143 mimo feedback final

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Mimo feedback


  • Linear Precoding in MIMO Wireless Systems

    Bhaskar RaoCenter for Wireless CommunicationsUniversity of California, San Diego

    Acknowledgement: Y. Isukapalli, L. Yu, J. Zheng, J. Roh

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  • Outline

    1 Promise of MIMO Systems

    2 Point to Point MIMO

    3 Limited Feedback MIMO Systems


    5 Multi-User MIMO

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  • Outline

    1 Promise of MIMO Systems

    2 Point to Point MIMO

    3 Limited Feedback MIMO Systems


    5 Multi-User MIMO

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  • Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Systems

    A system with multiple antennas at the transmitter and multipleantennas at the receiver.

    Enables Spatio-Temporal processing and the goal is to exploitthe spatial dimension to increase system throughput

    Multi-Input Multi-Output System

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  • Textbooks

    Introduction to Space-Time Wireless Communications, A.Paulraj, R. Nabar and D. Gore, Cambridge University Press

    Fundamentals of Wireless Communications, D. Tse and P.Vishwanath

    Space-Time Coding, H. Jafarkhani

    MIMO Wireless Communications, Edited by Biglieri, Calderbank,et al

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  • Benefits of MIMO Systems

    Increased Network Capacity

    Improved Signal Quality

    Increased Coverage

    Lower Power Consumption

    Higher Data Rates

    These requirements are often conflicting. Need balancing tomaximize system performance

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  • Technical Rationale

    Spatial Diversity to Combat Fading

    Spatial Signature for Interference Management

    Array Gain enables Lower Power Consumption

    Capacity Improvements using Spatial Multiplexing

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  • Outage Capacity of MIMO SystemsCapacity of MIMO systems

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  • Outline

    1 Promise of MIMO Systems

    2 Point to Point MIMO

    3 Limited Feedback MIMO Systems


    5 Multi-User MIMO

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  • MIMO Channel Model

    Input-Output relation for a discrete-time frequency-flat r tMIMO channel

    y =


    Hs + n

    y = [y1, y2, , yr ]T r 1 receive signal vectors = [s1, s2, , st ]T t 1 transmit signal vectorn = [n1, n2, , nr ]T r 1 noise vector at the receiverH is the r t channel matrixEs average energy over a symbol period

    ni NC(0,No) with E [nnH ] = No Ir

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  • MIMO Options

    Channel assumed known at Receiver

    Channel unknown at transmitter

    Diversity Gain: Orthogonal space-time block codes, Space timetrellis codesSpatial Multiplexing: V-Blast, D-Blast

    Channel known at the transmitter- Transmit precoding

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  • Transmitter With Channel Knowledge

    SVD of H can be expressed as

    H = UVH

    UHU = VHV = Ir = diag(m)

    km=1, m > 0

    Further, HHH is Hermitian with eigendecomposition

    HHH = UUH

    = diag(m)km=1, m m+1 with m = 0 for m > k and

    m = 2m

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  • Transmitter With Channel Knowledge Contd

    Transmitted vector s = Vs

    Input vector s is of dimension r 1 with E [ssH ] = t , tdiagonal

    Received signal transformed to y = UHy

    y =


    s + n

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  • Transmitter With Channel Knowledge Contd

    H is decomposed into k parallel sub-channels satisfying

    ym =

    Estmsm + nm, m = 1, 2, , k

    The channels are of different quality with the gain on eachchannel determined by m

    Number of channels depends on the rank of H.

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  • Transmitter with Channel KnowledgeTransmitter with Channel Knowledge


    sH HU

    rTransmitte Channel Receivern

    y y~









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  • Capacity of a deterministic MIMO Channels

    The channel capacity is given by

    C = maxm



    [1 +



    ]m = E [|sm|2] is the transmit energy in the mth sub-channelk

    m=1 m = t is the transmit energy constraint

    Optimum power allocation across the sub-channels is obtainedas a solution to the lagrangian optimization problem

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  • Optimal Power Allocation

    Optimal power allocation satisfies

    optm =

    ( Not


    )+, m = 1, 2, , k


    optm = t

    where is a constant and (x)+ implies

    (x)+ =

    {x if x 00 if x < 0

    optm is found iteratively by waterpouring algorithm

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  • Waterpouring Solution

    Waterpouring Solution

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  • High SNR

    At high SNR, equal power allocation is optimal

    C =k



    [1 +






    ]= k log2






    ]Capacity grows linearly with k , the rank of the channel. Significant

    increase in Capacity.

