2011 research trials show promising results...2011 research trials show promising results orn...

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2011 Research Trials Show Promising Results

Corn Starter Fertilizer Trials

We have been experimenting with different corn starter blends and additives for 5

years in our research trials. Nothing has shown a more positive response than

adding AVAIL Phosphorous Enhancement to a starter package. Whether it is 10-34

-0 in a 2x2 placement, or a pop up starter such as 9-28-2, when adding AVAIL we

have consistently seen positive results. Below is a chart with

all the trials we have done with AVAIL in corn starter fertiliz-

er, with an average return of 10.75 bushels per

acre over basic starter fertilizer!

We have also found that because the corn plant is taking up

more phosphorous, it is also bringing up more micronutri-

ents. When Corn Mix (micro blend highest in zinc) is added,

we see a combined return of 14.45 bushels per

acre over basic starter fertilizer!

this issue

Corn Starter Trials P.1 Putting the Icing on the Cake P.2

Nitrogen Stabilizer Trials P.3 More Than Manure P.4

Marestail Management P.5 Assess Wheat Stands P.6

Research Trial Overview

2011 was the 5th year for the

third party research trials carried

out by Buckeye Ag Testing near

the Pemberton location. The Re-

search Center has served as a try-

ing grounds for new products,

new ideas, and new practices that

we feel have the merit of trying

on your farm, backed by solid re-

sults from our trials. For us to

recommend a product or practice

for you to try, we need to see not

only positive yield results, but

positive economic results for the

producer as well. Take a close

look at the results from our

testing, and consider trying some

of these on your farm in 2012.

Spring 2012 , 25th edition

Starter w/Avail vs. Starter

5 Year Average

+ 10.75 bushels

Foliar Feeding “to put the icing on the cake”

There is no doubt that 2011 was

one of the most challenging years

we have had in a long time raising

wheat. Extreme wet conditions in

the spring made fungus a problem

on wheat, and later wet weather

threatened the plants with head

scab. In general, we saw very good

response with Quilt Xcel protecting

the leaves from diseases this

spring, and got significant yield

response where fields were treat-

ed. With the threat of head scab

predicted by the weather models,

some fields were treated for both

leaf diseases and again for scab. It

is hard to distinguish which applica-

tion did the most good, if one was

better than the other, short of

comparing them to non-treated

fields. It was our observation in

scouting fields that the Quilt Xcel

definitely lived up to its expecta-

tions, keeping the flag leaf clean

and building a base for high yields.

We recommend considering this

application again this year if we

experience similar conditions, and

leaving the head scab application

up to the University weather mod-

els to determine whether an appli-

cation is needed. These past two

years have proven that timely

ground applications for head scab

are undoubtedly more effective

than aerial applications in wheat.

Coverage of the fungicide on the

head of the plant, with a larger

volume of carrier is critical to the

suppression of head scab!

Our research plots have routinely

showed that foliar feeding does pay, if

you choose a basic foliar mix that

makes agronomic sense. It is im-

portant, however, to remember that

supplemental foliar feeding plants is

just that, supplemental! Products and

practices such as nitrogen stabilizers,

phosphorous efficiency improvement,

lime, drainage, and base fertility build

the base for successful yields, and foli-

ar products are more of an “icing on

the cake” idea to capitalize on your

previous investments.

Corn Foliar Micronutrients

Corn Mix EDTA has been a staple in our

research plots in the starter fertilizer

trials. It can also be foliar fed, and we

have had fantastic results with Corn

Mix the past two years foliar feeding

from V4-V10. Using a foliar product at

this timing supplements the plant

when its needs are high, while it is de-

termining its ear diameter and length.

This is the critical time when it decides

just how many “sockets” the ear will

have. Stress mitigation, water, heat,

and nutrients after this period will de-

termine just how many of those poten-

tial kernels remain to create yield. The

bottom line is, if you feed the plant to

build the foundation for high yields,

the potential grows as the season co-

operates in the later stages of corn

maturity. Corn Mix EDTA has shown

an average return of 12.01 bushels in

a foliar application!

Corn Foliar Fungicides

Early fungicide applications are a new

introduction to the industry in the past

two years. We began testing V5 appli-

cations in 2010, and had extremely

positive results in all of our trials. The

idea for these applications is very simi-

lar to the Corn Mix EDTA application at

the same timing: keep the plant

healthy and mitigate stress to develop

the maximum potential ear size during

the critical early development period.

We chose to use Quadris and Quilt Xcel

fungicides in our trials, because they

are the only strobilurin fungicides

known to give a growth regulator

effect (green up of the plant), and have

xylem movement throughout the

plant, providing continued protection

as the plant grows.

In 2011, with late planting and earlier

disease development, Quilt Xcel

(curative and preventative) outper-

formed Quadris (preventative only),

especially where applications were

made toward the V7-V8 timeframe.

Our trials show the best time to apply

is V4-V6 with Quadris, and V6-V8 with

Quilt Xcel. Combined results show an

average yield gain of 6.61 bushels in a

foliar application!

