2021 summer advanced placement assignments

Post on 10-Dec-2021






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2021 Summer

Advanced Placement


Honors and AP English Language Arts

10th Grade Honors Summer Reading Assignment 2021-2022

Read OF Mice and Men and complete a 20 quote dialectical journal. You

should be prepared to submit this journal/chart digitally to your teacher the

first week back to school in August. CREATE YOUR OWN CHART. There is

an example below.

PDF of the book : https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.507266?ref=ol

Or, you can create an account to checkout online versions: https://


Dialectical Journals

Directions: In order to “close read” the novel, you will need to maintain a

Dialectical Journal (DJ) Chart.

Significance/importance of the quote:

• Characterization: the passage reveals important information about a certain


• Figurative language/symbolism: the scene includes elements of these

• Theme: the quote directly connects to the author’s purpose and audience

Follow these directions when filling out your DJ charts:

Three parts:

Include the quote with the page number in parenthesis.

Context: What is happening in the scene when the quote is said?

Analysis: Analyze the quote. Why does the quote matter? Why is it im-

portant? Are there Literary Devices? Character development? Is it con-

nected to theme?

Your commentary/analysis/questions should answer the basic

question “Why have I chosen this scene for inclusion in the chart?”

Or what question(s) does this scene raise for me? Set up a table on

your word processing program to look like the table below using

the two columns and headings listed there. Be sure to add more

rows when needed.

*You should have at least 20 entries* with advanced level



Spider-Man (2002)



(context, analysis, interpretation,

synthesis or application)

Uncle Ben Parker: “With great power

comes great responsibility” (82).

Context: Uncle Ben tells Peter Par-

ker this quote after he finds out that

Peter beat up the school bully Flash


Analysis: This suggests that Uncle

Ben is wise for various reasons. Ra-

ther than scold Peter for his behav-

ior, he provides a message that Pe-

ter can apply to life. This foreshad-

ows how and if Peter will take this

advice and apply it to his life

as Spiderman and/or the teenager.

11h Grade AP English Summer Reading Assignment 2021-2022

As a student in the English 11 AP course, you will be participate in

course curriculum that requires you to continuously be an active

reader and to prepare you for the AP Examination. When you

return in August, be prepared for testing and discussion on the

following aspects of each novel:

1) Major conflicts

2) Main characters

3) Plot

4) Setting

5) Themes. (Expect essay exams as well as multiple choice.)

It is highly recommend taking careful notes as you read.

You will be tested on the novels listed below. You are advised to

buy your own copies of the works so that you may write in them or

you may check them out from the school librarian.

A Yellow Raft in Blue Water by: Michael Dorris

An American Childhood by: Annie Dillard

Read only: Part I: Chapter 1 and 9 and

Part 2: Chapter 13 and 14

Part 3: Chapter 3

12h Grade AP English Summer Reading Assignment 2021-2022

Book 1- Complete the following dialectical journal assignment for the book Pride and




Here is a link to a free text: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1342/old/


-Divide your book into 3 equal chunks.

-For each chunk you will find 10 quotes (2 on speaker, 2 on imagery, 2 on figura-

tive language, 2 on tone, 2 on theme).

-Place each quote in the chart below and analyze the importance of that quote.

Your analysis should be 2 sentences AND NOT MERELY A PARAPHRASE.

Click here for the form to fill out. https://testfusd-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/



Book 2- complete the following dialectical journal assignment for Samuel Beckett’s play

Waiting For Godot.



Here is a link to an online version of the free text:

Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

And act 2: https://www.samuel-beckett.net/Waiting_for_Godot_Part2.html

-For each Act of the this 2 Act play, you will find 10 quotes (2 on characterization, 2

on imagery, 2 on figurative language, 2 on tone, 2 on theme).

-Place each quote in the chart below and analyze the importance of that quote. Your

analysis should be 2 sentences AND NOT MERELY A PARAPHRASE.

Click here for the form to fill out. https://testfusd-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/



On index cards, define and explain the significance of each of the following terms.

Use the format shown.

Chapter 1 IDS

New World Beginnings, 33,000 B.C.—A.D. 1769

-Junipero Serra

-Francisco Pizarro


-Christopher Columbus

-Hernán Cortés

-John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto)

-Francisco Coronado


-three-sister farming


-Treaty of Tordesillas


-Columbian Exchange

-Canadian Shield


-Black Legend



-Popé’s Rebellion (Pueblo Revolt)

-Pueblo Indians

AP U. S. History Summer Assignment 2021-2022

Chapter/page # Name & Period

ID #: term


Describe the ID. Tell what it is, give dates, factual information.


Tell why the ID is important. Connect to PERSIA. Give the “so what”



AP U. S. History Summer Assignment 2021-2022 continued...

Read Chapter 1. Answer the following questions below, fully and in complete


This will count as one of your first grades!

Chapter 1

New World Beginnings

33,000 B.C. – A.D. 1769

1. Describe the geological and geographical conditions that set the stage

for North American History.