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  • Special Cases

    SIMO: H = h. Rank one and all power allocated to one mode

    CSIMO = log2(1 +Esh2


    MISO: H = hH . Rank one and all power allocated to one mode

    CMISO = log2(1 +Esh2


    When Channel known at Tx


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  • Maximum Ratio Transmission (MRT)

    Input-Output relation for a r t MIMO channel

    y =


    Hs + n

    When the channel is known at the transmitter, the informationcan be used to design an optimum precoder w

    The new Input-Output relation becomes

    y =


    Hws + n

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  • Maximum Ratio Transmission Contd

    The receiver forms a weighted sum of the antenna outputs

    y = gHy

    The objective is to maximize the received SNR



    Optimal scheme is given by

    w = v1, g = u1

    Where, v1 and u1 are the left and right singular vectors of Hcorresponding to the maximum singular value

    The scheme achieves full diversity

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  • MRT Transmission: 2 2 MIMOMRT Transmission: 2x2 MIMO

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  • Outline

    1 Promise of MIMO Systems

    2 Point to Point MIMO

    3 Limited Feedback MIMO Systems


    5 Multi-User MIMO

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  • 2

    Importance of CSI Feedback

    A. Improved system performance, in terms of capacity, SNR, BER, etc.Example: An MISO system with M transmit antennas and single receive antenna

    NO CSIT Perfect CSIT

    B. Reduced implementation complexity

    Example: An MIMO system with M transmit and receive antennas,

    No CSIT, capacity can be achieved by some 2-D (space-time) code

    Pre-coder with perfect CSIT, system isequivalent to M parallel SISO channels

  • 3

    Importance of CSI Feedback

    D. Greatly increase the system capacity region as well as the sum capacity

    C. Enables exploitation of multi-user diversity

    With CSIT, effective selection of active users and route selection can be made.

    E. Improve the robustness of the communication link (QoS requirements)

    Power and rate control is possible when CSIT is available and the network throughput is increased.

    Example: A multi-user MISO broadcasting channel with M transmit and single receive antenna

    users are not allowed to cooperate, and hencecause serious multi-userinterference.

    CSI FeedbackProper pre-coding is possible, such as Zero-forcing, MMSE, etc

  • Block Diagram

    Sources of feedback imperfection

    Channel estimation

    Channel quantization

    Feedback delay

    () 6 / 34

  • 4

    Nature of CSI FeedbackChannel state information (CSI) is a complex vector or matrix of continuous values

    For example: An MIMO system with M transmit antennas and N receive antennas, .

    It is not reasonable to feedback total 2MN real numbers of continuous values.

    Each index represents a particular mode of the channel, which corresponds to a particular transmission strategy

    Channel Quantizer

    Integer Index

    Adaptive Transmitter

    Practical Feedback Schemes:

  • 5

    Considerations in Feedback Systems

    A. Design of Optimal Quantizers (at the receiver) & Optimization of the Codebook?

    1) The quantizer (or the encoder) should be simple as well as effective.

    2) The quantizer and the codebook should be designed to match both the channel distribution and the system performance metrics, such as capacity, SNR, BER, etc.

    B. Performance Analysis of Finite Rate Feedback Multiple Antenna Systems

    1) To understand the effects of the finite rate feedback on the system performance, to be specific, performance metric vs feedback rate.

    2) Shed insights on the choice of the feedback schemes as well as the quantizer design.

  • 6

    MISO Channel Quantizer

    If ideal CSIT available, the transmit beamforming scheme is chosen to be:

    MISO Channel System Model:


    If only finite rate feedback is available, the beamforming vector is quantized to ,




  • 7

    Codebook Design (Optimization)

    1). The capacity loss can be approximated by the following form in high resolution regimes,

    2). A New Design Criterion that can minimize the system capacity loss:



    High SNR(MSIP)

    The capacity loss due to the finite rate quantization of the beamforming vectors is:

    Motivation: Minimize the capacity loss by optimizing the codebook vectors

    It is a difficult problem (non-convex optimization problem)!

  • 8

    Codebook design using the Lloyd Algorithm

    partitioning the regions

    Nearest Neighborhood Condition (NNC):

    For given codebook vectors

    the optimum partitions are given by:

    Centroid Condition (CC):

    For given partitions ,

    the optimal code matrices are given by:

    Shifting new centers

  • 9

    Codebook Design Examples

  • 10

    MISO Capacity With Quantized Feedback

  • 11

    Extension to MIMO Channel Quantizer

    Precoding Matrix Equal Power Allocation

    MIMO Channel System Model:

    Channel Model With Quantized Feedback:

  • 12

    Sequential Vector QuantizerA simple approach to quantize the precoding matrix:

    How? Consider a unitary matrix whose first column is and the remainder columns are arbitarily chosen to satisfy . Then, has the form of

    where is a orthogonormal column matrix.

