1tie pointerh1rrison, vi"ian hofm an, germ.tine offi,er,; \\ho were clcd ed :11 the travel to...

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  • , 1950 =

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    lo rk

    1tie POINTER SERIES VI VOL. V Stc\'Cns Point, \V is. November 16, 1950 No. 7

    . ) . Twenty CST( Students Traveling N y k L • S h To Chicago to Visit Next Weekend ew or ong1nes ymp Onette ·

    App'.o,;mllcl)' 2? CSTC students the produtt;on of Gounod's "F,ust• w.·11 Prosont Program Nov. 29 \\di ,•1s1t Clu~agos museums and u~" to be gi\'en by 1hc New York ~ ~ other places of tn':_ercst ?" November Ctt)' Opera. Company on Friday C'\'C· :? 1, :? 'i. and _26. hc

  • VOL. IV THE POI:-ITER Publu.he:d w«k lr ucrpt holiday1 and uu:i,natron puio,h. at S1ntM Po,nt br HudtntJ o!

    tht Untnl W'1scon1,n Sutt Tt1Cht'O Colic:~. Sub1c11pt,on Puce: S) .00 ptr yt'ar. Enutd u K"Cond,

  • , 0 ,crnber 16, 1950

    Found at Last!

    Council's Long Lost Constitution l),scovery o~ the ~tudent_ Council's Interest ingly enough, the pre-

    lo~t consti tution in Miss Syble amble of the constitution says " \Vie )l.1son's library_ files has cle~red up the students of Central State


    Teach: th(:O> mystery of J~St hoi far it s pow- ers college, In order to take a more u , ex tend. Art1cl~ .':: revea l~ that act il'e part in our s~~ool, in ~rder to rlw Student Council :; all !1a,e the promote school spmt, and rn order rowe r to make recommeudations co,·- to better prepare ourselves for future L· nng: life (teaching) , do establish this 1. conduct o~ students, . const itution ." Such are the ,•c ry aims

    the !evymg, allocating, and of Operation \'v'eek-End which was ~pending of stu~ent fund~ (that described in last week's Pointer and ~~ti~~t fc~~)Y involved in the which, co i~cidcnta lly, the Counc il 1

    / 1- ' f I ff prepared without knowledge of the 1. :~~. ~:e;o;h~esc ;;scille~:rffre. prcam_ble s~:itcmcnt.' _

    The constitution states that "the \'v'ntten rn 1942 in the Ted Fritsch Student Counci l sha ll also have any ~ra _ of Central Sta~e, the constitution add itiona l power that the president is 1~deed a far-sighted and demo-of the college wishes to confer on it, cr:itic,. though up-to-now little used whether pe rmanent or tempor:iry." document. Ted Fritsch, the brothi;r If it is of any timely interest, it of CSTC's Jim, was president of the should be known, too, "th:it the pow- Council :it the time and, of course, N:. of init iative :tnd referendum shall is known to :di football followers as be reserved by the student body." ..1 fullback with Green Bay's Packers.

    I S J l! D E N J ( 0 U N ( IL R E ( OM M E N D A J I O N S I PLEDGES ot Simga Tau Delta. naHonat p,otmtonat £agU,b ha tomily. '°'umod ac

  • Inquiring Reporter Asks ·-

    Do You Think Students ShoulcJ

    Be Encouraged to Stay Weekends? The inquiring reporter c~mc up tics were provided a la rge.~ number of

    with a qutstion of current . 1~crcst students wou ld .~tay here. for this week's student op inio~ poll. Dave R?ss: All students sh~ul? The question, "Do you think some- st:iy here 1f they can, because .'t. '.~ th ing should be done to keep studc_nts their duty t'? p rom~t~. school spint. h ere on week-ends, or do )'Ou think Gordon l-a1rbert. If I could get the freedom to leave On week-ends cheaper meals o,•c r the week-end I is a d rawing point?" resulted in the would stay here." . .. , . followi ng answers: . . . _ Don Schumacher. l do n t th1_n,k

    Helen Kolinsk i: " [ think 1t is ni ce too much of the Student Councils for students to be able to go home idea. Students sh~~ ld be allowed to week-ends. Maybe it wou ld be bet· do as they please. .. . ter if they would onl)' go once in a N ancy Goebel:. Yes, I .th1~k they while, thoug h. Perhaps something have a very good idea .. ~1\'e tt a try could be worked out to encourage go- and sec what .. happens.. . . ing home less often ." Ed. Heuer : I am definite ly in £~\'-

