.ujne yiiod JJO.OI

-t \|>red buikel kcuh


1966 RAMBLER 770Sfuliori »cigon nrwinn .c'-

•pondciblc pKulloni trarnpijticii


)9 6 7 PONTIAC G R AN D PRIX• ooclcd Wilts' r i i t a t ilo too d im oic (on lio l uutomalic licirnrni^Mun po>.

ticoriiiy dbii I in i\t lin t oiip


BLUE LAKES OVOLKSWAGEN O1133 Kimberly Road I S n a

733-3934 Q u I



m C E L L J O MQVE.i)____* O lds 98 's & 88 's >' Even Electros on 'd LeSabres

* P on tiac G ro n d v ilie s a n d C a lo lin a s* C he vro le t Im p a ld s , M a lib u s , N ovas, a n d Vegas





^^l"Drive A Little-S^o A Lot" Goodiot^-lddfHo^i.\^

■ .934^438

1971 PLYMOUTH. ' SATTELI ..._s«fvinQ,.2;(k)or.4-iflciofvl'ii’*>o-ooom l l t i . •Kco llenf _condlflom Call


f i o n SALB: )M 4 F o rd O c l ix l t , j W o r t H 81415 Shoup A v M u i'

19&4 OUiCK R IV IE R A , r u n i ooob. V ir v Clean. n 3 »975or 7M 3r47.

19M DODGE SU P E ft-O C E , good ■ ' condition. 4;tp««d. 983, K o o p t on

hofid And •liJe. P liort* 731-7604.

n W F A IR L A N E C onvtrM b It, 1- •p M d , b u ck tt w a t t , ra a l.g o o d c o t i l lo n . Sea to apprecia te . 734-

^949 M E R C U R Y M O N TEG O J=<J6of, * c y lind er, itlcK .'^tf.ooo m ilH , new I r e t p lu i itu d d e d tn ow t i r e i , ca r I

.0 new conaiU on. Can be u e n » t m ^ Elkn Street N qrtti o r ca ll 733-1133,

Y949 P O N TIA C le d a n , 400 V t onolne, a u fo m a llc , power ite a r ln o ,

' 'iBCtory Bir c cnd ltlon irio , new t l r e t , c le a n , 733-4346 d a y i . 733-4443 even lno i.

M UST SELL 1947 Oodge RT 440. Red w ith blAck v in y l top, au fo m a llc . pow er stoorInO' power b raho t. NAda 9S0, w ill to ll for tPOO. 733 8404.

19« QUICK R IV IE R A rU f ry rc iH ffT ' I. 73J 2793 j j lte r

• • •w u u i w n . K I V t l i n Mpow er, n ic t looklno .

(940 C A D IL L A C . 3 -d tQ r, r« d lo . t n o A te r , fa c lo r v a i r . po w er

t io e r in O ’ excoptlonAily good condition and c leflp . Ptione 324 3400 Of 833 YAkfm A, FH ef, .

FOR, SALE I94A Torino f a i t tu c k , tm a l l V I , . rune oood. W ould take o ld e r car in traH e / Call 734:3314 or •ee e t ISS AAonro* Sfraet.

FOR S A LE : 1949 AAuitanp Grande, au to m a tic , pow er ite w ln o , t i l t • te e r in o w heel, rad io , ite re o . low. m ile «o « . Phone 711 0707.


