40 years2020 vision oasis · own racism. we can wear masks for others’ benefit. we can love,...

Post on 09-Jul-2020






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July/August 2020 Oasis — page 1

We remain on a ‘Safety Sabbatical’ for in-person events

How long will this lack of in-person events and worship continue? No one can say for sure. We are monitoring the situation carefully, especially the recommendations of our governor, the CDC, and the Southwest Conference. We are all eager to be together, especially for worship.

We welcome those who have found us online, and ponder how the Spirit will lead us forward.

40 YEARS...2020 VISION


—July/August 2020—

Bible Study … p. 3

Birthdays … p. 8

Book Club … p. 8

Calendar … p. 8

Care Ministry … p. 6

Council Update … p. 1

Favorite Hymn … p. 5

Gift Policy … p. 10

Justa Center … p. 6

Mission Outreach … p. 9

In Memoriam … p. 10

Moderator’s Musings … p.4

Parish Personals … p. 7

Pastor’s Message … p.3

Treasurer … p. 5

Website … p. 6

Worship … p. 2


Church Council Summary

The Council met via Zoom on Tuesday, June 16, at 9:30 a.m. — with 16 present and two guests; it took the following actions:

Approved the May financial reports. We are ahead by $16,000 for the year even with a $7,000 shortfall for May.

Received an positive update from Bill Johnston, chair of the profile prep team.

Received an updated directory of church leaders and committee members.

Adopted a new policy for automatically allocating undesignated legacy gifts.

Endorsed Alice Goss’ application to be a UCC Member in Discernment, and established a scholarship fund for her seminary education.

Approved (with regret) the Personnel Committee’s discontinuing the Administrative Assistant position.

There will no in-church worship through the month of July.

The meeting adjourned at 10:55. Next meeting: July 21st,

at 9:30 a.m.

July/August 2020 Oasis — page 2

Each service will be posted on our website by late Saturday afternoon. (If we begin “live-

streaming” that will happen live Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.) The readings in bold print are the focus scriptures for that Sunday. We will welcome Alice Goss, Michael Curry, and Rev.

Bob Carlson to our ‘virtual pulpit’ as noted below. Join us on Zoom in the DG Café each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.! See our website for log-in details.

July 5, Communion Sunday - have your bread and juice or wine ready to participate. Pastor Len’s homily is “The Ultimate Fahrvergnügen”, and he will be assisted by Swanee Pringle as liturgist. The lectionary readings are Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67; Psalm 45:10-17; Romans 7:15-25a; and Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30.

July 12, 6th Sunday after Pentecost: Alice Goss preaches her first sermon - titled, “Which Soil Are You?”. She is assisted by Pastor Len and Adell Hansen as liturgists. Today’s readings are Genesis 25:19-34; Psalm 119:105-112; Romans 8:1-11; Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23.

July 19, 7th Sunday after Pentecost: Pastor Len’s homily is “Thin Places”; he is assisted by Dick Einerson as liturgist. The lectionary readings are Genesis 28:10-19a; Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24; Romans 8:12-25; Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43. Jane Matthis will offer a stewardship moment.

July 26, 8th Sunday after Pentecost: Our guest will be Michael Curry, the Southwest Conference Lay Minister for Disability Education, Awareness and Advocacy. His message is “Standing in the Way”; his text is Luke 5:17-26. (The lectionary readings are Genesis 29:15-28; Psalm 105:1-11, 45b; Romans 8:26-39; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52.) Our liturgists are Cindy Dauterive and Pastor Len. Michael will join us for the DG Café that day as well.

August 2, Communion Sunday - have your bread and juice or wine ready to participate. Pastor Len’s meditation is “Spirituality: To the Mat!”. Today’s readings are Genesis 32:22-31; Psalm 17:1-7, 15; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:13-21.

August 9, 10th Sunday after Pentecost: The Rev. Bob Carlson returns to DGUCC! His message is “Faith Notes, Part 1” highlighted by hymns composed by his sister, Dosia Carlson. Pastor Len and Jan Trella will be our liturgists. Today’s readings are Genesis 45:1-15; Psalm 133; Romans 10:5-15; Matthew 14:22-23.

