2-6-2012 lange land auction prospectus, pages 1 - 17

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286 Acres in Lafayette County, Missouri


mike@wheelerauctions.com 1

Mary E. LangE EstatE

Chas Wheeler • 660-327-5890

For Sale Information ContactMike Williams816-797-5450


Land auctionLafayEttE county

tract #1283 acrEs M/L

tract #2HoME on 3 acrEs M/L286acres

Monday, Feb. 6, 2012ConCordia, Mo • 11:00 aMConcordia Community Center • 802 S. Gordon

Seller:Mary e. lanGe TruST - Shirley Beard, exeCuTor

Township 48n - range 25W - Section 17

Home and land along Borland Road

West side property line from Borland Road


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Table of Contents

Auction Information & Notes .................................................................................5-6

Auction Terms & Conditions .................................................................................7

FSA Information & Maps ........................................................................................8-9

Plat Map ...................................................................................................................10

Tract Map & Aerial ..................................................................................................11

Soil Maps & Data ....................................................................................................12-13

Paid Tax Receipt .....................................................................................................14

Preliminary Title Commitment ...............................................................................15-17

Tract Information & Photo Gallery ........................................................................18-22

Auction Sale Contract ............................................................................................23-27

Portion of the south property line

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This farm has been in the Lange family and passed to several generations since 1945. It offers a rare oppor-

tunity to farmers and investors alike to purchase a large quantity of rich Lafayette County farmland.

This farm has been maintained and upgraded with outstanding management, conservation and farm prac-

tices. Some new tile, a waterway and 300 ton of lime were spread over the winter. We believe this to be one of the

best pieces of ground to be offered at auction in Lafayette County in several years.

Please review this land prospectus and call if you have any questions. We cordially invite you to attend this

land auction on February 6, visit with the Lange family and allow the Wheeler Auction staff to be of service.

Chas & Mike

www.wheelerauctions.com • mike@wheelerauctions.com

Mary E. LangE trust

lanGe FaMily FarMThis farm has been in the lange family 67 years.

Shirley Beard, Executor ~ Gerogia Heimsoth ~ Terry Estes ~Brenda Hemme ~ Kim Lange ~ Shelia Smith

Township 48n - range 25W - Section 17lafayette County, Mo

Physical address: 22222 Borland Road, Concordia, MO 64020Farm location: 2 miles south of I-70 and Highway 13 Junction, then east on Borland Road 1.5 miles. Frontage on the north along Borland Road and the east of Mt. Olive Road. Signs will mark boundaries.

Southwest view of property along Mt.

Olive Road

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auction Location & notEsSALE LOCATION: • ConcordiaCommunityCenter•802S.Gordon•Concordia,MO64020

SALE PROCEDURE: • Offeredintwotracts.Theywillsellontheirownandwillnotbetiedtogetheratanytime.

• TRACT #1-contains283acresm/landwillsellbythedollarvalueperacre.Thefinalacreageissubjecttothesurvey that will exempt the homestead with outbuildings and is approximately three acres. Final sale price of Tract #1 will be the bid price times the number of deeded acres.

• TRACT #2 - contains approximately three acres with the home, outbuildings, septic tank system and utilities allcontainedonthistract.Tract#2willsellinits’entiretybythetotaldollarvalueandthebidprice will be the selling price, regardless of the survey acreage total.

• ThislandissoldwiththeLangefamilyheirsconfirmationofbid.

• Contractsonthislandsalewillbewrittenimmediatelyfollowingtheconclusionofthesale.

• Tract#1iscashrentedforthe2012cropyearbyTiemanBros.,Alma,MOandtheircashrentpaymentof$32,500.00willbepaidtothenewbuyerbyTiemanBros.onorbeforeDecember1,2012.

• Notenantagreementisinplacebeyondthe2013cropyear.

• TheLangeTrustrequeststhatthenewbuyersecuretheirownentrancetoTract#1alongBorlandRoadandMt.OliveRoadwithinoneyearoftheclosingdate.The1ECommonRoadDistrictissupervisedbytheLafayetteCounty Commission and they should be contacted by the buyer before any dirt work or culverts be put in place for any new entrance, should that be necessary.

