4327 organizational behavior (ob)

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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4327 Organizational Behavior (OB). Course Introduction. Class intro Objectives. Who am I? Why should you take a organizational behavior class? What’s in the course The mechanics of the course Mostly MEGO. Who am I?. Paul Forshey I grew up in a family business… until I was 30. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


4327 Organizational Behavior (OB)

Course Introduction


Class intro Objectives

1. Who am I?2. Why should you take

a organizational behavior class?

3. What’s in the course4. The mechanics of the

course5. Mostly MEGO


Who am I? Paul Forshey

I grew up in a family business… until I was 30. Roles.. Power… Conflict

I got my bachelor’s and master’s degree from Penn State University… worked full time.

I am ABD at UW-Milwaukee. I started working when I was 15. I have primarily worked in agribusiness or

Construction industries – not counting jobs while attending college.


Why take an OB course? OB principles effect every level of the organization

Help you understand yourself Help you understand your coworkers Help you understand situations and predict outcomes.

Survivor TV show example. Understanding OB principles may help you personally as

well as professionally It’s interesting… And, I realize you may need the …. I am pragmatist!

Sun Tzu analogy… Does anyone know the phrase “know your enemy”


What’s is Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior is the study of: Individual and group dynamics in organizations.

Organizations: are a group of people working together for common goal: produce a product, provide a service ets.

A structure through which individuals cooperate systematically to conduct business. (Dictionary.com)

In the context of other business studies, OB is a micro, internally focused perspective of the firm / organization

Your book refers to internal / external at an individual level.

Groups Set up groups (hold till week 2 at TAMU)

Tell group something unique about yourself Who has the most unique story

Discuss your schedules: you’ll need this… trust me

Find a place to sit



What’s in the course Syllabus sections

The first section is the course description, grading, etc.

The second section is the schedule *note change from draft on readings

The text provides the necessary knowledge In class and online work provide practice for

the application of this knowledge.


Participation Grading continued

So, how to you get 100% Note that the points are not additive.

70% is you show up and turn assignments in on time. Hybrid classes require that you log in and participate

85% if you turn assignments in on time and demonstrate knowledge of the subject.

95% if you show analytical thought in either verbally or in written form.

100% only if you show up on time and demonstrate superior performance in both written and verbal class participation.

Work is Late—subtract 10% points from the total for each day the memo is late up to 5 days (for example a grade that would have been a 95 a day late is 85%, 2 days late 75%... Down to a 50%).

If you are sick and cannot perform the work, get documentation and let me know as soon as possible.


Mechanics Case entries are a small group exercise.

Since this is an online course you are expected to participate 3 times a week on an online discussion.

You must read the chapter, do the minicase and read the case (not the minicase) for the assigned chapter or chapters.

Minicases are due before Tuesday morning at 7am. Then, you must go online with your group to discuss

the questions that go with the case study. Finally, you must bring your results to class.


Mechanics Mid terms and Finals

There are three tests scheduled. They will be multiple choice. Since this is the first time I have taught this class,

the tests will be graded on a curve. This may help you but it may also hurt you

I may choose any one of the in-class or online assignment as a quiz.

You will only be given a short warning The quiz will then become 5% of your final test

grade. I have never done this… yet!


Mechanics Demo Blackboard

Jump to Black TAMU home. Demo WIKI

Jump to WIKI Contact me using e-mail (pforshey@uwm.edu) Twitter: PRForshey


Mechanics continued

Demo library retrieval: Business Source Elite (EBSCO)

Kelly, Robert & Caplan, Janet. 1993. How bell labs creates star performers. Harvard Business Review, (Jul Aug), 128-139.

break for computer lab (optional)



ORGB intro is next

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