August 16, 11th Sunday after Pentecost: Bob Carlson’s homily is “Faith Notes, Part 2”; today’s readings are Genesis 29:15-28; Psalm 105:1-11; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32; Matthew 15:10-20, 21-28. Our liturgist is Alice Goss.

August 23, 12th Sunday after Pentecost: Pastor Len’s homily is “Life on the Altar” - and Joanne Talarico is the liturgist. Kathy Smith will offer a stewardship moment. Today’s readings are Exodus 1:8 thru 2:10; Romans 12:1-8; Matthew 16:13-20.

August 30, 13th Sunday after Pentecost: Pastor Len’s homily is “Surprise Them”; he is assisted by John C. Smith as liturgist. The lectionary readings are Exodus 3:1-15; Psalm 105; Romans 12:9-21; Matthew 16:21-28.

Worship in July and August

July/August 2020 Oasis — page 3

from Pastor Len’s {virtual} desk...

Pastor (Interim)


patience for



“How Long, O Lord?” Psalm 13 begins with those plaintive words. It continues: “Will

you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?” Have you ever felt that way? Most of us have. I certainly have. Collectively, there may be a lot of that feeling around now.

How long… until Covid-19 no longer keeps us from much that we enjoy… including in-person worship where we can see, hear and touch our friends?

How long… until the financial obstacles faced by so many are overcome by a rebounded economy that features a just economic system?

How long… until there is true racial equality, and, as Martin Luther King, Jr. hoped, people are judged by their character rather than their skin color or culture?

How long… until there is a new settled pastor in place at Desert Garden UCC?

I am sure that you are adding your own items to the list; were we to compile them the shared list would be profound.

Having patience for God’s timing (kairos) is a challenge for many of us. Locked in our own earthbound time (chronos), we chafe at constant reminders that we are not running the universe. Our impatience may cause us to miss the opportunities in the difficult present moment, challenging as it is. Our drive to have things our own way, and now, always has consequences.

On the other hand, not everything is up to God. There is much that we are doing, or could be, to move things along toward God’s promised reign. We can show justice to others. We can tackle our own racism. We can wear masks for others’ benefit. We can love, care, share and serve in sacrificial ways that cause healing grace to flow. We can re-commit to being Christ’s hands, feet, and voice.

I wish you summer blessings even as we wait actively to see what God is up to. Onward>>>

No Pastor’s Bible Study in July New Study Series in August We are taking July off, so there will be no Wednesday afternoon Zoom studies for the month.

Starting on August 12th, Pastor Len will begin a new series he calls Bible 101. It is designed

for those who want an introduction (or a refresher) to what is in the bible. All levels of bible

knowledge and familiarity are welcome, and special attention will be paid to introductory

basics. There are no silly questions! Invite your friends to join us.

July/August 2020 Oasis — page 4

Moderator’s Message for July/August 2020

The bad news is that Covid-19 continues to spike in Arizona and particularly in Maricopa County. We do not plan to open for Sunday services in July, but we are hopeful that August will bode better for us. Our Church Council will decide later in July as to when opening might be possible. The good news is that we have received what will become Camera #2 for our live streaming effort. Dennis and I hope to mount it in its place above the main sanctuary doorway this week (June 24-26) and test the system. Then we will be ready for limited live streaming from the sanctuary. This means that our weekly worship service will be available on our website and on YouTube at 9:30 Sunday mornings before live cameras. The service will also be available, as it is now, for later viewing as many times as you wish. We praise God that this way of reaching out to our congregation, and indeed to the world, will soon be possible! Stay tuned for the exact timing.

We are living in tumultuous times. (I don’t really need to tell you that, do I?) I work very hard as your moderator not to be political and I will continue to do so. However, I do think it needs to be said that we as a group should realize that we have been the recipients of great privilege over the years, often termed as “white privilege”. Its certainly understandable that we should be grateful to God for all we have, but we also need to ask for forgiveness that we have not done enough to extend this privilege to minorities in our midst. This is a very personal matter and I leave it to each of us to pray earnestly for ways we can bring our society to a higher place for all. I like the image of America as that gleaming city on a hill. I just hope we can truly deserve that admiration from the rest of the world.

