
Post on 03-Oct-2015






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  • Aplastic AnemiaRakesh Biswas

    MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, People's College of Medical Sciences, Bhanpur, Bhopal, India

  • Morphologic, Etiologic

    Possible causes:

    Investigations and treatment

  • Definition:Pancytopenia with hypocellularity (Aplasia) of Bone MarrowOne cell line may be affected more than the others

  • EtiologyInheritedFanconis Anemia

    AcquiredIdiopathic (majority)-2/3rd of casesDrug : Acetazolamide, Carbamazepine, Gold, Hydantoin, Penicillin, Phenylbutazone, Chemical Radiation exposure Viral illness

  • PathogenesisImmune mechanism responsible for most of the cases of Idiopathic acquired aplastic anemiaActivated Cytotoxic T cells in Blood & Bone marrow Bone marrow failure

  • Clinical FeaturesSigns & symptoms of :Anemia:.Bleeding: Ecchymoses ,Bleeding gums, EpistaxisInfections: Fever,Mouth ulcers

  • DiagnosisBlood peripheral smear : Pancytopenia and reticulocytopenia

    Bone marrow aspiration & biopsy : Hypocellular / aplastic bone marrow with increased fat spaces

    Tests for underlying cause ( viral titers)

  • Other causes of Pancytopenia:Drugs,Megaloblastic anemiaBone Marrow infiltration or Replacement: Lymphoma, Myeloma,Acute Leukemia, SecondariesHyperspleenisnSLEDisseminated TBPNHSepsis

  • BM AspirationBM Biopsy

  • BM biopsyhypocellular ,increased fat spaces

  • Text book TreatmentTreatment of underlying cause if possibleRemoval of causeSupportive care Blood & platelet transfusion Infection: Broad spectrum antibioticsAsepsisBone Marrow Transplant (SCT) patient age
  • Immunosuppression: Cyclosporine, Glucocorticoids : in cong Pure Red Cell Aplasia Antilymphocyte or Antithymocyte globulin (ALG / ATG) CyclophosphomideAndrogensThymectomy : for Adult Pure Red Cell Aplasia

  • Case History:My first post-Cyclophosphamide white cells appeared 10 days after treatment. I had 6. I ordered them all little party hats, and got to know them personally:-)

  • Severe AA (SAA)Bad prognosisTwo of three peripheral blood criteria: Neutrophils < 500 / cmm, Platelets < 20,000/cmm, Reticulocyte < 0-0.5%

  • PrognosisImproved survival with newer treatment modalitiesRelates to severity Evolution to MDS, PNH, AML`

  • AgranulocytosisLeukopenia: Decrease in Total Leukocyte Count

    Neutropenia: Decrease in Neutrophil count < 1500 / micro L

    Agranulocytosis: severe neutropenia < 500 neutrophils / micro L

  • CausesCongenitalDrug induced:Chloramphenicol,CBZ, Carbimazole , Co-trimoxazole, Gold, Phenytoin, Sulfa drugsInfections:Viral-Hepatitis,Influenza,HIV Bacterial-Typhoid,Miliary TB Benign ( familial/racial)CyclicalImmune: AI, SLE,Feltys,

  • Clinical FeaturesMouth infection,Sore throat ( Mucositis)Ulcers of : Mouth & throat , Skin, Anus

    Features of Sepsis (Gm +ve &ve):Fever +/-Hypotension,MODSIn prolonged neutropenia Fungal infections are likely to develop: Candida (Oral), Aspergillus(Pulm)

  • Investigations and TreatmentThe peripheral blood smear shows a marked decrease or absence of neutrophils.

    The bone marrow may show myeloid hypoplasia or absence of myeloid precursors.

    In many cases, the bone marrow is cellular with a maturation arrest at the promyelocyte stage.

    On occasion, the marrow may be hypercellular.

    Case history:A 41 year old lady Extreme pallor, gum bleeds, Purpura, Menorrhagia for one month and fever with mouth ulcers for one week. No organomegaly

    http://www.aplasticcentral.com/Forum_Big.asp This is the link to aplastic anemia patient's story.

    *Case history:In a patients own words: I had gone to the emergency room after fainting. I had an extremely heavy period, a terrible headache, a bleeding sinus infection, a gash from falling onto my glasses, painful mouth sores, bruises from where my cat jumped on my lap, red spots all over, and no energy.*Case history:Initial Counts: Hemoglobin: 4.7 WBC: 900 GNC: 23 (not 2300) Platelet: 8,400 My local hospital did a Bone Marrow Biopsy to determine if it was Aplastic Anemia. Within minutes of receiving the results, arrangements were made to transfer me to a higher centre **Normal marrow*Hypoplastic marrow

    Case HistoryMy oncologists explained Aplastic Anemia, and my treatment options. A bone marrow transplant was one option, but even with a related donor match, at age 41, my odds of survival were quoted at around 60%. A third option that they presented was High Dose Cyclophosphamide which was experimental (the same chemotherapy that they use before a bone marrow transplant), without the Bone Marrow Transplant. Immunosuppressent treatment (ATG) was another option. Case history:I did not want to spend a lifetime tackling the graft-vs.-host problems associated with a Bone Marrow Transplant if I didn't have to. I also did not want to have the possiblity of a relapse 10 years down the line. The high dose Cyclophosphamide did not appear to cause either of these. The disadvantages of the Cyclophosphamide were the long, slow, vulnerable recovery period with low white counts, and the small but real chance of a fatal reaction to the chemotherapy. I chose the cyclophosphamide.The Cyclophosphamide's job, as I understand it, is to kill off the white blood cells, as they are malfunctioning, and let new ones grow from the stem cells, which Cyclophosphamide does not damage. Kind of a chemical "rebooting" of the blood. *Case history:A month after treatment, I had 160 of those little rascals and 11 neutrophils. At one month, 10 days, I had 600 white cells and 420 neutrophils, and they let me go back home, reporting to my local physician twice weekly, and still on antibiotics **Hickman catheter

    Case History:I took care of my pal, Hickman, with daily Heparin flushes, and twice weekly dressing changes. Dressings were changed with gloves, mask, and betadine swabs. When it was time for us to part company, he was simply tugged out during outpatient surgery. Case history:My counts have risen slowly but steadily since treatment. I have had no long term physical effects . I have my life back! And it is GOOD. I appreciate it so much more now, and am living it more carefully. Recent UPDATE: Some counts still rising. Hb: 13.3 WBC: 3800 Plt: 165k GNC: 2100 Hct: 38.6**Agranulocytosis should be differentiated from other syndromes of bone-marrow failure, including pancytopenia and aplastic anemia. Leukemia should be excluded. The basic difference from aplastic is here only the myeloid series is affected.

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