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Mr. C. V. Narasimhan, Chef de Cabinet, Office of the Secretary-General

0. Schachter, Director of the General Legal Division in charge of the Office of Legal Affairs

D•<• _ _.20,--_J.,u--:l-;Y'--"lL96e:4!_ __ _

FILE �0.: -----------

Special Committee on Principles of Inte:mational Law concerning Friendly Relatione and Co-operation among States

Refel'enoe is made to the mf!Dorandum of Mr • .Tiri Nosek to you of

14 July 1964 and to our telephone con versation on the above subjecrt.

The agreement between the United Nations and the GovernmEI'lt of

Mexico regard.ing the urangemente for the session of the Special

Committee concluded by an e.xohange of notes on 17 July 1964 ( oopy

attached) . This office, in co-operation with the Office of

Confel'ence Ser vices and the Permanent :W.ssion of Mexico, will now

prooeed. w1 th arrangements for the Committee' e aeaaion whioh opens

on 27 August at Mexico City.

c 0 p y



Jueva York, W.Y., a 17 de julio de 1964

SaBor Director General•

Tengo el h�r de re.f'erirme a su nota n11mero LJ 114/2, fechada el 16 de julio aotua11 relacicmada oon la 1nvitaoi6n que el Gobiemo de Mb:ioo hiso al Comit' 'Especial que eetu.diar4. los Principios de Dereaho Intema­oioaal relativos a las Relaciones de Amistad 7 Cooperao16n entre loe Eetadoe, estableoido por medic de la resoluc16n 1966 (XVIII) de la Asamblea General, para celebrar sus reuniones en la capital mea:icana. En el ouerpo de la nota que conteeto, y en su Anuo, se encuentran las diepoeiciones que regirt\n la cooperaoi6n entre m1 Gobierno y las NacioneB Unidas pa:r& llevar a buen fin la celebraoi6n de la Conferencia.

Me oo�lazoo en manifeetar a uated mi oonformidad con dichae diepoeicionee, las que constituyen por coneigu.iente un .Acuerd.o entre mi Gobiemo 7 lae Nacionee Unidae, el cual entrar4 en vigor a partir de eeta fecha.

Aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterar a ueted las eeguridades de m1 m4e alta 7 distinguida consideraci6n •

Sefior Doctor Oscar Schachter Director de la Divie16n General de A.suntoe Juridiooe

Dr. Francisco Cuevas Cancino Encargado de Negocios a.i.

Enoargado del Departamento de Aeuntoa Jur!dicoa Naoionee Unidae.

c 0 p y

LE 114/2 16 JuJ.7 1964


I am direoted by the Secretary-General to refer to resolution 1966

• (XVIII), adopted b7 the Gl!lleral J.ssemb17 on 16 December 1961, b7 whioh

the General Assembly established the Special Committee on Principles of

International Law oonoerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among

States. I further have the honour to refer to your letter of

23 April 1964 transmitting an invitation of the Government of Mexico

to the Special Comruittee to hold ita session in the Me%ioan capital.

As the Repres&Dta.tivee of Btates Members of the Special Coumittes

at their informal meeting on 21 April agreed to accept that invitation,

e I have the honour to propose the following arrangements for the session

of the Special Comadttee on Principles of International Law concerning

Friendly Relatione and Co-operation amons States to be held ill :tieD. co

Cit7 from 21 J.uguet to 1 Ootober 1964.

Dr. Franoisco Ouevae Cancino Alternate Representative of Mexico

to the United Nations Permanent l41ss1on of llexioo

to the United Nations B East 41st street Bew York 17, N.Y.

- 2-

I. Premises, Equipment, Utilities and Supplies

1. The Government shall make available at its expense such conference

rooms and offices in Mexico City as will be necesear,y for the session of the

Comlllittee. These facilities shall include a main conference cltamber capable

of eeatine 27 delegatee (with two or three advisers behind each) and a bureau

of three at the conference table' provision shall be made for the seating of

fifteen observers from Governments and Specialized Agencies. Press and

public shall be accommodated in the chamber. In addition to the main

conference chamber the fac111 ties shall include another conference room for

working groups or drafting comadttees capable of seating fifteen delegates

with one adviser each. The main conference chBl'!lber and the small con:ferelloe

room shall both be equipped for simultaneous interpretation into four languages,

that ie, one interpreter's booth each, for Eilglieh, French, Rueeian and Spanish,

and a booth for the sound technician. There shall be one microphone for ev�

two persons or positions at the conference table. Sound recording equipment

will be needed in a room adjacent to thie chamber.

2. A delegatee' lounge and suitable working areas for document repro­

duction and distribution shall also be provided.