  • 13

    The Sequential Quantization Method

    Practical applications: Under consideration by the Broadband Wireless Group (802.16e)

    Vector Parameterization: An orthonormal column matrix can be uniquely represented by by a set of unit-norm vectors with different dimensions, .

    Statistical Property: For random channel with entries,, for , and they are statistically independent.

    Quantization: For , unit-norm vector is quantized using a codebook that is designed for random unit-norm vectors In with the MSIP criterion.

  • 14

    Joint Quantization for MIMO Systems

    Joint Quantization: by quantizing the entire precoding matrix at one shot

    The codebook is designed to minimize the system mutual information rate loss

    With ideal CSI Feedback With Quantized CSI Feedback

    Under the high resolution assumptions, it can be approximated as

    The first n eigen-valuesGeneralized Weighted Matrix Inner Product between and .

  • 15

    Codebook design using the Lloyd Algorithm

    partitioning the regions

    Shifting new centers

    Nearest Neighborhood Condition (NNC):

    For given code matrices ,

    the optimum partitions are given by:

    Centroid Condition (CC):

    For given partitions ,

    the optimal code matrices are given by:

  • 16

    Multi-mode Spatial Multiplexing

    Case I: Low SNR

    water level

    power allocated

    Case II: High SNR

    water level

    power allocated

    Multi-mode SP transmission strategy:

    1) The number of data streams n is determined by the system SNR:

    2) In each mode, the simple equal power allocation over n spatial channels is employed.

    Intuitive Explanation:Inverse Water-Filling Power Allocation (Optimal)

  • 17

    Performance of Multi-mode S-M

    Ideal CSI Feedback Quantized CSI Feedback

  • 18

    Performance Analysis

    Some Interesting Questions:

    Finite Rate Effects: What is the performance (capacity, SNR, BER) versus the feedback rate ?

    Mismatched Analysis: What happens if a codebook designed for one system is used in another system?

    Transform Codebooks: The codebook for a particular system is transformed from another system through a linear or non-linear operation. What is the performance? & How to design?

    Feedback With Error: What happens if the feedback information also suffers from error (delay)?

    Quantization of Imperfect CSI: What happens if CSI to be quantized suffers from estimation error?

  • 19

    Capacity Loss Analysis for MISO Channels

    Assume MISO channel with entries

    Instantaneous Capacity (mutual information rate) Loss:

    Capacity Loss: For a given codebook

    Analysis is quite involved

  • Publications

    1 J. C. Roh and B. D. Rao, Transmit Beamforming inMultiple-Antenna Systems with Finite Rate Feedback: A VQ-BasedApproach, IEEE Transactions Information Theory. vol. 52, no. 3,Pages: 1101-1112, Mar. 2006

    2 J. C. Roh and B. D. Rao, Design and Analysis of MIMO SpatialMultiplexing Systems with Quantized Feedback, IEEE Transactionson Signal Processing, Vol. 54, no. 8, Pages. 2874-2886, Aug. 2006

    3 J. C. Roh and B. D. Rao, Efficient Feedback Methods for MIMOChannels Based on Parameterizations, IEEE Transactions onWireless Communications, Pages: 282 - 292, Jan. 2007

    4 J. Zheng, E. Duni, and B. D. Rao, Analysis of Multiple AntennaSystems with Finite-Rate Feedback Using High ResolutionQuantization Theory, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol.55,Issue 4,Pages: 1461 1476, April 2007.

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  • Outline

    1 Promise of MIMO Systems

    2 Point to Point MIMO

    3 Limited Feedback MIMO Systems


    5 Multi-User MIMO

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  • Frequency Selective Channels: MIMO-OFDM

    Next generation wireless communication system uses MIMO- OFDM

    MIMO-OFDM transfers a wideband frequency-selective channelinto a number of parallel narrowband flat fading MIMO channels

    Benefits of OFDM

    Achieves high spectral efficiency

    Cyclic prefix is capable of mitigating multi-path fading

    Allows for efficient FFT-based implementations and simplefrequency domain equalization

