19851986 2009. sometimes, things are as bad as they seem…

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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1985 1986


Sometimes, things are as bad as they seem…

Be careful what you wish for…

Many hands make light work…

Getting out of the comfort zone is difficult for some people…

Some people are just naturally curious…

Some people just like to antagonize…

Some people are openly defiant…

Some people can only attempt honesty behind the cloak of anonymity…

And some people are highly intelligent and willing to head in the same direction…

Healthy people have skills…

Healthy people follow appropriate leadership…

Healthy people cooperate…

Healthy people are willing to collaborate…

Healthy people are socially interested…

Healthy people add to the sense of the common good…

In spite of our best efforts, there will be times that things just don’t go our way…

At times, it may seem like the wheels are just going to come right off…

Some construction plans just don’t make any sense…

Don’t get angry at the unreasonableness of sick people… (cuz it may be genetic!)

And fortunately, our friends come along and give us a ride to higher ground…

At the end of some days, there’s just nothing left in the tank…

At the end of the day, enjoy the beauty and prepare to RISE ABOVE the storms and turmoil that the next day may bring…

Like the snow filled pine tree, stay flexible or you will snap under the weight…

Learning to effectively deal with stress…

“It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us.” page 90, Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions

A time for quiet and reflection…

Remember the stages of change and change is a process, not an event… and that people are at different points along the way…

Change is a colorful and creative blend of lots of variations…Synergy – one plus one makes three!!

Working the steps are still my best bet for maintaining sanity and peace of mind…

Remember the lessons of teamwork from the past…

Remember the lessons of teamwork from the past…

Different positions, different roles, different skills, leaders & followers, doers & planners, pitchers & catchers, infielders

and outfielders, homerun hitters & singles hitters, all working together toward one common goal – the betterment of the team, sometimes at the sacrifice of the individual but

not at the disposal of the individual. Where am I most useful? Who can fill the other roles? Who will lead? Who will follow? When to involve outside help? When to work from

within? When will we know we’ve arrived? What’s realistic to expect? How do we match up to the others? What can we learn from those who have gone before us? What are our strengths and weaknesses? What will keep us together? What will tear us apart? Are they committed or involved? Are they strong enough, mean enough, stubborn enough,

independent enough, dependent enough, arrogant enough, humble enough to believe that this is possible? To believe in

themselves? To believe in one another? To believe in something greater? Do they understand this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity? Are they willing to see it through? What will become of us once it is over? Who will carry on?

Who will carry the message?

Balance in all things… May my gratitude be reflected in my actions today…Remember that we come this way only once…

Jack’s 25th anniversary at Munson, the funeral, “Rise Above”…

Doesn’t work, not productive, harmful to all involved, avoid like the plaque…

RISE ABOVE those immature urges…

We admitted we were powerless, powerless over everything… RISE ABOVE my own limitations… Other people possess a set of skills that I know nothing of… What a wonder to watch them in action doing what God intended them to do… What skills do I possess? Am I using them as God intended? 3rd step prayer, “Do with me as you will, relieve me of the bondage of self…”

“…there was nothing left for us to do but to pick up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at our feet. We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed.” p. 25 AA BB

“Read this book…” p. 112 AA Big Book

RISE ABOVE those petty differences and keep the final goal in mind…

Chrysalis – transformation from caterpillars to butterflies…

RISE ABOVE the caterpillars…

Those wonderful helping hands…

RISE ABOVE our differences to come together…

Giving it away to keep it…

RISE ABOVE is wired into everyone of us – we have a choice – to give it away to keep it!

“…That one set of footprints in the sand is when I was carrying you…”

No need to “RISE ABOVE”, you were already carried over the toughest parts. Rise Above becomes a reminder to say thank you for the gifts

already bestowed and those yet to come. Faith is the confident assurance that things hoped for will be realized.

RISE ABOVE the fear with faith.

Einstein said, “Never memorize what can be looked up.” This will leave more time for imagination and creativity… how do we want our future to unfold?...

And just when you think everything is a done deal, a friendly little ego deflator comes along and says, “So you think you are something special, eh? Watch


Okay, okay, back to basics…

Baby steps… patience and persistence… RISE ABOVE… Baby steps… patience and persistence… RISE ABOVE…

Baby steps… patience and persistence… RISE ABOVE…

See the beauty that is all around us…

We are one of many…

When things get tough, “who you gonna call?”

There is no magic bullet…

Honesty is the only way…

Lessons learned by those who have gone before us…

There is a level of complexity to things that I will not comprehend…

Boundaries and limitations…

Beauty is beauty, whether I embrace it or not…

One day at a time…

Oh, but what a day this one was!!...

Can we?, will we?, should we?...YES!

Serenity Garden…

Blessings of Mother Earth for one and all…

Those moments of clarity when glimpsing the mystery of life…

Thy will, not mine, be done…

Recovery begins when one shares with another…

…for those weary souls who have yet to come our way.

Learning is fun…

We have a huge need to educate our community…

If I’ve offended anyone, I’m truly sorry. If I haven’t offended you yet…

The kids that I work with like to tell me, “This means I love you and you are number one in my book!” So, if you’d like to show you’re appreciation in good natured fun, just give that one finger salute and we’ll both know that we are loved.

Thank you all! Thank you for trusting me and helping me to RISE ABOVE my own fears and insecurities to become one among many!

Thank you one and all!!

Great job to everyone involved. Like any good team, everyone had a hand in this great achievement. The 24 different Board of Directors that we’ve had in the past five years, the membership of 70 plus, the meeting participants of over 500 plus on an annual basis, the donors numbering nearly 180 different contributors, the 13 different contractors utilized on our building project, moving to our temporary location in 17 minutes with the help of 40+ volunteers and then several months later, moving back into our renovated facility in just 25 minutes once again with 40+ volunteers, Charlevoix Public Schools, City of Charlevoix, Downtown Development Authority, Charlevoix Historical Society, Performance Engineering, Mike Spencer and the City Planning Commission, City Zoning Board of Appeals, County Building Inspectors, the Elks Club, Arch Wright, Chet Janik, Michigan Appraisal, Walt Coyle, Ferguson & Chamberlain, Scott Beatty, Ray Wallick, Jodi Alger, Bruce Bartlett, Mike Hinkle and Charlevoix State Bank, Charlevoix Lions Club, Charlevoix County Community Foundation, Oleson Foundation, Frey Foundation, Richard & Linda M, Peter & Julie C, John O, Richard O, Terry L, Sue G, Sonny W, Wally R, David J, Judy R, Betty C, Gregg W & Kathy P. Special thanks to Sue G for her leadership as the board president for several years and a very special thanks to Richard O for his leadership, commitment and unselfishness in promoting teamwork throughout this endeavor. Without Richard, this would not have happened. And I cannot forget to give a big thanks to my wife, my business partner, my inspiration - Celia. And one final group that needs to be mentioned – our original group of courageous individuals who went out on a limb and started the Charlevoix Alano Club in 1985 and ‘86 to get the ball rolling. Thank you to the founding members who were able to speak tonight. Thank you to those founding members who were able to attend this initial open speaker event. Without your efforts, many, many lives would be much different today. Just imagine all of the “positive ripple effects” that have taken place as a result of those early individuals that have found solid, long-term recovery and gone on to help thousands and thousands more. We thank you for the gifts that you all bestowed upon us by accepting the initial challenge to put Charlevoix on the map as a community that supports recovery from addiction. We can only hope that this project is viewed as a small token of our appreciation and gratitude toward the continuation of your hopes and dreams.

Pretty nice place to help oneself…

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