2012 october insight

Post on 18-Mar-2016






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monthly magazine


A monthly publication highlighting the mission of Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

October 2012 Volume 5 Issue 8


2 Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

WelcomeWelcome to Williams Memorial United

Methodist Church. Our church campus is located at 4000 Moores Lane on the north side of Texarkana. Moores Lane is north of I-30 between Summerhill and Richmond roads.

WorshippingWe invite you to worship with us. Our

services are Christ-centered, Biblically grounded, and culturally relevant. The words, music, and means of grace are all designed to empower you to grow in your relationship with God and in ministry to the world.

Sunday services are in the Sanctuary at 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., and the Xperience Service is in Wesley Hall at 10:30 a.m.

LearningSunday school classes for all ages meet

at 9:15 a.m. On Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. there are programs for your children and youth.

BelievingWe enter into the family of Christ

through baptism. We recognize God’s action in baptisms in other faith communities; you do not have to be re-baptized to belong to Williams. If you have not been baptized, we will be honored to baptize you.

GrowingOur goal is to be like Jesus Christ in

this world. We are constantly growing in grace; we have not arrived. We grow through worship, prayer, and study of God’s Word. Through large meetings, small groups, and discipleship, we are changed from our old selves to our new selves.

BelongingWe hope you will consider belonging

to the Williams faith community. You can talk with us after church or come by during the week. We would be honored to assist you in belonging at Williams.

Find Out More...Visit our visitors page at welcometowilliams.com/visiting or scan the code to the right with a smartphone QR Code reader

Welcome to Williams

3October Insight


Inside this Issue:2 Welcome to Williams

4 Red Cross Responce by Brian Brooks

5 Walk to Emmaus

6 Childrens Ministry

7 6th grade Christian Camp

8-9 Youth Ministry

10 Pumpkin Palooza

11 Volunteer at the Patch

12 Williams Travelers Music and Fine Arts

13 Adult Ministry

14 Williams School

15 College Ministry

16 Little Children by Danny Wayman

17 Staff List

18 Cross Connections Good Treasures

19 Mercantile Store

Submitting an ArticleWe are always looking for great stories

about how God is moving in and through the lives of our people and ministries. If you have such a story we ask that you send it to us!

Email your article of around 400-600 words to williamsenews@gmail.com.

If you have one or more high quality photos, please send them. Include your contact information so we can get in touch with you if we have questions or need more information.

Articles must be submitted the first Friday of the previous month. So for the November Insight, the deadline is the first Friday in October. Submissions may be edited for space or used in other locations such as website or e-news.











4 Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

I wanted to let everyone know about my recent experience. I was called early afternoon on Monday August 27th, to prepare to open as a storm shelter. The American Red Cross called and said we might be activated in a few hours for the evacuees from Hurricane Issac. I have never done anything like this. So, as I went from office to office asking all sorts of questions I began to prepare our church for this ministry opportunity. The official call came a few hours later after all the staff had gone home for the day and we were in the middle of getting ready for community café that night. It was also a busy day for everyone because it was the first day of school. Since almost all my regular volunteers were getting ready for Community Café, I reached out to the staff. The staff being who they are showed up after hours to help setup, just like I knew they would. I am so fortunate to serve here at Williams and extremely lucky to be working with the people that I work with. People that you know you can count to come help you when you

need the help. People who constantly strive every day in their work to extend the Body of Christ just a little bit further. We worked long hours that day, but for me it was all worth it.

As we settled in to our present ministry situation I had the opportunity to ask the Red Cross people many questions. I got a better understanding of their ministry and what we could do to help them. However, the biggest joy I got was from one of the final questions that I asked. “Why is Williams the one chosen to serve this area?” The executive director of the Red Cross said, “Because, we know we can count on Williams and we know that this is basically a turnkey operation.” What a great feeling to know that you work at the church in the community that others rely on for help when they most desperately need it. This means that we are being the Body of Christ in the community. This was reaffirmed over the next few days as we waited for people to arrive and I got call after call from people wanting to volunteer to help.

This time we did not receive any evacuees, but it was good preparatio0n. We got to dust off the old cots. We got to dust off or volunteers and we got the chance to once again be and participate in the Body of Christ. What a joy it is for me to serve at Williams! I hope you feel the same way. If not get involved in something, it might just change your life.

