4 january 3, 2018 districts bjp-pdp govt working against...

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  • Wednesday January 3, 20184 DISTRICTS750 Kgs Lahan, 20 pouches

    of illicit liquor destroyed STATE TIMES NEWS

    KATHUA/AKHNOOR: In order to curb the menace of illic-it distillation of liquor, Excise Department Jammu tight-ened its noose on violators of the various provisions of theJ&K Excise Act in entire Jammu division.

    On the directions of the Excise Commissioner Mohd. JavedKhan and supervision of Deputy Excise Commissioner(Executive), Jammu Syed Muried Hussain Shah, the ExciseTeam Kathua led by ETO Excise Range Kathua, Mr VikasAnand, Inspectors Excise Arun Kumar and SanjeevKhajuria along with Excise Guards Balbir Singh and Mohd.Ramzan raided the Chibbachak, Ladhuchak and Banyariareas of Kathua district to arrest the menace of illicit distil-lation of liquor.

    In the process more than 700 Kgs of Lahan and 20 pouch-es of illicit liquor was recovered by the raiding team fromstate land & later destroyed on spot.

    Meanwhile in Akhnoor, a party of Police Station Akhnoorled by Shiv Dev Singh Jamwal SHO, on an informationabout liquor distillation conducted a raid at village Panokharand destroyed 50 Ltrs. Lahan. Utensils used for preparingillicit liquor were seized. A case vide FIR No.269/2017 wasregistered.

    11 bovines rescued, smuggler flees STATE TIMES NEWS

    SAMBA: Police on Tuesday foiled a bovine smuggling bid byrescuing 11 bovines, however smuggler managed to escapefrom the spot.

    As per the details, a party of Ghagwal Police Station head-ed by SI Rajeshwar Singh SHO on the basis of informationlaid a Naka at Tapyal and signaled a truck (JK02AH/5977)coming from Kathua side. Instead of stopping the vehicle,driver accelerated it and tried to escape but police chased itand intercepted the vehicle after a short distance. On check-ing, police found 11 bovines laden in it which were rescued.A case vide FIR No.2/2018 under section 188 RPC,2/3 PACAct,179,183 MV Act was registered and investigation is onto nab the driver.

    2 bootleggers nabbed with liquor STATE TIMES NEWS

    RAJOURI/KATHUA: Police on Tuesday arrested two boot-leggers and recovered liquor pouches and bottles from theirpossession.

    As per the details, on the basis of a specific input, a policeteam headed by SHO Kandi Mohd Manzoor Kohli under thesupervision of DySP OPs Sukhdev Singh during Nakachecking at Mandir Gala on Rajouri - Kandi Road intercept-ed one pedestrian namely Kamal Singh son of Jagdev Singhresident of Sakri. On search of his belongings, police recov-ered 52 liquor pouches and five wine bottles from his posses-sion. A case vide FIR NO.02/2018 under section 48-AExcise Act was registered against him at Police StationKandi. In another case, acting on a specific information aparty of Police Station Lakhanpur and Check Post KeerianGandyal led by Inspector Kulbir Singh Choudhary SHOPolice Station Lakhanpur under the direct supervision ofParul Bhardwaj Dy.SP DAR conducted a raid near KullaShah Din, Keerian Gandyal and recovered nine bottles ofrum, three bottles of whiskey from the possession of oneVarun Sharma son of Parmanand Sharma resident ofKeerian Gandyal. A case vide FIR No. 01/2018 under sec-tion 48 A /50 Excise Act was registered against him at PoliceStation Lakhanpur.

    Trucker nabbed with 20 kg poppy straw STATE TIMES NEWS

    CHENANI: Police on Tuesday arrested a trucker and recov-ered 20 kg of poppy straw from the vehicle.

    As per the details, a party of Police Station Chenani led byInsp Paramjit Singh SHO intercepted a truck (JK-02-BQ-2783) and during checking recovered 20 kg poppy straw hid-den in the inbuilt spaces in the cabin of truck. Driver of thetruck identified as Kulwant Singh son of Aasa Singh resi-dent of Musa Chack Teh RS Pura Distt Jammu was arrest-ed and a case vide FIR No 04/18 under section 8/15 NDPSAct was registered against him at Police Station Chenani .

