2018 september crossways september crossways.pdf · the newsletter of all saints’ episcopal...

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September 2018 Crossways Page 1 of 13

Crossways The Newsletter of All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Johnson City, NY September 2018 Vol. 66 No. 7

Once upon a time, the 7th century to be specific, the Good News of God in Christ came to Northern England in a time of unrest. As a result, when missionaries were needed, they came from Iona (Scotland) rather than Canterbury (England). Aidan was the missionary leader, centered the mission on the island of Lindisfarne and extended the mission as far south as London! Cuthbert entered religious life after seeing a vision of the death of Aidan and was formed in Celtic Christianity. Cuthbert was the most popular saint of the pre-Conquest Anglo-Saxon Church. Accepting the Synod of Whitby, he was the “healer of the breach” that threatened to divide the Celtic and Roman factions of the English Church. Would that there be a “Cuthbert” amidst all divisions that separate us in 2018 into shouting and warring factions! September brings new beginnings of many things: new school year and a return to fall-winter-spring activities. After the whirlwind of All Saints’ Food Pavilion at the JC Field Days, August 31-September 3:

Sunday School for Toddlers-Middle School begins on Sunday, September 9th at 10 am; Choir practice begins Thursday, September 13th at 7 pm; Welcome Back Picnic on Sunday, September 16th after the 10 am Eucharist; Spiritual Care for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Workshop on Saturday, September 22nd; Third session of the Learning Community Initiative on Saturday, September 29th.

Meanwhile all All Saints’ regular activities continue: weekend Eucharists Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 10 am; Vestry meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month; All Saints’ CHOW Pantry Mondays-Thursdays at 10 am; and Soup & Sandwiches Saturdays lunch program every Saturday at noon. Enjoy! Faithfully yours,

The Rev. Christine J. Day, Rector

August 31, 2018 Feast of Aidan and Cuthbert, Bishops of Lindisfarne, 651, 684 Dear Friends in Christ,

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and proceeded to have a water balloon fight. We even had water balloon races in the back-parking lot. I would like to thank everyone who helped, with a shout out to Linda Barkman for walking the neighborhood with me to hand out flyers. I would like to thank Kim Trowbridge and Ida Taft for coming in on Sunday and helping me with oh, just about everything, from balloons to carrying food. I would like to thank my fellow Warden, Don Thorpe for arranging the juggler and manning the food tables. I would like to thank the Horton’s for their knowledge and meeting at Maines and shopping with me and for me. I would like to thank Colleen and Megan Labosky for meeting with me about publicity and flyers. I would like to thank Mother Chris for her posters. I’m sure I’ve missed someone so please just know that I do appreciate all the help we give each other. Happy Birthday to us all, Joy Kasmarcik Warden

Tribute to Paul Donnelly Written by David Pierce

The week of August 8th sent to members

of the 2nd week Soup and Sandwich team

Dear friends, This weekend is Soup and Sandwich Saturday or as I would like to refer to it "The Paul Donnelly Saturday lunch program". As you may or may not know Paul lost his battle with the disease that had laid him up. Paul was a stout-hearted supporter of our program along with his wife Patti. He will be missed not just for his labors, but for the willingness and joy he brought. Servanthood is one of the foundations of Christ's mission here on earth. When we serve we come closer to God and his plan for us. Not everyone has the same talents and gifts, some need to be explored or given a chance to flourish. Paul was a soup maker. He did not start out as the best soup maker, but thru direction and dedication he perfected his art. Over 10 years he plied his skills in making the best soup he could for our guests. His was a great gift to the program. That beside his donations of time and talent, his monetary/physical donations of spoons and other things he found on his journeys. As we gather this Saturday to make soup and sandwiches to feed our hungry brethren lest we forget our service is not only for ourselves, but for God’s purpose and Paul! (David Pierce was the original captain of the team Patti and Paul later managed.)