Ponllac-C ad lllacC M C

R upert, idah<i 434-3474




G ooding, Idatio


SPECIALS1971 FORD Colo»io ? doof hatdTop, «odio. P®’*'® 'J ^ Q Q Cvteofing. nu conttiiiomaq, whito walls, low milooge, sUaip

1970 FORD Golo»io 7 doof fo in u il H aitiiop , ' “ d i o , j < ^ ^ 0 Cv in y l lo o l. u i , c a n c ij liO 'ie d . m o n y q llio > l in o ie U ltM e i. k ffb 'tpvinyl tool. UI, concijlio'ied. mony qllio>

1970 MERCURY MoKjutt? iJoof haidlop, *'‘*'”$'3X 0*1vharp. '□<liQ, power klopng-wmdowi biokot. a» <ondilioning 0 ^ 7 >J1970 FORD MUSTANG V Q. auloinatic.liQ n u t iod)0 , Q>* tondilioning. Uctoo

1971 FORD TORINO 4 dooi liuidlop. 7ctiooie from, fodio. povve> ilesrino & b'aVei. vinyl roof

' ^ 2 5 9 5

» s2 9 9 5

1965 CHEVROLET 4 . i . „ v , ^ 3 4 5

M 4 9 5

^ 2 3 9 5

M 4 9 5


■1970 VOLKSW AGEN, .ad.ohooter A ipood, »*iarp

only I 6.00 uclual'n ilev |u\t tiko

1969 VOLKSW AGEN Fuiib (i(l>I 'c u lp f 4 » p r r d o n w O w npf

Youree Motor Co.Jack Cox 733-6811 Kolly Houk

664 M a in Avo. South — ‘Used Car Row'


ON USED CARS!M 2 5 ^ 0 '


1966 CONTINENTALdpQulituI luiury cUr. t«olhii( Iflo li f.j liorrmg Wo^ $M B 6

1966 PONTIAC GTO3 dooi fjiird lop low mileogo (


1970 COU GAR 2 d o u r ' l iu fd lu p . b e o u l ifu lBronie witfi Herjiiiobonc ploid »inyl lop with maiching - — _ — - •nlotiof, V 0 engine, oulpm otit lran\m iw o,i on Kie Door tZ QrodiO, power Uoor.n(j_;JVu» $26^5 Sun.mc. Special Z . O O \ J

1964 RAMBLER-2 d o o r « d n n e c o n o m ic a l 6 ty ln id c r . - lu jx ir o o lu m o tic 5 ^ 0 ^ IrC iri^m m con o r ig in o l in lo r io r rc id .o ^ c c . l " lu \ r 7 W

1967 PLYMOUTHy III * doui h a r jio p V Q o^tun.

iiing. .ad.o Wo» S995


power ilccnrg Well S 1495

^ 7 7 54 door Slolion W oyon _ ^ _


T96& CHEVROLETIrtipolo ? door hordlop. V 8 uo lon io lii triuism.s.ion -pow ) 1 Q ^ tfr Ueer.ni). nidio. nice t iir W o-S l.lV 5 ' . Now | C j \ J

1971 PL'mOUT.H C u ilo m 5 u b u rb « in '9 pu>»Bp?-,>miiPD3-»!nt 2 ml'

r. UUnci diK .lirukuk.)rnile^ like new

Soinmor 5pq<n

1967 FORD’ • fu « lu « t 4 iluor »odon. (iul»rixil<c Irun^m.ttion power,

tic rru iy . riiilio Sumriior S|)e{ii>l

- 1971 MATADOR .^rom Aiflcnnm Molor> 4■* duo* \edat\ V G. outon\o lu'» iftn \m iW on uuwni \1eonmj

f<idio. oir tonditionitjg, vjQyl rool Wa» S2U95 $ *Summer SpetKil

1968 0LDSM0BILE ’ , ,9H 4 dtior vcdnn. (u*ury cui w i'li ul touuc ^ T ^ ^Ircirnrnnvon mdiO and oir fo n tlilio iiin y Soninior Spotml | x

, : : ^ 3 8 9 5

' 8 9 0


1972 PLYMOUTH SntoHne Sioi>on\Vnonn.V pimon<|rr 3 2 way <)Ule V fi. ou loniolit trtnnm n- ^

, >io'o. UUwci vtcotin<J. «oJTo, an to iK lillom ng------‘ -------------S 'O Q Q ' CSummer Sponol 7 * 7