    Absconder nabbed STATE TIMES NEWS

    AKHNOOR: Police on Tuesday arrested an absconder whowas evading his arrest since long.

    As per the details, Akhnoor Police arrested one abscondernamely Kaka Ram alias Lilli son of Mohan Lal resident ofBajighar Basti Tehsil Akhnoor Distt Jammu who wasinvolved in case vide FIR No.97/2014 under section 379RPC of Police Station Akhnoor and was absconding sincelong. The Court has already issued warrant under section512 CrPC against the above said absconder. Arrest wasmade by the team headed by SHO Police Station AkhnoorInspr. Shiv Dev Singh and HC Sadari Lal under the super-vision of SDPO Akhnoor Munish Anand.

    Elderly man found dead STATE TIMES NEWS

    UDHAMPUR: An elderly man was found dead in mysteri-ous circumstances near Railway Station Udhampur onTuesday. According a report, body of 63 years Manu Bhaison of Shambu resident of Gujarat at present AdarshColony Udhampur was found near Railway StationUdhampur. His body was shifted to District HospitalUdhampur where doctors declared him as brought dead.Police handed over the body to his family members afterconducting the autopsy and registered a case under 174 Cr.PC. for investigation.

    STATE TIMES NEWS HIRANAGAR: Dr. ManoharLal Sharma, Senior CongressLeader, PCC GeneralSecretary and formerMinister on Tuesday con-vened a Congress Samelan ofBlock Congress Hiranagarand Kandi Block at JandyalBhavan, Hiranagar in whichDistt. Congress PresidentSubash Gupta, NareshSharma former PresidentMunicipal Council, Kathuaand a large number of promi-nent citizens includingCongress delegates partici-pated. While addressing thegathering, Dr Manohar saidthat the State BJP and PDPGovt. is working against theinterest of the people of theJammu province particularlyagainst the youth since itsformation.

    Dr. Sharma said that theState BJP Govt. crossed alllimits to satisfy their greedfor power in the past threeyears and compromised theinterest of the people of theircore constituencies whether itmay be due share in employ-

    ment, fund allotment in dif-ferent sectors and equalshare in major projects to thethree regions of the State.

    Dr. Sharma said that thereis enough anger among theyouth of Jammu Provinceover the discriminatory atti-tude of the State Govt. andits recruitment agencies, butthe state BJP Govt. doesn'tbother to listen to the youthand rectify their wrong poli-cies of employment.

    All the participants stronglycriticised the anti-people poli-cies of the BJP Govt. at the

    national as well as the Statelevel like price rise, unem-ployment, corruption andlack of basic facilities likedrinking water, ration andsugar in Govt. fair priceshops and disruption of elec-tricity supply.

    Prominent people whospoke on the occasion wereCapt. Tara Chand, MurariLal, Surinder Singh,Sarpanch Tilak Raj Srama,Anant Nam Dogra, PaveenBhagat, Ramesh Kundal,Ajeet Kumar (Rtd. Ranger),Ranjit Singh( Youth Leader).

    BJP-PDP Govt working againstinterest of Jammu: Manohar

    PCC General Secretary Dr. Manohar Lal Sharma addressing a gathering at Hiranagar.

    STATE TIMES NEWS UDHAMPUR: DistrictD e v e l o p m e n tCommissioner, RavinderKumar took a firsthandaccount of ongoing expan-sion works of NationalHighway from Udhampurto Chenani starting fromGole Mela Bridge Phangyalto Chenani Tunnel onTuesday.

    During the tour DDC tookstock of connectivity ofNHAI with Dhar road atGole Mela Chowk, lightvehicle crossing bridge atJakhani, shifting of utilitiesby PHE, shifting of CRPFcamp to alternate identifiedlocation, damages caused tothe houses and propertiesdue to construction andexcavation of NH-44 alongUdhampur-Chenani sec-tion, smooth plying of traf-fic on Udhampur-ChenaniRoad.

