2008 asme/api/iso gas-lift workshop · web viewyes, fluid level and dynamometer 10 it was in good...

Post on 25-Jun-2018






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2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 1Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping WorkshopContinuing Education Course Evaluations

Course 101 – Basic Sucker Rod Pumping: Tom vanAkkeren, Production Technology1 Good overview of sucker rod

pumping. I knew essentially nothing


Many of the pictures are too small to read in our binders.

Please include pages with 1 slide per page on important pictures


2 Very thorough, went from start to finish and covered all basis for a rod pump system

It was long, for one day Yes Thank you

3 Getting printouts of all the PowerPoints

Going through each component

The basic level of the course & broad range of topics covered

Colored printouts Bring some of the actual

parts discussed Videos

Excellent instructor

4 The course material was good & presentation was beneficial

Visual aids would be a great addition when talking about pumps.

The power points were fine, it would just add to presentation

Course material is good. Although hard to

condense, smaller time flames to allow attending more in the allotted days would be great

5 Some good info on basics/fundamentals at rod pump systems, will be useful reference in the future

Presentation to printed materials, well below industry standards in terms of quality, organization, clarity, readability, diagrams, etc.

Difficult to hear presenter, no microphone.

Assumed far too much student prior knowledge in oilfield operations & jargon.

Yes, current topic selection seems appropriate

Hate giving negative feedback but the course is just not up to par with what else is available in terms of training opportunities.

Would not recommend to colleagues in current state.

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 2Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

Course 101 – Basic Sucker Rod Pumping: Tom vanAkkeren, Production Technology6 Very extensive Time Yes, all subjects Great class

7 The results and studies for maximizing efficiency of your well by adjusting SPM, SL, and pump size

The hard copies of slides w pictures and descriptions are hard to see, this difficult to reference at a later date

Yes, with more info on how to optimize rod pumping wells

Really enjoyed the presentation and the info.

It was presented very well.

Brian Wagner,NOV Tuboscope

8 Covered a great deal of info very quickly, well organized

Pictures or actual samples of various components

Less efficiency graphs & cost comparisons

9 Presenter very knowledgeable of all aspects of artificial lift

My area is all above ground so I enjoyed the formulas for changing SPM and making electrical motor selection. Pumping efficiency section

Not being well versed in down-hole I thought a visual aid during the “pump” section would have been helpful. Maybe Weatherford could sponsor visual aid?

Yes, always enjoy continuing education on production

Mr. Van Akkeren is a wealth of information. I thought the class was very informative. I would recommend it.

10 The detail and confidence with which the instructor spoke

The print on the slides copied to paper could have been bigger

Preventative maintenance for pumping units.

My company has talking points already created that would appeal to operators/production managers

Tony RossAcme Oil Field ServicesTyler, TX281-853-5095

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 3Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

Course 101 – Basic Sucker Rod Pumping: Tom vanAkkeren, Production Technology11 Extremely knowledgeable and

thorough instructor. However, he could have prioritized time management. Info is lost after 50 min of feeding knowledge and “war stories” without a break; prioritize the knowledge that needs to be conveyed

Hands on examples should be present; examples of the five basic components of the pump-cutaways. Perhaps provide an electronic version of the slide show to attendees for quiet computer reference. Show Theta Examinations, or something similar to better illustrate well problems, e.g. particulates & gas.

This class either needs to be a two day class or further abbreviated.

More color, animations, and/or video in the slide show may hold audience interest more effectively.

I would have learned and retained more if I were not merely spoken at for the past for hours.

I was excited, sincerely, about the curriculum of this class;

I have now lost all interest in this course.

Would not recommend

12 Very knowledgeable instructor

Great flow of material – presented in a logical manner

More frequent breaks will keep the audience engaged

Quick exercises will help material sink in

Some slides were difficult to read

Better time management

Yes, all topics

13 Wide detail of information Better to focus detail Wireless mic More real would pictures,

examples, etc. Parts examples, demos

Real would examples, life experiences do’s and don’ts

Examples of parts and demo examples would help keep it interesting

Course 101 – Basic Sucker Rod Pumping: Tom vanAkkeren, Production Technology

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 4Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

14 The slides and in depth descriptions


15 Great overview- well organized, important info

Better time management of presenter

Yes, “pump off” controls and remote monitoring

I appreciate the effort given on how informative the course was.