1965 CHEVROLET BEL AIRSlohun Woyon. V Q engine. oulOmatK Irnntiiiivkion pow 01 klveiinij. iiid io . W<n S99S Summer bpocial

■ 1965 CHEVROLET 'Impolo 2 <blJt htiidlQp. IV (} iiu lonuiln KunuiimiOM 5 0 0 Kpower ^iDcrind. /odio Soinmoi bpecinl / / %J

1970 JAVELIN SST ......... . .,,,,1, „ - ^ .cuiiupy rool nu lom olit liuii^nnitiDn V I) ongmo power j * j O tZ ilaerm o, radio W ut (249S . Summe, Spocml

m s

1964 FORDFolton 4 doot tednn. ttiind iird tr<in> cconomy Ironiporln lion

1971 PLYMOUTH fu„ m .— W.fl au«omnt>t lrantmi\»ion, power power.— liTTiVirriio'o'uTifni'iffBTfinm-fitarwnit-BnrvTiitnrvtni -

WntJ3797 . •

1968 MERCURY Momerpy 4 doot vedcin .uulomotic Uumwmion, power bi\c b idkct. (lowoi tlonr 5inO. ladio. lo(lo(y on iondilipm ng Only

1 9 6 8 V O LK S W A G E N ,■ t , n n c2 doo*. 4 tp i»d. lodio. rtonorny fjnnsporurtion • ^ | | V j | ' 7 0

- 5 9 5i i i r d lu p , ___

' 5 ™ r ^ 3 1 - 8 ^

1 3 - ^ 5

USED. CARS. 254- 41I; Av». W . PH. 733-7365 NEW CARS^36^Shoifione SI. .W. Ph. 733-2891 ' OUALITY CABS — SALES «■ SERVICE , , ;


Aulet Per SiU

-19)9-CHeVRoV&Vr«bullf-*nolntr new c lu tch . Phone 733-3441 a t te f S:?0.

1947 C ^ E V E L L E M A L IO U 4d 00 r, V ^ r ^ u fo m a t lc , new t i r e i . ptione

1970 FOR D G A L A Z IE SOO. 3-door, ha rdtop. V in y l ro o f, V I, au to m a tic t r a n im l ia lo n . P o w e r - i te e r ln g , pow er.b rjikee , • a ir-conO ltlon lno . U w ^ l le a a * - N e w M lc h e la n t lr te . S h trp . 734-3495.

1971 P L Y M O U T H R o a d ru n n e r , m e ta llic v io le t. 313, 4 -ipeed, 13,006 a ctua l m liea . top con d itio n . M ake offer- 734T$47;

19&4 PO NTIAC G ran d P r ix , } door^ ha rd top , bu cke t le a t i , eMcellent cond ition . C all 334 5U1.

of c a r t,p ic k u p s , t r u c k ! on S a ie ^ ^Som e le t* th an w ho lM A le Opon S u nd avtA nd EwsnlnQt .

1947 FORD STA TIO N W AGON 390 ' unolno. A u lo m a llc 1r«n»m i% *lon.

p o w e r t te o r in g , ne w t i r e t , exco llen i condllTon. In q u ire at Ca»woII AAoblle Court o r 733-0507.

Amo» For S»ti>

1944-Q U IC K R iv ie ra ; low m tlM O t, S900. (MK »4V, H a ljey .


* 2 3 7 7Delivered In Twin fa llt

SEE mil

Bill Workman


THE SALES LEADER IN M A G IC V A L L E Y ... :. >343 il/u« (oUi 0/v . Norf/i

Open a.m, fo 9 p .m.'

Auto» For Sat*

194* COftv'Brri?-«MarW6»'k7'iee , a f te r 4 a t n 7 . 7th Avenue N orth .

3 -M E R C U a V C O M ET, eKCellenIcon d itio n , «U0. 934 4340.