    The DDC directed theProject Director, NH toadopt appropriate measuresto decongest the trafficalong Gole Mela Chowk to

    National Highway.DDC also directed CEO

    MC to identify a suitablelocation for dumpinggarbage so that all the bot-tlenecks are removed fortime bound expansion ofNH. While interacting withpeople, the DDC directedthe concerned to resolveissues of paucity of drink-ing water supply and con-struction of retaining wall

    along the NH for the safetyof public assets on priority.

    SSP, Rayees Bhat,Additional DeputyCommissioner, Krishan Lal,Assistant CommissionerRevenue, Subash Dogra,Project Director NHAI,Ajay Kumar, CEO, MCSantosh Kotwal, Xen PHE,Ashok Kumar and otherdistrict officers accompa-nied DDC on the tour.

    DDC for early completion ofUdhampur-Chenani NH expansion

    DDC Ravinder Kumar taking stock of work on NH.

    STATE TIMES NEWS BHADARWAH: To moti-vate the rural youth espe-cially those from fairer sexthat instead of falling preyto the increasing drug men-ace in the society, theyshould join Prime Minister'sSkill India Programme, AllIndia Council forProfessional Excellence(AICPE) in collaborationwith Ess and Ess Instituteof Technology(SSIT) andSAIFI organised a motiva-tional programme atAdditional DistrictBhadarwah on Tuesday.

    The motivational cam-paign in which dozens ofunemployed youth fromBhadarwah town and it'speripheral areas participat-ed was aimed at to inspirethem to join the PrimeMinister's Skill IndiaProgramme and to becomeeconomically self reliant andalso spread the messageagainst increasing drugabuse in society particularlyamong youth.

    The campaign was organ-ised by SSIT Bhadarwah,which imparts technicalskills in different trades

    among the youth underPMKVY and AICPE pro-grammes of Ministry ofSkill Development andE n t - r e p r e n e u r s h i p ,Government of India, in col-laboration with SAIFI-ahealing touch researchBureau for Social Welfare inIndia.

    While delivering his lectureto motivate youth to say 'Noto Drugs' and to inspirethem to instead join PrimeMinister's Skill IndiaProgramme, Dr MudassirNazar, a research scholarUniversity of Kashmir, said,"Economic stability is mustto weed out the drug menacefrom our society, as per data

    94 per cent youth have nei-ther access to governmentjob nor in private sector, andthe unemployed youthbecome more vulnerable tofall prey to the drug abuse infrustration." "Schemes likePMKVY and AICPE can dowonders for youth to makethem self reliant by givingthem technical skills andinstitutes like SSIT aredoing commendable job toprovide the youth access tothese programmes in far-offareas,"Dr Mudassir added.

    "We have been mobilising,inspiring and motivatingyouth that they should grabthe opportunity of freeaccess to develop their skills

    at our institute under differ-ent schemes of Ministry ofSkill Development andEntrepreneurship likeAICPE and PMKVY to earntheir livelihood, "said Co-ordinator SSIT, Majid Babaadding that economic insta-bility is said to be the rootcause of youth taking todrugs and we are trying toredress this issue by organ-ising seminars and motiva-tional lectures in collabora-tion with SAIFI NGO.

    "Due to economic insta-bility and lack of opportuni-ties in rural areas, not onlyboys but girls are alsobecoming more vulnerable totake refuge in drugs, whichis turning more dangerousfor the society and there isdire need to redress thisissue by motivating andinspiring them to developtheir inner skills, "saidPakeeza, a girl student ofSSIT Bhadarwah.

    Those who spoke on theoccasion include MajidBaba, Dr Mudassir Nazar,Khadim Murtaza, AfshaShamim, Shafia Bano andShahid Thouker.

    Campaign on 'No to Drugs' held

    Resource person expressing views during the programme.

    STATE TIMES NEWS RAMBAN: CommandantIRP, 16th Battalion, SSPA.K Mahajan, held inter-action with officers andjawans of HQRS/B/F coysof the battalion.

