2018 royal north shore hospital school annual report · royal north shore hospital school level 7...

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Royal North Shore Hospital SchoolAnnual Report



Printed on: 12 April, 2019Page 1 of 10 Royal North Shore Hospital School 5544 (2018)


The Annual Report for 2018 is provided to the community of Royal North Shore Hospital School as an account of theschool's operations and achievements throughout the year.

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

Vanessa Murphy


School contact details

Royal North Shore Hospital SchoolLevel 7 Clinical Services BldgSt Leonards, 2065www.royalnshos-s.schools.nsw.edu.auroyalnshos-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au02 9463 2280

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School background

School vision statement

NSW Hospital Schools are committed to providing an inclusive, stimulating and supportive environment enablingstudents in exceptional circumstances to maintain educational continuity. We focus on academic skill developmentcomplemented by approaches that nurture wellbeing and promote good health.

The wellbeing of our students is our highest priority.

School context

Royal North Shore Hospital School provides continuity of education for all students from Kindergarten to Year 12 who arepatients at Royal North Shore Hospital. Our school offers Individual Learning Programs for our students who come frommetropolitan and country areas, a range of cultural backgrounds and all sectors of schooling. Students remain enrolled attheir census school whilst attending our hospital school.

Our staff plays an active part in the multidisciplinary team, working collaboratively with medical staff and allied healthservices, as well as close liaison with home schools and family members/carers. This collaboration ensures optimumhealth and educational outcomes for our students.

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supportspublic schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practiceacross the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

In the domain of Learning, the elements of Learning Culture, Curriculum and Wellbeing were assessed as Excelling, andAssessment and Reporting and Student Performance Measures were assessed as Sustaining and Growing. The staffreviewed and evaluated the impact of Individual Learning Plans for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Explicitlearning intentions reflecting student capabilities are directly linked with outcomes as well as a teacher assessment onthe child's state of wellbeing. Differentiation is evident in a responsive curriculum where adjustments address individualstudent needs and teaching and learning programs are dynamic. Quality teaching and professional practice providestudents with opportunities to connect, succeed and thrive that are relevant to their stages of learning and development.

In the domain of Teaching, the elements Learning and Development and Effective Classroom Practice were assessed asExcelling, with explicit systems for collaboration and feedback woven into sustained quality teaching practice. Teachersdraw on and implement evidence–based research to improve their performance and development, and all staff evaluateprofessional learning activities to identify and promote the most effective strategies to improve teaching and learning. Allstaff continue to provide a responsive curriculum with engaging and innovative lessons that directly link students to theWellbeing Framework. The Data Skills and Use element is assessed as sustaining and growing particularly with acoordinated effort by school staff to engage the school community to reflect on student progress and achievement datato develop plans for improvement. Professional standards element is sustaining and growing with Professional Standardsused as a reference point for whole school reflection and improvement.

In the domain of Leading; School Planning, Implementation and Reporting, and Educational Leadership, the school isassessed as sustaining and growing. There is a continued focus on continuous improvement of teaching and learningand student progress, and high quality service delivery, in this area of school resources we are excelling. ManagementPractices and Processes is assessed at excelling as the school is responsive to school community feedback andadministrative processes underpin ongoing school improvement and the professional effectiveness of all schoolmembers.

Our self–assessment process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to further improvements in thedelivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:


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Strategic Direction 1

Creative Pedagogy


• Focus on the science, craft, and art of teaching to develop a full repertoire of skills and responsive, creative andintuitive capacities.

• Develop pedagogical knowledge, resources and activities to enhance teaching practice and research informeddecision making.

• Develop quality teaching and learning programs that increase teacher expertise and engage students withmeaningful learning experiences that enhance their wellbeing.

Overall summary of progress

Teaching staff embed wellbeing and positive behaviour support strategies that are evidence–informed, promoteresilience and align with the needs of the school community. Emotional intelligence, positive psychology activities, toolsand strategies were all incorporated into the school's wellbeing program. Teaching staff learned the science, theory andlatest research on positive psychology, wellbeing, and neuroscience.

Students are actively engaged through evidence–informed, strengths–based approaches to enhance their own learningand wellbeing.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Evidence of implementation ofRNSHS pedagogy model, with anincrease in effective researchbased pedagogy to positivelyimpact the needs of diverselearners.

100% of staff create meaningfulPerformance and DevelopmentPlan goals evidencing the linkbetween professional learning,implementation, and improvedstudent outcomes.

Social and Emotional initiativesthat nurture wellbeing andpromote good health areintegrated into our pedagogicalmodel and embedded in ourpractice.

Positive Psychology training$7000

Peaceful Kids training $753

Every student is known, valued and cared for at ourschool.

Students are active participants in their ownlearning through interactive learning environmentswith positive, respectful relationships. Tiers ofwellbeing support to meet diverse needs ofstudents and families reinforced.