' \

. . . T H A T ' S . . . . THIS WEEK'S


Fury III tedan, (nil ' power, air, rpdia, healer,




M b rO R S

601 Moin Eqit — Twin Fallt Phone. >33-1033

..Tliuriday, Auju,, Tlmqs Nom. Twin F«Mi, Idahp i t



BILL W ORKMAN FORD1971 CHEVROLET CUSTOM IMPALA . ...................: ...............$28902 d o o r h a r d lo p . V Q e n g in e , a u lo m a l ic I r a n tm i tv io n , p o w e r itee riM Q . p o w o ' b ra k a t .« o i r c u ' id i l io r i in g . lo w m ild i

1970 LTD 4 D O O R ............. '...................................^ . . . . . . . . r $2270V (i o n u in i). a u lo m a tK t io ( itm iv t> o n p o n o r t lo o f in g . po w e r b r u k e t u i( ( d n d i l io n i itg . r a d io , re a l rncc

• 1971 GALAXIE 500 4 D O O R ...................................................... . $2840 'V Q e n g in e ; o u to m a iic l ia n tn iiv M o n . p u w c r t lo o M r ig . Dir c o n d i l io n in g . v in y l i n le r io i . Iu«v rn ilU i.

>>1 1968 PONTIAC BONNEVILIE . ................................ ............. $T190' 4 d o o r . V 'O e n g in e , a u lo I r a n i p o w o r v io o r in y . p o w e r'b » o V o » . o ir c o n d ih o tu n g . lu l l p o w e r


i1967 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 4 D O O R . '............................ .............$85.0

V 8 c f ig ir ic . a o lo rn a lie I t i i tu r n . iw o r i ^_yd iO g o o d l i r e ' .

1968 VOLKSW AGEN BUG 2 D O O R .T . ................................$1050l o t \ o f um Icuv a n t i " c t^ lo w iinlt-o<)c-. t i r o n

1969 M O N T E G O 4 D O O R .......................................... ............. $1290V 0 on y in c t, o u lo in o lK l tu n » n n k iio n i i i d . o r g o o d ru b b e r .n l.n e r o n d i l.o n

1969 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 4 D O O R ,H A R D T O P .................. $2090V [) iT iig inn . ( lu lu i i io t ic Iro n v tn itM O n p u > v r ' k lr o r m r j p o w i-r b t ( ik i - \ . a ir c o n d i l iu n n ig . o r e u i fm o cur

1971 FORD T OR IN O 4 D O O R .................. .................................... $2790V 8 f i ig in o . a u lo t t iu lK lu j iu in .N s .o n ................. .. ..............................y . . . u i lo w m iie u g r

1969 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 D O O R ..........................................$1860V 11 (TMginB a u lo rn o lic tru n M ii.W io n (io w .m \lc < -iif.< j l i< j~ i- . b m k r v (u( c u o 'I 'I .O ii .n y <ir>tt o w n e r

1970 FORD 3 /4 TON P IC K U P .......................... ............................ $2460V 8 cng in i.-. u u lu in u t i i Iru n w ii.v v .u n lu J .u . l i .K l i ,n . . r u ik l i i o i . y < lu lv l l . i u u g lx iu l ' •

1968 JEEPSTER 4 X.4 r o a d s t e r ..................................................$1890A u lo n ie il i t l (d n i ,n n v io n l iu b \ V 6 ,- .u ) iiip m k I>o i v . lr d m.h - ,

1970 TOYOTA LAND C R U IS E R ...............................................■■ . $2690. 4 » 4 w a g o n . h iib » , o « lro \o u U , \ b u r p .