    He asked the officials towork with utmost dedica-tion and to the best oftheir ability.

    He also listened to theproblems faced by soldiersand assured them thattheir genuine demandwould be redressed on pri-ority.

    He appreciated thejawans for their dedicationand vigil towards theirduty and said that they are

    like family and celebrateevery festival together.Later, sweets were alsodistributed among jawans.

    Commandant IRP 16th Bnholds interaction with jawans

    Commandant IRP, 16th Battalion, SSP A.K Mahajan addressing the jawans at Ramban.

    STATE TIMES NEWS SAMBA: People residing infar flung areas of Purmandalin district Samba belongingparticular to RBA villagesKathaar Brahmana, Paadal,Rajool and Talhehr who arefacing problems related to rev-enue issues met DDC SambaSheetal Nanda at DistrictHeadquarters Samba,Nandani Hills. The deputationunder the leadership GovindRam Sharma (PresidentGrameen Sangarsh SamitiPurmandal) apprised DCabout their major issues of rev-enue related works. They saidthat for any revenue relatedwork they have to go to Nud

    which is several kilometersaway from their villages. Theyappealed to DDC Samba toopen a Niabat at Purmandalso that they may not sufferany more.

    DDC Samba Sheetal Nandaafter listening to their issuesassured them that she wouldtry to redress the same as soonas possible by holding a publicDarbar at their door step onFebruary 4, 2018.

    Girdhari Lal, Master ParasRam, Sunit Kumar Sharma,Ramesh Singh Billoria, SohanLal Sharma, Shamsher Singh,Champa Devi, Babbu Deviand Sunita Devi were alsopresent.

    Purmandal residents meetDDC, demand Niabat

    Purmandal residents calling on DDC Sheetal Nanda.

    STATE TIMES NEWS R S PURA: Senior Congressleader and JKPCCSecretary Pawan Rainaorganised monthly meetingof party workers at R SPura in which a large num-ber of Congress workersfrom entire Sub district par-ticipated wherein severallocal and organisationalissues were highlighted.

    Some prominent Congressworkers in the meeting drewattention towards the prob-lems being faced by peopledue to insensitive attitude ofthe State Government andconcerned authorities.While addressing the meet-ing, Pawan Raina chargedthe BJP-PDP Governmentwith failure on all fronts andsaid that people wererepenting for their vote tothese two parties during thelast Assembly elections.

    "BJP has not only failed tocome upto the expectationsof people but this party hasalso surrendered the dignityof Jammu before Kashmirfor its power lust," healleged.

    Maintaining that onlyCongress can provide a pro-people and secular govern-ment in J&K, Pawan Rainaexhorted the party workersto gear up for the forthcom-

    ing Panchayat elections,which are likely to beannounced soon in theState. He said thatCongress is the only party,which has acceptability in allthree regions of the Statebecause of its commitmenttowards welfare of commonmasses. Jatinder Baghat,Kulvinder Singh, HariChand and Amarnath werealso present on the occasion.

    Cong terms BJP-PDP Govt a failure

    JKPCC Secretary Pawan Raina chairing a meeting at R S Pura.

    STATE TIMES NEWS KISHTWAR: To listen thegrievances of people espe-cially residing in far-offareas, DistrictDevelopment Comm-issioner Kishtwar, AngrezSingh Rana visitedNawpachi area of Marwahin district Kishtwar onTuesday.

    During one day tour,DDC accompanied by SSPKishtwar AbrarChowdhary, ExecutiveEngineer PHE, AbdulWahid Zarger, ExecutiveEngineer PWD Marwah,R. C Kundal and CMOKishtwar Dr. Abdul Majidconvened a public grievanceredressal camp, in whichhuge gathering of peopleparticipated from variousvillages of Marwah.

    The people projectedtheir demands in respect ofshortage of doctors, non

    functional of BSNL net-work, shortage of ration ingovernment outlets,enhancement of air servicequota, land compensationof various roads etc.

