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55 Is It Real?Is It Real?

Getting Started

1. Lookatthescenesfromtelevisionprogrammes.Whichdoyouthinkareaboutrealevents?Why?

Vocabulary >> Adjectives

2. Lookattheadjectivesingreenonthewebpage.WhichadjectivesdoesSallyBradshawusetodescribeLost?Doessheliketheprogramme?

3. Whichadjectivesonthewebpagecandescribeatelevisionprogrammeyoudon’tlike?

4. Canyouthinkofanyotheradjectivestodescribetelevisionprogrammes?Havetheygotapositiveoranegativemeaning?

Answers, page 70

What do teens like watching on TV? Help us

find out. Enter your name and the name of a

TV programme. Then tick the adjectives to

describe the programme.


Name of Programme:


3 interesting 3 enjoyable

3 exciting boring

terrible 3 amazing

3 frightening realistic

educational disgusting

3 unusual 3 special

silly 3 surprising




Sally Bradshaw

TV and Teens

News Flash:The Loch Ness Monster

appears in Scotland.

TheWeatherChannel:Chicago 500f

Lightning hits buildings.

Tornado lifts house in Florida.


Monday 8.30

Vampire Tales





Workbook, page 41 59


OnThis World: What is more frightening than a horror film? A

Imagine this. You’re swimming in the ocean near Oxwich beach in Wales. Suddenly, some people on the beach shout, “Watch out! It’s a monster!” You jump out of the water and run to the beach. B The creature is moving towards the beach and soon it is there. It’s the strangest creature in the world. It is as long as a shark, but it’s definitely uglier than a shark. It’s got very long tentacles all over and they’re moving! Is it a terrible monster – and are you its next meal?

Relax. The “creature” on the beach looks like the most disgusting sea creature, but it isn’t a monster and it doesn’t eat people. It’s part of a tree. It’s about a metre long and there are thousands of small creatures on it – sea barnacles. C They attach one end of their body to objects in the water and their tentacle moves around looking for food.

The sea barnacle is just one of the amazing creatures on This World on Channel 1. D During the football World Cup in

the summer of 2010, Paul was the most popular octopus in the world – thanks to his ability to predict the results of the football matches. He isn’t alive anymore, but on the programme you can see him in action at his home in Sea Life in Germany. Each time people put boxes of food with the flags of two teams in Paul’s aquarium, he chooses to eat from the winning team’s box!

Don’t miss Paul and the other fantastic creatures on This World.

Creatures of the Sea Listening and Speaking

1. ListentoSueandHenrydiscussingaTVprogramme.DoesHenrywatchtheprogrammewithSue?

2. Listenagainandanswerthequestions.

1. What is the name of the TV programme? 2. Is a parasite an animal? 3. Can parasites be dangerous for humans? 4. Who eats salad every day? 5. What is the topic of the TV programme today?

3. Canyourememberthefollowingdetails?

1. Which two TV programmes aren’t as interesting as the one in the discussion, according to Sue?

2. Which country and which city does Sue mention?

4. Whichofthefollowingtypesofprogrammesdoyoulikewatching?Whichdon’tyoulike?Why?

sports • news • music • dance • travel • fashion


Reading >> A TV Guide Review

5. LookatthetitleandthepicturesintheTVGuidereview.ThenreadtheinformationintheToday’s Pickbox.WhatTVprogrammeisthereviewabout?WhenistheprogrammeonTV?Doyouthinkitsoundsinteresting?

6. Readthereview.Choosethecorrectsentencebelowtofilleachgap(A-D)inthetext.

1. These small creatures live in the ocean. 2. Another surprising creature is Paul. 3. The answer is a holiday at the beach! 4. The people are looking at a creature in the ocean.


1. A holiday on the beach can be more frightening than .

2. In the beginning, the people on the beach think the creature is a .

3. The creature on the beach is as long as a . 4. In the end, they know the creature is . 5. Paul is famous because of his . 6. On the TV programme, Paul always chooses .

8. WhichofthefollowingquestionsdoestheTVGuidereviewanswer?Answerthosequestions.

1. How many people are shouting on the beach? 2. Why does the swimmer leave the ocean? 3. Why do the people think the creature wants to eat

them? 4. Do sea barnacles eat people? 5. How many sea barnacles are there on the tree? 6. In which oceans do sea barnacles live? 7. Where was Paul’s home? 8. How old was Paul during the 2010 World Cup?

