21st century college english: book 2 unit 6: part b

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21st Century College English: Book 221st Century College English: Book 2

Unit 6: Part BUnit 6: Part B

• Revision of Text ARevision of Text A

• Text B

• Listening PracticeListening Practice

• Assignment

Unit 6: Part BUnit 6: Part B

Review of Text AReview of Text A

• Dictation

• Exercises Check-upExercises Check-up



Revision of Text ARevision of Text A



You are going to hear 5 sentences. Each You are going to hear 5 sentences. Each


be read three times. Write down the sentences be read three times. Write down the sentences

according to the dictation.according to the dictation.

1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4. 5.5.


Key to Dictation:Key to Dictation:

1.1. Known to millions, far and wide, for his book Known to millions, far and wide, for his book A A Brief History of TimeBrief History of Time, Stephen Hawking is a star , Stephen Hawking is a star scientist in more ways than one.scientist in more ways than one.

2.2. In a sense, he was responsible for the age of science In a sense, he was responsible for the age of science we now enjoy.we now enjoy.

3.3. Half the time, he was sitting in the stern with his Half the time, he was sitting in the stern with his head in the stars, working out mathematical head in the stars, working out mathematical formulae.formulae.

4.4. Oxford has always had its share of eccentric Oxford has always had its share of eccentric students, so Hawking fit right in.students, so Hawking fit right in.

5.5. Nowadays, muscle power is obsolete.Nowadays, muscle power is obsolete.


Exercises Exercises • • ClozeCloze

XII. This time some of the blanks in the exercise should not be

filled with any of the words from the list below — the only

correct choice is to leave them blank.

《读写教程 II 》 : Ex. XII, p. 144Ex. XII, p. 144《读写教程 II 》 : Ex. XII, p. 144Ex. XII, p. 144


as ifat onceat onceaccompanied accompanying


at lastat last behindbehindas foras for

bybydevicedevice disableddisabledbesidesbesides governgovern intointoremainingremaining maintainingmaintaininginin posepose

proclaimproclaim outout revealingrevealing aboutabout

Twelve graduate students are sitting around a table in a

restaurant near Cambridge. _____ them is a 51-year-old man

in a wheelchair, being fed by a nurse. ____ his eyeglasses, his

blue eyes are bright, but his body looks terribly small and

weak; he cannot speak; and he breathes through a plastic

____ in his throat. Each time the young people _____ a

question, the man responds with ____ movements of two

fingers of one hand — almost the last physical freedom

______ to him. He slowly spells ____his replies on a computer

that turns his words _____speech.

Exercises Exercises • • ClozeCloze









The students are fascinated _____spiritual matters, and many

of their questions concern ______ the origin of the universe,

the laws that ____ it and the meaning of life. One asks: “Do

you believe _____ the existence of a God who guides the

universe?” The man smiles slightly as his fingers work

_____the many keys and buttons of his computer. The

students await the reply in concentrated silence, ____ their

companion had the ____ answer that would change their lives

forever. ___ the response comes, in the computer’s strange

metallic voice: “No.”





as ifas ifultimateultimate

At lastAt last

Exercises Exercises • • ClozeCloze

XI. Translate the following sentences into English.


《读写教程 II 》 : Ex. XI, p. 143Ex. XI, p. 143《读写教程 II 》 : Ex. XI, p. 143Ex. XI, p. 143

1. 1. 专攻理论宇宙学的英国科学家斯蒂芬专攻理论宇宙学的英国科学家斯蒂芬 ·· 霍金被公认为二霍金被公认为二十十 世纪末叶最伟大的天才。世纪末叶最伟大的天才。

specialize inspecialize in

Stephen Hawking, a British scientist specializing in Stephen Hawking, a British scientist specializing in

theoretical cosmology has been proclaimed the greatest theoretical cosmology has been proclaimed the greatest

genius of the late 20genius of the late 20thth century. century.

be proclaimed be proclaimed

late 20late 20thth century century


2. 2. 每推出一张新唱片每推出一张新唱片 ,, 这位歌手总梦想着它能跻身电台的这位歌手总梦想着它能跻身电台的排排 行榜前十名之列。行榜前十名之列。


Every time he releases a new record, the singer dreams Every time he releases a new record, the singer dreams

of its/it earning a place in the “top-ten”list on the radio.of its/it earning a place in the “top-ten”list on the radio.