Thank you

Course 102 – Shoot & Interpret Fluid Levels: Lynn Rowlan, Echometer1 How Lynn takes some

complicated calculations and visual fluid shots – explains in easy to understand methods – the hand calculations, really liked that

Yes, Sucker rod pumping Deviated wells, landing in

HZ – Co- efficiency of friction on

bare tubing – poly lined tubing – bare rods. High surface finish couplings

Guides/ scrapers

Wade McCarthy

2 Great Teaching by Lynn Great knowledge, on subject. Good examples

More examples on the tricky type interpretation

Yes. Fluid levels Pumping horizontal wells

that flow occasionally Gas separators for

horizontal rod pump wells

3 Very well detailed with several visual diagrams and material.

Instructor was very knowledgeable

Yes, field electronics/instrumentation

4 The information was quite helpful in evaluating and validating the computer software.

Along with troubleshooting the programs and guns

More information about what should be done to the well to increase production based on results of the tests

Yes, what steps should be taken based on results

Course 102 – Shoot & Interpret Fluid Levels: Lynn Rowlan, Echometer5 Very informative. Room got a little warm in Definitely yes, continuing Rey Becerra

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 5Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

Like the flash dive to take home, covered some fluid levels from our area

the afternoon education should be offered.

Any topics on rod pumping will be great

6 Course material and examples (Fluid level) were very helpful

Room lighting was a little dark

Overall great course

7 More in depth than previous Echometer classes

None Yes, possible training tailored more towards my operations or my well characteristics

8 I liked when we went over backside pressure

Nothing, good class yes

9 The helpful info on fluid level reading

More fluid level and less PI and Vogel

Yes, fluid level and Dynamometer

10 It was in good detail Nothing No Lynn did a great job

11 Good detail More hands on No Good course

12 A lot of practical info was presented concerning the TVM software

Nothing that I can think of at this time

Yes, continue this class Dynamometers and

evaluation & diagnostics

Great course, Lynn knows his stuff!

13 Good info with the right amount of detail

Nothing recommended yes

14 The detail they go into Lynn & Ken help you anyway

they can in and out of the class

A/c in the room turned on Yes, some stuff maybe add plunger class

Would like to see plunger class

Ray MaillouxKFOC

15 Lynn’s knowledge & ability to teach at an understandable level.

Real life examples

I’m too new to this to say Yes, new vendor programs didn’t know about Qrod

Kristi BurneDRI

Course 103 –Dynagraph Analysis: Louis Ray, Weatherford

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 6Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

1 Very knowledgeable- learned many things.

Great presentation

Not sure

2 Very good example, outstanding instructor.

Very instructing discussion. God mix of stories with the

presentation material


4 Very interesting discussion of differing situations

Not applicable Yes I was impressed with the content and knowledge of presenter

Rick Wilson

5 Land Interpretation A difference between Type 1 & 2 in wells and what kind of equipment is being used to weight wells

Land analysis

6 Excellent There probably isn’t enough time in this class, but if extended to two days, more detail on How operational adjustments, parameters can cause the cards we saw.

Also differentiate between cards that can be “fixed” vs cards that mean pump needs to be pulled

Loved the examples! Would like to see the

extra examples in the book as well as the slides, especially the juxtaposed examples

7 Very practical, helped see relationship between Dyno & what is going on in well.

Explained what not to worry about vs what to worry about.

