12 steps to cad recovery with auto bim

Post on 28-May-2015






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ONUMA, Inc, has done it again. It's new AutoBIM feature makes BIM as easy as 1,2,3...12. The BIM Education Co-op is proud to present this simple overview of the inaugural AutoBIM presentation. For more information visit www.ONUMA.com.


  • 1. 12 Steps to CAD Recovery with AutoBIM (TM) Learning to Crawl with BIM Using the ONUMA Planning System The ONUMA Planning System is a powerful, yet intuitive, web-based BIM software program for anyone interested in an easy path to BIM

2. i 12 Steps to CAD Recovery with AutoBIM (TM) This PowerPoint presentation by the BIM Education Co-op is a slow-motion, instant-replay of just 5-minutes of the ONUMA, Inc.45 minutes to BIM BIMStorm Webinar presentation. 3. 12 Steps to CAD Recovery with AutoBIM (TM) Focusing on the new AutoBIM (TM)features of the ONUMA Planning System, we hope to help people overcome their BIM Anxiety Syndrome so they can become productive members of the BIM society. AutoBIM (TM)is as easy as 1, 2, 3...12 AutoBIM (TM)1 AutoBIM (TM)2 AutoBIM (TM)3 4. 12 Steps to CAD Recovery with AutoBIM (TM) The following slides include small screen capture images.The details are not important.A BIM is created as quickly as you read this presentation.We are not kidding, AutoBIM (TM)is as easy as 1, 2, 3...12 AutoBIM (TM)1 AutoBIM (TM)2 AutoBIM (TM)3 5. 1) First open a project file in the ONUMA Planning System (OPS) and click on the AutoBIM (TM)button 2) Then click on the Sample Project of your choice 6. 4) Enter the 2D viewer and move your building(s) around a Google Earth site in OPS 3) Choose a building shape,fill in length,width,number of stories,and name 7. 5) Export the building(s) to the Google Earth viewer embedded in OPS 6) Move your building(s) around the site 8. 7) Click and drag the shape of your building(s) to fit the Google Earth site viewed through OPS, which records all the changes in square feet and cost and everything else8) Generate a preliminary cost report, energy analysis. LEED checklist and other information based on all of your click and drag changes 9. 9) View your schematic design in 3D in OPS through 3D Google Earth10) See your AutoBIM (TM)project in context 10. 11) Make click and drag changes in 3D in the Google Earth viewer and have information updates in OPS automatically 12) Export your refined schematic design to Revit, Archicad, EcoTect or other IFC compatible BIM desktop software program. Done! 11. 12 Steps to CAD Recovery with AutoBIM (TM) It takes more work to establish a highly detailed BIM of a baseball stadium with a manicured outfield . . . . . . But AutoBIM (TM)is as easy as 1, 2, 3. . .12 To learn more Join a BIMStorm (TM)at www.BIMStorm.com AutoBIM (TM)1 AutoBIM (TM)2 AutoBIM (TM)3 12. 12 Steps to CAD Recovery with AutoBIM (TM) Learning to Crawl with BIM Using the ONUMA Planning System www.ONUMA.com - 626.793.7400www.BIMeducation.com - 773.252.5888

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