I want to extend my thanks to all of you who have taken the responsibility of protecting and nurturing the fragile members of our congregation. We have several members and friends who are going through challenging times and we all need to extend a helping hand whenever we can. In many cases the most important thing you can do is to just be there for others, to communicate, to encourage, and to direct their attention to our Savior Jesus Christ. We need to be aware that we are Christ’s representatives here on earth.

In a wider sense, thanks to all who have given time and treasure to causes we support such as Valley View Food Bank, Justa Center, the Salvation Army, and other worthwhile organizations. And thanks to those collecting bags, creating plarn and making those amazing plastic mats. We really can make a difference to the world we live in. Hang in there everyone. We will come out of the current crisis stronger and better than ever. And I pray it will bring us closer to God.

John Houlette Desert Garden Moderator

Moderator’s Musings

“...we all

need to

extend a

a helping


LED Sign

The electronic sign

in front of the

church has needed

a new fan to keep

it cool during hot

days or when the

sun shines directly

on it. A new fan is

installed and the

sign is working


Camera #2

July/August 2020 Oasis — page 5

Treasurer’s Page

–Patty Nordahl,


“Our financial

picture looks

stable through


Request Your Favorite Hymn! In each service we are featuring at least one Hymn-by-Request. What is

your favorite? Send it along to pastorlen@desertgardenchurch.org or leave a

message on the church answering machine. We’ll do our best to get them all

in...watch and listen for yours each Sunday.

Our Finance and Property Committee, and I as your Treasurer are entrusted with the stewardship of your generous donations, for the missions we are aligned with and the ongoing expenses of our facility and staff (who we all know are essential workers!). We are also committed to raising funds to ensure that Desert Garden not merely continues to “get by”, but thrives despite these unstable, unprecedented and uncertain times.

As always, thank you for your generous giving. Despite an expected budget deficit in May, we are still about $17,000 ahead of budget for the year. (The pre-paid pledges are a help!) Our members continue to give faithfully by mail and automatic withdrawal.

Our financial picture looks stable through 2020 if our projections hold true. However, stable is not ideal, nor enough going into 2021. We are coming into a time when we need to have more financial reserves for three important reasons:

1) We will be deciding on a fair and enticing wage to offer a new pastor as well as expenses related to hiring (moving, transportation etc. for any visits to SCW required in the vetting process);

2) We have some ongoing facility needs that need to be addressed; and

3) We have no idea how long these “uncertain times” will last.

Our budget for next year will have to go up, and we need to be thinking now about how to plan for that. The Stewardship and Finance & Property Committees are working as a team on this.

There is more news related to Finance in this Oasis: new policy on undesignated legacy gifts; ways to give; new scholarship fund; and the Stewardship article.

Finally, as I fondly remember Pastor Sam saying… “In the conclusion”, we are looking for another member-at-large for our Finance and Property Committee. Please, prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve Desert Garden, and contact John Houlette or I if you are interested or have questions. It is a great group of people to work with.

Yours in Jesus’ love, —Patty Nordahl

July/August 2020 Oasis — page 6

Reaching Out, Making a Difference

Our Website … New Signs … notes from the Publicity Committee

Watch your email for the ‘grand opening’ of a fresh, new website for DGUCC! The Publicity Committee has been working on this project for many months, and has found an excellent host company in California that specializes in church websites. The new site will be easier to find, easier to read, and more interactive. Our thanks go to Cindy Dauterive, Bryce Bettin and Craig Olinger for their dedication to this project.

In addition, new signs are soon to installed over the main sanctuary doors and in the parking lot to assist visitors to our campus.