9. Findsynonymsinthetextforthewordsbelow.

1. be careful (lines 3-14) 2. be calm (lines 15-22) 3. things (lines 15-22) 4. only (lines 23-34) 5. amazing (lines 30-36)













1. Can you see mouth?2. got horns and a tail.3. tail is very long.4. an amazing programme.

Your Language

lookfor • look after • look at • look forward to • look up somethingMW Word


MW Word

Power choose / choice

Today’s PickFriday 22nd DecemberProgramme of the Day: This World Channel 1, 7.30 pm

Practice: Language Builder, page 14

10. Overtoyou:Whichcreatureismoreamazinginyouropinion–theseabarnacleorPaul?Why?

60 61



2. Copytheadjectivesintoyournotebook.Writethecomparativeformofeachone.

1. tall taller than 4. good 7. big 2. nice 5. silly 8. fat 3. boring 6. unusual 9. bad

3. AddatleastfiveadjectivestoyourlistfromExercise2.Thenwritetheircomparativeforms.

4. Writesentenceswiththewordsbelow.Usethecomparativeformoftheadjectivesandtheaffirmativeofto be.Whichsentencesaretrue?

1. snakes / dangerous / mosquitoes 2. football / popular / basketball / in the USA 3. English / difficult / Hungarian 4. J. K. Rowling / rich / the Queen of England 5. chocolate / healthy / cola


Workbook, page 42

1. Brad Pitt is older than Leonardo DiCaprio.

5. ListenandcheckyouranswerstoExercise4.

6. Copyandcompletethesentencestomakethemtrueforyou.

1. I am not as tall as . 2. I am as young as . 3. My marks in English are as good as my marks in . 4. My hair is not as long as . 5. My feet are as big as .

7. Completethetextwiththeadjectivesinbrackets.Usethecomparativeformoras ... as.


Imagine you’re a sailor on a boat. Suddenly you see a gigantic creature in the ocean. It is 1. (big) as your boat and it is 2. (ugly) than a monster. You are looking at the disgusting creature and it suddenly puts its arms around your boat and destroys it.

Meet the Kraken from ancient myths and legends. According to these stories, the Kraken isn’t 3. (large) as a blue whale. It is 4. (thin) and 5. (short) than one, but it is definitely 6. (frightening) than a blue whale. The Kraken is also 7. (dangerous) than a blue whale.

Today, we think the Kraken was probably the giant squid. This unusual animal is similar to an octopus, but it is 8. (aggressive) than an octopus. It sometimes attacks whales and even small ships.


silly • unusual • enjoyable

old • good-looking • popular

8. Lookatthepairsofpicturesbelow.Writesentencesabouteachpairusingtheadjectivesbelowit.Usethecomparativeformand(not) as ... as.

Brad Pitt Leonardo DiCaprio

The Simpsons House


Whales are bigger than sharks.Sharks are more dangerous than whales.


The whale is the biggest mammal in the world.It is the most disgusting creature on Earth.

(not)as ... as

The gigantic creature is as big as a bus.Whales aren’t as dangerous as sharks.


good – better than – the bestbad – worse than – the worst

Completetheruleswiththewordsbelow. the ... -est • more ... than • the most ...

as ... as • not as ... as • ... -er than1. We use or to compare two people, things

or groups.2. We use or to compare three or more people,

things or groups.3. We use to show two things are equal and to

show two things are not equal.Grammar Appendix,Workbook, page 98

11. Copyandcompletethesentenceswiththesuperlativeformoftheadjectivesbelow.

good • small • educational • famous • boring

1. John’s mark is 100. It’s mark in the class. 2. That programme makes people go to sleep. It is

programme on TV. 3. You can learn many things from documentaries.

I think they are programmes on television. 4. Susan’s house has only got one bedroom. It is

house in the neighbourhood. 5. Everyone knows about the Loch Ness Monster. It is

monster in the UK.