    Dorothy \'({otruba : " It is nice to be or of the new week-end plans: st! II , able to go home but I suppose that tl~e. dccis.i.on must be left to the in-some who Ji\•C too fa r aw:ty prob- d1v1dual. ably would like to have people stay ---. _o ____ w ·11 here with them. Then. too. some Alpha Ps1 mega I people have jobs at home wh ich the}' , J are ,b1e to k«p by being ab le to go Present Plays 1n anuary home." .. On January 9 and 10, Alpha Psi

    November IG, J!>:;o

    John_ Catta.na~ : If there was Omega, dramatic fraternit)', will pre-

    something going on around here on sent three one-act phys, "The . m I

    the 1950

    51 ,chool year. Front ,ow, Jell to flgh L Dave Rote. week-ends that didn't cost too much, Va liant ., a serious drama. "Sup- NEW CLASS OFFICERS - Plctur.d abo't'8 a,edthe c~s i° c;s

    11orlrHhman ·.,Ice prHident: Joan Ferdon. freahman Hctelory:

    I'd rather stay here.:·. . . pressed.Desires," a satire; and "Curse ~r:: n~a:o!re,'! ~; \ 1=~ ~~1;09:1~!~m~~:t; :S~a~n;~ .. 1d::1~nGor~o~ SorenHn. vice president: ~:-°iiceSc:':,~. ; ~c~•~~a::~· Lloyd Peterson: In my case it, is You Jack Dalton," a melodrama, don Foirbe~ trecuurer. Tb.ltd row, Hnlor cla.u. lelt to right. Lloyd Poie;;on. pre1\~en\~:;:: : . Br; ,a~ Deciu1re. s~phomoro •le~

    neccsasry lo go home on weekends whi ; h they have chosen •to produce He-rotary. Those abHnl when picture was take: :I;cl~ e George boo•;~ 1:;;s::e, · and Richard Wiener. hHhman treasurer.

    and work in order !O go _to school. this semester. The playbooks have prHldont: Arline Meisler. sophomore secretary: o e ruegor • .op m r · If there were more incentive to stay arrived and tryouts will begin im- d L F Cl Operetta Postponed here. more pc:opl~ would:.. ~ mediately. Announcement, concern• Call Sylvester's Wil i e ass

    Dona Da_hm.: . I think 1t shoula oc ing thi s will be posted on the Alpha . • An operetta originally planned for up to each md1v1dual whether or not Psi Omega bulletin board, or on Li:- (ST(' M T I d G November 2_8, to be presented by the he stays here on week.ends. How- land M . Burroughs' bulletin bo:ird. $ OSt faVe e rOUp Tr:11n1ng schoo l, has been postponed ever, if a good week-end program Sixty students have fi lled out tryout The \'

  • 1 ~o,e111ber 16, 1950 THE POINTER

    Two Problems Face Coach Quandt flNAL TEAc mRs c oLLEGE CONFEHENCE STANDINGS

    As He Whips Cagers Into Shape (x':1,;';;1.~.~;:: ::: ::::T L f ::ggg .h bJ.sketba ll mento r, Hale Guards John Meleski, Stevens Point, Pbtte,•ille ..... . .... .4 O .667

    Qlu nRd Rent.

    Hetzer's Cycle Shop 737 Church Street


    11 7 North Second St.

    Gwidt's Drug Store on the Square

    Prescription Dn,ggistl

    Hippity Hop to

    Berens' Barber Shop Spor t Shop Build.ing

    Peickert Meat Market


  • 6

    Geography Class Visits

    Two Point Industries Raymond E. Spccht "s industrial

    geography class, Geography 207, h:ts visited two Stevens Point industries on field trips CJrri cd on in con· · ncction with their class work. \'v' hilc

    .- working on th i.:i r)first unit, dealing with mcnerals ar,8 rocks and their

    . products, the cb.ss visitC'd the Haertel Mo numr:nt \'\forks. Thei r second trip was to the Lullabrc Fur· niturc company and was made du r-ing the class study of a unit on forest ry. •

    These field trips arc being made with the purpose of fami li arizing the students with va ri ous pluses of indust ry, in preparation for a final stud)' of some n:1t ion:1 l industr y of the student's choice, a study which will cu lminate the semester's work .

