61 best social media tools for small business

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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The Big List of The 61 Best Social Media Tools for Small Business

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Written by Kevan Lee•21.04.2014 •Last updated 2 years ago 21 minutes

Banana Republic and Susan’s Neighborhood Shirt Shop could be using the same

social networks—Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.—but their marketing plans and

their marketing tools are likely quite different. Enterprise solutions are great for

the big guys, but the rest of us are in the market for something more our size.

Small businesses are eager to find valuable tools that take a lot of the time and

trouble out of social media marketing and that do so without costing an arm and a

leg. I think we’d all want tools like that, right?

Well, I went searching for just this kind of simple, easy, cost-effective tool, and I

came up with 61 that made the cut. I tried out more than 100 in total, and I’m sure I

missed a few along the way (please tell me in the comments or on Twitter which

ones deserve a look).

Hopefully you find one or two here that you can use in your small scale marketing

that can get you big results.

Update: If you’re managing multiple accounts, you might enjoy this list of 6 social

media management tools and strategies—it may help you put some of the tools

here into practice!

Update – we launched Respond a social listening tool and customer service tool

Respond displays your community’s tweets in a real-time tweet inbox. The list of

new messages—both tweets and DMs—runs down the left column. Each particular

message opens into the panel on the right.

This intuitive layout gives the Twitter stream an inbox feel where you can reply,

archive, keep track of conversations, and—excitedly—reach inbox zero!

We’d love for you to experience the real-time support experience with Respond.

Click above to get started right away.

Ok, back to the blogpost!

Social Media Tools for Small Business

Sixty-one is a lot of tools to browse through, so I thought I’d help out by

categorizing all of them into a clickable table. The headings below will take you to

each section within the post.Dashboards / Management Tools




Twitter Tools


Social Rank


Must Be Present




Social Media Monitoring Tools





Social Media Content Tools











Twitter Feed




Facebook Tools


Fanpage Karma

Wolfram Alpha Facebook Report

Facebook Custom Audiences

Social Media Analytics Tools

Rival IQ

Buzz Sumo


WordPress Plugins

Digg Digg



Pin It Button for Images

Miscellaneous Tools





Pinterest Board Cover Creator


Google+ Page Audit





Google URL Builder

Visual Content Tools











Before we get in too deep, I wanted to plug a social media tool I’m quite partial to

(for obvious reasons). I use Buffer every single day to build a queue of the content I

curate and send it out on a regular schedule to my various timelines. It’s simple

and easy, and the intuitive analytics on each post make it a breeze to see which

posts performed best.

Dashboards / Management Tools

Okay, now on with the lists…


A complete Twitter management tool (that also comes complete with Buffer

integration), SocialBro can tell you everything you want to know about your Twitter

account—community information, analytics on all your posts, and much, much

more. There is a 15-day free trial to test out all the features.

Put this tool to use: The community insights are fascinating, and there’s some real

value to be gained from the tweet analytics (pictured above), which show you which

posts got the most engagement and when.


Now owned by Twitter, Tweetdeck is one of the most popular tools for complete

Twitter management. Tweetdeck lets you track, organize, and engage with your

followers through a customizable dashboard where you can quickly see at-a-glance

the activity from different lists, followers, hashtags, and more.

Put this tool to use: What do you find yourself checking when you go to Twitter?

Whatever it is, you can add it to your Tweetdeck dashboard and see everything in

one view with nary an extra click. Could be a huge time saver.


Tweetcaster is a Twitter management tool for iOS and Android devices, and it

provides the basics of what you’d expect from a Twitter dashboard plus a few fun

extras: enhanced search and lists, hiding unwanted tweets, and photo effects for

your pics.

Twitter Tools

Put this tool to use: Keep the app on the first screen of your phone and tablet so

you can easily dip in and out of your Twitter streams when time allows.



Followerwonk is one of our favorite ways to analyze and optimize our Twitter

accounts at Buffer. With Followerwonk, you can do all sorts of amazingly helpful

things like analyze your Twitter followers, compare different users, and search

through bios—all for free. There are even more features—like tracking and sorting

your followers—that you can access with a 30-day trial.

Put this tool to use: One of our favorite uses of Followerwonk is to take the time-

of-day charts and  sync to a Buffer account. You can also take a close-up look at

various stats from those you follow to see which accounts you could maybe prune

(because of factors like inactivity).

