3 conversations 3 men all want to follow jesus

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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3 Conversations 3 Men All Want To Follow Jesus. Following Jesus . Conversation 1. Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head. Some people are eager to follow but they don’t understand the COST. Conversation 2. Follow me. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


3 Conversations3 Men

All Want To Follow Jesus

Following Jesus

Conversation 1

Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the

Son of Man has no place to lay

his head

Some people are eager to follow but

they don’t understand the COST

Conversation 2

Follow me

“Lord, let me first go and bury my father”

Some people want to follow Jesus but make excuses to why NOW is not a

GOOD time

Conversation 3

“I Will Follow You Lord, but let me first say farewell to those

at my home”

No one who puts his hand

to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom

of God

Some people want to follow Jesus but are always looking back

for permission or what they left behind

Betrayal Judgment

Condemnation Abuse

Humiliation Death

“I have not rebelled; I have not drawn back. I

gave my back to the smiters, my cheeks to the

pluckers. I did not hide my face from mockings

and spit. The LORD Yahweh will help me; therefore I will not be


#1 - A follower of Jesus earnestly

desires to worship Jesus in spirit and


#2 - A follower of Jesus is engaged in

an ongoing conversation with

Jesus through prayer

#3 - A follower of Jesus is devoted to

getting to know Jesus better by engaging the


#4 - A follower of Jesus spends time with other followers of Jesus for

fellowship and encouragement and


#5 - A follower of Jesus actively seeks to use the “gifts” given to them by Jesus to build up the

body of Christ

#6 - A follower of Jesus gives freely because of

the grace shown to them by Jesus to spread the Gospel and to care for

the poor and needy

#7 - A follower of Jesus serves Christ by serving

others with grace, humility, compassion,

and love so that we may bring hope to others

#8 - A follower of Jesus seeks to be on mission with Jesus by sharing

the Gospel and inviting their neighbor to meet


#9 - A follower of Jesus seeks to promote justice,

demonstrate compassion, and extend mercy to the hurting, homeless, poor, orphaned, exploited, and neglected in


#10 - A follower of Jesus daily remembers their baptism and

their ongoing need for confession, repentance, and forgiveness that is found in

Christ alone and his means of grace.

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