3. Appro%imately 20 suitably equipped offices shall be provided for staff

and officials of the Conference. Aleot a suitably furnished room shall be

provided if possible for the uee of the interpreters. A large area shall be

provided to accommodate the precis-writers and revisers and a number of typists.

4· The Govemment shell provide if possible within the conference a.re&

a Poet Office, a Cable Office, a Clinic or First Aid Station, Banking facilities,

- 3 -

dini� facilities for delegations and staff and an information booth, preferably

located near the entrance to t he conference area.

5· The Government shall at ita expense furnish, equip and maintain in

SQOd repair all the afor91llent1oned rooms and offices.

6. The Government shall furnish typewriters required for the typists

assigned to the oonference staff. These will include 27 electric machines

e with specially made Headquarters keyboards of the followi!lg typest 8 English,

8 FrEiloh, 8 Spanish Blld 3 Russian. There shall be additional manual type-

witera requirEd for secretaries aeeisned to Officers of the Conference

Substantive and Administrative staff.

7. Two care and t11'0 station wagons shall be lll&de available to the

officers and etaff of the Committee. The Government shall alao make

ava.ilable at ita expense such a.d.ditional transportation as may be neceaa&r7

to transport United Nations staff from the airport sel"V'ioing :U:uioo City to

their hotels and hom t heir hotels to the airport.

8. The GovemmEilt shall p&)" for all neoeaa&r7 utility servioea

including telephone communications of the Secretariat within :U:exioo City

and communications by Telex betweeo the Secretariat of the Committee and

the Headquarters of the United Nations in !lew Yolil::.

9. A:tJy damSBe to the prEIIlises in the oonferenoe area or injury to

persons using such premises, or damage to fumi tu:re or equipment provided

by the Government, or e:ny damage to person or property caused or auffered

in using transportation ref81'red to in paragraph 1' of this Article shall be

- 4 -

made good at the expense of the Governmeot, without prejudice to the Govermnant's

right of recourse &B long ae such right ie not contrary to the present Agreement.

10. The United Bat1one shall provide at its upenee all statione17 supplies

required for the adequate functioning of the &f3:Ssion.

II. Police Proteotiop

The Government shall furnish at its expense suoh police protection &a may

be required to ensure the eff1cimt functioning of the Conference without inter-

terence of BZ17 kind. While euoh police services shall be under the direct

supervision and control of a emior officer provided b;y the Government, this

officer shall work in close co-operation with the responsible United Bationa

official ao ae to ensure a proper atmoephere of security and tranquillity.

III. Local Personnel for the Seeeiop

1. The OovemmEPDt lob&ll egaga BDd provide at ita expeael

a} Seau.ri ty Officers

b) llainteD..,oe Staff'

c) Uehers

d) llees<ID8era

e) Telephone Operators

1') Wol'IO&tiOD Clerke

g) Reproduction am Distribution St&ff to be supervised by the United Ratione Perecmnel

b) Telecommunioatione Officers

i) !l';ypists

j) Drivers of cars ref'erred. to in Article l paragraph 8 abOTe

- 5 -

2. The Govemment &g1"ees to indemnify and hold harmless the United !lations

from any and all actions, causes of actions, olaims or other dEII!liUld.s ar1Bill8 ou�

of Emplo1'1ent for 1:hs United Nations of the personnel referred to in this Article.

IV. Fiusnoial Arrangement

1. The Government, 1D pursuance of resolution 1202 (XII) of the GE!Deral

A.ssembl:J, shall assume responsibility for the additional expenditure to the

United Nations resulting from the convening of the Committee in Mexico C1t7

rather than at United Nations Headquarters 1D New York. In order to permit

preparations to be made sufficiently in advance, the Government shall advance

to the United Ratione the sum of USI76,000. This sum will be used in the

manner set out 1a the attached estimte, without prejudice to any adjustments

whioh may be made if looally recrui-ted personnel are provided by the Government

in plaoe of some of the personnel men"tioned in the estimate.

2. hpenditures related to the session shall be defrayed :from this amount

and the United Ratione shall, on conclusion of the eeeeioa., submit to the

Government a statement o:f account of all expensee incurred. The United Ratione

ehall make a refund to the Government in case the actual expenses are less than

USI76,ooo advanced) in the event the expenses are 1n uceee o:f US$76,000 the

Government shall make a further payment to cover this excess.

V. Privileges and Immunities

L The Convention on the Privilages and Imnnmities o:f the United Nations

which has been acoeded to b7 Mexico shall be applicable 1n accordance with such

accession to the session o :f the Committee. The conference area, comprising

conference rooms and offices and ancillary facilities, shall, :for the duration

- 6-

of their occupancy by the United Nations for �urposee of the session of the

Committee, be considered as :premises of the United Nations, and immediate

access thereto Bh&ll be under the control and authority of the United Nations,

subject to the :provisions of Article II of the present Agreement.

