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Post on 13-Aug-2018






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1500 S. Andrews Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069 www.sainthenrys.org

ARCHBISHOP OF MIAMIMost Reverend Thomas G. Wenski

PASTOR:Rev. Francis A. Akwue, CSSp.

PASTOR EMERITUS:Msgr. James B. Reynolds

DAILY MASS:8:00 a.m.

SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES:4:00 and 5:30 p.m.

SUNDAY MASSES:8:00 , 10:00, and 11:30 a.m.1:30 p.m. Spanish


HOLY DAYS MASSES:8:00 a.m., 12:00, and 6:00 p.m.

ST. JUDE NOVENA:Every Monday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass

MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA:Every Saturday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass

HOMEBOUND:Contact the Parish Office forSacraments.

PARISH OFFICE:Phone: (954)785 2450Fax: (954) 785 6958

PARISH OFFICE HOURS:Monday Friday9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE:Six Month Preparation Period Required. Parishioners should contact the Parish Office at leastsix months in advance to make appt.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM:Parishioners should contact the Parish Office to make an appointment with the Pastor three months prior to BaptismEnglish Baptism First Sunday of the MonthSpanish Baptism Last Sunday ofthe Month

CONFESSION:Before every Saturday Vigil and Sunday Mass and by appointment

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (C.C.D.):10 a.m. on Sundays


May 7 2017May 7 2017Fourth Sunday of EasterFourth Sunday of Easter

The Gospel is from St. John 10:1 10. We have Christ as our shepherd He tells us so himself in today's gospel and we do not resent being called sheep in this context. There is something guileless about a sheep, and at the same time a lot of foolishness! But with Christ as our shep-herd and the "good shepherd" who is sincerely interested in the true welfare of His flock we have reason to rejoice.

The leaders of the Jews, the Pharisees and Sadducees, were false shepherds who tried to prevent the people from following Jesus, but they failed. They then killed the shepherd but in vain. He rose from the dead and His flock in-creased by the thousands and will keep in-creasing until time ends.

We surely are fortunate to belong to the sheep-fold of Christ His Church. We surely are blessed to have the Son of God as our Shep-herd, who came among us in order to lead us to heaven. Do we fully appreciate our privileged position? Do we always live up to our heavenly vocation? We know His voice, we know what He asks of us, but do we always listen to that voice, do we always do what He asks of us?

We need to think often of our purpose and our end in life. We have a few short years, but short though they be, we can earn for ourselves an eternity of happiness during this life. Let the straying sheep boast of their false freedom and of the passing joys they may get in this lifethis freedom and these joys are mixed with much sorrow, and will end very soon. We know that if we follow the shepherd of our souls, we are on the way to the true life, the perfect life, the unending life which will have no admixture of sorrow, regret or pain. Where Christ is, there perfect happiness is, and there with God's grace we hope and trust to be.

Excerpted from by Fr. Kevin O'Sulli-van, O.F.M.

7 de Mayo, 20177 de Mayo, 201744 Domingo de PascuaDomingo de Pascua

El Evangelio de San Juan 10: 1 10. Nosotros tenemos a Cristo como nuestro pastor Él nos lo dice el mismo en el evangelio de hoy y a nosotros no nos molesta el ser llamados ovejas por esto. Hay algo candido acerca de las ovejas, y al mis-mo tiempo mucho de necedad! Pero con Cristo como nuestro pastor y como el “buen pastor” quien esta sinceramente interesado en el verdadadero bien de Su rebano, por eso tenemos razones para regocijarnos.

Los líderes de los Judios, los Fariseos y los Sa-duceos, eran falsos pastores, ellos trataron de evitar que le pueblo siguiera a Jesús, pero fallaron. Entonces ellos mataron al pastor pero en vano fué. El resucito de entre los muertos y Su

hasta el fin de los tiempos.

Nosotros somos muy afortunados de ser escogi-dos como el redil de Cristo Su iglesia. Nosotros seguramente somos bendecidos por tener el Hijo de Dios como nuestro Pastor, quien vino entre nosotros para llevarnos al cielo. ¿ Apreciamos produndamente a nuestro estado privilegiado? ¿ Vivimos siempre como es el llamado celestial? Si reconocemos su voz, y si sabemos lo que nos pide a cada uno. ¿ Entonces siempre oimos al llamado de su voz, siempre hacemos la que Él desea de nosotros?

en el final de nuestra vida. Tenemos muy pocos

felicidad eterna. Dejemos que la extraviada oveja haga alarde de su falsa libertad y de sus alegrias pasajeros de esta vida esta libertad y estas alegrias estan mezcladas con mucho pesar y ter-minan pronto. Nosotros sabemos que si se-guimos al pastor de nuestras almas, estaremos en el camino a la vida verdadera, la vida perfecta,

esta la perfecta felicidad, y alli con la gracia de Dios esperamos y confiamos estar.