Will help troubleshoot wells

Might be more effective if we have a little information to study beforehand, maybe something on basics of reading Dyno’s

Optimization – at every workshop

Designing rod strings etc for deviated/horizontal wells

Pumping below packers

Course 103 –Dynagraph Analysis: Louis Ray, Weatherford8 Identification of

problems on surface & Go through a math

example of max & min Yes, pump selection &

operation for gassy HZ The presenters

presentation style

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 7Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

down hole cards with printout then review as group

Connection of pump rod systems to modern fields – Eagle ford, CA, etc.

loads & main card corners for surface & down hole cards

wells was excellent

9 I liked going through all the different cards & interpreting them, very helpful for future reference

Nothing I could think of I think this should be an ongoing course

Louis style of teaching is the best! No nonsense, facts were easy to understand.

I was a little worried the course would be too technical, but I got a lot out of it.

Great course

10 Actual dyno card examples

Longer time spent on rare examples

11 All good information Also enjoyed the “test”

section that challenged me to use what I learned today

More time to get explanations

With my experience level I could have used more explanations of certain examples but I understand Louis was restricted by time

12 In depth analysis Page numbers on slides on power point

Yes, repeat

13 I liked it a lot Not a lot, very good stuff Yes He is great Brady P.

14 Knowledgeable instructor with lots of experience

Keeps audience engaged

N/A yes

Course 103 –Dynagraph Analysis: Louis Ray, Weatherford15 A wealth of information

Great instructor Good location

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 8Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

16 A lot of very helpful information.

The instructor did a great job presenting and explaining

17 Leaned a lot about Dynagraph analysis.

First time exposed to this in formal setting

More time on different types – went through many slides very fast


18 Enjoyed the troubleshooting of analyzing cards

I was happy with everything –

Other areas of optimization for different artificial life methods – plunger, gas lift, etc.

Yes, good location

19 Very informative Air conditioning

20 The class exercise and interaction

N/A yes

21 Very informative Ed Lusa

22 Extremely knowledgeable and passionate instructor.

Real examples, instructors experience was extremely helpful in conveying importance and appreciation of material taught in class

Yes, continue offering Dyno classes

Anthony Siderius

23 The depth of material covered

Nothing, great class Yes N/A

24 All of the examples More in depth descriptions/explanations of “Why?”

Yes Good class, learned a lot

Course 103 –Dynagraph Analysis: Louis Ray, Weatherford25 Informative- good class

study material & sharing of personal experience

Yes, time allowed for operators to bring in questionable files for review


2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 9Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

26 The number of examples of Dynagraph cards was very helpful.

Louis covered more troublesome cards than I have seen in other classes

Some more background information on the theory behind Dynagraphs and their shapes would be helpful

Yes, I believe the most helpful courses are based on real world problems and their solutions

Louis was very knowledgeable and I highly enjoyed his class

27 Real life examples, interaction between student/presenter.

Louis Ray did an excellent job

Course was excellent

Yes, Dynagraph analysis takes a lot to master

28 More informative RRL class I have taken

Was formatted great

29 Everything, I learned a lot and would take it again as I am sure I missed a lot as well

Different companies designs

Ex: Weatherford, Lufkin, etc.

N/A yes

30 Louis has a lot of experience and he uses many real world examples to illustrate his points

The instructor seems very sure about what he talks about and he doesn’t seem to be open to new ideas unless it is proven to him.

He also needs to update his slides from old data


31 Practically focused Some theory could help

32 In depth, discussion about cards

Louis did great Yes on all aspects of pumping

These councils need to be more frequent


33 Vast knowledge of Dynagraphs covered

Various opinions from different companies

Differences between different automation

Yes/ location good

Course 105 – Troubleshooting Rod Pump Problems: Lynn Rowlan, Echometer1 The topic covered on

harmonics and electric motors. Class was

Spend less time on the basic pump cards and spend more time on the

Yes, electric optimization and harmonics

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 10Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

informative overall power of the POC and software

2 Liked the in depth analysis of the course

N/A More on Lufkin pic controllers

3 Liked the instructor, he was not boring, he kept the class interested the whole time.

More breaks, maybe every hour a 10 min break

Down hold gas separators and how to deal best with gas interference

Good school, one of the best I have been to and I have been to a lot.

