13 comfort foods that burn fat

Post on 15-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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There are several foods that help in burning fat but normally people don’t like to eat fat burning diet because of without spicy taste but here is best 13 comforts foods that burn fat without compromising your taste.

The reason why we say these food comfort foods is that they bring back warm recollection and tickle your taste bud. However some comforts food are also very oily and contain sugar, cheese but here are best 13 best comforts food that will help you to lose weight.

Try now 13 Comfort Foods That Burn Fat


1. Chickpeas: A protein rich fat burning food also beneficial for reducing belly fat and fiber that balances the glucose level.

2. Red wine: Red wine also good for heart problems and calcium pyruvate in red wine helps to burn fat cells.. An antioxidant found in red wine helps to fight against aging.

3. Pot roast: Roasted meat is protein rich food which acts immediately as protein passes through your lips. It will force your body to work hard for breaking down protein.

www.a2zdiet-plan.com4) Pumpkin: It has in itself antioxidant beta-

carotene thus giving no area for fats to accumulate within the body. One cup add only 46 calorie to your body.

5) Roasted carrots: It is another vegetable fiber and water rich having highest antioxidants helps to reduce weight if have it roasted rather than having raw.

6) Oatmeal: Oatmeal is foremost alimentary and healthy and delicious foods that are easily available everywhere. They help us to extend our metabolism and manage the steroid alcohol to extend there by reducing the fat.


7) Chili: one in every of foremost vegetable and the healthiest one that helps to burn fat. The presence of capsaicin in all the family of chilies helps to burn fat.

8) Coffee: It has the most content of antioxidant chlorogenic acid (CGA). by lowering insulin resistance it allows the likelihood to shed all the body fats.

9) Roasted potatoes: Roasted potatoes are the most effective agent having disease-fighting chemical helps you to lose weight.


10. Chicken noodle soup: soup helps to reduce your intake of food if having before dinner or lunch. This is super molecule, vitamins, and fiber rich food that will scale back the intake of fats and build in metabolism after every meal.

11. Collard greens: A hearty veggie consisting vitamins A and K, helps to increase immune system and lower in the absorption of calories from carbohydrates.


12. Green tea: one in every of foremost antioxidant polyphenols known as catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that plays a vital role in fighting asanticancer and antioxidant agents. also helps to reduce fact and fight against age.

13. Mashed sweet potatoes: It contains Carotenoids and CGA that prevents sugar to stored around your waistline. Fiber found in this food helps to keep the heart healthy.

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