    They demanded to pro-vide medical and charactercertificates at local level,link road between Kadernato Pathamgham, providingof solar lights, early com-pletion of Kaderna Bridge,absenteeism of governmentemployees, enhancement ofcompensation ofGovernment Degree CollegeMarwah land , delay in dis-bursement of relief to floodvictims of 2014 and reha-bilitation and re settlementdue to construction of Dam.

    The people also demand-ed construction of play-ground in Marwah. DDC onspot passed directions toTehsildar concerned foridentification of State land

    so that the play ground isconstructed at Nowapachi.

    Speaking on the occa-sion, the DDC Kishtwarinstructed the CMO to senda medical team for theissuance of medical certifi-cates at Marwah andWarwan so that people ofthis far flung area may notsuffer.

    DDC assured the publicthat all the demands put-forth shall be looked into onpriority basis and instruct-ed Tehsildar Marwah tosend the attendance of theemployees on daily basis tothe DC Office.

    Meanwhile, SSP KishtwarAbrar Ahmad Chowdharyalso advised the SHOMarwah to issue charactercertificate to the applicantswith regard to seeking ofadmission in the education-al institutions and applyingfor various jobs.

    DDC holds grievances redressal camp

    STATE TIMES NEWS SAMBA: Seven days spe-cial NSS camp organisedby Govt. Degree CollegeSamba from Dec 27, 2017concluded on Tuesday. Onthe last day of NSS campevery volunteer was allot-ted a time slot of 10 min-utes to speak on any of thevarious social issues.During the programmevolunteers spoke on BetiPadao Beti Bachao, cor-ruption free India, sanita-tion and cleanliness,

    dowry, drug addiction,women empowerment,morals in education andmy health-my right. Theaim of the programme wasto give stage exposure toall the NSS volunteers.The proceedings of theprogramme were carriedout by Bhuvnesh Pargal,Nancy Bharti, KumariKashu Pandey and PrachiRajput. The camp wascoordinated by Dr. RawanKumar NSS PO of the col-lege.

    NSS camp at GDC Samba concludes

    Students along with GDC faculty during valedictory function of camp at Samba.

    STATE TIMES NEWS UDHAMPUR: A largenumber PDL/TDL/ causalworkers engaged inElectrical DepartmentM&RE Div Udhampur helda protest against XEnUdhampur to show strongresentment against thedepartment for submittingbiased list of workers by wayof pick and choose policyand ignoring the genuineworkers to get regularised.

    PDL/TDL workers underthe leadership of PPEUDistrict President Sat PaulSharma raised slogans

    against the department andurged to take their matterseriously and submit freshlist after reviewing the sen-iority of left over daily work-ers. Protestors said thatnumber of times they high-lighted their issue with XEnbut he did not pay dueattention towards the issuewhich forced them to holdprotest. Highlighting thedemands Sharma stronglyobjected to the biased

    updated senority list circu-lated by the departmentinstead of regularisedPDL/TDL/causal labour onneed basis. He alleged thatworkers engaged withElectric Department since2001 to 2010 were notinducted in the list whichwas prepared by XEnUdhampur. They gave 72hours ultimatum to depart-ment to fulfill their genuinedemand.


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    PDL/TDL workers protest, serve72 hours ultimatum

    Degree College, ITI for Paddar demanded STATE TIMES NEWS

    KISHTWAR: A social activist of District Kishtwar, JoginderBhandari urged upon the Mehabooba Mufti , Chief Minister tosanction Government Degree College and ITI for Paddar whichis a long pending demand of the public of the area. Bhandari inhis statement said that the public of Paddar is crying for thelast two decades for opening of Degree College and ITI but theprevious and present government made only promises that tooduring election campaigns and it is a matter of great concernthat their demands remained unfulfilled despite repeatedrequests made by the public to the government. He said Paddaris based on two Tehsil Headquarters that is Atholi and Machailand consists of large populated area besides every year 400 to450 students pass 10+2 from Govt. Higher Secondary SchoolAtholi but they have been deprived of college facility as a resultof which they had to seek admission in Kishtwar college whicheveryone cannot afford and consequently most of the studentshave to give up their further studies.

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