Red Cross Responce by Brian Brooks

5October Insight


On a lonely morning, two men put Jerusalem and all of its heartbreak and sadness behind them and started the journey to Emmaus. On the road, they met a stranger. He took their sadness and gave them mighty perspective, even wonder in its place. Everything that had happened to their Lord had been meant to happen. It had been prophesied in the scriptures... his life, his death, and his resurrection still to come. They were so moved by his interpretations and his insights that when they reached their destination, they begged him to stay and have dinner with them. He broke the bread, blessed it, and the veil fell from their eyes. They saw who He was, and then He disappeared. (From Luke 24:13-35)

They ran back to Jerusalem with one resounding message to share with the other disciples. It was not just that they had found Jesus alive, but that Jesus had been with them every step of their journey.

Our friends who love us send us inspirational messages like “Footprints in the Sand” when we are feeling low, lonely, misused, or when life has put us to the trial. Sometimes we let them touch us and sometimes we don’t. But one thing we keep trying to tell ourselves is that God is with us. That God, in fact, has never left us and will never leave us. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have His face revealed to us, to be able to look at Him and know that He has been there all along?

The “Walk to Emmaus” is a retreat designed to bring us to the understanding that God has been with us every step of the way. It is based on the “Cursillo” movement developed by the Catholic Church to train pilgrimage leaders. The Walk to Emmaus focuses on showing Christian lay people how to become strong disciples by stressing their own personal spiritual development over the course of a three-day weekend. The weekend includes fifteen talks, some given by clergy and some by lay people. The major emphasis of the weekend is to ask participants to take what they have learned back into the world, on what they call the “fourth day”.

I made my Cursillo in 1996. My husband attended his Walk to Emmaus in 2011. I am struck every time someone I know returns from a Walk how simply sure they are not only that they have seen Jesus, and felt His real presence, but also that He has been there for every moment of their lives. I feel renewed by each pilgrim’s renewal. I am more certain, because I see them being made certain.

The North East Texas Emmaus community holds four Walks every year, two for men and two for women. They also hold several Chrysalis Flights (the Walk for teenagers) during the year. Information about upcoming Walks can be found on their website, www.netemmaus.org.

Their Eyes Were Open by Mindy Zwirn

6 Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

Story TimeDinner/ Cherub Choir/ Activities is for 4-5 year olds and 1st graders.This class is a great way to learn about Jesus. We tell Bible Stories, play games, and sing songs. Bible ZoneDinner/ Praise Choir is for 2nd and 3rd graders.This lively group gathers for Bible stories, activities, and games. Bible BasicsDinner/ Praise Choir is for 4th graders.Children learn the books of the Bible and memory verses along with related games and activities. MusicDinner/ JYF (Junior Youth Fellowship) is for 5th graders.Bible study and games are part of Sunday evening activities. In addition, there are trips, events and on-going mission projects. Amy Kirk directs the Sunday evening children’s choirs. Activities include learning music to present during worship services, learning music-reading and choral-singing skills, and learning spiritual truths through music.

A monthly rotating menu of pizza, tacos, chicken strips and hamburger will be offered. (A donation of $5.00 a meal or 45.00 a semester is suggested.)

Schedule and MenuOct. 7th No Activities Oct. 14th Class (Hot Dog) JYFOct 21st Class (Pizza) Bible Zone

Oct. 28th Pumpkin Palooza, Family night at the Pumpkin Patch

Childrens Ministry




ily N



Texarkana Fun Park

7October Insight

www.welcometowilliams.org$75.00 Oct 3rd

8 Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

1 John 4:11 reads “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”

This is a verse that I think i have read over many times, yet still not fully understood exactly what it means. I know God loves us, and loves us unconditionally. But did you ever stop to think why he loves us so?

Yes, we are his creation, and yes, we are precious to him. God loves us, there is no doubt about it, He sent his son to die for us. He created us and we are his children. However, I think that there is so much more. Our response to that love. Look at what is written in the previous verse.