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Next Steps

• Incorporate Appreciative Inquiry as the school's positive core and strength's based practice

• Enhance technology practice with iPads as a platform for extending students skills in art, design, and engineering

• Increase positive delivery of service with wellbeing initiatives and mental health programs aligned with the GeneralCapabilities Framework, Wellbeing Framework, and Professional Teaching Standards

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Strategic Direction 2

Community Connections


• Develop a holistic approach through strong partnerships with schools and agencies to ensure the health, wellbeingand educational outcomes of all students.

• Embed a culture of understanding and collaboration with the community about the vision and practices of thehospital school.

Overall summary of progress

In 2018, Royal North Shore Hospital School continued our community project – the Sustainability Education ArtTeamwork (SEAT).

This is an immersive hands–on project where students construct and create artworks on small bamboo seats – thedesign celebrates diversity and self–expression of all those involved. Students on the ward, our local schools, parents,art specialists, youth workers and community members are united in a common goal. The process and the story behindeach creation are equally as important as the ripple effect auction.

The S.E.A.T Project which stands for 'Sustainability, Education, Art and Teamwork' teaches social initiatives andsupports student wellbeing. These elements combined, provide foundations for strong community connections andhighlight how individuals, as a collective, can make positive changes in the world. Community involvement creates asense of belonging and purpose and increases self–esteem and resilience, particularly within our students.

Collegial partnerships in this joint project extended to Lane Cove PS, Cammeray PS, North Sydney Boys HS as well ascommunity youth centres Synergy and Planet X and professional artist Patrick Houston. The live auction was held inSeptember where the artwork was sold with proceeds donated to the Seven Women Charity, which empowersmarginalised women in Nepal and Northern Beaches Women's Shelter.

The school community is committed to the strategic directions and practices to achieve educational priorities. Whenrequired we are in contact with census schools to discuss the student's needs, academic and wellbeing. This is importantfor continuity of education and to ease the load and concerns of anxious parents. Our school actively collects and usesinformation to support students' successful transitions. In this process of information sharing and open communication,our school team engages the community in reflecting on student performance data. RNSH School actively promotes allaspects of community partnerships and teaching learning activities on social media and the school's website.

The Principal wellbeing sessions, 'Mindfood', continued once a term – this is a time when Principals from both primaryand high schools in the wider community can connect and focus on a range of topics that are beneficial to theirwellbeing. Support systems are reinforced and Principals participate in relevant professional learning.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Increase in collegial partnershipsand joint projects by buildingproductive links with the local andwider community to improveteacher expertise.

Increase in awareness of thehospital school's commitment towellbeing measures and mentalhealth strategies.

SEAT Project $3868

Community collaboration


Collegial partnerships with Lane Cove PS andprofessional artist Patrick Houston increasedteacher capacity in creative arts and wellbeinginitiatives. Students, staff, and the wider communitycelebrated the success with an auction and allproceeds going to charity

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Next Steps

• Create another community project to promote the profile of the hospital school

• Maintain and build on inter–school relationships to provide opportunities for the ongoing development of all staff,as well as providing shared experiences for students.

• Continue to explore the self– evaluation process measuring impact of partnerships with local schools andcommunity in relation to improved student outcomes.

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Student information

In 2018 the school had a shared enrolment of 617students. All students remain enrolled in their censusschool while attending our hospital school. There were360 secondary students and 257 primary students, 325total girls, 292 total boys. School data revealed a highincrease in mental health admissions since 2010. Asignificant number of students, 117 presented withmental health problems representing 19% of our totalstudent numbers. Of these, four were of primary schoolage, 79 were high school girls and 34 were high schoolboys. 103 of these students were in Years 9, 10, 11and 12. Students were mainly from the NorthernSydney region and the Central Coast with a small butsignificant number from other metropolitan areas,country areas and overseas. Students came from awide range of cultural and socio–economicbackgrounds.

Workforce information

Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal(s) 1

Classroom Teacher(s) 2.27

Teacher Librarian 0.08

School Administration and SupportStaff


*Full Time Equivalent

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools.

On the basis of the information available to Royal NorthShore Hospital School, there were no indigenous staffmembers employed on a full–time basis in 2018.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools. 

Teacher qualifications

Qualifications % of staff

Undergraduate degree or diploma 100

Postgraduate degree 33

Professional learning and teacher accreditation

Teacher professional learning (TPL) helps teachersgain insight into their craft. It encourages thedevelopment of new ways of thinking about content andnew approaches to teaching. This will substantiallyaffect student achievement over a sustained period oftime.

In implementing changed practice, teachers acquirenew knowledge, modify their existing beliefs andattitudes in relation to their teaching and sustain thatchange over time.

Professional learning at Royal North Shore HospitalSchool, both formal and informal learning experiences,aims to improve both individual practice and theschool's collective effectiveness. Staff have developedmeaningful Performance and Development goalsaligned with the School Plan. Through professionallearning comes professional awareness, animprovement in teaching knowledge and skills, andapplication of these. Staff engage in professionallearning to support the consistent implementation of theschool's plan for wellbeing and support for positivebehaviour.

