20130605 arma canada endnote new world of information management

Post on 24-Apr-2015






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This endnote at ARMA Canada 2013 described some of the significant challenges organizations face today in information management including social, consumerization, cloud, and BOYD and provided strategies for how organizations should address them as part of a comprehensive governance strategy.



The Global Community of Information Professionals

A Brave New World of Information Management:

Managing Your Information in the Social, Mobile, and Cloud Era

Jesse Wilkins, CIP, CRMAIIM International

June 5, 2013

“[It] destroys memory [and] weakens the mind, relieving it of…work that makes it strong. [It] is an inhuman thing.”

Socrates, as recorded by Plato

[It] = writing and the written word.

RIM challenges created by Extreme Information

“On Sunday evening, we open up our dazzling personal computing devices and enter … an online world that is virtual yet rich and understanding, global yet intimate and, while running on silicon and fiber, refreshingly human.”

Malcolm Frank, Executive Vice President of Strategy and Marketing, Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation

A typical Sunday…

“Monday morning arrives…the standard issue computer provides access to standardized systems of record yet offers precious little human engagement …

Work technology has become a limiter in our professional lives. ”Malcolm Frank, Executive Vice President of Strategy and Marketing, Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation

A typical Monday…

Technology touches everyone.

Everyone carries technology expectations into the


Why do I feel so powerful as a consumer and so lame

as an employee?

Photo source = http://www.flickr.com/photos/notionscapital/5225049493/

2. The Mobile – and BYOD – Challenge(s).

4.2bn people with a toothbrush5.1bn people with a cell phone

Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zug55/1896827244/ #AIIM13

Mobile drivers

Extremely important


Not so important

Not important at all

We have overriding security issues for mobile technologies

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

How important are mobile technologies to your organization as you think about improving your business processes?


67% important or extremely important

In 5 years time, 33% of orgs expect to see “half or more”

of their employees using iPads, tablets or digital

clipboards for filling in forms (compared to 2% of orgs now)

Mobile workplace

“70% of organizations have adopted some form of BYOD program, and 62% of people who use a smartphone for work and 56% of those who use a tablet for work purchased those devices themselves.”

--Forrester Forrsights Workforce Employee Survey

BYOD is not a fad – it’s becoming a habit

3. The Social Challenge.

Whether the account is monitored for actionable content (screenshot)

Social Media Stock Picking

“…fully networked enterprises are not only more likely to be market leaders or to be gaining market share but also use management practices that lead to margins higher than those of companies using the Web in more limited ways…”

By the end of 2013, half of all companies will have been asked to produce material from social media websites for e-discovery.

Source: “Social Media Governance: An Ounce of Prevention”, Gartner


4. The Cloud Challenge.

The Future is cloudy

5. The Hoarding Challenge (aka Big Data).

Obesity: a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems

Content Obesity: An organizational condition in which excess redundant information has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on business efficiency, leading to depleted budgets, reduced business agility and/or increased legal and compliance risks.

George Parapadakis, IBM

About 5 percent of information is subject to regulatory obligations, about 25 percent of corporate data is of business value, and only about 2 percent is subject to legal hold (CGOC)…

of corporate information is junk

Or in other words…


Strategies for Dealing with Extreme Information.

The Chessboard Fable

You better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone, for the times they

are a-changin’.

The old world of centrally-controlled, one size fits all, RIM control is dead.

RIM needs to understand that they are now in a different business. In the past, RIM was in the…

1 -- Compliance business2 -- Security business3 -- Privacy business4 -- Legal business

These roles don’t go away, but in the new world RIM’s core focus must be to…

Create a decision framework that analyzes the risks and rewards of new technologies and drives decisions with the framework rather than based on the technologies themselves.

Understand the compliance issues - privacy, legal, etc. – and their impact on information management processes and technologies.

Advise the organization on how to be effective and use the right tools the right way.

Connect the dots. In today’s social world, one of RIM’s greatest callings is to help make sure information is managed according to its value, regardless of its format or location.

Think information logistics (with IT) and information curation.

Drive business value. Good information management practices directly benefit the bottom line of the organization.

The reverse is also true.

Digitize everything that moves.

Aviation Charts - Before Aviation Charts - Now

Think patterns of work rather than focusing on “records” or formats.

Streamline and automate.

The vast majority of organizations see the need to manage information as an enterprise resource rather than in separate "silos," departments, or systems, but they don't know how to begin to address the challenge, as it is so large...

Professional roles focused on information management will be different to that of established IT [and RIM] roles.

An "information professional" will not be one type of role or skill set, but will in fact have a number of specializations.

Deb Logan and Regina Casonata, Gartner

Build bridges, not silos


Records management principles remain sound Many practices don’t apply in the social,

mobile, and cloud era Extrapolate, extrapolate, extrapolate Streamline and automate Perfection is the enemy of progress You can, and must, lead your organizations on

how to do this!

For more information

Jesse Wilkins, CIP, CRMDirector, Research and DevelopmentAIIM International +1 (720) 232-9638 direct






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