2016 social media & networking for university students: study abroad & internship

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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2016 PSAI: Preparing for study abroad &

InternshipThe Hague University of Applied Sciences

Ms Veldman-Tentori

Who am I?

Renée Veldman-Tentori

Dutch Australian dual national

Mother of 2 little global citizens

Part time Lecturer at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (IBMS) & part time student (MICM)

Social Media Specialist: Social media is my superpower!

Using social media to capture & share your

experience1. Begin a blog

2. Build a network

3. Further your career

4. Start a social media strategy

5. Other ideas

Social media – is it hype?

Social media is changing our world, how we connect and communicate, how we do business and how we further our career.

You are digital natives - how can you make the most of it?

1. Begin a blog

Benefits of BloggingLots! See separate presentation on Slideshare:http://www.slideshare.net/reneeveldmantentori/2013-benefits-of-blogging

Dutch Australian

Personal blog about my experiences of life between the two countries

Regular guest contributions & interviews of the community



Social media, Marketing & Photography

Sub site - Zestee Social Media School (with blog of free tips)


Professional Parents Network

Family Work Balance

Mixture of personal experiences, events and information


Culture and Kids

Art, Books, History, Language, Museums, Music, Theatre

Personal experiences but plan on asking for guest posts


My children

My daughters also have blogs

Some posts are public, others are private

Business vs Personal?

The lines here are becoming blurred..every business should have a blog and your personal

blog can potentially become a business.

You can blog personally but it can help your career. Keep in mind that things stay public, but being

yourself is encouraged.

Different Blog Platforms

Plenty to choose from….

The 10 best blogging platforms


Top 3 Blogging Platforms

• Tumblr• Blogger

• WordPress


Simple and straightforward

Post anything from anywhere (e.g. Instagram)

Reblogging option



Owned by Google and you need a Google Account

.blogspot URL

One of the older platforms but hasn’t changed a lot



WordPress.com : Free, quick and easy

WordPress.org : Self hosted, more customisable

One of the most popular platforms and my personal pick

Make life harder for hackers

Malware & hacking issues

Mostly a concern if you own a WordPress.org website

Run regular updates

Use security plugins such as BruteForce and WordFence

Have secure passwords

Integrate with social media

The best blogging is about community - grow this on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram etc

Cross promote and post

Consider an enewsletter (easy with RSS feeds)

ChallengesOverwhelming, so much to know but just remember Frenzy, Fatigue, Focus http://zestee.com/frenzy-fatigue-focus-theory-social-media-life/

I don’t blog “regularly enough” in the short term, but this is a long term plan for me and I simply love it.

It’s a very individual thing - just go ahead and DO IT!

Have fun!Share your story!

2. Build a network

My personal story…

Went from lonely, miserable and unemployed in a new country, to growing a successful business and busy social life (twice!).

I believe it was specifically my willingness to “get out there” and develop skills in networking that helped me do this.

Why network?Here’s just 4 (big) reasons to make an


Make new friends

Strangers are friends you haven’t met yet!

We all need a support network and people who care about us

Get a job or build your career

Referrals - once people know what you do and what you’re looking for

Recommendations - once others get to know you and your work

Solve problems more quickly

Solve problems and get answers to questions

Get things done more quickly

Ask people you trust for recommendations, help & feedback

Grasp great opportunities

Building your network and getting to know new people opens up a whole new world of great opportunities!

Do you have to love it?NO!

Can it be fun?YES!

Business versus personal

Again….the lines are increasingly blurred:people want to connect with people.

You decide how much to share in each situation

How to network?

12 tips + 1 (big) hidden


Be genuine

Be yourself

Be vulnerable

Be unique

Combine online & offline

They compliment each other

Practice your skills: learn social media basics and public speaking (e.g. Toastmasters)

Have a few different “pitches” for different situations

Follow Up

Super simple step that many miss

LinkedIn, Phone call, Letter

Give yourself a reason during a conversation and remember this (e.g. here is a link to that great book we discussed)

Create Systems

How are you going to approach networking?

Before, during and after event

Read through websites, use a CRM, LinkedIn, Facebook and more

No perfect system, keep refining

Offer something

What do you have that others need?

Be specific, people are more likely to remember that, even some time later

Understand your purpose

Why are you networking?

Are you lonely?

Need a job?

Want to learn new skills?

Building a business?

(Co) Create a community

Can't find what you're looking for? Get out there and start something!

Start a new community online or offline

Do your research first

Don't forget the Dutch

Many internationals get stuck in the 'expat bubble'

Dutch business and personal relationships can take some time but well worth it!

Be alert to nuances

Cultural differences

Does the other person seem interested?

Often various things at play at any given time, just be aware of this - it’s usually nothing personal!

Share your network

Keep an eye/ear out for others who need help and to be connected with each other

Stick with it

Consistency builds relationships

Just keep trying - some people you will click with, some take longer and some just aren’t the right fit for you!

Networking often doesn’t feel natural…just keep trying, it gets easier

Get out there

Just do it.

Did you get the hidden tip?

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Have fun!!

3. Further your career

Source: Mashable

Private AND Professional?

Social Media is about you….

Who are you?

What do you want to achieve?

How can social media help you achieve this?

Social Media Top Five

1. Blog

2. Linked In

3. Facebook

4. Twitter

5. ?

Linked In


Facebook for career & research


4. Start a social media strategy

Which will you use?

Create your own strategy

Activity: Handout: Social Media Strategy for Students

What do you want to achieve?

Building and maintaining a new network

Connecting with local communities

Research dream companies to intern with and work for

Building your online profile and brand

Keep up with news at home and abroad

Capture and share your experiences and expertise

Something else?

5. Wrap up & other ideas?

Wrap up: Top Three Tips

Be authentic and strategic

Seek and find new connections and opportunities

Share your expertise and experience to build your online profile and brand

Wishing you all the best!

Wishing you an amazing internship and study abroad

Connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter, share your blog posts…


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