12. Completethetextwiththecorrectformoftheadjectivesinbrackets.

9. Inyournotebook,writethesuperlativeformoftheadjectivesfromExercises2and3.

10. Writetruesentenceswiththewordsbelow.Usethesuperlativeformoftheadjectivesandtheaffirmativeornegativeformofto be.

1. England / old / country / in the world 2. Asia / large / continent / on Earth 3. Mount Vesuvius / dangerous / volcano / in Europe 4. the USA / rich / country / in the world 5. the Thames / long / river / in the UK

Answers, page 70

13. Withapartner,compareeachgroupofitemsbelowinasmanywaysasyoucan.Usethecomparativeandsuperlativeformsofadjectivesand(not)as...as.

1. a horse • an athlete • an aeroplane 2. chocolate ice cream • onion soup • the sun 3. spaghetti • a snake • the Thames 4. a car • a museum • a stadium



Which dog is 1. (small) dog in the world? Who is 2. (strong) man on Earth? You can find the answers to these questions and many others in 3.

(popular) series of books in the world, Guinness World Records. That’s right. This amazing series is even 4. (popular) than the Harry Potter series, and thousands of people want to appear in it every year. Are you as 5. (fast) Usain Bolt or as 6. (intelligent) Albert Einstein? Can you make 7. (long) sandwich in the world in 8. (short) time? Then you can become famous. Visit the Guinness website and find out how to do it!

Join the Guinness World Records!

Comparison of Adjectives

1. Readtheexamples.Thencompletetherules.


Weusethesuperlativetoshowthatonethingissuperiortoalltheothers.Whenwemakecomparisonswiththe worldorEarth,weuseinbeforethe world,butonbeforeEarth.the oldest man in the world / the oldest man on Earth

Your Language

62 63





Intro 987654321

Your Language

1. VocabularyReadthedescriptions.Completethewordsinyournotebook.

1. It’s the opposite of boring. i 2. It describes something fun. e 3. It’s the opposite of under. a 4. It’s the action of moving your body to music. d 5. It means very bad. t

2. VocabularyReadthesentences.Choosethecorrectanswerforeachspace.

1. People haven’t got wings, so this painting isn’t . a. realistic b. special c. good-looking 2. Dan is buying meat at the . a. post office b. library c. butcher’s 3. A is a type of fish. a. shark b. hamster c. mosquito 4. People often put on their bread. a. rice b. cheese c. cake 5. Susan isn’t fat. She’s . a. old b. straight c. thin

3. GrammarCompletethetext.Writeonewordforeachspaceinyournotebook.

Many basketball players 1. very tall, but 2. any players 2.36 metres tall? That’s Sun Ming Ming’s height. Sun Ming Ming 3. basketball professionally and he is 4. tallest professional basketball player in history. The size of 5. shoes is 54.5 and he 6. 168 kilos. Now, 7. is a film about him. The name of 8. film is Anatomy of a Giant and you 9. watch it on the Discovery Health Channel.

4. GrammarCopyandcorrectthesentences.

1. Do you read a book at the moment? 2. Has got Dracula any hair? 3. You mustn’t to be late for the film. 4. There isn’t some food on the table. 5. My mark in sport is more good than my mark

in English.

5. VocabularyandGrammarReadthearticleaboutFrankenstein’smonster.Choosethebestanswerbelow(A,BorC)foreachspace.


1. looks is looking are looking

2. have got knows know

3. science scientist scientific

4. taller than tall the tallest

5. tails horns feet

6. curly thick ugly

7. not know doesn’t know don’t know

8. any some the

9. interesting exciting frightening

10. but because too Reading >> A Book Excerpt

1. Readthebookexcerptaboveandfindthenamesoftworealanimals,twovampires,atypeofvegetableandabook.

2. Copyandcompletethechartaccordingtothebookexcerpt.

These days, vampires are the stars of many popular books and films. But vampires also appear in books and films from long ago. These terrible creatures are the most interesting and the most frightening types of monsters in history. Is it because they never get old and they live forever? Maybe. Vampires are here to stay, so it’s probably a good idea to learn more about these dangerous creatures – real or not!

Old-fashioned VampiresThe most famous old-fashioned vampire is Count Dracula in the Irish writer Bram Stoker’s 1897 book Dracula. Old-fashioned vampires are thinner and fairer than humans. The sun can harm them and possibly kill them, so they sleep during the day and hunt at night. They can become bats and fly through an open window. They bite humans and drink their blood. Then the humans die or they become vampires, too!Tip: Old-fashioned vampires don’t like garlic. We suggest eating it every day – and keeping your hand over your mouth when you’re talking to your friends.