4 Had a lot of good info Great, should not change Always, some topics are fine.

Just repeat, that will make it easier to soak in

5 The explanations of the keys to reading the pump curves and the explanations of how to read them will help to read new carves that weren’t covered

It was hot! I thought it might talk more about addressing the fixes to problems too


6 very informational, instructor very knowledgeable on subject

two days instead of one yes A lot of info to cover in 8 hrs.

7 The overall scope of materials is appropriate to cover all topics from an intermediate level

Pump operation too far in presentation. Info repeated often

Yes, rod pumping in horizontal wells

8 Good pace, perfect amount of materials

Drinks in rooms Some slides are repetitive

of previous slides (diagrams & basic pumping –upstroke/down stroke)

Yes, rod pumping troubleshooting

Very good course

Course 105 – Troubleshooting Rod Pump Problems: Lynn Rowlan, Echometer9 Gas separation & pumps &

good card infoEd Lusa

10 The class was very informative. It was very

It would be helpful to have 2 days for the material

Yes, troubleshooting, automation, surveillance,

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 11Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

thorough on the amount of material covered

given. The course felt rushed and

all the info was barely discussed in order to cover all the materials

remote changes on POC

11 Very informative, picked up a lot.

Memory stick will be useful

For a 1 day course, I wouldn’t know.

Obviously a longer course would allow for deeper discussion but this cause was great for refreshing and basic learning

Yes Lynn presented very well

12 The course addressed a lot of theory behind dynamometer card shapes.

Helped explain why cards behave how they do, and how to fix many problems.

Very informative and useful

Lots of info was presented very quickly.

Was hard to understand all of the info at this speed

Yes, courses on real-life examples of failures and solutions would be helpful

13 Useful information to troubleshoot and analyze rod pump wells

He teaches this as a 3 day course so this class would benefit from moving to a 2 day course here because he goes through the material very fast

Yes He is bias towards his own software and can be defensive at times, but he had no problems admitting his mistakes

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 12Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

Course 105 – Troubleshooting Rod Pump Problems: Lynn Rowlan, Echometer14 Numerous examples &

thorough explanation of each Manual will be a valuable


Nothing I can think of Yes, continue with current topics

Lynn has a thorough grasp of sucker rod principles & methodology to troubleshoot.

Memory stick with presentations will be invaluable for future reference

15 Topic choice was very accurate

Time involved in each presentation

Overall event was very organized,

Hotel & meals were good

16 Learning how to use different tools/info to accurately diagnose what is happening in your well down hole

Less info about Qrod and how it compares to what happened in real life.

Can be seen in a couple examples that it is an accurate prediction

Yes, look at actual rod designs/well designs, show what failure occurred and how it was fixed

Good info that covered a broad range of topics.

Thank you for presenting

Brian Wagner

17 Very knowledgeable and experienced instructor.

Good discussion on various indications of down hole issues and how to solve them.

Discussion brought a ton of down hold pumping details that a young, new production engineer will undoubtedly use in the future

Some repetitive info throughout the day, but sometimes the repetition helps to set the stage for the upcoming discussion, which is a good thing

Yes Awesome class that built well on the dyno card analysis class the prior day.

Reference info provided on flash drive will come in handy in the future

Anthony Siderius

18 Overall it has really good info Focus on key material Yes, it shouldCourse 105 – Troubleshooting Rod Pump Problems: Lynn Rowlan, Echometer

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 13Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

19 A lot of good information given

20 The instructor was very knowledgeable and explained info well and in an understandable manner

Making the course 2 days Having more examples of

some of the common issues


21 Excellent info, very well organized & presented

Would have preferred color printouts for note taking, color course slides difficult to understand in black & white

Increase course cost if necessary but give us

Yes, current topics seem appropriate

Loved this course

22 Great overall – very detailed, good advance course.

Liked the plugged intake vs. gas interference

More dynamic delivery This is good. Maybe in rod design class

23 Real life examples of troubleshooting wells

Teamwork math problems to evaluate problematic down hole card & gas separation capabilities in different casings/tubing/ flow rate situation

Yes, troubleshooting pumping problems in horizontal wells – above KOP, in curve, in lateral

24 Very informative, Lynn was very knowledgeable and passionate about the topic

Possibly extend class to allow more time to cover cause/fix of down hole problems

25 Providing material on jump drive

Wide range of material covered

Animation and videos Instructor was extremely

knowledgeable on the topics covered

Colored slides

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 14Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

Course 104 – Dynagraph Analysis: Automation Hardware and Software: Anthony Allison, Weatherford1 More detail on automation

install & troubleshooting.

