5.1 proteomics tools on expasy. 5.2 (part 1) primary, secondary, and tertiary protein structure

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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5.1 Proteomics tools on ExPASy

5.2 (Part 1) Primary, secondary, and tertiary protein structure

5.2 (Part 2) Primary, secondary, and tertiary protein structure

5.3 (Part 1) Protein structural profiles

5.3 (Part 2) Protein structural profiles

5.3 (Part 3) Protein structural profiles

5.4 (Part 1) Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

5.4 (Part 2) Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

5.5 Affinity chromatography

5.6 (Part 1) Basis of mass spectrometry peptide sequencing

5.6 (Part 2) Basis of mass spectrometry peptide sequencing

5.6 (Part 3) Basis of mass spectrometry peptide sequencing

5.7 (Part 1) Peptide sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry

5.7 (Part 2) Peptide sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry

5.8 (Part 1) Quantitative proteomics using ICAT reagents

5.8 (Part 2) Quantitative proteomics using ICAT reagents

5.8 (Part 3) Quantitative proteomics using ICAT reagents

5.8 (Part 4) Quantitative proteomics using ICAT reagents

5.9 (Part 1) Antibodies and immunohistochemistry

5.9 (Part 2) Antibodies and immunohistochemistry

5.10 Protein microarrays

5.11 Self-assembling NAPPA protein microarrays

5.12 (Part 1) Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screens

5.12 (Part 2) Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screens

5.13 Applications of structural proteomics

5.14 Flow diagram for solving a protein structure

5.15 The Drosophila Engrailed homeodomain dimer bound to DNA

5.16 (Part 1) Fold recognition

5.16 (Part 2) Fold recognition

5.17 Frequency of mutations recovered in “saturation” screens

5.18 (Part 1) The three major types of mutagen

5.18 (Part 2) The three major types of mutagen

5.18 (Part 3) The three major types of mutagen

5.19 (Part 1) F1 and F3 genetic screens

5.19 (Part 2) F1 and F3 genetic screens

5.20 (Part 1) Targeted mutagenesis

5.20 (Part 2) Targeted mutagenesis

5.21 (Part 1) Inhibitory RNA expression (RNAi)

5.21 (Part 2) Inhibitory RNA expression (RNAi)

5.22 Targeted loss- and gain-of-function genetics

5.23 Deficiency mapping

5.24 Transposon mutagenesis and enhancer trap screens

5.25 Floxing mice

5.26 Genetic fingerprinting

Box 5.1 (Part 1) Hidden Markov Models in Domain Profiling

Box 5.1 (Part 2) Hidden Markov Models in Domain Profiling

Box 5.2 (Part 1) Biological Networks In Genome Science

Box 5.2 (Part 2) Biological Networks In Genome Science

Box 5.2 (Part 3) Biological Networks In Genome Science

Box 5.2 (Part 4) Biological Networks In Genome Science

Box 5.3 (Part 1) Transgenic Animals and Plants

Box 5.3 (Part 2) Transgenic Animals and Plants

Exercise 5.1 Structural annotation of a protein

Exercise 5.2 (Part 1) Identification of a protein on the basis of a MS profile

Exercise 5.2 (Part 2) Identification of a protein on the basis of a MS profile

Exercise 5.3 Formulating a network of protein interactions

Exercise 5.4 Designing a genetic screen

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