earn a place inearn a place in““top-ten” listtop-ten” list


3. 3. 位于伦敦西北的牛津大学以其学术成就而闻名遐迩。位于伦敦西北的牛津大学以其学术成就而闻名遐迩。


Located to the north west of London, Oxford University Located to the north west of London, Oxford University

is well known/noted far and wide for its academic is well known/noted far and wide for its academic


be well known/noted far and wide forbe well known/noted far and wide for

academic excellenceacademic excellence


4. 4. 作为一位智力超群的伟人,爱因斯坦使现代人对于时空作为一位智力超群的伟人,爱因斯坦使现代人对于时空有了全新的概念。有了全新的概念。

intellectual giantintellectual giant

An intellectual giant, Einstein was responsible for An intellectual giant, Einstein was responsible for

modern man’s new concept of time and space.modern man’s new concept of time and space.

be responsible forbe responsible fornew conceptnew concept


5. 5. 这项医学研究的目的在于找到医治遗传性血液疾病的新这项医学研究的目的在于找到医治遗传性血液疾病的新疗法,因为现在使用的药物不能治愈这些复杂的疾病。疗法,因为现在使用的药物不能治愈这些复杂的疾病。

be aimed atbe aimed at

This medical research is aimed at finding new treatment This medical research is aimed at finding new treatment

for inherited blood diseases, because the drugs now in for inherited blood diseases, because the drugs now in

use cannot cure these complicated diseases.use cannot cure these complicated diseases.

inherited blood diseasesinherited blood diseases

the drugs in usethe drugs in use


6. 6. 今年是我校建校一百周年纪念。我校最初是一家私塾今年是我校建校一百周年纪念。我校最初是一家私塾 ,,现已成为一所以理论研究见长的世界名牌大学。现已成为一所以理论研究见长的世界名牌大学。

one hundredth anniversaryone hundredth anniversary

This year is the one hundredth anniversary of the This year is the one hundredth anniversary of the

founding of our university. A private school initially, it founding of our university. A private school initially, it

has now become a world-famous university specializing has now become a world-famous university specializing

in the theoretical research.in the theoretical research.

specializing in the theoretical researchspecializing in the theoretical research


private schoolprivate school

7. 7. 两年前,鲍勃对他餐馆经理的工作感到厌倦;幸好他获两年前,鲍勃对他餐馆经理的工作感到厌倦;幸好他获得了一份州立大学的奖学金。得了一份州立大学的奖学金。

feel bored withfeel bored with

Two years ago, Bob was feeling bored with his job as a Two years ago, Bob was feeling bored with his job as a

restaurant manager. Luckily he won a scholarship to the restaurant manager. Luckily he won a scholarship to the

state university.state university.



8. 8. 当被问及斯蒂芬在大学时是什么样的学生时,当时任物当被问及斯蒂芬在大学时是什么样的学生时,当时任物理系系主任的怀特教授回忆道:“他给我的印象是个非理系系主任的怀特教授回忆道:“他给我的印象是个非

常常 聪明的学生,具有一种对物理本能的洞察力。”聪明的学生,具有一种对物理本能的洞察力。”

the then Chairman of the Physics Departmentthe then Chairman of the Physics Department

Asked what kind of student Stephen was at college, Prof. Asked what kind of student Stephen was at college, Prof.

White, the then Chairman of the Physics Department, White, the then Chairman of the Physics Department,

recalls: “He impressed me as a very bright student with recalls: “He impressed me as a very bright student with

an instinctive insight into physics.”an instinctive insight into physics.”

he impressed me ashe impressed me as


an instinctive insight intoan instinctive insight into

• Reading SkillGuessing Unknown Words and ExpressionsGuessing Unknown Words and Expressions

• Language PointsLanguage Points

• Comprehension CheckComprehension Check

Text BText B

Understanding Figurative LanguageUnderstanding Figurative Language

Reading SkillReading Skill

Authors often use Authors often use figures of speechfigures of speech, or , or figurative languagefigurative language, ,

to make their writing lively and memorable. Like to make their writing lively and memorable. Like

idiomatic expressions, figures of speech can be confusing idiomatic expressions, figures of speech can be confusing

if you try to understand them literally — but for effective if you try to understand them literally — but for effective

readers, who know how to recognize and interpret them, readers, who know how to recognize and interpret them,

figures of speech can help you understand the author’s figures of speech can help you understand the author’s

meaning more deeply and think about ideas in new ways.meaning more deeply and think about ideas in new ways.

Understanding Figurative LanguageUnderstanding Figurative Language

Reading SkillReading Skill

Different kinds of figurative languageDifferent kinds of figurative language::

ComparisonsComparisons, which may include comparison markers , which may include comparison markers

(like, as, more than, etc.) or not.(like, as, more than, etc.) or not.

e.g.e.g.• His career took off like a rocket.His career took off like a rocket.• She was an intellectual giant.She was an intellectual giant.

Understanding Figurative LanguageUnderstanding Figurative Language

Reading SkillReading Skill

Different kinds of figurative languageDifferent kinds of figurative language::

PersonificationPersonification, which treats a thing as if it had human , which treats a thing as if it had human


e.g.e.g.• The moon stared sadly down at the lake.The moon stared sadly down at the lake.• His fingers danced across the keyboard.His fingers danced across the keyboard.