100th ANNIVERSARY PICNIC REPORT I would like to thank everyone who participated in our 100th Anniversary Picnic. We had a mixture of parishioners, neighbors and people who come to our Soup and Sandwich program and overall it was a good turnout with good food, drink and conversation. We had various games to play including water balloons, which the kids found

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As we did for the recent chicken BBQ, we are asking the parish for donations to help defray the cost of food that we purchase to prepare, cook and sell at Field Days. Our food costs for Field Days run about $2,500, which really cuts into the profit margin. Any help with the cost will certainly help our profit, which in turn will help our budget gap (too many expenses and not enough revenues). Sign-up sheets are up in the Narthex! Please sign up to work. An event such as this relies on people power - it doesn't work without volunteer helpers. All those who work the JC Field Days must take the Broome County Health Department Online Temporary Food Safety Course and Quiz and then hand in a certificate for the course. To take the course and complete the quiz please do the following:

• To be qualified to work at the Field Days, do the following • Click on the following link Temporary Food Safety Class Full Color Presentation • After reviewing the presentation,

· Take the Quiz: Temporary Food Service Safety Quiz , enter relevant contact data and information, and print out the certificate and give it to me or Linda in the office. Extra copies of the study guide and blank certificates will be available in the office - ask Linda for a copy.

Thanks. Tom Johnson


JOHNSON CITY FIELD DAYS! Field Days this year is quickly approaching, and will run from Friday, August 31st through Monday, September 3rd. It is one of All Saints’ annual fundraisers and really needs your support to make it successful.


The September vestry meeting is Wednesday, September 12th at 6:30pm. Curious what the Vestry does? All are invited to attend!

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The following note is from St. David’s Dewitt:

“Many of you know we have a member of our parish serving in the Peace Corp in Fiji. Courtney Finkbeiner will complete her first year in the island paradise in August with 15 months to go after that.

“One of the things Courtney has spearheaded on her island (Fiji is made up of many islands in the South Pacific) is a library for the youth; Dewey decimal comes to Fiji! Now that the library at the school has been established they need books. As the kids, youth and adults try to learn English they have found there is a lack of textbooks in English. This would not be so much a problem if she was in a populated area, but Courtney is on a smaller island in a village that has no electricity. Although there are bigger issues to be dealt with, this is something that we can have an immediate effect on.

“St. David's is going to head an initiative to bring books for learning to the small Waiyaevo, Taveuni FIji. The books Courtney will be looking for are beginning reading to intermediate books. St, David's will send the books over. You can also donate to our effort. Please put Books for Fiji in the memo line of your check.

“This will be an ongoing mission for the rest of the year. If you have any gently used books for youth or see some on sale at the store, drop them off to the church office. Look in the attic, shop the garage and church rummage sales, or get them out of the bargain bin at the store. Easy read and first learning books are the best. If you have any questions, contact Cherie Finkbeiner at 315-449-2757 or email her at cherie.finkbeiner@verizon.net

vaka-Viti (Thank you)” Our Administrative Assistant, Linda Barkman, is downsizing. She loves books and always have. She

wants to find a good home for her books. This is one idea she thought she'd share with us. If anyone

has books they would like to donate, get them to her or leave in the office, and she will see that they get

to St. David's.

Sunday school classes will begin on Sunday September 9. We will continue the Heart Shaper

curriculum that we started last year. If there is anyone that would be able to teach at least one Sunday a month it would be greatly

appreciated. Please give me a call or send me an e-mail! Please use the attached registration form to sign-up your children or to volunteer to help or

assist in any way. There are also copies in the narthex and on the website at: Christian Education Registration.







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To All our Parishioners,

We have a fine church school to educate our children in how we live our lives as Christians in what

is often a troubled and confusing world. We give thanks for our teachers who give their time and

talents to teach our children. We thank all members who support and respect our children and who

warmly welcome them into our life as a loving congregation. We thank you for your generous

offerings that enable us to provide wonderful church school materials and clean and bright

classrooms. Linda Barkman

Meat & rolls and beverage will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass. For the folks that attend Saturday night service, please plan on attending the picnic about 11:30 AM on Sunday. This is a chance to catch up on friends and greet any newcomers to our parish. Any questions? Please see or call Judy Horton 729-2794.