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world, that we might live through him. This is Love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning for our sins. then he says

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”- 1 John 4:9-11

God loves us with Agape, Love. Unconditional, Sacrificial and Selfless. When we understand this Love that is from God towards us, we understand how God calls us to love those among us. He sets an example of how we should love not only our friends and neighbors, but enemies and strangers.

The youth have chosen a name and logo for our youth group. Impact. And I think it is so appropriate, especially in light of this verse and for what God calls us to do. God’s love impacts us in a profound way, and we are to love others in a way that impacts their lives the same.

This is, for us, not just a name, but an identity, and a purpose. My prayer is that as the years progress, we as a student ministry will find ways we can Impact the lives of others, with the Love of God.

Please pray for Impact Student Ministry as we continue to grow, wherever you look you will see the marks left by our IMPACT.

In October we will be finishing up our series called “Engage” where we have talked about how we can be ones who influence those around us, instead of being influenced by the world around us.

We will begin a new series on Wednesday nights called “Reach” This 4 week series will show us how we can reach out into the world and change it with the love of Christ, in action.

Wednesday Night youth is for all youth 6th-12th grades. It begins at 5:30 with activities and a meal, then small groups and worship follow. We finish up by 7:30 p.m. You are encouraged to invite your friends.

Sunday evenings we gather for an activity, trip, games or mission night. Here

are the Sunday Night activities for October:

October Activities:10/7 - No Activities

10/13 - Pumpkins Arrive

10/14 - District Youth Rally in Gilmer

10/21 - Visit the Corn Maze

10/28 - Pumpkin Palooza

Youth Ministry

Sunday Night Youth

9October Insight


Youth pg 2

10 Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Sunday, October 28 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

games - candy - costume contest trunk or treat - music - food - pumpkins

entertainment and more!

11October Insight


There are few things that remind me that Fall is indeed here. For instance, the leaves start turning from their green of summer to pretty oranges, yellows and reds. Friday nights are filled with the sounds of bands, cheering crowds and football. The temperatures drop from being sweltering to just being warm, with the occasional blessing of a cool morning or evening breeze.

What is the other thing that reminds me of fall? The talk about the pumpkins begins.

This fall we will again be invaded by hundreds of orange spheres, taking up residence on our front lawn. But this is not a bad invasion.

These pumpkins come to us from a non profit company in New Mexico which raises funds for missions world wide. The money we raise from sales goes to fund our own youth missions and ministries here at Williams Memorial UMC.

The pumpkins will arrive on October 13th and we need your help unloading a truck full of pumpkins at 8:00am Saturday morning. The pumpkins with stay through the first weekend in November. The pumpkin patch will be open Monday - Saturday from 9:00am. till dark, and on Sunday from 11:30am. till dark.

The pumpkin patch also plays hosts for hundreds of school children who come out for their trip to the pumpkin patch. Children hear a story, watch a pumpkin be carved and get their own small pumpkin to take home with them.

The highlight of our pumpkin patch is the annual Pumpkin Palooza. This celebration event is held on October 28th, the last Sunday in October, from 4:00pm to 6:30pm. This event includes games, candy, costume contest, trunk or treat, music, food, pumpkins, entertainment and more.

The pumpkin patch is an awesome outreach ministry of this church, and we want you to be a part of this great opportunity. We need volunteers who can donate their time to tell stories in the pumpkin patch one morning, take a 2 hour shift working the pumpkin patch, helping to unload the pumpkins, work at the Pumpkin Palooza, or volunteer to help organize any of these areas.

If you want to be a part of this ministry, in any way, please contact Russell Martin 903-701-7181 or email rgmmusic@gmail.com

Russell Martin Director of Impact Student Ministries

The Pumpkins are Coming!Pumpkin Patch

Making Pumpkin Patch History

12 Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

Williams Travelers The Williams Travelers will be headed out on October 13 for a 9 day, 8 night cruise with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. The Jewel of the Seas cruise ship will take the Williams Travelers around the ports of New England and Canada, including stops in Boston, Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

Let’s all pray that the Travelers have a great time and return safely from their adventure.

The Williams Travelers organize trips every year to fun and interesting places. We’ve gone from just visiting around the corner in Fredericksburg, Texas, to cruising in Alaska. Watch for news in the insight and the weekly bulletin to find out where these adventurers are headed next and how you can join in the journey.