At the Justa Center, Rudy Solis, left, gratefully accepts six plarn mats from John and Kathy Smith. Making plarn mats for Justa Center clients is moving forward by members of Desert Garden UCC despite the COVID crisis. Plarn is plastic yarn made by cutting plastic

bags into strips, looping the strips, and then knitting or crocheting sleeping mats. Rudy, Justa Center staff coordinator, reports that the day center which services homeless individuals over 55 has seen needs grow significantly. Ruth Dent, co-chair of the Mission Outreach

Committee, said that the church is hoping to increase its on-going financial support for Justa Center. To make a financial donation or to learn how to plarn, check the website at www.desertgardenchurch.org or our Facebook page.

Plarn mat

made by



Green Care Team June Report

Pat Riffle sent out 18 birthday cards and Sally Koffman sent 20 various cards to

membership (get well, thinking of you, sympathy, etc.).

Care ministers are missing contact with membership and we all pray that soon we will

be back together before the year ends! --Alice Desens and Jan Davis, co-chairs

At the Justa Center:

July/August 2020 Oasis — page 7

Parish Personals

Can I get a witness?

Tell Us How You Love, Care, Share, Serve

The Stewardship Committee invites you to submit short (up to 100 words) testimonies as to how you have embodied these core values of Desert Garden - or how you have seen it in others. We will collect them and share them as part of our ongoing time/talent/treasure emphasis.

You may participate by completing the form at www.desertgardenchurch.org/time-talent-treasure or by emailing to office@desertgardenchurch.org. Your ‘testimony’ will be inspiring to others!

“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world

through Him might be saved.” —John 3:17

Alice Goss Applies to be a UCC ‘MID’

In the UCC, the first official step on the road to ordination is

acceptance by one of the 35 conferences as a Member in

Discernment, or MID. At its June meeting, the Church Council

unanimously endorsed Alice’s application to the Southwest

Conference. The next step will be a meeting with the Committee

on Church and Ministry. Keep Alice in your prayers as she

steps out on this bold journey.

Scholarship Fund Established

As Alice Goss starts her three-year journey toward an M.Div. degree and ordination, she faces daunting tuition costs north of $20,000 per year. Pastor Len has recommended strongly against student loans and Alice is pursuing any and every scholarship. Your contributions to our fund, proceeds of which will be paid to Chicago Theological Seminary, are invited as part of our overall support.

July/August 2020 Oasis — page 8

What’s Happening in July & August? There are no in-person events until further notice. Committees can meet via Zoom.com; chairs can establish a free account, or Pastor Len or John Houlette can “host.” (John also serves as our “help desk.”) On a regular basis:

• Saturdays: The week’s recorded worship service is uploaded to our website by 4:40 p.m.; click on <Worship Videos> at the top of the page. The week’s bulletin is also e-mailed and posted on the website each Saturday, complete with hymns.

• Sundays: Each Sunday we will meet for a virtual DG Café via Zoom at 10:30 a.m. … details on how to join in are in the bulletin, on our website, and will be e-mailed.

• Bible study: Each Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. See page 3, none in July, begin August 12

• Finance & Property Committee: July 9, 9:30 a.m. via Zoom. August to be determined

• Worship Committee: July 5, 11:00 a.m. via Zoom 860 1950 8333. August TBD

• Church Council: July 21, 9:30 a.m. via Zoom. August TBD

• Book Club: July 27, 10:00 a.m. via Zoom (see our website). August 24, 10:00 a.m. - Zoom

• Publicity Committee: July 26, 11:15 a.m. via Zoom. August TBD

• Profile Committee: Each Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom.