Understanding Figurative LanguageUnderstanding Figurative Language

Reading SkillReading Skill

Different kinds of figurative languageDifferent kinds of figurative language::

SymbolismSymbolism, in which one thing (or a part of something) , in which one thing (or a part of something)

represents another.represents another.

e.g.e.g.• The cranes of Shanghai are hoisting China into the The cranes of Shanghai are hoisting China into the

2121stst century. century.• The finest mind alive met with 45 disabled students The finest mind alive met with 45 disabled students

yesterday at a local high school.yesterday at a local high school.


Take a look at the figurative language used in the first three Take a look at the figurative language used in the first three paragraphs of Text B and the sentences or parts of the paragraphs of Text B and the sentences or parts of the sentences have been underlined for you to find them quickly. sentences have been underlined for you to find them quickly. What is the author expressing through these figures of What is the author expressing through these figures of speech? speech?

《读写教程 II 》 : Ex. XV, p. 146Ex. XV, p. 146《读写教程 II 》 : Ex. XV, p. 146Ex. XV, p. 146

Reading SkillReading Skill

Understanding Figurative LanguageUnderstanding Figurative Language

Reading SkillReading Skill

1.1. [Edison] led the world into the age of technology.[Edison] led the world into the age of technology.

[Edison] was an early and very important contributor to many of the foundations of modern technology.

The role brilliance/ inspiration plays in genius is very small; mainly it’s achieved through hard work.

2.2. Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.

Reading SkillReading Skill

3.3. This belief was his religion.This belief was his religion.

He held this belief very strongly; it was very important to him; it guided many of his actions.

He was very poor when he arrived in the city.

4.4. He arrived in the city with nothing but the shirt on his back.He arrived in the city with nothing but the shirt on his back.

Reading SkillReading Skill

5.5. Edison found himself out on the street.Edison found himself out on the street.

He had nowhere to live.

Inventor of the FutureInventor of the FutureJonas HughesJonas Hughes

11 If one person can be said to have led the world into the age of If one person can be said to have led the world into the age of

technology it was technology it was Thomas Alva Edison. Not only did he invent and perfect many of the technologies vital to the modern world — including the electric light, the motion picture camera and the first sound recordings — he also set the standard for how research and development is done today.

Text BText B

22 Edison’s best-known saying is: “Genius is one per cent Edison’s best-known saying is: “Genius is one per cent

inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration.” This belief was his religion: inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration.” This belief was his religion:

He worked day and night for much of his life. By the time he died in He worked day and night for much of his life. By the time he died in

1931, he had patented over 1,100 inventions. Some were entirely his 1931, he had patented over 1,100 inventions. Some were entirely his

own, but many were improvements he had made to the inventions of own, but many were improvements he had made to the inventions of

others. others.

Text BText B

33 Edison’s career began in New York, in 1869, when he was 22 Edison’s career began in New York, in 1869, when he was 22

years old. He arrived in the city years old. He arrived in the city with nothing but the shirt on his back. It turned out that the old family friends he had hoped would help him had moved on; consequently, Edison found himself out on the street. He ended up sleeping in the cellar of a company that operated an information service for stockbrokers. In those days, information was sent from place to place using tickertape, and one day the system collapsed. In the chaos that followed, Edison offered to fix the problem and within minutes had the equipment working again. He was immediately given a job.

Text BText B

44 Within a year, Edison had saved enough money to open his own Within a year, Edison had saved enough money to open his own

company manufacturing tickertape machines. The business did well, company manufacturing tickertape machines. The business did well,

and Edison had plenty of time to concentrate on his experiments and and Edison had plenty of time to concentrate on his experiments and

inventions. In fact, he was so productive that within six years, he had inventions. In fact, he was so productive that within six years, he had

patented over 120 inventions, in between running a successful patented over 120 inventions, in between running a successful

business, getting married and starting a family.business, getting married and starting a family.

55 Shortly after that, he moved his factory to Menlo Park, New Shortly after that, he moved his factory to Menlo Park, New

Jersey, where he established his first big laboratory. It was here that Jersey, where he established his first big laboratory. It was here that

Edison was to do his best work and build his international reputation. Edison was to do his best work and build his international reputation.

The factory would also set the standard for how new technologies The factory would also set the standard for how new technologies

would be created and perfected in the future, according to patent would be created and perfected in the future, according to patent

consultant Ted Blake.consultant Ted Blake.