2 Easy to follow Nothing Yes, perhaps time allotted for operators to bring in problem data for analysis

3 Good overview run through I enjoyed that there was talk

about simple phase power applications

4 Length of topics Depth of specific topics like circuits, working of prime movers etc. can be added

5 I enjoyed the videos and pulling the wells through low is to see why alarms were triggered

More videos- flash drive with materials on it

Yes, anything can on optimization on different forms of lift

Great job, thank you!

6 It was all good info Nothing Yes It was all good

7 Great presentation with experienced instructor

Hard to say- I’m not experienced in SRP’s

Yes Greg Wilson

8 Explanation of how automation can save wear and tear on surface and down hole equipment.

The instructors knowledge and experience with RPC

Nothing yes

9 Very good at presenting the material.

Definitely knows metering, physical samples of various pieces was great


Course 104 – Dynagraph Analysis: Automation Hardware and Software: Anthony Allison, Weatherford

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 15Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

10 Lots of info and detail I felt the class was just right

Yes, more about experiences, examples

Excellent presenter

11 I liked the material covered Not a thing, good class yes

Course 106 – Pumper School: Mike Brock, Lufkin1 Lot of pertinent information a little more mention of

how/where each application is cured.

If valves come up all tanks and selected the same


2 Good instructor More hands on yes3 Well presented and

informative Some of the print on the

paper is too small to read for later reviewing

The money saved by having a P/M check every 6 months on pumping units

Tony Ross – Acme oil field services

4 Great course, very informative, learned a lot.

I loved Mike’s anecdotes!

Add a slide with a graph of down hole card with a tight stuffing box

Maybe have more examples of equipment to show the class if possible

Absolutely Victoria Pons

5 I enjoyed the section on specific gravity and buttonhole pressure.

I have better understanding of hydro-static pressure

Mr. Brock did an excellent job, gave enough breaks to keep everyone fresh and engaging

Yes, I thought the workshop was very thorough & beneficial

My favorite workshop thus far,

Thank you!

6 Practical info, covered full range of operators duties

Needs to be better adverting the broader coverage of this topic, not just about sucker rod pumping

7 Very interesting and informative

Good Yes

8 Well done, explained everything.

Great job!

Nothing, I got exactly what I needed

More basic courses

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 16Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

Course 201 - Care, Handling, Best Practices, Failure Review: Mike Brock, Mike Poythress, Russell Stevens, Rodney Sands9 I liked the structure. I also

liked how it covered a broad range with corrosion from mechanical and chemical causes

Not sure, it was very informative and had some nice pictures that gave good visuals for the examples

Yes, - failures, Proper rod string design Pumps

10 Good material & presentation A little less background material & more on latest software and turnovers


11 Rod care & handling Rod running

Don’t know

12 The discussion of info was extremely helpful and beneficial.

Great presentation of info both days

There were too much duplicate info

Yes, not sure of topics

13 Topics covered Class participation

14 Everything was presented very well.

Good discussion from group

More Russell Stevens Rod string design in horizontal wells

Complete rod pumping design

Good job, enjoyed it

15 Learned a lot about pumps and rod handling

Nothing else yes

16 Interaction with other operators

More communication between instructors to reduce repeats


17 Very informative Lots of good information

Bring physical examples Yes, sucking very helpful As a new person to rig work this class gave me very good new information

Course 201 - Care, Handling, Best Practices, Failure Review: Mike Brock, Mike Poythress, Russell Stevens, Rodney Sands18 Very informative information More hands on, more Yes Great workshop,

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 17Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

about best practices, would attend again to gain more knowledge

program software that actually showed real life events


19 Being able to ask any question and have answered

N/A Yes, all topics

20 It was in depth and always open for discussion. The discussions brought about during class were just as informative

It was repetitive yes

21 Good refresher, gets me back on track and re-affirms my understanding

Resources, people, contacts

Can’t think of anything, very good!