    Exploits frequency diversity, in addition to time and spatialdiversity

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  • MIMO-OFDM Block Diagram

    MIMO-OFDM Transceiver

    Binary Data

    Modulation& Mapping

    S/P Space-TimeProcessing


    & Equalizer


    Binary Data

    Demodulation& Demapping

    IFFT Add CP P/S

    IFFT Add CP P/S

    FFTS/P RemoveCP

    FFTS/P RemoveCP

    OFDM Modulation OFDM Demodulation

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  • MIMO-OFDM Signaling

    The input-output relation of a broadband MIMO channel is

    y [k] =



    H[l ]s[k l ] + n[k]

    k - discrete time index

    L - number of channel taps

    t - number of transmit antennas

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  • MIMO-OFDM Signaling Contd

    OFDM with FFT/IFFT and CP insertion/removal operationsdecuples the frequency selective MIMO channel to a set of parallelMIMO channels as

    y [l ] =


    H[l ]s[l ] + n[l ], l = 0, 1, ..,N 1.

    N - Number of subcarriers

    H[l ] - DFT Coefficient of the channel

    s[l ] - data on carrier l

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  • Spatial Diversity in MIMO-OFDM

    Take Alamouti scheme as an example, there are two ways to realizespatial diversity

    1 Coding in frequency domain, rather than in time domain

    It requires that the channel remains constant over at least twoconsecutive tones

    2 Coding on a per-tone basis across OFDM symbols in time

    It requires that the channel remains constant during twoconsecutive OFDM symbols

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  • Outline

    1 Promise of MIMO Systems

    2 Point to Point MIMO

    3 Limited Feedback MIMO Systems


    5 Multi-User MIMO

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  • Multi-User MIMO

    Main Issue is the utilization of the spatial degree of freedom in amulti-user environment

    Resource ManagementInterference Management

    Capacity of Multi-User systems

    Multi-user Diversity

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  • Multi-User SIMO Systems

    r(t) =P


    hlsl(t) + n(t)

    To receive user j , can use beamformer wj

    yj(t) = wHj r(t) = w

    Hj hjsj(t) +

    Pl=1,l 6=j

    wHj hlsl(t) + wHj n(t)

    The beamforming vector can be optimized for each user separately.

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  • Multi-User MISO Systems

    Transmitted signal

    s(t) =P



    Signal received by user j

    rl(t) = hHj s(t) = h

    Hj wjsj(t) +

    Pl=1,l 6=j

    hHj wlsl(t) + nj(t)

    The transmit beamformers for the other users do interfere with thedesired user. Beamformers have to be jointly selected. A morechallenging problem.

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  • Problem Statement

    University of California, San Diego

    Problem StatementConsider a multiuser MIMO beamforming network

    Arbitrary Network configurations (cellular networks, multi-hop networks, etc.)Heterogeneous communication nodes with different power costs

    Minimize the network power cost while satisfying the minimum SINR requirements of all links

    SINR (signal to interference plus noise ratio)Joint optimization of beamforming weights and transmit powers

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  • Problem Statement

    University of California, San Diego


    Solved for SIMO and MISO cases for MISO problem is solved by using the virtual uplink concept

    Problem Statement






    1 allfor subject to

    )( min,,









    },...,{ },...,{

    ],...,[ where









    p (network power vector, L: no. of links)(unit norm tx. beamforming vectors)

    (unit norm rx. beamforming vectors)

    (weight vector defining power costs)

    T]1,...,1[== 1w

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  • SINR Expression for MIMO Beamforming

    University of California, San Diego

    SINR Expression for MIMO BeamformingSINR (signal to interference plus noise ratio)

    Problem isolation for optimal Rx. beamforming vectors UMMSE/MVDR beamforming at the receivers

    No straightforward problem isolation for V









    lllll np



















    to fromgain link effective: ||

    link ofctor weight veantenna receive : link ofctor weight veantenna transmit :

    to frommatrix gain channelcomplex : link ofReceiver :

    )1( link ofr Transmitte :




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  • SIMO problem : Cellular Uplink (Rashid-Farrokhi

    et al. 98)

    University of California, San Diego

    SIMO problem : Cellular Uplink(Rashid-Farrokhi et al. 98)

    Problem :

    Joint Beamforming & Power Control Algorithm

    Convergence to the global optima is established.Desirable features

    MVDR beamforming : implemented using adaptive filters power control : using a simple power control loop





    )(min)( where













    l uu












    subject to



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  • MISO Problem & Virtual Uplink

    Concept(Rashid-Farrokhi et al. 98)

    University of California, San Diego

    MISO Problem & Virtual Uplink Concept(Rashid-Farrokhi et al. 98)

    Dual relation between cellular downlink and uplinkVirtual uplink : uplink with reciprocal channels and noise vector 1. Optimal transmit beamforming vectors are identical to the optimal receive beamforming vectors in the virtual uplink

    (a) Downlink (Primal) (b) Virtual Uplink (Dual)



    33H HH11



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  • Generalization

    University of California, San Diego

    GeneralizationWe generalize this idea to arbitrary multiuser MIMO networks with generalized cost function (e.g., MIMO multihop networks, energy-aware networking environment, etc.)