2. Officials of the United NatiollB performing functions in oonnexion

with the session shall enjoy the privileges and iiiWllllitiea provided by

Articles V and VII of the Convention in accordance with the accession of

llexioo. Of'f1c1ale of 8DJ' Specialised A.genciee representing their agencies

or perfol'llling functions in connexion with the session shall enjoy the same

-privileges and immunities as enjoyed by the officials of tha United Nations.

). Representatives and observers of states Members of the United Nations

or observers of members of the Specialized Agencies shall et�.joy the privileges

and iiiiPIUnities provided in Artiole IV of the Convention on the Privileges a.nd

Immunities of the United Nations in accordance with the aocessicn of Kexicc •

4- Without prejudice to the application of the Convention as provided

above, all participants and &1.1 persons performing functions in oonnexion with

the session shall enjoy all such facilities as are necessary for the independent

eXercise of their fUnctions in oonnexion with the session.

5· The following classes of persons shall be entitled to unimpeded

entry to and exit from Mexico City for the period necessary for the psrfoX'IDSDce

of their :fUnctions in connexion with the session, access to the conference

premises, facilitiee for epeed:y t ravel and visas free of charget

a ) RepresEtlltatives or observers of States mentioned 1D paragraph 3 above, and their immediate families1

b) Officials of the United Nations and of the Specialized Agencies mentioned in pa.ragraph 2 above, and their ii!IDediate familiesf

- 7 -

c) Representatives of interested Non-Governmental Organizations having consultative status within the United Nations,

d) Representatives of information media accredited by the United :Nations in &ecordance with its establiel:Led procedure and after consultation with the Govermnent; sod

e) other persons formally invited to the Conference by the United :Nations on official business.

If your Government is ia agreement with these proposals, I underetSDi

that this letter and your reply accepting them would be considered as

eonstituting an agreement between the United Nations and the Govemmeut of

Mexico, to have effect from the date of the exohange of letters.

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Oeeu Schachter Director of the General Legal Divis1ao1 in charge of the Office of LesaJ.. Affairs





Mr. C. V. Narasimhan Chef de Cabinet Office of the Secretary-General

Jiri Nosek U nder-se cretary

Date: 14 July 1964

FIL.E NO.: -----------

__ _,............bof;..."l � t, ..,. i-. ... :,., }r,"y ·,'(G...,_.,. .... q- \

SUBJECT: Special Committee on Principles of International Law {. ·l....., (��.L>·'¥" "':�"" I' r \'

Concerning FriendlY Relations and Co-operation Among States � J � '"'l N er....-�.<"'r.-- ,_ •• , .... U""" r'h(.

At the 128lst Plenary Meeting of the 18th Session of the ��e�al f 1 (,.if Assembly, held on 16 December 1963, the S pecial Committee on Pr inciples e � of International Law Concerning Frien dly Relations and Co-operation "

f Among States was established by General Assembly Resolution 1966 (XVIII ) . �0 �

At an informal meeting of the Special Committee held on 27 April 1964, the Representative of the Government of Mexico extended a formal invitation to the Special Committee to hold its forthcoming session in Mexico Cit y from 27 August to 1 October 1964.

After the invitation was extended by the Hoet Government, Mr. Stavropouloa, the Legal Counsel, sent a draft letter to the Government of Mexico dated 8 May 1964, containing proposed arr angeme nts for the holding of thie Conference. In hie letter he stated that should these arrangements prove satisfactory to the Government of Mexico hi s letter together with the reply of the Government of Mexico woul d constitute the agreement on which the conterence would be based. Mr. Stavr opo uloa also suggested in his letter that a meeti ng should be arranged with the Offices of Legal Affairs, the Controller and Conference Services, a.t which time the fina ncial esti.Jnates would be discussed. As of this date, the abo ve mentioned agreement has not been signed by the Government of Mexico.

It is our experience tha.t sessions held away from Headquarters require extensive advance planning. In this connexion, we are most anxious to receive, as soon as possible, the reply of the Government of Mexico in respec t to their intentions regarding the over-all planning of the Confe rence, particular� on the site, fa cilitie s and locall y recruited staff to be provided. In ad diti on , it is our understanding that a considerabl e amount of documentation and supplies will have to be sent to

Mexico, well in advance of the opening date of the conference. Consequently, this m.ay involve an additional expense since the docume ntation and supplies may have to be sent by air freight in order to arrive on time.

- 2 -

I would therefore be most grateful if a reply could be obtained immediately, either from the Permanent Mission or from the Foreign Ministry of the Government of Mexico.

cc. Mr. Stavropoulos Mr. Turner Mr. Myslil Registry



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- 2 -



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