1967 OLDS CUTLASS CONVERTIBLE..................... ........ $690V 0 onginq, outomotic lran»ni.»Mon„powot ileo tm g rudio. vinyl inlonur

1971 PINTO 2 P O O R ................................................................ . J 1 7 ^lallC TroriMUIUiun. ruo.u w y ir McJr-woll l.re i low rnileugo '

F O R D --------

Bill \Th e Sc

/Vorkman FORDj/es L e a d e r I n T h e M a g i c V a l l e y

,1972MERCURY.II0MTEREY4 Mden, beeuhful v*|Uw tn*ld« end •<i1.1 t M . . i . . . i . - . i i . H e e l in g . *pewei d iu bieliei. ri'eTlw Iw eTv-T m o I"

in« l,.p«w «i v«n)lUli«nw hiiiw a I belled IS ln«h ll ie i. rf«lui« wheel (ewer*. biotX Iful brecodt geM nylen In te ila i, 134 In ih wheelbate. w oll U w a ll (•rpetlpg. i m i b«lli.-tKauld- ■ r lifiU . o il Ike Mfety •aulBmanl.

END OF THB YBAR •Slock ii>M-36 ^

1972 MERCURY MOMtEREY3 deer hardle|i, beaUIlM tullong while, g re in ell 1 nyUn t te lih Oueid IrtUiler, th li (gr ho t a i vau wauld (■ M tl flbM lulaly aveivlhlng. yU Irtik whaetbaw,

wKHawaH.iJiai. a\) ihe Dniali^.MeMurv da- . tlgnad tile lavlitg is la ly fealuret. 1 tpaad aulamBlIc

^ 3 3 8 0 ^ 3 5 5 0' END OF THE M O N TH


1972 MERCURY MARQUIS4 deer lida n , beoullful llgh l gra in malalll* w ith vlny) lap, ih l i (ai af caurM laadad w llh hale vlnvl lap. hi >g)l4 ieg> « le , whlfHwatl H 7I ■ IS llr< i, llil ilaering wheel, 6 wgy pawar tael, (lani t(unip«> guoidi, whitpai oli (andhlanlng; AM codla. tinted g la ii cempltie, one «f lha fined liding (ai« in lha weild. ---------------------------


XB .7 ■5hU Itttie iv *ieiu«Ua ipr hat )>* the b*t> buy w hove le efiei. il . . . . . .•ilvar inalgllic w ith bloda vinyl 1/4 laal. i«d leather inieriar. fg ile ry o il (endillanlng, pawar •laaring, power brgl'et. AM'/FM rodla. lagulai fuel V>l angina.

N p W O N tv ” . SAVI' .^ N p v v O N i r . . . > A ve .

’ 4 5 8 0 M O O O


(One of the finest 10 speeds Made)


1243 Blue lakes Blvd NortK . Phone 733-5110


. N EW s u m m e r HOURS: WEEKDAYS 8 A.M ; TO 9 P.M.


-- A C E H A N S & N X H E V R Q L J i E---------------BIGGEST-SAVINGS^F—------ --

THE Y£AR, NOW!-A -£E W -D A IU -B E N JA lS ^© IN e-



Stay W ith The Big O K f f Save. — . Tod ays S p e c ia l on Q K U sed C a rs.

1970 IMPALA CUSTOM COUPE . . 5 2 6 9 5V -6 o n g in v , a u to m a t ic t ra n s m is s io n , p o w o r s to e r in g , a i r ' c o n d i t io n in g , v in y l t o p , v u ry s h a rp . '

1972-V EeArST AT ieN iW A QG N . . . - . « 2 3 5 02 d o o r , 4 s p e d tra n s m is s io n , r a d io , l ik e n o w .

1966 IMPALA SPORT SEDAN . . .■ ............................... ..... ^ 1 1 9 54 d o o r , V -6 o n g in e , o u fo m a f ic tra n s m is s io n , p o w o r s te e r in g ,5 1 ,0 0 0 a c tu a l m iles .

1970 CHEVELLE STATION. W A G O N .......... ^ > 2 7 5 04 d o o r , V -8 o n o jr iB ..p Q w o r s le e r in g , U a n d a r d tra n s m is s io n , v e ry i h a r p .