    We derive the dual relation using the well-established duality concept in optimization theory

    We take advantage of the dual relation for solving the stated problem

    We developed an improved Decentralized Algorithm

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  • Construction of a Dual Network

    University of California, San Diego

    Construction of a Dual NetworkFor any multi-user MIMO network with linear beamformers, one can construct a dual network using the following three rules:

    Reverse the direction of all linksReplace any MIMO channel matrix H by HH

    Use transmit beamforming vectors as receive beamforming vectors, and vice versa.



    33H 55H




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  • Duality

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  • Applications to JOP

    University of California, San Diego

    Applications to JOPTheorem 2 suggests an iterative algorithm (Algorithm E)

    Primal Network : Update p and U for fixed V, so that wTp is minimizedDual Network : Update q and V for fixed U, so that nTq is minimized

    Lemma 3. In the proposed algorithm, once the solution becomes feasible, i.e., all SINR values meet or exceed the minimum requirements, it generates a sequence of feasible solutions with monotonic decreasing cost.


    )()(~ nout

    nin =

    )(~ nout

    )()1( ~ nout

    nin =+

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  • Cellular Network -Downlink

    University of California, San Diego

    Cellular Network - DownlinkMultiple wrapped around cells (19 three-sectored cells)Same channel is reused in every cell but only in one sectorThree co-channel users per sectorPropagation exponent = 3.5, 8dB shadow fading

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  • Performance Comparison

    University of California, San Diego

    Algorithm A, B, E and F

    The proposed algorithm presents significant improvement in the complexity-performance tradeoff, thereby greatly improving practical value.

    Performance Comparison

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  • Current Trends

    Multi-user OFDM systems

    Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission (CoMP)

    Cooperative MIMO

    MIMO Ad-Hoc Networks

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  • Summary

    MIMO Systems offer unique opportunities in wirelesscommunication

    Provides an opportunity to use spatial dimension to providediversity and hence reliability.

    Can be used to significantly increase capacity in a rich scatteringenvironment

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    Promise of MIMO SystemsPoint to Point MIMOLimited Feedback MIMO SystemsMIMO-OFDMMulti-User MIMOlge_limited_feedback.pdfSlide Number 1Importance of CSI FeedbackImportance of CSI FeedbackNature of CSI FeedbackConsiderations in Feedback Systems MISO Channel QuantizerCodebook Design (Optimization)Codebook design using the Lloyd AlgorithmCodebook Design ExamplesMISO Capacity With Quantized FeedbackExtension to MIMO Channel QuantizerSequential Vector QuantizerThe Sequential Quantization MethodJoint Quantization for MIMO SystemsCodebook design using the Lloyd AlgorithmMulti-mode Spatial MultiplexingPerformance of Multi-mode S-MPerformance AnalysisCapacity Loss Analysis for MISO ChannelsPrevious WorkSource Coding PerspectiveIllustration of a Simple ExampleGeneral Vector Quantization Problem High Resolution AnalysisTwo Important CharacteristicsMinimization of The Distortion Some More Distortion BoundsExtensions of the Distortion AnalysisApplication to MISO SystemsOptimal MISO CSI QuantizerSimulation ResultsSimulation Results (Cont.)Simulation Results (Cont.)Mismatched CSI Quantizer (I)Simulation Results (Mismatched I)Mismatched CSI Quantizer (II)Simulation Results (Mismatched II)Application to MIMO CaseNumerical Examples (MIMO)Summary of MIMO with Quantized CSICorresponding PublicationsCorresponding Publications (Cont.)Statistics of Unconstraint Inner ProductQuantization Cell ApproximationStatistics of Inner Product with QuantizationCapacity Loss AnalysisApproximation to Capacity LossCapacity Loss: Numerical ResultsCapacity Loss: Numerical ResultsRelated PublicationsSource Coding PerspectiveA Simple Example (Motivation)Important Source Coding ResultsExtension to Feedback MIMO SystemsApplication to MISO SystemsAdditional ResultsSummary

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