On Saturday, September 22nd, 9 am- 3 pm, the Rev. Colette Wood will offer a workshop, “Spiritual Care for those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia,” sponsored by the Southern Tier East District. As the number of people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia continues to rise, providing time and space for people to reconnect with God and practice their faith greatly improves day to day living for both the person with dementia and their loved ones. (One in ten of those 65 and older have Alzheimer’s/Dementia. The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease doubles every five years beyond the age of 65. As the population ages, the disease impacts a greater percentage of people.) Finding ways to keep them part of worship and parish life honors the one with dementia and brings communities closer together as they care for him or her.











We will meet on September 19th at Ruby Tuesdays (at the mall) at 12:15pm. Call Arlene Foley (607-797-2111); e-mail arlenefoley@aol.com). Note: Ground Round has closed, hence the relocation!

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But what to do, what to say, and how to interact with people with dementia can leave us feeling insecure and often ineffective. Jesus taught us to care for the “least of these.” Those living with Alzheimer’s and dementia are today’s “least of these” who need our specialized care: they are men and women still alive inside and still able to draw strength from the presence of God. In this workshop you will:

• Hear stories about this ministry at work

• Learn about dementia through a brief “Dementia 101”

• Be offered guidelines for creating dementia friendly congregations and for keeping people with dementia safe

• Be taught practical “hands-on” tips for visiting and engaging those with dementia; how to communicate; what to do and not do when visiting, etc.

• Be reminded of the “tools of faith” available in this ministry

• Be offered ideas for support to spouses, family and caregivers. The cost is $10, includes lunch, and scholarships are available. It is ideal for pastoral care teams, Eucharistic Visitors and Ministers, families and friends. Please sign-up on the Diocesan website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dementia-friendly-congregations-workshop-registration-47966780933

Get Ready for the CHOW Hunger Walk 2018 on Sunday September 16th at Binghamton University behind the East gym. Reg starts at 1:00 and the walk starts at 2. Free lunch is provided by BU dining services. Live music and games. Chow feeds 3000 people each month in Broome County. They supply more than 20,000 meals monthly to area community sites. Every dollar donated can purchase $7 worth of food or provide 4 additional meals. Check them out on Facebook. I will be working in the t-shirt tent again this year. If anyone has any questions they can contact me at 797-7811.

Thank you. Ida Taft

CAN YOU GIVE A RIDE TO CHURCH? Please consider giving a ride to church to Sandy Brewster, Sally Cole, Jim & Margaret Isaminger, Lori Szwalla. Call the office (607-797-3354) to get phone numbers and addresses!

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Word meanings change in translation, in usage and in time. A favorite one is the word we use as “prevent.” Today we think of prevent as meaning, according to Webster’s, 1. to deprive of power or hope of acting or succeeding; 2. to keep from happening or existing. In the 17th century and before, prevent meant to a. to be in readiness for (something, such as an occasion); b. to meet or satisfy in advance; c. to act ahead of; d. to go or arrive before. The archaic usage is derived from the original Latin—to go before. Unfortunately, the contemporary usage means almost the opposite. This is true for many words. Other times it’s because the translation of the original word is lost. (The meaning of some Hebrew “Old Testament” words were lost by the 2nd-3rd century BC and translators’ now rely on the koine Greek translation of the Septuagint of the 2nd and 3rd century BC for meaning.) Rite 2 of the Book of Common Prayer, 1979 and Enriching Our Worship Liturgies offer a striking example of the former—“Lead us not into temptation” verses “Save us from the time of trial” in the Lord’s Prayer. In the 17th century, the word temptation was derived from similar word in Latin meaning to “Temper” as in tempering steel or testing steel or a trial. It was not meant as tempting one to eat chocolate, eta. Hence the contemporary translation of trial is more accurate. Enter in some theology—God love us, therefore God would not bring us deliberately into a trial or a testing. Instead God would save us in times of time. The Nicene Creed, on the other hand, offers an ecumenical challenge that goes back to the last ecumenical council, the Second Council of Nicaea in 786—the last one where everyone was at the table. At that time, the second line of the third paragraph, was “who proceeds from the Father.” “And the Son” (“filioque” ) was added later by the Western or Roman Church. Therefore, following resolutions at Lambeth Conferences and General Convention since 1976, the contemporary version in Enriching Our Worship of the Nicene creed omits the “filioque” clause.