Continue please Find ways to advertise this workshop better, think outside the box.

Should be attended by more

22 The details on all courses sure

23 Everything Great course

24 Learned more about rod buckling and rod make-up

Very good course Yes, handling and new products

25 Very informative, covering a broad spectrum of information

Some things are considered known by all, when they aren’t.

Explain even basic stuff

Yes, should be held more often.

Would like to take a variety of classes

Breaks every hour

26 Really liked Mike Brock’s “Care, handling, Best practices”

Great for knowing what to look for in the field

Liked hearing things a couple of times to drive points

Having all material on a flash drive

Room was hot

Course 201 - Care, Handling, Best Practices, Failure Review: Mike Brock, Mike Poythress, Russell Stevens, Rodney Sands27 The abundance of

information on sucker rod N/A Yes, I would like to see

something on work over

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 18Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

and down hole pumps procedures or pull process28 I enjoyed everything about

this workshop. There was a lot of things that

I had together over the years, plus I learned a ton of new things

I thought this was a great location

29 Gained more knowledge about rods

How pumps work, what to look for

Nothing yes

30 I most enjoyed the best practices at the end of Mike Brock’s presentation.

I also liked learning about the various types of failures.

It was always easy to ask questions too

I would have liked to hear more on developing failure tracking rods

I would like to have a class on pumping the horizontal wells & handling high gas/high temperatures, etc.

Thank you for no sales pitches in this class

31 Failure review Yes, of course- hook wells with prc’s

32 Really enjoyed how thorough the course was especially regarding design criteria and failure analysis

I think the assumption was everyone in here was an operator or worked in a pump shop.

There were some terms that are common amongst pump people that non pump people might now know.

Slides for last quarter of class were out of order or missing

Yes, this was a good topic Thanks for a very thorough class!

It was great for someone who hasn’t dealt with specifics on sucker rod pumps (and wanted to learn more)

33 Relevant information Good presenters Very interesting and detailed

Room was too hot Variable speed drives Great course

Course 202- Chemical Issues --- Norm Hein, Norris, Becky Ogden1 One of the best schools I

attended Slides could be in color Yes Great school!


2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 19Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

Very informative, liked the structure

Norm & Becky knowledge & expertise & answering questions

2 Learning about inhibitors – Becky, Wow!

All good Yes, chemicals and rod pump optimization pumping units- hydraulic

3 Learned a lot 1st half (Becky) very good,

2nd half was too fast


4 Very informative, great presentation slides with a lot of detail

Nothing that I can think of, great class!

1 day course on sucker rod lifting, horizontal wells (design, failure mitigation) sucking pump in the lateral, etc.

Very good course

5 I like the overall course, however the failure analysis I like the most

Include pump parts and surface equipment failure analysis

Basics of metallurgy, basics of petroleum engineering, standard practices and equipment

6 Excellent presentations, very informative

Can’t think of anything Yes, I’d like to see a course on microbial induced corrosion

Thank you Norman & Becky.

Great presentations!

Jim GunschPerformance Chemicals Mgr337-319-7353

7 I found the information to be helpful and pertinent

Add animations/videos of the corrosion present in different fluid & metal environments

Yes Enjoyed the class, Becky and Norman were very knowledgeable and informative

2014 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Page 20Continuing Education Course Evaluations

No.What Did You Like About the

Course? What Could be Improved?

Should Continuing Education be Offered in

the Future? Other Comments?Name (Optional)

Course 202- Chemical Issues --- Norm Hein, Norris, Becky Ogden8 I thought it was very thorough

and informative. The class addressed a wide

variety from the course of corrosion, type of corrosion, and answers to battle corrosion

I don’t really know, a lot of different concepts were covered

I think so, very important for younger engineers, who can learn from the people who have been working in this industry for years

top related