1971 CHEVROLET EL C A M li^O . . 7777- _______ ^ 2 9 5 0V-Q o n g in e , p o w o r s te e r in g ', s tp n d a r d I fa n s m is i io n , l ik e n o w r

............^ 2 9 9 5

1965 CHEVEILE4 dear tadan. oil while, tharp IlMie cor. aixallenl eianamy.

w o y iifla w beak price

1966 MERCURYCemel Calienta 4 dear ladan.

iica llen l tiie t, light blue intide «n< aul. need ia llttla bady wark

1966 MERCURYMaWieray 4 dear sedan, w hile w ith blue lap. (iaon o i a pin Iniida and eut. we leld Ih ii ana brond new.

* 4 0 0 lsg- » 2 9 0E O M

.PRICE * 7 0 0

n 9 6 r M E R C U R r

Celeny Park i|g l

J -

1965 CHEVROLETlm p a la ,^ (e ]lt i it

tion>narftiiier<, runl

1970 FORD FALCON•dan, 4 cylinder engine, gula-

E.O.M.PHItE- * 3 9 0

:j;|a un iu i- ^ i ld a •Ad-4wh-t-vwnvrmwW'nirira4e7ri7 "

b '1000

i m CHEVROLET I I9li4 RIMBLER I I9ES BUICH4 dear tadgnf 4 cylinder er>gine, X;* , Cloitic tla l|an wggen, 6 cylinder, leSobra 4 deer ladon, 3 U

tlandgrd t«ar>imli(ien. a i gaa<( a o: oulem alii lian im iit lan . pnini, aulornotic Itc in tm iiiitag'll av«i *ee. 1; aocellent tign iparia lian, pawai «le**ioe«

2 5 0 ; »^*350).Ve * 5 0 0

1962 PONTIAC 1 1965 OLDS 98r .

,Oead TronifMrlglian. -

E.O^V. $ PR IC E.

4-daar»adan. haiavi^lhlng, runs paifact.

1968 FIAT• -K

4 deer, new cg> irgda. turn f ><«Uanl, yau f|\utt Ma Ihit

«<ta la opp«a«igta it.

' 0 0 1 s^S4O0la *590-

.1 9 7 0 G M C BLAZER4 W hee l d r iv e , 3 5 0 V *0 e n g in o , 4 s p e e d tro n s m ’in io r^ , lo c k o u t ' h u b i , b r a n d n e w lire s , v e ry p le a n .



H's a p le a su re t6 d o business a i

Ac0 Hansen ChevroletBlue Lakes Blvd. N. , Plrone 733-3033 ,

' Open Ev'enings Til 9x30 1 ^ ' ' __

4 daw Mden, llQhl bjua', * <yllndar '> N/-lar»glne. •ylematl{1i»niwli»)an, X; . p,iiad way baUw baak •»... ^ pewar Meailn(f. S'

The eu$ie$t p la M in th e teorld tp buy n «?«r > .7 0 1 M a i n A v a n u i t i t t e l > 3 3 - 7 1 7 0 0-— r ..............


ytubM i

j l TrM«<-N«wl. Twin r i f u , IdJlw l IHuffdlV, Augm

OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHTW oiic iu rfu l D iscounf Prices N o w

a v a il a b l e u n t il m i d n ig h t

a t S a few ay D iscount


Grade A Fryers,7 lns|«ctod~Ar traded A

37Sliced Bacon

Tyson 's - UTS;o ;a . Inspoclod And U.S.D.A. Graded A

Whols C


Fryer Breasts WFryer Drumsticks 1";:" ‘ tb 69"Pork Chops lb 94"Pork Party Roast .b 98"

M orrell's Goldon Crisp Lab^l

r 7 7 -^ . r t c g :

Sliced Bacon Sliced Bacon iZcL;.

