2014 food and beverage manufacturing survey: 3 key insights

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Food and beverage manufacturers are optimistic about 2014, but shy away from a major boost to their hiring and capital spending plans. Grant Thornton and Food Processing magazine’s 2014 Annual Food and Beverage Manufacturing Trends Survey also revealed increased throughput growth and renewed interest in sustainable manufacturing practices. This infographic highlights Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) compliance and green manufacturing as two emerging issues from the 2014 survey. See the full survey: http://gt-us.co/1gxGMvZ


2014 Annual Food and Beverage Manufacturing Trends Survey


Top 3 energy management strategies

7 cost-effective ways to “green” your facilities1. Use automatic or motion-activated lights

2. Switch to LED light bulbs

3. Train employees on reducing waste

4. Partner with local greenhouses that may use your waste for composting

5. Replace air conditioning units with high-volume, low-speed ceiling fans

6. Control pests with organic repellents

7. Consolidate your shipping methods

27%Energy audits

Amid optimism,hiring and spending are trailing

optimistic about 2014up sharply from 60% last year

planning to hire new staffdown from 37% last year

projecting capital spending increaseup slightly from 35% last year



37% Dexter Manning

National Leader Food and Beverage Practice

“A bumper corncrop and more stable commodity prices are

reenergizing the industry outlook.”

FSMA compliance: Start preparing now

think their Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plans may not be rigorous enough

have not assessed FSMA’s impact on operations

Top 5 food safety and sanitation practices

Employee training

HACCP plan

Third-party certification

Improved sanitary equipment

Improved pest control






Tony Perazzo Audit Partner Food and Beverage Practice

“Two things youshould start doing right

now: Document your risk assessment processes

and prepare for newaudit requirements.”

1 in 8 1 in 10

Green manufacturing is here to stay

About the survey The year’s survey involved 148 Food Processing magazine readers who responded to an invitation to complete the web-based questionnaire in late November and early December 2013. Respondents represent a wide spectrum of food processing sectors, with the greatest concentration (12%) in meat/poultry/seafood and 7% each from baked goods, dairy, and further processed and specialty foods. One in eight respondents work at facilities with headcounts of more than 500, with the rest evenly split between plants with 101–500 workers and those with 100 or fewer.

Content in this publication is not intended to answer specific questions or suggest suitability of action in a particular case. For additional information on the issues discussed, consult a Grant Thornton LLP client service partner or another qualified professional.

© 2014 Grant Thornton LLP | All rights reserved | U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd

45% are actively engaged in conservation

Dexter Manning National Leader

Food and Beverage Practice

“Sustainability isan investmentthat will saveyou money.”

Recycling energy/cogeneration

22%Negotiating with energy providers


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