ARE ON THE WEB Here is the link to the various months: Assistants' Schedules. We need help from everyone. Don Thorpe, Bob Steber and Gary Zurn are really struggling to find people and not overwork them for the various people who work at the services on Saturday and Sunday. We are short ushers, acolytes, chalice bearers, readers etc. Please give prayerful thought to becoming one of these people. It is important that changes in Ministry Assignments be emailed or phoned to the office as well as to Gary Zurn so Worship Leaders and guest clergy know who will be assisting them. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Also, if you feel the call to

participate as an assistant please see Gary Zurn or Mother Chris.






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It's only September but it's time to start getting in a Cabaret mood. This year's theme is:


The emphasis will be on show tunes, movie tunes and other songs that deal with the

magic of music. The date will be SATURDAY, November 10th. The time will be 7:00pm with

doors opening at 6:30pm for basket review and bidding. We aim to keep the price at $12. As

always, many hands are needed to help make the show a success. Look for sign-up sheets to

volunteer in September in the narthex. Donations are also vital to our success and will be

gratefully accepted in the form of cash, baskets and hors d'oeuvres for the event. So cue up your

own magic and help us make Cabaret 2018 another smash hit!

Contact Nancy (butaurus@yahoo.com) and Johanna (jkiley76@yahoo.com) with your ideas,

questions etc. The performers are really excited about this theme, so hopefully it will be a great show

with a great turnout.

The following are from The JoyfulNoiseletter and used with permission

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JULY 2018



Short Term List: Patti and the Donnelly and Pease families, Christian Day, Ann Day, Mike Burrell, Kathy Demaree, Jacob Harrison, Jeanette Cook, Luther Chergosky, Sharon Morley, Lee Grabowski, Dallas & Alexis Elwood, Guy Billings, Missy Meade, Marilyn Doersam, Tracy Shepherd, Noelle Benson, Dorothy Pierce, Janis Ross, John Reith, Sue Lundin, Cynthia Blair, Tiernan, Bonnie Mando, Betty McCurry, Jim & Margaret Isaminger, Libby Anderson, Cindy Anderson, and Sarah Harrison-Pautard

Long Term List:

Kenneth Barkman, Jenna Knapp, Louise Pierce, Nan Grabowski, Lucy & Lee Grabowski, Chieyann Grabowski, Bella LaMaine, Joy Kasmarcik, Phillip Kasmarcik, Jayden Kasmarcik, Louise Rogers, Sam McMullen, David Pierce, Eli Pierce, Jessica Mc Bride, Lori Szwalla, Tony Szwalla, Ralph Holloway, Bob Gillmer, Clark Byarley, and Nanette McIntosh

PRAYER LIST BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 2018 Policy reminder: Submitted names are placed on the short-term list for four weeks and then moved to long term by request of the person submitting the name, or by need known by the Rector

Military: Ben Holbus, Curtis Sholtes, Robert Preston, Joe Gentile, Steven Serbun, Justin Gillmer, and Michael Lake

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01 Roberta Szwalla 03 Kevin Baker 04 Lois Kimble 06 Nancy Grabowski 09 Cindy Cole 10 John L. Watkins 14 Barbara Barton 14 Lauren Lynn Pry 15 Bonnie Hrebin

16 Judith Horton 17 Jane Chomyszak 22 Frances Ganter 24 Doris Brink 24 David Ganter 25 Zachery Johnson

05 Ricky & Jessica Hrebin 12 David & Frances Ganter 13 Margaret & Jim Isaminger 20 Scott & Kathy Cramer 22 Clark & Darlene Byarley 26 Martin and Joyanne Kasmarcik

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Altar Flowers

The Flowers on September 2nd – are given by Debbie and Don Thorpe for the birthday of their son-in-law Ben Holbus

The Flowers on September 9th - are given by Jeanette Cook in memory of her son, George Cook

The Flowers on September 16th - are given in thanksgiving of Yvonne Smith's birthday, given by Lonna and David Pierce