• ConcordiaR-2SchoolDistrict

• LafayetteCountyRuralWaterDistrict#2

• WestCentralElectricCooperativeUtilities

• SeptictankandlateralsarecontainedonTract#2

• Tract#2willbeshownbyappointmentonly.

Wheeler Auction Representative,

Mike Williams • 816-797-5450mike@wheelerauctions.com • Website: www.wheelerauctions.com

SALE DAY CELL PHONESChas Wheeler 573-473-2508Mike Williams 816-797-5450

Charlie Nordwald 636-795-4552Bill Ringhausen 573-754-2254

Clint Youse 660-651-4779Sonny Ketchum 523-721-2021

mike@wheelerauctions.com 7

auction tErMs and conditions

• Procedure:These two tracts will be offered individually on a per acre basis for Tract #1 and by the dollar amount onTract#2.

• DownPayment: Ten percent (10%) non-refundable down payment the day of auction, upon signing a purchase agreement immediately following the close of bidding. The down payment may be paid in the form of personal check, business check, or cashiers check. The remainder of the purchase price is payable at closing. YOUR BIDDING IS NOT CONDITIONAL UPON FINANCING,besureyouhavearrangedfinancing,ifneeded,andare capable of paying the balance at closing.

• Title: Sellers shall provide and execute a proper deed conveying the real estate to the buyer(s). Title insurance will be paid by the seller. Closing costs will be split between the buyer and seller.

• Possession: Possessionwillbegivenatclosing,subjecttocurrenttenant’srights.• RealEstateTaxes: Realestatetaxesforthe2012willbetheresponsibilityofthebuyer.2012taxesandbeyond

will be the responsibility of the new owner.• MineralRights:The sale shall include 100% of the mineral rights owned by the sellers.• Easements: Saleofthepropertyissubjecttoanyandalleasementsofrecord.AnyentrancesfromBorlandRoad

orMt.OliveRoadontolandinTract#1aretheresponsibilityofthenewbuyerandshouldbeinplacewithinoneyear of the closing.

• Acreage: Allacreagearebasedonlegaldescriptionsandmeasurements,withthesurveyedacresinTract#2exemptedfromthelegaldeedofthe286acreMaryE.LangeTrustFarm.

• Closing:AnticipatedclosingdateshallbeonoraboutMarch6,2012 or on date mutually agreed upon between the buyer(s)andthesellersattheofficeofMidwest Title Company, Lexington, MO - Craig Williams 660-259-4631.

• Agency:WheelerAuctionsandRealEstateanditsrepresentativesareExclusiveAgentsforthesellers.• Disclaimer: The property is being sold on an “as is, where is” basis, and no warranty or representation, either

expressorimplied,concerningthepropertyismadebyeitherthesellersortheauctioncompany.Eachbidderisresponsible for conducting its own independent inspections, investigations, and all due diligence concerning the propertyandtheauction.Informationcontainedinthisbrochureissubjecttoverificationbyallpartiesrelyingonit.Diagrams/dimensionsinthisbrochureareapproximate.Tract#2issurveyed.Allinformationcontainedinthisbrochureandanyrelatedmaterialsaresubjecttothetermsandconditionsofsaleoutlinedinthepurchasecontract.Auction conduct and bidding increments are at the sole direction and discretion of the auctioneer. All decisions of theauctioneerarefinal.ThesellersandtheAuctionCompanyreservetherighttoprecludeanyonefrombiddingifthereisaquestionastotheperson’scredentialsfitness,intent,etc.

NewData,CorrectionsandChanges: Please arrive prior to scheduled auction time to inspect any changes,correctionsoradditionstothepropertyinformation.Notresponsibleforaccidentsortheft.ALLANNOUNCEMENTSANDINFORMATIONGIVENFROMTHEAUCTIONPODIUMSHALLTAKEPRECEDENCEOVERPREVIOUSLYPRINTEDORSTATEDADVERTISEMENT.

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PLAT MAP INFORMATIONCourtesy of Mapping Solutions

Lathrop, MOwww.mappingsolutions.com

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