Teachers participated in the following professionallearning: Literacy, Numeracy, Anti–Bullying, Websitedevelopment, Social Media, Wellbeing and MentalHealth, Neuroscience and Mindfulness, and PositivePsychology.

Financial information

Financial summary

The information provided in the financial summaryincludes reporting from 1 January 2018 to 31December 2018. 

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2018 Actual ($)

Opening Balance 24,044

Revenue 640,478

Appropriation 639,359

Sale of Goods and Services 0

Grants and Contributions 884

Gain and Loss 0

Other Revenue 0

Investment Income 235

Expenses -606,076

Recurrent Expenses -606,076

Employee Related -525,753

Operating Expenses -80,323

Capital Expenses 0

Employee Related 0

Operating Expenses 0



Balance Carried Forward 58,446

The school hosted a number of professional learningsessions for local community of schools including staffdevelopment days with experts in the areas ofresilience, neuroscience and the brain, and mindfulnessand stress relief. This resulted in increased income andexpenditure when compared to previous years.

The school administrative manager (SAM) and theprincipal meet twice a term to discuss the budget andassociated tasks. The SAM assists the principal in theongoing efficient management of the school's financialfunctions.

Financial summary equity funding

The equity funding data is the main component of the'Appropriation' section of the financial summary above. 

2018 Actual ($)

Base Total 319,184

Base Per Capita 10,790

Base Location 0

Other Base 308,394

Equity Total 2,124

Equity Aboriginal 0

Equity Socio economic 2,124

Equity Language 0

Equity Disability 0

Targeted Total 304,471

Other Total 2,477

Grand Total 628,256

Figures presented in this report may be subject torounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottomline totals, which are calculated without any rounding. 

A full copy of the school's financial statement is tabledat the annual general meetings of the parent and/orcommunity groups. Further details concerning thestatement can be obtained by contacting the school.

Parent/caregiver, student, teachersatisfaction

Each year schools are required to seek the opinions ofparents, students and teachers about the school.

All feedback from both parents and students indicatedthat the school focused on supporting wellbeing,teaching staff were encouraging and helpful, and thechild's needs and interests were met. They alsoconfirmed that the teaching/learning activities wereengaging and the school was respectful andunderstanding at all times.

Their responses are presented below.

'My daughter's experience was all the better due to theteachers engaging lessons and helpful attitude. Shehad to stay an extra night and what kept her happy wasknowing she'd see the teachers next morning!' Parentvoice – Primary

'The resources were very extensive and the schooleven went through the effort to buy new textbooks. I felta lot more relaxed not having to worry as much about

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schoolwork during my stay.' Student voice – HighSchool

'Wonderful support to my daughter during her stay athospital. Thankyou so much.' Parent voice – HighSchool

'Very interesting and everyone was encouraging andhelpful towards my learning.' Student voice – Primary

'Unexpected, pleasant surprise: engaging and mydaughter loved it and was stimulated by it.' Parent voice– Primary

'Awesome!' Parent and student voice – Primary

'Really brightened my son's day. The teachers werebeautiful and put a smile on my son's face.' Parentvoice – Primary

'Amazing! Doing the artwork and science experimentswere great, the kindness and compassion expressed bythe teachers is fantastic. It made a huge difference tomy girl.' Parent voice – Primary

'Incredible – very supportive and engaging and a gooddistraction – such a wonderful service.' Parent voice –High School

'Lovely teachers so respectful of the individual. Helpedand supported me in a difficult environment and mydaughter felt so engaged and supported too.' Parentvoice – High School

'Thankyou so very much for working with Ella duringher stay – I think the sense of achievement sheprogressively attained has really helped her feel betterabout herself.' Parent voice – High School

'Excellent – We really appreciated the amount of timeMarcus was provided. We were also grateful for thesensitivity of Marcus' needs for a rest but returning laterin the day to continue his education. Sincere thanks!!'Parent voice – Primary

Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

Our school is committed to improving the educationaloutcomes and wellbeing of our Aboriginal and TorresStrait Islander students. Liaison with Aboriginal andTorres Strait Islander census schools, parents andstudents ensures an individualised learning plan issuccessfully implemented that supports students'needs, interests and abilities. Consultation with theAboriginal Hospital Liaison officer occurs as required.Aboriginal perspectives that reflect awareness ofIndigenous culture and knowledge of Aboriginal historyand contemporary issues are taught across all KeyLearning Areas (KLAs). School resources are regularlyupdated to engage students and support effectiveteaching of Indigenous content. NAIDOC Week andReconciliation week are actively promoted andcelebrated.

Multicultural and anti-racism education

RNSH School values a culture of inclusiveness andequity. Cultural diversity of students and our entireschool community is acknowledged, respected andcelebrated through school practise, programs andresources. The positive message of Harmony Day ispromoted with the entire community encouraged tocelebrate. Multicultural perspectives are taught acrossall KLAs. New resources supporting multiculturaleducation continue to be acquired. All staff arecommitted to fostering a culture of respect withcelebrations of diversity and positive support oftolerance and acceptance. A staff member has beentrained as an Anti–Racism Contact Officer.

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