The Flowers on September 23rd -are given by Barbara Freed in thanksgiving for the birthday of her mother, Doris Brink and in thanksgiving of Zack Johnson’s birthday by his grandmother Linda Barkman. The Candle on September 30th - Open

Sanctuary Candle

The Candle on September 2nd -- In memory of Constance Whalen given by Barb Freed

The Candle on September 9th – In memory of her parents Sarah and Richard Rath given by Arlene


The Candle on September 16th - Open

The Candle on September 23rd - Open The Candle on September 30th - Open

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September 2018

Office Hours: Tue.-Thurs. 9-3 +By a date indicates that the Rector is away all or part of the day Phone ahead if coming to the office to make sure someone is here. If you have a pastoral emergency, please phone numbers provided on the back cover of this issue

30 1:00 pm Set up for

Field Days

31 All Saints’ Booth @ JC

Field Days!

Office Closed

1 5:00pm HE All Saints’ Booth @ JC

Field Days!

2 Pentecost 15 9 am Dwelling in the Word* 10:00am HE

All Saints’ Booth @

JC Field Days!

3 Office Closed

All Saints’ Booth @

JC Field Days!

4 8:00am: Tear down Field Days


6 +

7 Office Closed 8 12:00 Noon Soup & Sandwich Lunch 5:00pm HE

9 Pentecost 16+ 9 am DITW* 10:00am HE Church School Starts

2:30pm -Bridgewater -


10 Office Closed+ Troop 110 mtg. 6:30pm

11 3:30 pm Rector/Wardens’ Mgt

12 6:30pm Vestry Meeting

13 7:00pm – Choir Practice

14 Office Closed+ 15 + 12:00 Noon Soup & Sandwich Lunch 5:00pm HE

16 Pentecost 17 + 9 am DITW* 10:00am HE Welcome Back

Potluck Picnic follows


17 Office Closed 18 +

19 12:15pm Life Goes on Ground Round 1 pm Learning Com Mgt 6:30pm Jr. League General Mtg.

20 5:00pm -Welsh Society 7:00pm – Choir Practice

21 Office Closed 22 + 9am-3 pm Alzheimer Wksp. St. Mark’s, Chenango Bridge 12:00 Noon Soup & Sandwich 5:00pm HE

23 Pentecost 18+ 9 am DITW* 10:00am HE 2:30pm Susquehanna - HE

24 Office Closed 25 + 26 12 noon Clericus 5:30pm Book Club

27 7:00pm – Choir Practice

28 Office Closed

29+ 8:00am-3:00pm LCI wkp 12:00 5th Team Noon Soup & Sandwich 5:00pm HE

30 Pentecost 19 +

9 am DITW* 10:00am HE 3:00 pm Vestal Park HE

Volunteer to sell hotdogs, hamburgers, pizza at JC

Field Days! It’s an important Parish


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All Saints’ Christian Education Registration Form

Child Information

1. Name: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth:___________________________ Age__________ Grade for 2018-2019 School Year or Toddler: _______________ Any allergies All Saints’ should be aware of? What?__________________________________________

2. Name: __________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________ Age_____________ Grade for 2018-2019 School Year:

___________________________ Any allergies All Saints’ should be aware of? What? __________________________________________________

3. Name: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________ Age__________ Grade for 2018-2019 School Year or Toddler: __________________ Any allergies All Saints’ should be aware of? What? ___________________________________________________

4. Name: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________________ Age__________ Grade for 2018-2019 School Year or Toddler: ____________________ Any allergies All Saints’ should be aware of? What?_______________________________________________________

Parents or Other Relative* Information *Please indicate if parent or other relation (write in relationship, ex grandmother, aunt, cousin, sister, etc.) Mother’s* Name: _________________________________________ Mother’s Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Mother’s Home Phone Number: ( ______ ) ___________________ Cell________________ Mother’s Email Address: __________________________________ Father’s* Name: __________________________________________ Father’s Address (if different): _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Father’s Home Phone Number: ( ______ ) ___________________ Cell_________________ Father’s Email Address: ___________________________________ ___I/We would like to help by teaching, assisting, crafts or refreshments? (circle choice)

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