Turkey RoastU .I.D .A . Grado light Rango

2 9 <

NorbQst H indquarter - U.S.D.A. Grade A 5 to 7 Pound W e igh t Range

WienersSterling Skinless Franks

lb.e v e ry d o y discount p ric e 36c

Chunk Bologna J;';:."... ib 65"U.S.D.A. Cholct W hoU or Half

.b,1.29 88"

lb. 64Boneless Hams

>pljcious •f Quarter

99‘Bonanza • Delicious

W hole, H alf o f Quarter

Leg 0 ' Lamb Lamb Rib Chops a Pototo Salad


A lw a y i f i# ih

Short Ribs of Beef cnl Round Steaks Chuck Steaks Safeway

Boneless Pot Roast

b v o ry d a y d isco u n t p r ic e 1 .19

B9,ne[essHamso;w'c':: ,b 1.29 69" 66"

Cornish Hens " a , : . . * ” w 87"

Turbot Fish FilletsoZl'd

Safeway Cofke^A lr o a d / G ro u n d — 2> lb . B a g

1.35-• «vi>yJar diuount p r ii* 1J»

13 Gold Medal Flour@ Tomato SauceEd c" 11"(g) Sandwich Bags^::,r 46"® Finish “it;;:,'"” X 76"@ Mitchums r i : : ; r ; i .98 Q Hair Spray Sr.,'

■Q Biscuits'cs„„

CantaloupesC alifo rn io G roat Big M elons'-

e v e ry d a y d is c o u n t p r ic e 39c each

. 14"48

t t 8 ^

PotatoesRusset U.S. No. I's

1 0 - 5 8

Fancy Bananas qX ''J u m b o ^ e l e r y S r ^ , , . — iiat

Red Radishes Upw-Onions-^

reen~Cabbage M cdiym H«odi — C r isp ^- i

or C>*an Oniont Larg* Bunch

U S No )

everyday discount pticesck Crackers "

Crackers,':K t ib U r




lOOKt.Vitamln'C 5” “ “"ch.woM. ..«u Rolaid Tablets Antacid

T o b ttli3.ro ilPack


C r i s p ^ r r o t s a iv a ^ '» 2

FROZEN FOODSAt Discount Prices


^ Skylark Bread ■1 1 ^ r ~ cOInd • 20 30 OgllonTrash Bafls z. 67<

Pancake Mix^ Kraft bjnner = x22^^ Pudding Snacks^'i'4irr5“8?^ S &W Coffee sf ^2,29

Thli Advortisomont Effecllvo At Safoway Dlicount

In All O f those Towny:*Bolia *J«rom« Blackfoot *Poyell« •Pocotello ‘ Idaho Fallt ‘ Waller Gooding Monl|i*llsr

Rupert ‘ Caldwell ‘ Twin FolU Burley ‘ Nampa *M»n. Home

And ‘ Ontario, Oregon ‘ These Stores Open Sunday

P r ie s t l lo m i E ffac liva T o d a y T ilry W ld n a id a y , A u o . 3 0 , W 7 S

® C ortliO H l IM0 1*(IWAt l i o m INCOiKIIAIIB'

C r e a m P ie sBel-air Premium' Q u a lity .

. ’-s 2 9 ‘e v e ry d a y d is c o u n t p r ic e 31c

gH MCP Orange C gj) Assorted Popsicles

L aye rC akesT w o M o i t t Rich L aye rs o f C h p c o ia to <

C a k e C o v e re d W ith B u lfe rc re o m Ic in g . U n iq u e Freshness.

1 ? laye r, 8-Inch



g|- Potatoes r . ‘.20"

e v e ry d a y d is c o u n t p ric e 1 ,40 ;

Glazed Doughnuts 5"Sugar Doughnuts i„b 5" French Bread . t r 'uj; 38"

A x i i lo l i le o . i l , A l S ic jre. W ith Btike Shop S ic llo n i)

0 Hawaiian Punch Orange Treat‘I t ' Orange Juice

•—•^trawberrfes^ Bel:air Green Peas

^Broccol i Spears ; White Bread

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