2010 national immunization survey report, texas child and teen vaccination coverage levels jack...

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2010 National Immunization 2010 National Immunization Survey Report, Survey Report,

Texas Child and Teen Vaccination Texas Child and Teen Vaccination Coverage LevelsCoverage Levels

Jack Sims-Immunization Branch ManagerJack Sims-Immunization Branch ManagerTony Aragon, MS-EpidemiologistTony Aragon, MS-Epidemiologist


2010 National Immunization 2010 National Immunization Survey (NIS) OutlineSurvey (NIS) Outline

• What is the Child and Teen NIS?• Number of Children included in the 2010 NIS• How is vaccine coverage defined?• Important Texas Findings

– Child, 19-35 months• 4:3:1:0:3:1:4 vaccine series

– Teen, 13-17 yrs of age• HPV rates

• Strategies to increase vaccine coverage levels• Q & A

2010 Child and Teen NIS2010 Child and Teen NIS

• Assess immunization levels among– pre-school children, 19-35 months old– adolescents 13-17 years of age

• Conducted annually by CDC• Population-based, random-digit–dial sample of phone numbers

followed by reviewing the child’s vaccination record from the provider

• Provides a “Report Card” to let us know how well we are doing in protecting our nation’s children against vaccine-preventable disease

• The NIS provides national and state estimates of vaccination coverage-including new vaccines as they are licensed and recommended for use

2010 Child NIS• Assessed the immunization

histories of 17,004 children with provider-reported vaccination records

• Approximately 1,379 children in Texas

• These children were born January 2007 through July 2009

2010 Teen NIS• The survey assessed the

immunization histories of 19,257 adolescents

• 10,037 males and 9,220 females in the US

– 944 males and 888 females in Texas

• These adolescents were born between January 1992 and February 1998.

Children and Teens Included in the Children and Teens Included in the 2010 NIS2010 NIS

2010 Child NIS• State coverage estimates

based on the 4:3:1:0:3:1:4 series

– 4+ doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP)

– 3+ doses of Polio

– 1+ dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)

– 0 doses of Hib

– 3+ doses of hepatitis B

– 1+ dose of varicella, and

– 4+ doses of PCV

• Hib excluded due to a national shortage

2010 Teen NIS• Coverage levels for vaccines

routinely recommended for adolescents – Tetanus– Diphtheria– Acellular pertussis– Meningococcal conjugate– And quadrivalent human

papillomavirus vaccines

How is Vaccine Coverage Defined?How is Vaccine Coverage Defined?

Important Texas Findings from Important Texas Findings from the 2010 National Immunization the 2010 National Immunization

SurveySurveyAmong Children Age 19-35 Among Children Age 19-35


Estimated 4:3:1:0:3:1:4* Vaccination Coverage in Estimated 4:3:1:0:3:1:4* Vaccination Coverage in Children 19-35 Months of Age by Local Area and Children 19-35 Months of Age by Local Area and

State, NIS 2008-2010 State, NIS 2008-2010

*4:3:1:0:3:1:4 – *4:3:1:0:3:1:4 – 4+ doses DTP, 3+ doses Polio, 1+ dose MMR, 0 doses of Hib, 3+ doses Hep B, and 1+ doses of varicella, 4+ doses of PCV

Estimated Vaccination Coverage with Individual Estimated Vaccination Coverage with Individual Vaccines in Children 19-35 Months of Age, NIS 2010 Vaccines in Children 19-35 Months of Age, NIS 2010

US and TX Compared US and TX Compared HP 2020 Goal, 90%

Estimated Vaccination Coverage with Individual Estimated Vaccination Coverage with Individual Vaccines in Children 19-35 Months of Age, Vaccines in Children 19-35 Months of Age,

TX NIS 2007-2010 TX NIS 2007-2010

Important Texas Findings from Important Texas Findings from the 2010 National Immunization the 2010 National Immunization