October is full of rehearsals in preparation for worship. It is not too late to join the Chancel Choir in preparation for our Christmas Cantata on December 16. We are having fun singing and fellowshipping. “Tapestry of Light, a Celtic Celebration” is the piece we will sing.

Wesley Ringers, Ageless Bells, Liturgical Dance are all in preparation for worship as well as the choirs and children’s choirs. Williams Brass is beginning again. If you play any instrument, brass or not, please contact Sherri Waters, and we will find you a place for ministry.

Music and Fine Arts

13October Insight


Williams Book Club In October, we will be reading “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers, a story of romance and redemption in California’s Gold Rush. Angel, a woman living in California in the 1850’s, expects nothing from men but betrayal. Then she meets Michael Hosea, a man who seeks his Father’s heart in everything. Michael Hosea obeys God’s call to marry Angel and to love her unconditionally. But her final healing must come from the One who loves her even more than Michael Hosea does…the One who will never let her go. A life-changing story of God’s unconditional, redemptive, all-consuming love. Pick up your copy in the Good Treasures Book Store and come at noon on October 8th ready to discuss this romantic and inspirational story.

In November, the Book Club will read “Year of Wonders” by Geraldine Brooks, a richly detailed story of the heroic struggle for life in a remote village suddenly under the attack of the plague.

If you’re looking for a great group of readers to share your thoughts with, join us on the second Monday of every month. Keep an eye on the Insight to find out what book we’re reading next.

eXtra Years of Zest Every second Thursday at 9:30 a.m., “XYZ” shares joy, fellowship fun, and a catered meal in the Parlor. Come out and join a group of fun-loving seniors in a morning of games and enjoy a meal catered by a local restaurant with friends.

W2LEO Fine dining and great friends! Widows and Widowers, Let’s Eat Out goes out to enjoy dinner at local restaurants every second and fourth Tuesday. These widows and widowers (and married couples as well) love having food and fellowship together. If you would like to find out where they’re headed out to eat this month, call Larry Walker at 903-832-5129 and add your name to the mailing list.

Good Treasures Bridge Club We meet every Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. in the Good Treasures Bookstore. We have some players with years of experience and some who are brand new to the game. We would love to have you join us. So if you would like to play with a fun, relaxed group of people, contact John Mercy at (903)832-3852.

Girls’ Night Out! Girls’ Night Out is a UMW group for women who are young at heart

looking for Christian fellowship and fun. We meet every second Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in room 108. We will be assisting with the UMW Mercantile Store this month, and meet as usual in November.

UM Women’s Groups Williams Memorial has a very active United Methodist Women’s group. Come and join us for our monthly general meeting and luncheon, at 10:00 a.m. on the first Tuesday of every month, and meet some of these wonderful women. You can also get involved in one of the smaller UMW groups that meets at other times during the month. Here are some examples!

Sowers and Doers A mission-based subgroup of the UMW that meets at 10:00 a.m. on the third Tuesday of every month.

Betty Kelly Friendship Circle meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in 108.

Spiritual Life Group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at Cornerstone Retirement Community.

Adult Ministry

14 Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

Get ready! Get set! Go!!! The school year is up and running at the Williams School! Teachers are busy helping children settle in to their new classrooms and routine. Students are excited to play with friends, some they have not seen all summer. Parents, even though it is hard to take in how fast the little ones are growing, are glad to be back in the school routine!!

Our littlest of the bunch are enjoying a few new additions to our program. The two mothers’ day out classes now have their own music time each week with our music teacher, Terri Miller. What a joy it is to see these little ones smile, clap, and dance around to the music. Our two-year-olds are also participating in music class and library for the first time. Our new additions do not stop there. We have four fabulous teachers that have joined our teaching staff at the Williams School! We are so happy to have them.

Terri Miller is the proud wife of Gary Miller and loving mother to their 3 year old son Nate Miller. It is no surprise that her passion for both children and music led her to complete a bachelors degree in Music Education from Ouachita Baptist University in 2002. She also holds a masters in education degree from Southern Arkansas University, graduating class of 2010. Shortly after completing her bachelors degree, she taught music at College Hill Middle School located in the Texarkana Arkansas School District from 2003-2010. Terri has also owned and facilitated classes for a preschool music program called Kindermusik by Terri Miller from 2007-2012. She is extremely excited about her newest opportunity to teach your child music at Williams School!!!