Excerpted from by Fr. Kevin O'Sulli-van, O.F.M.

Saturday, May 6th St. Petronax8:00 am Purgatorial Society:

Elizabeth & Floyd De John & Family, RobertMetzner & Family, John Kiel & Family, ValekFamily, Millicent Schmidt, John Bresnahan,Jim Elsea, David Didona, Robert Richardson,Mary Lou Jones, Malcolm Haggerty, Edward Leitner,Sr. Rafael Alcala, purgatorial souls,Andre Baker, Beauvoir Family, GermaineWiller, Blanchard Family, Moscoso Family,Eugene Lamour, Charles J. Goodell, FelixLamour, Janes Davies’ family, living &deceased, and Joseph Haines’ family, living &deceased.

4:00pm † Cosmo Monteleone By Mary Monteleone5:30 pm † Taylor Chadsey By the Cumming Family

† Gladys Albornoz Castillo By Maria & Bill Smith

Sunday, May 7th Fourth Sunday of Easter8:00 am (L) Larry & Marcia Bartos

By Rev. Kris A. Bartos10:00 am † William Bryan David

By your friends at John Knox† Joe Prior By Andy & Carol Cavallo

11:30 am † Louise & Jack DursoBy Mary Monteleone

1:30 pm The Families of Edward Fortmann,Vincent J. Dellorto, Joseph F. McGowan, &Samuel J. Musseri St. Henry’s SustainingBenefactors

Monday, May 8th St. Abran8:00 am † George Herbert By Joan HerbertTuesday, May 9th St. John of Chalons8:00 am (L) Sophia, Aaron & Zoe Bartos

By Rev. Kris A. BartosWednesday May 10th St. Damien de Veuster8:00 am † Ed & Rita Bartos By Rev. Kris A. BartosThursday, May 11th St. Walter8:00 am † Ed & Rita Bartos By Rev. Kris A. BartosFriday, May 12th Saints Nereus & Achilleus8:00am † Leo & Lois Hyzy

By Fr. Stephen HilleySaturday, May 13th Our Lady of Fatima8:00 am Rene Perri By Amy Cumming4:00pm † Michael Barogiannis By Diane Valek

† Josephine Xefos & Stephen Leone By Danny Leone

5:30 pm † Suraya Hernandez By the Rodriguez familySunday, May 14th Fifth Sunday of Easter8:00 am † Rosemarie Tocci by the CCW

† Donald St. Georges By Jackie St. Georges10:00 am (L) Grace Pallotta By Chick Pallotta11:30 am In honor of the Blessed Mother Mary on

Mother’s Day thanksgiving & specialintentions By Rose Masters

1:30 pm Mother’s Day Novena

Tabernacle Lights for the month of May In memory ofPaul Meli Jr.

. Hosts for the month of May sponsored in memory of

the DePaola family

Please pray for the sickRobert, Wright, Yvonne Yaksic, Peggy Meyer, Sarah Pena,Taylor Chadsey, Paul Brennen, Cindy Tynes, Rita Tracht,Sophia DePaola, Marion DeFazio, Msgr. Edgar Breenen,James Parizek, Michael Bierman, Doug River, David Zwier-can, Anna Vaccaro, Sheila McLaughlin & Joseph Haines.

Attention ParishionersSt. Henry Church will be suspending itsSaturday 5:30pm Mass over the summer effective May 15, 2017 (the last Saturday5:30 Mass will be on Saturday, May 13,2017). Please watch the bulletin for newson when the 5:30pm Mass will resume. Thank you for your understanding.


Landscape and lawn maintenance crew comes twoor three times monthly and keeps the compoundclean and in an attractive condition. The church and parish hall cleaning crew comes in on Thursdaysand gets the two places ready for use on Saturday &Sunday. Similarly, a cleaning company gets the par-ish office and rectory ready on Mondays for use allthrough the week. The parish is looking for a Gen-eral Maintenance person who will come in once,and on occasion twice, a week, preferably onThursday or Friday for other needs that demand attention. It presupposes that the person comes to work for extra cash to their pocket. Contact the Of-fice Manager if you are interested: 954 785 2450.


Se necesita un equipo para el mantenimiento de losjardines y del césped dos o tres veces al mes y que mantenga los suelos en forma atractiva y en buenascondiciones. El personal del mantenimiento de la ig-

ves y los tienen listos para su uso los dias Sabado y

za viene a limpiar las oficinas de la parroquia y de la rectoría los dias Lunes para su uso durante la sema-na. La parroquia busca una persona para el man-tenimiento en general que venga una y en ocasiones, dos veces a la semana, preferiblemen-te el Jueves o Viernes para las otras necesidades que demandan atención. Se supone que la persona viene a trabajar por dinero extra para su bolsillo.