    ORGANIZAT!OtjS (Cont!.nued lrom p0.9e 2)

    members, r\frs. Elizabeth Pfi ffne r will speak about "College Life". Re-freshmen ts will be se rved. . .

    Round Table tiembers or the intermediate and

    upper elementary divisions held their'" fi rst meeting October 30. After roll

    'Call and remarks by their advi se r, Miss Susan Colman, the meeting was turned over to Bill Pb.th , chairman.

    In discussing semester programs, all seniors and juniors were urged to


    rHE OOGPATCH DAZE I• reflected he,• In Dick Franci.· plct\l,e of the li,11 prh;e winners al the YWCA Sad.le Hawldn1 dance. Nancy Goebeis is shown as Daisy Mao and Louis Jacoboald at Ll' l Ahner.

    see Miss Colman in the very near - ------------------------future in.order to check on and work cembcr I. It will be a Barn Dance rection or Jerry Boettcher, presented out the proper programs in accord- party with refreshments and enter- a kindergarten discussion on foot-ance with the division requirements. tainment and is to be held in the ball. Skit Two, led by Joy Lane, de-

    It was agreed to hold all regubr College gym. D'Verne Matthison, a pictcd the tragic sto ry of .. Pokey meetings on the last Monday o f the 4-H leader f rom \'(food County, will Hantus" in p1ntomine. The pledges month at 7 p.m. In case of conflict, lead square danci ng. Phylli s Jarnlck concluded the program with a group notices will be posted regarding time is co-cha irman for the · event and or songs and barnyard imitations. orNmeeweti


    1cche,rnsgwese.,e elected •t th,·, other commi~tecs have been appoint - The laurels for the e,·cni ng 's success

    fJ .. ed. belong to Eunice Rothweile r, pledge-meeting and arc as follows: Presi- After the regu lar meeting, FreSh- master, Warren Hamele, toastmaster, dent, Ri cha rd Turzenski; vice-presi- man girls elected Shirley Sonnenberg and Mrs. Marjorie Kerst, focultr ad· dent, Harriet Mark ing; secretary- tboo:,epr

    0ef,etnhte !t,e

    5mGAo.n the executive vise r.

    treasurer, Marvin Mayer. Louis ... d w Early Saturday mOrn ing, 15 Gam-Jacoboski was unanimously accepted • • ma Delta members journeyed from as Student CoUncil rep resentative, Tngoa Stevens Point to Madison where they having been appo inted pre,·ious to 1 he student councils plan, "Oper- heard Professo r Kunkel, a bio-th~ meeting by the nomi nating com· at ion Week-End,, was the main topic chemist at the un1vers1ty 0£ \'(f1s-m1ttee. during the busihess meeting of constn, disprove atheism by means

    It was urged ·that all membc~s of Trigon Thursday night. A member of sc ience They also were. taken ~n th.e Roun_d Tab.le become acquainted of the Student Council spoke about conducted. tours or Madison , d_1s-w1th their ad viser and the office~s. the plan. It was discussed and de· cussed various phases of stu?ent !ife They a_re asked to w~tch the bu!letm cided b)' all menibei-s present that and . hea.rd a ro~nd t:tble ?1scuss1on ~ard in front of Mis~ Colman s of- Trigon will be willing to help with on £mality. Eun ice Rothweiler repre-~1ce. for news conce rn mg the organ- the p lan but will be unable to change sented CSTC_ on the round ta ble 1zat1on. the meeting night to Sunday. g~oup. Lodg1~g for Sa~urday _eve-

    • • • An interesting discuss ion on .. Can mng was provided by va ri ous private \Xlesley Foundation We Have Fun in Religion?" was led homes ~nd studen t hal_ls. All CSTC

    Rev. George Jordan, the State by Margie Lawrie. co~vent1on re~resenta~1ves repo.rt an M.S.tvf. d irector, was at the Wesley Rae Guenthner was in cha rge of enJoyable and interesting week-end. Foundation meeting last Thursday at the worship. A square dance led by • • • St. Paul's Methodi st church. He Jed Ross Papke and B:lrbara Bea was Radio Workshop the g roup discuss ion on ''Man and greatly enjoyed by the members. The Radio \'

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