Text BText B

66 “Edison was really the first man to “Edison was really the first man to

run a research and development department like a modern technology concern. A lot of invention nowadays is modification of existing products and processes, to make them a little bit more commercial, a little bit more effective. And Edison started all that off.”77 Few of Edison’s most useful inventions were entirely original. Few of Edison’s most useful inventions were entirely original.

Instead, he concentrated much of his time and effort on improving Instead, he concentrated much of his time and effort on improving

existing products. One was the telephone. existing products. One was the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell invented it, but it was Edison who improved the range and clarity of the instrument so that it could be put to practical use by ordinary people.

Text BText B

88 Moreover, some of the inventions commonly attributed to Edison Moreover, some of the inventions commonly attributed to Edison had already been invented. One example is the light bulb. This was had already been invented. One example is the light bulb. This was first demonstrated in London in 1878 by its English inventor, first demonstrated in London in 1878 by its English inventor, Joseph Wilson Swan. However, when Edison demonstrated his light bulb in the US the following year, it was he who was given the credit for bringing electric light to the world.

99 One reason was that Edison did more than just supply a light One reason was that Edison did more than just supply a light bulb, as Brian Bowers of London’s Science Museum explains. bulb, as Brian Bowers of London’s Science Museum explains. “Edison believed that if you had electric light, then you should have “Edison believed that if you had electric light, then you should have an Edison electric light bulb in an Edison lamp, connected by a piece an Edison electric light bulb in an Edison lamp, connected by a piece of Edison wire, all the way back to the Edison generator in the Edison of Edison wire, all the way back to the Edison generator in the Edison power station. It was a different concept — power station. It was a different concept — he was going for the whole system.”

Text BText B

1010 In this, Edison was unlike most scientists and inventors, who In this, Edison was unlike most scientists and inventors, who

tend to concentrate on one particular idea or field. Edison never tend to concentrate on one particular idea or field. Edison never

restricted himself. The reason, says his biographer, Neil Baldwin, is restricted himself. The reason, says his biographer, Neil Baldwin, is

that he was motivated by a desire to improve people’s lives. that he was motivated by a desire to improve people’s lives.

1111 “You can see this theme throughout his life — to help the people “You can see this theme throughout his life — to help the people

of America to better their lives. He designed mass housing for the of America to better their lives. He designed mass housing for the

working people; he tried to find a cheaper way to mine iron ore; he working people; he tried to find a cheaper way to mine iron ore; he

designed a battery for an automobile; and he tried to make an electric designed a battery for an automobile; and he tried to make an electric

car, to cut down on environmental pollution.”car, to cut down on environmental pollution.”

Text BText B

1212 In fact, so great was Edison’s desire to invent things that would In fact, so great was Edison’s desire to invent things that would make life easier and better that he neglected to exploit many of his make life easier and better that he neglected to exploit many of his inventions because he didn’t believe they would be of use to people, inventions because he didn’t believe they would be of use to people, or that people would want them. or that people would want them.

1313 One of his biggest mistakes was to One of his biggest mistakes was to underestimate the attraction of cinema and radio. After inventing the motion picture camera, he abandoned filmmaking because he believed movies could only be of interest to specialists who would use them for education, not entertainment. And although he was the first person to record sound, he failed to develop that technology because he didn’t think people would want radios. His reasoning was that the public would not allow into their homes a source of entertainment they couldn’t control.

Text BText B

1414 Despite these occasional errors of judgment, Edison produced a Despite these occasional errors of judgment, Edison produced a

steady supply of useful inventions throughout his life, many of which steady supply of useful inventions throughout his life, many of which

are still helping to shape our world. are still helping to shape our world.

(791 words)(791 words)

Text BText B

Text-related informationText-related information

Thomas Alva EdisonThomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was Thomas Alva Edison was American inventor, whose American inventor, whose development of a practical development of a practical electric light bulb, electric electric light bulb, electric generating system, sound-generating system, sound-recording device, and recording device, and motion picture projector motion picture projector had profound effects on the had profound effects on the shaping of modern society.shaping of modern society.

vitalvital a.a.

—— essessential to the existence, success, or operation of sth.ential to the existence, success, or operation of sth.


• Richardson played a Richardson played a vitalvital role in the team’s success. role in the team’s success.

• Such measures are Such measures are vitalvital to national security. to national security.

… … set the standard for how research and development is done set the standard for how research and development is done todaytoday

—— supplied a model which people today are following supplied a model which people today are following in in their research and developmenttheir research and development

—— (literally) with only the shirt he was wearing; (literally) with only the shirt he was wearing; (figuratively) with hardly any money on him(figuratively) with hardly any money on him

with nothing but the shirt on his backwith nothing but the shirt on his back

More to learnMore to learnMore to learnMore to learn

with nothing but the with nothing but the shirt shirt on his backon his back

Figuratively, Figuratively, ““shirtshirt”” is used in some English idioms to is used in some English idioms to mean all or a large part of one’s money or resources.mean all or a large part of one’s money or resources.


