194 avondale ave. stratford, on. n5a 6n4 519-271-3683 or...

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194 Avondale Ave. Stratford, On. N5A 6N4

519-271-3683 or 519-271-7946 Website: www.avondaleunitedstratford.com

SUNDAY November 5, 2017 Remembrance Sunday

10:00 a.m.

Flowers are placed this morning by Joan Rolph In Memory of her Father Ross Milne, Uncles Charlie and Robert Milne and

Aunt Ida ( Milne ) Cross , and all Veterans . 'LEST WE FORGET’

Welcome……We are honoured this year to be hosting the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 8, Army, Navy & Air Force Unit 261, their respective Ladies auxiliaries, the Royal Canadian Air Cadets & Army Cadets along with the Concert Band to celebrate our service of remembrance.

Worship led by Rev. Keith Reynolds, Director of Music Lori Millian,

Senior Choir, Stratford Concert Band directed by Laurence Gauci

Robert Pope, Trumpet David Nicoll, Bagpipes

Readers Rosemary Tanner & Dave Mewhinney (President of Legion – Branch 8)


Pre-Service Music Stratford Concert Band

Announcements & Welcome Judy Stuart Lighting of the Christ Candle Prelude Stratford Concert Band

Colour Party enters…

O Canada

Opening Hymn: O God, Our Help in Ages Past VU pg 806

Opening Prayer: (in unison)

Faithful God, we give thanks for Your love and compassion, On this day we remember, we ask for Your comfort, For memories that are painful and complicated, We pray for peace for those who continue to live with the effect of war, We offer our lives with gratitude for those who served in times of war and conflict, Continue to inspire us to live toward Your vision of peace. Be with us as we worship and hear our silent confession… (Silent prayer)

Words of Hope and Healing (adapted John 14)

One: In Christ we are offered peace. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. All: May our hearts be free from trouble and fear. May we be agents of peace in the name of Christ. Amen.


Words of Remembrance Honour Roll Last Post Silent Tribute

One: They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. All: We will remember them.

Reveille Lament

Hymn: God! As with Silent Hearts VU 527

Theme Time

Hymn: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace VU 684

Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer


Anthem: Let There Be Peace on Earth Sy Miller & Jill Jackson,

arr. Jay Althouse

Scriptures: Psalm 107 (VU p.831-2, parts 1&4)

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Sermon: God Remembers


Offertory: The Church’s one Foundation

AURELIA, arr., Anna Laura Page

Offertory Response: Abide With Me

William H. Monk, arr. John Purifoy

Offertory Prayer: (in unison)

With thanks we make this offering, living God. May it contribute to Your ongoing work in the world, bringing justice and peace. Make it real for people’s lives in this community and around the world. In the hope of Christ we pray, Amen.

Prayers of the People

Closing Hymn: Faith of Our Fathers VU 580

Sending Forth and Blessing Choral Benediction: Now As We Go

God Save the Queen

Colour Party exits…

Postlude: Service Marches Stratford Concert Band

Heart of Oak (Royal Canadian Navy) John Peel (Canadian Army)

Royal Air Force March Past (Royal Canadian Air Force)

Please join us for fellowship and refreshments in the Narthex. This week’s hosts is the Property Team

Tonight @ 7:00!!! “Together in Christ” is a community worship of music, prayer and readings, bringing together Roman Catholic, Mainline and Evangelical tradition. Please join others at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church for a gathering to celebrate our unity in the Christian faith. Avondale United has been part of the planning for this worship and our choir will be participating. Come and celebrate with your friends in the community and make new ones! For more information, please speak with either Lori or Keith. Music by the participating choirs will begin at 6:40

Thank you to Maddie and Mikayla Woods with the 4 year olds - grade 2 and Joan Oue with the grade 3 - 8 in the Sunday School this morning.

Our first Community Supper was held this past Sunday on October 29th - just over 80 dinners were served and enjoyed. We thank the many volunteers contributing their time and resources to make this meal a success.

Outreach-ing News…. New Developments – an Aboriginal Project, Alternative Gifts, “Soups On” (Jan.) “Casserole Ministry”

Single serving meals are available in “take out” containers, in our kitchen freezer. Members of our congregation are encouraged to take advantage of these meals in times of need.

Special thanks to the Food Shelf Support Team for these additions to their shopping list.

The FOOD SHELF is open every Friday 9:30-11:00.

Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of many in Stratford. The following clients used the food shelf during October, 53 families, 63 adults and 13 children.

The clients are very appreciative of the donations that are church congregation supports in food donations and cash donations (allowing our shoppers to buy fresh produce).

We have received book donations over the past year which we

appreciate. Please leave donations on a shelf next to the book return box

and put a note inside to tell us who the donor is. If we cannot make use

of the book, we will pass it on or return it to the donor, if instructed in

the note to do so.

Upcoming Events

UCW General Meeting – Monday, November 6th 7:00 in the Choirroom Join the UCW for a fascinating journey to see the Wonders of Turkey. A Travelogue presented by Anne Reuber. All are Welcome!

Lunch and Learn – Tuesday, Nov 7th @ 12:00 noon in the Parlour. Bring your lunch. Psalm 78 part 1 and Matthew 25:1-13 are the readings for Sunday November 12th service. Everyone Welcome. Avondale’s Dodging Disciples

Friday November 10th, 2017 6:30 to 8:30 – Fellowship Hall Invite your friends, family and neighbors.