Gail Mattson July 02

Donald Woolpert July 03

Carol Lauterbach July 05

Doug Nordahl July 10

Beverly Grauer July 12

Margaret Pippitt July 14

Robert Davis July 21

Cindy Dauterive July 24

Marsha Griep July 28

Marion Bradley Aug. 04

Judy Riddle Aug. 05

Bob Baisden Aug. 12

Patty Nordahl Aug. 12

Sharon Astle Aug. 12

Arthur Ellersieck Aug. 13

Robert Schmidt Aug. 13

Mary Kate Patterson Aug. 17

June Nielsen Aug. 18

Stanley Quick Aug. 24

Walter Schalm Aug. 24

Alice Goss Aug. 29

Suzanne Calvin Aug. 31

Alla’s Book Club Books for July, August, September & October

4th Mondays, 10 a.m.—Live on Zoom

July 27 The Woman in the White Kimono Author: Ana Johns

Led by: Lynn Norton

August 24 After Anna Author: Lisa Scottoline Led by: Barbara Walden

September 28 The Bookshop of the Broken Hearted

Author: Robert Hillman Led by: Mary Wepfer

October 26 The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

Author: Holly Ringland Led by: Mary Kate Patterson

July/August 2020 Oasis — page 9


The Mission Outreach work here at Desert Garden is in high gear this summer, especially with our efforts to support Valley View Food Bank and Justa Center.

Recent Food Bank Contributions: FOOD CASH May, 2020 825 lbs. $4,250.00 June, 2020 120 lbs. $ 555.00

We tip our hat to Alice Desens for delivering to the food bank and to John and Kathy Smith for taking items to Justa Center.

We continue to collect bottled water for the Salvation Army’s hydration stations.

Remember that the needs of these agencies are as great as ever during our hot summers. The church office will continue to receive donations Monday through Wednesday 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Drop off your donations at the church office, leaving them on the cart provided.

For more information on the needs for Justa Center, check out the website: www.justacenter.org.

HART Pantry:

Let’s get ready for school! Even though we do not know what the coming school year will look like, we can be sure that our teens served by HART Pantry will need school supplies. Beginning on July 6th, you may drop off your gifts of pens, pencils, notebook paper, rulers, colored pencils and calculators outside the church office. For more

information on HART (Helping At-Risk Teens) Pantry visit the Pantry’s website at: www.hartpantry.org

Thank you! Together we will make a difference!

Administrative Assistant Position Ends

The Personnel Committee has voted to end the Administrative

Assistant position as of June 30, and the Council concurs. Sadly, this

means ending our employer relationship with Joy Fanning. Joy’s

positive presence in the office will be missed. We thank her for her

service with us, and we thank her and Mike for their generosity in so

many ways over the past months. We hope to see them again when it is

okay to gather in person.

For now, Annette will assume most of the duties with an assist from

volunteers—and Pastor Len. We will re-evaluate our needs in the Fall.

July/August 2020 Oasis — page 10

And … Finally ...

Desert Garden United Church of Christ 18818 N. 128th Avenue — Sun City West, AZ 85375

PHONE: 623-584-1795 — WEBSITE: www.desertgardenchurch.org EMAIL: office@desertgardenchurch.org

————————————————— Rev. Len Silvester, Pastor (Interim) — Annette Strangman, Business Manager

Dennis Marsollier, Music Director — Claudia Marsollier, Organist/Bell Director Alice Goss, Pastoral Intern / E-mail prayer coordinator

Duane Scholler, Custodian — Craig Olinger, Electronics Tech

New Legacy Gift Policy Approved

On the recommendation of the Finance and Property Committee, the Council adopted a

new policy for undesignated legacy gifts (from estates, wills, etc.). Starting immediately, such

gifts will be automatically divided as follows:

20% to Mission Outreach Fund

40% to Reserves (can be used for unexpected expenses)

40% to Endowment Fund (principal is not used)

Of course, donors may also designate their gifts, and those designations will be honored.

If you want to discuss the lifetime benefits of planned giving, contact Patty Nordahl.

In Memoriam: John Larson

John was one of two remaining charter members at Desert Garden UCC (his wife,

Flora, being the other). He left this life on

June 22 after months of illness. Many of you attended a farewell reception for them last

Fall after they attended worship and just

before their move to Anthem to be near family. In their prime, they were active at Desert Garden in every possible

way. There will be no service here, and burial will be in a family plot in

South Dakota. A white carnation for John will be featured at our July 12th worship.

We are grateful for John’s dedication and service;

Well done, good and faithful servant!

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