2017 sozo intro packet

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Sozo Life Coaching Speaking & Consulting


© 2017 Robin Lewis, Sozo Life & Leadership, LLC

Hi. I’m Robin Lewis, Certified Life Coach, Professional Speaker & Consultant Thank you for inquiring about my programs. My signature Sozo Life Coaching program is designed for women who want to change their lives, grow personally or professionally, and may need to deal with the past in order to move forward into the future. My clients are also women who feel insignificant and without a voice, women who hope there's more to life than what they've experienced, and others who need to improve their closest relationships.

The word Sozo describes the abundant life of meaning we are created to experience. A Sozo Life is a life that's lived boldly and fully as the person you were created by God to be.

Sozo Life Coaching for Women

The Sozo Life Coaching for Women program is a Bible-based approach to life, purpose, and relationship and can help you overcome fear, worry, and loss, and gain clarity of vision, build confidence, and communicate clearly what you want for your life. Robin’s program brings God’s healing to the souls of women. The benefits of Life Coaching are amazing! Here’s what you get with Robin...

encouragement, inspiration, prayer

accountability, creativity, increased motivation a safe place to process any negative mindsets or obstacles

a no-shame, no-guilt, no-fear place to discover the life you want opportunity to rediscover your core values and passions

your own focused, intuitive listener

renewed hope, more courage, and confidence

inner healing addressing past wounds and mindsets and external healing of choices and behavior to enable you to change your life

As a life coach, Robin helps to equip, encourage, and empower you to gain confidence and clarity and see the vision God wired into your design. Sozo Life Coaching unpacks, uncovers, and sets free a woman's strengths, gifts, and purpose to be all God designed and created for her individually. Each client comes to see that she is truly without rival as a one-of-a-kind, deeply loved daughter of God.

Robin’s unique program focuses on the whole person - spirit, soul, and body - and is guided by the Holy Spirit to include inner healing to make real change and growth possible from the in-side out. Robin offers a FREE introductory session (30 minutes) to make sure you’re both a fit - and when you know you’re comfortable with each other, you share a signed agreement and go over all the details. Then the fun begins! There are 3 different packages to choose from and Robin takes clients as young as 16 with parent’s permission.

Life Starter Package: 12 sessions Life Engagement Package: 18 sessions

Life Transformation Package: 24 sessions *Custom packages and Group Coaching are also available

All growth happens outside your comfort zone so you will be challenged and maybe even a bit uncomfortable at times, but you are in the driver’s seat. It’s Robin’s job to encourage you for-ward. Combined with prayer, clients are blessed with spiritual growth which affects every oth-er area of life. With Robin, you may laugh, cry, and pray together, but you will go forward into a richer, more fulfilling life.

A Few Success Stories

“God has blessed Robin with not just great knowledge but an insight into the problem. She is so dedicated to helping each person…we all need help and usually, we wait too long to ask. Do yourself the best favor and let Robin start leading you through your tri-als…no matter how hard we try we just can’t do it alone. Reach out and she will take your hand and you will never regret the changes she brings into your life.”

“Robin is a terrific sounding board and has helped me gain perspective in many areas of my life, especially where I was unaware of “limiting beliefs” that were holding me back. One of the most important areas she has helped me with is “boundaries.” Previously unaware, I have come to understand the issues with boundaries so much better and worked to establish healthy boundaries in my personal and professional relationships.”

“Christ-centered life coaching with Robin is all about moving forward. We began with areas in which I was experiencing difficulty in certain areas and developed a vision plan to accomplish them with goals and follow up. We covered relationships, career, and spir-itual life. We used several resources Robin has available for personal growth in the path I believe God has for me. I've learned that while we don’t always have a completely clear vision of where God’s plan will lead, we can start preparing day by day now. And everything is handled with Spirit-led prayer!”

Robin’s coaching has given me a new per-spective on my life. I now understand how to better communicate with my husband, my boss, and my children. Understanding how my thoughts and words affect those around me and how to use them with wisdom is what I’ve needed! Thank you, Robin!