Sarah Perry is the wife of Daniel Perry. They have a four year old daughter, Dacie, who is a student at Williams School. Sarah is a 2011 graduate of Texas A&M University-Texarkana with a Bachelors Degree of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies. She is excited to begin her career as a first year teacher at Williams School.

Robyn Wright, a Texarkana native, has been married to her high school sweetheart Ayric, for 18 years. They have three daughters, Brooke age 9, Blaire age 6, and Brynlee age 4. Robyn prepared to be a teacher most of her young life, helping her mother get ready for school each year. Robyn has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Central Missouri State University. Though Robyn has been a stay at home mom for the past 9 years, she has prior classroom experience in 3rd and 4th grades, Special Education, and 3 year old preschool. Robyn volunteers her time working with children as a small group leader for 5th graders at Heritage Baptist Church, as a Girl Scout leader, coaching a soccer team and serving on the VIPS Board at Morris Elementary. She hopes to instill in her students here at Williams a love for learning and Jesus!

Williams School

Amy Kirk is a new teacher in Room 222 with a 3 year old class. She has worked at Williams Memorial United Methodist Church since 2006 in the church office and as Director of Children’s Choirs from age 4 through the sixth grade. For several years, she has been responsible for the Thanksgiving Feast song performed by the 4 year olds, the Christmas Program music by the 3s and 4s, and Williams School graduation, where the 4 year olds impressed the audience with their songs, their bell playing, and sign language skills set to music. Amy is very excited to be a teacher of little kids. She treasures all the sweet ones in her class, and looks forward to helping them develop social and academic skills all year long.

15October Insight


I am so blessed to be working with this ministry at Williams. Having recently graduated with my Bachelor’s degree and working on my Master’s along with this new position, I feel like I understand the needs of this program. I want this ministry to be known for its open mind and open heart. I want people from all backgrounds and walks of life to feel welcome and accepted for who they are. It is hard to meet new people in Texarkana and Open Arms is a perfect opportunity for college and young adults to get involved in the community.

Open Arms is our college and young adult ministry at Williams. We are an outreach program for students and young professionals ages 18-20s. If you or someone you know is looking for a great way to meet new people and share in discussions on life issues, please come join us.

On Monday, August 27, Texas A&M- Texarkana held Spotlight on Texarkana, a city-wide organization fair with booths sponsored by local businesses including Open Arms. With the help of the TNT Sunday School Class, Open Arms had an overwhelming response from the students at A&M. Members of TNT came out to A&M’s campus to help me give out homemade cookies, keychains, water bottles, and $5 gift cards to Good Treasures bookstore. Students that stopped by our table were asked to fill out information cards with contact information and what services they would like to see offered by Open Arms. We had an astounding 50 students

show interest by returning their information cards. TNT and I are working on recreating this event on Texarkana College’s campus. We are encouraging those interested in Open Arms to volunteer their time at Community Cafe on Monday nights and stay after for pizza and a discussion-based lesson.

Open Arms will take it’s turn at preparing and serving Community Cafe on October 22nd. There will also be plans made for a Halloween event and a trip to Six Flags during Fright Night or Holiday in the Park.

If you or someone you know is interested in joining Open Arms or would just like to know more, contact me anytime. My name is Laila Al-Dubais, email me at laila41589@gmail.com or call 903-276-7206.

College and Young Adults

16 Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

Scriptures for October

October 7, 2012

Job 1:1; 2:1-10

Psalm 26

Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12

Mark 10:2-16

October 14, 2012

Job 23:1-9, 16-17

Psalm 22:1-15

Hebrews 4:12-16

Mark 10:17-31

October 21, 2012

Job 38:1-7 (34-41)

Psalm 104:1-9, 24, 35c

Hebrews 5:1-10

Mark 10:35-45

October 28, 2012

Job 42:1-6, 10-17

Psalm 34:1-8 (19-22)

Hebrews 7:23-28

Mark 10:46-52

Little Children by Danny Wayman

People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (Mark 10:13-14 NRSV)

The Disciples need to lighten up. They knew Jesus was doing important work. Jesus is God come to earth to reveal truth and salvation. They thought He could not be bothered with little children. Jesus looks at children very differently:

Children trustAdults are sometimes cynical. We were fooled once and we do not want to have the shame of being fooled twice. Children trust those who care for them.