Where the fungicides were combined

with Corn Mix EDTA, we saw results

from 9-30 bushel advantages. Consid-

er trying a field of Quadris/Corn Mix

at V4-V6 on your farm this year!

Build your base fertility, protect your N, P, & K, get your pH in line

with lime, and then...add the icing to the cake with foliar products!

What we learned about

wheat fungicides in 2011.

Long term results show protecting your nitro-

gen with a stabilizer is a great investment!

“So if I use this product and it

gives an extra 5 bushel, and I

use another product and it

gains me 7 bushel, then I should

have a 12 bushel advantage?”

It doesn’t work that way, and

anyone that has done trials on

their farms realizes that some

products have synergistic

effects, and some do not. Rare-

ly is there a 1+1 effect, and the

weather has a lot to do with

which products perform on

which years. With many new

products, learning about when

they work is half the battle.

This is not the case with AVAIL

and Nutrisphere-N. AVAIL in-

creases the amount of phospho-

rous that gets into the plant,

creating larger roots, which in

turn leads to more uptake of

other nutrients, such as Nitro-

gen, Potassium, and Zinc. We

have found that there are defi-

nitely synergistic effects when

Nutrisphere-N, AVAIL, and Corn

Mix (Zinc), are used together in

a cropping system.

In the 2011 plots we tested the

synergistic effects of these

three products, and averaged

19.6 bushels better than the

untreated check with no en-

hancement products!

All five years of doing research with

Buckeye Ag Testing, we have had trials

involving the effectiveness of Nutri-

sphere-N, Instinct, and other nitrogen

stabilizers. This long term study in-

volves both pre-emerge and side-dress

applications of UAN 28% liquid nitro-

gen, as well as 46-0-0 Urea nitrogen.

Throughout the years of testing, we

have experienced all kinds of weather

patterns, putting the products to the

test to see how consistent and effec-

tively they can manage the nitrogen

and increase corn yield.

Nutrisphere-N side-dress 28%

Placing Nutrisphere-N in a side-dress

application of UAN 28% has been the

largest and longest part of our study

with nitrogen stabilizers. We have

seen visual results between treated

and non-treated plots, and the yield

results back up what we see with our

eyes. Nitrogen is the most important

nutrient to the corn plant, and Nutri-

sphere-N has been able to manage

that nitrogen season long, providing a

4 year average gain of 16.3 bushels!

Pre-Emerge N Protection

In 2010, we studied the effectiveness

of the nitrogen stabilizers in a pre-

emerge situation, applying 50 gallon of

28% with and without Nutrisphere-N,

as well as Instinct and other competi-

tive products. Nutrisphere-N and In-

stinct both showed positive yield re-

sults when compared to the untreated

check. Nutrisphere-N showed at 6

bushel advantage, and Instinct

showed a 3.8 bushel advantage!

By using Nutrisphere-N nitrogen man-

ager, you are able to protect your ni-

trogen from being lost through volati-

lization, nitrification, and leaching.

Keeping more nitrogen available to

the plant will lead to stronger, healthi-

er plants, stronger stalks and roots,

and higher yields. Competitive prod-

ucts haven’t shown the consistency

that Nutrisphere-N has shown us in

these trials. It makes economical

sense to take care of the most im-

portant nutrient, and one of the most

expensive inputs to your corn crop, so

that it is not lost to the environment!

Stacking Nutrisphere-N and

AVAIL boosts potential!

28% w/Nutrisphere vs. 28%

4 Year Average

+ 16.3 bushels

MTM improves manure nutrient efficiency, animal health, and handling! Specialty Fertilizer Products introduced More Than Manure

(MTM) on February 13th as a product that helps to manage

the nitrogen loss from volatilization and leaching, as well as

keep the phosphorous from becoming fixated in the soil

and unavailable to the plant. It is a product specifically

designed for manure, based off the successful polymers

found in AVAIL and Nutrisphere-N.

MTM was originally designed for the agronomic benefits of

managing the nitrogen and preventing fixation of the phos-

phorous in liquid and dry manures. We have had out-

standing yield results with the AVAIL and Nutrisphere-N

products, and expect the same response from MTM. Much

like the products for dry and liquid fertilizer, MTM makes

agronomic sense. Keep more of the nutrients available to

the plants for a longer period of time, and more nitrogen

and phosphorous will be taken up by the plant. More nu-

trient uptake by the plants always equates to a healthier

plant, and higher yield potential. Trials

throughout the corn belt are averaging

around 10 bushels per acre increase

where MTM is used on Hog, Dairy, or

Poultry manure.

How do I apply MTM to my manure?

The rate is simple, 18 oz. per acre. With

liquid manure, dump in the pit or la-

goon before agitating, and with dry ma-

nure spray it over the top after applica-

tion with at least 15 gallon of carrier. It

is easy to handle, and non toxic to ani-

mals and the environment!