Contact Staci (519) 949-2098 Kids, Teens, Adults of all ages

Refreshments, Snack Free of Cost

“Sunday Supper Club”

November 12th @ 5:30pm in Choir Room Bring something simple to share - a Salad, Entree, OR

Dessert Also, bring your own dishes & cutlery. Coffee & tea provided. This month’s hosts are: Janice Ward, Ruth & Steve Sealey. Unsure??? Call Janice to learn more ( 519-273-2367) Sign up to help us plan ~ Everyone welcome ~ Invite a friend Widow’s Support Group – Friday November 17th, 6:00 at the Queen’s Inn. For more information, contact Flo Cartwright 519-273-2706

UCW TEA and BAZAAR – Saturday, November 18th 1 – 3 p.m. Tea Room: Desserts and the Best Tea in Town $6.00/$3.00 for children Meat Pies, Deli, Fruit Pies, Baking Galore Watch for more details regarding our new feature “The Christmas Boutique” (see below) Mark your Calendars Now! Anyone interested in donating baking, preserves, deli items etc. your contributions are always welcome. Further details will be provided closer to the date or call Barb Schoch at 519-272-0764.

Info on The Christmas Boutique”. There's going to be a new room for the UCW Bazaar "The Christmas Boutique" .... everything Christmas ~ decorations, tree trimmings, Christmas candles, tablecloths and lots of "new to you" Christmas items. We've started accepting donations and need more to fill the room. Please start going through your Christmas totes now and decide what you want to keep and what you'd like to donate to the Christmas Boutique room. Please bring your donations to the church starting Sunday, November 12 and the following weekdays from 9 to 3 and give to Yvonne, or items can be brought on Friday at 6.30 ~ the evening before the bazaar. Questions?? please call Susan 271-1314 or see her at Church.

Confirmation Sunday – November 19th. There are 6 teenagers being confirmed.

MILITARY WHIST – Friday, November 24th with play starting at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. The sign-up sheet is in the fellowship hallway. For more information, contact Lee Chute

or Carl Thomson. Sunday Out For Lunch Bunch. The next outing will be Sun., November 26th. A reservation has been made for 12:00 at the Windsor Restaurant. Please note, we need to know in advance if you would like to join us!!!! There will be a sign up sheet in the Fellowship Hallway or Call Joan McIlwain 519-273-1093 or Marj Coburn 519-271-7742 by November 24th.

Avondale’s next Community Meal will be on Sun. November 26th.

If you are interested in helping, the Sign-Up lists can be found on the bulletin board by Fellowship Hall. Community CarolFest - Saturday, December 2 at 7 p.m.

A Christmas Program featuring music performed by the Stratford Concert Band, A Mass Choir, duet of Nancy Kalmusky & Sam Wyatt, Joan Boshart on the Choir Chimes and Geraint Wyn Davies reading a

Christmas Story. Special message by Dave Stewart. Free will offering to support the Stratford House of Blessing. Cookies for CarolFest: If you are not “Cookieed Out” after the TEA AND BAZAAR we would appreciate some of our congregations’ delicious and festive Christmas cookies to serve along with refreshments for CarolFest. We will be eating all the leftovers for the “Close the Gap” Brunch the next morning. If you are able to participate please contact Anna (until November 19 - 519 271-9996 or ameusel@wightman.ca ) and Sheila (November 20 and later – 519 393-6508 or wolfes@quadro.net ) Thank You.

From the Office: Office Hours Monday to Thursday 9:00 – 4:00. Friday 9 – 12:00 noon. You can leave a message at 519-271-3683 or 519-271-7946 Yvonne.avondaleuc@wightman.ca

Community Events

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20 7-9 PM WOMEN’S CIRCLE Be part of a women’s circle that will meet approximately 3-4 times a year to build relationships and explore faith and spirituality. This time gives attention to Body, Mind and Spirit. For women of all stages and ages. Cost $5. Registration is not required but if you know you will be coming, let us know so we can better prepare. This Bimini event is held at Grace United Church, 116 Woodstock St. S. Tavistock

` Weekly Calendar

SUNDAY Nov 5 - SUNDAY Nov 12


10:00 Sunday Service Sanctuary

11:00 Fellowship and Refreshments Fellowship Hall

Jr. Choir Practice Choir Room

11:45 Confirmation Class Parlour 3:00

Stratford Concert Band Sanctuary

Monday 4:10 Mindfulness Meditation Library

6:30 Beavers 3rd Gathering Room

6:45 Cubs 3rd Fellowship Hall

7:00 AA (Women's Closed) Parlour

7:00 UCW Meeting Choir Room Tuesday

12:00 Lunch & Learn Parlour

6:30 Beavers 12th Fellowship Hall

7:00 Venturers Parlour

7:00 Journey Group Library

7:45 Scout Group Committee Gathering Room 8:00

AA Choir Room

Wednesday 12:00 ABI Choir Room

1:00 RWTO Gathering Room

6:00 Meditation Library

6:30 Cubs 12th Fellowship Hall

7:00 Shout Sisters Sanctuary

7:00 Scouts 12th Gathering Room

7:30 Pastoral Care Meeting Parlour Thursday

1:00 One Care Staff Meeting Various

1:00 CAS Library

2:30 Aktion Club Narthex

6:00 Sunday School Meeting/Supper Parlour

6:30 Guides Fellowship Hall

Friday 8:30 UCW-Pies Kitchen

9:00 Staff Meeting Parlour

9:30 Food Shelf Food Shelf

6:30 Dodge Ball Fellowship Hall 8:00

AA Choir Room

Saturday 9:00 Music Practice Sanctuary

Next Sunday

10:00 Sunday Service Sanctuary

11:00 Fellowship and Refreshments Fellowship Hall

Jr. Choir Practice Choir Room

11:45 Confirmation Class Parlour

5:30 Pot Luck Supper Club Fellowship Hall

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

By John McCrae, 1915

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