SurveySurveyAmong Adolescents Age 13-17 Among Adolescents Age 13-17


Estimated Vaccination Coverage for Vaccine Estimated Vaccination Coverage for Vaccine Doses Routinely Recommended for Adolescents Doses Routinely Recommended for Adolescents Aged 13-17Years, 2010 Teen NIS, US and TexasAged 13-17Years, 2010 Teen NIS, US and Texas

Estimated ≥1 Doses of HPV* Vaccination Estimated ≥1 Doses of HPV* Vaccination Coverage among Adolescent Females Aged 13-Coverage among Adolescent Females Aged 13-

17Years, Teen-NIS 2008-2010, TX and US17Years, Teen-NIS 2008-2010, TX and US

Estimated ≥3 Doses of HPV* Vaccination Estimated ≥3 Doses of HPV* Vaccination Coverage among Adolescent Females Aged 13-Coverage among Adolescent Females Aged 13-

17Years, Teen-NIS 2008-2010, TX and US17Years, Teen-NIS 2008-2010, TX and US

Estimated Vaccination Coverage with ≥1 Dose of Estimated Vaccination Coverage with ≥1 Dose of HPV Vaccine Among Adolescents Females Aged 13-HPV Vaccine Among Adolescents Females Aged 13-

17 Years by Race/Ethnicity, Teen-NIS,TX and US, 17 Years by Race/Ethnicity, Teen-NIS,TX and US, 2010 2010

Estimated Vaccination Coverage*with ≥3 Doses of Estimated Vaccination Coverage*with ≥3 Doses of HPV Vaccine Among Adolescents Females Aged 13-HPV Vaccine Among Adolescents Females Aged 13-

17 Years by Race/Ethnicity, Teen-NIS,TX and US, 17 Years by Race/Ethnicity, Teen-NIS,TX and US, 2010 2010

* ≥3 dose of human papillomavirus vaccine, either quadrivalent or bivalent. Percentage reported among females only.

Nationally Proven Strategies to

Raise Vaccine Coverage Levels• Promote the use of registries• Promote reminder/recall• Public education• Provider education• Promote the medical home concept• Utilize community partners to improve in the

strategies listed above

2010 National Immunization 2010 National Immunization Survey Texas Immunization Survey Texas Immunization


Questions & Answers


• National Immunization Survey– http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/stats-surv/imz-coverage.htm#nis

• National, State, and Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 19--35 Months --- United States, 2009– http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5936a2.htm?s_cid=m


• Healthy People 2010– http://www.healthypeople.gov/

• Texas Department of State Health Services-Immunzation Branch– http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/immunize/default.shtm

Estimated Vaccination Coverage of Three Dose HPV Estimated Vaccination Coverage of Three Dose HPV Series Completion*Among Adolescent Females Aged Series Completion*Among Adolescent Females Aged 13-17 Years by Race/Ethnicity , Teen-NIS,TX and US, 13-17 Years by Race/Ethnicity , Teen-NIS,TX and US,

2010 2010

Percent of females who received three(3) HPV doses among those who had at least one(1) HPV dose and at least 24 weeks between the first dose and the interview date.

Estimated Vaccination Coverage in Children 19-35 Estimated Vaccination Coverage in Children 19-35 Months of Age by Selected Vaccine (MMR) and Months of Age by Selected Vaccine (MMR) and

Local Area, NIS 2006-2009Local Area, NIS 2006-2009

Estimated Vaccination Coverage Among Children Estimated Vaccination Coverage Among Children 19-35 Months of Age by Selected Vaccines, 2009 19-35 Months of Age by Selected Vaccines, 2009

NIS, US and TX ComparedNIS, US and TX Compared

Hep B Birth dose* - 1 or more doses of hepatitis B vaccine administered between birth and age 3 days.

2+HepA** - 2 or more doses of Hepatitis A vaccine.

Rotavirus*** - >2 or >3 or more doses of Rotavirus vaccine, depending on product type received (>2 doses for Rotarix® [RVI] or >3 doses for RotaTeq® [RV5].

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