3 rd nine weeks review. chapter 8 1. write the equation for photosynthesis. circle the reactants....

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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3rd Nine Weeks Review

Chapter 8

1. Write the equation for photosynthesis. Circle the

reactants. Put a square around the products.

2. Define an autotroph.

• An organism that produces its own food.

3. Define a heterotroph.

• An organism that needs other organisms for food

4. What type of reaction is photosynthesis?

• endergonic

5. Why are leaves flat?

• So sunlight can penetrate the photosynthetic material

Chapter 9

6. Describe glycolysis.

• The first step in releasing the energy of glucose, in which a molecule of glucose is broken into two molecules of pyruvic acid

7. What is the relationship of glucose in photosynthesis and

cellular respiration?

• Photosynthesis makes glucose and cellular respiration uses it for energy

8. _______________ is the final electron acceptor in the electron

transport chain.


9. Which requires energy, active transport, osmosis, glycolysis,

or phagocytosis?

• All except osmosis

Chapter 19

10. Define prokaryote.

• A cell without a nucleus

11. Draw and label a T4 bacteriophage.

Describe the lytic and lysogenic cycle.

13. AIDS is a retrovirus. What is a retrovirus?

• A virus that has RNA as its genetic information

14. How do you prevent spread of viruses?

• Prevention– Using vaccines

15. What instrument would you use to see a virus?

• Because they are so small, an electron microscope is needed

16. Evaluate the medical and economic importance of viruses. Be sure to list some diseases caused

by viruses.

• Possibly used for gene therapy

• Diseases– Chicken pox– polio

17. List the two bacteria kingdoms. Describe the characteristics of

each kingdom • Archaebacteria

– Do not contain peptidoglycan– Like harsh environments

• Eubacteria– Cell wall made of peptidoglycan– larger

18. Label the bacteria.



Cell wall

peptidoglycanCell membrane



19. List and describe the shapes of bacteria.

• Bacilli-rod shaped

• Cocci-sphere or round shaped

• Spirilla-spiral shaped

20. State the four parts of the Germ Theory. What is the relationship to our current

knowledge?• 1. The microorganism can be found in the diseased


2. The microorganism can be isolated from the diseased animal and grown in the lab.

3. The cultured microorganism will cause the disease when put in a healthy susceptible animal.

4. The same microorganism can be isolated from the newly infected animal.

21. What are vaccines? How do they work?

• A preparation of weakened or killed pathogen

• Prompts the body to produce immunity to the pathagen

22. Which bacteria works symbiotically to us in our

intestines? What is meant by symbiosis?

• E coli

• Relationship in which two organisms live closely together

23. What is a parasite?

• Where one organism lives in or on another

24. How do bacteria make yogurt and cheese?

• By going through a fermentation process

25. How do bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?

• Because they use conjugation as a means of reproduction, they can take on the characteristics of other bacteria that are resistant

26. How are bacteria economically important to us?

• Foods- yogurts, cheeses

• Medicine-vaccines,

• Agriculture- nitrogen fixation, decompose dead matter

Chapter 20

27. What is a fungi? How do they function in their environment?

• Eukaryotic heterotrophs that have cell walls

• As decomposers, as parasites,

29. How are fungi different from plants?

• They don’t make their own food

• Cell wall of chitin

• Not photosynthetic

30. Describe how yeast reproduces.

• By budding– Which is an outgrowth of the organism

Chapter 21Protists

31. Draw and label an Amoeba, Euglena, and a Paramecium

32. What does a contractile vacuole do?

• Regulates the flow of water in an out of the organism

33. Which protist is animal like, and why are they classified as such?

• Ameoba

• Paramecium

• Plasmodium– They are heterotrophs and move about

34. Which protists are plantlike?

• Euglena

• Diatoms

• Dinoflagellates

• Algae

35. Which protist is fungus like?

• Water mold

• Slime mold

36. Which protist causes red tide?

• Dinoflagellates

37. List four diseases caused by protist. How are they passed to

humans?• Malaria-by the Plasmodium carried by the

mosquito• African Sleeping Sickness- by the Trypanasoma

carried by the tse tse fly• Amebic dysentary- carried by the Giarda that is in

water• Toxoplasmosis (toxo) is an infection caused by a

single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.

38. Explain alternation of generation.

• Where an organisms switches from haploid to diploid in its life process

39. An Euglena can function as a ______________ in the absence

of sunlight Heterotroph

Chapter 26-28

40. Define the three types of symmetry.

• Asymmetrical-not identical on both sides of a central line (Dictionary)

• Bilateral-single imaginary line divides it in half

• Radial- have body parts that repeat around the center

41. Name the 8 phyla of invertebrates and give an example

of each.• Porifera-sponges• Cnidaria-jellyfish• Platyhelminthes(flatworm)-planaria• Nematoda-hookworm• Annelida-earthworm• Mollusks-clam• Arthropod-insects• Echinoderms-starfish

42. What is meant by sessile?

• Attached or fixed; not moving

43. What is meant by motile?

• Moving or having the power to move

44. Define exoskeleton.

• Tough external covering that protects and supports the body of many invertebrates

45. Define hermaphrodite.

• Individual that has both male and female parts

46. Describe how mollusks and crustaceans carry out gas

exchange. • Gills are used to exchange gases. This is

done by a diffusion type process

47. List two common structures for respiration in invertebrates.

• Gills

• Skin

48. What are the characteristics of mammals?

• Hair

• Mammary glands

• Breathe air

• 4 chambered heart

• endotherms

49. Describe a closed circulatory system.

• In a closed circulatory system, blood is contained within a network of blood vessels.

50. Define endothermic.

• Animal that generates its own body heat

51. Define ectothermic.

• Animals that rely on their environment to help control body heat

52. Why do amphibians need water?

• To carry out reproduction

• To aid in respiration

53. Define monotremes, marsupials, and placental animals.

• Monotremes-egg laying mammals• Marsupials-animals that bear live young

that usually complete their development in a pouch

• Placental animals-nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ands wastes are exchanged between the embryo and the mother through a placenta

54. What is a cloaca and what is its relationship to some animals?

• The opening to the outside of some animals.

• Used to eliminate waste and to carry out reproduction

Review from 1st Semester

55. List and describe the process of scientific method.

• Ask a question

• Make a hypothesis

• Conduct an experiment

• Collect data

• Analyze information

• Report results

56. What are lipids?

• Compounds made from carbon and hydrogen, include fats, oils, waxes.

57. What are proteins?

Macromoles that contain nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Made up of amino acids.

58. What is binomial nomenclature?

• A two part naming system, includes the Genus and species

59. List the hierarchy of classification?

• Kingdom

• Phylum

• Class

• Order

• Family

• Genus

• Species

60. Define artificial selection.

• Selection by humans for breeding of useful traits from the natural variation among different organisms

61. Define and discuss radioactive dating.

Technique in which scientists calculate the age of a sample based on the remaining radioactive isotopes it contains

62. Define extinction.

• Disappearance of a species from all parts of a geographical range

63. Describe Lamarck’s theory.

• That if an organism used a part more or developed a part of their body, it would be passed down to their offspring

64. What methods do we use to process foods?

• Canning

• Salting

• Drying

65. Practice reading graphs and charts.

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