2009-2010 ceos deliverables pakorn apaphant wgiss 28 september 28, 2009 pretoria, south africa

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2009-2010 CEOS DeliverablesPakorn ApaphantWGISS 28September 28, 2009Pretoria, South Africa


2009-2010 CEOS Deliverables Document Data Democracy update

SIT Chair TeamCEOS Chair TeamCEOSIT Agency RepresentativesWorking Group ChairsCEOS SBA CoordinatorsConstellation Leads

CEOS Deliverables for 2009-2010

Agenda Item Agenda Item 1818


CEOS Plenary and Troika have proposed that CEOS efforts for 2009-2010 time period focus on demonstrable outcomes, or Deliverables, consistent with charges identified by GEO, G8, and UNFCCC

Deliverables would include:• Enabling access to key products and datasets• Providing information systems and services to exploit data• Important new climate data records• Firm commitments to address key gaps or continuity



CEOS is considered the space segment of the GEOSS

CEOS either leads or co-leads 16 Tasks associated with the GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan

Principals of CEOS Agencies confirmed their commitment at SIT-23 to accomplish Tasks and actions in support of those Tasks

Potential key Deliverables associated with these Tasks are among those outlined in the CEOS Deliverables document

Other Deliverables may materialize from the over 75 open CEOS-GEO actions

CEOS and G8

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit, July 2008• G8 leaders, among other declarations, reaffirmed their

commitment to:o Combat climate changeo Establish a forest monitoring networko Create good water cycle management

G8 L’Aquila Summit, July 2009• G8 leaders continued pledge to “responsible leadership for a

sustainable future”• Declarations include:

o Sustainable use of natural resourceso Fighting climate changeo Improving risk analysis from threats from natural disasterso Promoting emission reductions to reduce deforestation

CEOS has identified a number of Deliverables in reference to these G8 declarations


UNFCCC/SBSTA agreed to a set of Conclusions and a draft Decision for consideration/adoption by Parties at COP-15

The SBSTA Conclusions:• Welcomed the commitment by CEOS agencies to work towards improved

availability of current and future data for forest carbon monitoring.• Encouraged CEOS to continue, accelerate, development of

methodologies, as well as validation and inter-comparison of satellite-based applications for the terrestrial domain

The draft decision with regard to CEOS:• Requested reports from GCOS, GTOS, CEOS• Encourages CEOS to continue coordinating and supporting the

implementation of the satellite component • Urges Parties that support space agencies to enable those agencies to

continue to implement, the actions identified in the CEOS report, in particular by ensuring long-term continuity of observations and data availability

Charge for SIT-24

We will have a structured discussion, Deliverable by Deliverable, and determine:• If the Deliverable, as written, is actionable and achievable• What, if any, are the issues with the Deliverable• Identify lead(s) for each Deliverable category• Remove any Deliverables that have already been reported

previously (at GEO-V, for example)• Get “buy-in” from all working level agency representatives to

make sure that the Deliverables proposed can be successfully accomplished by the 2010 GEO Ministerial

It has been suggested to determine who the end users are for each Deliverable and what the expected outcomes and/or benefits are to the identified end users• Is this something SIT agencies can agree to accomplish over the

next month?

Deliverable Categories

1. Forest Carbon Tracking2. Global Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases from Space3. Climate Change4. Data Democracy5. Global Sea Level Rise6. Health Applications7. Management of Energy Sources8. Disaster Management9. Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM)10. GEOSS Quality Assurance Strategy11. Education, Training, and Capacity Building12. Information Service Infrastructure13. CEOS Virtual Constellations for GEO14. CEOS Handbook 2008 and the CEOS Mission, Instruments and