Modern VampiresThe most famous modern vampire is probably Edward Cullen from the Twilight books by Stephenie Meyer. Modern vampires look better than old-fashioned vampires. In fact, they look like humans – and they want to be like them, too. Many modern vampires study, work and live with people. Some, like the Cullens in Twilight, learn to drink animal blood instead of human blood because they want to protect their friends. Tip: Modern vampires aren’t as worried as old-fashioned vampires about garlic or the sun. But some of them don’t like wolves, so you are probably safe at the zoo.

TypeofVampire Appearance Food Doesn’tLike





Did you know?

3. Accordingtothebookexcerpt,arethefollowingsentencestrue,falseordoesn’titsay?Whichsentenceshelpedyoudecide?

1. Vampires stay young. 2. Dracula wasn’t Bram Stoker’s first book. 3. Some vampires can change their appearance. 4. People can become vampires. 5. Twilight is a series of books and films, too. 6. Some modern vampires want to protect humans. 7. The sun is extremely dangerous for modern vampires. 8. Vampire bats hunt only in the dark.

4. Findantonymsinthetextforthewordsbelow.

1. leave (lines 1-5) 4. live (v) (lines 6-15) 2. imaginary (lines 1-5) 5. harm (v) (lines 20-29) 3. closed (lines 6-15)







You 1. at a picture of Frankenstein’s monster. You probably 2. him from films, but Frankenstein’s monster is from a book by the 19th-century British writer Mary Shelley. In the book, the 3. Victor Frankenstein creates the monster. The monster is 4. a man and he has got very large hands and 5. . His face and body are very 6. because they are parts of different bodies. In the beginning, the monster 7. about his terrible appearance. He tries to communicate with people, but he hasn’t got 8. friends. Finally, he understands his problem – he looks 9. and everyone is afraid of him. He starts killing people 10. he wants to punish Victor Frankenstein.

Frankenstein’s Monster

stay • here to stay • stay here • stay away from • stay inMW Word


MW Word

Power history / story Practice: Language Builder, page 14

Workbook, page 43




Use of Language

64 65


RealEnglish Making Suggestions

Vocabulary >> Types of Films

1. LookatthetypesoffilmsinwhiteontheTVfilmchannelbelow.Canyougiveanexampleofyourownforeachtypeoffilm?

3. Choosethecorrectanswerstocompletethedialogues.

A: Let’s watch a western. B: No. I 1. don’t mind / don’t like westerns. How

about watching a comedy?A: I hate comedies. They’re 2. worse / better than


A: Do you want to see an action film?B: That’s a great idea! 3. I like / hate action films.

They’re really 4. exciting / boring.

A: Why don’t we watch a musical?B: Sorry, but musicals are so 5. silly / amazing.

I 6. don’t mind / hate them.






horror • I Am Legend • King Kong • The Mummy • The Wolfman • Twilight





Workbook, page 45


4. ListentoBenandEmilymakingplanstogotothecinema.WheredoesEmilywanttogobeforetheygotothecinema?

5. Listenagain.Copyandcompletethesentences.

1. doesn’t like action films. 2. The Time Traveller’s Wife is a . 3. The film starts at . 4. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is an film. 5. It is about the problem of .

6. Canyourememberthefollowingdetails?

1. Which action film do Ben and Emily mention? 2. Why can’t Emily go to the cinema in the evening? 3. Who is Flint Lockwood?

2. Copyandcompletethediagramwiththewordsbelow.ThenusethewordstoexpressyouropinionofthedifferenttypesoffilmsinExercise1.Doesyourpartneragree?

like • hate • don’t mind • love • don’t like





7. MatchAandBtoformsuggestions.


8. SayItRight!Listenandrepeat.

1. that • than /f/

2. think • three /e/

9. Yourfriendinvitesyoutoseeahorrorfilm.Whichofthefollowingwouldyousay?



A. WhichtypesoffilmsinExercise1arecognatesinyourlanguage?

B. Howmanyothercognatescanyoulistinthreeminutes?

Your Language

Speaking Task

10. Withapartner,makeplansfortheweekend.Decideonafilmandtwootheractivities.UsethesuggestionsandresponsesinExercises7and9tohelpyou.




a. to see a comedy?b. watch a musical!c. watching 2012?d. play tennis?e. like to have a picnic?