Coaching is Customized for Your Individual Needs & Goals Together you move forward in the area you want to grow and improve using Robin’s host of resources and experience and checking your progress. With God guiding each session according to individual need, each client’s experience is unique to her.

Individual Life Coaching: 2 or more (60) minute sessions per month (phone/skype/in person) Email and Text Support, Prayer Ministry Support, Accountability Brief Support Calls Scheduled when needed (as time allows) Group Life Coaching for groups of 5-10: 90-120 minute sessions Individual Email Support, materials provided Fee per session determined by goals / needs (1-4 per month) (min of 6 sessions) Group Life Coaching involves a lower cost per session for individuals wanting to test drive coaching and still get excellent results. *Customized packages are also available. To book your FREE introductory session, please contact Robin at robinlewiswords@gmail.

Workshop, Conference, & Retreat Speaker

Robin speaks at conferences, workshops, and retreats and her talks are filled with God's truth that transforms the lives of hearers. Men and women are created to live a healed, renewed, overcoming, influential life that makes a Kingdom difference in the world where they are.

Robin’s specialty is in leading women and men to understand their true identity, value, and purpose in the Father’s eyes.

Robin leads and speaks at workshops, give keynotes for conferences, and lead women’s spir-itual retreats. A few of the most popular topics are...

Who Do You Think You Are? A Woman's True Identity

How Beliefs, Thoughts, & Words Predict the Future

Stop Getting Taken Advantage Of - Boundaries Workshop -

Understanding Our Emotions & Guarding Our Hearts

Biblical Assertiveness for Southern Women

Honor, Respect, & Communication with Men

The Church in the World: Men & Women in Unity of Purpose

Change Your Story,

Change Your Life

Churches, Organizations, & Community Groups

For Churches and Organizations, Robin communicates leadership, vision, and purpose with speaking topics filled with the truth and inspiration needed to take your group forward.

The Sozo brand of encouragement and inspiration brings wholesome change and fresh unity into your organization to get you on the right path to achieve your goals. Mixed with stories and humor, Robin’s speaking topics hit the mark and her words inspire the soul!

As a consultant, Robin advises and teaches on leadership, unity, spiritual warfare, and valued Kingdom principles for Church leadership. Book a meeting with her today!

Happy Clients include The United Way, Pee Dee Business & Professional Women's Networking Group, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Center Baptist Church, First United Methodist, and others. Don’t settle for less than all God dreams for your Church or Organization!

"Helping You Live a Confident, Powerful, and Fulfilling Life”

For a portion of Robin’s story, visit her ‘About Me’ page at www.RobinLewisLife.com where she shares her heart about her own transfor-mation. God has led her by an arduous path overcoming abuse and loss and bringing about strength and a renewed life. With ministry and coaching training, she uses her journey to help others learn to walk in God’s truth and overcome fear and pain. No matter what you’ve been through, no matter where you are in the journey, with God there is always hope, healing, and possibility. “With God all things are possible!”

“When you lean into God’s truth, it will set you

free to live the abundant, effective, fulfilling

life of purpose that God created for you to live

and that Jesus died to restore. That is Sozo.”

- Robin Lewis

Experience life the way it was meant to be lived.


Robin L. Lewis is a Certified Life Coach with over 16 years experience in Christian ministry, in the local church and international ministries, and 5 years speaking and coaching experience in community and marketplace groups, non-profits, and in coaching individuals with great success. Robin's life coaching certification is from Light University Online, and ministry training through Ellel Ministries International (FL & UK), Partnership Ministries (Canada), Marketplace Minis-tries (Atlanta), and Forerunner Ministries (FL). Leadership training is through John Maxwell programs. Success stories are available on the website.

Contact Robin to receive her free gifts: Truth for Life Cards Gift Page and the Lordship Prayer

You can follow Robin on Facebook for daily inspirational posts

at www.Facebook.com/ThisSozoLife

Robin Lewis Sozo Life & Leadership, LLC www.RobinLewisLife.com


(c) 2016 - All Material is the creation & property of Sozo Life & Leadership, LLC. All rights reserved.

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