Measurements Database 2009

WGISS Support

1. Forest Carbon Tracking2. Global Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases from Space3. Climate Change4. Data Democracy *5. Global Sea Level Rise6. Health Applications **7. Management of Energy Sources8. Disaster Management *9. Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM)10.GEOSS Quality Assurance Strategy11.Education, Training, and Capacity Building12.Information Service Infrastructure **13.CEOS Virtual Constellations for GEO *14. CEOS Handbook 2008 and the CEOS Mission, Instruments

and Measurements Database 2009

6. Health Applications

6. Health Applications


Flood and Disease Sensor Web for Monitoring and Early Warning A prototype to the use of satellite data, networked into a Sensor Web to provide situational awareness of floods and to provide early warning for floods and malaria. An initial pilot was run in the Spring 2009 in Namibia to provide input to functional prototype to be run in Spring 2010. The data acquired for the preliminary pilot effort will be used to:•Improve the flood model to help predict floods or assess the risk of floods•Correlate epidemiological data with climate conditions, especially flooding, to provide risk assessment maps for the development of Malaria


Demonstrating the use of the ACC Portal in supporting the atmospheric composition information and analysis needs in a health related application. The application is expected to include access and integration of satellite, surface, and prediction model data to address epidemiological studies, disease tracking and health impacts.

Proposed Lead:

Issues:• WGISS needs to provide descriptive language in paragraph format• What about the Malaria GEO Task led by CEOS? Is there a Deliverable we can add?• What about the Health GEO Symposium initiatted by CEOS? Is there a Deliverable we

can add?

End Users:

8. Disaster Management

8. Disaster Management


Caribbean Flood Pilot and Namibia Flooding Demonstrations to include directory of available tools, datasets, and methodologies


WGISS can develop a procedure for how agencies can respond quickly to natural disaster events with imagery provision. Global Resource Information Database (GRID), web service, sensor web, and other technologies will be applied for efficient/rapid production and mapping of satellite data and maps for disaster response within 24-48 hours.

Proposed Lead:

Issues:• 8.1: What Chinese agencies are contributing to this activity?• 8.1: CSA to confirm proposed Deliverable and text• 8.2: WGISS to provide descriptive language/text• 8.2: Be cognizant of potential overlap with International Chart Space and Major


End Users:

12. Information Service Infrastructure

12. Information Service Infrastructure

12.1 Recommendations to improve the discovery of resources, search for data products, and access to data using GEOSS twice a year (October and May)

12.2 Initial assessment of the contents of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) registries

12.3 Definition of a set of core satellite data query and search refinement parameters that would be needed to support effective cross-satellite, catalogue searching, and product selection

Proposed Lead:

Issues:• WGISS to provide descriptive language/text• WGISS to define acronym “OGC”

End Users:

12. Information Service Infrastructurecon’t

12. Information Service Infrastructure (Portals)

12.4 Development of a web portal for Forest Carbon Tracking task outreach and coordination including visualizations of data acquisitions and forest data products derived from that data

12.5 CEOS Climate Diagnostics Portal available via the CEOS International Directory Network: http://idn.ceos.org/WGISS will make available metrics, such as the number of visualizations available, the number of visits to the site, etc.

12.6 CEOS Health Portal: http://idn.ceos.org/HealthSBABoth a "Health Data" and a "Health Data Services" portal have been designed and populated. Additions to these portals will continue to be made as new health data sets and services are identified and information is made available to enter these into the directory.

12.7 A set of associated scenarios that illustrate how these search parameters might be employed in standard web services interface between a client portal and the satellite data servers they are querying and requesting data from

Proposed Lead:


End Users:

13. CEOS Virtual Constellations for GEO

13. CEOS Virtual Constellations for GEO


Portal for mid-resolution optical Land Surface Imaging (LSI) satellite system information and enhanced data access to data acquired by mid-resolution (10m to 100m) optical land surface imaging satellite systems operated by member agencies


Development and deployment of LSI web-based tools and services


Support to the population of additional data collections (e.g., radar data) to the operational LSI Portal and support the development and implementation of additional functional capabilities


The Atmospheric Composition Constellation (ACC) will establish a portal for atmospheric composition data to provide access and user-friendly tools for the composition community (in collaboration with WMO and hosted by DLR). The initial capability will be based on DLR World Data Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (WDC-RSAT) and NASA tools. A defining characteristic of the portal will be interoperable connections with other portals and information systems, such as GEOSS.


