4.4-4.5 multiple alleles, incomplete dominance and codominance

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4.4-4.5 Multiple Alleles, Incomplete dominance and Codominance. Pages 143-145. Complete dominance. One allele is dominant over the other PP purple flowers Pp purple flowers pp white flowers. Incomplete Dominance. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


4.4-4.5 Multiple Alleles, Incomplete dominance and Codominance

Pages 143-145

Complete dominance

• One allele is dominant over the other• PP purple flowers• Pp purple flowers• pp white flowers

Incomplete Dominance

Occurs when neither allele dominates the other and both have an influence on the individual.

Incomplete dominance results in partial expression of both traits.

Incomplete dominance in impatiens

photo from: kids.britannica.com

Incomplete Dominance in Animals

Rex rabbit (short fur)crossed with angora rabbit (long fur)

Photo from: buzzle.com

Punnett Square

Image by: fhs-bio-wiki.pbworks.com

CodominanceOccurs when both alleles are expressed fully to produce offspring with a third phenotype. (Polka dot)

Codominance in short horn cattle

home.comcast.net hobart.k12.in.us

Blood types

There are 3 alleles for bloodtype:

IA , IB , i




• Each allele codes for a different enzyme that places different types of sugars on the surface of a red blood cell.

There are three possible alleles for blood type

• i• IA

• IB

There are four types of blood

Type AType B

Type ABType O

Genotypes and Phenotypes

IA IA blood type AIB IB blood type BIA IB blood type ABIA i blood type AIB i blood type Bii blood type O


Type A blood has anti-B antigens. If a person with A-type blood receives B-type blood or AB-type blood, it will clot.

Blood types


Blood type O

The universal donor because people with every blood type can receive O-type blood without a danger of it clotting.

Blood Type AB

The universal recipient because people with AB blood can receive any type of blood

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