2.2 asexual and sexual reproduction - greater st. albert...

Post on 08-Mar-2018






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2.2 Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction

Involves only one parent. The sex cells do not undergo fusion.The offspring are exactly the same as the parent.There are 4 TYPES of asexual reproduction:

1) Binary Fission

A single celled organism splits in two.

ex. bacteria, some protists, amoebas, and some algae.

2. Budding

A new organism develops from an outgrowth, or bud, on the parent. The new individual is identical to the parent.ex. hydra, yeast

3. Spore Productionproduced by the division of cells off of cells of the parent. The new individual is identical to the parent. Spores are like seeds.

Ex. Fungi, Green algae, moulds and ferns.

4. Vegetative Reproductiona type of asexual reproduction in a plant that does not involve the formation of a seed

(EXAMPLES) -taking a cutting and having it root in water (willow) -runners sent from the parent (strawberry) (spider plant)

-tubers ON TOP of a potato plant-bulbs from a tulip or daffodil-a sucker from an aspen tree


1. What is asexual reproduction? How many parents do you need?

2. List 3 examples of asexual reproduction.

3. What is an advantage of asexual reproduction?

4. What type of asexual reproduction is in the following scenarios:

a) A mold produces tiny seed-like thing out of its cells.

b) A new yeast organism forms from a growth on the side of a yeast organism.

c) A popular tree grows from a sapling connected to the root of a larger tree.

d) An amoeba splits in two.

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