2. Describe the origin and development of the major Indian cultures of

the Americas.

3. Explain the developments in Europe and Africa that led up to Co-

lumbus’s voyage to America.

4. Explain the changes and conflicts that occurred when the diverse

worlds of Europe, Africa, and the Americas collided after 1492.

5. Describe the Spanish conquest of Mexico and South America and

identify the major features of Spanish colonization and expansion in

North America.

AP Spanish Literature Summer Assignment 2021-2022

Read El Burlador de Sevilla and La casa de Bernarda Alba.

Complete the following for each reading:

1) Lectura independiente

2) dialectical journal


Lectura Independiente: <<Diario de entrada>>

Título y año de la publicación de la obra


Género (novela, poesía, cuento, etc.)

PREDICE: Basado en lo que leíste, ¿qué pasará después?

Creo que (nombre del personaje) va a . . . porque. . .

Parece que...va a pasar...porque...

Estoy seguro/a de que... se trata de...porque...

CONÉCTATE: Haz una conexión personal con lo que leíste. Describe las similitudes

entre la lectura y lo que conoces, has experimentado, oído, leído en algún otro lu-

gar, visto en una película, etc.

(nombre del personaje) me recuerda . . . porque. . .

(nombre del personaje) es parecido a...en (libro/película/etc.) porque.

Esta escena me hace pensar de...porque...

Esta situación es como cuando (en mi vida personal)...porque...

AP Spanish Literature Summer Assignment 2021-2022 continued...

CUESTIONA: Graba las preguntas que te vengan a la mente mientras estás leyendo. Estas

quizás sean motivaciones del personaje, causas de los eventos, cambios en la trama, etc.

Me imagino por qué. . .le pasó a. . . ?

¿Por qué decidió (nombre del personaje). . . ?

¿Cuándo va (nombre del personaje) a ver que...?

CLARIFICA: Para durante la lectura para pensar acerca de lo comprendiste, especialmente

cuando tengas un nuevo entendimiento. Quizás buscaste una palabra crítica en el

diccionario o tal vez leas de nuevo para obtener un conocimiento profundo.

No entendí...antes, pero después de leer esa parte de nuevo, ahora sé. . .

Busqué la palabra...porque este párrafo no tenía sentido. Ahora sé que significa...

Al principio pensé...pero ahora pienso...porque...

EVALÚA: Desarrolla opiniones acerca de la lectura, incluye eventos, personajes, el estilo de

la escritura del autor, etc.

Realmente me gusta/disgusta esta parte porque. . .

Creo que el ambiente es importante en esta parte porque. . .

Esta parte es realista / irrealista porque. . .

Pienso que la relación entre (nombre de un personaje) y (nombre de otro personaje) es

interesante porque...

Me gusta/disgusta cómo escribe el autor porque...

VISUALIZA: Imagina (en tu mente) lo que has leído. Esto quizá sea lo que un personaje

parece o lo que una escena parece, cómo sucede un evento, etc. Dibújalo en tu diario y des-

pués explica tu dibujo.

Dibujé a (nombre del personaje) así porque en la página, él/ella es descrita como

"(escribe una cita del texto)"

Cuando el autor escribe "(escribe una cita del texto)" en la página, pensé que esto


AP Spanish Literature Summer Assignment 2021-2022 continued...

-Título y año de la publicación

de la obra


-Género (novela, poesía, cuen-

to, etc.)







AP Spanish Literature Summer Assignment 2021-2022 continued...

El diario de …(título del texto)

Cita directa del texto Pg. #


Tu repuesta

Link to Readings

Copy and paste into your Internet Browser





AP Physics Summer Assignment 2021-2022

AP Chemistry Summer Assignment 2021-2022

Welcome to AP Physics 1! AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics

course. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through inquiry-based investigations

as they explore these topics: kinematics; dynamics; circular motion and gravitation; energy; mo-

mentum; simple harmonic motion; torque and rotational motion; electric charge and electric force;

DC circuits; and mechanical waves and sound. While AP Physics 1 is Algebra based, it does not

mean that the course is easy. There is a lot of analytical reasoning and application of mathematical

practices. The course is not about solving problems, although there will be a lot of problem solving.

It is about understanding the underlying laws of physics that pertain to everyday situations, and

then applying those laws to predict what will happens in new situations. In addition, the course is

a laboratory based course where students will graphically analyze data that they collect. In order

for students to be able to focus on the physics principles being studied, they need to be comfortable

with many mathematical skills learned previously. Completing this packet will help you review

some key skills and identify topics that you need to brush up more on prior to the start of class.

The following skills are needed in order to be successful in AP Physics: 1. Graphing data and ex-

tracting meaning from it

2. Solving an equation for a needed variable

3. Substituting numbers and expressions

4. Basic right angle trigonometry

This assignment is due August 9, 2021.

To access the full assignment, copy and paste the following link below into your Internet browser.


To access the full assignment, copy and paste the following link below into your Inter-

net browser.


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