The Ocean Surface Topography (OST) Constellation will publish upper-level Mission Requirements Document to guide program planning on precise, complementary high-inclination, and wide-swath altimetry over next 15 years

See Next Slide

13. CEOS Virtual Constellations for GEOcon’t

Proposed Lead:

Issues:• Deliverable 13.3 – should support to FCT be mention as an LSI Deliverable?• Need to coordinate this Deliverable with the ACC. Also, can the ACC support some

activities like the GHG monitoring – see note above under GHG section that says need to coordinate activities with GHG and ACC

• Precipitation Constellation (PC) will provide updated language for PC Deliverable as noted in 15 Jul 09 e-mail from Steve Neeck

End Users:


Identified Deliverable Leads to resolve all outstanding issues addressed during today’s discussion

Identify potential end users and benefits to end users, if applicable, by 15 October 2009

We should get our update done in WGISS Plenary –Please send it back to me by this Thursday

Present Deliverables Document at 23rd CEOS Plenary

2009 Troika team-Pakorn Apaphant, GISTDA, Thailand-Asanda Ntisana, CSIR, South Africa-Julio Dalge, INPE, Brazil

Data Democracy ProgramProgress Report

Goal for 2009

-Global DEM-SAR and Optical EO images-Data for natural disaster management-Open Access to DEM-Covering Southeast Asia

Data Sharing Data Dissemination

Software & Tools-Image processing/GIS

-To generate VAP-To support Natural disaster Response-To improve image quality

Capacity Building

-To transfer technologies to users in southeast Asia-Open data access for capacity building

-Better internet access for EO data transfer to users in SE Asia

Focus in Southeast Asia

CEOS USERSin developing countries

We need to find what users really need We need to find if what we’ve offered meet their

requirements … … because we know how EO technology can help

Seek for users’ requirement

Surveying form was sent out to users in SE Asia to seek what they need

Received responses from Lao, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand

Data Requirement

Disaster Type

Optical Image

Radar Image

Resolution Level Format

High Med Low Raw Geo-

Corrected Tiff JPEG

1. Flood X - -

X X - X

2. Drought - X - - X X - -

3. Forest Fire/ Deforestations

X X X - X X X X

4. Landslide X - - X X X - X

5. Earthquake X - - X X X - X

6. Volcano X - - X X X - X

Data Requirement


Disaster Type

Optical Image

Radar Image Area Delivery Method

Resolution Level Format

1. Flood High Raw, Geo-Corrected Tiff Yes Philippines CD, Web Service, Internet

2. Landslide High Raw, Geo-Corrected Tiff Yes Philippines CD, Web Service, Internet

3. EarthquakeHigh Raw, Geo-

Corrected Tiff Yes Philippines CD, Web Service, Internet

4. VolcanoHigh Raw, Geo-

Corrected Tiff Yes Philippines CD, Web Service, Internet

What do we need from you?

Data Requirements Coverage Current Offer from CEOSHigh res. Image -Flood Lao, Philippines, and

ThailandPrecipitation Constellation Data Access, Sentinel Asia, ASIAES, ??

Radar Image -Flood Lao, Philippines, and Thailand

Precipitation Constellation Data Access, Sentinel Asia, ASIAES , ??

Medium res. Image –Drought

Thailand LANDSAT, NASA instr. Data, THEOS, Precipitation Constellation Data Access , Sentinel Asia, ASIAES, ??

Optical Image -Forest Lao and Singapore LANDSAT, THEOS , Sentinel Asia, ASIAES , ??

Radar Image -Forest Lao and Singapore Sentinel Asia, ASIAES , ??

High Res. -Landslide Philippines and Thailand Sentinel Asia, ASIAES , ??

Radar Image –Landslide Philippines and Thailand Sentinel Asia, ASIAES , ??

Ad-Hoc Disasters Singapore LANDSAT, THEOS , Sentinel Asia, ASIAES, ??

Optical Image -Earthquake Philippines, Indonesia LANDSAT, THEOS , Sentinel Asia, ASIAES , ??

Optical Image -Volcano Philippines LANDSAT, THEOS , Sentinel Asia, ASIAES , ??