• He lost his shirt on that business deal. He lost his shirt on that business deal.

• The team has put its shirt on winning the prize.The team has put its shirt on winning the prize.

find oneself doing sth./ in a certain statefind oneself doing sth./ in a certain state— — do sth./be in a certain state without deciding or intendo sth./be in a certain state without deciding or inten

ding toding to

e.g.e.g.• He found himself laughing quite uncontrollably.He found himself laughing quite uncontrollably.• I found myself in almost total agreement with him.I found myself in almost total agreement with him.

run run … … like a modern technology concernlike a modern technology concern

—— operate operate … … in the way of a modern commercial in the way of a modern commercial business dealing in technology business dealing in technology

make them a little bit more commercialmake them a little bit more commercial

—— make them bring in a little bit more profit make them bring in a little bit more profit

Text-related informationText-related information

Alexander Graham Bell (1847—1922)Alexander Graham Bell (1847—1922)

Scottish-born American audiologist Scottish-born American audiologist

best known as the inventor of the best known as the inventor of the

telephone (1876). The range of Bell’s telephone (1876). The range of Bell’s

inventive genius is represented only inventive genius is represented only

in part by the 18 patent granted in in part by the 18 patent granted in

his name alone and the 12 he shared his name alone and the 12 he shared

with his collaborators. with his collaborators.

Bell died on August 2, 1922. At the time of his Bell died on August 2, 1922. At the time of his

burial, all telephone service stopped for one minute burial, all telephone service stopped for one minute

throughout the U.S., in simple respect for a life throughout the U.S., in simple respect for a life

well-lived. well-lived.

Text-related informationText-related information

Joseph Wilson SwanJoseph Wilson Swan

English physicist and English physicist and chemist who produced an chemist who produced an early electric light bulb early electric light bulb and invented the dry and invented the dry photographic plate, an photographic plate, an important improvement important improvement in photography and a in photography and a step in the development step in the development of modern photographic of modern photographic film.film.

he was going for the whole systemhe was going for the whole system

—— he was aiming to involve the whole process (of using he was aiming to involve the whole process (of using electricity in his business)electricity in his business)

underestimateunderestimate vt.vt.—— estimate that the amount of (sth.) is lower than it realestimate that the amount of (sth.) is lower than it real

ly isly is


• The builders say they have The builders say they have underestimatedunderestimated the cost by the cost by 10%.10%.

• Never Never underestimateunderestimate your enemy. your enemy.

Text B: Comprehension CheckText B: Comprehension Check

《读写教程 II 》 : Ex. XVI, p. 150Ex. XVI, p. 150《读写教程 II 》 : Ex. XVI, p. 150Ex. XVI, p. 150

XVI. Correct each sentences so that it reflects the meaning of the text.

Text B: Comprehension CheckText B: Comprehension Check

1.1. Thomas Edison led the world into the age of technology Thomas Edison led the world into the age of technology

through his inventions and high standards.through his inventions and high standards.

Thomas Edison led the world into the age of technology Thomas Edison led the world into the age of technology

through his inventions and through his inventions and by setting the standard for by setting the standard for

how research and development are donehow research and development are done..

Text B: Comprehension CheckText B: Comprehension Check

2.2. Thomas Edison strongly believed that hard work is as Thomas Edison strongly believed that hard work is as

important as creativity.important as creativity.

Thomas Edison strongly believed that hard work is Thomas Edison strongly believed that hard work is more more

important thanimportant than creativity. creativity.

Text B: Comprehension CheckText B: Comprehension Check

3.3. Edison arrived in New York without trousers.Edison arrived in New York without trousers.

Edison Edison was very poorwas very poor when he arrived in New York. when he arrived in New York.

Text B: Comprehension CheckText B: Comprehension Check

4.4. He created chaos in the information service company by He created chaos in the information service company by

repairing the equipment within minutes.repairing the equipment within minutes.

In the chaosIn the chaos that followed the collapse of the information that followed the collapse of the information

service system, Edison repaired the equipment.service system, Edison repaired the equipment.

Text B: Comprehension CheckText B: Comprehension Check

5.5. He was in his late 20s when he started his own company.He was in his late 20s when he started his own company.

He was He was in his early 20sin his early 20s when he started his own company. when he started his own company.

Text B: Comprehension CheckText B: Comprehension Check

6.6. Edison started a new mode of research an development Edison started a new mode of research an development

chiefly by patenting his entirely original inventions.chiefly by patenting his entirely original inventions.

Edison started a new mode of research an development Edison started a new mode of research an development

chiefly by chiefly by modifying other people’s inventions to make modifying other people’s inventions to make

them more practical / commercialthem more practical / commercial..