Children loveAdults are sometimes hateful. We were hurt, we become angry and desire vengeance. While all people, including children, have emotions that go up and down; children have tendency to love rather than hate.

Children experience wonderAdults have it all figured out and nothing surprises us. At least that is the way we are suppose to appear. Children let the wonder show on their faces. Their eyes get big. Their mouths drop open. They do not mind letting you know they are impressed.

I have a friend who says when people see something wonderful they do one of three things: Some people clap, some people throw money, others just say “wow!”

See you in worship this Sunday, we can say “wow” to God as we learn to belong through love and trust.

17October Insight


Pastoral StaffDanny Wayman - Senior Pastor danwayman@gmail.com - 903-278-6120 (Cell)

Brian Brooks - Associate Pastor bb6589@hotmail.com - 903-399-4750(Cell)

Sherri Waters - Music and Fine Arts sherriwaters7@gmail.com - 903-278-0499 (Cell)

Dale Vickers - Associate Pastor Velad303@aol.com - 903-244-6213

Ron Drye - Evangelismrondrye@msn.com - 903-701-1310 (Cell)

Fred Smith - Associate Pastor903-908-0891 (cell)

Ministry StaffLaila Al-Dubais - College and Young Adultslaila41589@gmail.com - 903-276-7206 (cell)

Vickie Al-Dubais - Church Organist vickiea@txkisd.net - 903-276-7207 (cell)

Sue Camp - Children and Adult Ministries suecamp32@gmail.com - 903-277-6504 (cell)

Jennifer Day - Communications Directorjenday212@gmail.com - 903-277-3925 (cell)

Jolena Hays - Business Administrator jolenahays@gmail.com - 903-293-8726 (cell)

Jacci Johnson - Director of Housekeeping903-832-8663

Amy Kirk - Children’s Music and Evangelism amykirkmusic@gmail.com - 903-276-8576 (cell)

Chris Loveall - Xperience Worship903-832-8663

Karen Marrufo - Housekeeping 903-832-8663

Russell Martin- Director of Student Ministries rgmmusic@gmail.com - 903-701-7181 (cell)

Lonna Nunn - District Administrative Assistant903-278-6910

Raymond Petty - Sunday Morning Facilities903-824-1208

Brenda Reed - Nursery Coordinator and Bookstore Managerbrendareed@valornet.com - 903-748-0386

Lorie Son - Williams Schoollorieson@gmail.com - 903-824-7553 (cell)

Jimmy Sparks - Xperience Worship903-832-8663

Wendell Teddleton - Evening Greeter, Security

Mindy Zwirn - Admin. Assistant mindymoon@gmail.com - 310-871-8678 (cell)

18 Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

Good Treasures ad

Come in and visit

Good TreasuresChristian Book Store

We have lots of great Thanksgiving decorations and will soon be getting ready for Christmas!

The Texas Annual Conference is one of the eleven annual (regional) conferences in the South Central Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church. We are comprised of 700 congregations organized into 9 districts across East Texas. We are active in communities in and around Houston, Galveston, Beaumont, Texarkana, Longview, Tyler and College Station – and everywhere in between.

Our membership of just under 300,000 is spread throughout the region and engages in sharing a love of Christ and common United Methodist values wherever they go. We have many vibrant, welcoming congregations and ministries that reach out to others to make a difference.

Our vision is to create vibrant, growing congregations changing lives and reshaping futures for Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to equip congregations to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world to the glory of God.

By going to this web site www.txcumc.org/site/stayconnected you can stay up to date with what is going on in the Methodist Church by reading the Cross Connections Newsletter. You can even subscribe and get the e-news Cross Connections in your email.

19October Insight


4000 Moores Lane Texarkana TX 75503 903.832.8663 welcometowilliams.org

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