How to deliver those required data to users

Directly to users• CDs, Internet Download, GeoNetCast• Troika team is happy to coordinate with users

Through Web Portal • Existing Portals• Through Data Democracy Portal (to be

implemented in 2010)

Software Requirement

Model/Tool for Disaster Management• Flood (85%)• Landslide (67%)• Forest Fire/Deforestation (35%)• Drought (17%)

Value added product generation• DEM Generation (85%)• Ortho-rectified images (67%)

What do we need from you?

Software Requirement Current Offer from CEOS


Flood Monitoring and response management

Landslide Monitoring and response management

Forest Fire/Deforestation Monitoring and response management

Drought Monitoring and response management

Ortho-rectification Software from INPE in 2010 Free tool

DEM Generation

Requirement for Training

Climate Change

• Carbon Tracking• Green House Gas Monitoring• Sea level rise


• Assessment of Disaster Impacted Area• Flood Monitoring• Land Slide Monitoring


• Forest Fire Monitoring• Forest Cover Monitoring

What do we need from you?

Training Course Requirement

Current Offer from CEOS


Climate Change related topics (1-2 days)


Natural Disaster related topics(1-2 days)

JAXA (Sentinel Asia) lecturers

Forest Related Topics(1-2 days) lecturers

Coordination with GEO

Proposals to GEO• Responded to GEO CFP for EO for Decision Support

Projectso A Concept Proposal was submitted on July 3o Full proposal will be submitted in November 2009

• Data Democracy Program is proposed as a new task in a current GEO WP (July 3)o Being considered for approval by Nov 09

Anticipated Deliverables –Data Sharing/Access

Data Sharing and Access for Natural Disaster Response Management in SE Asia• NASA Instrument Data, USGS-LANDSAT, THEOS (covering SE Asia only), Still

need more support from CEOS Agencies!!• Radar Image, High Resolution Images (Still need support from CEOS Agencies)• Precipitation Constellation Data Access, Sentinel Asia –JAXA, ASIAES –GISTDA

An online catalogue inclusive of the CBERS 2B data is being developed at CSIR CSIR will support the AMESD Project by providing free access to the datasets

provided to them by CEOS agencies INPE’s Policy on EO satellite data as a public good

• CBERS Program data policy

• Landsat Program data policy

INPE -Going beyond forest monitoring

• EO data for mapping land use

Deliverables –Data Dissemination

GEONetcast Free Network to transfer EO Data to end users

• TEIN3 network to be used for transferring THEOS data from North pole stations to end users in the case of emergency and education purpose

• APAN network to be used for transferring EO data with SE Asia in the case of emergency and education purpose

Anticipated Deliverables –Software/Tools

Software tool• INPE -Continuity of free and open source policy• INPE -Open source software for ortho rectification• Still need a software package for DEM Generation from

CEOS Agencies !!• Model/Software Package for Disaster Management?? (Still

need support from CEOS Agencies !!)

Anticipated Deliverables –Capacity Building

The CSIR has developed a data democracy disc (Fundisa disc) consisting of all datasets provided by CEOS Agencies. The disc is currently being distributed to all South African Universities and there is a plan to distribute to SADC Universities as well.

CSIR will support the AMESD Project by providing training to the data users

INPE -Capacity building initiative within GEO Training Course

• CEOS Data Democracy Training for users in SE Asia, around March -June 2010 (TBC), Thailand

• Need Lecturers from CEOS Agencies

Way forward

Sep-Oct 2009 To seek for interest from CEOS agencies for more support to

aforementioned users requirement Data, software, and training Nov 2009 Handover to INPE to lead the project (Nov 2009)Nov 2009 CEOS -to lead the GEO task on Data Democracy, if approved 2010 CEOS -to work on the EO for Decision Support Project, if approved Jan 2010 Begin to set up a Portal for Data AccessAround March-June 2010 (TBC) CEOS Data Democracy Training courses for users in SE Asia,


SIT Action to WGISS

SIT 24-2: WGISS to work with Data Democracy Deliverable Leads to identify software tools to support Data Democracy

Software Package with lecturer for training

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