Text B: Comprehension CheckText B: Comprehension Check

7.7. Edison was given the credit for inventing electric light Edison was given the credit for inventing electric light

because he exported his light bulbs around the world.because he exported his light bulbs around the world.

Edison was given the credit for inventing electric light Edison was given the credit for inventing electric light

because because he developed a whole system for providing he developed a whole system for providing

electric serviceelectric service..

Text B: Comprehension CheckText B: Comprehension Check

8.8. Edison never made the mistake of underestimating the Edison never made the mistake of underestimating the

attraction of his inventions.attraction of his inventions.

Edison Edison sometimessometimes made the mistake of underestimating made the mistake of underestimating

the attraction of his inventions.the attraction of his inventions.

Listening PracticeListening Practice

Short ConversationsShort Conversations

Listening and Speaking IIListening and Speaking II

Part 5.3, pp. 91-92Part 5.3, pp. 91-92

Listening and Speaking IIListening and Speaking II

Part 5.3, pp. 91-92Part 5.3, pp. 91-92

You will hear 10 short conversations. After each You will hear 10 short conversations. After each conversation you will hear a question. Listen carefully conversation you will hear a question. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices given. and choose the best answer from the four choices given.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations

1.1. A)A) In a shop.In a shop.

B)B) At home. At home.

C)C) In a repair shop. In a repair shop.

D)D) At a factory.At a factory.

2. 2. A)A) Jogging.Jogging.

B)B) Jogging and swimming.Jogging and swimming.

C)C) Walking.Walking.

D)D) Walking and swimming. Walking and swimming.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations

3. 3. A)A) New students at college.New students at college.

B)B) The difficulties of college students.The difficulties of college students.

C)C) Experiences as a freshman. Experiences as a freshman.

D)D) How to get along with classmates.How to get along with classmates.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations

4. 4. A)A) 20 pounds.20 pounds.

B) 22 pounds. B) 22 pounds.

C)C) 25 pounds. 25 pounds.

D)D) 80 pounds.80 pounds.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations

5. 5. A)A) He should have been more open-minded.He should have been more open-minded.

B)B) He should have dressed more comfortably.He should have dressed more comfortably.

C)C) He should have dressed more formally. He should have dressed more formally.

D)D) He should have been more active.He should have been more active.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations

6. 6. A)A) Go to try another cleaners.Go to try another cleaners.

B)B) Wait until tomorrow.Wait until tomorrow.

C)C) Give up. Give up.

D)D) Buy new trousers.Buy new trousers.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations

7. 7. A)A) Take the subway.Take the subway.

B)B) See the show some other night. See the show some other night.

C)C) Have dinner after the show.Have dinner after the show.

D)D) Walk to the theater.Walk to the theater.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations

8. 8. A)A) Watch the clock carefully during the final exam.Watch the clock carefully during the final exam.

B)B) Hand in their paper on the last day.Hand in their paper on the last day.

C)C) Finish their assignment early. Finish their assignment early.

D)D) Discuss their paper topics after class.Discuss their paper topics after class.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations

9. 9. A)A) Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting.Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting.

B)B) Her roommate is unreliable about delivering Her roommate is unreliable about delivering


C)C) The man shouldn’t have invited her roommate to the The man shouldn’t have invited her roommate to the


D)D) The woman forgot about the time change.The woman forgot about the time change.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations

10.10. A)A) They didn’t have his size.They didn’t have his size.

B)B) It was too expensive.It was too expensive.

C)C) It was shiny purple. It was shiny purple.

D)D) He didn’t like the hood.He didn’t like the hood.

Listening Practice: ConversationsListening Practice: Conversations


Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

1.1. A)A) In a shop.In a shop.

B)B) At home. At home.

C)C) In a repair shop. In a repair shop.

D)D) At a factory.At a factory.

1.1. A)A) In a shop.In a shop.

B)B) At home. At home.

C)C) In a repair shop. In a repair shop.

D)D) At a factory.At a factory.

1.1. M:M: Is there anything I can do for you?Is there anything I can do for you?

W:W: Yes, I’d like to talk to someone about these socks. Yes, I’d like to talk to someone about these socks. They’ve only been worn three or four times and They’ve only been worn three or four times and they’re full of holes already.they’re full of holes already.

M:M: I’m afraid we’ve had a lot of complaints about I’m afraid we’ve had a lot of complaints about these socks. We’ll give you your money back.these socks. We’ll give you your money back.

Q:Q: Where does this conversation most probably take Where does this conversation most probably take place?place?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

2. 2. A)A) Jogging.Jogging.

B)B) Jogging and swimming.Jogging and swimming.

C)C) Walking.Walking.