Our offertory collection for the weekend of April 29 & 30th is broken down below. Thank you for your support.

Nuestro ofertorio para el fin de semana del 29 Abril y 30 se

cias por su apoyo.

The CCW’s next meeting is scheduled for this Monday, May 8th beginning at 10:00am

in the parish hall. This is the last meeting for this season, so please plan on attending.

The new slate of officers for St. Henry’s Council of Catholic Women will be officially welcomed

into their new positions.

Gift Shop Volunteers NeededWe wish to recruit as many volunteers as possible to help in the gift shop for all weekend Masses. Anyone who would like to volunteer should provide their name and phone number to either Lauretta Brennen or Fr. Francis.

If anyone is interested in volunteering as the gift shop coordinator, please advise Lauretta or Fr. Francis.

We are now accepting Scholarship Applications

St. Henry Church is now accepting scholarship appli-cations for the 2017 2018 school year. Applications are available on line, in the church office or on the shelves in the church. Scholarships will be awarded on Pentecost Sunday to qualified candidates. Dead-line for Completed Applications is Monday, May 22, 2017.

Ahora estamos aceptandoSolicitudes de Becas

de becas para el año escolar 2017 2018. Las aplica-

iglesia o en los estantes de la iglesia. Las becas se

tos cualificados. Fecha límite para las solicitudes completadas es el Lunes, 22 de Mayo de 2017.

Mothers Day NovenaMothers, living & deceased, will be remembered in a special Nine Day Novena of Masses beginning on Sunday, May 14th.Remembrance envelopes may be found in the church. Please return the Remembrance envelopes with your offering and write your mother’s name(s) on it and place it in the collection basket so it can be placed on the altar during the Nine Day Novena.

Don’t cancel life insurance policies you no longer need! By naming our parish as beneficiary, you’ll provide last-ing financial support and possibly qualify for tax benefits as well. Pass on your catholic heritage, faith and love by naming St. Henry parish as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. For more information, contact the rectory or call the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 7621110.

¡necesita! Al nombrar a nuestra parroquia como benefi-

amor, nombrando la iglesia de San Henry como benefi-

parroquia o llame a la Oficina de Donaciones Planifica-das al (305) 762 1110.

Please join us at Havana Nights with Archbishop Thomas Wenski on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 

ami, FL. This fun event raises funds for the Unac­

Archdiocese of Miami.  We hope to see you there!!!

Join EWTN as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Fatima and the canonization of Fatima visionaries Francisco and Jacinta Marto!

For almost one hundred years, the miraculous apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima have been inspiring the faith of mil-lions, and now EWTN is proud to bring you and your parish the most extensive coverage of the celebration of its 100th Anniversary and the historic canonization of Fatima vision-aries Francisco and Jacinta Marto by Pope Francis! Join us for LIVE coverage of the events from Fatima, Portugal on Friday, May 12th and Saturday, May 13th.

In addition to these LIVE events, EWTN will also be offer-ing engaging and uplifting programs throughout the month of May to educate viewers about these miraculous appari-tions. For a full list of our Fatima Anniversary Program-ming (which extends through October, 2017), go to: ewtn.com/fatima/programming.asp.ewtn.com/fatima/programming.asp.


Summer Schedule with facilitators Madeline Zung and Dolores McBride on Tuesday evenings as fol-

lows: May 2nd, June 6th, July 11th, August 1st & Sept 5th

The Legion of Mary invites everyone to attend their weekly meetings held every Tuesday after the 8:00 am Mass in Parish Hall. Please consider joining them and bring a friend.

Knights of ColumbusTootsie Roll Drive

This weekend, the Knights of Columbus will be outside of church after each

Mass for their Tootsie Roll Drive. Please stop by to get a sweet and make a donation. Thank you for your support.

Additionally, the Knights of Columbus will be handing our flowers after Mass next weekend in honor of Mother’s Day.

Next weekend’s second collection will support the completion of the Trinity Dome, in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in preparation for the one hundredth anniversary of the placing of the foun-dation stone of the National Shrine in

2020. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Be a Vocation Missionary!In Pope Francis’ personal message in his letter for 2017 World Day of Prayer for Vocations, says that we are called to be a missionary, to share the Gospel of Jesus with the world.

Pope Francis explains that to be a missionary disciple means sharing actively in the mission of Christ, includ-ing praying for vocations. Pope Francis wrote “I ask par-ish communities, associations, and the many prayer groups present in the Church, not to yield to discour-agement but to continue praying that the Lord will send workers to his harvest. May he give us priests enam-oured of the Gospel, close to all their brothers and sis-ters, living signs of God’s merciful love.”

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