Social Rank

This Twitter tool identifies your top 10 followers in three specific areas: Best

Followers, Most Engaged, and Most Valuable. Your engaged followers are those who

interact with you most often (replies, retweets, and favorites), your most valuable

followers are the influential accounts, and your best followers are a combination of

the two. Social Rank will run the numbers for free and show you the results today

then follow-up each month with an email report.

Put this tool to use: Social Rank can help you hone your Twitter focus so that you

are aware of the followers who might deserve extra attention. You can even place

these MVPs onto a specific Twitter list.


For quite awhile, I read the name of this tool as Manager “Filter,” which actually

isn’t too far off from what ManageFlitter does. The Twitter tool helps you filter who

you follow: Easily unfollow those who don’t follow you back, those who’ve never

changed their profile photo, and those who are inactive.

Put this tool to use: You can batch select these groups of inactive or non-following

users in order to give yourself a better following count (and closer to a golden


Must Be Present

Built by the team at Sprout Social, Must Be Present searches your Twitter account

to find how quickly you respond to mentions. Their engagement reports place you

in a percentile based on other accounts so you can see how you stack up to the

speed of others.

Put this tool to use: Set goals for response time on Twitter, and use Must Be

Present to track them. Aim for a certain percentile or a particular average response



Find out when you’ll receive the most exposure for your tweets by

letting Tweriod analyze your account. The Tweriod reports break it down into daily

and hourly windows when you can expect the highest engagement with what you


Put this tool to use: If you use social media scheduling apps for your automation, it

goes without saying that sharing at optimal times would be best. Use your Tweriod

insights to check your scheduling, or plan your social media drivebys around this



Tweepi has a number of useful Twitter features, many of which fall into a couple

categories: Managing your followers, and supercharging who you’re following. For

management, you can unfollow in batches those who don’t follow you back, and

you can bulk follow another account’s complete list of followers or who they’re


Put this tool to use: Tweepi’s detailed info on your followers can give you ideas on

who to follow or unfollow. Try the cleanup section to bulk edit your connections on



To schedule tweets from any app, simply ask Tweet4me to do it for you. Once

you’re signed up with Tweet4me, you can send them a direct message that contains

a certain prefix, containing information on when and what to post.

Put this tool to use: If you find yourself double-booked and needing to post to

Twitter in 30 minutes, Tweet4Me could be your saving grace.


Commun.it can help you organize, grow, and manage your followers, and it can do

so across multiple accounts and profiles. At-a-glance, you can see different parts of

your community management, like latest tweets from your stream and which new

followers might appreciate a welcome.

Put this tool to use: Keep on top of who you should be following by listening to

Commun.it’s advice on the most influential accounts around your brand.


Twtrland gives you a snapshot of your Twitter profile and can even track Facebook

and Instagram for you as well. Two of Twtrland’s most helpful tools are a live count

of how many followers are currently online and advanced search functionality tha

tincludes keywords, locations, and companies.

Put this tool to use: Local companies can perform a location search to see which

area accounts are most popular and potentially worth following.


A super-powered Twitter search tool, NeedTagger runs language filters and

keyword searches to determine which Twitter users might need your product or

service. Sounds too good to be true, right? The tool shows you real-time search

results and sends a daily email digest of new finds.

Put this tool to use: Build a Twitter list of potential customers so you can learn and

understand their needs and how they communicate.

Tweeter Spy

The Twitter click tracking at Tweeter Spy can tell you which tweets result in the

most traffic back to your site. To install, you’ll need to insert a line of code at your

website, then you can manage your Twitter click stats right through Tweeterspy.

Put this tool to use: Tweeter Spy has a neat feature that allows you to “Say Thanks”

(with a tweet) to  Twitter profiles who refer big traffic to your site.

Twitter Feed

For those looking to feed an RSS of a blog straight to your Twitter, Facebook, or

LinkedIn profile, Twitter Feed has you covered. Simply enter your feed, connect

your social accounts, and send your posts away, complete with tracking tools for


Put this tool to use: If you have feeds for separate categories on your blog, you can

set up Twitter Feed to blast only particular content—new product announcements

or featured content.


This Twitter tool shows you the reach and exposure of the tweets you send,

collecting data on who retweets you and the influence of each.

Put this tool to use: Identify which of your tweets has spread the farthest (and

why), then try to repeat the formula with future tweets.


Twazzup offers real-time monitoring and analytics for Twitter on any name,

keyword, or hashtag you choose. The Twazzup results page delivers interesting

insights like who the top influencers are for your keyword and which top links are

associated with your search.