D)D) Walking and swimming. Walking and swimming.

2. 2. A)A) Jogging.Jogging.

B)B) Jogging and swimming.Jogging and swimming.

C)C) Walking.Walking.

D)D) Walking and swimming. Walking and swimming.

2.2. M:M: Hi, Susan! You’re looking terrific! Hi, Susan! You’re looking terrific!

W:W: Oh, do you think so? It must be my new fitness Oh, do you think so? It must be my new fitness program. program.

M:M: What’ve you been doing? Jogging? What’ve you been doing? Jogging?

W:W: That’s not my kind of thing. I’ve been walking to keep That’s not my kind of thing. I’ve been walking to keep fit. And I go swimming as well. How about you? fit. And I go swimming as well. How about you?

M:M: I’m a jogger. But I haven’t taken up swimming. Not I’m a jogger. But I haven’t taken up swimming. Not yet, anyway. yet, anyway.

Q:Q: What does the woman do to keep fit?What does the woman do to keep fit?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

3. 3. A)A) New students at college.New students at college.

B)B) The difficulties of college students.The difficulties of college students.

C)C) Experiences as a freshman. Experiences as a freshman.

D)D) How to get along with classmates.How to get along with classmates.

3. 3. A)A) New students at college.New students at college.

B)B) The difficulties of college students.The difficulties of college students.

C)C) Experiences as a freshman.Experiences as a freshman.

D)D) How to get along with classmates.How to get along with classmates.

3.3. W:W: How did you get on when you first went to college?How did you get on when you first went to college?

M:M: Great! I was given a terrific welcome. All the new Great! I was given a terrific welcome. All the new students were.students were.

W:W: Were you? Well, how did you make friends? Was Were you? Well, how did you make friends? Was that a problem?that a problem?

M:M: Absolutely not. Everyone I was introduced to was Absolutely not. Everyone I was introduced to was very friendly.very friendly.

Q:Q: What are they talking about?What are they talking about?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

4. 4. A)A) 20 pounds.20 pounds.

B) 22 pounds. B) 22 pounds.

C)C) 25 pounds. 25 pounds.

D)D) 80 pounds.80 pounds.

4. 4. A)A) 20 pounds.20 pounds.

B) 22 pounds. B) 22 pounds.

C)C) 25 pounds. 25 pounds.

D)D) 80 pounds.80 pounds.

4.4. M:M: Hello. I’m looking for a flat, but I can’t pay much.Hello. I’m looking for a flat, but I can’t pay much.

W:W: How much do you expect?How much do you expect?

M:M: Well, about £25 a week at the most.Well, about £25 a week at the most.

W:W: Let me see. There’s one in Headington for £22 a Let me see. There’s one in Headington for £22 a week. If you rent for a month, you can just pay £80.week. If you rent for a month, you can just pay £80.

Q:Q: How much will the man pay each week if he rents How much will the man pay each week if he rents for a month?for a month?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

5. 5. A)A) He should have been more open-minded.He should have been more open-minded.

B)B) He should have dressed more comfortably.He should have dressed more comfortably.

C)C) He should have dressed more formally. He should have dressed more formally.

D)D) He should have been more active.He should have been more active.

5. 5. A)A) He should have been more open-minded.He should have been more open-minded.

B)B) He should have dressed more comfortably.He should have dressed more comfortably.

C)C) He should have dressed more formally. He should have dressed more formally.

D)D) He should have been more active.He should have been more active.

5.5. M:M: I just interviewed a young man for the bookkeeping I just interviewed a young man for the bookkeeping position.position.

W:W: What did you think of him?What did you think of him?

M: Well, he was very polite and serious. But he was M: Well, he was very polite and serious. But he was wearing a T-shirt, jeans and sports shoes.wearing a T-shirt, jeans and sports shoes.

Q:Q: What does the man think of the interviewee?What does the man think of the interviewee?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

6. 6. A)A) Go to try another cleaners.Go to try another cleaners.

B)B) Wait until tomorrow.Wait until tomorrow.

C)C) Give up. Give up.

D)D) Buy new trousers.Buy new trousers.

6. 6. A)A) Go to try another cleaners.Go to try another cleaners.

B)B) Wait until tomorrow.Wait until tomorrow.

C)C) Give up. Give up.

D)D) Buy new trousers.Buy new trousers.

6.6. W:W: Can I help you?Can I help you?

M:M: I need to have these trousers cleaned. What’s your I need to have these trousers cleaned. What’s your fastest service?fastest service?

W:W: We can have them ready tomorrow morning.We can have them ready tomorrow morning.

M:M: I’m afraid that’s too late. I need them tonight.I’m afraid that’s too late. I need them tonight.