Side Benefits to More Than Manure

-Immediate ammonia reduction in the air

-Reduced crusting on manure pits

-Less flies and rodents due to less crusting

-Decreased odor, better animal health

-Solid reduction on bottoms of pits/lagoons

-Foam reduction from feeding DDG’s

We have “More Than Manure” in stock if you

are interested in trying it on your farm.

Learn more by searching for

“more than manure” on YouTube!

Why is MTM good for the environment? MTM helps to keep nutrients in forms available to the plant, instead of

letting them get converted to forms susceptible to loss, or fixated in the soil.

Phosphorous—MTM helps to keep the phosphorous in the BrayP1 form,

available to the plant. It does not keep it in solution with a chance for run-

off, but it does keep the phosphorous from fixating and becoming unavaila-

ble to the plant. Keeping the Phosphorous in the plant available form en-

sures the plant takes up more P, leaving less in the soil for potential runoff.

Nitrogen—Like phosphorous, MTM helps to keep the nitrogen from the ma-

nures in the ammonium form, stable and less likely to be lost. More nitro-

gen into the plant, larger healthier plants, and more yield potential pulling

more nutrients from the soils leaves less nitrogen available to be lost.

Burndown Essential to Resistance Management

Resistant weed problems have pro-

gressed into major weed control issues

in the past two years. It is essential to

have a plan to not only fight resistant

weeds before they get too big to kill,

but also to be a good steward to the

new technologies as they arrive so that

they are useful for years to come.

Marestail has been the resistant weed

that has given the most widespread

problems in Ohio, and we have learned

in the past year what works, and what

does not work, when it comes to

marestail control.

Burndown applications are essential to

controlling marestail. Effective control

can be achieved if the marestail are

still in the rosette stage, and 2,4-D

combined with a proven residual and

glyphosate are included in the plan of

attack. Killing the first flush of

marestail before they bolt is the key to

control. An effective residual such as

Sonic will help to hold back the next

flush until the crop canopies and the

germination cycle is complete.

If 2,4-D cannot be included in the burn-

down application because of planting

restrictions, herbicides such as Liberty,

Sharpen, or Gramaxone may be used

to help in the burndown. Keep in mind

these herbicides are more susceptible

to weather conditions in the amount of

control they will provide. Also, when

using Sharpen many residual products

cannot be used in conjunction without

planting restrictions. Be sure to check

the label before using Sharpen for

marestail control.

Liberty Link soybeans have been sug-

gested as a viable option for an in-crop

application for marestail control.

Sound management practices such as

burndown with residual should still be

utilized, as Liberty is weaker than

glyphosate on key weeds such as

lambsquarters and several grasses.

Below is a 2010 OSU marestail study.

Notice a 14 bushel advantage where

effective burndown and residual herb-

icides are used correctly!

Get to Know the Enemy

Marestail 101

Marestail is tough, hence its

nickname “Ironweed”. In order

to control it, we must under-

stand its growth habits and

basic biology.

-Marestail has 2 modes of

emergence - late summer into

fall & late March through June.

-Marestail remains in low grow-

ing rosette stage thru late April,

and then elongates (bolts) to a

height of 3-6ft. Plants that

emerge in the fall will start

bolting faster than spring

emerged plants

-Marestail competes with soy-

beans throughout the growing

season, and mature in late sum-

mer to early fall.

-Marestail has the ability to pro-

duce over 250,000 seeds per

plant, with up to 80% viable

immediately off the plant.

-There is documented wide

spread resistance of Marestail

to Glyphosate and ALS Inhibi-

tors (Classic, First Rate, etc.)

Dow AgroSciences has devel-

oped the Enlist herbicide sys-

tem for both corn and soy-

beans. Enlist will give more

options for herbicides, in-

cluding a new form of 2,4-D

that can be applied over the

top of soybeans. Visit the

website for more info!


Left: 2,4-D+Durango+Sonic Right: 2 Passes Glyphosate











Post Trt. Burndown Residual

Thank you for taking the time to

read our newsletter. The articles

in this newsletter are always top-

ics that we feel are important

and relevant to you, and we wel-

come the ideas and concerns you

would like to be addressed in

upcoming issues of Steppin’ Up.

As always, we appreciate your

business and the opportunity to

serve you! Have a safe spring!

Much of our 2011-2012 wheat crop was planted later than usual, and experienced

less than ideal conditions throughout the winter. That being said, a lot of the

wheat looks pretty good where it wasn’t damaged by water. It will be important to

assess your wheat stands and determine what the yield potential is. This will help

you to make an educated decision, along with insurance and crop prices, whether

to keep your wheat field or plant it to another crop. Below is a website to a video

from Penn State to help you assess your stands and determine yield potential. If

you need help in this process, please contact us.


Find this link on our website www.bambauerfertilizer.com

Assess wheat stands for yield potential.

New Knoxville Location

Dave & Bruce Bambauer

Dennis Albers


Jackson Center Location

Mitch Bambauer


Pemberton Location

Matt Bambauer


Bambauer Fertilizer & Seed, Inc.

10573 Kettlersville Rd.

New Knoxville, Ohio 45871


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