Put this tool to use: You can track your first and last name here to see what’s being

mentioned about you outside of direct @-replies. You might be particularly

interested to peek at the links and influencers associated with your name.


Topsy is as a powerful search engine for Twitter content. Want to know how a

certain term is being used on Twitter? You can search links, tweets, photos, videos,

and influencers.

Update: Apple shut Topsy down in December 2015

Facebook Tools

Put this tool to use: See how often your blog is being linked to on Twitter. Type in

“site:yourdomain.com,” and you can see how many tweets have included inks back

to your website (see above for an example of the Buffer blog).



What should you be doing with your Facebook page? LikeAlyzer will flat-out tell

you. The Facebook analysis tool comes up with stats and insights into your page

and starts off every report with a list of recommendations.

Put this tool to use: Keep track of where you stand compared to other pages by

following the comparison of your page to average page rank, industry-specific page

rank, and the rank of similar brands.

Fanpage Karma

Fanpage Karma shows all sorts of valuable info related to your Facebook page like

growth, engagement, service and response time, and of course Karma (a weighted

engagement value).

Put this tool to use: FanKarma also does insight into Twitter and YouTube, the

latter of which might be particularly valuable if you’re building up a video

marketing strategy.

Wolfram Alpha Facebook Report

The knowledge engine of Wolfram Alpha has a neat tool to analyze your Facebook

profile. Their Facebook report (a free feature with any Wolfram account) is

incredibly detailed—everything from the content you share to the relationship

status pie charts of your friends.

Put this tool to use: See at-a-glance how your profile updates are being received. If

you use your personal Facebook for marketing your business, you can optimize the

type of content you share to your profile.

Facebook Custom Audiences

If you’re advertising on Facebook, you can use a handy, built-in tool to cater to a

specific audience of your choosing by telling Facebook whom to target. Upload an

Excel file or link directly to your MailChimp lists. Facebook will create a custom

audience based on which of your contacts is on Facebook. This feature can be added

by clicking on the Audiences link inside Facebook’s Ads Manager.

Social Media Analytics Tools

Put this tool to use: Create custom campaigns that target a list of leads or

customers. You can get extra specific with these ads since the demographic already

has a familiarity with your brand. (Facebook recommends that audience sizes be at

least 1,000 people so that your ad dollar is well spent.)


Rival IQ

Ever wonder what your competition is up to? Rival IQ tracks a list of brands of your

choosing and monitors their activity on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and

even SEO.  Your free 14-day trial gives you full access to competitor tracking and

the dashboards for each of the different networks and search factors.

Put this tool to use: Rival IQ can show you insight into your competition but also

insight into your industry as a whole. For instance, learn from the Day of the Week

chart to see when content from your industry is most likely to go viral.

Buzz Sumo

Curious what the most popular content is on any given topic or any particular

website? Buzz Sumo has this covered with a search tool that tracks content and

ranks according to shares on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest.

Put this tool to use: With Buzz Sumo, you can use the insights to steer the content

you create and share on social media, learning how to craft headlines and what

types of content each network is most interested in.


Klout figures to be one of the more well-known tools on this list. It collects

information on a person’s various social profiles to come up with a popularity score

of 1 to 100 and then lets you follow your score over time as it ebbs and flows (ideally

flowing upward).

Put this tool to use: The site has added quite a bit of functionality beyond Klout

score. You can now track topics, view content suggestions, and post straight to your

connected social profiles.


There will be times when you’ll need/want to know how popular your content

is (like in a weekly metrics report, perhaps). SharedCount shows you quickly, at a

glance, how far and wide a piece of content spread.

Put this tool to use: Click over to SharedCount’s multi-URL dashboard to see a table

of multiple URLs for a week’s worth of content.

Google URL Builder

If you’re dabbling in advanced campaign tracking, you’ve likely read up on UTM

tracking codes in links. A UTM code is basically extra characters at the end of a link

that help flesh out your analytics reports, showing you where your traffic came

from and what campaigns it’s all associated with. Google has a free tool to create

these UTMs for you.

Visual Content Tools

Put this tool to use: Add a UTM tracking to all links that are associated with a single

marketing push. That way you can better measure the impact and ROI from your

particular event.



Infogr.am helps you build sparkling infographics by entering information right into

the Infogram spreadsheets that are built right in to the editor. Standard features are

there, too, like design templates and a full design editor.