W:W: I see. Well, why don’t you try ABC Dry Cleaners, I see. Well, why don’t you try ABC Dry Cleaners, around the corner? They might be able to help around the corner? They might be able to help


M:M: Thank you very much.Thank you very much.

Q:Q: What will the man probably do next?What will the man probably do next?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

7. 7. A)A) Take the subway.Take the subway.

B)B) See the show some other night. See the show some other night.

C)C) Have dinner after the show.Have dinner after the show.

D)D) Walk to the theater.Walk to the theater.

7. 7. A)A) Take the subway.Take the subway.

B)B) See the show some other night. See the show some other night.

C)C) Have dinner after the show.Have dinner after the show.

D)D) Walk to the theater.Walk to the theater.

7.7. W:W: The subway is running behind schedule and the The subway is running behind schedule and the traffic is heavy. I don’t know if we’ll make the 7:30 traffic is heavy. I don’t know if we’ll make the 7:30


M:M: It’s a beautiful night. Let’s try to get there on foot.It’s a beautiful night. Let’s try to get there on foot.

W:W: Are you kidding? If we go there on foot, we won’t Are you kidding? If we go there on foot, we won’t have time to have dinner.have time to have dinner.

M:M: Well, we can make do with sandwich.Well, we can make do with sandwich.

Q:Q: What does the man suggest they do?What does the man suggest they do?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

8. 8. A)A) Watch the clock carefully during the final exam.Watch the clock carefully during the final exam.

B)B) Hand in their paper on the last day.Hand in their paper on the last day.

C)C) Finish their assignment early. Finish their assignment early.

D)D) Discuss their paper topics after class.Discuss their paper topics after class.

8. 8. A)A) Watch the clock carefully during the final exam.Watch the clock carefully during the final exam.

B)B) Hand in their paper on the last day.Hand in their paper on the last day.

C)C) Finish their assignment early. Finish their assignment early.

D)D) Discuss their paper topics after class.Discuss their paper topics after class.

8.8. M: Have you handed in your final paper?M: Have you handed in your final paper?

W:W: Oh, not yet. How about you?Oh, not yet. How about you?

M:M: No. Actually I can’t remember the due date for it.No. Actually I can’t remember the due date for it.

W:W: I think it’s the twelfth, but the professor said not to I think it’s the twelfth, but the professor said not to wait until the last minute to hand it in.wait until the last minute to hand it in.

Q:Q: What did the professor suggest the students do?What did the professor suggest the students do?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

9. 9. A)A) Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting.Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting.

B)B) Her roommate is unreliable about delivering Her roommate is unreliable about delivering


C)C) The man shouldn’t have invited her roommate to the The man shouldn’t have invited her roommate to the


D)D) The woman forgot about the time change.The woman forgot about the time change.

9. 9. A)A) Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting.Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting.

B)B) Her roommate is unreliable about delivering Her roommate is unreliable about delivering


C)C) The man shouldn’t have invited her roommate to the The man shouldn’t have invited her roommate to the


D)D) The woman forgot about the time change.The woman forgot about the time change.

9.9. M:M: Why did you come to the meeting late?Why did you come to the meeting late?

W:W: Late? I think I’m on time.Late? I think I’m on time.

M: Didn’t your roommate tell you about the time change? M: Didn’t your roommate tell you about the time change? I left a message with her this morning.I left a message with her this morning.

W: She has a very short memory and it really gets on my W: She has a very short memory and it really gets on my nerve sometimes.nerve sometimes.

Q:Q: What does the woman imply?What does the woman imply?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up

10.10. A)A) They didn’t have his size.They didn’t have his size.

B)B) It was too expensive.It was too expensive.

C)C) It was shiny purple. It was shiny purple.

D)D) He didn’t like the hood.He didn’t like the hood.

10.10. A)A) They didn’t have his size.They didn’t have his size.

B)B) It was too expensive.It was too expensive.

C)C) It was shiny purple. It was shiny purple.

D)D) He didn’t like the hood.He didn’t like the hood.

10.10. W:W: Nice raincoat.Nice raincoat.

M:M: Do you think so? It’s new. Really I wanted a Do you think so? It’s new. Really I wanted a different different one. It was the greatest raincoat — sort of shiny one. It was the greatest raincoat — sort of shiny purple, with a big hood. And it was cheaper than this purple, with a big hood. And it was cheaper than this one too.one too.

W:W: Well, why didn’t you buy it then?Well, why didn’t you buy it then?

M:M: They didn’t have my size.They didn’t have my size.

Q:Q: Why didn’t the man buy the raincoat he wanted?Why didn’t the man buy the raincoat he wanted?

Listening Practice: Check-upListening Practice: Check-up


1.1. Review Text A.Review Text A.

2.2. Analyze the structure of Analyze the structure of

Text AText A

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