1. How about2. Would you3. Do you want4. Let’s5. Why don’t we

ATransformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Ice Age 3


66 67




Writing Plan, Workbook, page 121

Your Exam Skills

The best film to see this summer isdefinitelyUp.Up is an animated3D filmfor all ages. The main character is CarlFredricksen.HeandhiswifeloveexploringandtheydreamofgoingtoParadiseFallsinSouthAmericaoneday.However,Carl’swifediesandtheynevergetthere.Carlbecomes a lonely, angry old man. Thensomepeopletrytoputhiminahomeforoldpeople.Carl tiesballoons tohishouseand the house flies to South America. Ayoungboy,Russel,ishidinginCarl’shousewhenthishappens.HeandCarlhavemanyadventurestogether.Up isan interestingand exciting film, with a special messageforeveryone,soIreallyrecommendit.

The Film Up

Workbook, page 46

4. AnswerthequestionsaboutCharles’reviewinExercise3.

1. What is the name of the film? 2. What type of film is it? 3. Who are the main characters? 4. What are the main events in the film? 5. Why does the writer recommend it?

3. ReadCharles’reviewofafilm.Dotheopeningandclosingsentencestalkaboutthemainidea?Doesthebodyoftheparagraphsupportthemainidea?

Writing >> A Film Review

2. Putthefollowingsentencesinthecorrectordertomakeaparagraph.

a. I loved the film. It’s special. b. When Dre and his mother move to China, life is more

difficult than it was in the USA, but also more exciting. c. The Karate Kid is the most exciting film in the cinema

today. d. It is about Dre Parker, a 12-year-old boy from

Detroit, USA.

WritingHelp>>Organising Your Writing

1. Matchthepartsofaparagraphwiththeirfunction.

A 1. The opening sentence ... 2. The body ... 3. The closing sentence ... B a. sums up the main idea. b. gives information to support the main idea. c. introduces the topic and the main idea.

1. Readtheadvertandthee-mail.ThencopytheformforPeter’snotesandfillintheinformation.


Meet at: 1

Day: 2

Film: 3

Time of film: 4

Price of film and meal 5 £(per person):





Can you please buy us tickets for a film at

Langston Cinema this weekend? You can choose

the film. Just remember, I hate horror films! I’m

busy most of the weekend, but I’m free after

five o’clock on Friday. Tell me what time to be

there. Oh, and after the film, let’s have the special

dinner at Jill’s Café for only £7 per person.

See you soon!


Frankenstein and Me


Love and


Now Showing

Tickets: £5 after 7.00 pmMorning and Afternoon shows: £3

Langston Cinema


•Beforeyouwrite: Think of a film you like. Then answer the questions in

Exercise 4 about your film.

•Nowwrite: Use the writing model in Exercise 3 and your answers

to the questions to help you write your review.



3 Punctuation (page 18)

3 Word Order (pages 30 and 56)

3 Capital Letters (page 42)

3 Organising your Writing (page 68)

Writing Guide, Workbook, page 114

68 69


Advance Your Exam Skills

Name of book: 1

Name of author: 2

First published in: 3

Story takes place in: 4 , Romania

Main characters: 5

3. Copytheform.Thenlistentotwopeoplediscussingabookandcompletetheform.

4. Describeamonsterfromafilm,bookoryourimagination.Writeabout:

• where the monster is from • what it looks like • what it does


2. Workwithapartner.



The History of Film, page 132Real WorldExtra


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AnswersPage59, Exercise1:Real events: 2 and 3. Page63,Exercise10: 1. England isn’t the oldest country in the world. (It is one of these: San Marino, China, Iran or Iraq.) 2. Asia is the largest continent on Earth. 3. Mount Vesuvius is the most dangerous volcano in Europe. 4. The USA isn’t the richest country in the world. (It’s Luxembourg.) 5. The Thames isn’t the longest river in the UK. (It’s the Severn.)

WebExtra• Vocabulary Games• Grammar Exercises• Dialogue Builder• Web Activity

ExtraPractice• Dictation, Workbook, page 47• Check Your Progress,

Workbook, page 47• Advance Your Language, Workbook, page 48• Language Builder, page 15 www.burlingtonbooks.es/are1

The Unbelievable Museum


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