Put this tool to use: Visualize a monthly report for your business, and share this on

social media. You’ll get the boost of visual content plus transparency.


Piktochart is a free-to-try infographic creator with  a full editor and themes to turn

your data into a work of art.

Put this tool to use: The next time you have some overly complicated (or lengthy)

numbers to share, try putting them into a visual design.


If you’d like an extra hand creating visual content like infographics and charts, you

can hit the Visually marketplace and find professionals to do the work for you, at up

to 1/5 the cost you’d incur going through an agency. Visually specializes in

infographics, videos, interactives, and presentations.

Put this tool to use: While the pricing is discounted, it’s still an investment

(infographics start at $1,000, for instance.) Save your Visually needs for a rainy day,

then make a big splash with a feature announcement video or a presentation for



There is a lot to love about Canva. The graphic design app has an incredibly

intuitive drag-and-drop interface, and the tooltips and templates make it ideal for

beginner designers. Everything is free unless you choose to use something from

Canva’s library of stock photos.

Put this tool to use: One of Canva’s default templates is a Pinterest graphic, which

comes premade with optimal size for a pin (735 pixels wide by 1102 pixels tall).


A tool we use regularly here on the Buffer blog, Compfight is our source for creative

commons images to accompany our content. For your social media posts, images

like these can be great additions to a visual content strategy (just be sure to give

credit where credit’s due—each compfight picture comes with attribution).

Put this tool to use: Build a small library of free-to-use photos for upcoming social

sharing. Sometimes you may come across a good image that just doesn’t quite fit

your needs. Save it for later in your Dropbox or on a private WordPress page.


A good graphics program can be a boon to your social media marketing. BeFunky is

one of the best—and easiest—ones around, with a complete suite of image editing

tools like cropping, scaling, filters, text, and more.

Put this tool to use: I’m sure you’ve seen inspirational quotes placed beautifully

onto inspirational photos. Visual content like this is ideal for social networks, and

you can pull this off easily with BeFunky.


Who doesn’t love GIFs? If your social media presence is strong on a place like

Tumblr or Google+, then having GIF-making capabilities can come in

handy. LICEcap is a downloadable program that creates GIFs from what you see on

your screen.

Social Media Monitoring Tools

Put this tool to use: Create a GIF of your product or service in action so you can

share with fans and potential customers.



A good problem to have is when it becomes difficult to keep track of all the

different places you are mentioned on social media. Mention prides itself on “going

beyond Google Alerts” to track absolutely anywhere that your name or your

company could be mentioned online.

Put this tool to use: You might be surprised to find out how often people tweet and

share your name online without an @-mention (I know I was). When you subscribe

to Mention’s daily email, you get all these wayward HTs right in your inbox, and

the web dashboard even flags certain mentions as high priority.


Digests can be a neat way to track your social media metrics,

and NutshellMail collects your activity on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter (and

even places like Yelp and Foursquare) to provide an email overview of your

accounts. You set how often and when you want to receive the recap emails.

Put this tool to use: If you have a weekly metrics plan, you can have NutshellMail

send you a message once a week with an overview of your accounts. You can then

extract the data and insights here straight into your weekly report.


As a tracking tool, SocialMention has some neat bonus insights beyond their in-

depth keyword tracking. SocialMention tracks areas like sentiment, passion, reach,

and strength to not just tell you what’s being said about your search but how those

reactions feel.

Put this tool to use: While you track your brand or yourself, you can also see how

your sentiment changes over time. Are your mentions positive or negative? And

how will this change from month to month and week to week?


The tracking tool keeps track of your hashtag campaign or keyword on Twitter,

Instagram, or Facebook with a full dashboard of analytics, demographics, and


Social Media Content Tools

Put this tool to use: Start a hashtag around an upcoming event, and keep track of

the popularity of the tag before, during, and after.



The daily email from News.me contains the top five stories shared by your

networks on Twitter and Facebook. (The email is branded with Digg as the two

partnered up.)

Put this tool to use: The News.me email arrives every morning, so you can add the

email to your social media workflows. Check what your networks are most

interested in, then respond right away.


Feedly is one of the best RSS services out there because it does all the basics of RSS

well (feed organization, display, etc.) and innovates with some really helpful new

features. Plus, it works and looks great on any device you have.

Put this tool to use: You can follow any number of relevant blogs and sites in your

industry, and if you’re pressed for time, you can scan Feedly’s share counts next to

each story or turn on the Featured posts section to quickly pick out the content that

is most valuable and shared. (See screenshot above for an example.)


With Pocket, you can grab the content on your social networks that looks good to

you and read it later in a stripped down, easy-on-the-eyes view.

Put this tool to use: Combined with IFTTT or Zapier (see below), you can send

favorite stories straight from Pocket to Twitter.


Paper.li lets you create a daily newspaper of your favorite tweets and stories and

share this paper with your followers.

Put this tool to use: Create an industry-specific daily or weekly newspaper, and

take advantage of the extra opportunity to connect with and recognize some of your



Looking for new content to share? (Aren’t we all?) Swayy can be a helpful tool for

finding stories based on your interests, as determined by the stuff you’ve shared

before. Connect your Twitter or Facebook account for free, and Swayy will check

your audience for the type of content they might like best and make suggestions

based on its findings.

Put this tool to use: Sharing interesting content on social media is a great way to

build your authority and expertise on a topic. Customize Swayy’s suggested topic

matches so that you get only the most accurate suggestions.


Team collaboration on social media can be a very helpful asset when it comes to

keeping a queue filled. Pie is designed to make this process as simple as possible as

you can collect the neat stories you find online and chat about them with your

social media team or your team in general. There is even a Pie browser extension

that makes it possible to add stories straight from the browser.

Put this tool to use: Collect the cool stories you find online, and use feedback from

your coworkers to decide what gets shared to your social accounts. You can make it

as simple as a two-Like minimum for getting the go-ahead to post.

Bottlenose – Sonar Solo

The free version of Bottlenose’s enterprise tool helps you see which topics and

keywords affect your brand in real-time. Here’s q peek at how the tool highlights

trending content based on your interests.

Put this tool to use: If your brand is big into LinkedIn, this may be a helpful tool for

discovering popular content from the network.


WordPress Plugins

Digg Digg

Built by the team here at Buffer, the Digg Digg plugin adds a floating share bar to

all of your posts so your readers can easily share to Twitter, Facebook, Buffer, and

almost 20 more sites.

Put this tool to use: If a floating bar isn’t your style or doesn’t fit with your blog

layout, customize the Digg Digg bar to appear fixed at the top or bottom of every



Built by the team at Digital Telepathy, Flare is a social share plugin for WordPress

sites and part of an overall website-boosting suite of products delivered through

the Filament plugin. Filament allows you to drag and drop your social share buttons

wherever you’d like on your site.

Put this tool to use: Find the place that makes the most sense for your share

buttons—sidebar, header, footer, etc.—and fix it up easily.


Another part of Digital Telepathy’s Filament plugin is Ivy, a simple tool that allows

your website visitors to highlight any passage of text and share directly to Twitter,

Facebook, or email.

Put this tool to use: Ideally your visitors will be the ones putting this tool to use,

but you can help them along with a little prodding to “highlight to share.”

“Pin It” Button for Images

Add a “Pin It” button to all the images on your blog with this free WordPress

plugin. Each time a visitor hovers over an image, they’ll see a stylized “Pin It”

button appear on the image and can share directly to Pinterest.

Miscellaneous Tools

Put this tool to use: If you are hoping to attract more Pinterest shares to your blog,

the Pinterest button for images could be a real boon. It’s great for blogs with lots of

highly visual content.



This tool for LinkedIn connections works as a digital tickle file. You can place your

contacts into different columns for weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual

reminders to get in touch with your contacts.

Put this tool to use: Place your key influencers into a monthly column so that you

can be reminded to stay in regular contact.


With Rapportive, you can get a heap of information on each of your email contacts,

including the social accounts they’re connected with and where they’re employed.

Currently Rapportive  works only with Gmail.

Put this tool to use: When you make a connection with a new person over email,

Rapportive can show you how to followup for connections on their various social



Shortening a URL on Twitter can be a must as you try to squeeze inside the 140-

character limit. Bitly is one of the original link shorteners (and integrated with

Buffer, too). If you use Bitly on its own, you’ll get a full history of the link’s

performance as well as an overview of all the links you’ve ever shared.

Put this tool to use: You can use bitly outside of Twitter, too. Consider cleaning up

some long or ugly URLs when you’re posting to Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+ or

even when you’re writing an ebook or email.


Rev is a complete transcription and translation service that can help convert your

audio or your English into the format and language you need.

Put this tool to use: If you conduct interviews of your customers, you can use Rev to

convert the audio to text for easier assimilation into marketing personas or social

media profiles.

ShareRoot Board Cover Creator

ShareRoot has a handful of tools that are specific for boosting Pinterest

engagement, promotion, and measuring. Some tools are inactive or under

development, but one that is live now is a Pinterest Board Cover Creator that lets

you create images to use as the cover for your different pin boards.

Put this tool to use: Build some really awesome Pinterest covers to make your

overall page stand out to new visitors.


An app for iOS and Android, Jelly is billed as a social search engine—you ask

questions with photos, maps, and friends and get the answers from people who

know best. For instance, show folks your location and get recommendations from

locals on where to eat.

Put this tool to use: Brands can connect on Jelly and then be able to view which of

their followers on other social networks are active on Jelly. This gives brands an

extra opportunity to connect and add value where  their customers spend their


SteadyDemand’s Google+ Page Audit

For an overview of the health of your Google+ page, you can use SteadyDemand’s

tool to investigate what’s working and what’s not. The tool couldn’t be simpler:

Just input the URL of your company’s Google+ page (ours

was https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Bufferapp/posts) and then see the report on all

your page activity.

Put this tool to use: Google+ insights are much harder to come by than those on

Facebook and Twitter, so tools like this can help show you if all your G+ marketing

has been worth it or not.


Are videos part of your social media marketing plan? If you’re anxious to jump into

video content, Powtoon can be a free way to test and see if it might work for you.

With Powtoon, you can create and edit video clips and upload straight to YouTube.

Put this tool to use: Put together a product demo for what you sell, and share this

on social media to give people a visual demonstration of what your business is



This free iOS app has you take a picture of a business card and then stores the

information into your contacts and finds the person on LinkedIn. Great for expos

and conferences.

Put this tool to use: Scan the business cards of new contacts you meet and quickly

see on LinkedIn which connections you have in common.


Social is just a small part of what IFTTT can do. The Internet automation app can

do everything from text you tomorrow’s weather to automatically update your

Twitter with your Instagram photos. IFTTT connects with more than 90 channels,

including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Put this tool to use: You can sync IFTTT with your Buffer account to schedule

things like Buffering each Twitter post that you favorite.


Zapier is a bigger version of IFTTT—more channels to connect but not quite free.

You do get to create five free recipes before upgrading, so you can try out Zapier

with tools like MailChimp and Disqus and 250 more.

Share with Buffer

Put this tool to use: You can sync your email campaigns with your social accounts,

sending links to your campaigns as tweets, posts, or Buffers to all your favorite

social places.

Are there any social media tools here that you might try? Any of your favorites that

weren’t included? I’d love to build the list out even more, and your input would be

excellent! Share your favorites in the comments.

If you liked this post, you might also like 29 Free Marketing Tools to Improve Your

Marketing Starting Today and 17 Unique Places to Find Great Content to Share.

Image credit: HVargas



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Content crafter at Buffer. You can find me online, tweeting about my

writing process, or at home, second-guessing football coaches. Live

simply, give generously, beat cancer.

Follow @kevanlee 18.6K followers

Written by Kevan Lee

163 Comments 1

• •

Roger Lightfoot •

Wot no Hootsuite?!

Buffer is an excellent product but no mention of Hootsuite rather invalidates the integrity of this article.

We use both at http://www.fabmin.com and both work very well.

Roger LightfootCo-founder, Fabmin - Taking the hassle out of managing staff holidays

• •

Konrad W. Gorak •

Roger, it doesn't invalidate the integrity of this article. It's clear that these 2 platforms compete with each other. And following your way of thinking why didn't he mention Oktopost? Or anything else?

The answer is very simple - you don't send customers to other restaurant if you still have seats available at yours. Especially if you know your food is better ;)

Guys at Buffer create great content, wonderful blog experience, and it's their complete right to not include apps they don't approve. Some apps don't deserve to be on this list and they're not. ;)

Chrissy •

We just started using a tool called http://GroupTweet.com in our newsroom and its a pretty great way to allow multiple people to seamlessly Tweet from a Twitter account without sharing the password.


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Imagine you’ve got a week’s vacation planned this summer (lucky you!), and you’d

love nothing more than for your social media efforts to keep humming right along

while you’re gone. No problem. There are a handful of social media tools that can

assist with your out-of-office marketing. Automation techniques can help fill your

queue, and the 10 […]

By Kevan


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